HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-01-18, Page 414 oSlrc c,st4E9,4Tiip a 8x iA NEWS; OF HENSALL L. HENSALL REEVE ENDORSES NOR HOCKEY PROGRAM Reeve Norman 1- Jones, I en7 sail, called upon all citizens to appport Minor Hockey Week in Canada,' which commences Sat- urday, Jan. 20: In voicing his support of Minor Hockey Week, His Worship said; "Minor Hoc- key has become an established part Of our Canadian sportin year. Observance of Minor# key Week is, the best Way I know to direct attention of:the public to the benefits of minor hockey to our youth and to our community. We are proud of the fact that minbr hockey here in Hensell has the support of many public spirited - citizens, service clubs and other orga'& izations, ',whose love of hockey and of boys prompts them to contribute much time and ef- fort to the local minor leagues. ' We should direct our apprecia-. tion and recognition to these outstanding citizens who are making a valuable contribution to the community in which we live, as does our great Cana- dian game of hockey contribute, entertain ent and recreation right acro • Canada. "Hockey is ;Canada's nation- al game. It is one of our great heritages, and participation by the youth of our town shduld be ,encouraged at all levels. We are proud of our game, for its ' ability to develop character, citizenship and , respect for authority, as well as for -.its physical and body-building ben- efits. "We should also encourage attendance ' and support by par- ents and other adults, for only in this way can the minor hoc - Auxiliary ux y iia At Huronview key program here in Hei call prosper. The young people play Netter knowing they have the. suppogt of their families. "For these reasons I am hap- .py to endorse Minor Hockey Week in Canada, and call upon all citizens to keep in step with C ada by joining in the ob- servance of Minor Hockey Week. This can be done by supporting minor hockey and attending games with their sons. I commend to you the official slogan of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association, which , is prompting, this ven- ture.. It is, 'Dont send — take ,you„ boy to the Arena'." Minor hockey is sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Hensall, who are sponsoring Minor Hoc- key Night Saturday, Feb. 3, at the local arena.' A draw will be made that'`eZen ppg and the winner will receive $25 'expens- es. and four tickets to attend a hockey game in the Olympia Arena, Detroit. Mrs: -Sarah Blackwell was r taken by Bonthron ambulance to the nursing home at Mitchell last Saturday. Wayne Willert scored three goals to lead Zurich-Hensall Combines to a 9-6 victory oyer Watford in a Shamrock Junior President Mrs. Fred Thon(p- son chaired the first meeting of 1962 of Huron County Ladles' Auxiliary to Huronview, held Monday afternoon, in the craft room of the Home, Clinton, and despite the inclemency:, of thy` weather there was a good' at- tendance. Mrs. Thompson expressed her appreciation for all who had assisted •in any way to make the second annual -Christmas fair, held at Hurpnview, such a suc- cess. A folding room -divider, pro- vided by the auxiliary, has been installed in the craft room, and .-was neatly made' by a carpenter resident,. ' Mics. Harvey Johnston, craft supervisor, reported many art- , icles had been made and sold, as the residents like to be kept busy. A generous percentage of the revenue derived from the sale of these articles is given to the .residents -who made the it- ems, and the balance is retain- ed in. a fund,, to purchase some- , thing for ,the Home whichwill give pleasure to all the resi- dents, and the ' latest purchase was an electric Clock • for the craft room. . - Mrs. Gordon Cunningham, en- tertainment convener, reported 134- Christmas • greeting cards had beep_ sent to the residents. App anon was expressed for the kindness • of Mrs. B. C. Hearn and her choir, of Clip, ton, who sang carols in the halls of Huronyiew duripg.iChristmas week, whichd•`tWere much enjoy- ed. Superintendent Harvey John- ston showed many interesting slides of previous birthday per - ties' and other special occasions, held at Huronview_ DUBLIN Miss Theresa Ducharme, Lon- don, and Miss Angela Ducharme of Kitchener, with Mr_ and Mrs. George Ducharme. Miss Catherine Feeney, Kit- -chener, with Mrs. Catherine