HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-02-08, Page 4i'. 4,-4nVI N mostrox SEAFORTH, ON' -, FEB. 8, E"PA!Ft YEB{: ...AND H5NRY, YCX/ BE THE GOAL/E! • •'. • • I II COURT RESERVES DECISION (Continued from -Pane .1) but the land continued to be ass essed fox- $150 and the build- ing 'for $1.900. The court indi- cated the value of lots had in- creased since nen streets had been crested in the area of the Highland Shoes plant. and that 5150 was equivalent to other similar lots m the area. A tessIdr'nc`e on Railway- Streer,. had been increased from 51.6?5 to $1.850. This included a barn assessed at 5400. Mr. Dalton asked for clarification as , to the property on which the barn was assessed, and asked what had prompted the in- crease. ; been removed- :. A third property. Lots 87-88,1 No action was taken on an Rail -- Street,' includeda appeal by Geraldine Eckert to - building with three apartments.. have . a Chalk' Street property Records indicated the increase assessed for Separate School from • $1,325 to '$$1500 came purposes. The tenant deter - about from application of a trines this and as a result the lower depreciation rate. assessment will continue as A reduced depreciation rate., public sc-hooL also resulted in an increase of i The name of a tenant in an $4400 on a property assessed- to 1 apartment on the propert4 of. Joseph Huggili on West William Emily Dick- Main Street, was Street_ The assessment appeal- ., . ed was $175• for land and $1,750 for building. cIt ha� suggested , property John Taylor was • that perhaps es made in the building same years ago had deleted. The court was told the net been reflected in the pre- : dog did not belong there. , cions aa�e hent i A lot and portions of two tion of a warehouse' other lots, owned by Mrs. B. F. - Ffre ve ole EIinincites`ilio tai tun w i. .. �!!at1st!1?!eI'?LRe ports Sur �.�lus Increase• 1►Sl, McKillop Mutual Fire In- the' increase of surplus. by president; Robert Archibald, R Seaforth here on Saturday night At 1:25 F. Hagan tied the score sur Company experienced $15,279.14, to a total* of $169, R 4, .Seallx7rtit; W. S. Alexander, by 11-8 count. The win •was the for the locals on a pass from a goo d year in"'1961, members 660.60, RR 1, Walton; C. W. Leonhardt, second $freight for the visitors, Wayne Rau and Pete ,edfo. Bornholm; Allister Broadfoot, At 3:10, K. Ulmanhescored for learn. this week with the. is At the same time the total having defeated.the locals 3-2 Milverton. At the seven -minute nuance of the 84th annual re- losses were up b>` ,984.72, to RR 3, Seaforth; Harvey Fuller, Goderich; W. R. Pe 3, previouslyand by virtue of the mark; Francis Hagan scored his port. Feature of the report ryas' $49,565.56 Num er of policies ply, RR two Wins now advance to the fourth goal on a pais from • in force last year were 1,903, Seaforth, and N. Treu artha. semi-finals- Garry Betties, to tie the score - representing $25,770,260, Live., Clinton; W. E. Southgate, seN The locals were determined at Milverton battled back Consider stock losses represented $5,- re�-n' �r tz\ tayhe in the running .and start- and counted three more goals 753,86 of the total, while six ed the game in fine style, when before the final bell sounded. •(Continued from Page 1) major losses, three barns and k contents, two dwellings and Accidents Send •Jimmy Sills scored two quick Midgets Win 86 ' to try and enfold some of the goals to put Seaforth ahead 2-0 classes into the Seaforth list contents and one dwelling,, ac .. in the "first five minutes of Sdaforth Bantams were aa - In his financial report. R. counted for $34,199.50. Other , (Continued from Page 1� play. Randy Foster scored Mil- goal cessful in_a "C'i' hockey tilt James 1\'aIlace, secretary -tress- fire and lightning losses total- bruises- Mr. Haysom, Bell Tele- �•erton's first