HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-08-26, Page 9e . .. n r ., ,y u :. -1..r. •:.r sR, i. tx r,ty ,i. 1,: - i ''2;.YF Ir M1 ' , lYr. +.: F., a >i', .v'. , �: a'a ¢ y,i... '. .': „^ ,.: .. •, :• 5,.. ..l ... .. .,fi.'-T t �d nr i.�i'. J7 ny'" � �""a'+!,I It b h h ! t '.5•;!a• F _ � _ ,' • . ..t r .h, u k�, •'i.' \, yji���.e„r, •Y: I' d 1frf a r - 4 S"v a � "''6 rI fii.:ah .,a' ? � ."'-,r':a M KIe _PU � &; 5 " x �''. ,a;: V. � p. � � ' c.: ,. ,•� .. ,.r. by 1 f: �; dr r ���t +:. a�, h � , 4 t�.+� ��.. } y, r � 'yr Y .. •F u t w ryr/ r+ • • �' , ` F n _ �• � ' it � d. T ..i I h }•'�'} .'! �. USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS 4. Help Wanted 11. Articles' -Tor•. Sale 1-2. Wanted 0 Bt ' 1J. Notices. 2X. Tenders ' Wanted 22, Leel`. fat c+e. TO YOUR ADVANTAGE- -- -- HOUSF,KE`EPER,. to live' in, L CEMENT 'blocks and chorus A wardmi-be, P e 527=4640 � - 1. Coming Events clln4�l, weekends off. Call 527- blocks; used lumber and win. fortli, 12 ,1-. DEAD ANIMALS DRAINAGE TE�TDE�t. 'TIDE �,S L1�t�R'S, S;A �,F� k'r h 2. Lost, Strayed os42, M'ns• Van Rengcan. 487-2 opus+. Walter Murray, Fran+l i t TSE bedroacri, se iitai d REMOVED $" 3. Found GIRL or woman as ,housekeeper St•. � x-871 a aa+tr,Ielut ('l� house ,central Township of Hibbert of LA. FOIA �AX2, for fa¢n Se lot 4. Help Wanted ley of two, whal>ei �paarerits TEN aicre+s, ofsecond crib alltiaE- :locn'red on Oord�arach S)Gc, Wte'sib., For Dead or Disabled Animals-•-„-,.-�� 5. Business Oppprtunities y ork• Ei er, live in dr out. fa. Joe H,asti'ngs, Lodi&, Con. I AvanS:ab'te, Sept,' ]sb, pbltii�e I)asiu CALL COLLECT � a1+ed benders will rte rec'eiw Town of Seaforth 6. Teachers Wanted Phone 630: 486-2 I•Bbbe�b. 10787- woody 2 callfcck. � 1587-tf Darling & Company by bed y� until 7 V T. Situations W anted - - :FEMALE expemienEa book- E'I G H T of S;P. Ow rbona '' _ � , 'm+�' �� � County of Hum of, r d1nada Ltd. 5 for bhe cons 'ou of 19> Wit: 8. Farm Stock For Sale keeper, steady, work, usual' bene. swathi'ea•m good coaudith'aw: A.P. 13. Wanted ' • Tb � , 9. Poultry For Sale Efts. Phone Dubbh 68 for -ap- lAy� John WallaCe, Cramaurty, Phone Clinton, 482-7268 250 ] peal feet of open, drain By virtue of a, wairiant issued J...0 ry RIDE'. to Torotnto,. any or (approDdinlaWly 4,500 cu. 'yds.), 10. Used Cars For Sale pontment• 4-87-1 phone 1117r25 Dubbin.. , 1187.2 Licence No. 350-C-65 by the,Mayor df The Town of W. fit. Salblirdary�• APIA, , C�nam reiai ,. 3 480 lline+all feet of closed drain, 19-S4-tf. Seams under his- hand and, the G -Ii; 11. Articles For Sale FOR SALE — gadaine, ,H +�, - 13.87x1 ca+pch basin ones junction Seal, '0y. the said. Win, 12: Wanted To Buy 7. Situations Wapted Electric range, in good condtr ,, . tax on the Kennedy Municipal mor P. D. 13. Wanted (don. Apply Mrs+. William, Fisch Attention, 'Farmers ! _ beaming dat6e xhe 8th day of Feb ,l?hpgq, 5 ex�T phone 527-0033 after 5 pini '14' Pro a For Sale draihl. Contractor sin 'supply all p, r� ruattyt, 1.�, sale of +land+s in ar- --'--'-�-• 14. Property. For Sale NEED YOUR HOUSE m�ateri!alo. P'l' n and<pnofale angary r ars of taxes' in, t- Town of 15. Property For Rent 11-86x2 NEW' M0 'c �' s� M.a abt Bras• he,:sin - at c$6rk':'s office. A teat &radb4vgew, •Te,6p1kca6 34'12634. DOad Stock Removal Seafoxth willll be heal in the, 16. For Sale or Rent' i PAINTED? FOR SALE—We, W naw have „ kified cheque' for 10 per cent of Council Chambers at Oho bow 17. Wanted To, Rent a 1:4- large stook ed ballpoint. and 87-2 RtghesU cash prices, paid for bid tb taceortnparty 'each tender: of 10, eclbek ;inn the fa ientoon': (nr. r• 18. Property Wanted Reasonable, Prices cartridge -pens by, S'1ierarEfev fdr'ie'( CWE' lots, seweissl alftfiable. dead or disabled cows and 19. Notices For Estimates Call only $1.00 and up. Ansb6itt°4ewu N. Main+, Stretet„R. J. Dolg 452?