HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-01-18, Page 54 • New women's .groups were in- augurated in area United Churches on Sunday. The new organization -- United Church WARM. -- replaces and, 'will earry.:.on••the responsibilities, add work of the. former Missionary Societies and Women's Apsoeia. tions in each of the churches. Details of the inaugural' meet- ings in district churches are contained in reports below, while in the pictures are shown officers of each of the organiza- tions. DUFF'S, WALTON The inaugural service for the United Church Women of.DUiI's congregation was held Sunday morning, Jan. 14, with Higginbotham conducting the service. Mr Donald McDonald sang a solo, with Mrs- Harvey Brown at the organ. Rev. `•Hig- ginbotham ehose for his ad- dress, "Days of Destiny," At the close of -the service the ex- ecutive of the UCW were call- ed to the front for the dedica- tion ceremony. on,at Pe tl � ' Mrnt John, .lfenderllon 111re, 'Y ; voti Wer roadfoat , lfugh 'Bar- fry read *ha-you:c f'4s fro?pn Mrs.: Stackbwuse, BQweyr; Mr. Sprees Swab 'and 'Mrs. Isa• hell°. Sc9tt ,for Wil: Scott.. . Old . nylons. and Christmas cards: have 'been requested for Mrs. Elsie Forrest for Huron* view Home, • .... - It was voted by the ladle$ to hold meetings Of the . newly formed group on the first Tues- day of• each month, starting at 2:00 p;m. and closingwith a so- cial hour. It was movedand seconded to order -special United Church Women's envelopes; 'voted $20 for the Flower Committee, and suggested special , floral • .ar rangements be purchased for decorating the church- during the winter months. The executive previously`" -#p pointed was inaugurated at a special inaugural service held at the church service on Sun- day, Jan. 14: President, Mrs: Wilmer Broadfoot; first vice- president, Mrs. GordonElliott; second vice-president, Mrs....Jno. Henderson; recording secretary, I1!Irs. Elgin Thompson; corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. John Broadfoot; treasurer, Mrs. Har- vey Taylor. Unit Leaders will be chosen following completion and study of questionnaires which were. passed out to the members. Committees were appointed as follows: Flo •'er, Mrs. Hugh Berry, Mrs. Norman Baird, Mrs. E. Allan; finance, treasurer Mrs. H. Taylor, secretary and presi- dent; manse, Mrs. G. Richard- son, Miss Swan; Mrs. J. Brgdie; press secretary, Mrs. F. J. Wel- land; social functions, Mrs. D. Tribner; literature and com- munications, Mrs. j„, Broadfoot; community friendship and vis- iting, Mrs. J. A: ' 1VIcEwen, Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs. Lorne Wilson pianist, Miss Margarete Mc- Queen; membership, Mrs. G. Elliott; church; Mrs. J. Broad- foot, Mrs. J. Henderson, Mrs: H. Lobb; supply and social as- sistance, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Ham and Mrs. Taylor. The business meeting closed with a prayer,• following which a delicious lunch was served to the ladies. ._ CAVAN, WINTHROP The 1962 officers for Cavan United Church, Winthrop, in the new organization for The United Church Women are: -_ Honorary president,- Ml'.rs. J. C. Britton; past president, Mrs. Gilbert 'Smith; president, Mrs. George Case; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Leslie "Dolmage; sec- ond vicepiiehident, Mrs. Oscar Cuthill; secretary, Mrs. William