HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-02-15, Page 4orfT,UMW '4 OE,. c. . FQIt,TB, ONT., FEB. 15, 1,962 SFE NDRES UNITED CHURCH REVIEWS SUCCESSFUL YEAR The. annual congregational day with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long Meeting, of .St Anidrew's Unit- Mr. and Mrs - .A. Timmermann ed, Churcb, ISippen, with Rev. have taken a trip by plane to . ' Johnston as chairman, was Europe_ and expect to be away --veld. Monday evening, and wg two weeks. prec`ded /Oy a pot -luck supper, Mr, and, Mrs;. John Deite and Wlrjclr•was•'ft eth:enj,oyed by all Garry motored Tuesday morn - present, ing to Florida for a few weeks' Mrs. Emerson Kyle was ap- vacation. pointed secretary for the meet- During the service Sunday Mg. Financial reports from all morning at St. Andrew's Unit- orgenizations of the` church in- ed Church, Rev. Harold John- ' dicated a successful and pro- ston baptized Michael Henry gressive year. Elected to the Binnendyk, infant son of Mr. Board of Stewards were Lloyd and Mrs. Hank Binnendyk. Lavelle, Hank Binnendyk, Hugh Those attending the service Hendrick and Elmer Turner; from a distance were: Mr. and to the Board of Trustees, John Mrs. Jerry Vennema, of Bur - Sinclair and Emerson Kyle. lington, a sistermmd brother -in - Ross Love was appointed re- law, also -Mr. . -ant} Mrs. A. Van presentative- to Presbytery. A Poucke, of Walton, parents of motion was approved for the Mrs. Binnendyk. election of elders to be held at a later date, with further announcements 'in this regard .Institute Mani - to be made from the pulpit. Huronview Visit Present Seals ' Sunday School diplomas and seals were given out Sunday at The Seaforth_ Women's Insti- • St. Andrew's United Church to tute held their regular meeting as follows: Jiro Kyle, 2nd -year at the home of Mrs. Gordon El - diploma; Kenneth Jones, 2nd- liott on Tuesday, Mrs. James F. year diploma; David Turner, Keys occupied the chair for the 2nd -year diploma; Janice Turn- business part of the meeting. er, 2nd -year seal; Jean Fink- The roll call was answered by beiner, 2nd -year seal; Janice a famous Canadian woman, past McNichol, 5th -year seal; Gre- or present. Thank -you notes gory Love, 2nd -year seal; De- were read from Erwin Camp- borah Anderson, 5th -year seal; bell, Will Leeming, Mrs. Jean Grant Jones, 9th'year seal; Dale, Mrs. Kenneth Williams Garry Anderson, 10th -year seal; and Mrs. John McGregor. Nancy Consitt, 9th -year seal; A visit to Huronview for a Wendy Jones, 9th -year seal; birthday party is set for April Barbara McNichol, 0th - year 18. The district executive is seal; Billy Turner; '7th -year to be held in Hensall on March seal; Gwendolyn Jones, lith- 6. An invitation from the Credi- year seal: Marjory Turner, 10th- ton Women's Institute was ac - year seal; Ruth Ann McNichol, cepted for March 21, at 8:15 9th -year seal; Joan Sinclair, p.m. Mrs. John McLean an - 9th -year seal; Brenda Turner, nounced 'a number of times to' :3rd -year seal. Thrifty Kippenettes The first meeting of the new project, "Separates for Sum- mer, was' held at the home of Mrs. William Bell, the lead- er, with Mrs. Verne Alderdice as assistant leader. Election of" officers resulted as fol1'oV;re' President, Julie Chapple; vice-president,' Ruth McNichol: Barbara McNichol acted as secretary for the first meeting; press reporter, Kathy McGregor. Sixteen girls, with four a et sent, joined together to repea the 4-H' Pledge for the benefit _of. -the_ junior girls. The next meetingeis. to .be _.held at the home of Mrs. William Bell at 2:001 o'clock, •on Feb. 17. The girls decided to keep the name, Thrifty Kippenette5." Mr.' and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau attended the funeral Wednes- day of Mr. Mousseau's aunt, the late Mrs.' Humphrey Webb, of Grand Bend. Mf. David Cooper, who is attending University of West- ern Ontario, spent the week- end with 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wahl, of Listowel. Mrs. W. L. Mellis spent an • afternoon in London _last week. The ladies of St:" Andrew's United Church held a quilting bee and pot -luck dinner on Tuesday and' completed two quilts. 