HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-10-14, Page 51,
htr. and Mrs. Auguste Du-
charme and Mr. and Mrs. Cror-
don Staples in Wingham with
Mr. and -Mrs. Ken Ducharme.
Miss Rita Kennedy and Miss
Jean Maloney, London, at their
homes here, and attended the
Robinette -Dalton wedding on
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doyle and
family, London, with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Maloney.
Mr. and Mrs, Leo Smith and
Melody, Acton, with" Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Cronin.
Mrs, Martin Purcell and chil-
dren, Kitchener, with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack McIver and Mrs.
Thomas Purcell.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mur-
ray and Mr. and Mrs. Dan
O'Rourke and Mrs. Elizabeth
Murray were in Toronto on Sat.
urday attending the wedding of
their niece,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello,
Kitchener, and Miss Mary Mur-
ray, Lucan, with Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Murray.
Miss Jeanne Melady, U.W.O.,
London, was one of the attend-
ants at the Robinette -Dalton
wedding and visited at her
home for the holiday.
Miss Joan Coyne, London,
with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Coyne.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marrinan
and family, London, with Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Connolly.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Hienery, St.
Catharines, with Mrs. Mary
Williams and Torn.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Brady and
children, London, with Mr. and
Mrs. James Sloan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Melady and
family- Trenton, and Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Butters. and family,
London, with Mr. and Mrs.
Mauriee Melady.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dawe, of
Windsor, were here for the
Robinette -Dalton wedding and
visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mur-
Mr. and Mrs. Louise Masse
and children, Grand Bend, with
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ryan.
The boss was exasperated
with his new secretary. She
ignored the telephone when it
rang. Finally he said irritably:
"You must answer the phone."
"O.K.," she replied. "But it
seems so silly. Nine times out
of ten it's for you."
e Institute
Hensall Training
A senior training school
course, "Vegetable with a
Flair," was held at Hensall Le -
glen Hall Thursday and Friday
under leaders Miss Mary Mc-
Grath, home economist food aid
nutrition section, Ontario De-
partment of Agriculture, and
Miss Dianne Liddiard, home
economist for Huron.
Two selected members from
each institute branch in South
Huron took the course, and
these in turn will teach, classes
in their district. Taking the
course were: Hurondale WI,
Mrs. Harry Dougall; Elimville,
Mrs. Wellington Brock; Sea -
forth, Mrs. Earl Papple, Mrs.
Gordon MacKenzie; Zurich, Mrs.
Len Prang, Mrs. Jim Parkins;
Clinton, Mrs. Charles Nelson
and Mrs. Mary Ross.
'UCW Completes Quilts
Hensall UCW Group Four
held their October meeting in
Fellowship Hall on Thursday
with 27 members present. Mrs.
James McAllister read a poem
on "Thanksgivingtr, which is a
time for remembering the goad
things with which we are en-
dowed. The devotional follow-
ed, with prayer given by Mrs.
T. Sherritt. Miss Greta Lam-
mie entertained with piano
selections and Mrs. Cross told
how Thanksgiving did not come
from prosperity, but from ad-
versity and poverty. The Pil-
grim Fathers had courage -and
faith and were prepared to sac-
rifice much for their principals
and beliefs.
Mrs, McAllister conducted
the business. Two quilts were
completed in September.
Mrs. E. Rowe and Mrs. W.
Dilling ''will be in charge of
the November meeting.
President Mrs. Earl Campbell
chaired the October meeting of
the WMS ,of Carmel Presbyter -
Here's why PERMA-FILL is more, much more — than just
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omy — actually 1% gal. in a 12 -qt. cooling system protects down to 15° below
zero. Reliable protection for every vehicle at Canadian Tire savings.
Out of respect to the memory of
a former partner, who died in Florida
on October 10, 1965
this Store will remain closed
Thursday Afternoon, October 14th
ian Church, when plans were
made to attend the thanlfoffer-
ing meeting of the WMS of
First Presbyterian Church, Sea -
forth. Mrs. Walz read Scrip-
ture passages and Mrs. Robert
Madge and Mrs. John Love con-
ducted the devotional. The
president reported on the fall
rally in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm
and family spent Thanksgiving
weekend with relatives in Ro-
chester, N.Y.
Mrs. Kay Bedard and chil-
dren, of London, spent Thanks-
giving weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell
and daughters.
Mrs. Bertie McMurtrie, Hen-
sall, spent Thanksgiving with
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Paul-
ine and Ann.
Miss Karen Fraser and Miss
Joyce Munn, London, have re-
turned home after a two weeks'
tour of California and sur-
rounding States.
Miss June Munn London,
and Mr. Bob Munn, University
of Toronto, visited at their
home on the Thanksgiving
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
held their Thanksgiving dinner
on Monday and all their fam-
ily were present: Mr. and Mrs.
William Mickle, Pamela, Judith
and John; Mr. and Mrs. Ross
MacMillan, David and Tommy,
Kitchener; Charles Mickle, of
Hamilton; Robert Miekle, U.W.
0., London; Ann, at `home, and
sister, Mrs. Florence Joynt.
