The Huron Expositor, 1962-02-01, Page 11, -l.:. "
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I . USE THESE CLASSIFICAwoNs 11 ticles For Sale .`19. Notic-es 23. 13 idlest Diarectory'.l ; �,
T4 YOUR ADVAN'xAG'E : u .S T E � llw r
-- r ,�4w1fn lea e, . ins#sue[ .. 4
-- q �t
OSE 'YOU ' diamond, in J., A, BURKB g .., g WgItio '
i Coming Eventr' prig Q at ANS ETT 'JEWEL- , NOTICE Funeral Director The
J z�uary meetitag pi' the ,dell; eeoiZ�( Pee . Tclen%;
2. host,. Strayed Seaforth I.atlic "lt3rs,, dams ,�,. tt, Sr„- rec4=df z
L FtS� For. an evening appoint- and Ambulance Service Standin Roek6t4, ,M,,�.Curv- . Burns' IJnitod Church Woi>leii..,• ,; „
3. Found mettit„ hone 77, Seafortti.l2-99-ti: TOWNSHIP DUBLIN 4NTARIp g '��n��.�1 ��q��r� ";�[►g se+C�+Cr
M ,4. Help Wanted ettes, 59; Pistons, 47; Pirates, was held at the hoipe oft,Vits
`... Aa 080h Rai
5, Business , Qpportunitiea r QF TUCKERSM TH NI phone 4D3 R a • 40e Dublin Electric, . 36; Sun. Fool ; Qcprre 0lidin' ' '�
CATTLE' OILER--Mclntyre'� • Jean Leiper on Saturday, Jan Mrs WatsoTi '>eid, #eatiler
6. Teachers Wanted cattle oilers, the greatest ad=' Ratepayers and 'iiiha%ltantSr -- Deas, 35; ladies' high a=ngle $nd �ior nrn�r
7. Situations Wanted v nc cattle oilers in 50 yrs. Township of Tucker- A W. SILI,ERY p g C 20, with a good• attendance. RIr, Oezieval� Miss Jean' �ipeXi
a e in of the p triple, Elsie Southgate, x44, `” . Fun -opened the meeting With treasurer „ tXl, 111 #-", LL
8. Farm Stock For Sale 552; men's 'high'' silage, Cleave
Tile only oiler with.. spiral 'Curry .s'mittk are requested' by the 1, Barrister; licitor, etc. g 1. :
9. Poultry For Sale Coombs, 269; hi h triple, =toss Mrs. James �h\lolaTi presided 'Scripture readin s from,Calos. Tay.-4X7 Christian itixenshlR
s d ars For Sale comb teeth that grooih the cat- Council t, not park cars on Phones:' Office 173, lies. 781 � `
t0. U e .0 tie, OR\1ILLE STOREY, RR 1, Barrett 645. for the business s s0i0n, at the s=ans, chapter 1, verses 1.15..:and. n;" : al AF op,-
tl. Articles For -Sale tow=nship roans abil.streets dura' Seaforth Ontario. '
Seaforth: See the oiler at our ing the wii>ter monfibs in order * January meeting 07010
the Walton : Mr, Funge spoke on "the MYs 1?'lynn; 'ComnrtuziltYItitshil�
l2. Wanted To Buy '�' COF Bowling League. _ Women's Ills in the. Goin tortes of .Creation and a hymq "anti 104*004 'l b::: Iog� "
--:,.,•.,V 13. wanted farTri• . 11-99-tf . facilatabe snowp]owing open- McCONNEI,L
ations. Standing-Pole Cats, 48.; Pus- minify lean.. The members was sung, Mr, 1+nnge went ov girth; Co opera. tioix u�bucist{al#
r 14. Property For Sale -.- I. 'PL>:.YRS-Never before= A �uncil will of be responsible' & STEWART vo to ' to donate the sum of � -ler ' a I i of recommendations Education, Mn."A.$?�. - "I" -
Rent alit and r- ii s ers Solicitors Etc. sY Cats, 44, ,Wild Cats, 44; ,Tam" X10 to assist 'in sponsanng,,.the of the new United Church Wa',Co operatgn in 1Nassiasa, '
15, Property For R t stapYe> With qu Y , i for damages to any vehicles' Barri t , Cats, 34; High team, single, Pole
16. For Sale or Rent formalice at Ilia low priee of 69c_ parked on road's or streets. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.£. Brussels 4I� Club _again.:: alis men, explaining ,each Dile to ucat oil, Mrs. G• I Gl got'.''''