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Priestap, of near Mitchell, vis- ited Sunday afternoon with the latter's father,_Robert Thomson: .Mr. and Mrs. James Arm- strong, 'of Staffa, visited Mon - listen to television and radio to hear of the FWIO 65th anni- versary: Feb. 18 and 25, on Country Calendar; Feb. 20, on Open House from 2:30 to, 3:00 p.m., with Mrs. Haven Smith, of Nebraska; on radio, Feb. 19 on the Trans -Canada Matinee, from 2:30 to 3 p.m. Mrs. Harold Hugill and Mrs. Joseph Grunrmett were in, charge of this meeting on Citi- zenship. The motto ' w.as,' "If you can't get behind the move- ment for the good of your com- unity, the least you can do rs o get from in front of it,"- ery ably given by Miss Hogg, She referred to a neighbor _ as '.:dne who showed mercy_ . Cenimuniity movements do good in many,.ways, such as TB Clinics, Cancer Societies and the CNIB. Mrs. John Mc- Lean gave a paper- on the in- stitute movement, highlighting Milos Hoodless. • The topic on "Citizenship" was given by Mrs. Joseph Grum- mett and Mrs. Harold Hugill, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Mrs. Hugill gave ,the courtesy re- marks and lunch was served by the • lunch committee. HENSALL The 12th Group of Kippen East Women's Institute met at the home of their group lead- er, Mrs. Verne Alderdice, Tues- day and quilted a quilt to he donated to the Children's War Memorial Hospital: The group enjoyed a pot -luck dinner. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Ad- am Wilson, Brucefield; Mr. and Mrs. Austin Baker, Stratford, and Cpl. Bruce Baker, Kingston. The United Church Womee of Chiselhurst United Church completed five quilts at a quilt- ing held in the church school rooms, which will be forwarded in the bale to Toronto for over-, seas relief. • , Carmel Presbyterian Young. People's Society were guests of the United Church YPS at their meeting Sunday evening, . and were addressed by Rev. Bren DeVries, of Exeter, guest speak- er. Mrs. Charles Eckel is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau, who has been a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, has returned home. • A WEDDINGS HILL.-STEPHENSON HENSALL-A quiet wedding was solemnized. in Ingersoll on Saturday, Feb '10, when Mrs. Isabella Stephenson, of Hen - Sall, and Ivan Hill, of Simeoe,. Were united in marriage by Rev', O. D. Daniels of Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs`, HiI1 left for a "holiday in Florida. On their re- tttli• they -iii reside at 148 fol- bOrne St N., Sintcoe', Ont. NO MORE (Continued from Page 1) continues to be a problem and consideration was being given to a mechanical device that in- dicated the speed at which .mo- torists were travelling. It was suggested that arrangements might be made with Clinton to provide for joint use. The cost was given as $550. Later in the evening, as con- sideration was being given to the report of the Public Works" mmittee, council looked into the matter of parking "meters. Councillor C. Dalton said he had been " inquiring on Main Street • as to what merchants and others felt regarding meters and -had come to the conclusion that at the moment there did not appear to be too many against the idea. Cer- eainly there were not as many opposed as there used to be. He referred td the experience in Mitchell, where merchants and motorists both were happy with the meters which were in- stalled. Council instructed the committee to iiffvestigate an in- stallation of meters and to bring in a recommendation. Councillor Dinsmore said his committee