goal on a pass Monday, when they downed the r of the 'Society, indicated led $6.060.52 Reinsurance loss phone manager at Goderich• from Bob Gropp and Ken Ul- Mitchell squad 8 to 6. Seaforth that total receipts amounted to es represented $3,551.68, driving a 1959 - eompanv car, : man at -6:45. At 7:05 Ulman.Pulled out in front in the first $15,714.63• This amount seas The annual meeting of the suffered a fractured forearm, cared on a pass from Gropp 1 period .3-2 and stayed in the made up of: Grants and. done- policy holders is being , held in scalp lacerations and slight con- and Foster. The visitors took lead throughout the game, tidns, $5,720.59; membership.the Town Hall, Seaforth, on eission. The latter two are con- , the lead at 8:15, when Gropp The second period Few Mit- ; €ebs, Sr' ' entry fees, $709.60: FYiday at 2 p.m-, according to. fined to Stott' Memorial Hospi- ! scored from Foster and Ulman, shell and Seaforth .share the Mit- admissions, 51,480-62; midway, notice given by .secretary-treas,r. ; Th1' wed were treated I At the end of the first period goals, two each, but Seaforth 5430.46; commercial exhibits, ,urer W. E. Southgate. The meet- a the scene lay Dr. M. W. Step- , Milverton led 5-2. outscored the visitors 3-2 in $293.25; rentals, grounds, .$1,- jag will elect three directors. leton, - Seaforth, at d investiga- i Smog the recon period, ,the final. 000 advertising, $81; field crop Retiring directors this year, all , tion eras carried out by Con -1 he locals began to put on the Scorers for Seaforth were seed. 533120; refunds, 5424.75; eligible for re-election, are J. stable Al Bowering, of the Sea- ; pressure and - •at 4:40 Francis Kerry Campbell and Larry Hagan scored on a pass from Scott, three., goals each, and tario competitions. $9: 'rebate, H. Fuller• tario Provincial Police, ! Wayne Rau and Joe Dick.- Mil- Brian Phialips and Gary Gray, proceeds of loan, 55,000; 01- H. McEwing, N. Trewartha and forth detaehreent of the On - 57.56; redeposir outstanding Officdrs and directors of the The 1961 European model i tenon counted two more be - cheques, $3.60. company are: J. L. Malone, car driven by the Lane girl fore the locals bulged` t1 net Expenditures for theyear in- RR 5; Seaforth, president; J. H. , was owned by Paul Ducharme, i again at 9:45, with F. Hagan eluded: Debit balance, Dec. 31, Mewing, , RR 1, Blyth, vice- I Zurich. Damage ,to the two ve- scoring front Pete Sillery and BIT of wood, bathttib, doors 1960, $25205; prize money, $5,- . hides was estimated at. $2.000. Wayne Rau. At 11:15 Ken Dev- and windows and plywood.' Ap- 711; delegates to convention, ereaux knotted another goal ply to BOX 1091, The Huron Et - 8100; affiliation fees, $34; serv- 0 Crowd Church Slight Injuries , �• ' from Jack Papple and' Jim Sills. positor. 04-1 • n ices and expenses of judges, - I Shortly after noon Monday, ai' Seaforth tallied their fourth g ; tr k driven by Jack Bos I period at 12:30 b Too Late to Classify . - T 5263,30; pet show, 533.25: Bands F o and entertainment, 8145; races. f 1 by... Allvnn Dale, Seaforth, were officials and prizes, 5674: mi Five ministers officiated at I in collision south of the Lead- cellaneous prize expenditure. funeral services at Knox Pres- burry corner on the North Road. 5734.50: wages and labor, S597: byterian Church. Mitchell, Sat- The vehicles were proceeding in was of little other use. In • trucking, 528:50: P a. • *.-stem. may for Rev. George. opposite directions when the view of taxes and other eos--t,. , 535:• printing and stationery. Lamont and Mrs. Lamont, who accident occurred • such as insurance, the con 5503.32: telephone and tele- par -y was giving consideration seraph, 516.45: postage„ and ex- . were killedg - an automobile ?sir., Dale suffered several to tearing.,down the building chane- 538.72: advertising . ' crash on Highway 7 and 8 near fractured ribs in the crash and si:::e :t appeared to have little S131: heat and light. 