HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-01-18, Page 1Ji
103rd Year •
Whole,No. 49.01
$2,50 a, Year in. Advance
Bn?Pepe,"` 10_
Order Sketch Plans
dor N� w Hosp•it.ai
• Preliminary work necessary ".covers 35 active treatment .beds
to make possible new hospital 10 chronic beds, three recovery
'accommodation in Seaforth ad- and labor beds, and •seven''bas
avai)ced a stage Friday evening, sinettes.. '
when the board of Scott Mem- As soon as sketch plans have:
'oriel Hospital approved immedi- been prepared,' the board. will
.ate preparation_. of sketch plans. discuss details of the„Plans with
'The plans willbe based on re- the medical staff and -officials
cojnmendations of last May by of the Ontario Hospital Services
hospital planning consultants, Commission; .whd must approve
A'' ew, Peckham & Associates, each stage in the planning. It
w o studied requirements of was pointed out too,., that once
th area about 18 months ago. plans are,.• accepted, it will .be
The'' board's -architects, Barnett possible to arrive at more defin-
& IReider, of Kitchener and To- ite cost figures to permit a de
ro#ito, expect to have the sketch cision concerning financing. The
plans ready in March. extent to which the project will
The action was taken by the benefit fromgovernment grants
board following receipt of will also be determinedonce
preliminary . approval -by the Plans have been approved.
Ontario Hospital Services Com-
mission for construction of a
484bed hospital. OHSC approval
Mrs. A. W. Sillery
Heads ...Board
' MEMBERS OF:-SEAFORTH TOWN COUNCIL are shovVn as they gathered ,for their 1962
inaugural meeting. Preparing for a busy year, shown here are: seated, Clerk C. Lyle. Ham-
mond, Mayor Edmund Daly, ..Reeve W. N. Ball; (standing), Councillors John Flannery, Angus
MacLean, Neil C. Bell, Earl Dinsmore, Carl Dalton and Nelson C. ,Cardin).
OFFICERS OF SEAFORTH BRANCH 156 of the Royal Canadian Legion and of the Legion
Auxiliary were installed in im pressive ceremonies at the Legion Hall Thursday evening by
members of the Exeter branch. Shown here (left centre) are Mrs. C. Wood, Auxiliary presi-
dent, and Allan Nicholson, Branch 156 president, as they were installed. (Photo by Philips).
First Presbyterian
Church H�ldsAnnual
Members of the congregation
of First Presbyterian Church
reviewed a successful year Mon-
* day evening.
Chairman for the. meeting
Teen Twenty Has
Successful Year
Financial -/report of the Sea -
forth Teen Twenty Club was re-
leased this week by treasurer
Gwen Storey.
During 1961 the club took in,
$1,985.78 from dances andthe
sale of memberships, and start-
• ed that' year with a bank bal-
ance of $1,063.88. Expenditures
during the year included: rent,
$510; disc jockey, $46; orch-
estras,,„ printing supplies
and advertising, $49.07; records,
$79; hockey club donations,
$243.61; prizes and gifts, $93.12;
• refreshments, $36.53;.. charity,
$169; miscellaneous, $28.48 ;
dinner dance,' $259.56. This
left a bank Waned at the end
of 1961 of $800.29.
was- W. R: Smith, who led dis-
cussions during a review of
church activities. Norman Ran-
son ' was named secretary for
the meeting.
Rev. Ross MacDonald, of
Carmel Church, Hensall, the
interim moderator, conducted a
short service.
The work of the congregation
was reviewed by M. McKellar,
clerk of the session. He re-
ferreda,to the -removal from the
congregation of Rev. D. Leslie
Elder and A. Kempster, organ-
ist, and' wished them success in
their new responsibilities.'
During the year the cohgre-
gation .raised more than $16,000
for general and missions ac-
count, a report by church treas-
urer J, K. Willis indicated. Re-
ports of individual societies
were equally, favorable.
The meeting . elected R. S.'
Box, J. A. Cardno, Bedford Dun=
gey and N. Ranson to three-
year terms on the board of man-
agers. J. K. Willis was reap-
pointed treasurer,and the audi-
tors are J. S. Patterson and R.
S. McDonald.
Plans for Boy Scout Week,
Feb. 18-25, were advanced Tues-
day niiiglit, when the monthly
ineetint'sif Scouters was held
in the cent rooms, with Seout-
raasteC K. Sharp presiding. It•
was 'added to hold.open house
at the ; eaforth District High
School aliditorium on Friday,
Feb. 23. On this night the pub-
lic, 'as well as parents, will be
invited to come and see the
Scouts, Cubs •and Girl Guides
in action.