had had discussions as to ways in which expenses of the department could be re- duced. In future, police will do necessary cleaning of the po- lice offices rather than having the work done once a week at a cost of $2 'or $3 each time. This would- amount to a saving of, perhaps, 8 to $10 a month, he said. At the present time there are phone extensions in the police office, clerk's office, residence of the chief and in the residence of one of the constables. The eommttee proposed further sav- ings of $12 a month by elimin- ating all the extensions, except that in the town clerk's office, since it was felt that the phones were not • being' used When police were off duty and on other occasions the phone in the polio p e office would serve. During the month under re- view, the report of Chief Hut- chinson indicated that the force had investigated 30 complaints and that 70 occurrences had been entered. Mileage 'bit the pollee etulserduring t1i e month was 1,062' miles, 0. n MORRIS TOWNSHIP Morris Council met for the February meeting with all the members present. The minutes of 'the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Ross Smith and James •Mair. The following motions . were carried: • Brian• and Smith: That we pay the membership fee to the 'On- tario Good Roads Association. Shortrped Elston: That the court of revision on the asses& ment of N. ,Welwood's' property be' opened. His assessment was explained by County Assessor AC Alexander and found to be - comparable to other motels in the county. -- Mair and Smith: That no re- vision be made to the assess- ment of Norman Welwood's motel. Elston and Mahe That the court of `revision be closed. Shortreed and Smith: That we give the Huron County Soil and Crop. Improvement Associa- tion a get of $15. Shortreed and Mair: That Road Expenditure Bylaw No: 3, 1962, for $51,000 be passed sub- ject to the approyel of the dis- trict municipal engineer. Mali and Smith: That the accounts as presented by the road superintendent be paid. Elston and Shortreed: That the general accounts as present- ed be paid. Mair and Shortreed: That we advertise for tenders to supply, crush and deliver approximate- ly 15,000 cubic yards of gravel, crusher to be equipped with a three-quarter inch round screen. Smith and Elston: That we advertise for applications for warble fly inspector, truck driv- er and helper. • The meeting adjourned on motion of James Mair and Wm. Elston to meet again on March 5, at 1 p.m., The following accounts were paid: Tile Drain loan, $800.00; Pinecrest Manor Ltd., nursing home• care, $92.75; Brookhaven Nursing Home, $18530; Callan- der Nursing Home, $92.75; re- lief account, $218,52; Brussels Telephone, rental, $15; George Martin, telephone tolls, $2.40; Stewart Procter, telephone tolls, $3.60; Rose Anderson, •Belgrave street lights, $36.90; Blyth Dis- trict Fire Area,. calls, $82; Hur- on County Soil & Crop Improve- ment Association, $15. ° Road Accounts: Wm. McAr- ter, wages, mileage and book- keeping, $250;90; . _ Joseph C. Smith, wages; • $313.95; Mel Craig, wages, •$312.80; Clarence White, wages, $234:30; Alex Inkey, gas, . fuel oil, Bryan- Welding, "$41.50;; Dom- inion Road Machinery,, _repairs, $3535; Ideal Supply Co: Ltd., repairs, $47.92; Elmer Somers, fan belt, $3.19; Western Tire, Kleen Flo, $2.95; Geo. Radford, sand, towing cable,, repairs, $87.60; J. C. McNeil, repairing, ,$34.46.; Glenn Snell, snow plow- ing, $1,504.75; Pollard's Chain Saw, welding, $6.84; Gordon. Workman, fuses, bulbs, exten- sion cord, $7.35; Plu'don Mo- tors, used transmission, $30; Ontario Good Roads Associa- tion, membership fee, $15; Mac- Lean's Fina, fan belt, $2.52; Morris Township, Govier and Young Drains, $8.97; .Brussels Telephone, phone rentals and removing poles, $128.13; Mor- ris Township, culverts, $344.78, GREY COUNCIL Grey Township Council meet- ing