HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-01-04, Page 1c
103rd- Year
Whole No. 4899
$2.50 a Year in Advance -
Single Copies, 10 Cents 1
Total 41 In Year
Building permits. issued dur-
ing 1$61 in the Town of Sea-,
forth metalled $109,445, a re-
view of construction figures
Teen -Twenty
Has Dinner,
Plans E Iecti�ii.
Seaforth Teen-T'enty held a
successful dinner and dance 'in
the Community Centre Satur=
day evening. About ,150 'were
\--present. -
During, dinner President Jack
Bedard was master of ceremon-
ies for a short -program, which
featured presentation of a gift
to Chief Elmer Hutchinson:
Chief Hutchinson'' founded the
organization -several years ago
and has played a major role in
making . it• the success it has
been. •
The meeting heard a report
from treasurer . Gwen Storey
and secretary Barbara Talbot. in
connection with Christmas bas-
kets . which, had beeit_ ribut-
ed to 12 area families.
• Nominations were received
for the 'various organization --of-
fices,, and voting will take place
Saturday __slight, Those nomin-
ated are: •
-dos Pr-esideri BillOates,
Tom Dick, John .Patterson,. Bob
Beuttenmiller, Bill. Uhler and
Garry Little. -
For Vice -President lftarilyn
Trereeer--and. Mary Scott. -
For. Secretary -Elaine Somer-
�� - villi and -Ken Fapple.
For Treasurer GWen Storey
and Prehen WiUwnsen
showed this week. A total of
41 permits were issued by build-
ing inspector Harold' Maloney
in„the ,12 -month li'eriod. ' -
Largest' single permit covered
alterations to the Commercial
Hotel, with a permit for $26,600.
Other large permits included a
$20,000 building on Railway_.
Street, constructed for Hender-
son Started Chicks, and an
$8,000 permit for the Seaforth
Curling Club,, Ltd., for an addi-
tion at the front of their rink
on Duke Street:
Since June, -a total pf• 25 .per-
mits have • issued, including two
new residences. Those being
granted_ permits were A
Jewellers alterati o store,
$1,800; , W. E.. S uthgate, addi-
tion to residence, ames Street,
$2.000; .Seaforth Curling Club,
addition, $8,000; Fry Metal -In-
dustries, alterations to office,
$500; Frank Kling Ltd., Altera-
tions to apartment, $2,000; M.
Staffen,- greenhouse, $2l0; Brad
Smith, alterations to office
space, $1,000; John Tremeer,
garage, $500; J. O. Turnbull,
alteratipns to residence, $2,200;
Dr. J. A. Gorwill, repairs, $150;
Jack Muir, house, $5,000; H. J.
Maloney, sunporch, $200; Gor-
don Pullman, alterations to
barn, $150; Scott Memorial; Hos-
pital; -altering. entrance, $600;
Thorpe Rivers, siding, $500; Mel
Dale, sunporch, $400; ` Lorne
Dale, siding, • $1,000;. Charles
Reeves, house, 60"x30', _$3,00b;
Lorne Salzman, alterations to
store, $125, sign, ,,.$20; Alex
Has n, Queen's Hotel, brick
add ion,. $3,5.00.; -Rev, ''C. E, Sul-
liv n, veranda roof, $200;' Peter
H yben,- -picture window and
si ing, $1,000; Harvey Moore,
porch roof, $100; Gordon Nobel,
alterations ari'd' addition, Mar-
ket' Street residence; '-•$3�000-,-
Alex Hassan,:, Queen's Hotel, al-
terations, $5,400,_sign, $300.
Mark'N ew ¥e arwith,
o " Mr. Arnold Lamont, of ,Hari=
ilton, spent the weekend with
• his -mother,• Mrs. Archie• Lam-
ont. -
Mrs. Fred Elder. spent Christ=
mas week in London.
Miss Peggy. White, of Milton,
spent.New'Year's•with her par.
• ents, Mr: and Mrs. 'Joe White:
Mrs.. James McDougall, of
• New Liskeard, is visiting Mrs.
Hugh Alexander, Main Street.
Mrs. R. K. McFarlane spent
New Year's in Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Cum-
)* mings and Barbara; Mr. ,.and.
