HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-12-16, Page 3• • 4 4 • • • r 1 • • r • • • Oe, Arnold Stinni , seri GROUP - LIFE • „ACCIIENT ind SICKNESS MAJOR MEEDICAL PENSIONS • ANNUITIES Representing ' Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE 527.0410 Goderich St. East - Seaforth D O VII.N AT THE LANES BY LEE HEE 'mow.'.w'.rt i lits ,;rY i r i i 1'- i ;r+ i;w.l,j� .fi,r• i i.v+' •••,,.w.li,; • • LARONE'S LAST MINUTE GLASSWARE and CHINA Make the Perfect Gift for the Most Discriminative Person! CHRISTMAS TABLE CENTRES Christmas Serviettes - Tablecloths - Crackers Christmas Decoration for Your Coat - Fancy Bouttoniere PAINT BY NUMBER SETS $1.50 - $2.95 $3.95 - $5.95 TOYS - GAMES DOLLS Books .and Games 19c, 29c, 49c, 69c 98c, $1.29 In Our Dry Goods Department There Are Hundreds of Selections For That Gift You Are Shopping For! Large Selection of Ladies' Hankies 25c - 39c - 49c - 79c TOWELS and TOWEL SETS LINGERIE at 2.98 and 3.98 - SLEEPERS HEAD SCARVES and GLOVES TABLECLOTHS from 1.98 and 2.29, 3.59, 4.98 MEN'S and BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS 2.98 and 3.98 Choose a Practical Gift from our selection of STATIONERY A wide range of prices and variety of styles from 69c to 2.49 Boxed PILLOWCASES A wide assortment 1.98 - 2.29 2.69 - 2.79 10c - 25c - 49c - 79c - 1.00 And a Large Variety of CHRISTMAS CARDS 5c - 10c - 25c STILL AVAILABLE AT LARONE'S See ,Our Personalized Christmas Cards CHRISTMAS RECORDS - 98c to $5.98 Selections of Bibles and Hymn Books LARONE' Seaforth 5c To $1.00 Store Stationery - Gifts Open Wednesday Afternoons from now till Christmas .. ,. .. .� �. .. .- �1 1 w -:t• rrl ;"1,151 r� St. James' Church League Team standings: Sweepers, 52; Misfits, 39; Hustlers, 38; Cowboys, 36; Alley Cats, 34; Blowers, 32. Ladies' high single, Fran Ry- an, 223; high triple and aver- age, Martha Van Geffen, 619 and 206; ladies' high single for season, Fran Ryan, 254; high average and triple, Martha Van Geffen, 189 and 655. Men's high single for season, George Hays, 354; high average, Gord Noble, 220; and high tri- ple, Jack Bedard, 809. Egmondville Church League Team standings: Turtle's, 49; Snappers, 46; Weasels, 44; Ram- blers, 38; Lucky Strikes, 30; Bo -Hunks, 25. Ladies' high single, Helen Nicholson, 263; high triple, Joan Eaton, 619. Men's high single, Mel Mer- riam and Norm MacLean, 237; high triple, Mel Merriam, 676; Rod Doig, 649. Seaforth Legion League Team standings: Go-Gos, 62; Gophers, 44; Ramblers, 30; Bird- ies, 27; Pole Cats, 25: Spitfiers, 22, Ladies' high single, Ann Wood and Betty Leonhardt, 275; high triple, Joan Eaton, 718; men's high, single, Roy McGeoch, 302; high triple, Ross Alexander, 650. Ladies' Auxiliary Standings: Chevelles, 52 ; Spark Plugs, 47; Busy Bees, 35; Queenettes, 32; Dead -Eye Dicks, 25; Eager Beavers, 19. High singles: Mary Bennell, 226; Pauline Kennedy, 225; high triples, Pauline Kennedy, 528; . Winnie Nott, 514. Classified ads pay dividends. Insurance WIND TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS Phone 527.0467 - Seaforth Representing the Western Farmer's Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. MARR/A4E /S ✓UST L/KEANOP man PLENTY OF MUS/c,8UT,4WoroF saxes ARE ATTAC!/EDTO IT, HUARD SERVICE STATION , .. GAS -01L -REPAIRS USED CA .51). C10466 GODERICH ST. SEAFORTH. iss Married in St. Th Altar vases filled with white snapdragons and white shasta daisies and tall pedestal bas- kets in which snapdragons, white chrysanthemums a n d pompons were grouped, created a beautiful setting when Judith Anne Medcalf walked with her brother, John Scott Medcalf, down the white carpet covered aisle in Trinity Anglican Church, St. Thomas, at three o'clock, to exchange marriage vows with John Albert Dennis. The wedding ceremony was per- formed by Rev. J. F. Wagland. Paul Waite provided the wed- ding music and accompanied Neil Harmer, who played a violin solo. Mrs, A. E. Medcalf, Welling- ton St., St. Thomas, and the late Mr. Medcalf; are the par - Set Schedule For Winthrop The home arenas for the teams are: Winthrop - Seaforth; St. Clements - Milverton; At- wood - Milverton; Marden - El- ora; Ellice - Listowel. Monk - ton, Blyth and Harriston have their