was held Feb. 3. Moved by Archie Mann, seconded by Ken- neth' Bray, that the rhinutes of the last meeting be adopted as read. The following motions were carried: Mann and Bray: That we ap- point Alex Pearson, Bruce Speiran, Robt. Cunningham, Mrs. Geo. Pearson, Mrs. Wal- ter MacFarlane and represent- ing council, Lawson Ward, Clif- ford Dunbar to the -Ethel Com- munity Centre Board. . Bray and Ward: That we ap- point Clifford Dunbar, and Glenn Huether to the Cranbrook Com- munity Centre Board. Ward and Huether: That we appoint Kenneth Bray to the Brussels and Grey Recreation Committee. Huether and Mann: That we pay our membership fees to the Good Roads Association, $15; Mayors and Reeves Association;, $10 and Assessing Officers' As- sociation, $10. Huether and Ward: That we give a grant of $25 to the Hur- on County Soil and Crop Im- provement Association. Huether and Bray: That we instruct the Clerk to advertise for tenders for -crushing and hauling 15,000 yards, more or less, of gravel, %-inch screen to be used, tenders, to be in by March 3, at 1 o'clock, certified cheque for $300 to accompany tender. Ward and Huether: That we inktruct the clerk to advertise for tenders for warble fly spray- ing, stating price per head, ten- ders to be in by 1 o'clock, March 3. Ward and Bray: That we in- struct the clerk to advertise for tenders for approximately 1400 pounds warble fly powder stating price per pound, tenders to be in by 1 o'clock, March 3. Bray -and 'Ward: That all ap- proved accounts be paid. • Huether and Mann: That we do now adjourn to meet again 011, March 3, or at the call of the reeve. The following accounts were paid: Good Roads Association, ti Gravel Bids membership' fee, $15;. Associa- tion Mayors and Reeves, mem- bership fee, $10; Associatjon of Assessing Officers, membership fee, 510; Huron- County $oil & Crop Improvement Association, grant, $25; The Municipal World, Clerk ,s• Guide, $7.59; Selwyn Baker, treasurer's bond, $20; E: M. Cardiff, Division Reg- istrar, $1.50; • George Wesen- berg,- tax- arrears -"notices, $13; drainage debentures, $424.27; Nelson Hanna, fox bounty, $4; Wm. Stevenson, fox bounty, 54; Norman Dickson, fox bounty, -54; Wayne .Cameron, fox boun- ty, $4; Harold Swift, groceries, relief, $66.01; Amos Smith, gro- ceries, relief, $30.05; Robert L. Cunningham, coal, relief, $20; rent for relief, $20; Callander Nursing Home, $92.75; Robert L. Cunningham, stove oil, fire hall $21.60, office $17.93, gas, fire truck $1.45; roads and bridges, 56,752.55. ee EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL East Wawanosh council met Feb. 6 with all the members present, Reeve Hanna presid- ing. The minutes of the meet- ing held Jan. 8 were read and adopted on motion by Pattison and Snell. The following motions were carried: Buchanan - Robinson: That council give a grant of $100 to the Blyth Agricultural Society and $25 to the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement As- sociation. Snell -Pattison: That council pay $80 as direct, relief for the Month of February. W, S. Bibson was present to renew township insurance. The council -inspected the treasur- er's and collector's bonnds. Rob- inson -Buchanan: That tie clerk be custodian of the treasurer's and collector's bonds. Pattison -Buchanan: That the agreements between the town- ship council and Angus Falcon- er and Graeme McDowell for reforestation be signed by the reeve and clerk. Bylaws Nos. 2, 3 and 4 were read the first and second time and on motion by Snell and Robinson were read the third time and passed. Buchanan-Pdttison: That coun- cil join the Association of On- tario Mayors and Reeves and pay the membership fee of $10. Robinson -Snell: That the road and general accounts as pres- ented be passed and paid. Pattison -Buchanan: That the road superintendent advertise for crushing and trucking 