Feeney, D '.,+GROUP DEM AREA TOURIST PROMOTION _Representatives of area mun- icipalities and organizations in- tereated in encouraging tourists into the district were in Seaforth Tuesday evening for a meeting of the' Mid -Western Regional Tourist Connell. Creation of a tourist council. made possible financial assist- ance by the Ontario Govern- ment for use in. -promotion, El- mer Goebels, who presided, ex- plained. He told of preliminary organization work that lfa4l tsen carried out aid projects hat were 'contemplated. The meeting agreed to gather again on February 14 in Lis- towel, when organization will be proceeded with. Purposes of the ., council as outlined at the meeting includ- ed: To encourage, promote -and co-ordinate tourist development activities within the Region; to locate and develop natural at- tractions, including "look -out" points, beauty spots, nature trails, waterfalls, rapids,, caves and rock formations; to encour- age and assist- man-made . at, tractions including museums, pioneer villages, historical sites and boat cruises; to inform the travelling public of the advant- ages of this region through the productionof brochures, the placing of advertising in news, papers; and periodicals by sign- boards and ,displays at sports - Mr. and Mrs. Bill Friedman, Kitchener" with Mr. and Mrs: James Morrison. Miss Beatrice Maloney, Oak-' v ille, with Wilfred Maloney. Mr. Neil Stapleton has.resum ed his studies at Ontario Agri- cultural College, _Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mc-. Gilvery, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. }Lose Marie Flannery,, --Strat- ford, with Mr. and' Mrs. John Flannery. Mrs. John' Cleary ' and' chil- dren, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans„ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nagle, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nagle, Bob ,and Linda, of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagle. Congratulations go to Ken- neth Coyne, son of ' Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coyne, Staffa, who was the lucky winner in a con- test on a TV program. CUB NOTES For Craft Night, boys of Pack ` ', Seaforth Cubs, are ded to bring empty cof- fee cans or siroilar sized, cans, for craft work; also ddd pieces of plywood•, leftover,%enamel, or water paint. Dear.,Mrs. Carnochan: Would you thank the members of. the Seaforth Cub Packs for all the - acceptable things your wonder- ful boxes contained. for 'fam- ilies in need at Christmastime. Your interest and thoughtful- ness is appreciated. It is your spirit of sharing that makes it possible for us to give happi- ness to many less fortunate folk in our county. We wish you all every joy and blessing throughout the days to come. , Sincerely, CLARE McGOWAN, Acting Local Director. One IA -Hospital (Continued from Page 1) investigated. "It's a wonder there weren't more people hurt," he added. Postpone Meetings Blocked roads throughout the area forced postponement of several meetings. The inaugural' meeting of the SDHS Board, al- ready postponed three tunes, again was postponed Wednes- day- afternoon when rural mem- bers were ,unable -to reach town. Hold Special (Continued -from Page 1) factory and asked for arbitra- tion. Mr. Dinsmore said enquiry had revealed that arbitration involving as it might appoint- ments by the attorney -general's -department .could be costly and, if possible, should be avoided. With this in mind, the commit- tee had increased its- offer to the • amounts which later were accepted. He said' now that salaries had been determined, the committee would turn its attention to other matters con- cerning the force. Seaforth Wins man's shows; the beating, erec. tion and operation of tourist in- formation , centres Within . the Region; to eo-operate with oth- er Regional Cotmcils and Tour - 1st Development. .organizations in Ontario on matters of mutual interest. - • ' Gtrey Council a - The „i}}naugural meeting of Grey Tofvnship Council for 1962 was held Jan. 8. All members were present and subscribed to the declaration of office as fol- lows: Clifford R. Dunbar, reeve; Archie Mann, councillor; Huether, Glenncouncillor; Law - Son Ward, councillor; Kenneth Bray, councillor. A devotional period was conducted by Rev. A. Higginbotham, of Walton. Reeve and Mrs. Dunbar en- tertained with—luncheon at their home at the noon hour. The fallowing motions were adopted: Archie Mann and Lawson Ward: That the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as read. Kenneth .