1?. Wanted To Rent See them to-day at THE HUR JAMES I, McINTQSFf, D. I, STEWART Cats, .991; high team triple, Pole the members• These were ap- tra==ce, Miss Jean l.eipt;
18: Propelanted ON EXPOSITOR, phone 141... year. t
�' Seaforth Ont. ,Phone 550 Cats, 2fi23; high single, Wayne Mrs. Harvey Craig and M;s. 'proved, da'n'etaVs, • s; W. ` '#moi
Clerk, Tuckersini$h10-00.8 r ��... Dolmage, 246; high' triple, Don b the Pro Knox' . Literature, ominiinlc d
1 0-
Fiinke read,
0, Auction Sales Automatic zip-zap porQabla T SEAFORTH , McClure, 602. * "' enRald rsTfpris the were
gn'Isho springaofficers Ominated Y slate of In
and' riodi4a�1 M r i4'
21. Tenders Wanted sewing Machine, mares button s§ '
22, Legal Notices MEDICAL CLINIC Egmondvitte Church project. Committees for the visional Committee, represent
23. Business Directo==r holes, sews on buttons, darns, Q .' Auction Sales Goderich St., Seaforth, phone 26 Standing Black Hawks, 4g; euchre party Friday evening ing. all the, women's groups of Gladys' Leiper; merhberr. and
24, Cards of Thanks monograms, and blind sti�tehes, P. L. BRADY, M.D., M.C.G.P. Bruins, 33; Canadiens, 31; Leafs ° t ell, p)C.Me bss
Sgin�i�na were app inted. -.:as follows: he church: 'Honorary pre,si- nominations, lVMrs E'r�
25. In Memoriam no attachments needed. Eig'h't AUCTION SALE Telephone 750 W 1 25; Red Wings, 24; 'Rangers, Mrs. Fattest iVlcKayl Mrs. Roy dent, Mrs. H.:A. Funge; ores=- and publicity, Mrs, John ;Vi
26. Personals monthly paymeaits o8 $6.50 or E. MALKUS, M.D. Bennett, Mrs. Jack Bryana,Mrs. dent, Mrs. George' Watt;�st Ewing;;. program, Mrs,,r =avid
I $52 cash. 23; ladies' high sin :le and tri- -'••'
os is law, Classifications Write Dealea at Auctiarn Sale to be' h a2 Telephone 15 ole, Marjorie Pappl 233, 626; Andrew Coutts and Mrs.• E. Mc vice-president, Mrs. Edward„ Anderson; social fttitetions, NfrS•, .
The cost Wei-farm, Lot 14, Con., 2, S'tan4 W. FLEWELLING, M.D., C.M. Creath. John Riley; rs. George Car,
2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and BOX „1087, mens high single , afid triple,
ley Twp., "li/a males west, i/a • Telephone 223 Ross Alexander, 302, 744. flans were discussed with Recruiting, Mt�s• George Car•
, w 17, minimum 40c an insertion. THE HURON EXPOSITOR mile s°uth•,af Brucefield, on • OFFICE HOURS: Afternoons, * Mrs. Jan Van Vliet for the fppE� ter; Supply and Social Aasist
Classification 25, minimum 65cr 11-02x4 TUESDAY, 6, nit except, Wednesdays; Evenings, March meeting when Miss Icor ince, Mrs: 'E: Hesk> Mrs ..
plus 25c for each 4-line verse:. 1:30 p.m. except Wednesday and Saturday Men's Inter Town othy, gf London, will be the. Miss Rath Miller, of Wood= Riley.
All other .classifications main- Appointments may be made-in Standings--St. Marys, 123; special guest." The February ham, visited Friday ith ' Miss a ollowing were appoint
mum 65 cents per insertion.