8,000 cubic yards of %-inch gravel, -tenders to be in March 6. Snell- Robinson: ' That t_h_ e clerk advertise fqr tenders for warble fly inspector, sprayer and operator. and operator help- er, tenders to be sent to the clerk on or before March 6. Road Cheques: Stuart McBur- ney, salary $185, bills paid, $2.10; Alan McBurney, wages and truck rent, $290.89; Arnold Bruce, wages, $8; Jim Robinson, wages, $204,85; to General Ac- count, spraying, $33.76; Ontario Hydro, shed lights, $6.07; W. A. Tiffin, 10 gallons hydraulic oil, $7.21; Campbell's Garage, chain hooks, $3.57; Chas. Hodgins, chain ends; $16.70; Vance's Drug Store, starting fluid, $14; Philip Dawson, welding plow, $4.25; Harry Williams, oil; dies- el -oil and furnace oil, $621.97; Dominion Road Machinery Co., grader repairs, $242.84; Geo. E. Radford, snow removal, $1,- 758; Receiver General of Can- ada, income tax, $58:30: General Cheques: Brookhav- en Nursing Home, maintenance patient, $92.75; Hurone County Soil and Crop Improvement As- sociation, grant, $25; r lyth Dis- trict Fire Area,. fire call, $17.50; Township of 1,e - s, share Bel - grave stree "fights, $38.56; W. S. Gibson, t'. ship insurance, $170; Blyth A_ « ltural Socie- ty, grant, $111, Association of Ontario Ma $rs and Reeves, membership fee, $10; direct re- lief, $80. Moved by Buchanan -Pattison, that council adjourn to meet March 6, at one o'clock, at the Belgrave Community Centre. HOWICK COUNCIL The regular meeting of How - ick Council was held in . the clerk's office with all members present and Reeve Ivan Has- kins in the chair. The minutes of the last regular meeting and court of revision on the Ren- wick Drain were read and adopted on motion of King and Inglis. . Bylaws Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 were given the necessary read- ings and passed. Inglis and King: That we join the Ontario Good Roads Asso- ciation. Gibson and Strong: That we join the Ontario School Trus- tees' and Ratepayers' Associa- tion and that the . Township Clerk attend ai delegate. . Gibson and Strong: That we join the Association of Assess- ing Officers of Ontario. Inglis and Ring: That we give the Salvation Army a grant of $20." , Inglis and King: That we give the Huron County Soil and Cro• Improvement Association grant of $25. , Inglis and King: That the en- gineer's report on. the Wills No. I Drain and the Fifth Drain be accepted and' )provisionally Adopted, and the Clerk be here- by instructed to prepare the necessary by-laws and copies of itaine, an& that application for, Provincial aid be made to the a Department of Public'Works of •Ontario, King and Inglis: That we ap- point•Robert Gibson commis- sioner on the Wills Drain No, 1, and Hartwell .•Strong .com- missioner on the Fitcl Drain. Strong -and Gibson; That the tenders of John Inglis for the construction of •-the 4eAtwick Drain and the Harkeess Drain be accepted, and the Clerk be instructed to order tile for same. •. Gibson and Strong: That we instruct the Clerk to advertise for warble fly inspector; that applications be in the hands of the clerk by 12 o'clock noon Friday, March 2. Strong and Gibson: That we instruct the clerk to advertise for warble fly spraying tenders to be in the hands of the clerk . y 12 o'clock noon, Friday, Mar. 2. King and Gibson: That we in- struct the clerk to advertise for warble fly pdwder, that the tenders to be in the hands of the clerk by 12 o'clock noon, Friday, March 2. Strong and King: That we give a grant of $200 to the Re- creation Committee for the fire insurance on t h e Fordwich Rink. - Inglis and King: That we al- low delegates to the Rural Municipalities convention $30 expenses and $40 to the Good Roads Association convention. Gibson add Strong: • That our relief administrator receive $3 per call and the usual mile- age. Inglis and King: That we ac- cept the 1961 tax