HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-01-25, Page 101p,,,,,T" ,01"mom** sEA,FoRvi, 0 ., IAN. 25, 1a162 1p1, Week At the Seaforth District High School By KEN PAPPLE This week at SDHS many -things happened. The opening of the basketball season was the most important event. Last • week the boys' basket- ball teams challenged the Strat- ford high school teams in Strat- ford. Both teams came up on the shy side of the score sheet. The Junior's score was 17-27; ' Senior's score was 26-27. The- first games of the official season Were played here and in Clinton last Friday. The Junior boys played hard anal well, but they lost by one point. The final score was 27-28. The Sen- ior boys had a good game to start off theiseason and chalk- -'ed up a 534 victory. This group of seniors is shaping up to be the best on record. WOSSA is their goal! Mr. Frank :Godin is coach. Seaforth 16, Clinton 19 The girls travelled t Clinton last Friday for their asketball games. Miss Slavin, t coach, reported to me that the. Linton Seniors had the edge t ough- out most of the game. Howev- er, Seaforth was ahead at sev- eral times. She said that much credit should be given to the guard -line for holding down the Clinton sharpshooters. The Sea- forth- Junior girls were` on top all the way. Deanna -'Dale was the star with 14 points; Elaine Ross netted 10 points, and Joan Teall tallied for 5 points. Keep up the good work, girls! School Dance Dorothy Boyes,- president of the Student Council, stated that the dance proceeds were $50. The winners of spot dances were Marion Aemberger' and George Townsend, Phyllis Bry- ans and Peter Rowat. Bob Brady spun the records. Questions of the Week Who fell on the floor at the dance Friday night?. What two staff members got stuck in' the country? Elaine R.: Why didn't you go' to Walton Friday night? Eileen 0.: So you have fin- ally decided .! Cathy D.: What is going to happen tomorrow night? * ,.'* * - Two small boys out playing were discussing ages. First Boy: How old are you? Second Boy: I am not sure if I am four or five, First Boy: Have you• started to think about girls yet? Second Boy: No! No! First Boy: Then you must be just four years old. WALTON NEWS Mr. Ralph Stewart, of Van- couver, was a weekend guest at the home fo his aunt, Mrs. Harvey__Craig,_-and•,.Mr. Craig and family. Mr. Russell Currie, who has been a patient in Wingham Hos- pital for the past five weeks, returned to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Allan McCall, last Thursday. Mr. Alfred Anderson is a -pa- tient in Clinton 'Public 'Hospital following a heart attack last Wednesday morning.'ro Mr. and Mrs; Elliott, of Bar- rie, were weekend guests with 'Rev. and Mrs: A. Higginbotham and family at the manse. Guests at the Anderson home over the- weekend were: Mrs. Irene ,McClary, Listowel; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson, Strat- ford; Mr. James•Anderson, Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Pickard, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cumming, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and"D'elbie,' Ottawa. They also visited'. Mr. .Anderson in Clinton Hospital. Mrs.Ross Taylor and Debbie remained -to spend the -week with, her mother, Mrs. Ander- son, and Nora. Mrs. Joseph Ryan and Mrs. Stewart Humphries will be co - conveners for Health at the January meeting of the Wo- men's Institute' Thursday even- ing. The roll call will be an- swered with "a healthful way to relax." Messengers Organize The inaugural meeting of the Messengers was held' .Sunday, with an attendance of 63. The hymn, • "Standing At the Por- tal," was sung with Glenna Houston at the piano. Mrs. Walter Bewley, the lead- er, `explained the new name of thegroup and why it was chos- en, Gordon Mitchell and Iieith Wilbee held the Messenger's banner for everyone to see. Messengers are mentioned sev- eral times in the Bible. Bill Hellinga read a verse from Mat- thew, calling John the Baptist a messenger who prepared the way for Jesus, the