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The Huron Expositor, 1965-12-23, Page 8
)S S ITOR � Q 231 , A p5 r ..R, :. �.. in P� OBITUARIES ce MRS, OLIVER ANDERSON M. s. Qliver Anderson, 69, RR 1, Londel(,b-oro, died in Seaforth Conimunjty Hospital, Monday. She had teen ill but a week. The former Stella Clarke, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Robert Clarke, she was born and lived her entire life ix► Hullett Township. She re- ceived her education at SS 3, Hullett. For many years, until the time of her death, she had 'been organist at Cavan United Church, Winthrop. Surviving, besides her hus- band to whom she was married in 1922, is a son, Eric, RR 1, Londesboro; and four grand children. The funeral service will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the G. A. Whitney funeral home here. Rev. J. C. Britton, of Northside -Cavan United Church will officiate. Temporary en- tombment will be in the Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum. MRS. DOUGALD' SECORD Mrs. Dougald Secord, of Glen- coe, died Friday at Seaforth Community Hospital. She was the former Mary Jean (Minnie) Walker, widow of Dougald Se - cord. Surviving are three daugh- ters, Mrs. John (Evelyn) Living- •••••0• •••••••••* • • • • d Make someone happythis pff Christmas -- give Bulova! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • 0 0 • • FIRST LADY "A" Fashion's new tapered pear-shape set with sparkling solitaire diamond. VI, jewels. Yellow or white. $49.95 JET CLIPPER "A" A handsome 17 Jewel watch. Waterproof'. Self-windMg. Stainless steel case. Luminous. Also available with black Dial. $49.95 0 0 • • -415- Mk MIK 11 4 as• da- 4kIiIIoi .� _ .n,l, ... t x �Ml'u.. School Concert Attracts Capacity House ston, Glencoe; Mrs. Jack (El- aine) Kinsman, Cromarty, and Mrs. (Mary) Grant, Sarnia; nine grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. W. A. Lucas, Strathroy, and Mrs. Duncan Black, Petrolia; and three brothers, Archie Wal- ker, Watford; Duncan and Hugh Walker, Alvinston. Funeral service was held on Monday at 2 p.m. in Glencoe Presbyterian Church. Burial was in Kilmartin cemetery. MRS. WILFRED SHORTREED Mrs. Wilfred Shortreed, 46, of Walton, died Monday in Clin- ton Public Hospital. She was formerly Muriel Margaret Mc- Donald, of Grey Township, . a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin McDonald. Following her marriage to Mr. Shortreed, they farmed on the boundary line between Me- Killop and Morris Townships. She was a member of Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, where she had been on the Sun- day School staff, a member of the choir and the Women's Guild. Surviving are her husband; her parents; two children, Bill and Margaret, both at home; two brothers, Graeme, Brussels, and Kenneth, Cranbrook, and one sister, Miss Mary McDon- ald, Toronto. The body was at the D. A. Rann funeral home, Brussels, until Thursday at 2 p.m., when Rev. R. U. MacLean, of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton, conducted the funeral service. Burial was in Brussels cemetery. Away for Christmas? Call us at The Expositor 527-0240, and tell us where you were. A capacity crowd attended the annual Christmas concert of No. 8 School, McKillop, held at Brodhagen Community Hall on Monday evening. In a draw which was a fea- ture of the evening, prize win- ners were: set of snack tables, Clarence Rapien, Bornholm ; potted plant, Mrs. Frieda Scher- barth, Bornholm; Endress blan- ket, Mrs. Manuel Beuerman, Brodhagen; vanity chair, Pat O'Brien, Mitchell; bath towel, Jackie Horan, RR 1, Dublin. Mrs. George Coville is the teacher, while music supervisor is Mrs. Mary Lou Johnston. The chairman for the evening was Warren Rock. The program included these numbers: Opening c h o r u s, Grades 1-8; "Christmas," Grades 3 and 4, solo by Larry Murray; solo, John Elligsen; recitation, Robert Elligsen; play, Grades 7 and 8; piano duet, Margie El- ligsen and Janice