collector's roll as returned. Strong and Inglis: That the road accounts as approved be paid. Inglis and King: That the re- creation accounts be approved as paid. King and Strong: That the following accounts be paid: Ivan Haskins, court of revi- sion, Renwick Drain, $8; Robt. Gibson, court of revision, Ren- wick Drain, $8; E. H. Strong, court of revision, Renwick Drain $8; Frank King, court of revi- sion, Renwick Drahn, $8; How ick Municipal Telephone Sys- tem, service and tolls,. $25.78; Burton Hubbard, fox pounty, $4; Wm. D. Colby, survey, plan, etc.; Wills' `Drain No. 1, $104; Wm. D. Colby, survey, plan, etc., Fitch Drain, $135;; Art Gibson, assistance, Wills, Drain No. 1, $4, Fitch Drain, $5; Robt. Gibson, assistance; Wills Drain No. 1, $4, Fitch Drain $5; J, •H. Pollock assistance, to ce, Wills Drain No. 1, $4, Fitch Drain $5; Frank King, assistance, ` Wills Drain No. 1 $4; Fitch Drain $5; Hart- well Strong, assistance, Wills Drain No. 1 $4 Fitch Drain $5; Ivan Haskins, Wills Drain No. 1, $4, Fitch Drain $5; Howard G. Harris, part salary as asses- sor, $75; • W. E. Whitfield, ex- change, $6.44,balance salary as tax collector $100, part salary, Clerk -Treasurer $210; Depart- ment of National Revenue, $30; R. H. Carson & Son, stove oil, $28.55; Town of Palmerston, High School debenture, $1,- 989.34; Strath Craft, name- plate, $206; The Municipal World, supplies, $39.27; R. B. W,jghtman, fox bounty, $4; re- lief accounts, $282'39;, Robert Gibson, hospital board meet- ings, $25; Huron County Soil & Crop Improvement Association, grant, $25; Salvation Army, grant, $20; Ontario Good-`Roadr Association, membership, $15; Association of e Assessing Offi- cers, membership, $10; Harris - ton Review, advertising, $4.00; Listowel Banner, advertising, $8; Ivan Haskins, relief admini- strator, $19.50;. Howick Town- ship Municipal Recreation Com- mittee, grant, $415.71; road accts., $6,435.29. Total $10,- 124.33. Strong and Inglis: That we do now adjourn to meet on March 5, or at the call of the reeve. FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE The February meeting of the Friendship Circle of First Church was held on Monday evening. The president, Mrs. Ebner Rivers, welcomed the new members and read a poem based on the 23rd Psalm. The devotional readings from the study book were read by Mrs. Glen Chesney and Mrs. George Miller. Three- Scriptures• on the lesson were read, Luke 10:38- 41, by Mrs. Charles Geddes, Matthew 26:6-13 by Mrs. Ray Townsend, John 11:1-7 by Mrs. J. Roberton. Crafts were shown and ideas on bazaar work were discuss- ed. Mrs. Roberton was appoint- ed in charge of a bazaar com- mittee. Mrs. Don Morton will be in charge of the nursery for March, and the next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. J. C. Cornish. DUBLIN Mr. Hugh Benninger has 're- turned to his home from Vic- toria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Butters and family, St. Thomas, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butters. Miss Patricia Wallace, Lon- don, with Mr.Charles and Mrs. h Friend. e ?". r ,• Wt:i.,rSaaGn.��3:t,, .:,,nt, t,,,•.`. ; It's a great pity that things 'eren't arranged so that an empty head, like an empty st'oln- aeb, would" not let its owner --rest,untilhe lout Sour thing in it. KITH AGRICULTURAL SAKI PLANS FOR. 1962 FALL FAIR The Blyth Agricultural Socie ty has announced plans to hold the Blyth Fall Fair on Sept. 18 19. The decision was made a the society's annual 'meeting Friday at the Orange Hall in Blyth: - - Society president, A 1 b e r t Bacon, chairman of the meet- ing, told the -gathering he ap- preciated the `to -operation he received during the past Year, which he admitted, "had many ups and downs." Concerning low, attendance figures for last year's fair, Mr. Bacon said the fine weather and late harvest- ing were contributing factors. In other