greatest mes- senger of all. Gerald Baan read II Corin- thians 8:23, which calls all who are part of the church "messen- gers". . Mrs. Bewley led in prayer and the hymn, "Jesus Loves the Little Children," was sung. • The officers for ^1962 were called to the front and installed by the leader. Carol Wilbee, the resident, presided for the PRESBYTERIAN WMS The Senior WMS of First Presbyterian Church held their, meeting in the church on Tues- day, with 15 ladies in attend- ance. Miss B. Campbell opened the meeting with a hymn and gave a short message on the New Year. Minutes of the De- cember meeting were given by Mrs. J. B. Russell. The roll was called and Mrs. J. McGregor gave her treasurer's report. Christmas cards, are td ''be left at the church or with Miss Campbell. The offering was re-` ceived by Miss Ina Gray and dedicated by Miss Campbell. Mrs. W. E. Butt opened the devotional part of the meeting With a hymn, and the Scripture was read by Miss 11. Murray. Mrs. Butt showed pictures and ii review of the 'study book for the year, "British Guiana," which was vtary interesting P'ray'er was given by Mr's. W. *twat,. and Mrs. Butt ,pro, .-- iitiuni:ed the,' betiedietion+ OF THE WEEK business sessio`rl Velma Higgin- botham read the minutes of the last meeting. Next month Doug- las Wey ..willread, the _Scrip- ture; Mary Leeming lead in prayer, and Barbara Bryans will play the 'piano. The offer- ing was received by Sherrill Craig and Brenda Bewley and dedicated with prayer. Classes were taken by Mrs. G. McGavin, Mrs. Roy William- son, Mrs. N. Marks and Mrs. W. Bewley. The hymn, "Jesus Bids Us Shine," was sung and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. -- BARBARA KIRKMAN The January meeting of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary. -of-• First Presbyterian Church was held in the . schoolroom Tues- day evening and was preceded by a pot -luck supper. There were 50 present. ; Mrs. Dale Nixon presided ov- er the -meeting in the absence of Mrs. Reg Kerslake, the presi- dent, and_..opened the meeting with a suitable poem for the new year. Mrs. J. ,E. Patterson read the minutes and the fol- lowing group .leaders read the roll call: Mrs. K. Sharp, Mrs. Wallace Ross. and Mrs. C. Reith. The offering was received by Mrs. Sydney Pullman and Mrs. H. E. Smith. A service of wor- ship for the new year was read by Mrs. Wallace Ross and Mrs, W. A. Wright. - Miss Florence Laidlaw intro- duced the study book on Bri- tish Guiana, "The Church At Work," in an interesting and capable 'manner. Mrs. R. K. Mc- Farlane sang the solo, "0 Soul Without a Saviour," accompan- ied by Mrs. M. R. Rennie. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. ' d CO.NSTANCE Sympathy is extetldad o Mr. and Mrs. Rpss ,.MacGregor and family upon the passing of Mrs. MacGregor's sister, Miss M. Fer- guson, whose funeral took place Monday afternoon at Clifford. Mr. Michael Hickman, of Ajax; visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley awn Miss Joan Preszcator spent Sat- urday and Sunday with Mr. and' Mrs. Robert Woods and Debbie, of Ajax, and Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Riley, of Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Russell King and family, of Exeter, and Mr. !i and Mrs. Lawrence Hill, -Credi- ton, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Glan- ville and family, of Crediton, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Preszcator and family. Mr. and Mrs. lien Preszcator and daughters visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Elliott and family, of Staffa. S.S. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the ,Sunday School of Constance 'United Church was held Sun- day afternoon in the basement of the church with a good at- tendance. Treasurer's report was given and teachers' reports also heard. Business matters were dealt with. Officers for the new year are: $uperjntendent, Wilbur Jewitt; assistant super- intendent, Don Buchanan; sec- retary -treasurer, Mary Buchan- an; assistant secretary -treasurer, Margaret MacGregor; teachers: Primary, Mrs. Borden Brown;, assistant, Mrs. George Mcll- wain; Willing Workers, Miss Wilma Dale; assistants, Mrs.. D. Millson and Mrs. D. Buchanan; pianists, Joyce Brown and Glen- yce Jewitt; social committee, Mrs. Reg Lawson, Mrs. B. Brown and William Jewitt. UCW Elects Officers Friday afternoon the- ladies of Constance United Church -met togetfies with Rev. Mr, Funge, to begin -their new UC Women's Organization for' Con- stance. After singing a hymn and. Rev__ Funge. .reading the Scripture, a worship service fol- lowed on "Words, on the B°eg-ice ning and God and His Pur - poser" followed by prayer. This being the first meeting, all reports of provisional com- mittees and Constitutional Book were accepted. All rules and regulations were heard and the responsibilities of the Unit and chairmen and their committees,. Officers for the year _are: President, s. W. L. Whyte; first.- vice -pr sr'dent, Mrs, Don Buchanan; ' secoi3d vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Lorne Lawson; re- cording secretary, Mrs. Frank Riley; assistant recording sec- retary, Mrs. Earl Nott; treasur- er (Unit), Mrs. Verne Dale; treasurer (General), Mrs. Ross MacGregor; pianist, Mrs. Wm. Jewitt; Christian Education and Christian Citizenship, .Mrs: D. Millson; finance, Mrs. Lorne Lawson; Stewardship and Re- cruiting, Mrs. Borden Brown; Literature, Mrs. Ken ` Hulley; Social, Mrs. Wm. Jewitt; pro- gram, Mrs. Whyte; Missionary a n d Maintenance, Mrs. B. Brown; minister's residence, Mrs. Ken Hulley; visiting, Mrs. George Mcllwain; press and publicity, Mrs. B. Brown; to Board of Stewards, Mrs. L. Lawson; official board, Mrs. D an Buchanan; nominating, Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt; supply, Mrs. Ken Preszcator. An impressive inaugural ser- vice for the -United Church Wo- men of the congregation was held on Sunday at Constance nited Church. Rev. Mr. Funge carried out the service with all the congregation," hymns and prayers for the occasion being offered. Rev. Funge gave the address on "Vision of the Fu- ture," as concerning the women NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH Worship, 11:00 a.m.; Junior School during worship; Senior Church School, 10:00 a.m.; Y.P. Fellowship, 7:30 p.m. -Minister, Rev. J. C. Britton, B.A. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mc: Larnon, Seaforth, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Marjory Doreen, to Mr. David Garth Flannigan, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Flanni- gan, Seaforth, the wedding to take place the middle of Febru- PROPERTY CHANGE Roland Williams, of Exeter, has sold his Tuckersmith farm to John Willems,also of Tuck- ersmith, with possession March lst. The sale Was handled through Amos Corby, agent for Wilfred McIntee. UNIT 4, UCW The organization meeting of Unit 4' of the United Church Wonaen was held at the home of Mrs. Al Bowering with Mrs. J. 0. Turnbull presiding. The meeting opened with a poem, "Light For a New Year." Psalm 698 was read in unison, and Mrs. Turnbull led the group in prayer." The roll call was answered by paying the membership fee. N. C. Bell read from the new study book. Mrs. 3. Bach thank- ed: Mrs. Bowering' Or the use of her home. Lunch was served by Mrs. Howard Wilson and Mrs. Bowie, . LE STILL, CONTINUES AT E-MARSTO-RES ' • LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs. W. J. Finnigan, Egmond- ville is' visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ray Oke, and Mr. Oke in London. Mr. John Hotham, of Wilson Street, is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, L o n d o n, Where he underwent surgery, and is progress{ng favorably. Mr. John L. Hotham, Wind- sor, who was here owing to the illness of his father, returned last Friday., Among those who attended the funeral of the late George W. Israel :on Thursday