HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-02-08, Page 9. ,. t � ,:.:. �^ • ,. , . .r r ' , ,,. , I „_ ..._ - 11 , . e.,,,,,,.,.: .. « j '. , 1.11.1 . ' � a, r... ', .. ,. , r ... ,. ,... 1 , ... ---.111 - � .. 111,,1 .. 11 ­ I ­ I—— .. �. ., I . , , .. , ,,: ,: L'. r , ,.'', - n.. n. &J,_ 1. I An.,-, ,",,;,;'.1, T I . I 1". ,.It I" - ­ >. , , hmA I .1 . (. I,--,---- — -- . .. .. -... �, � 111,1, �.4� 1111. .is C 7t r a .. •. _ ,1111 ... ., .�, .. . , .. ­— 1. '. it , 1� , . ...I — ­ - I ..� , . - 1111 .:..' ...� � . . Vin. . d m .,.r , . - - J n: . .. - 1111... ..� ._..lirylir„ . 1, im ��,' ,. - , ,- .. S }. rI . (# 11 11. .,. .. .-,-... ,, .. 1111 .. -. 11':11 E � ... .:.... � ^ ;....... --1111, 1111.. ,1111 ;, ;. 111.1.,, USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS ,11; -•,;,A,rtieles For Sale . 1�. �Totices 111 1 .. 1111.. :, - • �1 To YOUR AAVANTAGE -_ . ,1. '. I. WOOS Directory . 4. Cards of 1* nks .._I . FEC1A.- 7'hursday� ay 'I' , F,#4 ' WMs �jGROUSE White Saxe • t Co►diiig LVE3tta F�1F ken' aUbearers I3r ia' clogs:, ,r • and Sa;tur#ay, heat .lam 89c. in full sM1�Vin a D 5 . ORTA .. . F S Pl. BQW'�Iii �@ (� ` ;y 2 Lost Strayed IRV g t . UBLIN ELE�C- and' tiufises of qui I � 9 an 1N S HA1tDWAR Phone TRIC, ,phone 70 R 2, Diiulin.o3.2 MEDICAL ,CLI* e' 3, Found 61, Seaforth. 11•(14-1 � i llospibal, R. S. fVx o V�. J. Hlgh,ipnd Shoos 4. Hel Walntcdy ,:.-. Godhncfi St x-Seaforth, phwi :26 {i1a aB1 .•ail 4e' w]w alism It P MAKE YOUR wash clay easy,, Lillian Abore cd' iy 5. Business Opportunities Fi)UR-Tiurtyer McClary cook use MITCHELL SPEED WASH P L r13RADY, M,D'.; M:C.G.P. ed uv a,p�y way. . Feed the high Tel6phbd '75O W 1 WM. IyEVEREAUX anRi Family single fie. the ladies with a 188 6. Teachers Wantedvq m exc�eilent ,., ` condLtdoag. open 24 howls daily, Monfineai F + . ch i- E. MALKUS, M.D. 24-04id1 g ?. Situations Wanted ' PAUL VOGELS, Dublin, phoaae St: Mit i9fi4ic4 t3core and tier triple of 455 ave ' 8. Farm Stock For Sale ' 86 R 11. 11.04x1 , --• Ttieph Ile. 15 , ;Y. F her to ,1torlors here. Ron Brady ,.. ,...r* e�•, ' ' ACRESON'S DEAD STOCK W FtLEWEI�LIN M.D.; C.M. AMI'llII,Y of fate ^..: tr.ir p 9. Poultr 'For Sale Telephone°223 John T. Coop er wishes to -had the' high single fir mets, 0. �. • 10. Use y iva,e SE YQpUI atnot!!� ,.in SEllVIC,E pe � storm ;275 W1i'1 P ��: _ • +° » d Cars' For Sale va0y at ANS'E JL oPEf;- Highest coir for den _OFFICE HOURS: Afternoons sfucene thaailcs and.. + i e eter Wei. ; , , F t.;"« il. Articles For SaleI P d, old LER tree t Wednes'da s• yeti" a� �appreciatiozb bo bile fribi'cls mianfi rolled a 233 average for ,; _ u , r 12. Wanted To Buy S• Fol an eyelash alipoiiit- or disabled hoof 9 aOd cable. . ,. >? 9 . e >� » . h I 1119. Wanted "rr>etvt phone 77, Sou�.103if Phone Atvuoofl 35G-8gt ' colIt except VedrieiidR�r andatutt�a`i a7Td neigiiours fog hiie}r rna'nx a 699 triple, *.li� 14, ro ert F "''-"" licence No. 156061. '• 19 -OL- ' Appointhiblits ma lie nia-8e in a of kindfibs's . m%gageio of Standiih�-Alley Cats, 17; Ti 00.`' P Y or $ale PERFECT GIFT fior St. Val- ._ -. _ll. - is advancb. � syrnfrahlty boa'd flor�a•1 br'ii- � er 9 Cats • 72• Black Cat's �. p g , 6S; 15 property For Rent f � ..w' i6: For Sale or Reist er.tine s Day, patUed fLowecs STAPLERS--ftet befO el A --=-- -=- butes rte ived dii�iriti� 'their re- Hell Cats, 61; Puddy Cats, 44; 1'T aute'd To Rent loam_ aur large seketion'., .See stapler with quality and per. � M. W. STAPLET6N cenC safl bereaveineni;. Tb hides Cool Cats, 39. �. ' y WW our many gift fdeay. 1"AF- forrnance at the lots prICG of 69e, Physician and Surgeon Drape nurses mod staff of � :. 