= horse's . Tenders tb be opened at a unless the taxes a the'llft day of ' are, IVAN NErII�SIP9N efter�s Tad.., l11Uf 4763 r, 164=tf: special meeting of council on 20, Auction Sales Phone collect 1133 Bmssel+s Monday, September 13th, im, sooner ,paid. Nata;oe is hereby 21. Tenders Wanted Phone 527.0603 FOR REIT — Tenet with diVIL FOT7'R bedroom46use,. on Earl 22: Legal Notices WILLY PEDERSON 24 Hour Sea!"vice at 930 p.m. Lonvest or any ten- gig listt of''1+and xflor slon, sledps 6, $1 dad in ad- W31hb,�pm� St. Phone ZesllexB adrtie' License No. 394(65 der not necessarpliy a�eepGed. sale of arrears of taxesw rues v:allce. Wbabetdr McLean, 527 at 5�1v542, Seiaforth: ]4-84 published in ties Graz- 23. BusiAeSS 'Directory • Phone 5?11--1273 ' 18.87x14 �'°o' 24. Cards'L of Thanks Sealbbth 1`49.0. 11.-87-1 F acre fahi n, barer, drilled MRS. ANNE BURCHILL, Clterk etbe on the 'Ah dad 6£17 August, 25. In Memoriam 7 84-tf, MOSStBU$ C� 22 sbmh-an>Wm,aitic, well, 7 -:room "brick honlse, : nlew Dublin, On+baado, 1965, and that. copies,a ,,thee, safd NOTICE° t 26. Personals 4t-pawer scopes ;exco&anC condi- oil furnace, ,alta, alittmrnwm 22.87-2 list may be nisi •at anay.odiEdce. tion. Ted Wales, hone+ 527=0812 windomfs, laude. not completed'.. We are shipping Tre'asurer"s, Office, 'this lin Classified ads are inserted at 8• Farm Stick For Sale , 'p piling cattle every 1'1-87-1 21/2 miles h1orbh, iia �mille•east of iW%nday to United Co-o'peza+tives 22 Legal Notices day of August, 1965. t ,z •` a„ I�r , , TWELVE acres' of second cut al wil, sell on shards. Jahnrets�'14PcQu+and phone Dµblhn 46r14. U_87x,1 Du'bltin. Apply Fred . Eckert, 30M Dublin' 1'4 86x2 .af'•.Ontano, To arrange for pick- u P at your farm hone' by Sat P urday night. FRANCIS, RUNT-, Phone Seafoa-th, 527-1946,, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, NOTICE Q TO CREDITORS In the Estate, of LORNE ROE d li All persons havnang claims against bhe Estate of Larne Roe., late of the T unship of H'u'Neft, in, the County of Huron, Former, deceasied who died on beM, 19.64, the he day of notified are herer'by n�ati'fied to send in full particulars of 'their clai ms to the undersigned on or bei the 16th, day of September, 1965, after which date 'bhe assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at SeafortbiOntario, ' this 23rd day of Ait TE” ART McCONNELL d TEWART Seiaforth, Ontario. Sol (ROTS for the Execut}oc,_ 22-87-3 ERNEST M WiIIII�i,A,D2S Treasurer 22 13 FUNERAL HOME Gode1'ich St W., Seatorth AMBULANCE SERICE ' Adjustable• hospital beds ---for rent. FLOWERS FOR' EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 r Seafor+th ' ONE and a half sbore+y' brick and s ucco house •oar: Fnan'klian St„ 2 bllocks'' fr$+m Madii St. and• 1 High Schopl,. S/2 lbalth, large livim gtroom,, kvtchen, d:maaugraam, modern • culnboards, haad"od floors, large carport and lot with, paved. Telrmis or best offer. Apply Walter Mur- ray, no agents. 14-87-1 UPRIGHT piano, medium size, excellent ea12ient coatdiSeai. rth, •Done R 115 Se'afioa+Wt, phone• 64r24 Dublin. Dubliin. 