Church; treasurer, Mrs. Archie Someryille. r Chairmen of standing com- mittees: ,., Christian' Citizenship, 1Virs, Williairi Church; Commun- ity'Friendship, Mrs Glen Mc,. Clurd; Visitation • Committee, Circle 1, Mrs. Theron . Betties; Circle 2, Mrs. L. Bolton; Circle 3, Mrs. L. Pepper, -Mrs. G Smith; Circle 4, Mrsd G. Bern ard; cards and flowers to sick, Mrs. W. Dodds, Mrs. T. Pryce, Mrs. W.'Boyd, Mrs. R. McClure; chairmen of-" finance, Mrs. A. Somerville ap�11dMrs. Kenneth Beattie ; Fin' ree Committee, Circle 1, Miffs. George Pethick and Mrs. W."Dolrnage; Circle 2, Mrs, H. Johnston and Mrs. Wil- son Little; Circle 3;:, Mrs., J. Boyd and Mrs. M. Godkifi; Cir- cle 4, Mrs. E. Toll and Mrs; E. Shade; chairman of supply, Mrs. Theron Betties; assistant, Mrs. A. Campbell; chairman of flowers for church and : special occasions, Mrs. T. Betties, Cir- cle 1,.. Vera and Velma Haist; Circle 2, Mrs. Newnham and Mrs. Frank Johnston; Circle 3, Mrs. R. Patrick; Circle 4, Mrs. Ross Driscoll and Mrs. A. Som- erville; chairman of manse, Mrs. W. Dodds and.Mrs. H. Dol - mage and Mrs. R. i cClute; for Stewardship, Mrs. G, Smith; for Literature, Mrs. William Mc- Spadden; for social functions, Mrs. R. Dalton. Social Committee: Circle 1, Mrs. Don McClure, Mrs. Eric Anderson; Circle 2, Mrs. L. Bolton, Mrs.-- Frank Johnston, Mrs. K. Bettles; Circle 3, Mrs. H. Axtmann, Mrs. G., -.Smith; Circle 4, . Mrs. A. Somerville, Mrs. R. Driscoll; chairman- of program, Mrs. 0. Cuthill; pro- gram committee, Circle 1, Mrs. L. McCluskie; Circle 2, Mrs. R. Bolton; Circle 3, Mrs. H. Axt- mann; Circle 4, Mrs. 0. Cuthill; Christian Education, Mrs, W. Dodds and Mrs. Wilson Little; Missionary' and Maintenanee, Mrs. Gordon Blanchard, Mrs. A. Somerville; nominating com- mittee, Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs. L. Bolton, Mrs. R. Bolton, Mrs. M. Godkin, Mrs. R. Dalton, Mrs. A. Somerville; pianists, Circle 1, - Mrs. 0. Anderson, Mrs. H: -Dol - mage; -Circle 2, Mrs. Frank Johnston, Mrs. Joe Little; Cir- cle 3, Mrs. M. Godkin, Mrs. G. Smith; Circle 4, Mrs, A. Som- erville, Mrs. K. Beattie;- audi- tors; Mrs. L. Pepper and Mrs; H..Rapson; Mission Band lead- er, Mrs, Glen McClure; assist- ant, Mrs. W. ISodds; CGIT, Mrs. W. Little. The inaugural service of the United Church Women for Bethel, .Duff's and Cavan was held on Sunday, San. 14,.• at 2:15 p.m. EGMONDVILLE. ST. ANDREW'S, KIPPEN The first, meeting of 'the Unit- ed Church Women of Kippen United Church was held Thurs- day afternoon, Jan. -4, with Rev. Johnston in charge of the meet- ing, who opened the meeting with • Scripture, Proverbs 31,10 to end of the chapter, followed by prayer. The hymn, "Lord, Speak To Me That .I May Speak" was sung. ' Election of officers followed:_ Honorary president, Mrs. John Anderson; president, Mrs. Har- old • Jones; first vieepresident, Mrs. Bert Faber; second vice- president, Mrs. Emerson Kyle; recording secretary, Mfrs. Rus- sell Consitt; correspond'g sec- retary,Mrs. Thomas Reid;. eas-' urer, Mrs. Edison McLean. nit Leaders are: Mrs. -..Ross road - foot, Mrs. Alex McMurtrie and Mrs. Ralph Turner. .- BRUCEFIELD -Special • service was held in the-rUnited Church- last Sunday -morning for the inaugural ser- --vice of the United Church . Wb. men, ,'by the minister, Rev. •A." H. Johnston. Prayers were of- fered for .the church as a.whole, and all people at homeand Abroad. Officers of the UCW are as follows:. President, Mrs. Wilmour. Broadfoot; first vice- president, Mrs. Gordon Filiiott;. 