18. Prt�eft Wanted Phone 90 Top five atferages in' league Tw. Wok nt!iL: acerin ui.a(St ►tM Simi ' 19. N'o'ti'cesY FEN'S FLOWERS, Ishone 40, See them to -day at 7'IiE RUR- Seaforth' 'Scott' iKemnrial Hosptiial; nli- •=Peter Weimann, 212; Ra 20, .A�tiati-on Sales a h' i L ON EXPOSI'I'QFt, phone iii. R ne. 'e-r,,ca21 Residence 605 bourn fol their help aad--food Dra er 192 An us acLean By GISELA D 'RHANCE `'41 "9, nth R ' ay, '''h 'i ' sent , the home the allbeai} g g M, P ' Last school tgeel# vvas aS corrventloti t ,,it ;tri " d 21.'1'enders Wanted ONE THR'EE-FIECE white FIL'PER QUEEN gales a JOHN A� �KWII+L, B:A, 1VI:D: �,s, fiowexbeare'xs, Rev. C. X83; Andre Aubin, 175; Jack -r , , . , i 0 22. Legal 1otiCds batbn+bom sob, featurnng Ft�ties servIt e, R6pairs to all xriakel, of Physician.. and Sargebiz Britton and Dr, St _ letoin, Moore, 174. pleasant as school could' pps�l)a s engin ,X{init , en ;" in rt wash' basin, Low Bay s'de3r%t vacuum cleaners and Polishers. Phones: Office 5 W Res. 5 J k i n d n e s s a .h * * * siibly "be. On Monday, periods t9 wPrx�sdi v t .� > � ,. s 23. Bus ens Directd tai nd g ifu� '~ were shortened because of tii'e •i4ther dfirkuh tb.,lset, e ,Doc 24. Cards of Thanks " •.d•. toilet, caslt4TOn tti'b a3id shower, Reef idition0'd cleaners f6r sale. Seaforth , sW never be •��. Egmondville Church �I 25. In Memoriam All baps aditti2igs iinciuded. BUB PECK, RR 1, ZitrIch, 04x1 THE COQPER FAMILY. Standing—Black Hawks, 49; basketball games; on Titestieq,,;nto ac)fied�'t �e.+ FDift c�i�er' ug zs. P,,ersonals • Apply VE� ALDERDICE, phone Helosau 696 R•-2, 19.034f - SEAFORTH the buses didn t makb i> Thtirs iday >$ Thu, air till dee,, Bruins, 36 ; Canadiens, 32 ; Kippen, phone 344 W 4, Hensall, VETERINARY Leafs, 26; Rangers, 26; Red day, another set of basketball .*t ;for coafisi4 and ,@' " The cost is low. ClassifYcations D,.pq.-1 ELECTROLUX Sales and Sen 25. In Memoriam will be t�ore gazriI bn Pk' 'Or Wings, 24. 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, il, 1,2, 13, 15 and vice; cleaners and polishers, al- 'CLINIC I (or s�ioull 1 say Thursd� , cl' minimum 40e an insertion. USED OIL furnace, air eon;- so reconditioned., cleaners and J, O. Tug`nbull D.V.M. V.S. WURM—tic loving memory I�elen Nicholson . was top B- t •e weather ;re' " I % 1 (?lasslficatio'25, minimum 6$C dibioned, 250,080 B.T.U, Suitalb% arts. BERT HARRIS 109 New- of Jacob Worm who. scoring. lady with a 247 single ChUr.eh Gr+ou S y' h , . ck1 d r for las + W.'R: Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. and 601 tri le. The men's hi h say that.61d Man in. er' hasn't .�',,;. plus, 25c for' eachr 4->gne verse, ge house, ' church• �� gate St., Goderick, phone JA W. G.'Drerinan, D.V.M., V.S. away four years ago, Feb. iith„ , p g tali his last fling. yet. Ail odiher, 'cbassifdcations milli- small) factory. $160.00 complete,. ¢7917. 19 03 tf Phone 105 $eaofrth X58 �si'ngle and triple was rolled by FIRESIDE FELLOWSHIP mum 65 cents per insertion. GINGERICH'S SALES �_ SE'R His weary hours and pain, Poy McGeoch, with 261 and 655 Mr. and Mrs. L. R. McDonald , ex Auction, Sales, (20) VICE LTD., phone 585, _Sea- SOMETHING to sell? Some- JOHN E. LONGSTAFF . ilis )ed nights are pa5h; totals. Top five averages for' were host and hostess Tuesday The se`nio'r girls - 'team went Tenders Wanted (21) and Legaf forth.. 