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The Huron Expositor, 1965-11-18, Page 8
,�n..wxa..+�.�,.,,�.... �..,,w.,�'r""�g�r„��,."•°'�,�.e�rra:'."�"3xu:'��fdkk�{�; n7.�96. a1;ewRk•n..,F:�,.�.:�;, 1.41,,QN 1~XI'Os1'`QIt, SEAVORTH, ONT., NOV. 1$, 1965 AO ROSS 1..Sea dgear 4 (abbr.) ) S+Shut iI,Placea for combat 13,Sovereigns 15.Note of scale 16. Desire 'greatly 18 -Hold on property 19 -Hit lightly 21 -Native metal (pl.) 22 -Indefinite article 23 -Perceived by the senses 26 -Organ of hearing 29 -Declared 31 -Fewer 33 -Symbol for . tantalum 34 -Stamp of approval 35 -High mountain 38 -River in Wales 39 -Printer's measure 40-A state (abbr.) 41 -Beer in- gredient 43- Lease 45 -One, no matter which 47-SBcial gatherings 50 -Babylonian deity 52 -Approach 53 -Hindu cymbals 56- Semi- pre- clous stone 58-Doctrino 60 -Knockout (abbr.) 61 -Impel forcibly 63 -Spiritual wisdom 65 -Band worn around hair 66.OId pronoun 67 -Abstract being DOWN 1 -Vehicle 2 -Region 3 -Hebrew letter 4 -Nobleman 5 -Former Rus- sian rulers 3 -Having a tolS Piece 7 -Symbol for lutecium 8-Spaniah pot 9 -River in France 10 -Before 12-A state (abbr.) 14 -Symbol for tin 17 -Meat of calf 20. Greek letter 24 -Kind of cheese 25 -Compass point 27 -Solar disk 28, Rage 29 -Rail bird 30- Related 32- Withered 36 -Once around track ROMOMo EWBOMM EM mom WC= WOB 00©© Mo SJE®E9MOM MMO HMO [3®17© MO ©E EEO CliJO ©C OB 'MOW MOM ODE EHOMMEE ©0 MEMO MOM MEM ©OPIEWMOON MMEMO ©©hill Eta, 50© SOLUTION 37 -Sowed 42 -Woody plant 44 -Superlative ending 46- Long for 48 -Having a taste 49 -Girl's name ,51 -Singing voice 54 -Same as 30 down 55- Defeat 56 -Exclamation 57 -Product of inflammation 59 -Preposition 62 -Behold! 64 -Compass point 111111111111111111111E11111'° 20 O•ii ,i%% p•Ot'•�,tii 11111:14111111.111111111E111111 ®IIIIIIM1r.61111■■Eiiia t 1.•.50 OM 1111111•11•11111 11•111•1:1111111111111.• 60 ■ il■■■®lIgiii!ii1■11111■■ 40 PERSONALIZED COASTERS - GIFT IDEAS - SERVIETTES THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Tial 527-0.210 , Seaforth CYN - DE RELLAS Foundation & Lingerie Shoppe Main Street -- BLYTH, ONTARIO NOW OPEN WE HAVE CHOSEN FROM THE BEST FIVE MANUFACTURERS IN THIS FIELD WARNER BROS. - DOMINION CORSET ,CANADIAN LADY STELLA LUCAS • HARVEY WOODS IRENE COLE, Proprietress - ° 20 YEARS OF CORSETIERE EXPERIENCE 1965 AMERICAN 330 1962 RAMBLER 2 -DOOR 1961 RAMBLER 4 -DOOR 1961 CHEV. BISCAYNE-6 Cylinder 1901 AUSTIN A 55 SEDAN • See the New 1966 Models Now on Display MILLER MOTORS Phone 527-1410 • -Seaforth FRESH with L It's Great With Meals Delicigus With Snacks MAPLE LEAF DAIRY Phone 527-0810 Seaforth • • Sundays, Holidays, Everyday -- Maple Leaf Dairy Products are available at Vanderhoek's - Supertest MR. AND MRS. RAYMOND .1. ROBINET are shown fol- lowing their recent marriage in St. Columban Roman Cath- olic Church. The bride is the former Ann M. Dalton, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Dalton, Stratford, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Robinet, of Riverside. The couple will reside in Tecumseh. advice from Doris Clark Thicker Than Blood DEAR DORIS — The neigh- bor's boy was down in his yard while my brother Billy was up on the road. They were bicker- ing, and Billy said: "I'll put a rock through your window." The boy's father heard this. He immediately phoned Morn, say- ing that Billy was always throw- ing rocks at his boy. He said that if his boy was ever hurt bBilly, he'd sue for everything 've got. I heard Mom say "This child is adopted." Then he said, "I'm quite aware of the fact, and he's rotten spoiled!" Now, those are pretty harsh words to use on a little boy, especially when they arent' true! Because Billy is adopted, he receives special attention and lots of. love. .None of us kids, are--ealou of him. It could be tr_ueaboutrocks but so does,.Avery er boy --throw rocks,. 