-Bray and Archie Mann: That we finally pass By - Law No. 1, 1962, authorizing the reeve and tr to borrow from the $90,000 perial.l,ank of Commerce; :rus- sels. Lawson Ward and Glenn Hue- ther: That we pass By -Law No. 2, 1962, to pay township officers. Glenn Huether and Lawson Ward: That we pass By -Law No. 3, 1962, to adjust the road sup- erintendent's salary to $110. per hour, subject to' approval of - the Department of Highways. Kenneth Bray and, Lawson ,Ward: That the reeve and treas- urer be authorized to apply for the balance of the 1961 road subsidy. from the. Department of Highways. Archie Mann and Kenneth. Bray: That we .appoint E. R. Dunbar andllexx Pearson A ea on to the Ethel Tight Game Seaforth won a thrilling, fast - played hockey match Tuesday evening 4 to 2 against the. Exe- ter fohawks- Bob Beuttenmil- ler paced the Seaforth attack with three goals, onein each period, and Bill McLaughlin scored .the other Seaforth goal. Each team picked up foux,pen- alties in a fairly clean game. Bill German was a standout in the Seaforth nets, stopping many dangerous -rushes. The Boshart chair was won by Mrs.' M. W. Hodson, 14 Mc - Nab Street, Stratford. Attendance was very poor, with only about 70 fans turn- ing up. Not even one-half of the expenses were met at this game. Next home game is Tuesday, Jan. 30, with .Philipsburg. Chevs being the opposition. T 1T 1T 14 IT 1T 1T ILLT 1T I Up to $6•8s Per Ton BUY C -I -L ' SUPER FLOW FERTILIZER Packed in Pol hene Bags and priced at dealer prices! Store in field where. you are going .to use — GU4 ANTEED NO HARDENING' — 'LESS: Early Delivery and 5% Cash Discounts Order To -day. Have no delay at Seeding Time! • • PRICES ON SEED GRAINS ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT MILL m metery Board fort a term of three years. Kenneth Bray ---and Archie Mann:- That we appoint Clif- ford R. Dunbar as member of the • Maitland Valley Conserva- tion Authority. Glenn Huether and Lawson Ward: That we appoint Clif- ford R. Dunbar as representa, tive to the Maitland -Valley Con- sejvation Authority meeting in Wingham on Feb. 8. Glenn Huether and Archie Mann: That we give tentative approval to. the.. Grey Township School Area Board No. 2 to the, issue of debentures,•ip the amunt of $60,000, for the • con- struction and equipping; ..of a three-room school. Glenn Huether and Lawson Ward: That we give a grant of $10 to St. John Ambulance. Lawson Ward and Kenneth Bray: That all approved - ac- eounts be paid. Archie Mann and Glenn Hue- ther: That we now adjourn to meet again Feb. 3, or at the call of the reeve. The following accounts were paid: Association of Rural Municipalities, membership fee, $15; St. John Ambulance, grant, $10; County of Huron, tax col- lection charges, $189.34; County of Huron, leafy spurge account, $41.16; W. J. Perrie,obulldozing Walker"' dump, $10; The Muni- cipal World, supplies and sub- scriptions, $48.35; ,G. A. Gibson & Sons, repair Pollard Drain, $144; Callander lefursing Home, $92.75; Harold Swift, groceries, relief, $84.96; rent fbr relief, $20; Township of Arthur, re- lief, $15.31; B., M. & G. Tele- phone, office tolls, $6.00; Ralph Keifer, fox -bounty, $8.00; C. E. -Hickey & Sons, supplies, fire dept., $46.22; Roads and Bridg- es, $1,048.58. Total, $1,779.67. Instructs. Claes In Weaving Staff reporter, Sheila Gorm- ely, writing in Wednesday's London Free Press, describes a weal/Mg course being conduct- ed in London by Mrs. Wallace Mooney, of Massey. Mrs. Mooney is the former W.inni- fred Savauge, of Seaforth. The article says in part: "In- structor is Mrs. Wallace Mooney of Massey, a weaver for 20 years, who studied the subject at a lecture course at Banff two years ago. The course is being sponsored by London District Weavers and is being attended by persons from London and surrounding districts. Qne Win- nipeg weaver, in the city at present, also registered. "Design is so desperately needed by weavers today," she said. "It has been taken into consideration before -but designs haven't been transferred to cloth to the extent .they are now." Phone' 775. Seaforth .. 