HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-10-07, Page 10• fel+, ak-i-ku‘0•414,110%"64,+:144,410f,tkA,P4Ww4m4olitkesk4-4,-- OKTOR, SEAFORTU, oNt., OCT. 7, 1865 YOU KNOW ... that Sun Life of Canada is ow of the world's leading life inanrinso• companies, with 150 branch offices throughout North America? As the Sun Life represent- ative in your comes:may, may/ be of service? JOHN J. WALSH Phone 271-3000 — 48 Rebecca St, STRATFORD San Life Assurance Company of Canada WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 • • the best-selling internation brand of beer in the world • 14. •••• , • Soe 4464e;gof 0,4,•;* • • e:. • (Enjoyed in Canada and 55 other countries!) Today, Canada's best -liked beer, is winning new friends around the world. Originated in Canada, Carling Black Label Beer is now brewed in 18 plants in 5 countries. Next time you have a beer, pour a tall cool Black Label. You'll know why it's so popular. say:"MAJ3EL, • BLACK LABEL!" BLN 65 -la -A•••0 7,r15•-477++,7,14±' 1 „ Seafortii Home Has V By W. E. Elliott in the London Free Press Eighty-five years ago, David Douglas Wilson had built for himself and family the biggest house in Seaforth. The Wilsons lived there until about 1905, then sold it to the Southgate family. In 1928 it was pur- chased and converted into what has been Scott Memorial Hospi- tal. - • . A new hospital, Seaforth Community Hospital, was re- cently completed and was• occu- pied Sept. 14, leaving the house .available to be operated as a nursing 'home, purchased by Mrs. Jean Henderson. L. D. 11 Wilson, known to an earlier generation as the Egg King of Huron, deserves a re- trospective glance as his for- mer residence enters upon yet! another phase. A native of Waterloo County, he was teach- ing school in North Dumfries ! in 1865 when he found his sight I DEAR DORIS advice froth Paris Clark • • • IT'S HARD TO FORGIVE DEAR DORIS Before we were married- my husband had an affair with a girl friend of mine. This was before I met him. She told me what hap- pened. Much later, after we were married, I asked him about this and he admitted it. But even up to this day he swears he was under alcohol. Will you please tell me if it is possible for a man who is un- der the influence of alcohol to walk two •or three miles, and do something, and have no re- collection After? I have such a hate -in my heart towards this woman. I I sure would like to write and ' tell her she was 21 at the time and she must have known bet- ter than to throw herself at a drunk. I am 55 years old. • Out Of My Mind • ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 • : Seaforth FALL FERTILIZER - PRICES We Are Selling— '60% Muriate of Potash Per Ton $50.00 20% Super Phosphate Per Ton $35.00 F.O.B. Plant, Mitchell SPREADER AVAILABLE CEMENT Per Bak .$1.15 We are now receiving Beans at our new 250,000 -bushel capicity plant. ASK US_FOR PRICES Mitchell Fertilizer & Supply Ltd. DEAR OUT—Yes, people do have a loss of memory some- times, when drunk. But haven't you also got a loss of good sense, not to put this ancient incident out of your memory? The important thing is that your husband has been good to you over the years. Youth does many things it wouldn't dream of in adult years. • • If you were to write this wo- man now, you'd probably re- gret it, and then have that to worry about. Stop 'destroying yourself with needless fretting, and give your husband the break of loving him without reserve. * * DEAR DORIS--My husband of 31 wishes to continue his education and take a law course. He was recently dis- charged from the Air Force f6r a nervous disorder. The psychia- trist said he was capable of doing university work. We have been told we are aspiring too high but neither one of us wants to work at a low-paying job just for survival. We have a family of to and $800 saved up. Are there gov- ernment loans available, and to what amount? Phone 348-8631 MITCHELL "Built by Farmers for Farmers" HIGHEST PRICES AVAILABLE Also Wheat, Oats and Barley GIVE US A CALL W.G.T•HOMPSON & Sons LTD. 262.4527 HENSALL l ried failing and tu ned to the egg business. His drivers, visiting stores throughout the county- and dis- trict, collected eggs in the 30 and 36 -dozen wooden crates of the time, loaded them on hor,se- drawn wagons and hauled them to Wilson's storage plant, a three-storey brick structure at the northwest corner of Main and Goderich Streets. When an illustrated album entitled Men of Canada was published in 1891, D. D. Wil- sen's biography and portrait I • • , occupied a page. His egg busi- ness, the article stated, "has now reached gigantic propor- tions, shipping something like a million and a half dozen per year to New York, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Montreal, Liverpool and London." Ambitious DEAR AMBITIOUS — Well, my crystal ball says you are not aspiring too high.- In this enlightened age, a man's work should be his fun. It is just as much misery to under -achieve as it is to be in the wrong job. If his dream is to be a law- yer, and his aptitudes point that way, more power to him. The government employment service will counsel him; the loans for education (which vary,. but are generous) will be avail- able to him. And there are bursaries as well. With your, help and his de- sire, I'd say go to it! * * * 't Such great dependence upon export trade is believed to ac- count for the virtual collapse of the business about the turn of the Century, when both Bri- tain and the United States im- posed import duties. The Huron Atlas of 1878 con- tains a sketch of two store fronts, each ' -bearing a sign, "Huron Egg Emporium," along- side Wilsorr's residence. This would be his first house, on Main Street. The illustration shows a frame house with front and side verandahs, three