HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-09-23, Page 4• „ 3, PM0r0SrrOlt," QM ; • •. 1.06p "L -FUEL • ; ' rroriiirror • '44 4 WILLIAM M. HART Phone 527-0870 04tri Seaorth Arnold §linpipserl • GROUP - "LIFE -ACCIDENT and SICKNESS - MAJOR 'MEDICAL PENSIONS • ANNUITIES Representing Sun'. Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE 527-0410 Goderich St., East - Seaforth lormorememmereserrr. UPBREEDIRG - •YOUR 4101.STEIN HERD? Choose from: — A Class Extra Sire — A Superior Type Sire — An All -Canadian Sire •. — Two Superior. Proddctiiln Sires — A Reserve All -Canadian Sire — Seven other A.1, Proven Sires . . These bulls, along with our 34 other Holsteiris, haye been selected from tep bloo4llines. They are included in ,our new Holstein Sire CataTogue to be released October lst. Plan your -Fall breeding program for herd improvement NOW! • For catalogues, service or further informa- tion, phone weekdays before 10:00a.m., or for Sunday service phone Saturday 6-8' p.n. to • • CLINTON'482-3441 or for Long Distance•Zenith 0-5650 WATERLOO.. CATTLE BREEDING z. ASSOCIATION. Grey Clear Of New Motions adopted at the Sep- tember meeting of Grey Town- ship Council include: Archie Mann and wson Ward: That we accept the pett, tion of Nelson Sleightholra and Carman Baker to have the Sleighthohn Dram put ig. a proper state of repair. Glen Huether arid Kenneth Bray: That we set the date of court of revision on the 1965 assessment roll to be held on Oct. 4th: - Archie Mann and Glenn ,Hue- ther:' That we give a grant of $150 to the Cranbrook Ceme- terye Board. • Accounts approved include.: Ontario Hydro, ' office, $6.07; Gordon Clark, chickens killed, $37.75; Melvin Carnochan, re- pair Balfour DraM, $63; Cran- brook Cemetery Board, • grant, $150; Debenture, Silver Corners Drain, 447; Hiemstra Nurs- ing , August atcount, $91.25 Queensway °Nursing Home„ ugust account,, $122.25; Humpitu: s & Co-, relief acct., FIRST CHURCH WMS The September ,meeting 'of First Church WMS was held at 'the home pf Mrs. Wm. Dreyer and opened with Call to Wor- ship and Hymn 109. Twenty- eight answered the roll call. It was agreed to ask Mrs. J. Pollok, of ,Goderlch, to be the guest speaker at the thankoffer- ing meetin, and if she was not 'available, , the group will contact Mrs. Boyne, of 'Exeter.. Mrs: Altar took Over for the real -aiming part Or the meeting. Mrs. Sam Storey read.the tore lesson, taken from ,P.salm 47, Mrs. Ivy Scott led in' pray- er: The. topic given'k by "Mrs, Agar' was on' "Hiimirity. and Love." Mrs. Robert McMillan gave a -reading -en &Septet -xi. her," -.Those taking part and Mrs. Droverwere thanked. Hymn 410, • "Just As I Ann" was sung. • • . A baseball umpire suffered from headaches and finally con- sulted a ,doctor. After a thor- ough 'examination; the doctor. said, "I ..think' you need gia.ss- , The umpire' ,jumped to his feet and jerked his thumb. "That'll cost you. $100,' • he roared, "and. you're out of the game!" .• . • . eoio ,,.„.,....,..„.„,.. II ,4 '11111111100„...„„ hil re' kt,\eto,„ ...,....„....... A.1. .: kof...... • 44.. rii'drorip l( JI • " fIIl/fr 140,4044. t,„ io,' 4 • -st' ataw, 'ftroiso,4f kksvo., ate KtrihriSAMPOSIIR HID ri 14 .00 400 t!' , 4••.4•,, ' ; • .44 f 111111 lilt 0,11 ..... ibria* Ask ..... 4 4 AAA* 4 - ask for it by name 1 • AT. TOROK I): MINION 'r • lr r • • Compare ourbtes- If yOu'd like to buy a new (Or used) car, a boaror6utboard motor, or .duen final -Ice a vacation—be sure to see yOttr Tor(rto-Dominion Manager for the money you need. He can arrange a low-cost, life- itiSured Pe4tobal loan 'for you, quickly and easily. Borrow your money the "good business" way; from the "people who m-ake- the difference" at Toronto-DominiOrt. i• MONTHLY 1147111.ME/r REFTNIEPly clqoo's A - A Xs . M24 OS' MOS $500 $490 $30.04 $ is.O9s18.92 $16.14 1,000 ' .81.911.6.61-497 :01,83 32.28 t",00 115.8.1 .128,14? 921.84 .7515 64.4 3-4:0040.i802.41'0.2) 08..51 113.4h 0614 , . Alt,charges included in Monthly phyments, Choate per owtt repayment plan then see "The !lank"- rartotrro-Dorinikic;irl Where psppk make the dfferenit BANK Ad. Ne. T.SO19 STZPI-ItNSO/NT, Managei Seaforth ' 4. 