1VI'OST VALUE FOR THE FARIVIER'S DOLLAR" • �rY :.'.I.TI�' 1.111T.LTIT,1TIT JITp,1T•1-T.L • OBITUARIES Bowling Leagues Seaforth Mixed Doubles Highballs, 79 points; Head - pins, 71;- Wat-Hu-Dun, 63 ; Teachers, 53; Dutchmen, 49; Alley Cats, 42. Men's high: single, Jack Smith and Dick Kirk, 260; high triple, Jim Watson, 637. Ladies: high single Hazel Hilc brand 199; high triple, Joyce llliller,, B6. * * * COF Bowling League nding — Pole Cats, 39 ; Wild Cats, 39; Pussy Cats, 32; Tom. Cats, 30. High single, Har- old Storey, 250; high triple, Larry Wheatley; 630; high team, single and triple,, 1031, 2684. • * * Egmondville Church Standing—Black Hawks, 37; Bruins, 29; Canadiens, 25; Leafs, 23; Rangers, 23; Red Wings, 19.. Ladies' high h single and triple, ,Helen , Nicholson, 260, '577; men's high single and triple, Norman MacLean, 295, 617. *,•* * , Seaforth Legion Rockets, 64; Curvettes, 54; Pistons, 40; Pirates, 36; Sun- oc'os, 28; Dublin Electric, 27 ; ladies' high single and triple, Helen Nicholson, 239, 610 ; men's, high single, Edward Southgate, 642. * * * St. James' Church WIN.NOP ,WA.RRORS� CONTINUE ._ :. WINNINGSERIES- Winthrop - Warriors maintain- ed their winning ways when they defeated Atwood 8-1 in a WOAA Intermediate "D" galne played in Seaforth on Monday night. The Warriors ' opened the scoring at 1:25 of the first per- iod when Jim Strong found the mark, ' and Ray Powell made it 2:0 before the period ended. In the second frame, Winthrop in- creased their lead to 4-0 on two goals. by -Winston Powell. WALTON Miss Jean Walters, of Kit-, chener, spent last week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Walters. •.Visitprs,,,with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broadfoot on Sunday were: Mrs. Bert Stevenson, Mr. and"Irs. John Taylor, Mrs. Wm. Leeming and Mrs: Fern Patter- son, of Seaforth. Miss Donna Smith' of Strat- ford, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sm - Mr.ith- John Baan, of Ridgetowii, visited with his parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Martin Baan, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall, of North Bay, and Dr. and Mrs. John Bennett, Newmarket, at- tended the funeral of the late Russell Barrows last Thursday. WI To Meet The January meeting of the Walton Women's Institute Will be held in the Community Hall Thursday evening, Jan. 25: 'The roll call will be answered with "a healthful way to relax." Hos- tess for the evening will be Mrs. Margaret Humphries, Mrs. Luella' Marshall, Mrs. Ralph Tra- viss, Mrs. Ronald Bennett and Mrs. Ed. Miller. Hold Successful Euchre A progressive euchre party, sponsored by the • Hall Board and Women's Institute, was held Tuesday- evening in the Com- munity Hall. Prize winners were: Ladies'' high, Mrs. Frank Walters; ladies' low, Miss Alex- ine Williamson; gents' low„Wil- bur Turnbull. The next euchre -will be held''orri1d evening, Jan. 26. 'Mrs. Gleriorlett,`'Irs. William Humphries, Mrs. Nel- son Marks and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull were in charge of the Punch: ' RUSSELL BARROWS • Funeral services 'for the late Russell Barrows, Walton, were held from Duff's United Church; Walton, on Thursday, Jan. 11, at 2 p.m. The service was con- ducted by the Rev. W. Higgin- botham:" Mr. Donald McDonald sang "Beyond the Sunset." Pallbearers were Stewart Mc- Call, Walter Somerville, Nelson Marks,' Herb Traviss, Roy Ben= nett and Ted Reid. Flower - bearers were two. cousins of the deceased, • Ross Driscoll and Boyd Driscoll. Interment was in Brussels cemetery. Standing—Parrots, 66; Night - Hawks, 61; Handicapped, 47;. Sijtirg Ducks, 46; Scatter Pins and Wild Canaries, tied with38 points. Ladies' high . single, Alice Stiles, 215; high triple, Mary Maloney, 549; men's high single and. -,.triple, Peter Wei - mann, 327, 777. * * * ' Highland Shoes • Standing Alley Cats, G1;.. Black Cats, 57; Tiger Cats, 56; Hell 'Cats, 54;. • Puddy Cats, 38; Cool Cats, 28. Ladies high sin- gle, Maxine Marks, 212; high triple, Marion MacDonald, 551; men's high single and triple, Peter Weunann, 268,„ 660. GEORGE W. ISRAEL George W. Israel, uncle of Mrs. David Simpson, Stratford, died Monday at the Calcott Nursing .Home, Stratford,' after a week's illness. He was ,in his '79th year. • Born In February, 1883, at Guelph, Mr. Israel spent most of his life in Seaforth. He