HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-01-25, Page 3• i, KIPPE � � 'S Little Joiinn ° Hauwert . five-. yeapeX • son Of Mr. and. iMra- Theo Hauwert, 8th concession of Tuekersmith, is a patient. hi. • - St. Joseph's Hospital, London,' having undergone surgery. His • many -.friends and neighbors wish him, a speedy and complete recovery. Messrs. Orville Workman, Llrne Hay and Victor Har- greaves, of Hensall, left Friday „ -b ' plane .for a -week's vacation in Florida. • " Baily Cooper, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cooper, 8th concession, Tuckersmith, is in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, recovering from an at- tack of pneumonia. • Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. • • • • • • • OF -Til wREM( i e The lifacl?wa�*� fam lyrec iv esl Word of the sudden passing of Percy `Holmes, Toronto, Who. died of a• heart attack, Mr. Holmes • is a brother of Mrs, ;Ross MacKay, Hilisburgh. Mr. Bob Tinsman fell on the ice, causing at broken ankle. The doctor placed it In a walk ing cast and it is hoped he soon will be able to walk as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert visited Mrs. Dickert, Sr., on Sunday at her `hoine in Har- riston. Mr. Norman Long' was. admit- ted Wednesday, Jan. 17th, by ambulance, to Sgott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth;, in the inter- ests of his health. , Mrs. R. Torrance and Miss Jean Ivison spent a day in Lon- don recently. Canadian Vocational Training ' Pro- .. gramme For Unemployed, Persons.. The Province of Ontario, in- Cl -operation with the -Federal Government, will provide in Provincial Trade Schools, and upon request, in some local municipalities where technical and commercial facilities are availabl ,. training for unem- ployed persons, male or female, in certain trade or comthercial subjects, provided that there are sufficient imP.licetions. The aim of this programme is to train people for future unem- ployment. MUNICIPALITIES WISHING TO SET UP • LOCAL TRAINING PROGRAMMES: , Write to the Director, Vocational Training, Department of Education, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. PROSPECTIVE TRAjNERS: Contact your nearest National Employment Service office for information about courses now offered in• Ontario. LIVING ALLOWANCES Where Unemployment Insurance benefits are exhausted or do not apply, trainees .are paid` living allowances. FOR •LEA..SE.. MODERN SERVICE STATION On busy Provincial Highway.,..._ IN SEAFORTil For further information PHONE, or WRITE: BRITISH AMERICAN OIL CO. LTD. Attention:. R. Rowe- 341 owe341 Douro St., Stratford Phone 271-3540 KNeiettes PIa canvass March* oD• ti .nies � 'F, Hensall _Kinettes"will canvass. the town Tuesday evening, Jan, 301 for March of Dimes cam- paign. Howard Scane, chief marching mother, will be as- sisted in the canvass by vol- unteer mothers. The canvass,. lasting one hour, will begin at 7:00 p.m. Welcolne the March- ing Mothers at your door, and give generously to the March of Dimes. It is • diMcult to fiiid words to describe the benefits which the March of Dimes brings to the thousands of handicapped men and women in every part of Ontario. Most important from the viewpoint of the handicap- ped person is perhaps the free- dom frpm dependeiwe upon family .or friends of public in- stitutions—the joy of being a :productive member of the com- munity. One can think of few occasions in which. a 'modest contribution can bring -so much to so many. The March of Dimes comes once a year, but the work of rehabilitation goes on every day. Helping the disabled to a pew life of • usefulness and achievement is . a continuing process which vitally needs con- tinuing support. Your support in the past 10 years has brought dignity and independence to more than 10,000 disabled men, and women. F,or one hour on the evening of 'Jan. 30—between 7 • and 8 p.m. -50,000 mothers in Ontario will ' 'make door-to-door calls, hoping to raise $650,000 for re; habilitation of the •disabled in 1962 march. Give generously: WINTER IS THE TIME FOR HOME. IMPROVEMENTS • • nn wait r�przng� //ir Kippen East W.I. Names Leaders Kippen East Women's Ii tute, meeting at the home President 'Mrs.