business, Boyd Tay- lor was delegated to attend the annual 4-H meeting at Clinton, Feb. 19. Mrs. ,Fames Mais, Brussels, stated that too much emphasis was placed on large fairs, rather than on better fairs." No one should apologize for a small fair," she said, "but we should always look for something new to keep up with the times." She suggested "ex- hibits..should be so placed that those attending the fair can readily see,, them. The small fair must remember that today One -has to compete with the large fairs, but one does not need to become bigger to be- come better." Reporting on the 1961 fair, Simon Hallahan, leader of the 4-H 'Dairy Calf Club competi- tion, reported that 14 members had competed last year. Don Grieves reported that the Blyth Belgrave Beef Calf Club lead -a good year with 13 competitors. Murray Scott and Murray • CUB NOTES On. Monday evening "A"s'Pack held their regular meeting in the Town Hall at their new time of 6:45, to 7:45. District Cubmaster Stan Press was a visitor. He reviewed the Cub's records . and took the . Grand Howl, complimenting the boys on .their . progress and fine • `be- haviour. Parents, please take note of the letter sent home with 'the boys regarding the wearing of full uniforms • on BP -birthday, Feb. 22, to school, Cubs will not wear their caps. We are looking forward to see- ing the parents and other rela- • tives and friends of the boys of "Pack H" at Qpen House. The Cubs have been busy pre- paring handicraft that will be sold that evening, the money to be used to 'enable every Crib of Pack-, "H" to attend camp_. this summer. Also on display will be the models and collec- tion of the cubs that are re- quired to - passMn profici- ency 'badges. The first meeting of Troop "B" was held Monday evening at 8:00, the leaders being Scout- master Ken Powell, and assist- ants, Bob Johnston, Dale Hart - wick and Don Wood. There is an opening in this troop for five or six boys who would like to join the Scouts. Contact any of the above lead- ers, or come next Monday at 8:00 to the Town Hall. - Tuesday night the newly=' formed "A" Troop held their meeting, the• leader being Scout- master Keith Sharp, and assist- ants Ron Eyre and Bill Mowat. Bob Spittal, and Harry McLeod -will act " as relief leaders for both troops. The new grouping of the Scout Troop was necessary due to the increased enrolment, ac- cording to regulations set down by headquarters. LONG TIME (Continued from Page 1) grandchildren and a brother, Frank S. Willie Winnipeg. He was a member of First Presby- terian Church. A funeral service was held at 2 p.m.elonday at the G. A. Whitney funeral home, Sea - forth. Rev. D. Glen Campbell, Hamilton, a former minister of First Presbyterian Church, Sea - forth, .officiated. Temporary en- tombment followed,in Ritz Memorial Chapel, Mithell. Pallbearers were R. A. Wal- ter and Don MacKay, of Ham- ilton, Lorne Dale, William Box, Edmund Daly, A. Y. McLean and M. McKellar. CNIB Speaker Lions Hear Seaforth Lions heard Ed. Wheeler, district secretary of the CNIB, describe the Insti- tute's summer camp and train- ing centre at Lake St. Joseph, which Lions Clubs in Ontario have pledged to build.' The camp when completed will have a capacity of 5.00 blinds per - ions. Mr. Wheeler paid tribute to the work the Lions Club is do- ing to' assist the CNIB. A film depicted modern methods of training blind persons into as- suming an ordinary life. ,The meeting- on Monday was in charge of E. C. Boswell and Ross 5ravauge. J. Scott Cluff announced that the annual Farmers' Night Would be held March 12, with Roy Jewell speaker, and VI. C. Moore and Lee Learn eit- plained details of the Brothei'- hood dinner. Coultes competed es a team in the Ontario competition, and won the first prize trophy. Ivan and Dorothy Howatt competed as a team in the provincial competition and placed second