HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-02-15, Page 3• • • • • a. • • • 8iyth Comare..0 ttb. Reviews Successfui Soccesifut Yea Blyth United Church held their annual congregational meeting in the church school room Thursday evening, Feb. 7. "This was a history making meeting," stated the chairman, R -v. Evan McLagan. • Mrs. Ray Griffiths, co-chair- man of the building council, re- ported on the progress made by the.LouneiL.. _ Following the reports, the congregation authorized t h e building council to proceed with plans to commence the. erec- tion of a new church building, as • early as possible in 1962. In the minister's report, Rev. McLag m stated there are 353 history of the church women resident members and 202 fam- were elected to the session• as ilies. Thirty-two communicants elders. The•laembers of ses,, had been received during 1961. Ston elected for five years are During the "year —$29;447 ' had been received for all purposes, and of this amount $4,175.00 had been used for'niissions,.and benevolences, and 1j5,512.00 for the building fund; .The ob- jective set for the missionary and maintenance ,fund was $2,- 900, and for, the current budget, $9,200. As an outgrowth of the re- cent formation of the new group, "United Church . Wo- men," for the first time in the SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday HENLEY'S CHOICE FRUIT COCKTAIL 28 -oz. Tin 350 DOMESTIC .SHORTENING 1-1b, Pkg. 300 CLARK'S BEANS WITH PORK 2 15 -oz. Tihs 29¢ HEINZ CATSUP 2 11 -oz. Bottles DUNCAN HINES "Early American" CAKE MIXES 2 Pkgs. Fudge, Nut, Date Nut, Butter Pecan, Cherry, Applesauce Raisin WALKER'S SALTINE CRACKERS GARDEN PATCH KERNEL CORN 2 14 -oz. Tins 45¢ 690. 270 29¢ FOR. ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Smith's SUPERIOR FOOD MARKETS. Phone 12 FREE DELIVERY Mrs. Winona McDougall, Mrs. Keith Webster, Mrs. Leslie Wightman and Mr. Dan McKen- zie. Mr. Norman P. Garrett was elected for a three-year term. The committee of stewards .elected for -a three-year term are: Mrs. Bernard Hall, Mrs. Irvine Wallace and Mr. Irvine Bowes. For a two-year term: Ray Madill, Lloyd Walker and Hugh Cleland, and Donald Young was elected for one year. Appointed to the board of. trustees was Walter Buttell, Earl Caldwell, John Craig, Rus- sell McDonald and Irvine Wal- lace. Members of the various wo- men's units served refresh- ments. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Representatives from the lo- cal churches attended a meet- ing at Northside Church parson- age Friday afternoon to make plans for the World Day of Prayer. This year the service will be held in the United Church on Friday, March 9, at 3:00 p.m. The address will be given by Mrs. J. C. Britton. The 1962 service was prepar- ed by Christian women •'of Uruguay, South America, and the theme is "God's. Love For the Whole World." FUNERALS MRS. DOUGLAS E. CALHOUN Mrs. Douglas E. Calhoun, of Colborne Township, died Sun- day at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. The former Hazel Evelyn Dilworth, she is survived by husband; mother, Mrs. Richard Dilsworth, Nile; sons, Edward, Egmondville; Kenneth, at home; daughter, Mrs. Joseph (Barbara) McGee, , Ashfield Township ; brothers, Raymond, Midland; Percy, in Alberta; sisters, Mrs. Thomas Dorian, Penatang; Mrs. Harold McGee, Nile ; Mrs. Gladys Hughes, Toronto. Funeral service was held on Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Lodge Funeral Home, Goderich, with burial in Dungannon cern etery, a, Remember, it takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pock- et. To advertise, just phone Seaforth 141. ukstin •a::c:^�^ ^^' my ^�: r . n' x ./ 4. + .3 :; tii^:4••F .: Sflt1 •Xu'i:: ()use Sale SPE(I.. DIRECT AIR FLOW AUTOMATIC DRYE Three Temperature Settings, Plus Automatic Time Selector, letyou adjust drying time to load! • Westinghouse Direct Air Flow dries (Q,thes FASTER . FLUFFIER . . . Saves Electricity. • Air Fluff Setting tumbles and freshens clothes in cool air. • Top -mounted Lint Collector fo'r cleaning ease. • Look -in door is so handy for 1ni.ding and unloading shelf. Flush -to -wall