1jie• tb is, most --par ents Wim t.admit it! (This man has told his boy to throw rocks back.) Ever since word go out that Billy was adopted, there has been trouble for him. Why? He is a boy who truly wants others to like him. Sister DEAR SISTER — With your loyalty, Billy will make out. Some people make queer dis- tinctions between blood rela- tives and adopted children. Yet time and again we find that the tie .which binds is loving care. There are natural daughters and sons with less hope for normal healthy growth, emo- tionally, than Billy—I'm sorry to say. Rock -throwing can't be pass- ed off lightly. The same boy who throws rocks, without cor- rection, may let his temper go later to the extent of breaking windows or slashing tires—and going to jail. This goes for the neighbor's boy, too. If your mother needs solace, she could talk this over with her adoption worker. But I daresay she'll manage. DEAR DORIS—My husband drinks: He has let his business go by being sick with hang- overs. I have worked to keep food on the table. He has beaten me so many times and has struck the chil- dren in his violent tantrums. He will not take treatment. His mother has spoiled him badly, but my father-in-law sees things for what they are. I'm through. I feei I can work and support my children as I have been doing, and let him go his way. 'Fed Up DEAR FED UP—Then do it. This alcoholic story is being duplicated many times over across the country. Job neglect- ed, money spent on booze; wife, children, badly treated; and the drinker refusing to face his problem. Alcoholism is i isease, and usually tike sufferer must see ruin staring• -hit aA,rxjilke ;face. before He'll seelf::;.treatnlent.-All your patience in covering up for him merely prolongs the misery: Consult the alcoholism coun- selling centre in your area for guidance in rescuring your chil- dren and yourself. Then let's hope he will see the light. st . DEAR DORIS---I met the girl of my husband's past, and have been haunted; by pictures of him making love to her ever since. The harder I try to for- get, the deeper I get in depres- sion about it. All I am told is to' forget it. I know this myself, but how? Gould. a doctor help? I am afraid to talk because I would either break down, or bring out all the hate that is in me. What does a psychiatrist do? Haunted DEAR HAUNTED—The deep- er you bury it the more it crops up! Sometimes things are for- gettable, but you need to face this phantom once and for all. A psychiatrist could certain- ly help. You would be helped to pour out what you 'are think- ing and feeling. From there he would help you get a good firm hold on the truth. Your family doctor would refer you. Classified ads pay dividends. Come In, Ladies I GET YOUR Christmas Curl EARLY Special on Perms: — Nov.i 23rd to•. Dec. 4th — Reg. $12.50 SPECIAL $9.95 SPECIAL00., $7.55'0 — at — PAULINE'S Beauty . Shop WALTON — Phone 527-0448 Make Your Appointment tarty Isismioriorrissis Insurance WIND TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F.- KEYS Phone 527-0467 • Seaforth Representing the Western Farmer's Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstodk, Ont. WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY At the November meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary Tuesday evening, reports were given by the two delegates, Miss G. Thompson and Miss B. Grieve, to the Ontario Hospital conven- tion in Toronto. Reports on the rummage sale were given, and conveners Mrs. R. S. Box and Mrs. H. Quming, thanked all who helped make it the success it was, total re- ceipts being $418.68. Turkey bingo tickets were dis- tributed to be sold for the draw at the Legion Bingo, Dec. 10, and the membership drive is to be completed by Nov. 24. It was decided to give $2,500 towards the hospital fund. Also at this meeting, which was in the form of a shower for the Tudk Shoppe, we received many attractive and useful gifts, and it was decided at the Christ- mas .meeting to bring gifts for the tuck shoppe instead of ex- changing among ourselves. Many offered their services for the official opening of the new hospital Nov. 28. Lunch was served in the cafeteria. „i - Name New Head William S. Craig, Clinton, has been ,appointed technical