1104-1 thing you need? Use the Want Optometrist — Phone 791 our' achdng hearts we league:.,Don Eaton, 195; Norm . evening to the Fireside Fellow- to Wingham with only 4 for- Notfces (22), rates on applica- Ads' each week in The Huron •Main• Office Goderich St. W., know, MacLean 1$9 Ross Alexander, ship Group of First Presbyter- wards anti 5 guar��ls alig felt n w CATTLE OILER Mclntyre'.s Expositor. They brio results, rasher outnumbered bY, tfie . o g Seaforth, .adjacent to Clinic a loos found sweet rest at 181; Roy McGeoch, 176, and ian Church. Miss Alice Reid l?11 cattle oilers, the greatest ad .Just PHONE 141, Seaforth. Eyes' Examined—Glasses Fitted lasrt, posing squad. However, they payment or ff paid vance in' cattle oilers is 50 yrs. For cash Office Hours: Seaforth, dail —Allways rem�embe Mel 1Glerriam, 173. chaired the meeting, which .op- nano ry after- • by 10 days following last inner. The only oiler With spiral curry MAGIC MARKERS — Instant Y red by his' * erred by repeating the Lord's 99 a. 19.11 victo tion, C deducted from above comb teeth that groom the cat- dry; waterproof; write on any except Monday, 9 a,m.-5:30 p.m: Wife Daughters, Margaret and Seaforth 124gion Prayer in unison... a very uncertain confest. Their rates.�JC surface; .lust ull .off -ca Wednesday,. 9 a.m.-12:30 p:m.; Shirley and Grandchfii dhn. very few fouls °-helped"`them tie, ORVILLE STOREY RR F P and Shela h Peever came thr u h It was decided to hold a bake -- - -- T -- Thursday evenings by appoint- . • 25-04x1 with ag248 total to copq the sale in May of this year. Miss keep the small margin. COMM-E]!�CIAL CLASSIFIED Seaforth, See the oiler at our Magic Markgr is ready to use. rent only, Clinton: Monda RATES farm, 11.03-tf Refills available, Nine colors- of y,A - ..' ladies' hi Bessie Grieve read ,the 87th The juniors also had a tight a.m.-5:30 p.iri. (Above Hawkins gh single, while" Rei-' ink. THE HURON EXPOSITOR , 27. Births en Nicholson• Psalm and led im prayer. game, but pulled up from be11 - (For 13,gilness Firms, . Trades- 'STAPLERS—Never irefore! A phone 141 Seaforth. 11-73xtf Hardware. put three games men, etc,): Mini mum 50 cents ' ... together to hit a high triple of • The guest speaker, Rev. Ross h o take''the game 17-10.. If ` per insertion.' Billing charge, 15 stapler.. with,.., quality sand per- ' BESSE—At Scott M e m o r i a 1' MacDonald, of Hensall s oke a tIi wins . the 559. Hi g i t .." formance'at•the low rice of 69c.' D. H. McINNES gh sin le for men went p i er of these teams • cents per advertisement. , F Has.pital, arli Jam. 31, to Mr. on the subject, "What is It Like next two games (Seaforth at See them to -day at THE RUR- SEAFORTH - Chiropractic - Foot Correction to Mel Merriam with a 229 Goderich and .Clinton at Sea - ON EXPOSITOR, hone 141. • UPHOLSTERY and MTs. Paull Besse Sea to Be a Christian?" The talk p Corramercial Hotel forthba son. game. Dick Box garnered the ended in each one giving their forth), they will have a chance - -Monday, Thursday -1 to B p:m. FINLAYSON�-At Scott Mem- high triple with a 599 total. Version of what the subject fo SA, since- both have 1. Corin EVents Centre Street T r � WOS SINGER - - o'nral Hes ita on Feb. 5, to op five averages for league Au'tomatnc zig-zag -portable Tele hone 446 THE McKILLOP p l' play—R. Barrett 192 L. la meant. Rev. MacDonald com- to only ' one game. However, e p . Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Finlay- g their troubles won't end there. • BINGO every Saturday night, sewing' machine, makes buttals) For all kinds of uphols�terin � •son, RR 3, Ki' a an, 180; G. Has rented on each 'answer. g MUTUAL li IRE' pP n, a son, Y , M. Merriam Mrs. Norman Ranson thanked Y Canadian Le on' Hall comment- hales, sews on bu't'tons, darns, This is the' ear that the t ing at 8:30 p.m. Ja mono m , i9-03-tf GORbON—At Scott Memorla1 and B. -Marshall, all with 179. Hospital, on Feb. 3, to 'Mr. Top five for women: S. Peever, the s teams from this '' lea 57 ca�llls. Onle $25 �� $�"'�' "'" � s and blind s'ti'tches, INSURANCE "CO3 pecker and the hostesses. flue m t special and 2 no attachments needed, Eight HEAD .OFFICE-Seaforth Ont. and Mrs. lYonald Grndan Sea. 164; B. Alexander, 158; H. Nich Lunch was served. battle Exgter -for the playoff $5 door prizes. 