Development' of a permanent
Scout camp- was discussed and
plans' are` "beim made to erect
•cbollltll Ouse. and shelter on the.
site't'hat rii s: been donated to
oveinent b assist
the' Seed � Y.
ant 'Scoutmaster Oarry' McLeod.
The cost of the building was
estimated at around $500.
Cub News
The regular meeting of "B"
Pack of First Seaforth Cub
Pack was held on Wednesday
night. The . meeting opened
with the Grand howl to Akela
(Tom Wilbee) and flag break by
Bagherra (Bill Hodgert). The
rest of the New Chums were
invested , into Cubs by Akela.
Two rousing games- were play-
ed and conducted by Bagherra.
The Sizers were instructed on
the• knots and the Tenderpads
on the composition id the tin.
ion: Jack. The meeting closed
With the Mouse Call and. Cub
See No 'Change
At Hensall Plant,
Sale Announced
Sale of Vought Industries
Inc. to Divco-Wayne Corp., of
New York, was announced this
General Coach Works of Can-
ada Ltd.. at Hensall is a sub''
sidiary of Vought, but the
.change .in The parent company
will make no difference to the
area operation, according to W.
C. Smith, of ,Hensall, vice-presi-
dent and general manager of
General Coach.
Commenting on the change,
Mr. Smith said there would be
definite benefits. There will be
a greater familiarity with pro-
duct engineering and dealer-
customer relationships because
of the experience Divco-Wayne
has lead in the domestic mar-
ket. • Mr. ' Smith added there
Would be no change in person-
neI. a
vco-Wayne Corp. is the
hest manufacturer of milk
trucks and school buses in the
United States. In announcing
the change in ownership, Divco-
Wayne president Norman Glekel
.who now becomes chairman of
the board of Vought Industries,
said, "It is bur intention to con-
tinue to manufacture fine
mobile homes for our many
The Divco-Wayne truck divi-
-sion is located in Detroit, while
at Richlnond, Indiana, the bus
division ..is the world's largest
producer of school buses.
As Trucks, Cars
Meet In Storm
A Dublin resident was laked
to hospital with possible head
injuries when four cars and two
large transports piled - up on
No. 8 Highway, west of St. Col-
umban early Wednesday after
noon. Provincial police closed
the highway from Seaforth . to
Dublin for two hours, while
wrecking crews from Stratford,
Kitchell and Seaforth worked
in near -zero weather to untangle
vehicles arid pull them onto the
The_ .accident series occurred
is—driving snow reduced visi-
bility .to zero.
Hugh Benninger, 51, Dublin,
was in. .the second in a series
of- vehicles going east when the
first vehicle was slowed by the
storm. He suffered head injur-
ies when his car was in colli-
sion with the first car. Attend-
ed by Dr. M. W. Stapleton, he
was removed in Box's ambul-
ance to Scott Memorial Hbspi-
tal. -
A large transport which po-
lice said was carrying 30 tons
of salt, jack-knifed into the
north ditch as the driver swung
out to avoid •the fird.xercident
and a car proceedmg,;tvest:. At
the same time, a.t vgestbt5und
transport swung into rl►`h.'•tiiorth
ditch to avoid the ' oncoming
salt truck.
"It was a real mess,” com-
mented OPP Constable Al Bow-
ering, who, with officers from
the Sebringville detachment,
(Continued on Page 4)
Mrs. A. W. ',Sillery was re-
elected chairman of the .. Sea -
forth Public School Board at
the inaugural meeting.
Committees named include:
Finance, John Longstaff, Dr. J.
M. McLennan; Property, Mrs.
Sillery, William Hodgert; Sup-
ply, J. K. Willis, Mrs. J. A.
•The ' board's -representative on.
the Library ,Board is :;:bliss
Gladys -4 lompson,• and on the
SDHS Board is- C. A. Barbey.
Truant officer is Robert Joynt.
M. McKellar, who has been
associated with the board since
1918, and who first was appoint-
ed secretary in 1923, was re-
appointed secretary -treasurer.
Occupancy High
Occupancy during December
continued high, according to the
report of 3Vliss V. Drope, super-
intendent, and in the case of
medical and surgery was 100.1
per cent. Averageoccupancy of
all departments was 77.1 per
cent. The average number of
patients during December, , in-
cluding newborn, was 30.
