HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-09-23, Page 3•
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M.essengers 1ame
New Officers for '65
The Elimvilfe Messengers met
en Sunday at the church. Elec-
tion 'of officers were: President,
Sharon Betties; secretary, .Tim
Lynn; World's Friends secre-
tary,, Joan, Allen; press report-
er,. Joan Lynn. Mrs. Phil Johns
read the story on Brazil and
Trinidad from the new study
-book. They plan on 'having a
cookie sale in October. The
Messengers meet the first Sun-
day in every month at the
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle, of
ThamesRoad, visited Thursday
evening with Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
' .Mr. and Mrs. Art Ball and
family, of Clinton, 'gifted Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn
Kerslake ' 'and family.
Mr. Brian Hern, of Stratford,
spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Phil Hern and fam-
Mr. Fred Delbridge is a pa-
tient in South Huron Hospital
in Exeter, suffering from a
broken leg.
Quite a few Winchelsea peo,
ple attended the Western Fair
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bev Parsons
spent Sunday with Mrs. John
Coward. _—
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner,
of Sebringville, visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Elson.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tobey,
Marlene and Brian, of Owen
Sound, visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Elson Lynn and fam-
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Carling Black Label Beer brims over
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As Homentia
The newly organized 4-11
Homemaking Clqb at Brodhag-
en held its first meeting on
Monday, Sept. 13, at the home
of •Mrs. Ken Elligsen. The girls
taking the project, "The Cereal
Shelf," are: Phyllis Ahrens,
Wendy Trutter, Linda Miller,
Donna Leonhardt, Donna Push-
elberg, Bonnie -Hoegy, Mary
Beuerman, Sheila Sharon, Jan-
ice Dietz, Margaret and ,Joanne
Elligsif. The leaders' are Mrs.
Ke lligsen and Mrs. Donald
The meeting opened with the
411 Pledge. An election of of-
ficers was held and the follow-
ing were elected: President,
Sheila Dietz; vice-president,
Mary Beuermann; secretary, Di-
ane Brown; treasuret, Joanne
The Chamber of Commerce
in Brodhagen is sponsoring the
club. The leaders outlined the
unit, and outlined the require-
ments df the club girls, showed
how the record book is to be
set up, also recipe files. The
Food Guide for Health was
A short history of cereals
was read, and how we should
use cereals in our food pat-
tern. A demonstration was
shown, on measuring by Mary
Beuermann and Mrs. Brown.
Donna Pushelberg 'asststed in'
making apple crisp, • which was
enjoyed after by the club mem-
Luther League "Meets.
The Luther League met Sun-
day ,evening with Cheryl` Wur-
dell and Barbara Hoegy in
•eharge of devotions and Joanne
Elligsen, playing the piano for
the hymns. Cheryl Wurdell, the
president, was in charge of the
business. An invitation was re-
ceived from Desboro Luther
League for a social evening
this Friday, and also to Lis-
towel to hear Sifter Freida
Gatzke, field secretary and
deaconess of New York. A dis-
cussion was held to have a tal-
yent night on Nov. 17th, This
group is selling Christmas cards
and are starting in two weeks.
The meeting closed with the
Lord's Prayer.
Confirmation Class
A class of 11 girls and seven
boys are attending Confirma-
tion instruction every Saturday
morning at St. Peter's Lutheran
Church, with Rev. J. Kappes,
the teacher.
The following are the class
attending eatecalical instruc-
tion: Janice Dietz, Joanne Prue -
ter, 'Sheila Siemon, Darlene El-
ligsen, Linda Miller,- Phyllis
Ahrens, Margaret Elligsen, Neta
Rapien, Starr' Fischer, Joanne
Jarmuth, 'Elaine Beuerman, Earl
Leonhardt, Merle Hoegy,---Don-
ald Bach, Laurie Fischer, Ror
bert Priestap, Dennis Smith,
Glen Dolmage.
Harvest Home Festival servic-
es will be Observed at St.
Peter's Lutheran Church here
on Sunday, Sept, 26, at 11:00
The pupils • of Brodhagen
Sehool•and Harvey's School took
:part in the Menkton School Fair
parade and exhibits last Wed-
nesday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice
ad Beverley attended the Cen-
tennial, anniversary of Walton
United Church on Sunday, Rus-
sell being a former member
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rode,
of Detroit, have been with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Prue -
ter, and other relatives.
Mr. Wilbur Hoegy has^. re-
turned home fro'm London Hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Benne-
• You Will Save .Money"
yl -Making Us n Offer
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wies, of Hamilton, and Mrs, WM.
,Besserer, of Kitchener, visited
some relatives here last week.