44 SC/1001 $83:70; Twp. o Kellett, , June and 'July relief accountS, 61.301 Robert L. Cunningham, oil, flee, $16.83; .Allen iobsoi, g4r- bage collection, Ethel Village, $14; Roads and Bridges,, SI -5,- 961.5E 'Total, $16,672.41. At a subsequent special ineet, Mg, motions included: . LawSon Ward and Glenn !Ne- ther: That the Municipal C•or., poration of the -ToWnillip. of Grey approve's the request 'of the Seaforth District "..Iligh School Board for' major altera- tions tq the sChool' building., Glenn Huehter- and Kenti h I3ray: That we pass Bylaw No, 11, 1965, as read a first ina second time to authorize th' issue of debentures in the principal amount of $39,000 fki• school buses. Lawson Ward and' Kenneth Bray: .That Supplementary By- law No. 18, 1965„ be finally passed to authorize the rseve and treasurer to borrow the sum .of $39;000.. from the Cana- FUNERA.LS . JOSEPH KALE Requiem, High mass Was cele- brated, on,Monday morning at 10 o'cleft in St... Columban!s Church far the soul of Joseph Kale, who died in. Scott- iVlein- orial Rnspital, Seafbrth, bn Sat- urday. Rev. John Stapiefon Toronto, nephew pf the deceas- ed, was the- celebrant. Rev. -L. J. Coughlin and Rev: Thomas McQuaid,' S.F.M., St: Marys, Were present in the Sanctuary. The pallbearers were Jack McIver, Auguste .Ducharme, Theo `Van Bake), Vincent Lane, Joseph J. Lane and Joseph A. Lane., 'Burial. was made in the family .p1W in St. Columbah cenieter-97— • • MRS. JOHN McKENZIE . Funeral ervices were held Friday, ept. 17, from the Box funeral( home fo,r the late Mrs. John cKenzie, who died in Viet,oriI Hospital, London, on Tuesday. „Mrs.. Holland, the ; former Jean Hewift, of Ratho, • is Sur- vived by tWo daughters, Jean, _Mrs. John -Holland, Seaforth, and Marjorie, Mrs. Phillip Wil- lis, Clinton, and one son, John, of Seaforth; also six grandchil- dren. -• During the service Mrs. C. Coombs sang "Abide With Me." Pallbearers, were Douglas Hew- itt, Donald Hewitt, Allan Hew- itt, .Lewis. Beshart, Jas. Glew, and Ken. Nichols. Flowerbear; ers were John Holland,, Jim Reiland, Cam Holland and Dwig 'Willis. Rev.. E. Eaton condifd the serviceL and in - term t was. in Ratho Presby teriaChurch cemeterq. W. J. STUART KNOX - W: J. Stuart Knox, " Sarnia alderman and lawyer, died on Thursday. . in Sarnia General HoSpital. He' was .67. Ald..ginX had been a lawyer in Sarnia since .1944:- He "Vas first associated" With the' lay'? firm of -Taylor, Jarnieson, and later operated his own firm. Aid. Knox, was re -ejected to city council. last December on a platform _aimed at helping Senior citizens in the older sec- tions of the city. He was an alderman" from 194.8 Co- 1952 when Sarna "adopted city man- ager form of government •and undertook annexation in the. north' end. - • He was a very public apir-. ited man, ..always Striving for tile betterment pf city;" Mayor .'Henry Ross said. Hi's wise, counsel. will be greatly issed„i.! - Md. Knox . ser4d in both First and, Second World Wars. He was. a member • of Sarnia Rotary Club, Sarnia Golf and Curling Club, Royal' Canadian Legion, Branch 62, and Tuscan Lodge. Re is survived by' his wife, the 'former Rheta Matthervs; two sifters, Mrs. George (Lil- lian) D,urant, of Stayner, and Mrs. Robert (Verna). McClure, of Walton, Ont.", • yuneral, service, was' held at 1 p.m. Monday at the, Stewart -funeral Mine, 'gamin'. Inter- ment follmVed inRair,d's ceme- tery, BrUcefield.. - ' For. Complete INSURANCE citt" Wit • ;"' HOME, BUSCAR, ACCtile't,"LIABiLiTY , WESS, FARM, OR LIFE 1.6 SEE , .101N A. ARDNJ)- 'Insurance' 4geraii Phone 52O49O tteam.