, Mrs. Soeder ;and;_Debbie, all of
••• Stratford, and Mr. Robert_Cum-
• mings, of West Montrose, spent
Christmas, with Mra. John Cum-
Miss Ella Elder. -spent the holi-
days in London and Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs_ Milton - Stewart
spent New Year's -with Mr. and'
Mrs. Arnold Scott-
-Mr. anfrIVl CO. H. Ferguson,
of Toronto, spent the weekend
and New Year's Day with Mr.
and Mrs. T.. J. Flynn.
Mrs. A. Bethune spent Christ-
mas holidays at the home of
her granddaughter, Carol Tim-
mins, and Mr. Malcolm Tim-
mins, of Toronto.
Mr. and. Mrs. John A. Mur-
phy and family spent New
Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Miss Carol Flannery has re-
turned )o to Beal Technical School'
In London after spending the
. 1962
Ashfield • Donald McKenzie
Ashfield (deputy) Tltos. Howard
Colborne Ralph Jewel
Goderich W. J. Forbes
Goderich (deputy) Grant Stirling
Grey • Clifford Dunbar
Hay Valentine L. Becker
Hay (deputy) Karl Haberer
Howick .. Ivan Haskins
Howiok (deputy) Robt. Gibson
Huta- Tom 'Leiper
McKillop Daniel Beuerrriann
Morris Stewart Procter
Stanley Harvey Coleman
Stanley (deputy).. Alvin Rau
Steg�en Glenn Webb
Ste'p'hiin (deputy) Jim Hayter,
Tuckersmith Elgin Thompso
Turnberry .... A. D. Smith
E. Wawanosh C. W. Hanna
- W. Wawanosh Harvey Culbert
Usborne George Frayne
Clinton Melvin Crich
Clinton (dep.) . Morgan Agnew
Exeter •... W. J. McKenzie
Exeter (deputy). Glen Fisher
Goderich Prank Walkom
Goderich (dip.) Mrs. M. Mooney
Seaforth,-:.. <i illiam-.:3a11
Wingham J,'. Hoy Adair
Wifigham (dep.) 'Joseph- Kerr
Blyth. ..........- Scott Fairservice
Brussels .. George McCutcheoti
H'eusa'lX .. /ones
Zurich ...,.,...w. , .....Ailton Oesch
BRIGIi1' S-NSHINE and. Shadows laced ainong`'the gees of Lions Park
suggest the ex 11ent weather on New Year's-IIay._ It was a perfect -day for
winter sports nd enthusiasts of all ages took the opportunity to try out new
sleds and -skit and toboggans on area hills. (Expositor photo by Phillips) .
Robert i Smith- Markt
inetieth Birthday
A former Seaforth reeve,
•Ro'bert Smith quietly celebrated
his 90th birthday- at his John
Street home on Friday,
Mr. Smith was born in Tuck-
ersmith on what is now' the
Etue farm, on the Kippen Road,
the. son of the late 'Mr.' and
Mrs. Robert Smith, but- as ' a
W. -Dalrymple is
holidays with her family,
Mrs,, C. Bannon, Mrs. -A.
Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ban-'
non and family, Mr. and Mrs.
John Flannery and family and
Gary Bannon:spent New Year's -
Day in- Woodstockwith 'Mr. and
-Mrs. Ray Hutchinson.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hillis,'
Jennifer, Peter and Michael,. of.
Ingersoll; Miss 'Marilyn Hillis,
Tillsonburg; Mrs. H. Barry, To-
ronto; Mr: and Mrs...Ted'Cl'egg,
David and -Kimberly; .of Den-
ver,' Col.,. and W. and Mra. G.•
Myles • and Jacqueline, .of Ot-
tawa, spent the holiday with
Miss Mabel Turnbull,
Mr., and Mrs. Wilhth' Jewitt
and family, of Constance, .5✓isit=
ed with Mr. and '.Mrs.. '. J,
Flynn Saturday evening. t
Mr. and -Mrs. James&'Sims, of
London,:•were visitors ern Satur-
.day at the • hame of Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Dale. -
Mrs. Montgomery Patrick is
spending the winter months
with• Mr, and Mrs. C. P. Westa=
way in Hamilton. • •
Mr• Jack Patr ek is in
Phoenix visiting and Mrs.
D. M. Patrick ad daughter, -
Jackie. --
Holiday,.guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham,
Wilson S4., were: Miss Sharon
Hotham, of Brantford; Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Laithwaite and three
sons, of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs,
Duncan Cooper, of Kippen; Mr.
and Mrs. 'Douglas Cooper and
Barbara, of Kippen, anttdirrrspec-
tor John L. Hotham, Mrs.
