The Huron Expositor, 1965-09-23, Page 12Untited , Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cochrane, John Street, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Wednesday. Neither Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane are in the best of health, and' as a result no • plans are being made to mark the event. It was weather much like that of this year, Mr. Cochrane re- called, as he told of the wed- ding of fifty years ago. The bride was the 'former • Jessie McBeth, and the couple was married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McBeth, in Stanley, on September 29, 1915. The minis- ter was Rev. Woods, of the • then Brucefield Presbyterian Church. Mr. -Cochrane is a son of the late, ,Mr. and Mrs: John Cochrane, also of Stanley. Assisting at the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. John Jar- rott, now of Hensall. Following the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane established themselves oh the groom's farm on the second of Stanley, which they contiatied to occupy until their retirement to Sea - forth in 1947. They have one daughter, Audrey, Mrs. Elmer Cameron, of Tuckersmith, and a granddaughter. Active in the community, Mr. Cochrane served for a number of years as school trustee. A life-long Liberal, until recently he was chairman of the Sea - forth Liberal Association. Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane are members of Northside United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Pepper, Oakshade Farm, Tuckersmith, celebrated their fiftieth wed- ding anniversary at 'their home on Sunday, Sept, 19. Roy Pepper, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Roger Pepper, and Elma May Crich, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Crich, were unit- ed• in marriage in 1915 .by the Rev. S. J. Allin, at the home of the bride's parents. Follow- ing.the wedding trip they took up residence on the Pepper homestead, where they still 're- side. The attendants, Frank Crich, Seaforth, brother of the bride, and Rose Pepper (Mrs. Howard Ctich, of Clinton), sis- ter of the grdbm, were present at the anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Pepper have three sons and four daughters, namely: Harold, at home; Nor- man, of Hensall; Clifford, of Zurich; Viola (Mrs. Harold Tay- lor) of geaforth; Edith (Mrs. Percy Rutter), of Bloomfield; Eleanor (Mrs. Frank Falconer), of RR 5, Clinton,;and Gladys (Mrs. William .Riehl), of Clin- ton. They' have 22 grandchil- dren and two great-grandchil- dren., The table decorations were in a gold and silver scheme Classified ads pay 'dividends. J40TI•CE Re Fair Day OM: •Mills will be chned fpr kid Friday afternoon Until 4:30, We Will then bean for PresPared feed. - • Please, No Grinding - Friday afternoon. Seaforth Farmers Co,op Topnotch Feeds • with a gold wedding bell and golden tapers centred with a three-tier wedding. cake. Sev- eral colorful baskets of flowers beautified the dining room. Pouring tea in the afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock„ were Mrs. Frank Layton and, Mrs. ward Crich, of Clinton, sist s o the groom, and Mrs. Gladys Wallis, of Clinton, sister of the bride. In the evening from 7 to 9 o'clock, were Mrs. James Carno- chan, cousin of the bride, and Mrs. Arny Crich, of Clinton, sis- ter-in-law of the bride. Waitresses, all 'granddaugh- ters of the honored couple, were Julene Elliott, of London; Marie Elliott, of Seaforth; Ruth Anne, Doris and Joan Pepper, of Zurich; Janet and Joyce Fal- coner, RR 5, Clinton, and Bon- nie Riehl, of Clinton. Jean Falconer, RR 5, Clinton, an- other granddaughter, was in charge of the guest register. Supper was served at six o'clock to the brothers and sis- ters of the bride and groom, Over 150 signed. the register. Guests were present from Pon- tiac and' Ferndale, Michigan; Goderich, Seaforth, Zurich, Dashwood, Hensallj, Kitchener, .Bayfield and Clinton. STAFFA • Misses Heather DitYnard and Margaret Worden were among the 4-11 Club girls in Perth County, who attended the judg- ing at LonclOn Fair on Friday. Sunday visitors with yMrs. Mary Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller and daughters were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Par- rish, Mitchell, and Mrs. Blanche Verner and Mr. Milton Miller, Stratford. 