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The Huron Expositor, 1965-09-23, Page 10
AOROSI$ 1.8nike 4 -Hurry 9-SIck 12 -Through 13 -Wing. shaped 3-Wing- shaped 14 -Born 18 -Gott mound 16 -Fiber plant 17 -Large cask 18 -vigor 20-ArMed band 22 -Quarrel 24 -Dance *tell 25,Actual being 28.Organ of hearing 29,Chlcken 30 -Man's name 31 -Takes one's part 33—,Pardon 34 -Man's name 35 -Bo 1(1 35•Tibetan 38.TIdylie 39-Nahoor sheep 40 -Workman 41 -Trials 43 -Consume 44 -Sign of zodlac 45 -Force 48 -Doctrine 81 -Be mistaken 52 -Fragrant oleoresin 53 -New Deal agency (init.) 54•Abstract 55. beleBrio,pp 88 -Short 'jeep DOWN 1-Llkely 2 -Bishopric, 3 -Liars 4 -Damage 5-A state (abbr.) 8 -Chinese boat 7 -Groups of threes U.O1 aln,, ti,slgg►be' . Pro10.111eadOW 10-Pronoyn 1 -Appear 22•Comtpaaa 23.Out of date 24-Fpotllke part 25 -Surgical thread • 2?.Teutonlo deity 29 -Pronoun 3o-swordeman'a 32 -Trop cajtako fruit 34.Prepositlen 35, Reply 37-Pald notice 39 -Scarf mu) f=iE E1 J!! F9©U CAM titw©i41© i'mig1 am mum MOE BMW @MEM OMOM MO MEM I 000 WUP MEM HEM100 ©EKiusi i`JMUOV ©E© EEE Q©EO 1023 oemom mom MUM ©JIIJa�MM l ]©© ©EJ© ©ElMO EOECI MOO ©©©ELM MMO SOLUTION 40 -Exclamation 45 -Sea eagle 42 -Barracuda 47 -Printer's . measure' (PO 49 -Resort • b0.Ohart 49 -Great Lake 44 -Confederate general '•'••'•'•• DEAR DORIS advice from Doris Clark EXPOSITOR, "SEAFORTH, QNT., SE . ?O, 1,965 1965 RAMBLER -770 1965 AMERICAN 330 1963 VAUXHALL 4 -DOOR 1962 RAMBLER 2 -DOOR 1961 RAMBLER 4 -DOOR 1961 CHEV. BISCAYNE--6 Cylinder • MILLER MOTORS Phone 527-1410 Seaforth NOTICE! In co-operation with the 1 SEAFORTH. FALL FAIR The stores are requested to close Friday Afternoon, Sept. 24 from 1' p.rn. till 4 p.m. To Allow Staffs to Attend the Fair OPEN TILL 10:00 P.M. • . Thanking you for your kind co-operation MERCHANTS' COMMITTEE Chamber of Commerce The NEW FALL HAIRSTYLES are here ! FALL SPECIALS ..c REGULAR $15.00 PERM Now only .$11.00 REGULAR $10.00 PERM Now only. $8;00 BRIAN'S HAIRSTYLING Phone 527-1700 Seaforth ZION lir. and Mrs. R, $. Aikens at- tended the funeral of their cousin. Mr. Ephraim Dennis, at Box's funeral home in Sea - forth, on Thursday, Mrs. C. Rocking, teacher of USS No. 1, Hibbert, had the misfortune to slip on the floor at the school andinjure her back. Mrs. Dalton, Malcolm is supplying .,for her for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bush - field, London, visited over the weekend with his brother, Mr Norman Bushfield and Mrs Bushfield,. and also visited in Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aikens took in London Fair on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Han- non and Mrs. Rhea Jeffery at- tended decoration day in Staffa on Sunday. Rev. Bert Daynard was the speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dennis and family, Walton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aik- ens. • %Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker and Russell and Mr. and Mrs. `Charles Roneyl took a motor trip on Sunday, ,having dinner In Paisley. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Pepper and family and Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Henderson and family visited in Guelph on Sunday. Mr. Harry Proctor with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elligsen and sons on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper and Gloria . Ann -in Kitchener on Sunday. Miss Wanda Md -ore, who is attending Teachers' College in Stratford, left on Monday for Stratford. Mr, and Mrd; AleN Roney left Wednesday for a trip to the West to visit his brothers and other friends. Mrs. Mary Malcolm spent Wednesday with her niece, Mrs. Kenneth Elligsen, and Mr. Elligsen and 'sons. Mrs. Harold Smith, Fullarton, visited Mrs. Mary Malcolm on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Roney and Mr. and Mrs. •Ross Pepper attended London Fair" on Wed- nesday, Miss Gloria Ann Pepper 'spent Thursday with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs George Pep-• id 11 s Glenn i epper ace'"ompaniecr thelr`�� daughter, Gloria Ann, to Toronto en Fri- day where she left by train` to. visit her brother, Wayne, at Regina, for a few days, before going an to Vancouver for a couple of days, then going o to Bala Bala where she has secured a position. Miss Nancy Lanin was home from Woodstock for •tf a week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin. Miss Eleanor Lannin accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend and' daughters to Lon- don Fair Friday evening. ' • p Advertisement: "For Rent - 3 -bedroom house, oil heat, bath 2 miles out on State Highway." The West End HAT SHOP '' Making and Remodelling Hats to suit your