Hotham and family, of Wind-
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes
and Mary spent the Christmas
holidays in London With their
son, Mr. Stewart Geddes, and
Mrs. Geddes and family.
Mrs. John Baldwin and Stet
en; -of Don Mills, and Mr. 'and
Mrs. Robert Dundas,- of Lorne
Park, were holiday guests•' of
Mr. and MP's. Willis Dundas.
Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher
and Mr. and Mrs. Phonse Meag-
her spent New Year's in Water-
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner,
of Cromarty, visited Sunday ev-
ening with Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
- Miss' Sharon Hotham return-
ed to -Brantford on Tuesday to
take- rip 'her teaching duties.
Mr. Robert..Smith spent Sun-,
day with Mr. and Mrs. Jahn
Broadfoot in Tuckersmith.
Miss Vera Hudspn has receiv-
ed word orthe death in England
.in October of Mrs. Ben John-
ston, a former resident of Sea -
_ Lora _
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas •Silts`
and sons, Torr and Charles,
returned Sunday to their home
in California, after spending
1io1idays with Mr. and Mrs. F.
Sills here
Britannia W.M.
William- Dalrymple, was nam-
ed Worshipfill--Master ...of Bri-
tannia L•o4 a 2 at the'. annual
installatierr- f officers last Wed-
nesday. ' Mr. Dalrymple suc-
ceeds Elmer. Larone, immediate
past master.
• Other ,officers ate-- S.W., Wil-
liam Campbell; J.W., Arthur
Wright; chaplain, Ross MacGre-
gor;" treasurer, J. E. Keating;
secretary, Clare Reith; S.D.,
Cyril Kirk;... J.D•., Alex Chesney.;
director of ceremonies, M. E.
Clarke; LG., Emmerson Durst;
S,S,, Austin Matheson; J.S.;•
child moved with his parents
to Hullett.
"' ,,stonemason by' trade,•, Mr.
Smith worked un many build-
ings in the district. He helped
lay,.stones, when ,.the Ogilvie
Mills, now Topnotch Feeds Lim.
Red, was erected, and also built
the foundation of the B. B.
Gunn home, now owned by J. •
R. Spittal, on Centre Streetin
For -12 years he, operated a
threshing outfit and by -1908
had learned about telephone
construction,. He was. employ-
ed by 'the McKillop, Telephone
System. to build the first ' tel"et
phone' line from McKiilop' to
Seaforth. -In 1811 he built. the"
Stanley extension to the Tuck-
ersmith System. 11;
In 1916'Mr. Smith eirli•ted in
the 161st- BattaIio'n and spent.
the next three years in the
army, Serving overseas for two
years. .
Always interested in nfurti•-
cipal affairs, he 'served, coon ,
cil and was reeve here in, 1932
arid 1933. He is -a life -tong Lilo
eral. . -, : : -
.t'ack MacLean; tyler, Roy Butt. For many years he was . an
activie Member of the. Seaforth
Fire Brigade and is a; charter
member -of tht Canadian ,Le-
gion. He is an elder of First
Presbyterian Chui?ci;. -
Mrs.Sniith;,thy 'forme' Jessie
Cuthill; died nearly two years
ages -not longa`after', they had
celebrated their 64th wedding
anniversaw., Since then he has
lived calorie Each day he walks
tb t4wn and attends church
Long -Time PubliiServant
Senator Golding Buried
Year -End Fire
Takes Life of
Brussels Lady
An inquest has been ordered
into the death of Mrs./Donald
Currie, whose body was found
by searchers about 11 p.m. Sun-
day in the debris of her home
in Brussels.
Searchers had' pulled down
section of the walls• with a
truck in an effort to find- Her
bodyfollowing the • fire which
destroyed"the house just before.
supper Sunday. The body was
discovered on the living room
floor on the west side of the
house. •
No date for, the inquest has
been set, Crown Attorney J. W.
Bushfield said. An autopsy was
performed on the body in Kit-
chener. -
Husband Safe
Her husband managed--to.,Iiee
the home through a rear kit-
chen door, and. was reported to
be in a state of shock..•.
The Currie's three children,
Douglas, John and Barrie, rang-
ing in age frpm 12 to 17 years,
were not at home. at. the time_
of the fire.