4 Mr. and -Mrs. Bob'Norris, Pat- ti, Susan and Jill visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. James Norris and family, Brampton. Misses Edna and the Londcin,.spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller. Mr. and Mrs, Terry Dayinard, Guelph, visited over the week- end with Rev. ad Ma, flay- ffid 1iith&:, vtt 20. Auction $ales ESTATE AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY Estate Auction Sale of 75 acre Farm, at Lot 1, Con. 13, Hullett Township, 21/2 miles West of Walton and 11/2 miles South, on MONDAY, OCT. llth, at 1 p.m. sharp. Brick house; bank barn, 38 x 70; garage; hen 'house; 65 acres clay loam land, all workable, remainder in bush; drilled well. Sold subject to reserve bid. 10% down, bal- ance 30 days. Estate of the late • LORNE ROE For further particulars, ap- ply to Roy Williamson, Wal- ton, or Harold 'Jacksen, Auctioneer, Seaforth. • 20,91-3 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Household Furniture and Ef- fects for Mrs. Jean Dill, on Main St.,eDubline on SAT- URDAY,SEPTEMBER 25, at 1 IS.m. 3 -piece Friezie chesterfield suite; sofa and chair, (green); chair, rose; rocker chair and stool to match; 2 step tables; coffee table, (glass top French Provincial); 9 - piece dining room suite; fire- place, complete; 2 -piece an- tique bedrodm suite; two 'double iron beds, springs, mattresses; walnut vanity; 5 odd small walnut tables; 2 desks; 2 commodes; dres- ser; 2 book stands; 3 com- mercial' glass cases; antique - clothes tree; 2 mirrors, (one antique); antique 'baby cut- ter; antique pot bellied -Stove; kitchen, table and 4 matehing chairs; Philco re- frigerator; coal and wood' annex stove; propane Gur- ney gas stove; antique casn register; quantity of dish,, some antique; 2 -ironing boardsis. numbee'ef lamps and' pietures,• cot; daybed; 2 fea- ther ticks; quantity of bedd- ing; Toledo candy scale, (5 - albs.); set 100 pound scales; bag cart; tools, including saws, hammers, etc. number of books; 1 pop cooler, other -useful' items. . TERMS—Cash • Please note, in event of rain, sale will be, under cov- er. No reserve, property sold. MRS. JEAN DILL, Prop. Harry Lutchin, Auctioneer. 20-91-1 CLEARING AUGTION SALE . Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Machinery, Lot 13, Con. 6, Hullett Town- ship, 7 miles North East of Clinton, or 9 miles North- West . of Seaforth, 2 Miles West of Kinburn, on MON- DAY, OCT.,41h, at 1 p.m. CATTLE -- 8 Hereford cows, rebred; all cows have -calves at foot and are under 10 years Old; 2 stocker heif- ers; .6 stocker steers, 1yrs. old. All cattle are Waterloo Breeding Association stock. , MACHINERY — Cockshutt tractor, last 70' made, steel cab; new tires and valve job; Massey 6 -ft. binder, good canvass; • International 11 -run fertilizer drill; Bissell disc, (like new) ;r horse Cultivator.; 4 -section -diamond harrows; New Idea manure spreader; !land roller; Oliver 2 -furrow plow; Fleury oat roller; fan- ning mill, with bagger; root pulper; cutting box; Interna- tional' hay loader; 6 H.P. gas- oline International engine.; 1 rubber tired wagon and rack; dump rake; 30 x 7 rubber drive belt; cutter; set double sleighs; pig crate; set 2,000 lb. scales; rubber tired wheel barrow, (like new); Gem fencer; Renfrew cream separ- ator; time clock for hens; scrap iron; harness. Other articles too numerous to men- tion. HOUSHOLD EFFECTS — bed aria springs; bed, springs dresser and stand, (antique); Quebec heater and pipes; kitchen tables and chairs; kitchen cabinet; Singer sew- ing machine; gas lantern and lamp; some