HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-12-16, Page 10'SONALIZED COASTiRS GIFT IDEAS - SERVIETTES THE HURON EXPOSITOR Dial 527-0240 Seaforth WANTED Male and Female PRODUCTION WORKERS • - Shift Work • Night Shift Premium • Interesting Work • Pleasant Working Conditions Apply in person only to personnel office. Blackstone Industrial Products Ltd. 533 Romeo Street South Stratford Chemical Plant Crorna CGIT Has Service A CGIT graduation service was held in Cromarty Church on Sunday afternoon for Bar- bara Gardiner and Carol Ann Dow. All members of the CGIT were present with several members of the WMS as guests. After the service, a pot -luck Create Your Own Home DEAR DORIS—I realize now my father was and still is {nen- tally ill, although only in hos- pital for a few weeks. He is hostile, moody, accuses me of dinner was served. talking about him, imagines On Sunday evening the CG'IT things. My mother has been in Vesper Service was held in Cromarty Church. Using the vesper service programs, the congregation joined with the girls in the service. The girls sang two anthems under the they say, ',Why don't you get leadership of Mrs. Clifford Mil- married?" I am 31 and have ler. livedo'in a room with a friend The CGIT girls, under the away from home for 12 years. leadership of Miss Carol Ann I have had lots of boy friends, Dow, led the singing at the but when they have asked to Sunday church service and meet my parents I have just sang a special number. Misses Heather Daynard and Elizabeth Smale, of Staffa, as guests, sang a duet, "Star of the East." a mental hospital for 10 years, but is now home with him. The place is a mess. Neither of them bother to wear their teeth. When I get after them,, Christmas Service The Christmas service of worship in the Glad Tidings was used for devotions at the December meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society, with Mrs. William Harper presiding and leading the worship per- iod. Mrs. E. Moore was hostess and also gave a Christmas to - I pic. Twelve members a swer- , ,I ed the roll call with a vers pest®r Trainees "Joy". Routine reports were 0 ' fri by ry nd treasurener, the andsecretathe presidentathe Mrs. M. Lamond, conducted the regular business. Due to continued ex pa u. ,ion at i'ur multi-million dollar Sarnia Works, a i The members of the Marian number of opening, e.xiet in our Process Depart men t for Operator Trainees. ' Ritchie Auxiliary will join the , WMS for the January meeting, Previous experien.'e is not nee i.,:,.:ti ,'s', but we do require ii minimum eduoa- Mrs. Lamond led the study on tion of complete Grade 12. :\ supng mechanical aptitude would also be ! Nigeria, and pot luck articles desirable. We are looking for intelligent, aggressive men willing to accept the challenge of ultimately operating complex chemical units. kiarnia is a progressive city located on the shores of Lake Huron. widely known as Canada's Chemical Valley. It is Those interested in their personal advancement are requested to submit resumes tq D. V. HAMILTON Dow Chemical OF CANADA, LIMITED SARNIA, ONTARIO BELL LINES broken off with them. But this type of life without any perm- anent home is getting me down. Wasting My Life DEAR WASTING—Where the mind is upset, morale is low. Mentally unbalanced folk, even those well enough to come home, sometimes — have little concern for how they look or the squalor in which they live. I'd gather from your long let- ter that you are doing all you can for them by calling on them regularly. You are a mature woman o'. and if a man should be- come'\jlnterested in you, or you in hi 't won't be because you like ear other's parents. Face the facts. If you want a real home, you'll have to create it for yourself. Many career girls have done it. DEAR DORIS—This may be were given by each member. out of your line, but I dep't The offering was received and know who to ask. I have been ' dedicated by Mrs. Harper. trying to find a recipe for The nominating committee homemade gum drops. Can presented the slate of officers you help me? for 1966 as follows: honorary president, Mrs. Sadie Scott; president, Mrs. M. Lamond; ' first vice-president, Mrs. Grace Scott; second vice-president, Mrs. Mervin Dow; secretary, Mrs. T. L. Scott; treasurer, Mrs. Wm. Harper; supply, Mrs. T. Laing; literature secretary, Mrs. R. Dodds; Glad Tidings secre- tary, Mrs. Grace Scott; Home Helpers, Mrs. John Wallace; press secretary, Mrs. K. McKel- lar; nominating committee, Mrs. Calder McKaig, Mrs. Frank Al- len; pianist, Mrs. K. McKellar; CGIT leader, Mrs. M. Lamond; Explorer's leader( Mrs. M. Lamond; COC, Mrs. Jim Miller and Miss Shirley Gardiner. Lunch was served by the .hostess, assisted by Mrs. F. Al- len and Mrs. Calder McKaig. More than 80 per cent of tuberculosis in Canada is pul- monary but tubercle bacilli can by W. W. Haysom attack other body tissues. Cases occur