U. Wanted TO Buy . Consisting of 50 head of advance': , .Stratford, 118; Luean, 98; •New' Th„ f t
except Auction Sales, (20), dairy cattle 20 HaPsbean cows meeting will be in charge of "Sharon McBride: Both girls' at= ed to the boards ,of .Burns'
21 and Legal FOUR STORM w==idows, two ,. Hamburg; 98; Listowel, 96; the citizenship conveners, Mrs, tended a birthday party Fri, United Church: Christian Edu-
Tenders Wanted ( ) g , ,,. ¢ > ++ and heifer's, fresh; 25 H'ols�tein DR. s=c=an• and Surgeon 'Shakespeare, 80; Mitchell, 62; „Alvin McDonald and Mrs. Net- day in honor of Miss Mary cation Committee, Mrs. J. Bab- '.
Notices (22), rates on app, 28'/z' ' 621h two 4L x' 2 /� cows and heifers, due in Feb„ Y1.
tion -. PHONE 278-R, Seaforth, 12-03x1 Seaforth, 62, individual high son Marks, with a lawyer as Scane of ' Hensall.
6 Jersey cows, due time of sale; Phone 90 Seaforth single and high five, L: Bean, cock and Mrs G. MacGregor;
r For cash payment or if paid - INTER14ATIONAL• one'-fur. .16 young calves; 2 Hereford 7f no answer, call Resfdegce 805 guest speaker. Messrs. Jack Caldwell grid Missionary and Maintenance �
r p y Listowel, 352, 1456; team, .high A penny sale will be held at William Gibson, Mrs. Rena .Committee, Mrs . W. Roe, Mrs.
by 10 days following last inser- raw riding plows. Apply WWTLt bulls. ;JOHN A. GORWILL, B'•A•, M.D. single-and'`kigh fivpj: Listowel, the same meeting, with every, Caldwell and Mrs. Russell Con- G. Maedregor; Committee, of
i' tion, deducted from above '.FRED N I C K O L S O N, PIGS--2 York sows with lit- Physa tan .and Surgeon 1320; 5661; to date, individual Institute member making suit- sitt left Friday by motor for a g Watson Reid,
_ 15c Monkban. i2-03NC4 ' hi h average, M. Stumpf, 239; tewards, Mrs.
rates. tees; 15 York saws, bred. Phones-"' Office 5-W Res. 5-J g able donations. Guest institutes few 'weeks' vacation in St. '.Official Board, Mrs. Geo: Watt.
COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED SECOND ,hand inside panel Seaforth high five, L. Bean, 1455; high will be Moncrieff; ' Cranbrook Petersburg, Florida.
Presbyterial legates were .on
RATES door, - apJMDXiW ahely 2 feet 8 TERMS•-Cash,; ° sin-gle, F. Bro°da, 387; to date, and Ethel. g' Mr. and Mrs, Emmerson An- Voting, ' de ,
SEAFORTH team high five, Shakespeare; committee will pointed to attend. the Huron
��•��(For Business Firms, Trades= inches by 6 feet 10 inches. D'ARCY RATHWELL & SONS, The following dersan, who - have spent the Y inaugural meetiljg
. PHONE -1',41„ Seaforth 12-03x1 w VETERINARY 57081 high single, Stratford, be in charge of, the. progressive past five weeks in Tuscan; Ari- it Ontario Street Church ,Jit-i
men, etc.): Minimum 50 cents Proprietors
- CLINIC 1326' euchre party Friday evening, zona, returned home by motori-
ver insertion. Billing charge, 15 HIGHEST CASH PRICES HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer M o Riley,ley
cents per advertisement.aforth player's average- de rs. John Ri past yir
For sick, dead, disabled farm 0 0.31 J. ¢,. Turnbull; D.V.M:, V.S.'VS•Games Feb. 9: Mrs. Luella Marshall, on Friday. They ,also visited at dent of the WA, and Mrs. Wes
- Weimann�a201 (85);R.IMIumphdieMilaena Mrs. Margaret the Grand
ancl Mrs. Chris' Hoist, f ley IRoeeaphstgareesiaent of vote tot-h
animals. Prompt, courteous col- R, BFYans, b.V.M., IS:
Z. COICIIng EVents azm` CLEARING W. G. Drennan, D.V.M., V.S• 192 (80); J. Stapleton, 161' (70); S
lection of dead disabled f
animals. Dead Stock Disposal phone 105 • Seaofrth Walters. Zurich, called on Mrs. N. Log thanks s members for their
Act Lac. 42-C-60. Can collect ED. - AUCTION'-SALE R. •Drager, 187 (65); B. Hoegy, The .ro11 call, was. answered' ink to
BINGO eves Saturday night; Saturday `afternoon. co-operation in the .past yeaz§.