antiques. TERMS—Cash ,No Reserve, farm sold. • LORNE LAWSON, Prop. Harold Jackson, Atictioneer. George Porosiell, Clerk • 20-91-2 CLEARING. AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Hospital Equipment and fur- nishings, Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth,, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, at. 1 o'clock. The undersigned Auetione. eer hat been instructed to sell by Auction, the following items ntr ionger reqttired following theclosing of the Nurses' Residence and the move to the new Seaforth- Community Hospital. • 2 metal barrels, 25 gal.; 3 -piece wicker chesterfield suite, including desk; Cen- tury washing machine,With wringer, in good shapo; two large.wooden Clipboards; tiP- stlhored . arm their; • Wind- sor rocker; cane, seat Chain, Tudhope deetric, rangette; .,8 chairs with flounees; (uter1-4 tity ' conduit IfittingS; right bookcase' and writing. desk with miner; 5 ellests of drawere; " 7. hospital beds,.! complete • with.' springs and mattressesE, ,2 tots With sprints; corner shelf; 18 dreaserS, sothe. meta' abide 20. Auction Sales electric stove, exce11nts aPe; Electrohome humidifier; haby basin and stand, white enanielk dining room extension table oak, 8 chairs, matching, Witi leather seats;oval extensiork „dining room table, claw feet; 68" extended, 48" wide; tix0; brella • stand; large wooden) screen, 72" x 74" high; varlety. of utility tables, venous types, both wood and metal 2; metal chest of drawers;, wne velour chesterfield withCluilri to match and green chair; numbir of hardwood doors,i various sizes, some with glass; panels and hardware; Moffat air conditioner; Metalcraft por" table steam table, capacity 40; meals; small Finnel floor pol- isher; hot and cold sterile wat- er tanks; chesterfield and' chair; twohostess chairs; cab- inet TV; 'rug; bedroom suite; two odd chairs; walnut table; iron fireman stoker, with motor and bin. BERT PEPPER, Auctioneer • Scott Memorial Hospital, Proprietor. • 20-91-2 21. 'Tenders Wanted - TENDERS WANTED Tenders Will be received by the Undersigned until Sanborn - her 30th, 1965 far the purchaSe and removal of a frame strue- wee 50 feet by 50 feet, kneWn as the east part of the Egmand- vitae church shed. May be seen by 'contacting the -undersigned. Highest or any tender not neceSserily accepted, AUBREY EICKMEYEiR Secretary, Board of Ste-wen:IS Egmondville, Ontario 21,40.41. Township of MeKillbp TENDERS FOR SNOW REMPITIAL Sealed tenders will be 're- ceived by the undersignel, unil 6 p.m.,. Friday, Oct; 1965, for snow ' removal an. Township roads during win- ter of 1965 and 1966. Tender ultist state till specifications of equipment, priee per hour and proof of Workmen's • Compensation and Public Liability Insur- ance. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WILSON LITTLE, Road Superintendent, RR 1, Seaforth, Ont. 21-90-1 TENDERS. WANTED Morris Township Tenders will be • received by the undersigned until 12 noon, Oct. 4, 1965, for three trucks to plough snow any- where in the Township of Morris as the Road Superin- tendent shall direct. Tenders must state price per hour; make, model, year and horsepower of the truck; also type of plough and the length of wing. Lowest 4or any tender not necessarily accepted. MRS. HELEN D. MARTIN, Clerk, Morris Township Belgrave, Ontario. 21-91-2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOB,KS OF CANADA • TENDERS SEALED TENDERS, ad- dressed to Secretary, Depart- ment of Public Works of Canada. Room B326, Sir Charles • Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa 8, and endorsed "TENDER FOR REPAIRS—TO SOUTH PEIR, HAYFIELD, ONTARIO", will be received until 3.00 p.m., (E. 10. S. T.), WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1965. Tender docurhents can be obtained through: Chief En- gineer, Room E-448, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa 8, Ont.; District Engineer, 457 Richmond Street, London, Ont.; and can be seen at the Post Office at Bayfield, Ont. To be considered each ten- der must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Dep- artment and must be accom- panied by the security speci- fied in the tender documents. The lowest or any. tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, Secretary. 