HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-09-23, Page 6h4 Qsgo; SE.A '043:4,101'7�'t,, `•" r, apcl.Ntrs Donald Wright Cneer i1>Iarrlyn Tremeer) Friday, Oct. - 8th of arth Legion Hall KEN W LBEE'S ORCHESTRA • .Ladles please bring Lunch 'FIRST ' PRESBYTERIAN • CHURCH. REV. 'DOUGLAS 0. FRY Minister Sunday, Sept. 25th •.WORSHIP — 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL -= 10 A.M. RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gibbings (nee Donna Smith) LONDESBORO HALL FRIDAY, , SEPT.: 24th ' Denting to Ian Wilbee's Orchestra - , TURKEY DINNER • Duff's United Church WALTON • Thursday, Nov. -4 Program by Dominion Life Choir-- - of Waterloo }y• BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH (Services pt Orange Hall} SLtnday, Sept... 25th '10 A.M.—SUNDAY ,SCHOOL Classes for, all ages "7;30-7...GOSPEL SERVICE ' ' Guest Speaker: Rev. 'Gordon Chambers The Words 'oi. Jesusu Matt, 10:32-33: "Whosoever, therefore, shall confess me ,be- fore . men, • hiin shall I confess '• also to my' Father which is in Heaven. But whosoever shall deny me -before men shall also deny ane before . my Father which is in Heaven." Browns e's1 Drive - in THEATRE. — CLINTON Childretr Under 12 in Cars Admitted Free Two. Comjt-letet; ,Shows Nightly Boz Office opens .at 7:30 p.m. ,FIRST SIjOW AT 8:00 P.M. After Sept. 75tH, Weekend Shows Only THURSDAY • September 23 •'This Summer's ;Biggest' Hit! • `What -'s N e , Putssycat?' ADM ITtANCe R•\ 111101110 110191080 �. ABSOL)JTELY NO CHILDREN Color Follow us! . . . and find the answer to the comedy J question of the year. Peter Sellers -• Romy Schneider Peter O'Toole - Capucine TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY AT 8:00 .and 10:00 4P,M. Special Admission: • $1,00 per Adult Pink Panther Cartoon FRIDAY and SATURDAY September 24 , 25 DOUBLE FEATURE —. • "THE PATSY" JERRY. LEWIS KEENAN WYNN , Color ' "Ensign Pulver" ROBERT WALKER BURL IVES Color - Cartoon , 1 corner . (By Jack Holland)y• - Well, conirades and friends, herb we are back again after the summer recbss and the•Le- gion swings -into gear, for the fall and winter season, which is alwaymost busy one. During 'the . warner, if you can call this past season that, our Branch .President, •D'orlean Silas, and Zone Commander, Al- lan Nicholson, took in the pro- vincial convention.in. North Bay and brought back many fine re- ports on Legion activities. • Our own Brandi built a new addition to the existing build- ing. There are a few details to be ironed out. yet, but it is about' finished. • There have 'been two recent golf tournaments'= -one at the Dojg course, and the .most re- cent one (last Sunday) at the Bayfield ' cou,rs?e. Both events went over without a'hitch. I have a few of the winners of last' Sunday's tournament, and here they 'are: Low gross score for the Lee Learn - Bill Moore . trophy, , won , by John Beareish; low net score for the Branch 156 trophy, won by Les Leonhartt; Duffer trophy won by Keith MacLean; longest drive prize by Archie .Dobson. There were • numerous • other prizes, and air -in -all a real nice outing. + Mrs,' Miller hosted a lovely supper of roast•chicken with all the trimmings, and • as usual, Dick Bbx donated the use of his lakeshore; cottage • for.the supper and meeting place after the golfing was over. This has beeh most kind of Dick tb do this,, as it 'is' the ideal location for the supper and card games, ,and he. deserves- a boudu'et for. his kindness in this regavd. Hats off also to the organizes• of these touranments, Gus' Bous- sey ..and . • Mel Melanson; our sports o, ers, and ,to the mer-. chants w donated , many of the fine p, Say, fellows! How • are the; Sale of • ticketf for the 400 pounds bf- beef coming 'along? Let's 'get . out and sell 'em . and. 