2nd vice-president,' Mrs. .Cahn Henderson; treasurer, Mrs. Har- vey Taylor; secretary, Mrs. E, Thomso ; recording secretary, Mrs. John Broadfoot. The opeitirrg-inegting of the United Church Women of Bruce - field United Church was held on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 16, in the church basement. The meeting began with de - Duff's Church, Walton, in- stalled the following offi- cers: front row, left to right; Mrs. Nelson Reid, president; Mrs. Emerson ifitchell, . first vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Alvin McDonald, third vice-president; Mrs: Roy Williamson, fourth, vice-president; back_ row, Mrs. Torrance Dundas, cur ...- responding secretary; Mrs. Ken McDonald, secretary treasurer; •Mrs. Ron Ben- nett, recording ' secretary. Absent was Mrs. Gordon McGavin, second vice-presi- dent. Brucefield officers are: front row, left ;to right, Mrs, Harvey Taylor, treas- urer; Mrs. Wilmer Broad - foot, .president; Mrs. Elgin Thompson, recording secre- tary; back row, Mrs. John Broadfoot, corresponding _secretary; Mrs. John Hen- derson, second vice-presi- dent, and Mrs. Gordon El- liott, first vice-president. Egmondville officers are: .front "row, left to right, Mrs. James McIntosh, treasurer; Mrs. Ed..Boyce, president; Mrs. Elmer Stephenson, first vice-president; back row,` Mrs. L. Strong, sec- ond vice-president ; Mrs. Keith McLean. secretary. Officers installed at serv- ices at Cavan Church, Wino throp, included : Frollft row, Mrs. R. S. McKercher, president Duff's, McKillop; __Mrs. Archie Somerville, treasurer, Cavan; back roW, left to right, Cavan officers: Mrs. George Case, presi- dent; Mrs. William Church, secretary; Mrs. J. (. Brit- on, honorary" president ; Mrs. • Leslie Dolmagep first vice-president. Northside officers install- ed were: front row,' left to --righty . Mrs. 4. C. Britton, -lrortorary president;Mrs. Neil C. Bell, president; Mrs. Harold Connell, •vice president; back row, Mrs. Clifford Broadfoot, treas- urer; Mrs. Gebfrge Addison, recording secretary; Mrs. Norman Knight, corres- ponding secretary. Bethel, McKillop, install- ed Mrs,,.1Torval Stimore as treasurer; Mrs. John .Burch (seated), president, and Mrs. . Stanley klilien, secretary. MONI'S - .r 1.�a BOYS' BULKY KNIT PULLOVERS -3 . Regular 4.95 Bulky Knit Orlon Pullovers SIZES 8 T 18 To Clear 3.75 MEN'S REG. 19.95. TO '2495 CAR COATS Wools, Corduroys, Cords, Nylons • SIZES 36 TO.'46 „ ' REDUCED O^ 14.95' to 18.95.. . ALL MES; and BOYS' WINTER .6 NDERWEAR Two-piece old Combinations NEARLY ALL SIZES LEFT ;Toy clear-,= 20% Off' MEN'S - STANFIELD'S WOOL RIBBED SHIRTS and' DRAWERS Red Label - Regular 4.50 Quality' NEARLY ALL SIZES LEFT To Clear,13.50 Garment PENMAN'S FLEECE. LINED SHIRTS and DRAWERS Regular 2.50 Quality MOST SIZES LEFT To, Clear, 1.75 Garment 414.7 ODD LOTS - REG. 5.00 to 5.95 ME J' -S --DRESS SHIRTS ..White and Colors SIZES 141/8, 15; 16, 161/2 ONLY To Clear '2.50 Each REGULAR 11.95 ;'jai B.O!t tivitvls; gm' Colors ,S'zes;;B to 18 FINAL. CLEARANCE 8.75 to -12,95 7.4:: WINTER • Ck ?S AMllEtySlenadndBOCoYSrs GOOD SIZE R.ANGEi To. Clear - - :20% Off REG. 2.95 TO 4,95 ; ••- • MEN'S LINED DRESS. GLOVES