ANDREWS, 863-W 1, Seaforth. .,. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF 178 (60); A. Finlayson; 194 with "a healthful way to re- Several Cases of infi4enza are A good number of ladies at- � �f
Canadian' Legion' Haid commenc- . , 1&99-tf, Clearing Auction Sale of Optometrist -- P#ww 791 (25); M. Merriam, 183 (25)"'B. lax". Co•conveners on Health making the rounds in the Bur-
g tended the United Church Wo=
+ ing at 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $$0 on F i n a n c e Company Reposses .Main office, Goderich St:; W,, Costello, 130 (20); G. Kelly, 165 were Mrs,. Joseph 'Ryan , and rounding, area. men's inaugural service, con-
56 . calls; one, $25 special and 2 sions; Bankrupt stacks, Bailiff Seaforth, adjacent to clinic - (20); L. Hagan, 177 (15); H, Mrs. Stewart Humphries: Mrs. Mrs; Alex McGregor has ae-
$5 doer. prizes. 103-1 13. • Wan``ted' seizures and Persona, consign- Eyes Examined-Glasses Hubin, 179 (10); R. Dale, 177• Hum • hries gave the motto, ce ted. a position on the : staff ay, b on
ducted y Mr. Funge Sun-
- rents of Modern. Household Office Hours: Seaforth, daily (10); J. Bedard, 150 (10); B, "Do You Worry?" Mrs'. Ryan' a uronvi w Home, Clinton. day, Jan. 2Y.
K:IPPEN EAST WI euchre at TRADE used .magazines, 2 Furniture, Television -,BAs and except. Monday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.• toff Communion' service was , ob
SS Na. 10, Tuckersmith, Friday;,.1: JOHN C..MUIR, George. Appliances, 'SATURDAY FEB. p Marshall, 08 (5); lt. Brady, 131" read several articles, indud Little Jil Mclaellan; who was served in Burns' Church on
Wednesday, 9 a.m.-12:30 P.M.; ing, "How' .To Control Your "'""
at 8:30 P.M.,k Se,dorbh, evenings, to 9,, 3rd at 1;30 p.m.. sharp, int (5); A. Alexander 133 (5). ill a coo lea.of days, is able to,
February' 9th 7 at the Thursday evenings by appoint- * * * p Sunday..
• , a S We .are sorry. tto.fiear ....+.
Ladies pease bring • lunch. - .13-03-3 'ciric�I�e "B" Ranch - on No. 8 Weight," "Rheumatic Fever in be out again. Miss
rent only. Clinton: Monday, 9 St. James' Church Mr. and, Oswald Brown
'Everyone welcome, .admission. Highrvvay b'eiween Stratford and a,m.-5:30 P.M. (Above. Hawkins' Children" and "Tips For the Martlid Leiper is :a patient in
�' X031 14. Property Fa1F Sale Mitchell. Hardware. Standing-Parrots, 76; Night Housew}fe". A Contest was of Detroit, visited Sunday with Scott Memorial Hospital, .Sea
a�vks, 70; Sitting Ducks, 53; conducted by Mrs. Ryan. Mr. Norman• Long _ Scott forth, and hope she .Will soon,
J, I. CASE Showcase, nation- Con'sisti'ng of such oittstand- (�• AL WI' B13. D•C * Handicappeds, 49; Wild Canar- Hostesses were Mrs.• Ma Mar- Memorial Hospital, Seaforth.
ally ,advertised ; at POLLA$D'S THREE BEDROOM mOderla ing itdm&*, as a 2-piece fai=r 47 Scatter Pins, 43; ladies' et Hum ries, Mrs. Luella ar
be much. better.