'make, an effort to have- air the "stubs turned • in. not' later ..than Sept. 27-, ; ; Later on we • are hosting .,;the_ Zone meeting, being held here'' on Oct. 3. Now, this.witl be a big .business meeting, so let's all make an effort' to turn out in force and make it, a; real spcce'ss. • one thing „about these -:zone meetings: We meet comrades there ' that , we seldom see at. any other time,' and after the business ,„,is concluded • and old pale:get together fora chin. feet - :of old titnes, but when,,yoli logic around there are comrades who were around last year but since have passed away.' to the sol-' diers' heaven, so'I'll close this with a thought for • them':,• "At the going down of the sun,' and. in the morning, we will remem ber them." , ' COMING--: FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 1 -2 -- DOUBLE FEATURE, — "Seven Days, iR • May`' BURT LANCASTER • KIRK. DOUGLAS ' AVA GARDNER .11111w Of the L: es S DALEROBERTSON • YVONi IS, deCARLO olor r Cartoon-- Classified ads pay dividends. RECEPTION for Mr. ,and Mrs. Roy., McQuaid (nee Margaret McCfrthp) BRODHAGEN Community Centre Sat., Sept. ' 25th - Dancing to. CLARE .MASSE ORCHESTRA The•+xegular ,lneeting of the" $eaforth Wornen's Institute was. held at the home of Mrs. Leon- ard . Strong, In the absence Rf, the secretary, Mrs. W. Coleman, Mrs. William Strong was nam- ed to act in her place. This was, the Home Economies and Health: meeting with Mrs. Lorne Carter and Mrs. Isaac Hudson in charge. • - The.motto, "The greatest use of life .is to spend it for some- thing that will outlast it," was given by 1Virs. Hudson. "Each of our lives' is a certain span. The only time we can be sure of is today. • Try to spend your ,clay doing something that. will outlast you. Don't down -grade the routine everyday :activities. Even the 'way you keep house will be remembered by your daughter in later/years.' Current eve (were given by Mrs. R. J. D g and Mrs. Lorne Carter gav a recipe for :''Kind- ness." • The gu• st speaker, Miss 'Di- anne Lid ' rd, Hurert, County Home Econo 'st, gave an in- teresting,-, and ucatiorial talk on, steps to b oming a Home Economist an - the career op- portunities ising from this' course Court sy remarks were given- by Mrs B. ,Coleman, Members' were reminded to bring two pies to the booth on' Fair. Day. , The. Huron CountyRally will beheld in Walton •Community Hall • on Oct. 4. Registration is et 9:30 a.m',"A lundh of sand- wiches, tarts, cookies and relish- es will, be .pooled, Members planning to take the chartered bus to the Plow ing Match on Oct. 15,' were ask- ed-- to hand in their., named. The, bus will leave at 9 a.m. from • Habkirk• Transit. - T Mayor - d r; anAl ' fi nd. Mrs. 'Flannery were inw0~Q,atA' last weed' attending a_ coxtyen tion of, the Ontario Dry .clean. ers Inatitvite, of ;whi4ch,^ Rayon: Flannery is a member. and Mrs. Murray :David- son, of London, attended, the. Centennial .'services of Duff's C1 >xra, .. Walton,. on Saturday and S,iinday. Mrs. Earl. Habkirk and her sister, Mrs. Harrison, of Lox; - don, attended the Centennial Guide Notes Interest • in Guiding in Sea- forth is again rider way. Packs and Troops are forming- ,and making"plans to• start the -fall season. All groups -have a, pew age requirement; and now Brownies may be admitted at• 'aii earlier age, also Guides and' Rangers. , The program, too, has beep changed in all groups. ain- ing in the new programs n, ned for the leaders. To elp get, meetings •unde,rway ' the Brownie 'leaders would Iike 'all mothers to accompany. Brown les to. their first meeting. The First Seaforth Brownie Pack will meet on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m, ..The S.ecend Sea- foJ:tll Brownie Pack will meet on Saturday mornings. at 10:00. a.m. First Seaforth Guide Troop will meet Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. The First Seafortli Ranger Trod') will. meet- Wed- nesday evening at 8:00 p.m: All groups are commencing the last week, of September. . , EUCHRE in, Orange Hall Seaforth Friday, -Sept.' 24, Auspices L.O.L.. 793 LUNCH SERVED •. Admission —' 50 Cents Sa f urd ay Dancing SEAFORTH-.LIONS -PARK Saturday, ,:Sept.'' Wi h music ' by the .CHEVELS .. op Jar' Wal J -�• ,- terror .Band Dancing 9 to Midnight •: ADMISSION $1.00 Enioy the big new Eo�r~ amid, the- plealant surround* , ings of''the Lions Paris Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion HARVEST FESTIVAL DANCE Friday, October l st , LEGION -HALL, SEAFORTH ' •. Dancing 9:30'. to ,1':. Music by Iain yVilbee:s Orchestra ` , •DRAW FOR: BABY`BEEF, ADMISSION — $1.00 PER , PERSON -For invitations, Phone S27-9005 or 527-1787 - ' D. SILLS, President. VERNE `GRAHAM, Secretary services