Dietz; chorus, triple trio; square dance, Grades • HENSALL • Mrs. Harry Klungel entertain-, • ed the staff of Queensway Nurs- • ing Home to a Christmas party Friday evening 'last when a so- • cial. hour was spent in exchang- ing gifts and a Christmas lunch • was enjoyed. • On Saturday last Mrs. Shir- ley Prouty, of Exeter, and her • Pentecostal Sunday School class of eight girls visited Queens- way Nursing Home and enter- • tained the 19 patients with a • carol singing period. During the social hour fol- • lowing the special evening • Christmasservice at Carmel Church Sunday, Rev. and Mrs. • J. C. Boyne and Mrs. Beatrice • Hoss were presented with gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hyde and. Mr. and Mrs. Howard • Scene, Hensall, and Mr. and Mrs. John Soldan, Zurich, at- tended "open house" at Lon- a don Teachers' College Friday evening. Miss Betty Graham, of Owen Sound, was a weekend guest with Miss Dianne Reid. Members of Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary delivered sev- en Christmas plants to four life members of their organization, two shut-ins, and one to a war veteran in Westminster Hospi- tal. 0 LEADING LADY "5" Trim and tiny with graceful advanced styling. 23 Jewels. Yellow or white. $69.95 DATE KING "PC" Tells time and date ata glance. 17 Jewels. Waterproof.' Shock -resistant. Yellow. $59.95 0 0 O 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 f A 0 0 c i9 4? 41. 0 0 0 DEWDROP "U" Fashion's newest. 17 Jewels. 10K gold. Faceted crystal, Shock -resistant, Yellow or white. $69.95 COMMANDER "A" Every thing a man wants. 30 Jewels. Waterproof. Sell -winding, Shock. resistant. Luminous. White stainless steel case. $89.95 • • Bulova Watches $29.95 up • e CARAVELLE and WESTFIELD • • • • • Look over our store full of last-minute gift suggestions! We know you'll find • • the gift you're looking for, 0 'S • sAVAUGE f Jewellery - Gifts - Fine China • • SEAFORTH Other Smart Watches $14.95 and up • 0 0 0 a 0 0 i 0 a 0 • • 0 0 0 AT 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 and 2; solo, Larry Murray; Rhythm Band, Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4.; play., Grades 5, 6 and 7; Christmas Shopping, Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 girls; accordian med- ley; Elizabeth Elligsen; baton duet, Margie Elligsen and Jan- ice Dietz; recitation, Marilyn Koehler; play, Grades 7 and 8; organ medley, Larry Murray; Teddy Bear Picnic, Grades 1, 2 and 3. The feature of the program was a Nativity pageant, which included: solo, Margaret Ellig- sen; duet, Margaret Elligsen and Janice Dietz; accordian, Eliza- beth Elligsen; narrator, John Elligsen; Joseph, Paul Beuer- man; Mary, Ruth Ann Siemon; Angel, Carole Eggert; Shep- herds, David Siemon, Kenny Didmo and Steven Boyd; Wise - men, Darwin Diety, Kieven Ben- newies and Henry Fidom. Those taking part in the plays were: "Wanted, a Wife": Lar- ry Murray, Margaret Elligsen, Nita Rapien, Susan Boyd, Dar- Funeral of W. J. Carmichael Funeral services for the late William John Carmichael, 60, 399 Brock Street, London, for- merly of Hensall, retired OPP Corporal, who passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Sunday, were held Tuesday from the A. Millard George funeral home, London, with burial in Mount Pleasant ceme- tery. Surviving are his wife, the former Irene Jones; daugh- ters Janet, Nancy and Mary Lou, all at home; and one sis- ter, Mrs. Nellie Fee, Clinton, Too Late lene Elligsen, 'Janice Dietz; chil- dren, Kieven Bennewies, Car- ole Eggert, June Eggert, Kenny Fidom and Robert Elligsen; "Narrow Escape": John Ellig- sen, Darwin Dietz, Susan Boyd, Warren Rock, Allan Koehler ; "Malvina Entertains": Larry Murray, Margie Elligsen, Tom Boyd, Darlene Elligsen, Susan Boyd, John Elligsen, Janice Dietz; chairman, Warren Rock. Others on the program in- cludes: Triple Trio, Larry Mur- ray, Janice Dietz, Warren Rock, Margie Elligsen, John Elligsen, Kieven Bennewies, Darlene El- ligsen, Mita Rapien and Susan Boyd; caller, square dance, Mggrgaret Elligsen ; director, Rthm Band, Douglas Dietz. Call he Expositor 527-0240 and tell us your Christmas visi- tors. Classified ads pay dividends. `1 1k;1 1 ,4: r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HI TflERE! ®en I's4ime to wish our many friends the best! HABKIRK TRANSIT SERVkE LIMITED Phone 527-1222 a Seaforth 411;-" r -or ,r;w ,T..