installation. • Door Safety Switch — operation stops when door is opened. durin`t cycle. Big 20 -Ib. Toad capacity for big family wash BOX FURNITURE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES -- FURNITURE Phone 43 Seaforth. Aoxilinry Plans Trophy To Aid Legion Hockey The- February meeting of Sea - forth Legion Auxiliary, Branch 156, was held on Wednesday. After business and roll eau, the committees were elected to prepare for the auxiliary's loth birthday party `on' Wednesday, April 18. Miss A. Lizlntare, re, ceptionist at Westminster Hos- pital, willaddress. the branch,- speaking ranchspeaking on "The Hospitalized Veterans." It was decided that everyone taking part in the program should wear the .Le- gion uniform, as they would like to take s nzeral pictures: A hockey ttophy 'will be donated -for J. Eisler, Legion sports officer, to present to some deserving boy; $25 was also donated to the Legion Aux- iliary. Scholarship Fund. Sever- al new items have been pur- chased for the kitchen. A past president's plaque has .been, purchased and hung on the south wall of the' hall. ' Thi�;auuditors' report was giv- en by)Thelma Forbes. Eaton's and Simpson's donated the club several pieces of yard goods. Any member wishing to have it to make articles for the bazaar may contact Mrs. A. Wood, president. Special thanks was expressed to A. Y. McLean, who donated a charter; Mrs. A. Nicholson, who signed the signatures of the chartered. members, and F. Phillips, who donated pic- tures taken at the Branch over the last few years. A . thank -you was received from the branch's adopted vet- eran at Westminster Hospital for his birthday box. The lucky draw was won by Mrs. J. Barry. A draw for an apron, donated by Mrs.•L. Brown, was also won by Mrs. Barry. !ANG.LIcA GROUPS FFICERS FOR .YEA The January meeting of the Womep'a Association of Zion Evangelical United Brethren Church, McKillop, was• held at the home "of-1±,frs. Alvin Beuer- man, RR 1, Dublin. Mrs. Frank Rose and Mrs. Orville Better - man were in charge of the de- votions. The president, Mrs. Arthur Nichols, conducted the business of the day. Mrs.' Ford Dickison gave a -very encouraging financial re- port. The following donations were approved: Milk for Bab'ies', Fund, Nigeria, $50; Salvation Army, $50; Sewing Machines for Hong Kong, $120, and $10 to the Brodhagen Skating Rink. The election of officers were as follows: President, Mrs. Fred Rose; vice-president, Mrs, Lav- ern Hoegy; secretary, Mrs. El- mer Koehler; treasurer, Mrs. Norman Eggert; correspond- ence and visiting the sick com- mittee, Mrs. Wm. Koehler and 'Mrs. Orville Beuerman. Theoretiring president, Mrs. Nichols, closed the meeting with a short poem and prayer. A delicious lunch was served Church Groups ST. THOMAS' WA The February meeting of St. Thomas' WA was held at the home of Mrs. E. Dinsmore. Mrs. G. McGavin presided. Mrs. W. O'Shea read the -scripture for the fifth Sunday of -Epiph- any, Corinthians, third chapter, 12th verse. Mrs. McGavin took the Litany, prayer for the world, prayer for Indians and Eskimos, prayer for pupils in Indians' and Eskimos' schools, members' prayer and repeated the Lord's Prayer in unison. • Rev. H. Donaldson gave a `talk on the study book, the theme this 'month being, "The Servant King." Eleven mem- bers were present and Rev. Donaldson. Miss Parke report- ed 23 paid-up menibers. Rev. Donaldson reported Mr. Baynon was in Westminster Hospital. Miss Parke was to send for bul- letins and Mrs.. Donaldson was to write about a new prayer partner., The offering was taken and dedicated. The next meeting is to be held at the rectory, and a favorite recipe is to be brought and exchanged for 10 g g cents each. Mrs. McGavin gave the benediction and closed the meeting. UNIT 1,,UCW The February meeting of Unit 1 of United' Church Wo: men was held at the home of Mrs. W. Cuthill. Mrs. N. Hach- born, the president, opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. E. H. Close reported three home, 28 hospital and nine nursing home calls. Plans were com- pleted for the Valentine sup- per..Wool for -knitting and fruit .was distributed to be made up for the bazaar. An invitation was extended to attend the con- ference in Metropolitan United Church, London, on Feb. 21. The general meeting is to be held on Feb. 27, at 8 o'clock, in the church Donations are invited for the bale which is to be packed in March. Anyone having any: thing to contribute can leave it at the church or at Mrs. E.41111s, or bring it to the next meeting, to be held ,at the home of Mrs. W. Ball. Anyone having flowers which they wish to share with the church from April to October should contact Mrs. F. Rober- ton. Mrs. H. Connell gave a re- port of the Presbyterial held at Clinton. Mrs. W. Ball very capably explored and explained the many, aspects of Family Life—past and present, from the study book. Lunch was served by Mrs. R. Murdie, Mrs. C. Walden, and Mrs. G. McArthur. UNIT 4, UCW Unit 4 of the United Church Women met at the holne of Mrs. John Bach on Tuesday. The meeting opened with a hymn and the minutes of -'the inaugural meeting were , read. The roll call was answered by members telling how they first met their husbands. The little aprons were given out again, and it was. decided to use a birthday Wt. The unit would be pleased to do quilting. for any one requesting it. Arrange- ments for the Valentine supper were. completed. Mrs. A. Bowering outlined a chapter from the study book ,and Mrs, Corlett 'conducted the devotional part. Mrs. Isaac Hud- son was presented with 'a life membership , in the United Church Women's Association by Mrs. C. Dalton. Mrs. A. Mc- Nichol read the address, stat- ing that Mrs. Hudson had been a faithful member of the WA for many years and Mrs. Hud- son was presented with a cer- tificate and a pin. Mrs. Bower- ing conducted a game and lunch was served. The hostess was thankednfor the use of her Q by the beetess;, ry The February meeting of the. Women's -Association- of Zion Evangelical United Brethren' Church, McKillop, was held at the home of ,Mrs. Ford Dicki- son, Brodhagen, . with Mrs. Al- vin Beuernian and Mrs. Nor-, nran Eggert -4n ,d large of devo- tions. y.,. The program opened with the singing 'of A,ig..hymn "Woo. .• derfu1 Words of Life," followed" by prayer by Mrs. Eggert, ;Scripture lesson was read 'by Mrs..Beuercnan and the hymn, "I've a Friend, 0 Such a Friend," was sung. Mrs. Heuer - man gave as her topic the ori- gin of Valentine's Day which has been observed d o w n• through the year in many ways, starting in 1496. A poem en- titled, "Tomorrow," was.' read by Mrs. Eggert, and the meet- ing was then turned, over to the new president, Mrs. Fred Rose, to conduct the business period. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and the roll call. was answered by 10 members. The offering was received. Dis- cussions followed on different projects for the coming year. The secretary was instructed to write to the- Mennonite Centre, Kitchener, Ont., for full par- ticulars on sewing layettes. Making a quilt was also dis- cussed. The next-. meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Rose, with Mrs. Ford Dickison and Mrs. Harold Smyth in charge. IMMO EXTENDING hands across the border are these broad- casters (left to right), writer Lister Sinclair, producer Andrew Allan arid' American historian George E. Probst as they pre- pare the radio series Democracy in America. The 'dramatized studies of America tin the 1830's were produced in the studios of the CBC for New York University and are currently being carried on NBC radio network. Democracy in America can also be heard each Thursday on the Trans -Canada network of CBC radio. got shard -to -heat room? building a cec'room? work shop? attic room? MAKE YOUR HOME COMPLETE WITH MPS PPP IMP NNW ":.•,00•Yftimmimul liana ga"....111; ECONOMICAL.. INSTALLATION' With nameless electric heating units; you on't have to extend orstrain your present heating sys- tem. 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MAKE YOUR HOME COMPLETE WITH GINGERICH'S Sales & Service Ltd. Phone 585 - Seaforth BUILDING A REC ROOM? MAKE YOUR HOME COMPLETE WITH SAFE, CLEAN, FLAMELESS Dublin Electric Phone 70 R 2- - Dublin