*" James Drum- mond on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 17, appointed Mrs. W. J. E_lIcI1 and Mrs. Verne Alderice leaders of the 4-11 Club, whose project is "Clothing". Sewing material to make py- jamas, nighties and bedjackets for the War Memorial, Chil- dren's Hospital, London, was handed out to different groups, and the 12th Grotty will make a quilt for the hospital. - The roll call was answered with:•.•. -Name a new industry and its product" Mrs. Winston Workman commented on the motto, "Nature never spoils her work by being in a hurry," and the topic, "Production of Sue - flower Oil and its Use," was given by Mrs. Marry Upsliall. Mrs. W. Broadfoot contributed a poem and Mrs. Arthur Var- ley conducted a contest. January 26 was the date set for a euchre at SS No. 9. First vice-president Mrs. Wm. Bell conducted the meeting. Mrs. Ken McKay was co -hostess, and Mrs. Robert Bell convened the program. 1 -ads . PI•r�: Annus, t ,Alaber Rebekah,- %odge.- meeting last. Wednesday eve,, Ping, **sided oxer by 'WOW Grand Mrs. R. A. Ort,' plans were 'laid for their thirteenth birthday- party, February 7th,- with Seaforth lodge as special: e1 guests A euchre for Marh was arranged for. The-' history of ,the life of tlie, late Thomas. Wildey, founder of Oddfellow- ship, whose birthday was Jan, 15, waS given by Mrs. • Ernie Chipchase. sti- �of High. '.ay.• Damage toffu ii :car. was estimated at WO .and, hydro pole '$150. -'He was not: tnjuro ' OPP,D,..M, Westover, of Exeter,' investigated, •Mr, George." Thompson and his brother, �hn, leit bYjetFrt day morning,, Jan. 19, for, St- Petersburg, Fla., where -they Will vacation for two and a half months. Messrs Lorne : Hay, of Hen-' sail; Vic Hargreaves, of Bruce- field, and Orville Workman, Of Kippen, left Friday morning by •jet . for St. Petersburg, Fla., where they will spend three �eeks. F`,- Mrs. George Walker left by plane Tuesday, Jan. 23, for St. Petersburg, Fla., where she will spend the winter months with members of her family, Mr. and Mrs -Donald Walker and Miss Olive Walker; Reg.N. Mrs. Emma Shepherd is vaca- tioning in -St. Petersburg,. Fla. Mr, and Mrs. William Hed- ien, of Niagara Fall, who spent a few -days- tins week with Mr. 'Herb Hedden, returned to their home on Friday. Willing Workers Meet ' The Willing Workers Unit of the United Church Women met in the Sunday schoolroom of the church -Friday afternoon un- der the leadership of Mrs. Ed- na Weeks' group, with a roll call of 42. A poem, "A Better World," was given - by Mrs: Weeks. Mrs. Robin McAllister was secretary for the meeting. Several suggestions for raising money' through the year were discussed. It was decided to have meetings the ..third Thurs- day of each month, at 2:30 p.n1. Dies iitiChatham . Mrs. Mabel -Spearman, 89, . of Dresden, formerly of Hensall, passed away in Chatham Gen- eral Hospital on Wednesday. Mrs. Spearman suffered a. frac- tured hip in"`a fall recently.- She was the widow of John Spear- man, and: fs survived by one son, Donald,••and two grandchil- dren, Joan and Jack. Funeral services were _held Friday, Jan. 19, from the Holmes funeral home, Dresden,,with burial in Dresden cemetery. Arnold Circle Hears Reports BUILD A REC-ROOM TILING FLOOR Need a new floor? . You can " fur over existing con- crete with 2 x 2's .. on 16" centres. Shim where neces- sary until they are level. Nail down %" plywood sub flooring. Stagger the joints, install flooring. Tiles may be laid directly on concrete if present floor is suitable. An infinite variety of new -design tiles are available. - CEILING TILE Made in several sizes and surface designs, goes over panel base or furring. Fas- ten them on"•with special ad- hesive or use staples or nails for the job. Divide ceiling into- quarters and work from centre; do a quarter at a time. Ceiling tile runs from 14c and up per