Mr. Louie Kahle, of Detroit,
has been visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eick-
meier and other relatives
• Mr. and Mrs. Chris. W. LP:T-
han:it visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Mafthies at Tavistock
Mr. and IVIrs. Carman Mogk
and family, of St. Themes, vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. George
Mogk and Mr. and Mrs. Hareld
Mogk recently, after returning
from a trip to the Coast .and
Prairie Provinces.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar, Elligsen
and •Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shol-
dice, also Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Querengesser, of Mitchell, at-
tended -'the Chamber of Com-
merce fall banquet at the Vic-
torian Inn, Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brink ,are
the proud parents of a . baby
daughter, born .at the. new Sea -
forth Community Hospital,
Miss Phyllis Hinz, London;
Leonar Miller, of Kitchener;
Clare French, Petrolia, and
Kenneth Ahrens, Hamilton, at
their homes.
Visitors. with Mr, and Mrs.
Ford Dickison for the weekend
were: -Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Nelson and family, of Bagley,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd gfeifer
and Karl visited with her broth-
er, Mr. Stanley Marks, and Mrs.
r anizet.'
Marks at BraMet04.
Mr, George Diegel aecomean-
ied Mr. and Mrs. DaVld:
and family to Kitchener en $•tue
day, visiting the former's' <laugh-
-ter and.son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Diegel.
Messrs. Clayton and Robert
Ahrens have ranted an apart-
ment in London, 14here they
will attend the College of Edu-
cation for a year.
Miss Jane Reck is attending
• Waterloo Lutheran University,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beuerrnan,
Michelle and Michael, of Mit-
chell, and Mr.- and Mrs. Wayne
Beuernaan, of London, with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel
Beuermann .
Clayton 4threris. observed, the
teachings at ' Stratford 'High
School last week before start-
ing college.
Robert Ahrens observed the
teachings at Mitchell High
School last week before start-
ing college -
An auctionsale was held at
the Community Hall on Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Benne.
wies and Cheryl spent Sunday
with' their son, Ray. Bennewies
and Mrs. Bennewies, in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brodhag-
en and family, of- Gadshill, with
Mr. and. Mrs. Harold 'Magic on
The feel bf genuine ivory can
not be imitated. '
• a " ••• , '
The annual mereb.ants' and
manufacturers' tourneinent wee
held Wednesday` afternoon With
a fine turnout frorn as.far awAY
as-.Rort Credit, Aylmer, London
• and Waterloo. The tournament
'is made possible by the gener-
osity of the business people of
While there was a prize. for
• eieryone participating, top prize
winners' were: - first, Zahn Pat-
terson and Hugh Thompson,
Seaford': second,'Arehie Towns-
end; third, Sid Buller', Code -
rich; fourth, Walter Westbrook,
Goderieh; fifth, W. N. Ball and
Harold Connell, Seaforth.
suptiriI ,
etC4.'•'• y101414",
sf' oerit:ot w14:11417,.S: - James . 4LoilEncleV440:411$47/177:1J. 41g1444:44111H,STils''°1 Ses-
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Ask about co.nvenientdeparture
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For information,
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Sales Office
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e Canada Pensio
its benefits
Here is,what '
th.e Canada Pension Plan
• will do for people
,like Huguette Samson,
a 2 -.year-old married woman
•,who earns $56.50 a week.
• ,
- Huguette and her husband, who
• k„, is earning $4,200 a year, hope
that Huguette will work for
a few years before family needs'
require her attention full time.
Assuming that ileguette does just
this, her contributions to .the
Plan will benefit her in several
ways. For example, it' she works
only for another five years,
at age 65 she will receive a small
retirement pension of $8.38 a
month in addition to her $7$ •
month Old Age Security. •
Through her husband's '
contributions to the Plan, thrall
die when 1.47 halt Ikea '
young children, Hugucite would
receive a widow's pension
) of $57.81,a month plus $25 a
month for each child—a total of
V32.131 a month. She would also
receive a lump sum payment •
of $500. ,
, At age 65, based upon both her
own.and her husband's •
contributions she would receive a:
pejsion of $57.53 a month plus
a month Old Age Security —
a total of $132.53. ' • '
ff she decided to supplebsent her
income at any time by returning
to work, she cduld still receive
the widow's and orphan's •
benefits, conld substantially • -
increase her tetirement_pension, -
and could also ensure her
entitlement to a disability
if ds became clisabled.,
AU benefit S under the'Plah will -
;maintain their value. The
actual benefits payable will
probably be higher than those
given' here since benefits will be '•
adjusted to meet changes in
living costs and in wage levels
before, they Ore paid and changes
in living costs after they become
What .will the Plan cost you?
you are employed and,
Huguette, have earnings of
$2,938 spread, evenly over' the
yepx, you will pay at the rate of
,81 a week. Your employer • '
will pay the slum 111110112t.
• , This advertisement isone of a
•teries which relates some of ,
• the important benefits of the
Canada.Pension Plan to -
individual -circumstances ,
Issuedllr. •
authOrity of the Minister of
• National. flealth_and Wellhre,
ThalenaldlOa'riOnrable Judy LaMarche.