521.10: Stratford last Tuesday. uas treated at Scott Memorial About, 800 persons,' including hospital_ Damage, estimated by potertial4 earning capacity. Be- rentals. S15: meals;- 5- 5.10; -in several' former Mitchell min- Constable Al Bowering Who'in- fore making a decision. a re- surance. 575.10: miscellaneous tiety of the assessment was re -expense. $77 1n : change, . irters and a number of West- t estiga . °'amounted to 51,500. nested. S4_?4-70: capital expenditures . ern Ontario clergy attended • q Fingers Injured erection of buildings. 51.952.44; the services. Approve Changes A section of the church was When his hand became The court approved sea-eral improvement to, grounds. 5339: reserved for more than 30 min- caught in rollers of a machine equipment, 5109, 75: loan_. S3, - changes of an administrative inters from the azea, including' he was working on at Robert 500: interest $149.87: Balance j all ministers of Mitchell. The Bell Industries Ltd., ,on Thura- 'nat �et tj assessed to Roc in bank. less outstanding t entire board - and session • of day. -John Kroesen had two fin- Property tytachanged the Fan- cheques. 827.08. • 1 Enos Presbyterian Ch u r c h, gers badly crushed. He is in ny Dungec, and 5150 reduction The statement of prizes paid where Mr. Lamont was min- Scott 'Memorial Hospital. apprated on a garage that had at this year's exhibition is as Lister: attended the services. ' doll. ws (1960 entries in bract i a, truck. goal of the pert , r Funerals man. Walton, and a car driven j when Jim Sills counted on a pass from Pete Sillery and Jim McLlu ain. At the end of the second period the score was 7-6 for Milverton. It was quite a battle in the FRIDAY, FEB. 9th' iu'irs. Govenloek Orchestra - Ken Wilbee Lunch Counter -Admission 75c Is On Delegation Sponsored by 1.0.O.F. 149 SPOT, AND DOOR PRIZES Mrs. Thomas Govenlock has returned 'from Ottawa „ where she represented Huron County DANciN Farmers' Unions in the presen- tation of a National Farmer's gRODHA1" i • Union brief to Prime Minister J. G. Diefenbaker and his Cab -Community Centre inet. •...In the afternoon the Union Frida Feb. 9th delegates met Hon. Lester B. 1 r Pearson and the Liberal mem- Elgin Fisher and bers of Parliament. Mrs. Gov- enlock said the brief was well received;-and--at-both meetingai--__A".D l5SION 75 CENTS, lively' discussion periods fol- i lowed- KIPPEN EAST W.I. error and was corrected.. A dog shown as being resi- dent on the .North Main Street tfiiilding ori Sparling Street re- Christie on South Main Street, suited in appeals by 'neighbor- ,were sold to the Brewer' Ware- ing ow,ners, Mrs. B. F. Christie. house Co. The court divided R •R McKindsPy and Mrs. Thel- the, assessment of 5510. with ma Wright- In a letter to the 5150 on the land. sold and $360 court, Mrs. Christie said con- remaining on •the property re- struction of a commercial build- tained ing in a residential area had Two lots sold by the . Cooper lowered property values. • Mrs. Estate oil Lsabelle Street- were Christie was represented by assessed at $50 each. The re - Eric McCue, but the other ap re- mainder is assessed at 875. ets) and primes paid: Horses, (63). 56. S646; cattle, (467).' 4.97, $2279-00; sheep. (137), 212.- 5529.50: 12- 5529.50; :wins, (164), 111. 5369; poultry,••.... (2341., 176, 518525; grain and seeds. (111), 32, $87; roots' and Vegetables, (83), 75; 54825: fruit, (25), 40, $2925 Rev- Hugh Wilson, of Shake - ford Teachers Presbyters:, conducted the , T service- He was assisted y Rev- James F' parson, of . Listowel Meeting Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Stratford, who read, the Scrip- Approximately 400 secondary ture. Rev. William Henderson, school teachers from 15 schools ofWoodstock, moderator of the 'met at •j.istowel l igh School flowers, (85), 103. 