HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-10-14, Page 9rile. J1rL4it? L"11D1 Thor ma fAup Paz ow,A•Ndmemo NE'rMQiPR/EO13$10411011/ER ;-- iit` e • w HUARD SERVICE STATION 7`- CIO 11504115, GODERICH ST. SEAFORTH GET A BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YFpOU'LL GET BETTER PER- ALONGER WEAR ''FROM NA BADGER SALiM SiRVICI • INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. BRUCEFIELD SALES — SERVICE Phone Collect: 482-9250 - Clinton For Complete INSURANCE on your -- HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE JOHN A. CARDNO. Insurance Agency Phone 527-0490.Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors e g o Bingo Winners There was a large attendance at the Legion bingo Saturday evening, sponsored by Branch 156, Seaforth, in the Canadian Legion Hall. Winners of door prizes were Mrs. Beuermann, Brodhagen, and Mrs, Edith Campbell, Mit- chell. Following are the winnersof the specials: Audrey Fraum, Preston; Russ Campbell, Mit- chell, and Stan Watson, Mit- chell; Mrs. Wes Vanderburgh, Clinton; Mrs. Frank Maloney, Seaforth; Mrs, Verdun Rau and Bill Austin, Seaforth. Regular game winners were: Mrs. Gordon Lawson, Clinton; Mrs. George Knights, Clinton; Anne Downey, Clinton; Frank Skinner,. _Mitchell, and Mrs. Baird, Brucefield; Mrs, Jacque- line Melanson, Seaforth, Stan Watson, Mitchell; Mrs. Rachael Walters, Walton; Mrs. Joe Steep, Clinton; Wes Vander - burg, Clinton; Sadie Lovett, Clinton, and Gordon Byers, Dub- lin; Mrs. Bill Austin, Seaforth; Jean Hodge, Clinton; Mrs. Gor- don Lawson, Clinton; Russ Campbell, Mitchell; Mrs. Tuf- fin, Seaforth; Mrs. Rachael Wal- ters, Walton. FUNERAL GEORGE ALLAN HABKIRK Word has been received of the death of George Allan Hab- kirrk, who passed away sudden- ly on Wednesday, Sept. 29, at his home in Warkworth. He was the eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Hab- kirk, and wag born and edu- cated in McKillop Township. For some time he lived at Clarkson and served in 'both World Wars, being wounded in the first war. He is survived by one daugh- ter, Mrs. John (Ruth) Irving, of Petrolia, and two brothers, Bert of Meaford, and Arthur, of Clarkson. A funeral service was held Friday, Oct. 1, at 8:00 p.m. in the chapel of the Allen funeral home, Warkworth, with Rev. R. F. 'Tufts officiating, followed with a Royal Canadian Legion service. Interment was in Spring Creek cemetery, Clark- son, Saturday, at 11:00 a.m. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 257-0240. » Z loT T OW PO' 1965 RAMBLER 770 1965 AMERICAN 330 1963 VAUXHALL 4 -DOOR 1962 RAMBLER 2 -DOOR 1961 RAMBLER 4 -DOOR 1961 CHEV. BISCAYNE-6 Cylinder • MILLER MOTORS Phone 527-1410Seaforth I I LOGAN COUNCIL At the regular meeting of Logan council, held at the Township hall, court of revi- sion on the 1965 assessment roll was set for Monday, Nov. 1..,,. A bylaw was passed making provisions for the nomination meeting Nov. 26th and an elec- tion, if necessary, Dec. 6th. Final inspection certificates were received on the Dillon and Murray drains and amending bylaws were passed reducing the assessments, The reeve and clerk were authorized to sign the necessary papers to make application for subsidy on $14b,- ;160.13, having been spent on roads in 1965. Road accounts totalling $19,152.68 and gen- eral accounts amounting to $2,- 842.82 were ordered paid. The council adjourned to meet again Monday, Nov. 1, at 1:00 p.m. • EAST WAWANOSH Motions approved by East Wawanosh Township council in- cluded: By Gow-Pattison: That coun- cil give grants to the following: Blyth Agricultural Society, $100; Salvation Army, Wingham, $75; Belgrave Library, $20; Au- burn Library, $15; Whitechurch, $15; Belgrave School Fair, $30; Huron County Plowmen's Asso- ciation, $75. By Robinson-Gow: That coun- cil approve the proposal of the Hullett Township Public School Area Board to construct 'a cen- tral school in the Township of Hullett. By Robinson -Pattison: That the municipality of the Town- ship of East Wawanosh ap- proves of theaddition to the Goderich District Collegiate