Mrs. Lorne Webster and Mr:
and Mrs. Robert Watson, Sea -
forth, visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Clendon Christie and
Catharine Anne.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bartlett,
of Thamesford, spent Thanks-
giving weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart McQueen.
Mrs. Annie Reid' returned
home Sunday from Victoria
Hospital, London.
Mrs. J. E. McEwen, Mrs.
Louis Clark and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Beaver, Exeter, enjoy-
ed a bus trip to New York City
over Thanksgiving week, leav-
ing Friday evening and return..
ing home Tuesday morning.
They toured the City of New
York and the World's Fair and
also took in a fabulous four-
hour boat cruise. The trip was
sponsored by the Coffee Club
of CKSL, London.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Lewis and
Shelley Jean, of Sarnia, spent
Thanksgiving weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Spencer and
At the United Church Sun-
day morning the following chil-
dren were presented for the
Sacrament of Infant Baptism:
Shelley Jean Lewis, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lewis`'
of :Sarnia; Sandra Edith Mc-
Curdy, daughter • of Mr. and
'Mrs. Donald C. McCurdy, Hen-
sall. Unit Three of the UCW
arranged tt h e Thanksgiving
motif 'in the decorations for the
The October meeting of Unit
Five was held Monday at the
home of Mrs. Ted Savauge.
Margaret Somers gave the treas-
urer's report. It was agreed on
motion by Wilma Oke and Phyl•
lis Parsons to order 100 calen-
dars to sell again this year.
Margaret Somers gave a
Poona, "Sing To the Lord of
Harvest." The Scripture, Psalm
138, was given by Marian Pull-
man, and Margaret Somers led
in prayer.
Mrs. J. C. Britton gave an
informative talk on the new
cirriculum, showing new study
books and ways in which our
children are being taught in
Sunday School. Mrs. 0. G. Oke
thanked her.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Duffy
and family, Woodstock, Mr. and
Mrs, Maurice Dillon and fam-
ily, St. _Thomas; Mr. and Mrs.
Syl. Ryan and family, Kinkora,
and Mr. and Mrs. .James Kelly
and family, Seaforth. with Mrs.
Louis Dillon and Miss Dorothy
Miss Kathleen Stapleton in
Winnipeg with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Newcombe.
Mr. William Ganter and Nora
Ann, Niagara Falls, with Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Carpenter.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans and
children, Chippawa, with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. John Molyneaux
and family. Thorold, with Mr.
and Mrs, Fergus Stapleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Costello
and children, Westbrook, Ont.,
with Mrs. John E. Murray and
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Klinkham-
er, Kitchener, and .Jack Klink-
hamer, Loddon, with Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Klinkhamer.
Mrs. Lloyd McCarthy and Mr.
and Mrs. Keith McCarthy in
Pontiac, Mich., with Mr. and
Mrs. Matt, McCarthy.
Minister, just before the re-
sponsive reading: "Will the
lady who always arrives ht the
still waters while the rest of
us are in the green pastures,
please wait for us this time?"
Installation of officers was
held at the regular meeting of
Amber Rebekah Lodge Wednes-
day evening. Officers installed
.were: Noble Grand, Mrs. Geo.
Clifton, Brucei eld; vice grand,
Mrs. Lindsay Eyre, Brut=efleld;
financial secretary, Mrs. Ernest
Chipchase; treasurer, Mrs. Ed.
Corbett; recording secretary,
Mrs. Leona Parke; RSNG, Mrs.'.
R. A. Orr; LSNG, Mrs. William
Smale; RSVG, Mrs. Inez Mc-
Ewen; LSVG, Mrs. Wm. Kyle;
warden, Mrs. John Corbett;
conductor, Mrs. Earl Campbell;
chaplain, Mrs. Elgin Thompson;
Jr. PNG, Mrs. John Ingram; IG,
Mrs. Jack Taylor, Brucefied;
OG, Mrs. Clarence Volland.
The new officers were install-
ed by District Deputy President
Mrs. Edna Caldwell and her in-
stalling staff.
,President Mrs. -Roy Swale
t haired the October meeting of
the Legion . Ladies' Auxiliary,
held Tuesday evening in the
Legion Hall, when plans were
outlined for a wedding in Oc-
The auxiliary visited veter-
ans in Westminster Hospital to
commemorate the 15th anni-
versary - of the auxiliary, and
entertained with a bingo, and
presdnted gifts to twoo adopted
veterans. Mrs. Harold Thiel
won the guessing contest, and
Mrs. E. R. Davis, the attend-
ttendance draw.
Members of the Hensall Le-
gion Auxiliary who motored to
London Thursday evening to
provide entertainment for war
veterans at Westminster Hospi-
tal, London, included: Mrs.
William Smale, Mrs. William
'orreater, Mt;tr
,Catnerea 1404) j► � Y%t !
Mrs; Witham , de4:'
Grant lista, T
Mrs. Arehie NPaltes is pas.
tier t in St. JosepWs #dos?itA,
Breaks A.rm
At School
Roddy Chapman, son of ]fir.
and Mrs. Lorne Chapman, 1444
the misfortune to fracture his
arm -while playing- football at
Hensall Public School, where
he is a student.
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