553.50; dairy Hamilton and London Syn'od, Friday for an educational con products (19), 15, $14:- food. who led in prayer, and Rev. ference ander the sponsorship (211), 340, $117.40: clothing. Alex Campbell, of St Marys 'of the Ontario Secondary School (274), 206, 514725; arts, craft's, Presbyterian Church. Rev. Hugh Teachers' Federation. After a (44). 74, 559.00: boys' and girls' filmier, of Main Street United brief assembly, the teachers exhibits (Junior Fair), (224), Church, Mitchell represented split into 12 groups according 122, 5627.30: Sigh and Public the town's Ministerial Associa- to their subjects; and worked Schools' (1.358),, 1,276; horse'•tion. and also led in prayer. through till after 3 o'clock with rates. 5578.00: pet show. $3325; and cid choir led by Mrs. a .short .break at noon for a acid crop competition, $250.00; W J Fuller organist sang lunch in the school cafeteria, pedants did net appear . ' " . ' ' Norman Schneider told the Don't risk feed flavors in the court the assessment on a milk just because you prefer to North Main Street building, feed silage before • you milk. • containing two apartment.! had cautions F. W. Hamilton, On - been raised from 51,850 to 92.- ' tario Agricultural College dairy • 850. He said no changes 'had specialist. "Corn silage fed one ' been made, and *asked what hour or less before milking prompted the increase- cstuld cause objectional flavors. 1`;ppearing on behalf of Top- • Feeds ' given - fire hours :before:: notch Feeds Limited, R Bruce., diking generalia gdo not cause MacMillan, general Manager 'flavors. and • Art Mountford. - Se reta1'y Skating on your farm pond VALENTINE DANCE New Auditorium BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL Hensall Agrees To Dam Costs Hensall Council met in ses- sion Monday evening with- all members present. Monteith & Co., of Stratford were appoint- ed auditors for 1962 at a fee b of: $350. Balance of the money grand total. $6.561:75• • several, hymns. - • provided by the Federation. left in the Band bank account Group discussions included is to be divided between the new courses of study. text. Cubs and Brownie's. books. teaching aids. teaching Clerk • Earl Campbell was techniques. tests and examine- authorized to purchase neces- tions. Most groups had the sary accessory supplies and benefit of talks by specialists other office supplies. in their field from the Univehsi- The council of the Village of ladies' division to choose two Robert Burchill. Hibbert Town- ties• or the ,Department or Edu- Hensall are agreeable to pay delegates. ship: William Potts, MitchelL cation. the, present portion of cost to • Stratford Speaker Pallbearers for Mrs.. Lamont William G. \edifier of Sea- the Parkhill Dam, but are op - Stafford. Johnston, of the • Reanev,' Jack 1✓dmunds, James mathematics section on Experi- meant) The clerk was . authortz• - m The meeting named as dele- Pallbearers for Mr. Lamont gates to attend the Ontario were: Rev. Bruce Miles, of Fairs' Association meeting'- in Listowel Rev. Donald McDon- Toronto on Feb. 21 and 22. Gor- aid, Simeoe, and members of da_+t Papple and R James Wal- the church session, Joseph lace: alternates. Harold Pryce French and Donald Sinclair; or Earl McSpadden, with the both of . Fullarton Township, were; Lorne Aitchison, Lewis forth DHS, addressed t h e Posed to any further assess - Stratford Beacon -Herald, who Douglas. James Fusion ; aiid S mental Mathematics in Grade 9. ed to make application to the addressed the meeting, recall- Ernest Allen, all of Mitchell, , Mica Nan Taylor. of SDHS. was Department of Highways for ; ed he spoke at a similar Bath- and members of the church ses- , chairman for the discussion subsidy on the 1961 road ex - ening 12 years ago. Congratu- :ion. Members of the seasionq group on ,Biology in the sci- penditure. lating the society, he said he who" composed the eleven' ence section, and Miss. Hain' Council decided to excavate was gratified at the' expansion :flower -bearers were: Dr.' John Slavin, also of SDHS. was in and fill appronimately 600 feet . that had occurred in each see. Packham. Thomas Potter. Wil-' charge 'of the group discussion on York Street. 