costume Come and St Our Lovely Stock of Fall •Hats 53 Essex St. - Goderich Phone 524-9134 OPEN EVENINGS — BURNS CLEANER MO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 -- Seaforth mumethmogiesilinewssesessmemeemmmil THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO' STRATFORD EXTENSION CLASSES ,• (For University Credit) History 31 (Canadian) Psychology 31 (Personality) English 34 (Shakespeare) . . Politics 20 (Government of Canada) begins Sat., Sept. 25 9:30 a.m. " Sat., Sept. 25 9:30 a.m. Sat., Sept. 25 1:30 p.m. if Sat., Sept. 25 1:30 p.m. NOTE: Students may not take a combination of Psychology 31 and English 34 because of the clash in the examination timetable. All Classes meet iti Romeo Public School. Classes meet fOr 16 three-hour sessions, and are open to .gredit and non-credit students. p Credit' course tuition fee is $100.00; the non-credit fee per course is $50.00 and is not refundable! Sfttderito dliald- register immediately fol~ ExtetisiWn classes Since the 4hial decision to ,offer k ooilrsh';tnay depend on the advance registration„ ,R gist ation• cards and book- 0111611'e ook- av111611' ,.at,the SG1111 ter Sehoai.aria E>it t cion Depii ttrtetit, u.'Gii; .4 London. BIRD IN A CAGE -DEAR DORIS—There is' one thing which has caused con- stant disorder in our home and that is my going away any- where. My husband is a sold- dier and is away for weeks at a time. My parents drove me to a church anniversary 40 miles away, last week. When my husband came home from camp he was all -smiles. But I told him about our trip and that was it. He didn't speak another word "to me. He was sitting on a friend's dobrstep at 3 a.m., when he got up to return to the camp. You - can imagine .how I felt. This happens even when I attend a friend's birthday party. I just don't know how to cope with it. BAFFLED DEAR BAFFLED—You step outside your door and he sulks! To judge from your -long Letter; he has never known real secur- ity. His critical, disapproving mother has built into him strong feelings ...of uncertainty. When he married you, you became his anchor; he had to possess you, lock, stock and bar- rel. He put you in a cage for easy reference. When he finds that you fly out, even briefly, all the old unhappiness , weIls up. • Since the moods are increas- ing beyond reason, he needs professional help, Seek it for him. Pehaps your family doc- tor could guide you in this. DEAR DORIS—I collected for my boss's wedding gift, got the signatures on the card, chose the gift with the assistance of a co-worker, arranged with the 'director to make the presenta- tion; and finally put the gift in the room just before the event. I escorted my boss into the room and then sat down with the 'other' staff members. After the director had made his speech I was just getting up to take' the gift to him when the director's secretary got to her feet and topk the gift up. Do you think this was proper? MIFFED DEAR MIFFED — After all your efforts, it would have been nice if some acknowledgment hadbeen made to you. I'd not be inclined to blame the secretary. She ,is, probably so used to waiting on the direc- tor that she was thoroughly on the, alert to put the gift into his hand at the proper moment.' He may even have signalled to her. Why not have your own Iittle chat with the boss and find out if the gift is just right? He'd, know then about the trouble. you went to personally, and the fact that you wish him well: * * m DEAR DORIS—I am 16, have grade ten, so can't be a regis- tered nurse, but wonder if I can do practical nursing. What is practical nursing as opposed Io., nursing assistant, and what grades does one. need? •NURSIE DEAR NURSIE--The auxili- ary nursing worker, having com- pleted her training, may be lic- ensed variously as a nursing assistant, nursing aide, nurse's aide or in some cases practical nurse according to regional us- age. • Requirements vary; in most locations, students must have completed at least grade eight and be over .17 years of age. There are courses in practical nursing offered for mature women, as well. Seek details from your local hospital or health authority. TO WORRIED MOTHER— This time it's the`teen-age fath- er who is calling the shots, and insisting that your daughter give up her baby. Yet he does not plan marriage. An unusual twist. " Since your daughter agrees, but is privately weeping .about it, a social worker can be a great comfort and help to her. Adoption is not always the shin - tion; and every single case dif- fers. You, the boy,' and.' your ,girl, must all be involved in this. FALL FAIR JAMBOREE at STEDMAN'S September 20th to 25th A Full Week of Shopping .Specials 4 1 .Items, Specially. Selected