1-04-1 monthly pays is of $6.5o or TOWN OF OFFICERS: ' forth, a daughter. ' Olson, 15$; E. Southgate, -152, spot. ° $52 cash. SEAFORTH President -J. L, Malone, Seaforth KRAM�ERS—At Scott Me'mori'al and M. Hudson, 151. Top ,five UCVIf, UNIT NO. 3 * * � EUCHRD party, St. James' Write Dealer at Mrs. And McNichol was hos- The senior boys also had on - 'School Auditorium, , Fri,, Feb. 9, BOX 1087, Vice-President—John H. Me- Hospital, on Feb. 3,. to Mr. as spares: C. Dennis,• 190; B. Y at 8;30 Ewing, Blyth, and Mrs,,• Norman Kramens teas for Unit 3 of Northili-le ly nine pla ers on , the Seaforth .- p.m. Door prizes, lurnclr THE HURON EXPOSITOR + Dennis; ,178; J. Peeves, 176; R. Y , seirved. Auspices' CWL ,And ' 11-02x+1 bog Tax For 1962 Secretary -Treasurer — W,, E.. Dulilim, a' sail. Church.. Mrs. N. Schneider op: floor, but they didn t fare so . :Alexander, 194; J. McGregor, well. Win g HNS. 1-04x1 fs niow due Southgate, Seaforth, MOGK In , St, Thomas Edgirn 151. erred the meeting with a poem, glum managed to et STARTED PULLETS for sale. - DIRECTORS': Hospital, on Feb. 2, to Mr. • - * *, "The Town of Don't 'You, Wor- -the lead and win 47-40. The MON6TElt euchre, Feb, ib'' K 155'-13;imber and Ideal H -3-W. Male dog $2,00, each additional J. L. Malone,' Seaforth; Chris,. and Mrs. Oaarmam- Mogk,. (Al- ry." Hymns, "Let the" Lowen junior boys were really hard • COF Bowling League ,; in IOOF Hall, spores Wed joint•' Leghof n •pulleU 16 weeks, Feb, Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert etlia' McMillian), 291 Ross St. Li hts lie Burnin and The pre ed: The score. was tied at $4.00 Female• dog $4.00, each 'Archibald Seaforth John H, St. Thomas, a solo R'amdol Standin Poie Cats g g' ' lY by Edelweiss Rebekhhr' N�fdge; 19, iB Weeks, Mameh 5, 20 weeks , additfobal,.; 6,d6 Ta $ av � -ole Ph g— , 53; Pus- ,Great Physician,""were .sung" in the enA 'of the third quarter, Seafforth Chapter. OES, a'nd Marchi 18. They am,,, a lovely At $ g McEwing, Blyth; William S. Warren, a brother fon Wendy sy Cats, 44; Wild Cats, 44; Tom unison. Scripture was read by but''they managed to come 'up Fxdeluty Lod e, IOOF, in aid eek aE pullets noised under "' Alewa'nder, Walton; 'Harvey Ful- Lee and Terri Lynn. •Cats, 41, Team high, single and Mrs. M. Berger. The group was "With an extra basket in , the of I•gtige"sr kMicii0nl L041 . ideal conditions, hot ia*atem ler, Goderich; Wm R. Pepper, WEB'ER—At St. Joseph's Has triple, Pole Cats, 975. and 2642; th _last quarter to take the game ? r' " bmoodirrg: - fm�,a 'wamry about Town Clerk S Office Seaforth Allister' Broadfoot, pilaf, London, on Jan. zs; bo Eric Anderson copped the high e i en favored with sevearal mus Y al .:numbers b Sh ion. Mc. 111­OPLNe BAWLING Titesda Seaforth 1V. Trewartha, Chn- Mr. and Mrs. Gezald Weber, sin le and tri le with 32G and` * ' S' buying ,these birds, if your pens g p Nichol. A sto on Mission 7.p.rri, to 8 m., Thursda • 7 19-x-3 ton. `Jnee Blanebe Westcott a Boats" was Liven Ii Mrs. Y g m. bo 9 P•m Fricla�y 9 Y P' oma cold, .titiey ane all roost ) 671. P•In. to. ing and the bemperatu� cut AGENTS: daughter, Susan Eliza-' ea. Top Ave aderages—Erie An g Y Ken: What tight did ou et 11 p.6 , Saturday' af6et -& and Vincent Lane RR 5 Seaforth Schneider from the study -book. home Friday ni ht? ' .. dawn to haaden Chem u . i7 NOTICE derson 1$1 Don McClure' 177; g ev b', 'St idaV aftdi%06r• and p I William Leiper Jr. Londes- The second 'part of the meet- Suane: Why did Ken threat evening, SEAFORTH .BOWL years n1 smarted pullets and a born• Selwyn Baker +Brussels 29. Deaths Ron Jewitt, 171;' Harold Storey, ing