own arenas. The following is the Warriors' schedule: December: 20-Monkton at Winthrop 27 -Marden at Winthrop January: 6 -Winthrop 10-1-larriston 14 -Winthrop 21 -Winthrop 28 -Winthrop 31 -Ellice at February: at Marden at Winthrop at Monkton at Blyth at Atwood Winthrop 4 -Winthrop at Ellice 7 -Atwood at Winthrop 11 -Winthrop at Harriston 14 -St. Clements at Winthrop 111 OS eats of the bride, and, Mr. and. Mrs. Alex Dennis, Walton, Ont., are the groom's parents. For her wedding gown the bride chose a floor -length gown of peau de soie, fashioned with a scoop neckline and lily -point sleeves. Appliques of Chantilly lace accented the front of the bodice and the bell skirt, and a detachable train edged in scalloped lace flowing graceful- ly from the shoulder to chapel - length. A wedding band of peau de sole held her three - tiered facer veil, and she car- ried white- roses, w ite pinoc- chio pompons and white shasta daisies, arranged in a cascade bouquet. Mrs. Russell Milliner, Barrie, as her sister's matron of honor, and the bridesmaids, Miss Do- reen Cochrane and Miss Gwyn- eth Langley, both of London, wore identical floor -length Em- pire styled sheaths ' of jewel turquoise peau de soie. The bodices were styled with match- ing lace and Dior sleeves and the controlled skirts were top- ped by detachable watteau trains, which extended from a flat bow at the waist- line, Pleated bands of match- ing material featuring flat bows at the back were worn in their hair, and they carried cas- cade bouquets of yellow pom- pons, centred with white chrys- anthemums, Mervyn Pepper, Toronto, was groomsman, and ushering the guests to pews marked with white bows, were Paul Elder, Toronto; Thomas Love, Sud- bury, and Doug Gibbings, Lon- don. For travelling, the bride wore a cranberry red three-piece double-knit suit, matching wool paisley turban, black accessor- ies, and a corsage of white roses. The couple will reside at 494 Avenue Rd., Apt. 43, Toronto 7. Walton UCW Holds Christmas Meeting The UCW Christmas meeting was held at the church Wednes- day with 33 ladies present. Mrs. Roy Williamson, of the 17th and Boundary Unit, opened the meeting with a Christmas verse. Hymn 60 was sung with Mrs. M. Baan as pianist. Mrs. H. Craig read the scripture from St. Luke 2:1-20 and St. John 1:1- 14. Mrs. R. Williamson led in prayer. Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Sr., and Mrs. J. Bos sang, "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" and "Away in a Manger." Mrs. R. Williamson gave the Medita- tion. A skit was presented en- titled, "Gifts Money Can't Buy" with Mrs. H. Craig, Mrs. J. Van Vliet, Sr., Mrs. D. Buchanan, Mrs. C. Ritchie, Mrs. H. Small - don, Mrs. M. Baan and Mrs. R. WiIIiamson taking part. Mrs. E. Mitchell, president, presided for the business. Min- utes were read by Mrs, C. Wey. Mrs. W. Turnbull, centennial project committee, reported they had plates, plaques, Christ- mas cards and Hasti notes on hand. Additional pen sets and mugs were on order. Matching carpet had been purchased and placed in the church aisle. Mrs. N. Marks, corresponding secre- tary, read thank -you cards and ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant 4 Britannia Road East - Goderich Phone 524-9521 CYN DE RELLAS Foundation & Lingerie Shoppe Main Street - BLYTH, ONTARIO NOW OPEN WE HAVE CHOSEN FROM THE BEST FIVE MANUFACTURERS IN THIS FIELD WARNER BROS. • DOMINION CORSET CANADIAN LADY STELLA LUCAS - HARVEY WOODS IRENE COLE, Proprietress 20 YEARS OF CORSETIERE EXPERIENCE letter from U.C. Publishing House. Mrs. K. McDonald gave the treasurer's report. It was decided to contribute $100 to the Missionary and Maintenance Fund and $500.00 towards the new furnace. Mrsee E. Stevens, manse committee, reported purchases made in 1965. Mrs. H. Craig, Board of Stewards, reported total cost of washrooms and furnace instal- lation and approximate balance still owing. Mrs. Alvin McDon- ald, finance, reported the allo- cation was up from last year. The application to cater to the 1966 Plowing Match ban- quet has been accepted. The 1965 banquet committee were requested to continue for 1966. Church calendars for 1966 Were made available for the unit leaders. It was