direc- tor of the Central Huron Sec- ondary School, Clinton, as of January 1, 1966. He will succeed Richard Har- land, who after four years on the ' staff, will leave early in January for Malaysia, where he will set the technical depart- ment in a new secondary school 'blue coal Champion Stove and Furance Oil WILLIS DUNDAS. Office 527-0150_.,.,*Res. 527-1.053' Dublin School News (Intended for last week) Friday, Oct. 29, was consid- ered to be "Doomsday": On that fatal day, progress reports were distributed. A lively baseball game be- tween the teams of Brian and Gerd was held on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 3. After a des- perate struggle, the final score ended up to be 17-15 for Gord's team. Election campaigns were vi - under the Columbo Plan. Mr. Craig, a native of Au- burn, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Craig, of that lo- cality. He attended S.S. No. 5, Hullett School, and the Gode- rich Collegiate Institute. When he joined the Clinton staff 10 years ago he taught industrial arts. When the school added its vocational addition, Mr. Craig requalified as a car- pentry teacher and he now has his specialist's certificate in Vo- cational Type A. He is married to the former Aileen Castle, of Bayfield, and they have four children. • • gorously put into practice dur- ing the past week in prepara- tion for our mock election, which was held on Monday, No- vember 8th. tit?, The main activity of this week is the annual Harvest Hoedown, which is to be held on Friday. Decorations are hurriedly being finished and square dancing steps are receiving a final pol- ish. We hope that this year's Hoedown will be as successful as last year's. The whole school is over- joyed at the prospect of oncom- ing Christmas exams, which will occur in two week's time. Ha! Ha! Question of the week: "Who has been seeing relatives lately —or have they?" The nurse motioned to one of the expectant father and an- nounced, "You have a son." Another man dropped his cig- arette, jumped - up and cried, "Say, what's the idea? I was here before he was." SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY T. Pryde & Son ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited. Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas DID YOU KNOW ...that Sun Life of Canada 14 one of the world's leading life insurance companies, with 150 branch offices throughout North America? A$ the Sun Lite represent; ative in your community, may I be of service P JOHN J. WALSH ,Phone 271-3000 — 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD Sun Life As surance.Conipai o "Canada -_ ..� _ �==�: ;�a :�, •���., ;mag;, FROM SFA `fr WHtr a ® e FARe$ 4p�B�V q d Pate RE $3.90 TRAIN TO TORONTO Ask about convenient departure and return times 4 For information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office CANADIAN NATIONAL 40.65 ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office in Masonic Block - Main Street Phone 527-1610 - Seaforth PROMPT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE SAVAUGE -JEWELLERS Certified Watchmakers OPPOSITE POST OFFICE 4r 1 It's Time to Order Your • 'Choose from th4,''BIGG most BEAUTIFUL and VAN display ,of Christina `Cards we have .show in many a year. • THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth cg One-stop - banking -In a few minutes they'll be out again, with all their banking done. Right now they want to cash a cheque, get something out of their safety deposit box, have their savings account book made up. Next time? He may be in about a loan; she to buy a money order for her aunt's birthday. An able, obliging staff looks after them; and should they need help on some financial problem, the manager is there — a good man to talk things over with. Complete service. Trained people. Conven- ien t, one -.slop banking at your chartered bank. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY . f'hrough 5,650 branches, al' across Canada, the chartered banks bring full -range banking within the reach of everyone. Ar Y 4 .6