:The fire was noticed by Wil-
liam Clark and Gary Wilson, of
Brussels. They notified. , fre-
men, ' then attempted to • enter
the Neuse, but were kept out
by heat and smoke. •
r` Survivors
Mrs. Currie, t h e former
Janet McLean; -is••••:firrvived by
her., husband, three sons; her
moth -dr, Mrs. • Daisy McLean,
Brussels; six sisters, Mrs. -Geo.
Somers, Misses Ruby and. Grace,
all of Brussels;, Mrs. John' Pen-
hnington, Grey; Mrs. William
Stewart, Mitchell, and Mrs.
Frank Alcock, Mand one
brother, Donald,"' 'his. •
Smile of the Week
Mrs. Santa:. '''What do you
want for Christmas?"
Santa: "A garden."
Mrs. Santa: !`,A garden?
Santa: _;'So Lean Ho! 1 -lo! Ho!
all summer, too.", -
FUNERAL SERVICES for Senator WiIilam
H. Golding Were held in Northside United Church
Tuesday afternm, conducted by his minister, Rev.
J. C. Britton. Senator Golding, who had been a mem-
• a.W1rw. , - •
ber of • the church for more than 55 years, was
buried' in Staffa cemetery, not far from the home
where he was born 134 years ago. (B-H photo by J.
B. ,Weichel)
Representatives of all,;levels of government mingled
with longtime friends from Huron and Perth on Tues-
day as •funeral services were held for Senator William
I. Golding, He was buried in 'Btaffacemetery, over-
looking that part*Hibbert Town-
ship. where he was bbrn and grew
Called to the Senate in June,
1949, Mr. - Golding ,died in- Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Sun-
day morning. While he had been
in indiff9rent health for - some -
months and had been a patient in
hospital for several weeks in No-
vember, his passing was unexpect-
Funeral services' were held a,
Northside United Church, o`f whi
he had beep a member since mov-
ing to Seaforth more than 55 years ago. It was "the,'
church:he loved," said Rev. J. C. Britton, who ofpicziated.--:..
Senator Golding had served the church in many capaci-
ties, and at the time of his death was an elder.
• "He was a beloved Christian
} gentleman," Mr. Britton said:
"He was also a kind friend of
• all who knew him, a good
father, and a man who 'pur
Pais Tribute_ To.: sued his work in Ottawa with
diligence and fortitude.
The minister said the vacancy
S�fhator Go!diag left by his death would be felt
in .the• church, the' community,
A tribute to Hon, W. H, Gold= and the nation.
ing is contained in the Follow- `-`We can thank God we knew
ing letter from J. Alex. Hume,
a well-known member of the
Press Gallery in Ottawa:
f2' Somerset/„St. West
Ottawa 4, Jar. 2, 1961
Ottawa Writer
Andrew Y. McLean, Esq„
Huron Expositor, ' •
Seafort-h, Ont,
-Dear Andrew: The late Sen.
ator William H. Golding was
such an..innately' modest man
•thati am not sure the citizens
of Seaforth. and Huron County
were really aware of the great'
contribution he made as an MP.
—1932 -49 ---and as a Senator,
from 1949 until his death.
As" an Ottawa newspaperman
since 1928, I can say 'that few
MP's and/or Senators ' enjoyed
the widerespect andwarm es-
teem, regardless of political af-
filiations,- which Senator Gold-
ing commanded by his many
sterling qualities of heart and,
Senator Golding was a gen=-
tleman of the old school. He
was a liberal Liberal, though
never a narrow partisan. , He
loved his country and his fel-
low man .with a deep and abid-
ing love. He was an outstand-
ingly conscientious, painstaking
Parliamentarian, devoted to the
public Weal. He was the sdle
of integrity, financially, inter
lectually and morally. He car-
ried his deep religious beliefs
into his daily life as a s,splen
didly fine practising- Christian.
He always had his feet on the
ground. His common sense and
his kindly humour endeared
hien to all with whoth he came
in contact.
Senator Golding performed
great service ,as deputy chair-
man of committees of the House
of Commons sitting in commit-
tee of the whole and as a faith-
ful, constructive member of
numerous Commons and Senate
committees dtili•ing his nearly
30 years in Parliament.
