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The Huron Expositor, 1965-12-16, Page 7
NOTICE: To All Water Customers of the Seaforth Public Utility Commission To date, Seaforth has been very fortunate in having a good supply of water. However, from time tp time, the ost of obtaining, keeping up the 'present distribution s stem, and planning future water service, have to be eviewed. From this we have to arrive at a cost per customer, taking into consideration the manner most fair to small, medium and large consumers. We have domestic (household and apartment) and commercial customers. All houses vary in the amounts of water consumed, and thus we started some years ago to install a.. number of meters each year, we still have only one-third of our customers with meters; the remaining two-thirds are on flat rate. Quite a large number of our metered customers are on flat rate, since they do not use enough water; others are just over the flat rate, and so it sometimes appears that your neighbor is receiving water at a lower cost, and in a few cases this is so; thus the Commission is in the process of revising rates suitable to all. This might re- quire meters in all homes. Until a suitable means of changing has been arrived at, the Commission has decided to put all Domestic Con- sumers on a flat rate of $1.25 per month. In the meantime, we ask you not to use an unnec- essary amount of water. Please check dripping taps, leaking pipes, etc. SEAFORTH P.U.C. D. SILLS, Chairman dpen '� r as r,. Dublin Schoolt �oApt Has House c„,' ' The. annual "open house" was held at St. Patrick's School on Tuesday. Individual attention was given parents concerning their children's progress, and report cards were distributed. Each bright and colorful classroom displayed evidence that educational projects at each level are being presented with concrete material and ideas to capture child inte, •est. The teachers were coz gz atu- lated for dedicating Hauch time and energy to their profession. CWL Entertains The Catholic Women's League of St. Patrick's Parish, Dublin, entertained as guests 26 senior citizens of the parish. It took the form of both a spiritual and social event. The Holy WE WILL BE CLOSED For the Christmas Weekend Saturday - Sunday - Monday December 25, 26, 27 We suggest you order your feed require- ments now for delivery before Christmas. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO - OP Phone 527-0770 Seaforth NeiiIa la ono size anima with rte;.,..... OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED 'I< Locations at: Brussels * Dorchester * Dutton * Dundas * Kingston * Milverton * Moffat Seaforth * Springfield * St. Thomas * Stratford * Tilbury * Port Stanley * Wroxeter A egli%/#(('- MEANS SO MUCH AT CHRISTMASTIME!! BEAUTIFUL DIAMONDS Ladies' and Gents' BLACK DIAMONDS See our fine selection. Gents' Onxy or Black Diamond INITIAL RINGS from $12.00 to $42.00 LADIES' RINGS Birthstone, Pearl and Black ' Diamond $6.95 to $39.95 Pearl Necklaces From Costume Pearls at $1.00 to Cultured Pearls at $39.95 Fine SILVERWARE and STAINLESS All the Latest Designs I Pride Of a Lifetime ! A FINE WATCH Bulova Watches -$29.95 & up Elgin Watches -$21.95 & up Caravelle Watches -14.95 up Timex Watches -$7.95 up Fancy JEWEL BOXES $3.25 to $24.95 TRAVEL ALARMS Smart Designs and Colours. $5.95 and up the Fashionable Gift �l 1 EW'VELRY lAlide selection of Exquisite Pins, Earrings, Bracelts, Necklets, Etc. $1.00 and up SMART CUFF LINK and TIE TAC SETS - $2.50 & up TIE TACS - $1.00 and up Sterling Initial Tie Tacs $1.95 Buxton Billfolds Ladies' French Purses Ladies' Clutch Purses SILVER BABY MUGS $2.95 up STAINLESS BABY SETS $1.75 and up Royal Doulton "BUNNYKINS" MUGS $1.60 You'll Find Hundreds of Christmas Gifts - Unusual Variety - and Attractively Priced -AT- SAvauGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA SEAFORTH Sacrifice of the 144ss was offer- ed for the intentions gf the guests, Rev. Remi Durand of- ficiating. Retiring to the Parish hall, the guests enjoyed a get-togeth- er and supper, which was fol- lowed by a card party. CONSTANCE Mrs. Borden Brown and Elaine, Mrs. Joe Riley and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley visited Mr. Borden Brown in St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London, on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and Mrs. Joe Riley visited Mr. and Mrs. Ern Ellwood on Sunday. CGIT The initiation and White Lan- yard was held Friday at the church and opened with the singing of a Christmas carol, with Elaine Brown as pianist for the evening. A skit called "The CGIT Uni- form," was performed by the leader, Mrs. Brown, and a new member, Agnes Haverkamp was enrolled. The initiation was con- ducted with.four new members, Agnes and Edith Haverkamp, Linda Preszcator and Donna Buchanan receiving their pins and learning how to tie friend- ship knot. Margie Whyte read the pro- jects the CGIT have done up to date. The Lanyard service was conducted for three inter- mediates to become seniors - Elaine Brown, Margie Whyte and Nancy Buchanan. A contest was conducted by ary Mcllwain. Initiation stunts were performed with mock tests. There was a sale of cook- ies and candy and the evening closed with "Taps." Next Sunday, Dec. 19th, will be the CGIT Vesper service, held at the regular church serv- ice. Miss Deanna Dale was prac- tice teaching at SS No 6, Mc- Killop, and also spent the week. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dale. Mr. and Mrs. George Hart, of Brussels, visited with Mr. ,.and Mrs. Fred Buchanan on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator visited Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Reg Elliott, of Staffa. Mr. David Buchanan, of rider - ton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family. Mrs. Irene Grimoldby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betties, of Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haverkamp and family spent Sunday visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Art Haverkamp, of Brussels. We wish Mr. Borden Brown, wl,p, is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, a speedy re- covery. CROMARTY Sunday visitors with Mr. and ,rs. Otto Walker were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie, Linda and Joanne, Dorchester; Mr. Alvin Cornish, Exeter, and Mr. llalry Statham, Parkhill. At the ---Communion service on Sunday at Cromarty Church, seven young people were re- ceived into the church on pro- fession of their faith, being Jo- anne Templeman. Fay Temple- man. Darlene Templeman, Bon- nie Miller. Agnes Scott, Murray Haines and Alec Scott. Many Cromarty people at- tended the Times - Advocate Christmas cantata, which was held in Staffa Family Life Cen- tre on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey entertained members of their family at a turkey dinner at their home on Sunday, observ- ing the thirtieth anniversary of their marriage. They were the .recipients of many beautiful gifts. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey, Vickie and Steven, of Listowel; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ramsey, Strat- ford; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hul- 1 ley, Beth, Bill and Kathy, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Driesse, Fullar- ton. GMONDVILLE A'` mber of neighbors and friends of Miss Gail Finlayson gathered on Friday evening of last week to honor her with a shower prior to her forthcom- ing marriage. She received a number of useful and costly gifts. Mrs. Ted Brown and Linda visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott at Dublin on Sunday. KIPPEN Mrs. Leonard Lovell was ad- mitted Wednesday to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, for surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stokes, of London, visited recently with the latter's father, Mr. Robert Thomson. . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jopes and sons were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Jones and family, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Torrance, Larry and Jo -Anne, of Mitchell, visited Sunday with Mrs. Reid Torrance and Miss Jean Ivison. Mr. Gordon Wren, a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exe- ter, is improving slowly. �1.rX (wMI UNDER HER roLn.pC,.TT ,17"7 Ladies' Housecoats 649, Teen Dusters 6.9 "'3.9G Flannelette Gowns 2.98 3.98. Flannelette Pajamas 2.98. _ 4.98, Nylon Gowns 6.95 .9.9.5 Slips - 3.98 - 9.95 Half Slips 1.98 - 5.95 Panties 59 - 3.00 Handbags 2.95 -.12.95 Gloves 1,5' - 2.95 Kid Gloves 3:95' 2.95 Scarves 1.00 - 3.95 Bed Jackets 4.95 - 6.95 Ladies' Wallets 1.59 - 3.95 Luggage 15.95 - 35.00 Sweaters 8.95 - 15.95 Towels 1.50 - 2.95 Towel Sets 2.95 - 5:50 Aprons 1.00 - 1.95 Skirts 12.95 - 21.95 Blouses 2.98 - 8.95. Slims 6.95 - 13.95 Dresses 13.95 - 45.00 Coats . 55.00 -135.00 GIFTS FOR THE HOME: Bridge Sets Box Pillowcases Place Mat Sets Lace Cloths Vanity Sets Mats Bedspreads Sheets 2.95 - 6.95 2.95 2.95 - 6.50 3.95 - 15.95 2.95 2.95 - 10.95 5.95 - 16.95 each 3.95 - 5.95 8.95 - 12.95 Sheet Sets S ,sit EW ©T BROS. as it �l.M t}fMJtt �✓'i1QrrJ ti ✓:.J 1+XI 1. aA'I Mrs. Reid Torrance and Miss Jean Iviron were in London on Friday attending the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. R. H, Barnby. :Mr. Ralph De 'aeninck. who re•:de,: nothe ,Jim McEwen ted to South Huron Hospital, iar:n !mid one year ago, and Exeter. ^1 r, .Ili s t'n No. 4 Highway, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rown- r'( tral'a, met with an ac- t:•ee. of Weston, were weekend • del;t :a: t Wednemday. the car visitors of the former's sister, vein ; wrecked. Ile u as admit- Mrs. N. Long, and Mr. Long. The Very Best in QUALIT AT WILKI This ye holida all va th y and PRICE NSON' ar be a wise and happy y' hostess by shopping for your holiday turkey in ad- nce. Here at Wilkinson's IGA ere is a full selection of goodies designed for holiday feasting, and at LOW, L O W prices! See Our Special Colored Handbill Filled Full of Food Values You Save Every Day in Every Way at WILKINSON'S I.G.A.