In- stitute and assumes its share of the cost of the necessary debenture issue by the Town. of Goderich. Road accounts cleared includ- ed: C. W. • Hamar, salary, $196.50, telephone $1.25; Alan McBurney, wages $187.42, truck and chainsaw $45; George T. Currie, checking gravel, $46.00; Reg Schultz, cutting trees and brush, $20; Wm. Kennedy, cut- ting trees and brush,; Joe Kerr Construction, 3,614 yards gravel at 77c, $2,782.78; Harold Cook, cutting weeds, $360; Phil- ip Dawson, grease cart, $5; Har- ry Williams, 200 gallons fuel $82.80, tune $14.34; Dominion Soil Investigation Ltd., Scott and Morton bridges, $1,107.36; Wm. Hallahan, 138' hours with scraper, $1,939.00; Receiv- er General ' of Canada, income tax, $2.58. General accounts: Town of Seaforth, welfare "charge back, $8; Walker's Home -Furnishings, funeral expenses, $175; Mrs. Jean McKay, patient at Brook- haven, $84; direct welfare, $35; Clayton Robinson, 1 fox boun- ty, $4.00; Blyth Agricultural So- ciety, grant, $100; The Salvation Army, Wingham, grant, $75; Belgrave Library, grant, $20; Auburn, Library, grant, $15; Whitechurch Library, - grant, $15; Belgrave School Fair, grant, $30; Huron County Plow- men's Association, grant, $75. MORRIS TOWNSHIP Motions approved by Morris .Township council include: . By William Elston pand James Mair: That Ross Smith be com- missioner to look after repairs to the King Drain. By Ross Smith and Jas. Mair: That we give Huron Ptowmeh's Association a grant of $25. By William Elston and James Mair: That Belgrave, Bluevale and Walton libraries each be given a grant of $15. By William Elston and Ross Smith: That Bylaw No. 13, 1965, setting nomination date for Nov. 26, 1965, and election day, if FARMERS! It has been a long harvest ! No need to handle your grain main LET US GRIND AND MIX IT FOR YOU RIGHT AT YOUR FARM COMPLETE LINE OF CONCENTRATES aiecessary, for Dec, '4,$5e passed as read, By Ross Smith and:' Jaynes -Mair: That the tender, off' GIeau 'Snell at $7.50 per hoop ,an4 ; 45 - per day standby time for Der cember January, February Arad March; Mel Jermyn, at $7,50 per hour,, plus $5.00 per day standing time. from 1st of De- cember, '1965, to March 31, 1966, and George Radford Con- struction Ltd., at $8.50 per hour for plowing snow in, Morris Township for the winter of 1965-66, be accepted subject to, the approval of the District Muulicipal Engineer. By Walter Shortreed and. Win. Elston: That the road superin- tendent and the treasurer sub- mit the necessary petition for interim road subsidy. By James Mair and Walter Shortreed: That the Stone School bridge be sold by public auction on Oct. 16, at 2 p.m., and that William Elston and Ross Smith make necessary ar- rangements. By Walter Shortreed and Ross Smith: That road accounts as presented by the road super- intendent be accepted. By James Mair and 'William Elston: That court of revision on the assessment roll be op- ened. As there were no appeals to consider, it was moved by Ross Smith and Walter Short - reed that the court of revision be closed and the assessor be paid the balance of his salary. General accounts approved in- cluded:.. Richard Badley, fox bounty, $4; Heinz Von Richtho- fen, sheep killed, $28; Munici- pal World, supplies, $,2.78; Michie, inspecting the dral{t, $5; Ontario Hydro, Bluevale sp etr lights, $14.25; lreleu lar, ,,; salary, $100; Belgrave Sch.00l', Fair, $35; Brussels Fair Board, $150; Huron County Plowmen's Association, $25; Bluevale Lib- rary, $15; Belgrave Library, $15; Walton, Library, $15; welfare, $71.60; Stewart Procter, court of revision, $5; William Elston, court of revision, $5; Ross Smith, court of revision, $5; James Mair, court of revision, $5; Walter Shortreed, court of revision, $5; John Brewer, bal- ance of salary, $50. Road Accounts—William Me- Arter, mileage, wages and bookkeeping, $184.19; .James Casemore, wages, $286.25; John Smith, wages, $112; J. C. Mc- Neil, transmission oil, $30.13; Ideal Supply, bulbs, starting fluid, $9.27; Pollard's Chain Saw, sections and rivets, $10.75; Valley Blades Ltd., lantern