were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore, Wallacebtirg; Dr. and. Mrs. Cul- len Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cudmore, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cudmore, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hargreaves; Bill and Jack Har- greaves, and Mrs. Peter Har- greaves, all of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Dayid A. Simpson and family, of Stratford and Guelph, -Miss Sharon Hotham, Brant- ford, spent the weekend at her home here and in London, re- turning on Sunday. Mrs.. Winnifred Nott is spending some weeks in Hawaii visiting her daughter. In a re- cent note to friends, she com- ments that the pineapples are much tastier than at home,, and fruit and flowers are outstand- ing. •• - Mrs. Donald Kerslake, of To- ronto, is spending a few ..days 'with Mrs. Reg Kerslake: eryl and Blaine McCut- ch on, Brussels, spent the week end with their grandparents, Mr. -and Mrs. Joseph T. Hugill and Karen. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mode - land left Tuesday for Florida, where' they will spend some weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Travis are spending some time in Florida. Mr. and Mrs: 0.• J. Smith and Frank and 1Vlr. and Mrs. Robert Biehler, of Ancaster, were week- end _guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling. - -- Two carloads of women froth. Egmondville United Church at- tended the. Huron Presbyterial inaugural meeting at Clinton in Ontario Street United Church Wednesday afternoon. Those attending were . Mrs. J. McIn- tosh, Mrs. Ed. Boyes, Mrs. A. Routledge, Miss Frances Hous- ton, Mrs. Elmer Stephenson, 'Mrs. Alex 'Chesney, Mrs.' Em- merson Durst, Mrs. Alex Boyes and Miss Rena McKenzie. of the congregation , to the church. The dedication of the execu- tive took place when the mem- bers of the executive of the UC Women came forward. The choir sang, 'Hear Us, 0 Lord," accompanied on the piano by Mrs. William Jewitt. TUCKERSMITH FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE at the annual meeting Wednesday re=elected officers. Shown here are, from the left, Alex McGregor, Wilmer Broadfoot, John Broadfoot and Ernie Crich. (Story on Pagel). UNITED CHURCH WOMEN MEET AT CHISELHURST The United Church Women of Chiselhurst United Church held their first meeting of the new year with a good attend- ance, with the .new president, Mrs. Percy Harris, in the chair, who opened the meeting with a ,poem for New Year's. Mrs. Rus- sel Brock and Mrs. Clarence Coleman conducted the worship period and reviewed chapters of the study book, "Signals For the Sixties." Mrs. Rt Taylor gave a missionary prayer and Mrs. Campbell Eyre two poems. Rev. Currie Winlaw received the new slate' -of officers for the new year and discussed functioning of the new organ=- ization. Plans were made for a quilting bee and pot -luck sup- per January 31, and also a pot- luck supper at the annual meet- ing Tuesday, Jan. 30. Lunch and a social half-hour were en- joyed. The inaugural service of -Chiselhurst United,..Church Wo- men was held Sunday afternoon during the church, service, con- ducted by Rev. Winlaw, when the following_officers- were in- stalled: President, Mrs. Percy Harris; vice - presidents, 'Mrs. Harold `Parker and Mrs. R. Taylor; treasurer, Mrs. Ben Stoneman; assistant, Mrs. Alvin Cole; re- cording • secretary, Mrs. Totn Brintnell; assistant, Mrs. R. Taylor; Christian Citizenship, ,Mrs. William Brintnell, Mrs. E a r 1 Kinsman ;, , Community Friendship and Flowers, Mrs. Roy McDonald, Mrs. Robert Kinsman, Mrs. George Boa, Mrs. Campbell Eyre;, Stewardship and Recruiting, iVirs. Clarence Cole- man, Mrs. Robert Parsons; fi- nance, Mrs. Earl Kinsman (chairman), Mrs. •Harold Park- er, Mrs. _Ben _ ,Stoneman;'. Mrs. Clarence Coleman, Mrs. Tom Brintnell; Literature, Mrs. Alf Ross, Mrs. Edwin Taylor; manse, Mrs. Tom Brintnell, Mrs. Har- old Parker; membership, Mrs: Clarence Coleman; nomination, Mrs. Robert Boyce, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Percy Wright, Mrs. Ed. Dick; press, Mrs. Rus- sell Brock; programs, Mrs. Har- ris, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Boyce; social