From Every Departmr ,, at Money -Saving Prices, including: LADIES' WEAR CIIILDREN S WEAR MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR HAIR SPRAYHOSE TOYS ASSORTED GREETING CARDS BEDDING HARDWARE 'GLASSWARE CURLERS FREE DRAW — ,Saturday, Sept. 25 on a SCOTIA ELECTRIC KETTLE for all customers cashing Family Allow- ance Cheques at Stedman's this week. PLUS one Free Gold Fish to the first 100 children accompanied by a parent, on Satur- day, Sept. 25th. 0 USE OUR CONVENIENT. CgEoIT PLA Y,U. K!410,,W ., . that SunLife of Canada is taw of the world's leading life ineurasma companies, with 150 branch off_ throughout North America? As the Sun Life lepreac, . cave in your comrwunitg. may t be of serous? The bingo sponsored by the Seaforth Legion, Branch 156, on Friday evening, was well at- tended. Following are the winners of special games: Olene Plant, Seaforth; Mrs. Tom Sharp, Clinton; Mrs. Ron Dale, Sea - forth, and the $50 'jackpot went to Mrs. Jim Watson, Seaforth. Winners of the two door priz- es were `Mrs. Wilson, Godetich, and William Brown, Jr., Sea - forth. Following are the winners of the regular games: Mrs. Allan McKercher, Jamestown; Mrs. Denomme, Clinton; Mrs. Mel- anson, Seaforth; Mrs. McMich- ael, Clinton; Ferg Campbell and Mrs. Stan Watson, "Mitchell; Mrs. Heckman,' Stretford; Mrs. Stan Watson, Mitchell; Mrs. Denomme, Clinton; Mrs. Paul- ine Kennedy, Seaforth; Mrs. William Steep, Clinton; Mrs. Stan Watson, Mitchell; Frank Skinner, Mitchell; Mr. Heck- man, Stratford, and Mrs. Alex Muir, Seaforth. Game four was split three ways. Colleens Organize At Dublin The Dublin Colleens held their first meeting of ;the 4-11 Homemaking Club, "The Cereal Shelf," at the home. of Mrs. C. Friend. The officers elected were President, Linda Friend; vice- president, Joan Annis; secre- tary, Mary Helen 'Ducharme; treasurer, Ann Aikens; phon- ing committee, Charlene Kramp and Kathleen .Stapleton; lunch and clean-up committee, Gayle Lannin and Susan Friend; press reporter, Joan Annis. The objectives and require- ments of the club were read., The leader; Mrs. Friend, dem- onstrated how to sift flour; how to tell the difference between all-purpose flour and cake and pastry flour; and how to mea- sure ingredients correctly. Lin- da Friend demonstrated how to make apple crisp. At lunch- time everyone sampled the pro- duct. • HIBBERT USBORNE. AND MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE -. EXETER, Ont. Directors: Robert G. Gardiner R.R. 1, President Cromarty Martin Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin Vice -President Wm. H. Chaffe - Rif 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1, Science Hill Raymond McCurdy R: R. 1, Kirkton Tim Toohey R.R. 3, Lucan Agents: Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - - Exeter Clayton Harris = Mitchell Sec retary-Treasurer: Arthur Fraser - - Exeter HUARD SERVICE STATION . GAS - OIL'REPAIRS USED CA GODEUICI# ST. SEAFORTH JOHN J. WALSH Phone -271.3000 -- 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD _ Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada n PERSONALIZED COASTERS, - GIFT IDEAS . - SF•f'RVIETTES THE 'HURON EXPOSITOR FALL FAIR SPECIAL Friday Saturday Only Kem and Martin - Senour PAINTS, 15% Discount ALL WALLPAPER 1966 Patterns 15% Discount 6 Only LAMB'S WOOL ROLLER COAERS, $1.65 ACCESSORIES and BRUSHES 15% Discount IIDEBRAND PAINT and PAPER INTERIOR AND, EXTERIOR DECORATORS Phone 527-1880 : Seaforth Custom Tinting. Free of Charge To Our Customers MAPLE LEAF DAIRY Phone 527-0810 Seaforth Sundays, Holidays, Everyday']-- Maple Leaf Dairy Products are available at Vanderhoek's Supertest THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO GLINTQN EXTENSION CLASSES (For University Credit) ' SUBJECT airesenumimenimirms STARTING DATE TIME French`20 (First Year) Sat., Sept. ,25 .9:30, a.m. Philosophy 20 (Introduction) Sat., Sept. 25 9:30 a.m. `History 30 (Medieval History) Sat., Sept."25 1:30 p.m. *Students may use History 30 as a first year course for this year only or •as a senior course of a History major if they have not 'already taken History20. All classes meet in. Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton. Classes meet for 18 three-hour sessions, and are open to credit and non-credit students. - Credit course tuition fee is $100.00; the non-credit fee per course is $50.00 and is. not refundable. Other classes° are offered in Stratford and Owen Sound. Students should register immediately for Extension classes, since the final decision to offer a course may depend on the advance registration. Registration cards and booklet are available at the Summer Sehool and Extension Department, U.W.Q., London. ,4 a