11-8m FOR SALE — Alli leather;' case-" in stock to clear at reduced price's• Repular $6.95 lines to clear at $4.25 at Ans+terbt Jewel- leers. Ltd. - , 11-86-tf° ��� } �♦�} i! kv,i )v Seattt , 1 SIX. Pam, seen weeks, old• Paul O'Reflly, 'phon'e DubMi - Jo7r3, 8-87x1 HOG 16 monodist did. Paperls r ' arvaiLbk =Apply J'i'm Sloaaly R R 5 Se'aforth• • 8-87x1 PROPERTY FOR SALE 200 acrre farm, Seaforth' area' 154 acme farm, Varna, aria Hoare in Seafomth, modern bath. and kitchen terms Income proper in, S'e,aforbh and Clinton �w WILLIAM M. HART �' Salman . GEORGE R. JOHNSTON Real Estate 14-87-1 GLADIOLUS, sweet tarn, pota- toes, etc, are now ready. Mur- nary Tyaida+ll�+, B'rucesFielld, p'holie 482-7182. 11-87'-1 WANTED, ,,.,, I1IIPROVE'D FARMSTEADS for Canada S Oentenidall File an entry in the "Fatrmr- stead • improvement Project” iminedi'atelly, with Perth Feder - ation of Agriculture, Box 664 g Mitchell. 19 86-2 -_ RVCEt M. , A. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55.57 South Street Telephone.. P Goderich 524-7562 l attention - J: A. BURK.E, - Funeral Director and Ambulance Semite DUBLIN ONTARIO Night' or Day Calls: Phone 43 R 10 - Iervioe NOTICE , TO CREDITORS In the Estate of H'ARR'IET T>;1'0•M'PSON I '' HURRAY All .persons having claims against, tale Es�tabe of Harriet Thompson Munro , P y^, late Of debet Town of Se,afo'itbh, in title, County of Hhtratu R>aeti2ied Sales Clerk, deceased, who died on the 25th day of JuI 1965, aide hereby notifled to,send in :� ,ams 'al, 'their ella�rns, to #ilne uao- dersmgned_,� or b. the 10th epte, da}y'•of September, 1965 after which -date kale assets will be distmilbtnbed; homing regard only, bo cWaahn�s+ ,hien received., DATED at Seadortk Ontario, thisis _ , 1965 A ea LL Ontario, E*ja S Solicitors, for the Adminisbl•atrix I 2286-3 00gasions• r (, ytrlt, �s TENDERS -WANTED McKtp .Public School Area Board invite t'endrers for blie' suppleW, i& furnace. bili fo,r' the foiiawing schools' from, Septe�n� ber, 1965 to June, 1966: Schools' 2, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 184h, McKillop (Board to 'hire 'tbear 'Own, fur- nate servicing). � Temde�sr bo b'e marked Tez1- „ d des an be in the haands, of the secretary by August 27th,, 1965, Lowest ar any bender not necessarily accepted., CAMPBELL WE'Y, Secretary• RR2•..Walhon,' Ontario 2186-2 READY to la �' Pubs, � weeks old September 16. Bruce Rory' LondeSboro, l ' phone Blyth,_ 523= 4237. 9-85-t'f M. Carus of Thanks A-'RYl: I wish to take hails+ opp�alrtilni,'ty to h+ank•everyone-fm, te+ cards and, visits, the Brtteedel8 U.C.- 1� �„ �, W. ' the. 'on Avmli t� ll.orel fOw+erm S thanks to Dads• Cakeb,-,asn - Goo- wd7fl and •na�iln slbalfiE w+bu�e I . ,g was 'a padient in C,iu#on Public — 'Hetllen Btzadgle+' 24.87-1 , " • FQ1' Additional - Classified.. �ed- „ �0 ntario ; �Ut 23. Business Directorynor JOHN E. LONGSTAFF � OPTOMETRIST F Office: Tues., Thurs., Thurs. Fri., 9 to 5.30p.m. Sat.; 9 to 12 noon 'r urs ay evewng bit appoint. Phone 527-.240 only. 482-7010 Mon:, Wed., Clinton Office . BALMER )]RECTOR 15. Property For Rent >' -- 5'2'1-bSlC• f,t` ° a rate of 2 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- Ads are counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- Ing minimums: Classifications . 21 3, 8, 9;.10,• 11, 12, 13, 15 and r 17; minimum ,40c an .insertion. Classification 25, minimum •65c, plus 25c for each 41ine, ,verse. All other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents per insertion except Auction Sales (20)„ Ten- ders Wanted (21 and Legal ), g Notices 22), rates on 'a lies, ( PP • tion. - k For cash payment, or if paid by 10 days following last inser. 