decided to re- place any broken dishes at the church. The nominating committee reported as follows; president, Mrs. G. McGavin; first vice- president, Mrs. Alvin McDonald; second vice-president, Mrs. Don- ald Buchanan; third vice-presi- dent. Mrs. A. Higginbotham; fourth vice-president, Mrs. Wm. Roe; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Nelson Marks; recording secretary, Mrs. C. Wey; treas- urer, Mrs. Ken McDonald; stew- ardship and recruiting, Mrs. A. Higginbotham; Christian citi- zenship and social, action, Mrs. C. Ritchie, Mrs. R. Williamson, Mrs. G. Love; Christian Friend- ship and Visiting, Mrs. W. Coutts, Mrs. M. Baan, Mrs. N. Schade and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Jr.; program and literature, Miss Ethel Dennis, Mrs. T. Dun- das and four Unit leaders; sup- ply and welfare, Mrs. C. Mar- tin, Mrs. H. Bolger; manse com- mittee, Mrs. E. Stevens, Mrs. A. McCall; membership, Mrs. C. Wey, four Unit Leaders; social functions, Mrs. E. Mitchell, Mrs. R. Traviss, two from each Unit; representatives to Christian Ed- ucation committee, Mrs. J. Smith and Mrs, W. C. Hack - well; representative to M & M Committee, Mrs. K. McDonald; representative to Board of Stewards'; Mrs. G. McGavin; press, Mrs. Douglas Ennis, Mrs. T. Dundas; pianists, Mrs. M. Baan and Mrs. H. Traviss; nom- inations, Mrs. N. Schade, Mrs, D. Fraser, Mrs. G. McGavin, Mrs, A. McDonald; auditors, Mrs, W. Bewley, Mrs. R. Ben- nett, AINTON LIMITED (Est. 1894) LY11"H Phone Blyth 523-9373 - - OnHwy. 4 between Clinton and Wingham PRODUCERS OF QUALITY WOOL and LEATHER and MAKERS of Glen Laine Wool & Leather Products Are Continuing Their Factory Outlet Sale Through to Friday, December 24 Open Week Days 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (including Wednesday) -- Saturday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. There are New Lines of Ladies' Leather Coats and Genuine Sealskin Snow Boots now in stock. Also many Specialty Items for Christmas Gifts not found in other stores. Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League of St. James' parish, Seaforth, was held in the school auditor- ium on Thursday evening with a good attendance. Father H. J. Laragh opened the meeting with the League Prayer. Mrs. Frank Nigh, the president, thanked the conveners and all who helped with' the bazaar. The secretary's report was read by llrs. James Kelly in the absence of Mrs. Arthur Devereaux, and Mrs. Ewart Wil- son gave the treasurer's report which showed a very successful bazaar. It was decided to re- member the Sisters of St. Jo- seph at Christmas, and to have Santa and treats for the school children; also to send in the money pledges to the Seaforth Hospital Fund. Members were asked to visit the sick and shut-ins for De- cember and January. Lunch was served by Mrs. Robert Huard, Mrs. Jack Bedard, Mrs. John Flannery, Mrs. Alice Stiles, Mrs. John Van Geffen, Mrs. Ger- ald Groothuis and Mrs. Joe Lane. We have IN STOCK the following: • Hairdryers • Jewel Boxes • Binoculars • Ronson Lighters • Carving Sets • Clock Radios • Glass Sets ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Scotch Pine CHRISTMAS TREES WE DELIVER Ball & Macaulay Ltd. Phone 527-0910 For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527.0490 Seaforth Office Directly Oppos,ti. Seaforth Motor' WILLIAM Phone 527-0870 FRESH FLOWERS and POTTED PLANTS Make Ideal Christmas Gifts! GIFT CHINA WE HAVE A HOST OF DISTINCTIVE GIFT IDEAS! Table Centres Xmas Novelties Corsages Wreaths • Room Decorations • Yule Table Pieces Tinsel -Roping -Snow For the youngsters or adults that have everything . . Canaries or Budgies W de Selection CA G al1d STANDS re -Christmas Sale of all Christmas 7. ea r rations 2 Sale !yr off egins December 20 ST FL Phone 527-0800 FFEN'S WERS Seaforth 1965 BUICK SEDAN LA SABRE, License A24186. 1964 CHEV. BEL AIR `8'-A.T., License A61212 1963 CHEV. SEDAN -A49948 1963 CHEV. SEDAN -59798E 1961 DODGE SEDAN -Licence A73765 1961 METEOR "8" SEDAN, A.T., A61511 1963 FORD "8" COACH, A60999 1959 OLDS FOUR -DOOR HARDTOP--A.T. and Radio -A62312 2975.00 2175.00 1675.00 1575.00 1075.00 975.00 1595.00 875.00 Seaforth Motors LOT OPEN EVENINGS Phone 527-1750 i Seaforth