among' 79 teams. In reporting for' the sheep. -class, __Walter ,Scott stated • there had never beep a better showing of sheep„, but that more and better pens are nfeded. Mrs.' Wellington Good said the exhibit of roots, vegetables and flowers was large and of better quality. Mrs. George Watt, speaking for arts and crafts, said some classes were not filled but that on the whole the exhibits were good. Mrs. L.' Scrimgeour stated domestic science exhibits were up, and suggested that special prizes should be offered. Me. Grieve presided for the election of four directors' to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration of the three-year rul- ing for directors. Those elected were: Leonard Archambault, Albert Bacon, Walter Scott and William Taylor, all to retire in 1965. With these four, the slate of directors was' completed with Boyd Taylor, George Watt, George Nesbitt, and William Carter, all to retire 1964; Rob- ert Henry, William Gow, Jim McCall, Lorne Hunking to re- tire in 1963. Following the adjournment 'of the regular„ meeting the •di.. rectors met to appoint the fol- lowing officers: President, Al- bert -Bacon; first vice-president, not filled; second vice-presi- dent, Lorne Hunking. The secretary -treasurer, Mrs. James McCall, tendered her resignation to take effect im- mediately, but agreed to carry on until a replacement can be made. A group will attend the pro- vincial convention, to be held in Toronto Feb. 21 and 22. Al- bert Bacon and John Tamblyn were named official delegates. Too Late to Classify SATURDAY only, white cakes reg. 4bc special 29c. Save Lie CRICH'S BAKERY. 05x1 Public Speaking CO N T E S -T to be held TUESDAY EVENING Feb. ` 20th . at 8:30 p.m. Basement WINTHROP CHURCH EVERYONE WELCOME, - A1S,AISSION FREE -- Sponsored Sponsored by the McKillop Federation of Agriculture OLIVER PRYCE - 'President A. R. DODDS - Secretary DANCING. BRODRAGEN Community Centre Friday, Feb. 16 Desjardine's Orchest'r ADMISSION 75 CENTS Monster ,,Euchre in IOOF Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, FEB. 16th 8:30 p.m. LUNCH - GOOD PRIZES Admission 40c - Door Prize Sponsored jointly by Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge; Seaforth Chap- ter, O.E.S., and Fidelity Lodge, 1OOF - in aid of lodges' kitchen. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MRS. M. R. RENNIE Organist 10 A.M. Church School and Youth Fellowship Class 11 A.M: MORNING WORSHIP Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are ac- complishedby low cost Exposi- tor Want Ads. EUCHRE Monday, Feb. 19 Orange Hall, Seaforth -1 Lunch Served - ADMISSION 40c LYRIC THEATRE EXETER PHONE 421 .Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Feb.15-16-17 "COMANCHEROS" starring - . - John Wayne --Stuart Whltpran-- (COLOR -. SCOPE) Mon., Tues. and -Wed, - FEB. 19-20-21 " TIGER BAY " starring John Mills - Horst Buchholz introducing • HAYLEY MILLS BOY-- SCOUT & GIRL GUIDE WEEK OPEN HOUSE and PARENTS' NIGHT Seaforth District High School Friday, February 23rd, 1962 7:30 p.m. . We invite Y 0 U to -'See. . BOY SCOUTS "WOLF CUBS • GIRL GUIDES' IN ACTION ! Publicli,1 cordially invited • to visit this Open ,base The Week. at SEAFORTH ARENA and COMMUNITY CENTRE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15th - Mitchell Pee-Wees vs. Seaforth - 7:00 ,p.m. Admission 25c FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16th - Skating - 8 to 10 p.m. . Admission - 35c and 25c SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17th - Skating - 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Admission -25c and. lOc HOCKEY Minor Hockey Admission 25c 'TEEN TOWN - HALL FREE SKATING Wednesday Afternoons For Beginners and .Guardians --- 1:30 - 4 p.m. This space contributed through the cburtesy of UNION COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED SEAFORTH -. ONTARIO Je •