Sizes 8 to 10% BLACK, BROWN, GREY Sale - ZR% Off MEN'S -T STANFIELD'S WOOL RIBBED SHIRTS : and DRAWERS BLUE LABEL -. Regular 4.95 Quality • •MOST SIZES LEFT To Clear, 3.75 Garment_ PENMAN'S FLEECE LINED' COMBINATIONS. Regular 4.50 MOST SIZES LEFT ' To Clear - 3.50 Suit • REGULAR 3.93 MEWS - SPORT' SHIRTS ASSORTED COLORS AND ' 'PATTERNS To Clear - 2.95 Men's Stetson -and Biltmore Make VELOUR' TYPE FELT HATS. Regular 7:50, 7.95 and 8.95 Qualities Colors Grey, Charcoal Brown and Olive. o Clea apt 4.85 STEW ARTBROS. The inaugural meeting of the' Egmondville United Church •I q men was held in the"'SWiday School room of the ehureh on Friday afternooh, 'Jan. 12. Rev. J. IL Vardy conduced a worship service, reading from St. John's . Gospel, chapter • 1Sr verses 1 to 17, using Hymns 153 and 06 and prayer for God's guidance as the group begins the new . organization. ; Mrs..Alea, Chesney conducted a business period to conclude unfinished business of the WA organization: Minutes of the December meeting were read by Mrs. Bruce McGregor. The treasurer's, report read by, Miss Mae Smith, showed that the fi- nancial result of the year's work was well worth all the time and work that had been spent at the different projects for raising money in .1961. Don-, ;tions were voted to the Board of Stewards for the General Fund of the church and to the Capital Fund of Egmondville charge. Notes of appreciation were read from Mrs. Vardy And Miss Vera Hudson. Miss Frances Houston was in charge of a short business per- iod for the WMS. Minutes of the December meeting were read by Mrs. E. Papple, and Mrs. Roy McGonigle's treasurer's report showed, an increase in : the amounts -of -money sent to the Presbyterial Treasurer ,for the year 1960. , Mr. Vardy was in ,charge of the election of officers. Miss Mac Smith read' the slale of. officer'§: - A motion was made by Mrs. Bruce McGregor, and seconded by Mrs. Robert Boyes, that this slate of officers be ac- cepted. Rev. Mr. Vardy-thank- ed the ladiesfor all the work they had done in the two unit- ing societies, and welcomed Mrs. E. Boyes as president of ,the United Church Women. Mrs. Boyes thanked the ladies for asking her to be president. She spoke about one of the aims of the United Church Wo- men, to unite all the women of the congregation for the total mission of the church. She led a short devotional service, `Be- ginning Again," with Mrs, Wm. Forrest reading Psalm 100, and concluded the service with prayer. Announcement w'a s .made' about the inaugural meeting of the Huron Presbyterial United Church Women, to be held Weds,. nesday, Jan: 24, .from 9:30 to 4:00;in Ontario Street Church, Clinton. Five... delegates were - appointed to attend: Mrs. E. Boyes, Mrs. A. Chesney, _Mrs. (Continued on Page 10) January Clear -- BIGGER, BETTER BARGAINS -- Sensational Super Savings on Footwear of All Kinds No Matter.Bow Poor orliich, You CAN'T Afford to Miss' This Sale ! MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS -Reg. 3.98;4.49, 4.9S SALE $2.97, $3.47, .$3:97 Women';- •and Children's BLACK RUBBERS SALE 4'70- Women's, Misses`', an hildren's. PLASTIC PUDDLERS SALE 1.37 Women's and Teens SNOW BOOTS and OVERSHOES Reg. $4.98, $5t95,,$6.95, $9.95 SALE $3.77, $4.77, $6.77 Teens and Women's FLATS, JETS and. 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