In other business, the board
completed arrangements- fir X-
ray service and discussed with
the representative of the medi-
cal staff steps toTbe taken in
keeping medical records up to
Win at. St. Thomas:;
Mary Sills and .Bruce , Brady
were in St. Thomas last .week-
end taking part in the Western
Ontario figure skating cham-
pionship. In their first time in.
competition they came fifth in
the -bronze •dance event.
w.�. •.mow kms.•
Nine Huron • residents . were
killed and'1$ persons crippled
for •life in farm accidents dur-
ing 1961.
Statistics released by the
Huron County Farm Safety
Council, , meeting in Clinton
Tuesday, revealed there, had
been 390 farm accidents during
the year.
Lost days of work through ac-
cidents totalled 4,675, property
damage was $234,000, and medi-
cal bills more than $25,000.
The council decided to in-
crease the present board of di-
rectors—four`+men and three wo-
men—to,:include two represent-,
Alves' from each township in
the county.
In other li'iis'iness, the coun-
Decided to continue a safety
poster project in county schools;
distribute accident survey in-
formation to all organizations
requesting it; make -available
films on farm safety to farm
organizations and women's in-
stitutes in the county; and
commended area provincial po-
lice lectures on safety at coun-
ty schools.
Council President Ted Dunn,
of Bayfield; Mrs. Carl Heming-
way, of Brussels; liIrs_ Charles
Elliott, of Clinton, and' secre-
tary -treasurer D. G. Grieve, as-
sistant agricultural representa-
tive for Huron, were named
delegates to an Ontario farm
safety conference at the On-
tario Agricultural "C o.l l e g e,
Guelph, Feb. 6, 7 and 8.
Curl In Stratford
A .rink skipped by Mrs. W.
Moore was successful in winning
two out of their three games
in a ladies' bonapiel in Stratford
last week. The team consisted
of Mrs. ' W. Moore, Mrs. N.
Scoins, Mrs, N. Cardno and,
Mrs. R. 1302.
A rink, including William N.
Ball (skip), Frances . Ball, "Winn
McLean and IL BAll won See -
end prize in a mixed. spiel in
tutu, ,Saturday.
Hold Special,
Reeve George McCutcheoii of
Brussels : is .the. new Warden of.'
liuron County, He 'was elects .
on the ;fourth :ballot at the -97-
ening of `County council:'
G.Qderch Tuesday..ernool.•.'•-
' In the last : ballot' Reeve
Cuicheon defegtSc tItvReve VaI•'
entire Becker, of • 'Hay aT_ own-
sh 25 to l,l. Others e'hfmua't-
ed aartier were Roy Adan; of
Wingham; ' Harvey Coleman, 4f
Stanley Township, antt Clarence
anip.na; of East. Wawan'oshTQwn-'
Council observed a minute's
silence in memory of Reeve W.
J. McKenzie, of • Exeter, who
diecrearlierr this month.
Mr. �2cCutcheon, 39,has peen
a member, of council six years.
He •operatesa garage at . Brus-
sels. He is the first warden
from'Brussels since Robert Pow-
man served in 1936.
Nine new members were Wel
coined, including Mrs. Mae
Mooney, first woman to - sit on
county council, and Tom How-
ard, Ashfield Township's first
deputy -reeve. ._ Exeter was rep-
resented by last year's deputy
reeve, Glen Fisher, who •is=now
reeve, and their ,..new (leputy,
Claude Farrell.
Warden McCutcheon was es-
corted to the warden's chair by
the 1961 warden, Ivan Forsyth,
and invested with the chain of
office and the key to the coun-
ty. Magistrate Glenn 'Hays ad-
ministered the oath of office and
Rev. G. L. Royal, of Knox Pres-
byterian Church, gave the devo-
tions. Mayor E. C. Fisher wel-
copped council on behalf of the
town 'and Calvin Kreuter, of
Brussels, spoke on, behalf of
their villager council. John
Durnin spoke on behalf of the
ex -wardens..
Police Pay
Negotiations regarding` Sea -
forth police salaries, underway
for some weeks, were conclud-
ed Tuesday when a new sche-
dule was approved by council
at a special meeting, .and ae-
cepted by police.
The new schedule provides
annual salaries totalling $10,800.
