HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-12-02, Page 10r•• tip AuRON. EXPOSiToR, SEALQRTT,' 0 ., D4c., 1965::r PT Committee Elects•. Wilmer Broadfoot and Mrs. Cuthill; loan cupboard, Harold Peter Malcolm were named 'co- � Connell and Wilmer Cuthill; Chairmen of the CPT commit- treasurer, Alf Beuermari; invest - tee of Oddfellows and Rebekahs igating committee, James Rose, when the annual meeting was A. Beuerrhann, Mrs. Reeves, held. and Mrs; Messenger. Others on the committee are: Mrs. George Campbell, Mrs. Charles Reeves, Mrs. Margaret Messenger, Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill, Warden Haney, James Rose and Norman Riehl. Social conven- ers are Mrs. Malcolm and Mrs. Christmas Trees FIRST CUT PINE Have to be seen to be appreciated WILL DELIVER Ron and Kevin HENDERSON West William St. PHONE 527.0632 Equipment on hand consists of four hospital beds, five wheel- chairs, five pair crutches and three walkers. Donations have been made t� the Seaforth Community Hospi- tal and to the annual Christmas party at the Home at Barrie. A donation was received from a family for ta use of equip- ment. The group plans to again sponsor the magazine sale cam- paign. Boxes are to be sent to - several shut-ins at Christmas. Members of both lodges are asked to hand in money for the penny contest in aid of the CPT fund, by early December. The losing lodge is to provide a dinner for the winners. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office — Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available A( NTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea 'forth; Wirt. Leiper. Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn 'Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton Seaforth. GET STARCROSS 288 CHICKS` FROM SWIFT—PROVED SUPERIOR AS A TOP PROFIT PRODUCER! There's a prosperous future in your hands when you pick up Starcrass 188 chicks today. Next fall and winter your egg income —your egg profit — will be the highest pos- sible. Test after test in the United States proves that Starcross 288 has consistently excelled in across -the -hoard ▪ comparisons. Just look at this recent Random Sample Test in New York. Eggs Per % Eggs • ' Net - Pullet Large and Income Housed Extra Large 253.7 222.9 Gf - SWIFT'S HATCHERY Shaver Starcross 288 $ 3.55 Test Average 2.74 Shaver Advantage $+.81 +30.8 ail lii“lnlnlululu WALTER McCLURE R.R. 2, Seaforth' Phone 527-0476 77.8 75.7 +2.1 Get Starcross 288 chicks —the proven money -pro- ducer from your Swift Hatchery or your near- est Swift Hatchery deal- er. Ask him to show you all the facts — it's the surest investment infor- mation anyone can have. DEAR DORIS' advice from (Doris Clark To Save A Son DEAR DOR1S—I have a son 15. He used to do well in school but now he acts (part of the time) as if he has, the mind of a five-year-old. My husband seems to hate this son, and makes fun of him for stammering. Upon the slightest provocation he hits. him about the head with any- thing he gets his hands on. Lately the boy has been taking spells of things going black be- fore his eyes and his head hurt- ing. If the boy deserved punish- ment, and he did it in a sens- ible way, I would not interfere, but I cannot stand by and let him kill him. I am afraid to go to the police; that would bring about a big court scene. I love my boy and it would break my heart to have him snatched away from me because of something his father does. My husband has a sneaky un- derhanded way of getting peo- ple on his side. He is what you call "a public saint and a home devil." Caught DEAR CAtJGHT—Such a mart is terrifying: but you are the one who must summon enough courage to do what must be done, for the sake of your chil- dren. The damage to your 15 - year -old many already be per- manent. The laws which protect chil- dren do not require that they be snatched from their moth- ers: but ,they do enable a court to rule against physical and mental abuse from a father. ---The police and the child care authority will work together to help you. Act now! DEAR' DORIS' — There is a very good looking boy working here. Everytime I see this boy I start to "shake and my stom- ach• gets all butterflies. I would :_very much like to meet him. I have been told he does not like girls, but will talk to' them if they are with his two friends. Boy chasing is not one of my anmmsttmNitum Imn nIntl XII nf nm11mmmtmmWmmm tnmmmnnmmnmrmumanm rilnnIt CORSETTIER Bras, Girdles, Corsets and Support Garments TO FIT ALL FIGURES At Reasonable Prices Mrs. J. Hoelscher SEAFORTH George St. — One Block East of Library UP TO 3 4 on Guaranteed INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES (depending on terms and company) W. E. Southgate Seaforth • Representing: Sterling Trusts Corporation Huron & Erie Mortgage Corp. Crown Trust Company Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company