CHAIN SAW Brusseb, on home, law taxes. Reasonable` ruj .11
ter zippered cushion chest- Doctor of Chiropractic ies, p A number of fair pupils„ b
e ld suite with nylon civet 438 Main Street '- Exeter' high, single 'and triple, Dorn shall, Mrs. R. Traviss, Mrs• Sell that unnecessary piece of SS No. 6, .Hullett, are being ab "
hxuary 9bb, coin- (down pa3^me - take aygx rant- g - -----
-- -.
Thursday, f*
_ _ at 2 :m•. aid repeatr gage. Apply BOX 89, T=ie A pamge 48 key chid organ, X-Ray and Laboratory Facilities thy Flannery, 2031 le, Gmen's Ronald Bennett arid. Mrs. Ed. furniture
. me - mg_-__,__. _p _ . - 14- U2 g - pfor Classifi through Ad: Phone ' 41 measleswing
ing air 8 ..m. - " 103 L "Huron Exposrtai•. - -- - is " " iiy nuniboms) complete Open Laxh Weekday-Except - hi h, single and tr p Pxdon Miller.1.
to the German
(P1 Y .
and' book of WetYtiesday Nobel; 23, 631.
y with ihns'bructaolis Hold Enjoyable Euchre
OPEN BOWLING Tuesday; 19, NOti'ces music; 5 piece wa=lnut book Tues. and Thurs. Evenings 7-9 * * * I Y
7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday 7 p, ., case bedroom Suite, complete For Appointment Phone 606 Mixed Doubles The Women's Institute and
m. t0 9 m., Fridanr 9 p.m. to ,with" box springs and mattress; Standing - Highballs, 91 ; Hall Board held a progressive i �Y
r WESTINGHOUSE White Sale Also 2 electrsc rarvges,; 3 xehig- D. H. MCINNES - .Headpi.ns, 80; Wat-Ilu-Dun,, 73; euchre party in the Commun -.-. -
11 p.m•:; Saturday afternoon' and ulj-• g at DUBLIN ELEC --
evenzng, Sunday afternoon and TRIC, phone 70 R 2, Dublin.03-2 erators; 2. canventaanal washers Chiropractic - Foot Correction Teachers, u8; Du'tchmen, 51; ity Hall Friday evening, with RDY
. . evening. SEAFORTH BOWL automatic wals,ner and dryer; 1 Commercial Hotel Alley Cats, 46; ladies' high,. sin- 20 tables in pine%. Prize win. .Tom D-rte
�,, 1' a nn emnc�K other automatic dryer; 'large Thursday-1 to 8 p.m.
1NG LANES, phare 350. 1-01A A CHESON Monday, gle, Cathy Kelly, 220; triple, Hers were: Ladies, high; s.
"SERVICE freezer which holds over 500•lbs, Rose Bowie; 530; men's high, Stewart Humphries; : low, Mrs. I ALWAYS U (r, Y011 MY
Highest I ce5 for dead, old of frozen flood; 2 39" Contin THE McKILLOP single and triple, Bill Nediger; Jiln .}Vlcl)onald; gents, high, Bob1-1
1 1P 2. Dost, Strayed disabled horses ,and cattle. ental beds, complete with UNDI�IOC-0 AT► ENTIt7N..-
es and - MUTUAL FIRE . 266, 708. Humphries; low, Gordon Ryan; THAT {SN T a0, WELL r y0U,J4Ef=pp1'
,. Phalle Atwood_4*?622, 'collect. smPmtih top. " mess Micky cup prize was ' won by 2e win! , ,
_-_ , �RTN(;-•-contalnang- Yale keys Licence No,, b56C62. 19.02-16 headboards, 1 set Mapl=e bunk INSURANCE CO. Janet Shortreed. -, - � S111011tr
,and 'two locker.,,lieys in Sea- bed's, with springs and mash- HEAD OFFICE--Seaforth, Ont. . A special service Will be held � � Cp ,
. Itforth.- Finder 116ave at Post STAPLERS-Never,before! A tresses; 6 television sets, (one ' OFFICERS: 0; in Duff's United Church; SI{n Q'
Office. ro•- 2-03-1 stapler with quality and .per- a portable), • all 'tine been president-J. L. Malone; Seaforth- (= t
formance atthe low price of 69e: • checked over and in A-1 con, Vice -President -John H. Me- M �pS day evening, Feb. 4, when Brus
E ditiaru; 3, 2 pieces davenport ;i<s sets United, Presbyterian and
il. WPl Wail+ted
See them to-day at HUR- Ewing, Blyth. �iER ii ��'
P ON EXPOSITOR, phone 14t. suites, with nylon covers; 3 Secretary-Treasurer - W• E. a� Anglican Churches will join ii:
s T R _
chrome kitchen 'suites; coin'bin. Southgate,. Seaforth, with the; Walton c°ntllegation.