The world was dndeecl a bet-
ter place for Williani. olding
having lived in it for more
than 80 years. Parliament and
the world are the poorer
through his death. The world,
in these continuingly critical
days, can ill afford the loss of
such shining qualities and ad-
mirable traits of character as
Senator ...Golding possessed in
such abundance, 'He was all
wool and a yard. wide. He stood
like a tall tree, solid like a
rock in a weary land.
It was my privilege and plea-
sure to have known Senator
Golding intimately for nearly
40 years. I first -met him when
1 started my career as a news-
paperman on the Goderich Sig-
nal, back hi 1922. Our friend-
ship continued when, I was on
the staff of the London Adver-
tiser, 1924-28. Our friendship
deepened and ripened after he
came to Ottawa as can MP in
1932, and- continued undimmed
until his I'amented death.
Senator Golding , will be ,gen-
uinely mouthed on Parliament
Hill, where he Was. a familiar,
beloved figure 'for so long..
One of Nature's noblemen,
they don't make them any bet-
ter than "Bill" Golding.
As ,Senator Golding's succes-
sor as Huron -Perth ;VIP in 1949,
you will have been aware, Mr.
McLean, of the high esteem in
which he was held in Ottawa.
I merely wish to add my richly
merited tribute `to -'a" distinguish•
ed Canadian, who now has gone
to his greater reward.
Yours sincerely, •
him," he added. "He believed
that the world was dependable;•
he walked among -us, With,-
His chief characteristics, the s `
minister added, were loyalty, .
honesty, «armth, and a strong ,W
devotion to the cause of God. •
"We would do .well to. be like
During the service James A.
Stewart sang '
Born in Hibbert
• Senator Golding as' born in
Ilibbert Township April 14,
1878, a son of the late Henry
and Sarah Golding. He receiv-
ed his early education in that
district, and apprenticed as a
machinist. In 1905 he came to
,Seaforth, where he gained em-
ployment with The Robert Bell.
Engine & Thresher Co. Ltd.
an association that was 'to con-
tinue until 1949, when the com-
pany was sold. At that time he
was a director, of the company.
s,*.Early in his life he indicated
an interest in public affairs, and
in 1916 was elected to the Sea -
forth town council: In 1921 he
was elected Mayor, an • office 'he
continued to hold for • nine
years. He served as chairman,'
of the Public Utility Commis-
sion until 1935.
Senator Golding played a
major part in the establishment
of‘ what is now Scott. Memorial
Hospital. First chairman when
the hospital was organized in
1924, -he continued in that ca-
pacity\'until 1945.
Elected in 1932
His interest in politics led to
activity in the Huron Liberal
'Association which he served as
a vice-president. In 1932, fol-
ibwin•g the death of Thomas
McMillan, M.P., he was nomin-
ated to contest a by-election
called to fill the vacancy. Suc-
cessful, he was returned' at sub-
sequent elections in 1935, 1940
and 1045. In June, 1949, he
was summoned to the Senate.
Senator Golding was appoint-
ed deputy chairman of the com-
mittees of the whole House in
March, 4947, and served in that
p'ost until 1949, when he was
called to • the Senate. Under
Prime Minister ,Mackenzie King,
he was for many years chair-
man of the Liberal party cau-
cus. He was active in a number
of Senate committees.
He was a member of Britan-
nia Lodge, Seaforth, and of the
Oddfellows. A Masonic service
was held at the chapel. Sunday
He Was married January 28,
1913, to Alena Kenchen, of
Owen Sound. She died in 1959.
He is survived by two sons and
three daughters: Arthur, of
London; and Frank, of St. Hub-
ert, Que.; Mrs. T. S. Perritt (Ev-
elyn), Vapcouver, B.C.; Mrs. J.
C. Mack • (Dorothy), Dartmouth,
N.S., and Mrs. Ross Montgom-
ery (Marjorie), Seaforth, and 16
T, (te' body was at the Box fun-
eral home until Tuesday noon
preceeding the services in
Northside United Church.
"Honorary pallbearers were
Senator John Connolly,_. Presi-
dent National Liberal Federa-
tidn of Canada, Ottawa; lion. J'.
w. Monteith, Minister of Na-
tional Health and Welfare, who-
horepresented the Federal Gov- •
ernment; Senator William Tay- .
lor, Brantford; Hughes Cleaver,
former MP for Halton, of Bur-
lington; Robert McCubbin, for-
mer MP and Parliamentary As-
sistant to the Minister of Agri-
culture; Judge Frank Pingland,
(Contlnited on page 8)