of tuberculosis of the spine, eyes, ears, skin, bones and joints. The digestive, re- productive, nervous, genito- urinary and respiratory sys- The Blackout and the Telephonetems all may be, infected. your telephone manager Recently in this column I explained how it is that the telephone continues to work in the event of a power failure SPECIALS —that our exchanges all have reserve power in case of .. emergency. I was of course thinking of a limited. local PHILISHAVE failure, and not at all of the power failure last month from RAZORS southern Ontario to the Atlantic seaboard. Yet the result, as far as telephone service was concerned, was the same— Speedflex with Trimmer all Bell exchanges where the power cutoff occurred immedi- ately switched to their standby power, and telephones kept on working. on This was certainly important in averting uncertainty and panic and, with family members able to keep in touch, turned the blackout into an adventure for many. Yet, per- haps even more important was the role the telephone played in helping the power companies restore their service. With generating stations, transformers, switching sys- tems and control centres located tens and even hundreds of miles apart, you can well imagine the physical impossi- bility of getting all the units to work together in harmony without being able to communicate from one to another. If telephone service had broken down as well, who knows how many days or weeks it might have taken to,..co-ordinate the restore] of electric power? It would probably have been necessary to resort to radio communications, but even this would have been extremely difficult without the telephone. For example, how would you get out the directives to set up radio systems??? This expedient was not necessary because the Company maintains standby power at all the power commission's generating and transformer locations, area offices and switch- ing centres. This reserve power went into use immediately to provide the commtinications necessary for Ontario Hydro to restore regular power. And of course, once the regular power was restored, it took over from the batteries to " • • i" the telephone system just as it usually does, 24 hours a day. The interdependence of power and communications utilities was shown very clearly. A MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR from the MANAGER AND STAFF OF BELL TELEPHONE $29.95 Standard SPEEDFLEX $24.95 SPEED SHAVER $17.95 ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Jeannie DEAR JEANNIE — Making gum drops in a home kitchen has its problems. But I ani, sending you a recipe made up by an expert, which starts out as Turkish Delight but is made a little soldier, chopped into drops and rolled in sugar. Let us know if it fills the bill. DEAR DORIS—I am 15 and in love with a boy 19. We plan to marry when I turn 16. He has a good job, and he loves me, but people say we are too young and would not have a good life. I am not pregnant. Problem CHRISTMAS TREES Select Scotch Pine KEN SMITH DEAR PROBLEM—Here are the figures: People who marry when they are 16 have one chance in six of making a suc- cess of their marriage. You may say: "But we're different!" That's what they all said. Besides the fact that you are too young to take on the job of wife and mother, your ideas about the right mate for you will change perhaps drastical- ly, in the next five years. If what you feel now is true love, it will stand up to the test. If it turns out to be physi- cal infatuation combined with excitement about life, and gra- dually fades away, do you want to be held to a promise made too soon, all your life? (Readers facing similar prob- lems may write in for my leaf- let, "What Is Love?", enclosing ten cents and a stamped, self- addressed envelope). Next to the Egmondville Store — Proceeds for — Egmondville Rovers are made to order for DEAR DORIS—I have receiv- ed an invitation to the wedding of a friend's son. This "friend" and I became acquainted through correspondence when we both belonged to the same national club. 1 have actually mot her just once. I don't know her son. Am I obliged. under these circumstances to send a gift? I won't be able to attend the wedding. you. Casual Friend DEAR CASUAL—Only if you accept the invitation. go Winners Winners at the Seaforth Le- gion bingo were: Specials—Mrs. Schouse, Strat- ford; Jim Sallows, Seaforth; Mrs. Bill Steepe, Clinton; and Mrs. Gordon Lawson, Clinton. Door prizes went to Eileen Plant, Seaforth, and Mrs. G. Whittaker, Hensall. Regular bingos were won by: Mrs. Edith Campbell, Mitchell; Mrs. Plant, Seaforth; No. 3 was split five ways; Mrs. Bill Aus- tin, Seaforth; Dora Taylor, Sea - forth, and Mrs. Denomme, Clin- ton; Mrs, Sider, Seaforth; Mrs. Bill Austin; Nos. 8 and 9 were split three ways; Mrs. Dale Cook; Jim Sallows and Pauline Kennedy, Seaforth; Mrs. Dale Cook; Dora Taylor; Mrs. Bill Austin; Mrs. Snider, Seaforth. Classified ads pay dividends. HIGHER INTEREST RATES QUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES on amounts of $100 to $100,000 or more for 3, 4, or 5 years. Larger amounts subject to nego- tiation. 