was opened by Mrs. Wm. en you. hfie�time in 'poultry vaccinated TOWNSHIP g 170; Wayne Dolmage, 168, Bradshaw conducting the busi- l. ING LANES, .phone 350..1-03Jt8 James K .,ys RR 1 Seaforth ,DEVEREAUR—In' Seaforth on >k * * . debea'ked, denvormed and de , THE ANNI7AI. meellng o livered, R. J. ANDREWS a'nd OF TUC$ERSMITH Harold Squires, RR 3, Clinton. ' ness period. Reports from the SON RR 3 Seaforth Feb. 3, Margaret Ellen Kelly, , St. dames'"Ch Chi'ldren"s Add Societv .of ' ' ph'n Ratepayers and, igha'bitawts wife of William, Deveaelaux, ret i al ' ting of the Unit. •1/ INCHELSEA - � naugur nee W. J. C1 TEARY Standing—Pirates, 83; Night ed Church Women at Clinton uroa, County Win be +held �;aR 3. . 04-5 of -fihe Township of Tucker- im her Both year. the Council Cfia'm'bers. `I „ ,.; , ` 'smith are r Seaforth; Ontario - Hawks, 73; Handicappeds, 56; were read by Mrs. N. Knight The Winchelsea euchre party y House: - Gode'r+ich, Oni4rfo on ^-' eghested by. the LICENSED EMBALMER Sitting Ducks, 53; Scatter Pins, and Mrs. C. Bradshaw. Lunch was held at the school Monday LAUNDERAMA I 'to not .pask cams ow _ 4-H HOMEMAKING CLUB Wednesday, February 14, 1962, ton I roads and streets dur- and FUNERAL DIRECTOR „ 47; Wild, Canaries, 47: Ladies' and social time was enjoyed. night with Mrs. John Hern and:' at 2:30 Night or Day Calls — 335 The new project, Separates g g y Mr, and ' Mrs. Ward Hern as p.m. Public conidia in; hi h sin le Bett Devereaux[, LgDiES' AID MEETS � � DY 2Q lb. bfg Iead wash'ess; in- g the winter mentos in order For Summer " is on the way: - invited' ]r04=1 vestdgate and compare' the ad- f• a ll►tate snoWPla�viug opts- A: M. HARPER & COlylpANy 100; high triple, Jeannine Me. hostesses. There were four Girls from ages 12 to 26 In The Ladies' .Aid of rirst tables going to 11 vestagte of Our 20 1b, machines ati I Chartered Accountants Cue, 519; s are high, Veronica •playing, prizes the Seaforth area wishing tq p Presb 6.. for your stares. A1sa consider Council will' not be respgnsdble 55 South St. Tele hone Vincent, 228; men's high single Yterian Church met Tues- ladies' high, Mrs: John tiers; 3. Found P take the project are asked to dama y (ioderich JA. 4-7562 and triple, AI Hoff, 23Q 625; day for their February meeting men's high, Elson Lynrf; lone the latest in Doi -Clean mach- gen s' ail vehicles contact either Mrs. Wm. Little, spare high and triple, Pete'• with 'a very good attendance. hands, Mrs. Phil Vern; conso A 'LARGE black .dog wills clan using p only ' l f stained parked JAMES I., Mc NT`TO H, Licensed Municipal Auditor Mrs. Keith McLean, Mrs. James r short hair, e�stmayed to Coutes tithe cam Iebe self Weimann, 243, 651.• Top five Miss. Jean Scott presided and lation, Mks. Ward Hern. , Mclntgsh or Mrs. John Broad um Clerk Tuckersmith • avera es for lea ue la Ron called on Miss Jessie Fraser'to sdoin .2. Lot 27, McKillop lbws•• , ,foot, before Monday, Feb. 12. g g p y' -Master 'Paul Kerslake is 24. Cards of� Thanks Brad 182• Al Hoff, 180• Leo open the meeting. with a read- away from school w%ith the ship. Owner in a,y 'h:ave same by Ohodce lacaiion availabi'e igp 1A 00 8 — LIaga 180; Gordon 'Nobel, 167; g, "Take TiXne," Mrs. H: measles. in paying for ad. PHONE 838 R 3, Ni�a'ga:ra, Falls. I WISH bo bham�lc Rev. Brit SeadoT6li., 3041 Les Leonhardt, 167. Whyte read the"`minutes of the pupils .of Winchelsea ' NOTICE tori, Dr. Stapleton, Miss Drope,. BLAKE * � * December meeting, the annual The . nurses the Legion and all whor School, with their teachers, 4• pi> warted Township of McKillop sent cards and gifit boxes or Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erb and of the executive meeting , which Mrs: Sam •Hendrick and Miss MACHINES LTD. visited