at Du\fra Church, Wal' ton. • • , Mrs. W. A. Wright' has. re. turned from. Petrolia and l,on- d0i1. `- - , . Mr, and ;VI, s Thomas J. Wats son, Mr and •MrS. Bruce Wal- ters and famify and Mrs Joseph Davidson; of London, attended the Centennial in Walton Satur- day and Sunday. ' - Mr. and Mrs. W: V. Giendeh- in'g, of . Detroit, were S.ut'nday visitors with --Mins A, Wallace, North Main St; ' Seaforth students 'who have -entered the fall term at, Uni- versities include: Peter Sillery, to Western; Julie Hoover and K. I. McLean, to Waterloo, and Sudan McLean to McGill. Mr. Sim Thiel, Mrs, Les How ey, Mrs. Roy Snider; Mrs. Din. Murausky and Mrs. Orville, -Hil- debrand, all of Kitchener, and Mrs„Mary Hildebrand, of town; attended. the funeral of Mrs. Hildebrand's niece last 'Thurs- day at Zurich., • 'Mrs.' Douglas 'Knowles land daughters, Sandra and Cathar- ine, of Scarboro, ' were, kveekend visitors with Mrs. J. J. Sclater. Mrs. Norman 'Ne• Leod, Coois- shire, Quebec, rettirml to, her ltotni* last week:,gtter'.;tisiting friendS"iw ,the village, and her Son,. Bud„ -.-at Westminster Ms, PAW, 'i~ondon: Gordon Wren is a;'"pa- tient. in St: Jpseplt,'s Tpspital, -e,Apniversn y SERVICES' , OHSELHURST 'UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Sept. -26 2:30 - 7:30. p.m. Afternoon Speaker: Mr. Harvey Sparlin Toronto - Evening Speaker:' ;;Rev. Clifford G. Park Clinton • SPECIAL MUSIC Tues. & Wed., Sept. 28th and 29th. $6;000.00- IN PRIZES - HORSE RA(J iS. Two- Classified Races "The Biggest Little Fair hi Ontario"' :CASH - g' I' N G l • -- CASH Saturday, Sept. 25th — 8:15 p.m. LEGION HALL; SEAFORTH • :15 REGULAR 'GAMES FOR $10.00 ONE $50.00 JACKPOT THREE ' $25.00. SPECIALS " y Children” under 16 not permitted ---' AD1VIISSION. $1.00 Extra' Cards 25c, or 7 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156, Canadian Legion PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK �Y. Zurich .Fall' :Fair. BAYFIELD FALL FA1R TFIfSDAY sand WEDNESD.AY September 28 and .29 Parade Starts at 1:00 O'clock' led by,Bannockburn Pipe Band. - G~EE1L AGRICULTURAL -EXHIBITS, 4-H CLUB SHOW ' • FIELD CROP 'COMPETI'T'ION Albion Amusements will be on the , grounds with three Rides • ' LOCAL LUNCH BOOTHS•. • Junior Competitions • Tug -of -War t • Pony CampetitioYts ' Arena Open Tuesday Night • Share -the -Wealth -Bingo Wednesday evening' To the • Music of TFC -Mystics (Direct from: Western Fair) • . WESTERN ONTARIO'S NEWEST ROCK AN ROLL SENSATION ! • ZURICH .ARENA Friday, Sept. 24th • 4) QUEEN OF THE• FAIR CONTEST Open to. any girl overthe :age of 14 Valuable . Cash Prizes - .SATURDAY and MONDAY Sept..25 icind 27- Featuring . HURON COUNTY'S LARGEST HORSE SHOW MONDAY NiGHT -`' :Tory Gregg, M.C.. ..�4..••••, SATURDAY NI Local . Talent Variety Show 'CASH BINGO ' - MONDAY ANOON PET SHOW BABYSHO'W 4 -II CALF CLUB CATTLE SHOW ,Midway' in Operation THURSDAY •ao TH'U'RSDAY ! Evening Official Opening by Roy Jewell; Farm Editor of CFI% • at9:00 p.m. MERCHANTS'• -''DISPLAYS: LOCAL and PROFESSIONAL TALENT • E FRIDAY, 3 BREED SHOWS ,Holstein - 'Shorthorn - Hereford' Other Cattle Classes ; -PIGS -- SHEE)a' -- HOESES Barrel, Race v ,. Harness Racing ' -`7. Saddle Horse. lace Outstanding : Vegetable, Fruit, ,,l dales' Departtnent; :F4emetttary all high"' - - School,Indoor• Displays ember , •23 - JUNIOR 3JUNt OR'` ;FA I, R - • Two Championship, Show • 4• • County,=Wide Competitions • 4-11 Sweepstakes .competition • Educational Exhibits ' - H ACHIEVEMENT DAT -- Area Clubs Taking. Part =L HURON COUNTY, FARM YOUTH WILL PARTICI- PATE IN THE COUNTY'S ONLY JUNIOR 'FAIR I "Where Junior); Reign Supreme"` • AN Friday Night LEGION- HALL, SEAFORTH OLD' and NEW -T E MUSIC - by desja,rdine's : Orchestra *Dancing from 9:30 .- - ADMISSION • -- $'l,OO • MIDWAY.; - , . PONY RIDES - ' FARM, . MACHINE*Y DItPLAY • ,:y . r • INDUSTRIAL. andr iVIER I•IANTEXH S.' IBITS• ' ' ,- ;RASES µ" .. D . 7C.`It6/` $AI1 SfHS ' } 1,i1JekN'OW PIPE BAND SHOO PARADE FLOATS .. .;'.1J,:•.',7 - 9.x y 4� • 1.. 30 - %ADMISSION: ;THURSDAY, Adults,e, • E•lernenlary School C rilrlretr in Parade:, -- FREE FRIDAY:. Adults 75c, , Cars 25c SEAPORT • • HAROLD . PRYCE • preslcrw • • faryTreasurer • w .. iu • A 6 Y • • g3�Fr" N n 4? • d q q • '9, 94. a