HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-12-30, Page 2ota I am Since 1860, Sem-fag the Comm4lixft First Published at SZAM11M 01aA1110, ii Ill Inol by MdXAN SiRil Publishers ANDREW Y. _MCLF_kN. Effitor Member Canadian Wil Newspapm' Association Ontario Weekly Ne wmtton Audit Buraaurplr�ll Su= Rates: ae Canada (in ) '.P.N1 a Year Outside Canada (in ad-il 1,M50 a year SINGLE Lill — 10 CEill F_4l Authorized as Second Class Milli Yost Cill DePartmel ouilli SEAFORTH. ONTARIO. DECE-NIBER;3(, 1965 The Publishers and Staff of The Hui -on Eq)oi ExZend Every Good Wish for a Happy. Peaceful -and Prosperous New Year A Mactluff Ottawa Report Cabinet Shuffle Topic of Discussion up SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OTTAWA -Ir Prime M i , 11 li I I L ini-,;ter ramed to his des:1ruction. Rt and Friends, PekMon's resbuffied cabinet, the lained by tacklir� the trickv Mr, Green's past acqjN-ilit, , in ;roblem of lrle�m_atinc Canada,,, Power IS L, Toronto. the plan. -lie Common-: 'wor,, He e h is Fxmed force--, are from Qtiebec.. and the lob am eacjer. bm sex is OccaPied by -an. e�dpe it) his - voiith a cu e Quebec' has no similar ent for nee lu 1, 0 slack a� Joe Greene. 'ainst the Toronto �': 17 MT. Grell a hom aEnd crd heck- b Scandal and bad jud es�Pum 12v- Mr. Green yer whose face reminds some of e hzve !k))d again -1-1 Deb men as be most eff ve ruagh-and- M-nunce L&nton!�4_ne, GuT Flav- Pe'll of Abraham Lincoln's. tumble inkgbi in Lbe C -('.)M- reau M ha4z the unerviable task of per- a1mc-1 Sauce who, _mDr- _1'uadang Canada's farmer�s that bemer rn;; In the Years Agone The reSwl is an e�aent hl .1111r, - re In 'ood hands with the :ion of st�ore_s a- bee rivpll� la Liberal p K Tor nuary places M 11 M rkceMe I of Mr. D. John - am, - pe.op tkbL,, thl-I which opposition member_- i -for Cd ZM ane sc�lid at _4zTe za.on. t�eacher, The prom c.on MET a job others- - notably L-3, 10 pay off cu. that the "� Zr-ROm is probably bop- _�v T, 7 - be has herd the last of Ill and lill W. R:rinor per Pound A Polled -Angus SIST-ad of a number of-readiHazer, e and Rarry Lave him in Hays pmn own )rl'Si- Helen and Edrth and ;_q, calf. 13 Incirths old and Tl -have tried T+)e aiie'ZooW agaim,-T his inm_ T l6atior-&.1 and failed- Mr. ,ulture, Axchie Ho:zgarth sqpew chrLi� Mg. CoIasp=n&. wRZ, sold for cal ;zejecbor, and musi- A i --ter is More "'Ier- Three mmistel-s agamgl , Mr, John ill Ar�_-ue tried it in 1963 when- Vulerable a backbencher MRS with R_ -v and Mrs, J. C ray. 51eZf0r1h. -!Tzre a number wIth a cabinet seal within his d the wbam rzrvine chW-_Z__ had been �uWl. le new h , of the appi- milad ElZrittan at Imworild, T'he` Filo'st tii�5ce DePZr=&MT of hi:, comic sone: grR:P- he failed to win his own e L-0111 the cabinet, The prm- -winners for the is CRUM-11 for tender�, for the Mr, Daniel. Ruby, formerly,of seat- t VirfT me --a Imo'. F�Rrre_Ru. -il judgment LOU c deba skffl to Lo,1d Z& was eachre held im v-mThrop Hon NinVil .1 His Majesty, cW, The Township of Hay. but .,w mr- Rays took over with his tie MtJ qnesbolm in the L-mes -it be, in a on Dec. 12th we -re.: It 