600 feet on tion since that time. Reviewing the history of the ,Clarke Moses • fred Douglas. Dr. X ith McGill. „on,-- basketball in the Physical Brock Street, and to pave ap- C 1 Jermyn, Education section. The Seaforth proximately 1,300 feet, on Nel- 'defence of ,tyanada- Mr" John- William Cornish. Kenneth L. teachers came home with fresh son. York and Albert Streets, stkp 'said that this area had Cameron. Jack Sorensen', Clar- ,inspiration and helpful ideas, and to build 'a garage for trac- , long, had a ' tradition of mill- • ence MacDougald and Robert; and with the satisfaction ' of tor and machinebi", atf a total tart service. From the earliest •; Homuth- - - ..,i knowing that they are -not amount of $8,000. EUCHRE S.S:' No. 10,' Tuckersmith DANCE LEGION HALL, SEAFORTH Friday, Feb. 9th IAN WILBEE ORCHESTRA Dancing from 9 to 1 a -m. Sponsorad..-,lay the Seaforth Women s Institute EUCHRE Orange Hall, Seaforth Monday, Feb. 12 Lunch Served - ADMISSION 40e EUCHRE C.O.F. Hall, Constance -Friday, Feb. 9th 8:30 p.m. GOOD PRIZES Admission 50 Cents Ladies please provide lunch LYRIC THEATRE EXETER PHONE 421 Thurs., Fri. and Sat. February 8 - 9 - 10 CHUBBY CHECKER in "Teenage Millionaire" Jimmy Clanton • (Free Record on Jimmy Clan- ton to every Teenager who buys ticket) - Plus -- 'THE BAT" Vincent Price and Agnes Moorehead Mon.,_Tues. and Wed. February 12 - 13 - 14 "The Millionarist" Sophria Loren and Peter Sellers -COLOR - SCOPE -- - - - -Adult- ▪ Plus "Tw ty Thousand Eyes" Jean Nelson - Merry Anders SCOPE en Friday, Feb. 9th 8:30 ,p.m. Remember, . it takes but .a pock - 'moment to place_ an Expositor Ladies Please Bring Lunch I Want Ad and be money in pock- - Everybody Welcome - et- ' To advertise, just phone ADMISSION 50c , Seaforth 141. of the company, told the court will benefit the fish life,, claim days when Egmondville was i Temporary entombment was alone in having problems Like I• that extensive investigation by % tore. The reason; skaters keep' the company revealed that any the snow cleaned off the ice: rrtllttia and had volunteered for church session attended the improve the quality of the edu- future flour mill operation was this allows sunlight to penetrate unlikely. As a 'Asian almost ! the jce and stimulate growth all the •:flour mill • machinery of the under -water plant life- Perth Regiment vat had been soldThe name of I This in turn provides food for I Course, now in progress. were the burp was such that its the ash in your farm pond following- a tradition establish- ed many years ago when , the militia volunteers - in- eroding all able- bodied men from 18 to 60-answeredfor ' the district had served in the , Thursday L::1:t thoseblemsdthus founded by Col. Anthony Vanmade in thlizth satthe conference, neith-URE duty. Those from the district 'qHeath-Lelhie fitneralbome and cation they are ofering to the Community Hallwho were participating j;i the day nighta memorial serv- ; students of this 'areathe flour mill property had agriculure scientists withthebeen closed four years ago and ' Ontario 'Deparent of AgnculEgmond.until today, menof ,Memorial ChMell.re they alone in desiring to � flALF ® PAST TEES ' training on each 24th of May" j Mr- Johnston told of the early history of the district and re- called the events leading to the arrival of Coll Van Egmond in ' Huron. ' The Van Egrnond story, a i be said. was one of the saddest in history-. 