me. Standing —Highballs, ' 96 ; g Marilyn Marshall, enjoyed an „ FEMALE HELP, wanted, A Ail car owners in 'the Town= 24-04w1 MRS. BROWNLEE. family visited Friday evening headpins' 80; Wat-hu-Dun 80• was held in January at the P- 292 Weston Road Tanon+to afternoon of skatin , 8, with Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Gin- g on Mon- PiY HIGHLAND SHOES Sea- ship of McKimllap alt+e reques4ed Teachers 60; Dutch4r►en ' 56• home of Mrs. E. Geddes. The da at the Exeter Arena. fork.,Ontario. � 4.44-1 Phinee , not to ark their c.grs on the I WISH to take this oppor- gerich and familv, of Zurich. ,Alley Cats, 48• ladies' hi h sin-- regular January meeting had Y, P Mr. Harold Finla James and g been ostponed due to storm Mr. and Mrs. John ,Coward JACK S. CARTLIDGE toads of the Towns,h, during 'tunity to thank my neighbours Y, gle nd triple, Joyce Miller P Y visited on Monday with Mr. bIEN WANTED, Seaforth and t Cars tool are left friends and- relatives for a)Il Margaret visited on' 'Sunday 263, 87• men's hi weather. Sevtral letters of Brantford - 752-6839 gh single, and Mrs. Fred Walters iri Exe- Mi$Cings art l above r int the did while I was a atient with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hen- thanks were read frogs shut-ins � 11-04-2 he rods are con�•ary bo Y P ' Larry Plumsteel, 260; high -ter. viewd'>�gs, no lay offsa, For iruter drick 'and Elaine, of Dashwood. the Highway Traffic Act. and at London; 'also to those who tri le, Geor a Ha s, 673. who- had' appreciated -the gifts view' acid 2nfoa'i>l'ation write stmt treats and wfslres. A .:.Miss` Irefie Schwartzentruber , p g Y ffiiss Susan Morgan, of BOX 1488 The Huron E are a detriments to operation of sent to them at Christmas. The Thames Road visited •a. cou ' xpo's- A 2. Wanted To Buy snowplows. special thanks to the 'local, Can, of Stratford, -spent the week- treasurer, Mrs. W. E. Butt, ave pie e fes• 4-03x2 - r cer Foundation for all:.,.their end with her parents , Mr. and UCW, UNIT 5 days this past week with ����" a splendid financial reportg It her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. HIGHEST CASH PRICES P10ase note !that Provincial 'help anal to the McKillop Coun- Mrs. Ed. Schwa rtzentruteer; and The first meeting of the new was decj'ded to do some neces. Newton Clarke. • 8. Farm Stock For Sale For sick, dead, disabled farm Policed wild take. necessary ac- ch fol• opening, the lane. family of Blake. Unit 5 United Church Women nary decorating at the manse. Animals. Prom t courteous col- tion � see ,tha't cars acre not 24-04x1 THERESA MALONE. The first meeting of the Unit - 23 FIGS. 8 weeks al'd. A pp ' left orn roads acid met at the home of Mrs. Eric The Hobo teas will be con poly lection of"dead' disabled farm prosecution -- Sell that unnecessary piece of , . ed Church Women of Elfmville. MARTIN GUICHELAAR phone animals: Dead'Stock Disposal Y follow. furniture througl~a Huron Ex- McCue on Mon g, timed. was held , at 'the church Friday, ma I WOULD like ba thank 211 day' evenin The. Mrs. IIa Dorrance son a . 654 R 2, Se'aiorth. 8-044 Act Lie. 42-C-60. Call collect ED. my friepds, neighbours and rel positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. meeting 'was opened by Mrs. love) �' g ,afternoon with a good crowd in ANDREWS 863•W-1, Seaforth. WILSON LITTLE alives who ,remembered me Doug White. A report of the y solo, Somebody Did a 1TEN FIGS. 8 weaks odd ,Ap- 12-03-tf Road Superintendent with cards , treads and visits , nominating committee wa$ read Golden Deed," accompanied by attendance. Mrs. Philip Hern « P'Y to DOUG RACHO;' RR 2, 19-044f while a a,tient in Scott Mem- b Mrs. W. G. Drennen, sec gor. Mrs. Elmer and Mrs. William Rattly were pp F y Mrs, J. 