functions, BRUCEFIELD Mr. J. K. Cornish, of Bruce - field, is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. • Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture, through a Huron Ex- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. Latest Fashions in COSTUME JEWELiERY By CORO -at -- ! ANSTETT JEWELLERS CH11��.1 SEAFORTH � GIFTS Mrs. Brock, Mrs. Alvin Cole, Mrs. Jack Brintnell, Mrs. Cole- man; supply, Mrs. Boa; assist- ant, Mrs. barker;. Communion, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Cole; pianist, Mrs. A. Ross; assistant, Mrs. Robert Kinsman. SEAFORTH c PHONE 405 LADIES' CAR COATS Corduroy, quilted lining, pile eollar. Reg. 14.95. 7.50 SALE LADIES' DRESSES .Manufacturer's clearance; still a few left. Reg. 9.95.3 93 SALE Girls. DRESS COATS All wool, quilted lining. Reg. 15.95 - 20.95. Size 7 to 14. SALE 9.95 - 13.95 GIRLS' DRESS OUTFITS Leggings, Coat and Hat; all- wool.Sizes.4 to 6X. Regular 20.95. 13 95 ■ SALE 'MEN'S SHITS 100% pure wool worsted; two pair trousers. True price, 59.90. SALE 39.90. MEN'S TROUSERS 100% pure wool worsted; reg.12.95 - 14.95. 9 SALE PRICE ■50 MEN'S GENUINE LEATHER JACKETS Pile lining. Reg. 15.90 ;24.95. SALE BOYS' LINED' WANTS ' Continental style and others. Reg. 2.98 to 3.98. W � ■89 SALE PRICE• BOYS' or GIRLS' SNOW SUITS Sizes 3 to 6X. Reg. 6* 95 10.50. SALE V a'7 MANY, MANY OTHER ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM! COME IN . LOOK AROUND - No Obligation To Buy - WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS - Phone 141 T 1T LT IT IT 1 TILT IT IT 1T ITIT1 uy Yo -Day and Save January Discounts tof $2,00 per Ton. End January 31st BUY C -I -L SUPER- FLOW FERTILIZER Packed in Polythene Bags and 'priced at dealer prices! Store in field where"you are going to use - GUARANTEED NO HARDENING LESS: 5% Cash Discount for 'Payment by March 17 Order To -day. Have no delay at Seeding Time! • PRICES ON. SEED , GRAINS and GRASS SEEDS ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT. MILL QPNDTCH FEEQS LIMITED , Phone 775 Seaforth "THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR" 1T'1TIT 1T1'�1TITITITlT"1TIT1 REX-SIZE SAVE at yourReXarrab Store!!! This new table decanter con- tains one full year's supply, available only through your Itexall Druggist at this new low price. Each Super Plena - min contains vitamins, plus minerals including the 3 big extras -liver, iron and B12. Only $17.50 (Save $7.74 oven the 72 tablet size). r/ Rexall Polymulsion, Liquid .vitamin for in- fanfs and children. 4 oz. Regular $2.00. ' Special 'MOO Rexall Multiple Vitamin Tablets, Apothe- caryJar,,Each tablet contains 9 vitamins. 150's. Regular $7.25 Special $3,.63 Rexall Pile Ointment, 1'/a ounce. Reg. 9 . Special 49 Klenzo Mouth Wash, 24 ounce. Reg. $1.39. Special 690 N 6S REXALL SPECIAL VALUE PAD Contains 200 sheets. Smooth vel-. lum finish. Letter size Special 490 Note size Special 29.0 BISMA-REX Relieves upset stomach due to excess acidity. 4 oz. btle. Reg. 81.35... Special 980 16 oz. btle. Reg. $2.98.. Special $1.99 50 tablets. Reg. 98¢ Special 790 BUY ONE -GET ONE FREE REXALL COD LIVER OIL, 16 oz. Regular $1:89 Special 2/81.89 REXALL GRIPE WATER, 3 oz. Regular 75¢ Special 2//7�50 REXALL TRIPLE ACTION THROAT LOZENGES, 12's, Reg 81.00. Special 2/$1.00 REXALL MI 31 SOLUTION, 8 oz. Regular 69¢ Special 2/690 ADRIENNE SPRAY HAIR NET, 14 oz. Reg. $2.50 Special 2/52.50 ADRIENNE HAND LOTION, 12 oz. Regular $2.00 Special 2/$2.00 ADRIENNE LIQUID CREAM SHAMPOO 12 oz. Regular $2.00 Special 2/$2.00 CARA NOME LIQUID CREAM SHAMPOO, 2 oz. Regio r 4y9¢ Special 2/490 4 oz. Regular 79¢ Special 2/790 II oz. Regular $1,29 Special 2/81.29 12 oz. Regular $1.75 Special 2/$1.75 FAST SPRAY NET, 11 oz. Regular $2.15. Special 2/$2.15 KLENZO MOUTH WASH, "8 oz. Re ular,65 . . Special 2/650 ` ,THESE ARE ONLY A rEW-•OF TIM MANY AVAILABLE REX-SIZE SAVINGS, - 13 BIG REX-SIZE SAVINGS DAYS! M. 29 THEW Ftia.1O vomit (eating's K EATING? Phm.I3. Phone 28 PIarmacy M. ♦ 1100VER, Phin.B. Seaforth I. {