chinit' neys, an the inevitable picket fente. Later, this house was moved in two pieces to make way for -the stable, a large building north of the egg stor- age plant, part of it now incor- porated in the Seaforth motors garage. The original structure suffered fire damage in the mid., 30s and was reduced on being. rebuilt. In the basement of the garage there are still re- mains of brick and concrete vats in which, eggs were stored in a preserving solution, The larger part of the former residence is now at the corner of Helen and James Streets, and is occupied by D. C. Cornish. The remainder is located at Wilson Street. DEAR DORIS—I am 17, and have never dated. I have met 'a boy who is five months young- er than I am. He is one of the few remaining old-fashidned gentlemen, which makes my old-fashioned heart beat a lit- tle faster. Is it permissible for me to ask him to the graduation dance? How should I go about it so as not to embarrass him, or, make him feel -obligated; in other words, give him a loop- hole if he is not as interested as I think? Insurance WIND TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS Not A Boy Chaser DEAR NOT -•.,•A fall gradua- tion dance is a special occasion. You might say to him, "I have two tickets for my graduation dance. I'd like it very much if you would be my escort." Be just as ready for a refusal as anybody has to be. Remember that,' while you would be providing the tickets, your escort would be treating you to transportation there and back and no doubt to a corsage as well. S Phone 527-0467 Seaforth Representing the Western Farmer's Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. * * * TO ANXIOUS MOTHER— With the hurt of her previous marriage, your daughter couldn't resist the kindness and love of the man she now lives with. Humans need love very badly. She needs help in seeing what has happened • to her. Then if she can still have an anchor in you, who love her it might be that she could gradually sum- mon the moral courage to break away from what is not right, and begin a new life on her own. For Complete INSURANCE on your HOM, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527.0490 : Seaforth • Office Directly Opposite Soaforth Motors • areer Eggs Were not graded in dose days, but if the Wilson drivers found a lot of eggs host yet crated, in a store regularly selling to Wilson, they would go to work and candle them for rejects, fill the crates and leave for Seaforth. D. D. Wilson was born June 2, 1839, in North pumfries Township, and received his ed- ucation at the public' schools and Galt Grammar School. He was an elder for many years of the Presbyterian Church in Seaforth and also Sunday School superintend'ent. In 1859, while engaged in ,teaching at the Muth Dumfries school he had attended as a pupil, he married Helen Richardson, of Waterloo. She died in 1885, leaving seven children. Mr. Wilson six years later married Annie Duthie, of Jarvis, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Mr. Wilson was reeve of Sea - forth from 1875, when incor- poration as a town took place, until 1890. He declined re-elec- tion in 1891, but served as mayor in' 1893-4. . He died in the early 1930s. His eldest son, John A. Wil- son, served as mayor in 1891 and soon afterward was ap- pointed town clerk, which of- fice he held until 1934, when his son in turn was appointed clerk. Mr. John A. ,Wilson died in 1954. The son, David H. Wil- son, who resigned • about five years ago, continues to reside in Seaforth. COAL FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Phone 527-0870 : 'Seaforth THINKING ABOUT INVESTING? THERE'S SAFETY IN NUMBERS! ONE SINGLE INVESTMENT IN UNITED ACCUMULATIVE FUND LTD. GIVES YOU PART OWNERSHIP IN OVER EIGHTY OF CANADA'S LARGEST INDUSTRIES WIDELY DIVERSIFIED THROUGHOUT THE ECON- OMY, AND IN ADDITION CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION Assets In Less Than 8 Years Have Grown To More Than $170,000,000 $10,000 Investment VALUE $24,884.75 - Aug. 12, 1965 Jaimary 2, 1958 with dividends reinvested Savings Plans (As Low As $20 Monthly) Monthly or Quarterly Variable Withdrawal Income Plans For details, call: WIUVIER BROADFOOT Phone 527-0855 — Seaforth • Zimrner's Transportation • Change in Time Table goderich To Sttatford READ DOWN READ UP P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Sup. Fri. Daily Daily & Only Ex. Ex. Hol. Sun. Sun. & Hol. & Hol. 6:40 6:50 7:00 7:10 7:15' 7:20 7:40 8:00 8:00 8:10 8:20 8:35 8:40 8:45 8:50 9:05 9:20 3:10 3:20 3:25 3:40 3:45 3:50 3:55 4:05 4:15 7:45 7:55 8:00 8:15 8:18 8:20- 8:30 8:40 8:55 Effective P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. • Daily Daily Fri. Sun. Ex. Ex. Only Sun. Sun. Hol. • & Hot & Hol. Lv. GODER1CH Ar. 2:20 7:45— 10:35 10:35 HOLMESVILLE 2:05 7:35 10:20 10:20' CLINTON 2:00 7:25 • 10:15 10:15 SEAFORTH • 1:45. 7:15 10:05 . 10:05 ST• COLUMBAN,1:40 7:05 10:00 • 10:00 DUBLIN • 1:35 7:00 9:55 955 MITCHELL 1:25 6:50 9:50 SEBRINGVELLE 1:16 6:40 9:45 9:45. Ar, STRATFORD Lv. 1:00 6:30 9:35 • 9:35 September 27, 1965, to June 27, 1966' • 1965 Canada Savings Bonds are on sale now. , Canada Savings Bonds are 'a great way to save. The new bonds pay you 4%% for each of the first 2 years, 5% for each of the next 6 years and 51/2% for each of the remaining 4 years. This works out to an average annual yield Of 5.03%'when you hold them to maturity in 12 years. You may buy any amount from $50 up to a limit of $10,000 per person in denominations of,$50, $100, $500, $1,000 and $5,000. They are available for cash or on instalments at banks, investment dealers, stock brokers, trust and loan companies or on the Payroll Savings Plan where you work. And you can cash them any time at your bank for their full face value plus earned interest. Buy yours today,