BVRNS CLEANER 110 SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING OIL Walden & Blroadf oot Phone 527-1224 - Seaforth TRAIN TO TORONTO Mk about convenient departure and return times For information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office ' p TE PARE $3,9� ey Red I E a BLUE PARE e $3.90 habits and I think it disgrace- ful the way some of the girls around here do. How can I possibly meet this boy, but not seem forward? Shy But Hopeful DEAR SHY—Are you think- ing you can beat the average and make him like you? • All T can suggest is a little disgrace- ful conniving with the two friends. Unless you'd scorn, a little less, the drop -the -hanky routine. If the butterflies do no more for you, they may help you sympathize with your bolder sisters, who also recognize what they want and go after it. Hap- py hunting! DEAR DOt —My wife and I have a daughter being mar- ried soon. The groom -to -be is from England, and his peopl,g will not be able to attend. For This reason the young couple want to appoint a couple here, to act as proxy for them. Since the boy tells me there isn't anyone here that his par- ents know I can't see the ob- ject in it. I have already shot down quite a number of their bal- loons but this one needs other* opinions to help. Doubtful DEAR DOUBTFUL — I can't see it either. The only semi- official act performed by the groom's parents is that of stand- ing in the receiving line. They are there to meet,their son's friends. No one cado that by proxy. If the groom is thinking that he wants the moral support of a certain older couple, he can have it. They could be invit- ed to help serve and introduce guests around. His official moral and physi- cal support — on this day of high moments and tensions=is his best man. STAFFA (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Miller celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary recently by enter- taining the members of 'their family to a turkey dinner at the Royal Hotel, Mitchell. Pres- ent with Mr. and Mrs. Miller were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan and family, Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller and family, Cromarty; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Miller and ,family and Ken Miller, Staffa. Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Mrs. Russell Worden and Miss Vera Hambley attended the South Perth District annual banquet, held at Fullarton recently. • Gail Agar, Mary Barnes, Dar- lene and Joanne Templeman, Kenneth Parsons and Murray Haines were among the agri-' cultural students from Mitchell High School who attended the Royal Winter Fair on Friday. Miss Joanne Templeman vis- ited over the weekend with Miss .Cheryl Hopf, St. Pauls. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman were Miss Dorothy Bowman, Mrs. "Murray, Mrs., Wilson, Frank Bowman and ,Ken Yeo, all from Hamil- ton. CANADIAN NATIONAL ee-u 11111111111.1111111111.1111111.111111111111111111111111111111111. Attend Achievement Day Achievement Day for the 4-11 Homemaking Club, "The Cereal Shelf,".was held in Mitchell Dis- trict High School on Saturday. The three clubs, along with their leaders, Mrs. John Wal- lace, Mrs. Charles Douglas, Mrs. Eldon Allen, Mrs. Bob Laing, Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mrs. Rus- sell Taylor, attended. ` Staffa "Clubs Nos. 1 and 3, each had an exhibit,' with Carol Ann Vivian and Brenda Kers- lake giving the commentaries. Staffa No. 2 had a demonstra- tion with Carol Ann Dow, Bon- nie Miller and Margaret Wor- den taking part. County honor pins and cer- tificates were • presented to Brenda Kerslake and Fay Tem- pleman. Janet Miller, received her provincial honor pin and certificate for having complet- ed 12 4-11 homemaking projects. Anybody can succeed inpoli- ties. All you do is to gel votes from the' have-nots and cam- paign funds from the rich by promising to protect each side from the other. PROMPT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE at - SAVAUGE JEWELLERS Certified Watchmakers OPPOSITE POST OFFICE CROM 1RTY NEW 0 THE WEEK uxilidry Meet The Marion Ritchie Evening Auxiliary met at thehone of Mrs. Bill Taylor, with Mrs. Tay- lor presiding. The meeting op- ened with prayer by Mrs. Tay- lor, followed with scripture reading, Psalm 23, by Mrs. C. Douglas. Eleven members an- swered the roll call with a thought on "Remembrance." Two visitors were present. The study book, "Missions On 011r Doorstep," was concluded by Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. John Templeman, Mrs. Carter Kers- lake and Mrs. Lorne Elliott. Mrs.. Robert Laing gave as her topic, "The Wisdom of Solomon" and "The Personal View on Remembering Remem- brance." Mrs.. Norman Har- burn gave a reading, "An Af- ternoon Stroll.". • (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. J: R. Jefferson, Mrs. Sadie Scott and Mr. and Mrs. !George Wallace were din- ner guests with Mrs. Mary Cole and Mrs. Kate Harper, of Mit- chell, on Tuesday. Mr. Larry, Gardiner and Miss Alice Walker were guests at the Stoll -Norris wedding in Brucefield United Church on Saturday. Mr. Hugh 'Scott, of Guelph, spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mr. Dan Kinsman, Saskatche- wan, 'is visiting with his broth- er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinsman, and other relatives. Mr. John Bailey returned on Monday from a three weeks' visit with relatives in Scot- land. Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson visited recently 'with Mrs. Geo. Marks, Trowbridge; also with Mrs. Ida Robson, Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cleland, of Listowel. Many Cromarty district ,peo- ple attended the Royal Winter Fair last week. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Ramsey visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cook, of Welles- ley.. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Ballan- tyne, of Avonton, and Mrs. Ver- na Brooks, of Stratford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace. Betty Anne Miller, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs:" James Miller, entertained Sheila Duncan, of Kirkton; Karen Miller, Staffa; and Pamela, Teresa and Valerie Wallace, Cromarty, at her home on her fifth birthday, Nov. 17. Mr. and Mrs. Don 'Swindall and family, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Miller. Ehtertain Parents The pupils of SS No. 5, Hib- bert, entertained their parents and friends at a euchre and erokinole party on Friday night. High prizes were won by Har- ry Norris, Mrs. H. Norris, Ted Kernick and Brenda Gardiner; consolation prizes went to Al- fred Chappel and Bob Johns. The collection amounted to $10.75 and was sent to UNICEF. Classified ads pay dividends: ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald -G. Eaton Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527.1610 Seaforth CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pines Available Friday Nov: 26th GORDON ,NOBLE • Phone 527-0840 Messengers The messengers heldtheir meeting on Sunday, with as- ;,istant leader, Mrs. George Mcllwain in charge. The story called '.6Tio Ton- io" was about a group of children who made mats us- ing the money to give a pic- nic treat for orphanage child- ren. Worship theme was work- ing and sharing. Scripture was taken from Isuke,6: 31- 35.. Offering was taken by Kerin Medd, followed by prayer, . what does the R.C.M.P. offer young men? JOB? NO. CAREER"? . YES. EASY?. NO. REWARDING? YES. If you make the grade with the' Royal Canadian Mounted Police, you set out on a rewarding, stim- ulating, satisfying career. Yourt, work can take you into many branches of police work, from criminal investigation to security and intelligence. You may fly a plane, sail a boat, ride a horse, lead a dog team. The R.C.M.P. does all—and more. Your`' work may lead you to the lonely, frozen north or to crowded big city streets. It won't be dull. It may be dangerous. Whatever it is, it swill be a man's work. Think you can make the grade? Ask at your nearest R.C.M.P. office or write to: The Commissioner Royal Canadian Mounted Police Ottawa 7, Ontario H ° ISTMAS CAKES - 150 gyp, Made with vast quantities of Pineapple, Red and Green Cherries, Peel, Raisins, Pecan Nuts and Almonds, blend- ed with Wine, Flavor, Co,untry Fresh Butter and Eggs —superbly blended to give the utmost in eating pleasure Scotch Shortbread Danish Pastry French Pastry Patty Shells Mince Pies HOME-MADE BREAD We have a Complete Line of the Famous MOI RS' CHOCOLATES from 50c to $3.50 Assorted, Creams, Hard Centres, Nuts, Miniature & Cherries HOME-MADE PEANUT CLUSTERS Dark and Light — lb. $1.00 Peanut Brittle — lb. 80c ICE CREAM - CIGARS - CIGARETTES CRICH'S BAKERY Lunches - Ice Cream Parlor Phone 527-0340 OFFICE SUPPLIES Dial 527-0240 : Seaforth PIONEER CHAIN SAWS This year Pioneer line of chain saws offers a model for every need. From occa- sional use around the cottage to big timber logging opera- tions you'll find what you want with Pioneer. The new deluxe light - 1110 weight chain saw -with professionalized power. 0 Economically priced, the compact chain saw proven by professionals. Most popular saw in the 650 pulp industry, unmatched reliability. 7 Improved! Best big power 0 chain saw for logging and landing jobs. 050 Geared for the big, sus• rained cutting job. PIONEER Your guarantee of peak ATTACHMENTS performance with Pioneer', chain saws. BOYES' c Farm Equiprnent. Phone 527-1257 — Seaforth, Ontario Ff IRVIN'S HARDWARE 'is loaded to t e doors with Christmas Gifts! Make Your Choice now While Selection is the Greatest IRVIN'S" HARDWARE... SEAFORTH Phone 527-1160 We will ,help you budget your Christmas Shopping ! GOLD BOND STAMPS with all purchases. • 1