was a tailor by trade, and in later years lived for a time in both Kitchener and' Toronto. He went to Stratford two years ago, He was married to the former Maude Shillinglaw, of, Seaforth; w1 o died some year ago. The funeral will be held on Thursday at 1:00 p.m. from the G. A. Whiteey -funeral home, Seaforth. Burial will be in the cemetery at Chiselhurst. - CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs: Reg Lawson st Thursday attended the fun- eal of the late William Rob- erts at Clinton. Mr. William Jewitt last Thurs- day attended the funeral of the late William McKenzie at Exe- ter. Miss Muriel Dale, of Bramp- ton, spent the weekend With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Presz-- gator and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimoldby visited last Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. Charles Glanville and family of Crediton. Mr. and •Mrs•. William Dow - son and Brenda, of Varna, and Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Jewitt and Cathy, of Goderich, , visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt and family. Mr. William Jewitt and Mr. William Dale attended the elect tion of the new Warden—for Huron at Goderich on Tues- day. AUSTIN HOGGARTH The sudden death occurred in Toronto- on December 30th of Austin Hoggarth. He was the soh of the late Mr. .'and• Mrs. Robert Hoggarth, of Cromarty, and was in his 60th year. Mr.---lioggarth was born at Cromarty and after attending Seaforth Collegiate,, graduated as a druggist. At the time of his death he was a vice-presi- dent of Johnson .8.; Johnson. He is survived by his wife, the former Elaine Hauser, to whom he was married 'in 1927, and a son, Ted, of Toronto: He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. E. H: McGavin, 'Windsor, and Mrs. Alex McLaren, Exeter. The funeral took place in To- ronto on January 2, with inter- ment following in London Mausoleum. FUNERALS DEFEAT ATWOOD Atwood scored their lone goal at the beginning of the third period, with" G. Douglas the marksman. Winthrop c•a m e back with four me a goals to- make omake the final count 8-1 for Winthrop. Warrior goals in the third period were by Ferg Kelly, with 2; Ray Powell and Winston Powell. Winthrop will ply in Monk - ton on Friday, Jan. 19, and. the,. `next home game will be Mon- day, Jan,.. 22; -when _Lucknow will be the opposition The booster draw was made between the second and third periods, and the winner was Mr. J. Cooper, of Clinton. • Winthrop .11, Lucknow 8 Winthrop Warriors outscored Lucknow 11-8 in a high scoring WOAA Intermediate "D" game played in Lucknow on Friday night. The score was 2-2 at the end of the first period. Ken Mc- Clure and Ferg Kelly scored for Wihthrop, with Smart counting twice for Lucknow. In the second period Win- throp took a 6-5 lead. Warrior goals were scored by Don Mc- Clure, Winston ._Powell, Ray Powell and George Love, in that order. Lucknow goals were counted by Wilson, Gardner and- Kelterborn. •- In the third period; Winthrop outscored Lucknow 5-3, to make the final score 11-8, in favor of the Warriors. Jim.Strong scored two goals, with Winston Powell, Ray Powell and - Ferg Kelly co"iinting singles in the third period For Lucknow, Emberlin, Kelterborn and 'Smart tallied. There were five minor penal- ties called, with Winthrop serv- ing three. - MRS. REGINALD A. WILSON The death occrred in the Thamer Nursing Home here Sat- urday of Mrs. Reginald A. Wil- son. The former Queenie D: Southgate, she was in her 80th year. She had been in poor health for some' time. A ." The daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate, of Seaforth, Mrs. Wilson lived in New York City for many years. Her husband predeceased her 36 years ago. A private funeral service was held at the Box funeral ,chapel Sunday evening, followed by a service on Monday at the St. Jamea-the-Less Chapel, Toron- to, on Monday. Rev. Harry Donaldson; of St. Thomas' An- glican Church officiated. Appoint Officers The Ladies' Court L-1842 met last' Thursday evening for their regular meeting at Constance COF Hall. After the opening of the meeting and business mat- ters dealt with, the installation of officers took place, with Mrs. Frank Riley as high marshal, introducing' the District • Deputy High Chief Ranger, George Case, a member of the court, who