1112 Per we Z prosperous own brand of Alberta ranch Greene does yrs on but in a --cames, Mr:5, lone hands, *"ween the WRIT031 pil office farmer of 450 ac- talk- He seemed to his 'IF And the CPR 4;7MtJon, res at Carahe-ir. N-wth Dakat;L - -10M mar amtoliothan Jus- alon! be �-etting, best to Come to terms on be tace whia, he wre held. Mrs, Joe Dolmage: men_ _Z fine with the f2mer& half of his� party li r,, and now here %-isitin-, -says that rn al Erotic Ton: ]one ham,&. Mr John &mder of Bruce, ; And e _ �e nl,,hl !2me, the Zveraze wheat Government sold big Or- Canada, 11 is evident .from Mx, the Cab have gone, up Mr. MkChl he)d. hats insa boot arid y2eld this dens 30bm Neilson. wl'o shoe repair madl:me in his UD� rear IS IS bushelS per acre, of wheal to Russia and Pearson's new cabmel 1*,,= Met ladder but for the -qnme China. Then- in the Nov, ft That the seats of the ml: - ChW-2,e_,Z of --leymion, ue ongs-, months R� joined the Navy. Azl­daw harnes.-s _,hcp and Wilhrnm Coleman -alari of the election. the roof fell it, again.��,r 9hZZ are h3$ Magdalen ISL� ri-d- I -:�-condl :..oncesgion Of Tacker the cities and espeiciailj in The old year is ending and A're In a Set_sre---yved this veek bom's, how and smrth. The Lib--ral$ failed to make Toronto. br Mrs, W:J. Walker, des= -ib_, ,e -Ings has 5 horse Colt e!O' Man,- Far& = the farming ar- Headir� th 31 Mr. Sarre his e,71� e 1,sit 1_: y R one of three -in- T -)=.as ruc, morths 111L which weighs 9DO eas of the East. In' the WR est Minisler Mitche"I Quebec Ministers, whose jobs Ni I h, , C�=, of & 5e,10- has -zaj, ;f pounds. glad to be able to'Pause and give from a dis&s�cus barracks hr�, ShRrP vdtkO could rise - - were -blanked on the adds to the pres�.,e cl , I "P11- rice on Forty-nine -was the Txr, the' the Ce sock for the s'll zi� rmn- pr� at Am EIr,,-err C',Fnadiaz per - 6 mit em- C'iffcird Re" ar �e*z exc'eP1 for One zler, and nZI)Ce job the con Fol of the 'Oremmen! shake - Mr arid Mr, F',rark O -An ked fir:, 1�t b':' of carvictions by counts Mx, HEys sraffz re him up proposed by Mr. Pear. -,on is sid the Se-Rfar-,]� co, `eli v`e-W down in Canadiaz Wheal Ploal-13 and ?--- You our bi1. g "Thank You" for your 3,F�c'Rte . ZM_!-'L'-'ate durn-- 'be 'as-' 9UPr- 1he Penieral'debacle. polibes] Credit, 'n' may geneTve inarked the scit-)l EMT, T17:.e examin-pti'IT"s ­ 27 of the line:, i:1" v-nSa_--F :z PFZ-, 1. , Greene Is -he third in,, MmLsster of rural develop of their Wflcya:= al :be-,- boxne Pan 2- and b0f.,01, mam-1culla't S! 00 fme, the 1,otal fires Un 1, :sales aT: gr2itn abroad. op - _011 - to b2i and hi- come., Of MeLl- be bolds the ruraj friendship, and to'tell yoti: b,6;n_- sns.s hi= -NC,1 far behind is Robert Win- ter,, or. Dec- 24-, af E �W,4Z ff 2-S - own choice, art a Lbe, mlnIsz� 01 M.Ln- RefcCc- Mr. Pear- I ers, the Lunenburg, N Power beld b far= M:��Zpr, n� r`-e`)P`[1- Sc cab e, a:1n011rjc'e­ent, t-i�li bc�i'wbo went ,.a Bay &�&el Jean Marchand Fire of undleatenmuni-d Innr.A'iz4nch y on Tue-,;llda- Mor- -Inc C-nmn)e 'e -v !