'out little attention is paid it ?dr. Johnston was introduced by Mrs. Joseph Grummett. and Gordan Papple expressed ap- preciation. Others who spoke included Herron Agricultural Represents five Dont;Twhoo urged a suppER closer relationsons hip between 4- H programs and programs of the society, and suggested new W�., Feb. 14th • approaches be found to the end that the fair become the lead- tos7 porn Mg, fair ' the disaiet; Robert Campbell, Miss Gilchrist, home economist, and Mrs. Gruthmett- lady representative in Dis- trict 8. 8080-1 WONDER IF YOu COuLL' RIPE IN THE 5TAT/G4v WAGON W177/ HERMAN? ice at the funeral home was', Next year's conference willFridayr Feb,9th attended by more than. '75 again]be held at. Listowel, as members of Tudor Lodge. No. was agreed it is the (antral 141. AF and AM. Mitchell. An inquest into the fatality is scheduled to be held in Stmt. ford Feb. 21, under Dr. David Gemmell Stratford coroner. • The death in Stratford Gert eral Hospital • Friday of Belton • N. Snyder, 57, of Baden, brought to three the toll in the two -car head -an collision last' Tuesday evening- Mr? Sny- der. owner of a transport com- pany at Baden. suffered a fractuied hip among other in- jurieS in the collision. ANNUAL. VALENTINE TURKEY - TIMELY TIPS Since the tiiniie-' '1mn strept- omycin was discovered, .numer- ous other drugs have been tried against tuberculosis. PAS and isonianiid have been developed but none Olathe drips yet dis- eoyered is the'complete answer. The search far a ``perfect drug" still gods on. tut a choice of drags Is nOw available to the d or tuberculosis -4 a a d +t'bitit for centuries h d Conon e. NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH Adults $1.25 Childntxt, under 12, TSe. FIRST' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MRS. M- R. RENNIE Organist 10 A.M. Church School and Yith Fellowship Class 11 Ai MORNIMG WORSHIP point • of the district but con- veners for the various depart- ments • will be from ° other schools in, the distrinL Auspices Women's Institute) and Hall Board Ladies please bring Lunch Admission 50 Cents Annual Meeting. McKILLOP- MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Friday, :Feb. 9, 1962 2:00 p.m. .o TOWN HALL, SEAFORT,H,',,, All members are invited to be present. O Retiring Directors are J. H. McEwing, N. Trewartha'and H. Fuller , all of whom are eligible for. re-election. W. E. SOUTHGATE Secretary The Week at YOU ARE INVITED TO HEAR Rev.. Perry F. Rockwood --- r DIRECTOR: THE PEOPLE'S GOSPEL HOUR SPEAKING AT BAY°r'IELD BAPTIST ',CHURCH oh February 9th, at 8 p.m. on February 11th, at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. SOUTH HURON YOUTH FOR CHRIST, MacKAY HALL, GODERICH on Saturday evening, February 10th. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH, EXETER• on February 12th and 13th, at 8 p.m. DASHWOOD E.U.B. CHCH - Sponsored by Stariite• Drivain Groff on February 141h, at 8 p.en. MAPLE ST. GOSPEL HALL, CLINTON on February 15th, at 8 p.m. HANOVER YOUTH FOR CHRIST HANOVER TOWN HALL on February 16th, at $ p.m. SOUTH HURON YOUTH FOR CHRIST CLINTON LEGION HALL oo February77th, at $ psn. • SEAFORTH ARENA and COMMUNITY CENTRE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Sth- Mitchell Pee-Wees vs. Seaforth Second Game of Playoffs - 7:00 p.m. Admission 25c FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9th - Skating - 8 to 10 p.m. Admission,.r,;354 and 25c SATURDAY, FEBRUARY,, 10th_ Skating - 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. ' Admission -25c and 10c HOCKEY • Bantams, 7:00 p.in, -- Juveniles, 8:30 p.m. Admission 25c TEEN TOWN -.HALL FREE SKATING Wednesday, Afternoons For Beginners and Guardians - 1:30 - 4 p.m. This space contributed through the courtesy'of UNION COMPAI TY OP CANADA LIMITED SEAFORTH -- .ONTARIO • a• • • 4 • N