conducted, the service for the installation of officers. The new officers took their places and after a few words from the, newly -elected president, Mrs. Leslie Dolmage, the meeting continued and closed in the usual manner, after which lunch -was" l;erved. The officers are as follows: Immediate past president, Mrs. Robert Dalton; president, Mrs. Leslie Dolmage; vice-president, Mrs. Stewart Dolmage; finan-- cil secretarj3, Mrs. ,Walter Mc- Clure; recording secretary, Mrs. Elgin Nott; treasurer, Mrs. Ken Hulley; Chaplain, Mrs. Sam Mc- Clure; warden, Mrs. Prank Riley; •elinductor, Mrs. William Jeiyitt; inner guard,• Mrs. Lloyd Pipe; outer guard, Mit. Norman Vincent, • *.r6' 8• ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Scott Archibald Somerville, RR 4, Walton, o , wish to announce the engagement of their. daughter, Jane Marilyn, to Mr. John Chester Harvey, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Milton Harvey, Exeter,. Ont. The marriage will take place on Saturday, February 10, 1962, at 3:00 p.m., at Cavan United Churchr Winthrop. 'Too Late 'to Classify 1958 • Mercury delivery truck, good running condition. MRS. R. KERSLAKE, phone 201, -.Sea• - forth. O1-1 TURKEY supper, Northstide United Church, Wed., Feb-' 14, 5 to., 7 p.m. Admission adults $1.25; children under 12, 75c. Olr2 FIRESIDE FARM FORUM On •Monday evening Fireside Farm Forum met at the home - of Mr. and Mrs. James Ho}yatt, with an attendance of 12 mem- bers. Discussion was. on. "Farm Management." "We can get management guidance and ad- -vice through the Agricultural Representative and through the Junior Farmers. This advice is given to them through the On- tario Agricultural College and the Department of Agriculture. Mrs.. Don Buchanan invited the forum for the next meeting. Winners at euchre were: Most games, Mrs: Oliver Anderson; lone hands, Mrs. Don Buchan- an; -consolation, Mrs. Alex Riley. The Order of the Eastern Star are holding their POSTPONED UCHR-E Thursday, Jan, 25 Everyone Welcome ADMISSION,— 40 CENTS in LO.O.F. Fall DANCING BRtiDHAGEN Community Centre Friday, Jan. 19th pesjardine's Orchestra ADMISSION 75 .C,.,ENTS EUCHRE & DANCE SEAL: ORTH, COMMUNITY CENTRE Friday, Jan. 19th Euchre starts 8:30 p.m. Darlaing' to Norris °rehastrp LUNCH SERVED Sponsored by Seaforth W. E EUCHRE IN I.O.O.F. HALL, SEAFORTH Monday,Jan. 22 at 8:30 p.m. GOOD PRIZES — LUNCH ADMISSION: 40 'CENTS Sponsored by Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge CKNX' - Saturdy Night' BARN ` DANCE in the- .' HENSALL Arena Auditorium Saturday, Janr.20 at 8:30,p;m: Sponsored by Hensall ifinettes. SEAFORTH Agricultural Society ANNUAL MEETING and BANQUET Tuesday, Jan.' 309 '7:00 p.m. EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH t Guest Speaker: Stafford • Johnston Stratford Beacon -Herald Admission .50 each Tickets from any Director or at The Huron Expositor FIRST PRESBYTERIAN .CHURCH MRS. M:" R: RENNIE, Organist • 10 A.M. Church School and Youth, ,A., Fellowship Class 11 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 7 P.M. EVENING SERVICE Guest Minister: ' REV. A K. CAMPBELL St. Marys SUNDAY, JAN 28 — Guest Minister, Rev. Dr. A. Fred How - ick, Woodbridge, Ont.; Monday, Jan. 29: Congregational Meet- ing, 8 p.m. • Nursery for Children up 'to three years 4YRIC THEATRE EXETER PHONE 421 Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Jan. 18 - 19 • 20 "Morgane the Pirate" Starring: Steve Reeves - Valerie Legrave (COLOR - SCOPE) • Mon., Tues. and Wed. Jan. 22 - 23 - 24 ' "Friendly Persuasion" Starring: Gary Cooper tti6ny Perkins (COLOR) The Week at SEAFORTH ARENA and COMMUNITY CENTRE THURSDAY, JANUARY 18th— , HOCKEY Wingham Juveniles vs. Seaforth --=8:30 p.m. Admission 25c FRIDAY, JANUARY 19th— Skating — 8 to 10 p.m. - Admission 35c and 25c , Seaforth W.I. Euchre and Dance SATURDAY, JANUARY 20th Skating — 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Admission —25c and 10c • HOCKEY Mitchell Bantams vs. Seaforth'i•-- 7 p.m. Mitchell Midgets vs. Seaforth — 8:30 p.m. Admission 25c TEEN TOWN — HALL ,MQ ;Ii AY, JANUARY 22nd-- - - HOCKEY 8:30 p.m. Lucknow vs. Winthrop Admission ,-- 50c and 25c FREE SKATING Wednesday Afteritoons • F.or Beginners arid Guardians'— 1:30 - 4'p:m. This space contributed through the courtedy of UNrON (j ` COMPANY OF -CANADA LIMITED SEAFORTH - ONTARIO