glasses, $11.33; Dominion Road Machinery, hose and hydraulic cylinder; Alex 'Ilkley; gas and oil filters, $44,40; Sam Sween- ey, bulldozing, $1,320.00; Geo. Somers, labor and parts for tractor, $16.20; Mowbray Con- struction Co., payment No. '4, $2,966.40; Bert Garniss, pit run gravel, $136.74. Voice on telephone: "You must have.. dialed the wrong number." Caller (insisting): "Are you sure?" Voice (quickly): "Have I ev- er lied to you before?" The regular meeting of the Huron County Tuberculosis ,is- soeiation was held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, Tuesday eve- ning of last week, in charge of president G. * A, Watt. Miss Louise Robertson, Edu- cation chairman, reported that the secretary had attended 16 Fairs with educational mater, ials. From this venture re- quests had been received for other educational materials from a number of teachers and nursing students in Huron and Perth'. Requests for speakers on tuberculosis have also been received. The Huron County Chapter of the Registered Nurs- es of Ontario will have Dr. J. B. Robinson, Medical Director of Beck Memorial Sanatorium, as their speaker on "Tuber- culosis" at an October dinner meeting. The rehabilitation chairman, William Elston, said financial assistance had been given to an ex -patient of the Sanator- ium. E. E. Walker gave the Cast - Finding report, stating that all employees of the new Maitland Manor Nursing Home, Goderich, had been X-rayed. Things are in readiness for the Christmas Seal Sale, which begins in November, with Ma- dame Vanier as Honorary Pa- tron, according to Mrs. D. C. Cornish, chairman of the Seal Sale committee. Phone 527-08x0 SEAFORTH MON ENT. WORK; OPEN DAN.Y% T. P ryde & Son ALL TYPES OF 1 CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited. Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235-0620 CANTON 4824421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas DID YOU KNOW .'that Sun Life. of Canada its 4200 of the world's leading life insursasi _companies, with 150 branch ails throughout North .America? A. the Sun Lifrr represent. Wive in your eosamoresitek .a+ I b. of service? JOHN J. WALSH Phone 271-3000 — 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada e Canada Pension Plan iid its benefits Here is what the Canada Pension Plan will do for people like Esther Meyer, a 50 -year-old owner of a small store who makes $5,800 a year. ARC Three Mobiles For Better Service DOLMAGE MILLING COMPANY WINTHROP — 527-1097 MITCHELL -- 348-8507 ED. DOLMAGE - Proprietor - I di If Esther Continues to earn this amount from her business until age 65, she and her husband, who is disabled and cannot work, can look forward to a retirement income of' $104.17 from the Plan and $75 from Old Age Security -- a total of $179.17 a month. When her husband receives Old Age Security, their income will be $254,17 a month. Should Esther die anytime after 1967, having contributed until her death, her husband will receive a disabled widower's pension of 364.06 a month until he reaches age 65, At that time, or if he is already 65 when Esther dies, his pension under the Plan will be 362.50 a month plus $75 a month Old Age Security. On the death of his wile, Mr. Meyer will also be entitled 1'- a lump sum payment of $500. All benefits under the Plan will maintain their value. The actual benefits payable will probably be higher than those given here since benefits will be adjusted to meet changes in living costs and in wage levels before they are paid and changes in living costs after they become payable. What will the Plan cost you? If, like Esther, you have self- employed earnings of $5,800 a year. you will pay $158.40 a year which is 3.6% of 34,400, the maximum amount upon which contributions are payable. Payment will be in instalments in the same way you pay your income tax. This advertisement is one ofa series which relates some of the important benefits of the Canada Pension Plan to individual circumstances. Issued by authority of the Minister oil National health and Welfare, Canada, The Honourable Indy LaMarali. k.