21-91-1 22. Lega Notices,' TREASURER'S SALE of LAND FOR TAXES Town of Seaforth county of Itw'on To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the, Town of Seaforth under his hand and the Seal of the said Corporatiati, bearing date the 8th cfary of Feb- ruary, 1965, sale of buds in ar- rears of taikest in the Town of Seaforth ME be held in, file °conned Ohm/hens at the hour of 10 WeliOdk lthelorenoonion the lath day +of morvembet,,1965, airleas the tames and 6004; are sooner paid. Notice ts hereby given that the Ns* ott rands for sate of. meats 0 taxeS was pUblished hir,the. Wade Gaz- W060a hurribetV beitn0160 Otte en the tth day WI Auguet, hh, tiiikkorir -4,01tite Reach 1965, andt that coOs:* 01 tlie Said 22. Legal NOtices' •list may iYe had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 12th day Of Augnst-, 11)65. vRaNizsT M. WILLIAMS - Treasurer 2278543 • 23. Business -Directory A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Selieitor, /Etc. Office, 527-185p, 4.3. 527-1643 Seaforth , Ontario A. M. HARPER. Chartered Accountant ,55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M„ V.S. W. R. Bryaes, D.V.M., V.S. ' G. R. Gray, B.Se.D.V.M.,V.S. P. D. Wilts, D.V.M.', V.S. Phone 527-1760 Seaforth BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 Night 527.0885 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario ,• LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 527-0510 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERICE Adjustable hospital beds for, rest. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION • Phone 527-1690 Sea&irtb 1VIcCONNELLi • & STEWART Barristerte Seliciters; Etc. . P. D. MCCONNELL, Q.C. - D. L STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Pb.iteje 527-0850 J. •1 • A: BURKE Fio_eitziliettor puBanuNd-,AM ea Seiejorreemx, Night or Deer • Phone 431n 10 JOHN k. LONGSTAFF' OPTOMETRIST • Seaforth Office: •Toes., Thurs.,, FrL,9to 5.30p.m. Sat., 9 171 12 noon Tlivriberbsdeay52zinett•724tooi maw:: n., Wed., Clinton' Office 24: 'Cards' of Thanks THANKS to My relatives, friends • and neighbors for cardS, telephone calls, visits and kindness shown at home, *bile I was a patient in Stratford Hospital. — David Papple. 24-91x1 WE wish to thank all those who sent flowers, Mass cards and messages of sympathy during our recent, bereave- ment. Special thanks to Fath- er Durand. — The Burns Family. 24-91x1 24. Cards of Thit i would like to tliKk all those •that were so lond to me while I was in St. Joseph's Hospital, London; those who sent cards; alSn..„„the nurses, Dr. Bussby and or. Glenne. Mr. Louis Hildkebrand. • 24-91x1 WE wish to thank our Many friends, neighbors and rela- tives fon the calrdS, gifts and Personal congratulations re- ceived on the occasion of our golden -wedding anniversary. AlSo thanks to those respon- sible for the arrangements way:andall waswhwho deeply4.1114apprecia- ted. c nr any - ted. Roy and Elma Pepper. 24-91k1 THE family of the late Mr. John A. McKenzie wish "to express, appreciation for the many acts of- kindness and expressions of sympathy re- ceived during their recent bereavement. We particularly wish to thank R. S. ‘Box Funeral Service and our neighbors. 24-91x1 THE family of the late Mr. Frank Allen would like to express their sincere apprec- iation and thanks to all who remembered us in our' ber- eavement. Special thanks to Rev. Donaldson, Mr. Whitney Dr. Brady, Dr. Malkus, ,the nurses at Scott Memorial Hospital and all who helped at the house. 