�i �i; ' 1 ..d ..:i ..a' ir..: ifs i r 11 ..- i .ii j - ;:1 .a 1 .r.1 w i ,4+, i ,+.s2 d 4, i' .Y.1i " J ,,' - 4 w r r 1 4• The Manag ement and Staff of Wilkinson's I GA Says g , r l ;� , vl ;� Y i ,url; i r l pW . K� 22 w h14 ,0,..1, ;} • READY -TO -EAT PARTLY SKINNED 31VlluitED HAM WHOLE OA CENTRE HALF CUT 75` 89c GOVERNMENT INSPECTED GRADE 'A' TOM — 19 (lbs. and over TURKEYS . ® . Ib. FULLY COOKED HOCKLESSSCHNEIDERS FULLY COOKED SMOKED PICNICS 16.6 j . GLAZED PICNICS Lb. GRADE 'A' CAPONS 1.69TABLERITE - SIDE BACON I lb. Pkg.9� ,.' sc c TABLERITE WIENERS BURNS SAGE MEAT 11b. Pkg. 5 111.11g. OCEAN SPRAY WHOLE OR JELLIED STUART HOUSE ` .,. - (OIL4RA 12" x' 25 ft. Roll • t'( A FOR SALE—Cub sweater and cap, $3.00; Girl Guide uniform and hat, $4.00. Phone 527-0720. xl FOR SALE—Samoyed puppy, a wonderful Christmas gift. Geo. Love, Walton. Phone 527-0637. -1 Away for Christmas? Call us at The Expositor 527-0240, and tell us where you were. -- NOTICE -- For Co -Op Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 — John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverage For: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance &- Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services • Wind Insurance LIBBY FANCY PEAS 4, LIBBY GRAPEFRUIT PINEAPPLE DRINK MONARCH SALAD DRESSING KEENAN TOOTHPICKS 69¢ CAT FOOD 315 -oz. , TAlmqins 5 -oz. PUSS AND BOOTS Tins ins • FISH • CHICKEN • LIVER BEEKIST ICE BOX JAR 16 -oz. Plastic Jar 3 48 -oz. Tins 16 -oz. 4 Jot 1.00 LIQUID HONEY AUNT DINAH 39c Pkgs. 25g CADBURY • Finger, 61/e.•s. 'Pkg. • Chocolate Sandwich 71/4-e1. •k•' • Wafer 7.es. pkg. BISCUITS 3 Pkgs.1.00 U.S. NO. 1 — SIZE 210's MOLASSES 35C 12 -oz. 27(4 Btl. SURF (SPECIAL PACK) DETERGENT Size Pkg. mex25 King COLGATE (SPECIAL PACK) TOOTHPASTE Sizan •Tuba99c X.B.T. LOVING TOUCH Special Pack 591 Plastic Bottle LOTION TANGERINES CLARK'S TOMATOS019P'E; 110-.1 . �°sem TOP VALU � ,�•`��i, Tina 25 -az. gCOFFEE ��� �T�NT MAXWELL HOUSE. ALL PURPOSE 10 -oz. Jar, COFFEE 'VOLIb. 79V : TOP VALU PACK) Bag ST. LAWR.NCE CORN OiL COMET (SPECIAL PACK) CLEANSER 2351 Ctnrs. FREE!ONE ONEHAIrilAR OF SETTINGGEL WITH THE PURCHASE OF 25 ONE JAR ONLY AT • LADY PATRICIA HAIRSPRAY Soft or Firm 691 . . . 3 11 -oz. Tin D 89c 0 Z� DELICIOUSLd 1b?'L S 'a` 29CCELERY STALKS '112111,9,396 FANCY GRADE RED iSica "GOOD AS GOLD" 29c CARROTS Calvo Bag 33' Pkg. © CARROTS (��,(� U.S. No. 1 T, 29c �'Ji�1��11 J 213c CELLO TOATOS ONTARIO EATING DAT., ONSTANT CHOCOLATE 39c TOP V1TLU CHOICE 32Tins 89c TOMATOES . TOP VALU BOOK MATCHES 2 Books of 50 33 OCEAN SPRAY FRESH 1 -Ib. RIES'"G. Wrreeral TOP VALU LONG GRAIN RICE P2-Ibkg.. 310 • INSTANT ; CHOCOLATE TOP VALUE UNSWEETENED PRUNE NECTAR 24 -oz. 35� Bottle 3 a••r••YNeI•M••fear "OVEN FRESH" BAKERY 'FEATURES SHIRLEY GAY MINCEMEAT PI E24 -OZ. FAMILY SIZE P15 WESTONSOLD MILL BROWN11 SEM/ 31 TWIRLS TWIN ROLLS P4a. ,be. 39` SHIRLEY GAY SHIRLEY ON AY L MINCEMEAT 14.z.49C ts•e.. TARTS "w BUNS Pkg• R DAVIDS MATINEE 00 0. 0 0000000000000000cc CLIP 1HIS VALUABLE COUPON r SHORTBREAD STOKELY FANCY OR GRWAX EEN BEANS >w WHITE SWAN WHITE OR COLOURED WHITE SWAN WHITE OR COLOURED PAPER TOWELS SERVIETTES Open Thursday Night until 9 p.m. Closed Christmas Eve FREE' COLD BOND STAMPS WITH PON THIS COU ,n you h yew O,M1b, Oanu,.,.Cbeeu. .new orequired. a Offer exports ay, �y.�. CLIP THIS''VALUABLE;,C IUpON ( 001)00100000000JJL111 000011 t1 I��UIU\ • 4' FROZEN FOOD AND DAIRY, F ATURES TOP VALU WHITE or PINK 6.OZ TIN PKGS. OF 60 It pays every day in every way to Shop at Wilkinson's, Seaforth I.G.A. own BONNET PAIICHMSIIT MAKARRIE •