tile. We can rent you a stapling gun—for quick and easy application. MOULDINGS • Use quarter round -or any other, suitable moulding, to give the periphery of the room a finished look. Many different -'styles of moulding. are available as shown. Watch for more valuable tips • on finishing your rec room. COME IN FOR .FREE PLANNING HELPS AND FREE ESTIMATES SEAFORTH LDA LUMBER LTD.11144111 warnwows Railway Street a PHONE 4 T Seaforth The Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church, meeting, at the church Monday evening, decided to present Valentine boxes to the patients at the, Queensway Nursing Home here. Mrs. Gerald Bell and Mrs. John Baker conducted the worship period and gave the study. on "British Guiana." Reports were presented as fol- lows: calendars, Mrs. Roy Bell; treasurer, "Mrs. -Harold 'Bon- thron; secretary, Mrs. John Baker; Glad Tidings, Mrs. Gor- don ••Schwalm; • Home , Helpers,. Mrs. Roy' Bell; Crade Roll, Mrs. R. A. Orr; Cheer Box 'commit- tee, Mrs..Orr and Miss Hannah Murray. Twenty-three visits to sick and shut-ins were record ed; Mrs. Ross MacDonald -and Mrs. Trevor Wilson will be hos- tesses for the February meeting, and Mrs. Al 'Scholl and Mrs. Harry Hoy will have the wor- ship period. President B. Bea- ton conducted the meeting. LAC Clarence J. Hoy, 24, of Hensall, driving a 1962 foreign - made car which he had purchas- ed a month ago, met with an accident while returning home Wednesday evening. He was travelling north when the car left the road when he lost con- trol, careened to the west side and struck a hydro pole, break- ing it off. The accident happened 31h miles north of Exeter on No. 4 r,l i RING? II DO IT NOW WITH A HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN Home -Improvement Loans are available through your bank under the National Housing Act for alterations and repairs to the exterior or interior of a home and for a wide variety of other:improve- ments. You may borrow up th $4,000 with up to ten years to repay. These loans are also available to the owners of rental properties._ ® DO IT NOW WITH A FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN Farm Improvement Loans, backed by the Domin- ion Government are available from your bank— up to $7,500 at five per cent simple interest and up to ten years to repay. These loans, cover the purchase of all types of farm equipment and Improvement to the farm house and farm buildings. - DO IT NOW WITH A SMALL BUSINESS LOAN Enquire about Government -backed loans- for improvements to small business establishments through the chartered banks -up to $25,000 and up to ten years to repay. • , For advice and assistance, call your local National EriiploymentfOffice Issued by authority of Hon. Michael -Starr, Minister of Labdur, Canada 1022 Mrs. T. Baird Will Observe 102nd... Birthday A birthday party at the Queensway Nursing Home, Hen- sall, will celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Agnes Baird, a patient. A placid disposition and long- lived antecedents are the._ -best recipes for a ripe old age, if Mrs. Agnes Baird, of Hensall, is any indication. Mrs. Baird will. be 102 years Ali1Ist' Q : Visit Clinton • Pn Lions. 'Club's po?pu , concert feotttrxng' R•ubtnoft44sl; his vi lin oto, Friday, February 29..appears to :promise something of interest to• all, music lovers, whether of the "WO Naar War iety, or those with more down to -earth tastes. - The pions Club of Clinton is bringing 'him to the Clinton Dis- trict ...Collegiate fustittite 'Audi- torium. The concert hasevery,.. thing from the Warsaw Con- certo by Addinsellr 40ht through to Tgrkey m the. Straw and The Little Brown Jug. Rubinoff begins his evening of entertainment with Rhapso- die, OP. II No. 3, by Dolahanvi, and includes gypsy surds, popu- lar items such as _ Rhapsody in Blue by Gershwin,' and Around, the World hi 80 Days, by Victor Young, ending with Square Dance Fiddlin'; which includes. bits of -'18 different popular dance tunes, such. as Soldier's Joy, _Chicken Reel,,and Red wing. The colorful career of Rubin - off and his violin ineludes radio broadcasts, such as, the Chase and Sanborn • Hour and the Chevrolet program. Arnold " STINNISSEN Sun Life Assurance Contpany of Canada Telephone: 052, R 12 ' R.R. 5 - SEAFCIATH ei . wi.