3A% for 1 and 2 year terms. An ideal investment for security and high return. The Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company ESTABLISHED .1889 OFFICES: Forest, - Sarnia - Petrolia Strathroy Contact our Representative: W. E. SOUTHGATE - Phone 527-0400 Seaforth DEAR DORIS—I'm a widow- er 75. My friends often ask me over to dinner, but there are times when I want to serve a snack in my apartment. Can you suggest something easy and good to eat? George DEAR GEORGE — Another George, also a widower living alone, contributed George's Cheese Bites to our repertoire. Send me your name and ad- dress on a stamped envelope, and ten cents, for this recipe and several variations, which FIRESIDE GROUP The Christmas meeting of the Fireside Fellowship Group of First Church was held at the manse Tuesday evening. The program was in charge of Rev. and Mrs. D. 0. Fry and was of a Christmas nature. Carols were sung, with Mrs. J. A. Cardno at the organ. Santa Claus ap- peared and gave out exchange gifts. There was also a large number of white gifts for the Scott Mission. Christmas lunch was served and a suitable gift was present- ed to Rev. and Mrs. Fry in ap- preciation of their co-operation and kindness during the year. SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY T. Pryde & Son ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited. Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact WIllis Dundee AUCTION' SALE At the Clinton Legion Hall CLINTON, ONTARIO Saturday Afternoon, December 18 2:00 p.m., Sharp REPOSSESSIONS — BANKRUPT STOCKS and Many, Many Personal Consignments Consisting of Appliances - Furniture - Television - Clothing Also a Nice Selection of Brand New Toys FURN ITURE— A 2 -piece Davenport Suite that folds out to a full a -size bed with nylon cover and swivel rocker; a 2 -piece French Pro- vincial Chesterfield Set covered in a top grade nylon cover; 3 other assorted Chesterfield Sets with foam cushions; 2 9 -piece Coppertone or Chrome Kitchen -Dinette Sets consisting of 8 chairs and a 72" table; 2 7 -piece Sets consisting of 6 chairs and a 60" table with an inlaid top; 1 5 -piece Deluxe Coppertone Dinette Suite; 3 Bookcase Bedroom Suites complete with bed, dresser, chest of draws and a matching Box Spring and Mattress with each set; 2 sets of Lamps consisting of a Trilight and 2 Table Lamps to each set; 1 set of Solid Step and Coffee Tables in an Arborite finish—other Step and Coffee Tables; 2 39" Continental Beds, complete with headboard and legs; 1 54" Continental Bed complete; 4 full size 54" Spring Filled Mattresses; 2 Hostess Chairs; Platform Rocker, 9 x 12 Rug, Higtt Chair, Telephone Table, Kitchen Step Stool, Chrome Rocker, APPLIANCES and TV— A large Refrigerator with a full cross -top freezer; 2 Electric Ranges, one being a deluxe model; a Long -Skirt Washer with pump; a 21 cu. ft. Deep Freeze that holds over 800 lbs. of frozen food; Automatic Washer and Dryer—matching pair; Combina- tion Radio and Record Player, and last of all, 4 different Tele- sion Sets, 21" models that have all been checked over and are in A-1 working condition. All the Appliances in this Sale are Guaranteed to be in A-1 working condition when you hook them up at your home. Brand New Clothing For the Entire Family— A large selection of Fall and Winter Clothing has just been received for Auction from one of the largest Clothing Whole- salers in Canada. This lot consists of MEN'S CLOTHING—Socks, Underwear, Ties, Sweaters, Dress Shirts, Sport Shirts, Dress Pants, Pyjamas, T -Shirts, Work Socks, Work Shirts. FOR THE LADIES and TEENS—Double Knit Suits, Skirts, Blouses, Nylons, Cardigans, Pullovers, Slims, Jackets, Dresses, Socks, Pyjamas, Slippers. BOYS - GIRLS - BABIES—Jeans, Sweaters, Shirts, i3louses, Socks, Jackets, Pants, Sleepers, House Coats, Crawler Sets, T -Shirts, Jumpers, Skirts, Dresses, Sweater Sets, Girls' 3 - piece Sets, Sleep and Play Sets, 3 -piece Velvet Suits, Coat and Hat Sets, and many other items too numerous to mention. This Sale will consist of the largest and best offering that we have ever auctioned in this hall at any time. Don't Miss This Outstanding Sale! AUCTIONEER — LEO E. BIRD Terms Cash — Cheques Accepted on Furniture 3% SALES TAX IN EFFECT WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! elebrate the festive season with Carling Black Label Beer! the one beer so good it's made Canada famous for beer throughout the world In Canada and over 60 other countries, you can enjoy a world of flavour in the balanced. beer. The CARLING BREWERIES -Limited Brewers of Rod Cap Ale. Black Label Beer. Cherfingtoil Toby Beer. Cuui Leger PecrekadIng Ale