Last year salaries; "including
holiday time, • amounted -to
Under the schedule Which has
now been adopted,,. the Chief
will receive` $4,000; first eon -
stable, $3,506, and second con-
stable, $3,300, The' amounts in-
clude regular7'holidays and sta-
tutary . holidays, . No decision
has,, been taken;„.concerning• al-
lowances fzor uniforms or other
(natters. Council was told iego-
.tiations to.,this -point -:had ibeen
concerned solely with salaries.
Other police matters -would be
considered' when committee bud-
gets were before council.
The salary schedule worked
out at a series of meetings of
the police committee was pres-
ented to council by committee
chairman Eey1 Dinsmore. Mr.
Dinsmore reviewed negotiations”
extending over several weeks.
On December 14 the committee
had offered salaries of $3,800,
$3,380 and $3,220, all inclusive
of holidays. Police .had replied,
with requests for $4,200, $3,600
and $3,600, plus two weeks holi-
days and statutary holidays,';
which raised salaries to $4,667,
$4,033 and $4,033, Mr. Dinsmore
On January 12 the• commit-
tee, repeated the first offer, but
thre days later the police indi-
cated the offer was not satis-
(Continued on Page 4)
REEVE DANIEL BEUElMANN is 'ihown here with "
embers of de1ttil)pp Counrcil and totnshin officials as he
bggins his 15th year in office. Seated, left til iittht; are: Conti-
cillor 'Will"atn Dennis peeve Dettermann, Clerk J. M. Eckert;
standing, Councillor's' Kenneth Stewart, Ralph McNichol and
Allan Campbell, and road superintendent Wilson Little.
(Expositor photo by Phillips).
Name Reeve D. Beuermann
Nailed to the Huron County
road;committee...:;"were: Tenn
Webb, Stephen Township,
year term; Melvin 'Crich, Klin
ton, :•tWo years;hniel ,B'euor-`
.mann, McKillop Towis'bip-,hre
year`s; Joseph . Kerr,_ Ingham, fi
four years; . Grant Star f oc
erich Township, five years. '
Reeve Beuermann is beginning
his 15th term as a .'member ,of
Huron County Council.
Narned as the 1962 criminal
audit board were: Judge Frank
Fingland, J. G. Berry and Val-
entine Becker.
The 1962 striking committee
comprises Jim Hayter, chair-
man; Frank Walkom, Gle";u'i
Fisher, • KarL l;Iaberer and A.
D. Smith.
Malloch Chapter.
Names Officers
Officers for Malloch Chapter
were installed and investeg at
the regular January meeting.
The installation was carried out
by itt. Ex. Comp. William H.
Roope and his assistants from
Huron Chapter No. 30.
Installed were: Ex. Comp.
Duncan R. Cooper, IPZ; Ex.
Comp. Orville G. Oke Z; Ex.
Comp. Allister Broadfdot, H;
Ex. Comp. Keith Sharp, 3'; EX.
Conip. Melvin E. Clarke, treas-
urer; Ex. Comp. Austin Mathe-
son, „SE; Ex. Cotnp. W. J. F.
Bell, SN; Comp. Earl Campbell,
PS; Comp. J. Cliff Britton, SS;
Comp. Ronald Buuck, JS ; /'•
Comp. Howard Fretts, M of 4th '
V; Comp. Ted Forrest, M of
3rd V; Comp. Leonard Wade,
M of 2nd V; Comp. Laverne
Hugill, M of, let V; Comp. Roy
Butt, outer guard; V. Ex. Comp.
J. Brown Higgins, DC. Sick and
visiting committee will consist
of volunteers.
Seaforth Wins
Billiard Series
The first in a series of inter-
town billiard games took place
at Norm's Billiards on Tuesday,
when Seaforth players defeated
a team from Mitchell 8-4.
The exchanges are expected,
to continue through February
and March, ' with the next
games being played in Mitchell
next Tuesday.
Results: Berger, D. Watson,
of Seaforth, 4, Ratz, Morey, of
Mitchell, 2; J. Watson, Rau, of
Seaforth, 4, Elliott, Fender, of
Mitchell, 2; McNairn, Bedard,
of Seaforth, 4 ,Boyd, Heiman,
of Mitchell, 2; McNaughton,
Brook, Mitchell, 4l; 'Piper, Mes-
senger, Seaforth, 2.
Smile of the Week
A. woman manoeuvring her
car into' a 'light ,.parking .space -:,_m
gave up IttetrAt valiant strttg- '
gle. The driver- shutoff-tha -mo-
ter and said to her companion, ^ ,
"This is "e'iosc--cnotrgli.' 'W"e can
walk to the curb, front here."'.