�M rec+�e..�' smiih school ,4 the - position Tucker- Ire;NO..1 of ' Secreti Treasurer. rain Applications 'to be forwarded in eiea fed envelope's' to: - MR. ROSS FORREST R.R. No. 2, Kippen Esq: NOT LATER THAN JANUARY` 31, 1962 0 State Q lalification-and Salary Expected. - WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS -- Phone 141 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime l . of age on Tuesday, Jan. 30, and her son, Tom Baird, of. Bruce - field, recalls: "I never saw mother cross in my, life." Her grandmother lived to he 98, and her mother, 93. Her family includes, besides her son, his wife and family, her grandson, Stewart Baird, Mrs. Baird and family, of Stan- ley Township. Mr.' • and Mrs. Stewart Baird live on the farm which was bought by Mrs. Ag- nes gnes Baird's father' and given to his daughter. Although confined to her bed at the nursing home, Mrs. Baird' is in fairly good health for her advanced years, and enjoys three meals a day._ WEDDINGS McLAUGHLIN-KLING The marriage of Christina Anne, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Frank Kling, Seaforth, and 'William P. McLaughlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. McLaughlin, Dublin, was solemnized alt• the home -of her aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Smith, Ancaster, Ont., on Thursday, Jan. 18, by the Rev. D. Ulenn Campbell, of ; McNab Presbyterian. Church, Hamilton, Ont. 115 Attend At Hensall Lodge :Event With an attendance of 115, the IOOF Lodge of Hensall held an initiatory degree for Huron District 8 with a class of nine candidates, put on by the 'past district deputy's association. Bro. Ross Chiswell, of Pres- ton, Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Ontario, and Bro. Roy Langton, of Preston, Grand Musician, were present; also Bro. Gerald McFalls, of Exeter, Grand Conductor. Other visitors were -present from London, Exe- ter, Brucefield, Seaforth, Gode- rich, Clinton and Brussels. Bro, Ross Chiswell, 'Grand Master of Grand Lodge of On- tario, presented Bros. William R. Dougall, of Hensall'. Lodge 223, with a 50 -year jewel. IIItllllnu,IIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire - Auto - Wind Liability and Life Manufacturers Life Insurance John A. Cardno Successor to WATSON- & REID Phone 214 : Seaforth i111111iLi11Illlll111llUIiIIllill hill lull Swjft's Premium Chickens 310. 2.. to 3_. lbs.. Swift's Chicken Legs and Breasts Pound - - Swift's Spare Ribs Pound `''' Sweet Pickled Cottage, Rolls _. Pound Tomatoes Pound Parsnips 2 . 35 24 ounces.... ...... .. for 49¢ 49¢ 490 190. Libby's Frozen Mixed Vegetables 2 -Pound Poly 890 RED TAG SALE Javex Liquid Bleach Z. 32 Ounces.for Chum • Dog Food �' for Clar-k's.Pork.& Beans 15 Ounces for Fancy Sockeye `Salmon Heinz .Baby Foods White Cross Tissue - -" Brylcream Regular 73c 5. 490 49* 490 49¢ fo .49¢ 490 490 r for • :ate Fo�diand ed &W� Earn 5% with Safety — $100, or more — 3 to 10 years — interest paid by cheque — authorized by law as investments for trust funds. BRITISH MORTGAGE GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES To invest — see your local agent or send your cheque to your nearest British Mortgage office.' Invest today — interest begins the day you invest. BRITISH MORTGAGE. & TRUST COMPANY Head Office: Stratford Send this coupon to your nearest British Mortgage Office in -Goderich, Hanover, Listowel or Stratford. ❑ I enclose my cheque for $ for investment for ❑ Please' send me a free folder giving information. - NAME .. ' ADDRESS Brampton, years. 'British Mortgage and • Trust Company represented by W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334 -- Seaforth British Mortgage and Trust Company represented by JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Company Plioine 214 e . SSoaforth !: T