,: M'EN WANTED. Seaforth and FILTER QUEEN sales and ation radia and record player; DIRECTORS: Rev. Morrison, of the Presby- /((gym Dad
w Mii,6l 11- areary "above' average service, Repairs to all makes of platform rockers; 2 hostess - iso
earnings, no llay-offs. For inrter vacuum cleaners and polishers. p '. J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris. terian Church, w 11*preach the ('
V Chairs- . table; tri light lamps; Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert sermon. 1 Ir,
view and-- information write Reconditioned cleaners for sale. step and coffee tables; step Archibald, Seaforth; John H. - Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shan- \ �_
BOX_ ].b88;' The Huron, Expos- BOB, PECK;- RR 1, Zurich, o� . '
stooll; medicine cabinet; house' McEwing, Blyth; William S. � non' -and Kathy, of Sarnia, vis-
itar, 4-03x2 phone Hem:sall 696 R 2. i0.99-tf 8 .n.t; "pots; pans; silverware; exander, Walton• Harvey Ful- mo er .
ELECTROLUX Sales and Ser• P s many more items that 'te Goderich; Wm, R. Pepper, C with
tShannon,rfor atfew
=ted orme
1'u Mrs. J hit
v 4 LOCAL MAN ItEQUIRED' vice cleaners .and polishers,. al- will be released for sale before Seaforth; Allister— Broadfoot, days last week,
so 'reconditioned cleaners and Saturday but not available for, Seaforth; N. Trewartha; Clin- 01 .Mr. and Mrs. David Andrews •.-,SPEAK A LITTLE I CAN'T GEAR MY
To be our Representative in parts. BERT HARRIS, 109 New- publication +at this time, ton. and Frank Dundas, of Toronto, QUIETER�....I FAVORITE TV. S14OW
this County, pleasant, dir>'nifiled• gate St., Goderich, phone JA AGENTS: were weekend guests at - the
wrrrk with tap earning s, Full�,or 4.7917. This is an outs:tam'ding Auction
g 19-99�bE Vincent Lanae, RR 5, Seaforth; home of Mr. and Mrs George ,
. part time, repeat sales � v'eam Sade, dint miss it. . . , William Leiper, Jr., l.ondes \
after year,'na lay offs, no slack SOMETHING to sell? Some- Dundas. j
NO RESEIMM E-Terms-Cash, boro; .Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Mr. Tom Love, of Waterloo ; �.�'
seasons, age no barrier. can thing you need? Use the ,Want Cheques accepted. 3% sales James Keys, RR 1, `Seaforth; University, spent Love,
of weekend
needed, Territories, are - fil l; Ada each week iii The Rut. -Cheques Harold Squires RR 3, Clinton. The chances-of someone keep-
'' fast, rush your name and ad- Expositor. 'I'iiey bring results• tax i FRANKLIN BUUCK, V. J. CI EARY in our secret are about 40h with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
g y George Love.
dress 'for full information, No Just PHONE 141, Seaforth, _..+-
abl$aattnm DEVELOPM EFT Auctioneer Seaforth, Ontario - 1 against you. .. Mrs, Edward Smith, of Lon
DIRECTOR, . Box 817, London, MAGIC MARKERS =Instant Dial Stratford, 2713049 LICENSED EMBALMER don is spending this Week with �, �
Canada 400 4 dry; waterproof; 'write on any Seln irvgvine 39&5501 ""` There is no secret about our '*
surface; just ppid r1 cap and ' and FUNERAL DIRECTOR circulation audience. ABC •her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Magic Marker is ready to use.