'Metre in charge of the meeting., Mrs. Dublit► an llfgg�hwa s 8. S 04x b'REII N I C H'O L S Isbafif I �� ; ended by Mrs, Verne Graham. Rivers showed a colored Trav- Horace Delbridge the . press- . 1 INTERNATIONAL one -sur- orial Ha )tai. S eia11 thanks' BUNCII of �'0ng Ymk Mohlfbon. 1?, West Ing x1 ELLINO'R . BETT, Mrs. Neil Bell introduced the elogue film, entitled "Down ' ding lows, Apply WJL- 23. BUginess Direct0 F �n and the nurs- ON West - ' g I %��Mu stud book and North, which was ve much dent had charge of the busi- chunks. Also a blood sow. A. R. tis:IRs gave n verall " ss part. Mrs. Freeman DODDS, phone 861 R 14, Sda� G. A. WHITNEY Y a ° n' ne pV� picture of. the work planned joyed• Mrs. A., Appleby i .. h• • 804-11 I a for the tonin t Home lila ed a n instru- FUNERAL HOME I WISH tea take s oppofiiunr g year. Program hanked all those who had tak- 13r Wanted God ch 6t. W 'Seaforth itY to thrank fhends anis neigh- planning was also discussed. en part in the -meeting. Aso- mental and Mrs. Ross Skinner ONE HOLSTEIN' heifer, due -.,, „ . . ee��•�� The induction of new officers ci I time was en'o ed and lunch sang a solo. A lunch was sere AMBi7I,ANCE SERVICE bovrs far tread visits, dards was served b ] y' ed with, Mrs. John Coward and i. ks, of ]2th Also LO piga 8 e 46 Itand e1D bRY)JBS' orf' ItS52 d of Unit 5 followed, led by Mrs, y the Fraser-Ap- Feb Mrs. William Walters as hos- , weeks aid. LOUIS O'REI1* Y' USE gas, Adjustalble hospital be s Bell. The meeting was then Piety group ectrric dryers GING'IBR- for rent. w' e b 9 a ' Patin ,lig Scott tesses. Mrs. Jackson Woods . and airy kindn�+3 shown me T'Vtrb PtfiEi3#.H al Hdslfibai, Seof6abh. p turned over to the new press- Spedi mi I EGMON`bVILLE GGIT gave a lesson'on Bible study. , I' thaml6s .ta D'•. S%mile- r • dent, Mrs. Glen Staffen. foi d asci Dil � blpoll, ffoffl& m 6 a d CboHnSe SQA FS EhRVICE U4 Phb_ "LO iWe OCCASION Seafo ton a nurses ak hos load A re ort of t Egmondville CG1T. discussed ; Mr. George Martin is a pa rth Res. A. It. Jt dst6nlso d `:. g he inaugural tient in St, Jose h's BUCK tows; A 1 Fh.ED far 1 JK s ,mala "tri,' 2 Rev A. H Jo1>zFsi>bti' a' ta' N/ f the United Church the 'meaning of White Cane P Hospital, TRAD )Jondon after under oin an phorie Seaforth 0A C• ,4,A ge' BOX It Women held in Clinton Jan. Week at their February meet- + g g PP Y g ,. meetin o 860 R 4 "4x1 St., Sea+tiorbli, evenings; 7 td 9. , gar MaBrid'b acrd Wi '" Mel 25 was given by Mrs. •, John ing. The Scripture was read by operation: on Friday morning � � FUNS tA1 SERVICE 1i's who asslsttetil Mdi�. ft. Ruth Anne Brown. Catherine or appendicitis, $ Miehels. Mrs. Harry Nesbitt i► 10. TTped Cars For Sale R. S. BOX 24-04-1 NORMAN' LONG. presented the requirements for McLeod read the Meditation, f Miss Kay Horne, of London, `• LICENSED, EMBALMER sent the weekend with Mr. 1950 PREFECT, tines anti 14. Proj*rty For Sale- Prompt and careful attention MRS. AGNES J. BAIRD and the Valentine supper to be held! ewhen Actions Speak Loud- and `Mrs. Freeman Horne and Pi Feb. 14. I body excellent, Need . •valve Hospital Bed Y ex�plSs 'their l was decided to have A poem, "T.ommy's Pra „ family. 