-.X- �-,ZL Johr Rn. az!d the raLr--­­-7 of resources, 'n ft - 4: e 1­:�­ _--1 rcut-Md the rriznz Bc-onsx� , - " Joe C-T""F`0e `zl� 6ear2l --Preach- by vvpay if 0� or Erb -1 -Sco-­ dep 7'E 4.,,- a C L _L, I ar� became i a� he w-n,l •zLround A z. kPe ezero of JeEx Luc Pepin, Re4F-,su-._7,t hiere 1­zd ­ - - - JACKSO,N ALUMINUM izr'� z_TnIng tvc-oor 'e, C-ra. ;?--m .,l Bul S12 11-1ree Quebeckers are :.h!� Lasha= P-­icje� had he'�z ba:. amonm to near -,-Y sl�- r1i ...... k back Ir "Vez a chance ra--ber f -be fire f,,=,, nireme�. _:_nz and 'l Then r ichtdrc t .1f;= aTIPOLLt-d -C, arr or: the 'M C-ommf i -� _-rc4f -), Dx�r)e­an s F�-A7k S; I Is,, n �L_s7l, Is L -2v -:!z �77ale_ :i: I.Tl LIMITED 2rd e_ -n- r F'--ank T. :-he T,=ing or B s -l" d I h:,�_, 1,�7 Ft�ine �Ie'Je� e, -z ir the Af Benn� Sm. e pear, ee 10 %Z uW` DELn)E' Phone 527-1490 Seaforth -,VY The Hrjrz-n F_XP_-Si1t> r V on W.:, A: 7� memhrr C; war v tbe M&k E their A .7. - - - - - - - xr -1 :ley CaS PP 4: VFha is t be largely -NITS. V le- 71, - - - - --- P-4,M �__Ilz ! STA777-3 T 7 li, Em 7 $*0Z 7. �'l 17 -ar ind ­,��n�iz u-hf,7 vn� vrn7 S u 4C rf- -!Wt 9 k1pice S . ji _,T�r :E . A Dz nLl" L�, x" Shrilatm l Z«7 7 V-7� wn •By Bill Smiley B -R7 0- F. Fir -7 v h� ht'jilc I The Or,anization 7t r16fl:­4 'rit:Z� Man �-a­e i lis,, c�f dirawn up, 0! :.h25Ic "ov-�-rilig frCIM. (T P-=. )il A:: "Ve arm red =i.�,is bril& 111 07f, VeLr 0 More of th is AW4 W 'n !'t and laryIlCtr eaz 1 1 Ur:bealth3 CL rr td, this type and uLivvea2thy all, A Year -End Review of 1965 s7­T)e:nr b -cause _iev vrS. _as Make ine w�k C -a -'-fused L,-,= pare 2" Kil x t My w1fc. le vh-, n �,hf son of persor, banie Wh3 B record I' cos:. bfIna, A f 71), nev trkz , !R:`1 , - , al In -h a: IS-& :3 mean Thf. chap )eerInv 01 js f0r`-=e .,e* a a=e .15C -� Maycir -ZmL, vl'-� va��ble bock. MT��o, ih(- _;-fe lrgil F7 pUjw� _, ince ads Resc)�Ved 1hal T M DoME It) 3'A Cr': h -A. farm mea, aT.De-7 ♦:2-ftr found b -T Pc,:JL-f IT; BT e , RT cbxi M Urtlz 4P ot bousf ppid up. F*, op sm�jklrf. drrik�rll - and ffe-, 7 Puc chairma,, D : - ­ Z: Lor),� C. I contamer pen:�)or al: ac Mr P-T�d Mz-z, .1RmP,, .t t3 Las sened Is 'ea, Tilub- f, - - ur&d and a I thIrk My )UrZ, and C. akz C I -'r.Bei -1: hl`� the b'lv. 'r2i &Tr -u1-,1 when he reurez: 2T --i Ca Mr line mr, Silas .1 ohm' -1'r, or the ;ata: 1_17L.0 arid was pr,- -4;. 'afrir-ft ar LE -f -)or. it. Clin- -ter -e shot by rJol To the seT4 e'd 2 jon�C-s-_nce p2$;1 'r S I -t and other re�atzve_s inur for �be or. -Amid dye; 2, 61 from EM two don Rill to Much yrewls-, �14,1- Atwii 15 qbeex baredon because there's , But the thlre Va-, H Workman arld d'suo- award 1.2 -b'ez he ame Mrs. H nothmg left 1.0 one is liable to Gene rejuderl on ter. Mai 1. aree;e The 11ve me 2 heart aMck from Witof banar at a gatb- Ichok SL. Seaforth. vrp_, the vi u -bo mdLenatjon that these weeks with Mr and sold lk Them there's sheer Herb Dur- ei-mg: off members ff the town A_D be mar s ber house lzke Clockwork. shameless -6ssiess are anowed her; . di W th, , run Brit-"om And fRM1',T Z Dublin CD-rl formeTtr If "Waltar- C!ll catniml and their In tb-- Poi Miter 1 c2intor.. U`itl Everything m time. Not a dirty beach., oo ErOund dike twat on the -HAPPY' 4 * qt tL_Jred toes' S-Atl vEddmr ammj, CA)M]M-_rCTP2 Eill They Were Miss Trur A.