Night or Day Calls •- 335 "tell-all" reports ave factual
C. Hackwell. o
g -Miss Ruth Higginbotham has
7. Situations Wanted Refills available. Nine colors of 21. Tenders Wanted A. M. HARPER &COMPANY answers for your advertising accepted' a position with
Ink. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Chartered Aceountants questions. Stacey's at Mitchell as secre - Td7iff t2R. ,
r YOUNG GIRL would like a phone 141, Seaforth. 11-73xtf r+ 55 South St. Telephone
job doing housework or baby- - WANTED Goderich JA 4-7562 Ask to see our ABC report Lary ,
Mx. and Mrs. Kenneth Rit- c. �' by
. Sitting' while mother works. Has SrE,A iOR�+H Licensed Municipal Auditor R� chie and Larry, - of Egmond- '
experience warlsang in a •rest- Tenders for the supplying f ��
a'urant. Apply. ,tv BOX 1090, _.UMOWERY >� cords � 'tarn �d v, vibe, visited. with Mrs. E. Ennis Tom �iOri'
The Huron Expositor. 7 03xh (maple or beech), ,m
be ddl7v- sI1kS ;, on Sunday.
Centre , street' `�, Cards oft Th
,•.. R, Farm Stack For Sale For all Telephone
�D4stering. ered to Duff s' U'nuteti Church} �n cere
Walton,. on or before June lar I WISH bctyexpless m t BUT F•ATHEti..
r will be received by the under than=es to.-.-all, who me EXPOSITOR Russell Miller is - ER AND
1$ 99 tf signed up to and incbuding Feb. card`s; -treats; t=enets artid visdt ' tip wu ��_IzE yIpI,I �I�VE A
PIGS: 7w kq old; AP- 1{l. Also tenders far the srcipAl3'- ed me while I was p patient in 3U5T VE THERE MOTHER PE12�EGT
ply `=.OUTS O'REILLY, 'ph�T�e rj�OWN OF ing of 5 cords cedar to, be de- the hospital. Sperial thanks � to PHONE, 1dI e�urned �o Head IS DC1!NG ALi.'iHE EWC)RK� SYS M.4.
46 R 3, Dublin, ' 8-03-1 livered immediately if pos- .Iyer, ",�11, Miss Drope aril ' SEAFORTH S
SEAFORTH sable. Tenders to sbat�e length of the nurshrg staff.
° r ° o Z e 0 0 0 0° ° d t
SOME YORtK chunks, also a (, woai and p=uce expected. ' t24Q3xl LINDA MaCDONALD. 25. In Memol'1 am Q ;Q;o Q o o0 a d p ° 0 `
brood cor . Coming in soon,, A. Irbbert O ° b
IUAE HOUSTON, � I WUULD like bb 'thank all my o a � • d � ° e � e a
R. DODDSt, phone 861 R 14, Dog Tax For 1962 HUNT-1n loving memory of � o6:b o� •o�_°O= B °aP o ood
f • .-'Seafosbh. 8-43-1 =".now due, RR 2, Brussels, friends, iveaglibours said_ ae a dear daughter and 'Sister, Alfred Fisher, fieldman for
• ' Secretary, Boaad of Stewa(ais, tives , who remembered me Marine= Hiuit, who passed awaF the Ontario Credit Union
OTiOTCE LAMBS far the 16ek- . O. $ uvith plants,, ,treats, cards and _ i
er. Delivered fo c„sfpm butcher, Male dog $2.00, each additional visits 'while a patient in Scott one •year ago Januarythes l 3tth. League, was guest speaker at � ��
ltd each '- Memomia>! Hospital'. A' special No one knows the silent heart` the annual meeting and dinner
BERT DAYIVARD, Staffay phone $4.00 Female dog $4,00, y thanks 'ta Dr. (�,oi�vill, alit the aches, of, the Ribbert Township Fed i3 N t�~
8-02-2 additional. $6.00 Tags availla?ble -23. Business Direetor pl,t t se who, have loved eration of Agriculture. He pre-
Dublin 93 . 13. ' nurses and staff''af the hospital,
at car=� I, sented the case for credit un- "
- G. A. WHITNEY -os i W A, II,ODGERT. Tile grYef we bear iii silence' ions in a convincing manner.