1111. s1 THREE BEI? OQM mqd q 1: V19RS for ALL OCCASIONS a al �iai�b n and thanks to all a card shower at the next meet Yer, i lob -Bei tiiffel'' PifONIs li:° Ol•'2 'hft6 lriw ,. taxes. ilea their friends nen hbours and in which will be at the home was iven by the leader, Helen Mr. and Mrs, William Walter's s`onoble Phones: + g The chances of someone keep- g Bo and Dan visited on Sunda y d6C#n�paynrerit, take over �iiorr• .Ree, 595•W --- StorO 43 datives who sent congrak in our secreta about 40 to of Mrs. Ted Savauge. Mrs. Or• ye ,: followed by a prayer. ny' Y . , I1. At'firles Por 5a1� gage- Apply' BOX 1089, The u'lati'ons by � ca�'ds, .flowers, g Y � vilib' Qke consented to begin f rojects dere discussed for the with rs. Nelson Clarke, at -- - 1 against you. uture. a rot Farquhar. urO1i Exposi'bor• 14 03x2 J. A. BURKL+` ar othemwlse, on tilt oc- and maintain a scrapbook for g P decided to 2600 13A'I,Fi4 ^f hay, GERALD I calsinan of her' ' 102nd bistbaday There is no secret about our Unit 5. have a Valentine's Party on Mr. and Mrs,• ..,Colin Gilfillan, , Funeral Director ,anniversary. Special thanks to 'circulation audience. ABC At 'the close of the business Feb. 13. A sing -song was'led Grant and Barbara Anne, via- 11 VAN dere HENGEL, RR 5."Seaw FOR ADVERIISBM19NTS TOO and Ambulance Service MT. and Mrs. Jones. and ours- .. forth, Phone 852 R lti, IL -04-1 b Grace Ste ited on y LATE TO CLASSIFY SEE DUBLIN : + ONTARIO tell -all reports give foetus! Part of the meeting Mrs. John Y Phenson. Sunda with Mr., and Ni hp or I) , Ga j,-' j ng m the Queensway Michels conducted a short wor- g y Nursing Raine .stn Hensall, who answelks for your advertising Se 7mfDAY ONLY, iodaIle. PAGE g Phanb 4$ .f 10 helped make the aftehrnoon of questions. ship service. iIfillan an , Mrs. >lill G' d family 11 dafie loaif, 29e �aa�cli 5arve 11+c. SEAFORTH W,I. of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wib Cow rd ' Jan,. 30th a v A singsong introduced the The Seaforth Women s Insti• of London, visited on Sudday . CRICH S BAKERY, it-b4id1 cry pleasant one'. Ask to see' our ABC re c•t. , A. W. SILLERY po social •hour. , Artistic talents tute will hold their re ular with Mr. and Mrs. John Cbw• GOOD liovinrd. mogfl�vr Tiea'ale, BOX goldere Nantes Barrister Solicitor, etd, . — «. 24.04x1 were displayed as many vane monthly meeting at the ho�niie aid. ! 53.00. C,A'MPREL,L TYRE. Il ib. Phones:.Offiee 17S Res: '�81 T FAMILY of the lateell�•n9. ties of Valentines emerged of Mr. and Mrs. Gordor►.EIlfott Mrs. Wilbert Glanville, )Song pen, phone 242 J 1,, IfenyallOt Given Uut Seaforth ,, : ' Ontario Wm, Den�ei+eaux wishes to ex- TU� HURON from bright red paper and It K"i "t press their sincere thank to a141 white doilies throw h the uid, o rid , of ' n F ay. It will be in charge gra, Carol, Karen and Ric possible for us McC;ON1ELL relatives, fidendsr and' sneigh- g g s. Joe Grummett and Mrs, Staffa, visited ' on Sunday eves FOUl7,. 1;i7)tNEI# a2,s range. to diving the name or ad, ante of Mrs. Hariy Nesbitt of k in exratltomt ,condition. Good ' dt`ess of any advertiser bourn fbr theirmany acts of Harold Hugill p "Citizenship." ning with' Mr. and Mfrs, V�'in. •,.-wll- - J I i by P,Tfb� 74.. &. ►STEWA kindlsess, florta ' #mibiites 1Kass Lunch Comm' ae fs Mrs. John walters •and Dann . i. 1 us n l urofl .:::fpo'sitori Barristers,' SolidWst, Etc.', Lairds and, syii ih caads fur EXPOSITOR Sympathetic nes hoer: "How McGre or, f `" '" g g , M tg Thelma E1 ie ,Mr. aticl y 'All s.olq...A iiv A. bo ,nu, b,0r+ ?slease do' not p, ;D', r cG0 �", ,. +, �U[ri3: Geon G�li�l». M,.., 1VNEil,;,Q.G. igig their receiut' bttiseavenlen�. A is the boss? and Mrs. R. M. Sca t.. rickets rb>G.AIVD•.. 2r ]Stiblftf laotte a's]Z t6 tlt4s ttt#ormatio�t. n: 1 ' . P'tl► .:t fan, of : Diyttt,_ vfsiiba ons ll� ing ,,TEWAR'Z'�y,�,y��y,p�ciol_ thanks; to Derr. 'Father Wife of ' -Invalid: r rit till ordered' for the hkts tri will r ¢ 19 tl­.1111.9� 3 , bubll ,' � ir04x2 .., SBaitol h',.Ol9 . Ph tb DO{I W,, �iY oro, A a�r day tivith 1Gir� argil. Mrs blip ..riglii; + all „• . s."' , A"1 1111 ,. .. . , r, -. '1111. .. r ' w.. - yy y� �L�y p .., 1111. ++'� � p t1Ai4�+kA' _. s, ., ....,...,... ,... •. be' air colt at' the ±'ttLCiinK+� 'Gtlltfixafi att,Yi 'fi�iiti+J• -