= Bea Hei ash-tw.- Not a half-baur in the el 11 says here. i'fi sirs a-, their home j, 'Strai2l__ = __EMt_d day of Pure bumml for any- tbal rm gill Fr=il Norm, E3T,,!tW ,�x blanker Vttt am elei Walt: suc&essful in — - 7 to December 3,1, 19,1S prebinmal pa:-Mv hex body in the fainRl Surely it StOP Pampering My kids. 41 5, se�rO3_ Apnil I dn ct-_ xst't her famit tls _AIXT TewarL la k-ure- and The The roof cif a -pi V, Chn- -w ninned tbf bEt5i,, artew at in si at St. 7b a' her 1�dl next t1li Hugh suggai-L, be tin ciii-Im. A fia,,Fil pill honli Is the of ill She become greasl beatnik= the min` need-,, another tem bore. Tn N[W and qk=m_� rink the Ift annual H=on 00,imt, My and M -s Mr. and MrS, We they leave bome, and her puneb hhm not tared iia sondes The wel If Driuma p,_,;Ajva1 beM = can Prank Bil st,,al ReIL in the nose- _ of Mr -K np, uW held = then husband - ll- the mi The ne= til E_ snaw time dt.T last wei AmMor via -03. Cl _%ed hol • ]m Con-4tance Han was fro; alcill to awo. - = tens Zi T= _Uanop be�fil �d� J�k fMed tit cill nal 7 2131 old fud. r1l take a strap U Mr. Al GrZT, of the sel Far whfm friends, MeIgb- to gtr*ke- TO ALL OF Y U If T-ackersmutL 'rt'. Plxy dr -ell Ift'- d8Par=`e to Stm-dwt_ A prer- bm,_z bbd her. It's a r, K J Dim& vi preselm%ed whh ergab,, If a prile Imm, t 71612tnreS honored Mr. 110C11 29 1 4el GrgaidZatio,, aing to, be difficult. V wV and Xm M2il Carter m 0,,� I've got to lei admuab. as he outweighs Me by M,. 1,[) drowin a7vel Be PM_P11qei` the Mel Kf-wes VVPIU fear chm eta= End bedspread over" Pomd& and I ccaldn'%,beal that rxISM�R_ his berm and ptmig, it the best plky. Vas =.Rd& Il Of thMr 25th wadding TvJe dL-U� R's not ea!;Y, after FROM OUR STAFF a Celmflml foltindgtim mi se a fifefune of 'V anniversary. -rill if she MmMmitted murder. Rom. the =mmi Meel Of M)- CIMStrul=11cm -of rite me, SaL, Dmald MCK-WrIer If Mill birl fire beem`c=&mf=eM%& Wtoe ftC_haQ& But Or_-Em=&b0m WM Make :9 Tice harmony may be old_f�ashjoned her" 0"Perativt riatu AMD- form =Mnmill in is .toe f nine young On. Zn3r daughter. in a fit of te� Possible - Robert and Rms MeleML aff mation, sbarebIlders lm=ed was staff The bul n 10, t fam blues Resolve& that rm g0mg to M10111L 111i ftim Mit- tha% al record WU pavle who UO par- age the other clay, she chemo 8 Yew had cared am -hil dv,&,..d b, RM b, VMS soundimg eff an the But the words are sincere ... &'i ffa 14 UOM been PaSsi A patrzimage bill JL B, &OM in the third -Intil iiaturally. I e fatm"T re. -alar exercises. some - two )DB& of brr& e&-1 hilad us of -VaRM-to Vas pzjd 0,,, told her thimill' MOM str121MOM than bend- D,2p� rnmal e=h=ge for 4--s club embumm;Iff 2=0 brick; eaj:?n Wo pgbww shm-m t1le be3,e k_ Rme Wnm� sbP Vas ==F, that hk was a xl, ;� r1bill stn -king a ML-a� of Sedw, C�� Imenallem to be beld tlil 7ear galli adveintill bli& VL�gba 4;ki pounft, =I&- fft, t attil his first J121Y 12 to 26 IT taking 2 =rp of a jar of We are glad to sing this till cl mNuff 'Rulf Same adventil Same JMm 'TIE, the lmtlft