11. Al'ticle5 Fri'a1e . Town Clerks Office FUNVRAL °HOME , I WOULD like too thank all F'or the one we loved so wed=. " ~ er 1
N Nthose wlixa sent a The Meeting approved the
SATURDAY ONLY. tianaffte 19-03-3 Goderleh St., W„ eafa th ff0u" + Always nemeintiemed by retuYn to office of Russell Mill- 4
vis te'da d treats
s i" sothsose who Mother and Father, Sister and ei, of 5taffa, .as president of ON WEEtG lV1b'f'H �ANI7 'SHE .IVES
v�� 29c a doz. Sartre Ile. AMBULANCE SP VICE � >pa� B15otlt�i�. ' Z5-03x.I'
the townshi federation. 0011S TWE HtO , WEEK SNE Wp.S A •
CR1QU%'BAKERY. 1.1-03x1 FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TOO Adjust*ble hospital bed9 -- tent in Thornhill, Listowel and p WORK... GLEANiNti, Wf7MAN.
4 R 3MINGTQNA 1£ gnage shot: LATE; TO CLASSIFY, SEE for rent, Stratford • -Hospitals,. •I would 27. Births Rev. Bert Ontario
zone di-
¢ FLOWERS FOR EVERY like to thunk the 'nursers and rector bf the Ontario Federa
grin, w0om.a�ti:e. Like new. S . a- . PAGE 6 OCCASION . ,; d Srbrai,- MCMILLAN-At Bell'eroi11'e Gen-' tion of Agriculture, spoke of +
forth, PHONE 544. A-MIA staff of the Listowel an _ . W. ~
Phone 119 - Seaforth ford Hosp�ita' g'kr their kind- sral Hospital', an Jam. 31st, federation activities at the pro p��
4 r SPFiCIAL-"i"'lturs,. Pit amt i ness, Also a spe'Cial than=ks to M M l and Mrs. ter,,Walt( a u=ncial level. Albert Bowman, d .: 1
5�+. No: 012 rrilif nails. 88C. Ill- B07i Hl)�derS Names i
BOK Dr. Wm,'Munn of Listowel and McM•nlan,'a daughter, (Jaaru Western Ontario fieldtnan of }
a W."
VIN'S H'ARD`WA-RV, plimite 611 Dr, W. C. Sproat of Stratford. Helen), the OFA, alit= Ed. Dearing,
Not Given Out FUNERAL SERVICE "�" t
Styafortth, 17x03 Everything way greasy appre, SALVERDA--At Sprott Memo past president ' of the Perth ^'
P I is not ssible for us S. BOX. =abed, or=al Hospital, on Jan•. 28, to County federation, both stress- Ib
R l ' a tiles dor sal . to divul n t -name or EMBALMER J,SIlri1' R. .WILLIAUSON, Wal, Mr.. Mrs•, Edward Sadvex4 ed the continuing need fol -
SP /tYtE,. p , :.,.n.. 6 LICENSDIy
S Dp �;ebwk' Tarm(am. Sw6d' dress of . any'• advertfsor attd Catetul attention tam.. , 2403x1 .. d4l': UR �1',, Lon d sboro, a son. leadership AM idea devdlop- , -
pti. "Ireo Prompt { WATSON,. At South 1lurorr 1469. �
4�+�+tv l ,riry/y� C rnfing. .. u ifiLk a ,III . l;itpositot , 1,j1�6 ,yit t Sed, tnetit and for unity of purpose yv"
tn. Plttiihe o e # dant. on that.tinitodessary teem,of pi��tal an Baru. 21, to r... n c uiit levela '.�
'do lWery .int : Sea(Wl . _ . bole huh= >~.1'l as � 1•>vOi�ERS i'rsr A>,� OCCASIONS � at .tb nship a d o y
l ink ,
tri out Rum .�x> : rlt�r�. �. MI. Wa�san, HeitisalU,,, �,
lintrvru 1 .' 6'JYd, .1F' t1•*i3 sk fol~ this W6rMAttbn. ►; ftti`4iltuto l 61 atiiia 16hi -., ,
�. ,.... .
1. C a ftoiiws _ .. tff:; axlh g
rrY triknnmf r,A+hA A�4VA-.,'11a.1imar . _ ...:. wx ,.pni±. k4r..., .:.. , _-"&A�s