24-9,1x1 Mrs. Joseph Kale and fanlily wish to express their sin- cere thanks and appreciation to their neighbors, friends and relatives for the kind- ness shown during their re- cent bereavement. Many thanks to Dr. Stapleton and to the staff of Scott Memor- ial Hospital; also thanks to Father Laragh and Father Coughlin and the Box. Fun- eral Home. - 24-91-1 25. In Memoriam MATTHEWS — In loviny memory of a• husband; and father, Edmund F. Matthews, who passed away to years ago, Sept. 27th, -1963. So many things have happen- ed, Sin& you were called away, Things you wouldhave en- joyed. Had you been left to stay. So many things to share with you. So many things to say, Things that would have been . nicer, If you were hear today, We cannot bring the old days back, Your hand we cannot teueh, But God has given us won- derful mernories, Of a husband, Father and Grandfather we miss so much. —Always remembered by wife Helen and Family. 25-91f1 Births BRINK—At Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, • on Sept. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Brink, Brodhagen, Ont., a daughter, HICKNELL — At Seaforth Community Hospital, on Births Sept 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hicknell, RR 5, Seaforth, a daughter. BUTSON—At Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on Sept. 22, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hutson, Staffa, a son. CONSITT --- In Clinton. Pub- lic Hospital, on Sept. 13, tp Mr. and M. Ray Con- sitt, RR 3, Kippen, a daugh- ter, Beth Ann. ' - VAN WYNSBERGHE — At Seafdrth Community Hos- : pi on Sept 19., to Mr. and ' t, Mrs,' Herman. Van 17)vY, berghe,, RR 1-:, . Blyth, ElagOeMent413 ---;-a-- on. and Mrs. Frank E. Hunt, Seaforth," announce the .en- gagement of their daughter, Freda Mae, to Mr.- William George Kerslake, son of -Mr. and Mrs. George Kerslake, Staffa. The wedding will take place Saturday, the 9th of October, in Northside United Church, 915c1 Too Late THE Annual Bazaar, spon- sored by the Ladies' of the Altar Society will be held in Dublin, Thursday, Nov. 4. 1-91-1 SEAFORTH liigh School rings for boys and• girls, in all sizes. Anstett Jewellers ,Ltd. • 11-91-tf 411.6...........6,6,66.6•1•66.61,66;„11.6•••••••••16 To Late FOR SALE -.-L• Allis-Chal- mers all. crop 60 combine, with pick up and , . bean screens in good working Con- dition. Phone 524-8459. 11-91x1 SEAFORTH Qffice requires immediately, typist book- keeper, full time. Apply to Box 1493, The Huron Expos- itor. ' ' 4-91,-1 HELP WANTED — Sales clerk and waitress, exper- ience preferred. Must be re- liable, neat , and a good worker. Apply J. C. Crich, 4-91-1 FOR' RENT—Large 6 -room apartment, heat , and water supplied. Available* at once, J. C. Crich. 15-91-1 WANTED TO BUY --- 3 "or 4 bedroom house, centrally located in Seaforth. Will pay cash. Apply Box 1495, Huron Expositor. . 18 91-1 FOR SALE OR RENT — A new 3 -bedroom house, West William St., Seaforth. Con- tact Joseph McConnell, Sea - forth or Bob Whitelaw, Park- hill, phone , 294-6128. 91-1 FOR SALE — 11/2 storey brick and stucco house on Franklin St. 3 bedrooms, a large living room, modern kitchen, 3 -piece bath up- stairs, 2 downstairs, large car port, hardwood floors, finished in cherry, large lot. Paved driveway, two blocks andbl blocks, kds , do from Main St.; also cement nrwsireNolaathgeon, agents. Aindpowpi to Walter Murray. 14-91-1 VISIT US AT THE FAIR! Thursday Night and Friday • -0 .Our Mill ,.will be closed for Feed FRI MY AFTERNOON until 4:.30. We will then open for prepared feed. 4 4. Please! No Grinding' iltiday afternoon. If harvest- weather, tin- Elevator will be open. If not, will close and reopen at 6 p.m. OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED "TheMost for the Farmer's Dollar" - PHONE 527-1910 - : SEAFORTEI WILKINSON'S TABLERITE BEEF ROUND -UP SEE OUR SPECIAL SIX-PAGE COLOURED HANDBILL TABLERITE ..BEEF $41(1.NGS, SPECIAL BUYS ON i_SEEF FOR,1190/11E FREEZERS 4 A DURING THESE- T tits! tE. YOUR ORDER ERLY BEST spLgeTi AND' PRICE • • you SAVE DAY AT - FORTH 1114;i41-?.:' 20‘ 4. '4 0 4, A a