% Office Directly 'Opposite Seisforitt Maty • '4 • 4.4 4ir,..41•4-,••*•"••4 Bu*eS. dian Imperial Bank of Com- merce, Brussels, for capital ex- penditure, school buses, Until th,e debentures are sold for same. ne Kenth Bray and Lawson. Ward: That Nesbitt, Thomson & Company Limited be ap- polnted fiscal 'agents for the Township of Grey for the Pur - 'pose of selling•to investors the, township school bus debenture issue, $39,000; 6-c14 years. Glenn Huether andKenneth Bray: That we advertise for Snowplowing' for 1965-66. sea- son. Juniors:. Meet --- 74, The September meeting of the Seaforth, Junior 'Institute was held recently- in the Seaforth Distrift High:School, and open- ed with menibers ,rep@ating the Institute Ode, followed.. by the Mary Stewart Collect and the Lord's Prayer: • President ' Helen 'Elliott read 4.; poem entitled, "Life:" The roll call; "Your favorite flower, and why?" was answered. A short business period followed' and seVeral committees were appointed for &Splays at ,the Seaforth Fall Fair. . The metto, "There's Magic in a Word of Praise," was given by Deanna 'Dale. 'The "guest speaker was . Huron Count, ,Home Economist, Miss Diane Lidiard, who discussed and demonstrated flower arranging. Christine Pryce thanked her and 'presented her with a gift.. 44.4•44:4A• " 4,41, H'cld' ‘0ay of Fpflovilis, A day of Cl;pstian fellowship and a unique presentation of Bible Study by Rev. August Nfeeehazi was experienced by the United Church, men and women who ,-attended a meet- ing at Goderie.b. Summer School, sponsored by the Huron Pres- bY4Tehrelalftudy on how to "enter the Kingdom of God. and receive grace and faith was illustrated by sketches and followed, by a Ten study groups .held discus, sions. • Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft,- Bel - grave, president of the Huron Presbyterial, extended greet. ings. Elgin McKinley, ,Zurich, led the devotions, and Mrs. R. McKercher, Dublin, assisted Courtesy remarks were express- ed by Rev. A. Higginbotham, Walton. Co -conveners were Mrs. Earl Rowe, Hensel}, and Mrs. Arthur question and answer period., Jackson, Belgrave. e y • ArAAP•Ar.R•AAr•••••••.,••••••44••••,0.1,•flP,,,PAS.*: A.,1411, TYIIES • INSURANCE P011,00 G. EP1911 Office in Masonic Store • Main 8,trfoot Phone 52716T9 Seaforth Every week more people dia. '• cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by. low cost Ex- pesitor Want Ads. Dial 257-.D$0. Safety -Tested SALE -AT HURON COUNTY'S', FINEST USED CAR MARKET 2-1965 Parisienne 4 -Door KT.; V-8, fully ; - 1-1965 Ford Galaxie, LT., fully equipped • 1964- Dodge tSecian—A.T. 1-1964 'Chev. Impala Convertible, V-8 En • gine 1-1964 pantiac Strato•Chief Sedan 1-1964 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan Auto- .matic, fully equipped 1-1964 ,Bel Air Sedan 1-1964 Meteor'.Standard V-8 Fo r -Door Sedan. .• ,.1963 Chev: Standard 1962 Meteor ,oustom Sedan " 1962 Pontiac Strate-Chief; Standar A 'Written Guarantee f I 1962 Falcon Sedan—A.T. 1961 Pontiac •Laurentian A.T. 'Sedan 1961 Ford Sedan—ST. 1960 CW. Sedans. A Wide.: Selection of Other Models, 1457 to 1960, to Choose From. • ' 'STATION WAGONS • • to 1 -1961 -Pontiac Station Wagon, v- 1961 Falcon 4:Door Standard Station Wagon 1962 Oldsmobile Station Wagon , • 1962 Chev. 1/I -Ton Pickup with long box r 60 Days. on all Lae. Model_Cars—Many other Models to choose from BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS'ONTARIO OPENF, EVERY EVENING • ' PHONE 173—"The Home of Better Used Cars" • N'"47•NI .1; • • • . , . , ,•• asgarAf • • • • • . • • • Tap an ,„4th4. While in Town For the Fair . d'rop in and take' aqirantage of these Cana- • dian Tire Money -Saving' Opportunities ! •OPN 111.*L " 10 P.M. FRIARY EVENING' • Amr: :040 PLA,STIC SPRAY " IVIOTO-MASTElk,„: ^ • CfMOME • POW -R - BOOST ST:+101 Price* Specially Reduced Treats 5.cit. Crankcase "SALE PRICE* For more "get4tp-and-go"! i� -oz. $p.ray parr", • gtiP,F , seals, oue moistUracprrosion '',.. 61.,e O'j /. Vt ,,,•'''' '''' ,•>: e.. '''11 s 4.41,1* • • . ' ' ' 0*..1 • Moto -Master, SWAY 4000i SYStelil. (0409-ner -a 4-LAmii SYSTEM* • 111 EACH SALE PRICE ' .,r.4 4e; %CAW 11 • ,• 34. - 414. • save! iotiukttc TRANSMISSION SEAM •REDUCED!. • Reduced from $1.59; • , tv• ctr' I , SALO PRICE • • • Al••,11, A PRICE fyy q . Resists rust, prevents igaics, blbriettectotunP. • 16,012. Can. 43' • A * f?4 SALE PRICE Inhibits rust, dicale, corro4 aim—stops leaks. lubricates pump. - tt; ro* , • • 1•4!'•,',.*,,k 44'4 SAVE! Mote=Master Sealed gam' EADLA PS! LIMITED"OlnyiTiTY SPECIAL 4344P SYSTV$ SYSTEM .22 • EACH EACH . , • ' ' • . '• . : • • 4 • 4',A.X•44 4 • 4, 4' • " ••"•"••444••••'. "4,- :1.444.41.; . SMITH. •.. • - 4