itif Ill SAM Al the rell apeirl If %be week re ,,U, Mg last APOU 22 old Uxln& dily gnil <Ikv we, - message _ appmted bV k Rp-sli that thu colmmm P111111 A4&TC 110 paxinds CD -i the fallailli wm drw Sel cill to IM The - trier A --raduate of Sli Dir, arler 1"X Y`eZr after -year- will be Wntleti ;81 My leisul And sing it loud and dear_ 1kr the slil Mill the U44 V1121i Mm-litib 9: chel V=, Roil vREI E110 Scholl and pmnl 'r V%,a fanwed be dean UM. Till ane.DA& V19 'do YOU and I'm to a deadLil will Mil ab the rnvw to M Sil 'ce =W= nw"3d af Rw"Te -V- C- C-fto 7 If W1111300 stviliflZt, Mm bave 1Z ]riot fwvard to?, gli ftVil Mr- Q D. Halo is using iffir Pr_VM mmirl oft: k, ow= Teri I-, �ni, mid Cal Dill Dtill Seldril has Wen, that struck btime. it Ilie =;ll at VtR pm In To all our frienius and customers lit" V&-071 Mill Tim M= I&M AlAileal 9a,_ X -11i 13- Al a a -%D saalars� that 6&-, all qiilte the morcel My Appel in enable icer tO Pmqsve Iter to tgR about the res�= Rmgvel slim and still dxesl Ted VEhp. SL Xm.m V&. Me= Mroim�_ 4'00rm 1W he Vew Cher • ofWn- FYel and Latin tv&es, She and lbe rife ell afta that I wM Make T _ or evem knan Art cur Lee =emz -me OsIffinlan - L amV. h1l PwrUsed &.e The otl� The hCPPiest New Year! 'Idr whi& be has been jqW,,q. MWT& 23 the Pm N the dmigbter Of MT. and MM abow gmilli old MWrtqF. teatbeM bd agemt, Pell If �** Ike Awl Dcri- U. Dorranm of McKMrP and ntil aro dafly W- D. Ste*Wtsixim b cbxi =a.-& for M0.70a ill -even abmn the sheer jay of gaily, and ask: --Wei ;�%, M -r- lead purge swil%= fw the kmaw S In a few meets _r, s tbe mnams bpv�r the brIng-rorlm psivell, Wen we Vev�_ V, Aff TW=11x 19PM Cft�� PagM beiri., pf S-ei im the mew Seal CIMMMIty e& THANK YC U Wlb7 J'Mnr Fvrmin-, vvas named til , Rfilsolvied &V I will glop the seaFm-til Laws Ch%- 'MPPil arlw "I tbl' 2,11me es and id FOR YOUR PATRONAGE ffia�anulth lbeir dw4fter WIM jtam IT Hospaw Will be busv fth x1l Ii was rLal there and then ben4 wee' to peMle just be f,_ -Wvrk n weld a an a al ;drama all ii In fbp-'r romil I'll sbe 'll =01, 1,don1L �muse I&e them, and wM X1 Vam Oki,- of Czz11* am,= Czlml CkMM31 Vmd amr, = GmTm ar Ole It', P11121 --le ahead ul a gmg CMI]MCY u eiiqmeted in .1i those -1. Can ,fhe fti V 'amemis, 5=Mf1fi a %Mara of carr funeral gtulml jumell ler, J=e ft evez4e- do -me shine gov& beld In Ibirtm. Imnar ;&=&t;. as fw*ll m., jll we f`11M Van the FliA sffte Sam tk %d helm fir wear-eld Caml _ , we,,,e, curt Iut zf Spam *`l4lb 'Raimo am" for _,%eara wira,.,li jam,'Zm kmed = . 1,10,_ was ZOM114 &" me ti&ei �e b) 'the RMZO of the no& 1%em are 274 021W MIUUnns, LARON E"S till &%-,ft Nfu= cm,*10, Vitiv,5ed vpa Wmi&= Velig, .01 . drimm bT MOOT J� nlm_ and Imem),ij, beg it zi I jej-1 thM pvp else _IOU17L neat/ 7he pl*e VMS $50. atEgi lwbillm Mass of eye Sftforth 5C U $1.00 Csqure, Au.r,els d it4lp SbAkmg =0- qCriattlhed the sbtEam pal Iptilk emanded in SL 29 &Al .h=er PnMan is the res vvbz) for a nra-e drinatia 4TWIonery Prop" 0*4�OTM reVWtW hu meill =ade a telr3*u NOV W SM)Mey in Gifts (Mbunued ta Page S) Tviarl�l; r0S&U1j= b U* &41� laid. lil; All i t1lin �i al 10 0 *V P