'tion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES * o Firms,.Trades- (For Ac.), men, etc.): Minimum 50 cents per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. l. Coming; Events - NOTICE —Runt Sade and Homeb�aking, ,SeptenfWr 4th, 2 : g10 pp m.., Le ' h' Hull. Sponsored +' by Legion Ladiiers' Au'xifli�axy,. -2 THE O.E.S. w� hold a sale, of • baking, alnaiddis+ 'a�,d n�avelty' item on, Sa'tuarda October 2. s,' 3^, 1 i hi • 4. PLAN -ta eavbex the contletdt';for senior or junior hrdmlalnak2r alt- the S'eadomhh l±'al,l Fair. For pax- s ., ticwl�'ast condact' Mfrs J:. 117: sedtrfr or write Box -213 Seafombh. 185.3 ROD1EO daaice, SadiiiedaT, Sept . 4th adi•9 fir, ,Op,6n air jam�arele with sill Hypes of -music. Rader 2>V males west on HVrPage oat St:, -Exeter. Sponsored by E:aetdr Saddle Club. Admdi sicinn F $1.04 each or $1.50 a couple. Everytone welcome. 1-87-1 1_ VIM" WAnfAA ' ONE yo7rk bog', sem-seeable age'. Bill Down on Vanua phone 482- 9859, 8 87x1 TWENTY4hbee, pigs+ 8 we'e'ks• old. Carl! Vand;&n No¢rfIll Man, phone 527-1772, 8-87x1 TWELVE acres' of second cut al wil, sell on shards. Jahnrets�'14PcQu+and phone Dµblhn 46r14. U_87x,1 Du'bltin. Apply Fred . Eckert, 30M Dublin' 1'4 86x2 .af'•.Ontano, To arrange for pick- u P at your farm hone' by Sat P urday night. FRANCIS, RUNT-, Phone Seafoa-th, 527-1946,, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, NOTICE Q TO CREDITORS In the Estate, of LORNE ROE d li All persons havnang claims against bhe Estate of Larne Roe., late of the T unship of H'u'Neft, in, the County of Huron, Former, deceasied who died on beM, 19.64, the he day of notified are herer'by n�ati'fied to send in full particulars of 'their clai ms to the undersigned on or bei the 16th, day of September, 1965, after which date 'bhe assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at SeafortbiOntario, ' this 23rd day of Ait TE” ART McCONNELL d TEWART Seiaforth, Ontario. Sol (ROTS for the Execut}oc,_ 22-87-3 ERNEST M WiIIII�i,A,D2S Treasurer 22 13 FUNERAL HOME Gode1'ich St W., Seatorth AMBULANCE SERICE ' Adjustable• hospital beds ---for rent. FLOWERS FOR' EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 r Seafor+th ' ONE and a half sbore+y' brick and s ucco house •oar: Fnan'klian St„ 2 bllocks'' fr$+m Madii St. and• 1 High Schopl,. S/2 lbalth, large livim gtroom,, kvtchen, d:maaugraam, modern • culnboards, haad"od floors, large carport and lot with, paved. Telrmis or best offer. Apply Walter Mur- ray, no agents. 14-87-1 UPRIGHT piano, medium size, excellent ea12ient coatdiSeai. rth, •Done R 115 Se'afioa+Wt, phone• 64r24 Dublin. Dubliin. 11-8m FOR SALE — Alli leather;' case-" in stock to clear at reduced price's• Repular $6.95 lines to clear at $4.25 at Ans+terbt Jewel- leers. Ltd. - , 11-86-tf° TWP. of TUCKERSMITH Treasurer'"§ Sale of Land For Taxes Township of Tuckersint , , County* � �� TO WI�1'. By virtue of a warrant issued by the reeve of the Township of Tuebersmath.under lies hand and :the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 15th day of Mania, sale of Bands in arrears of taxes in the Township of Tuwn Hail,, a h at t at ur Town Hall S•ead'nrbh' at bhe• hour of 9:00 o'clock in, the evening' on the 7th day of September, 1965, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid, Notice is here- f given that the list of taxes far sale for arrears, of Baan was published in The Ontario Gazette on the lot day of May, 1965, and that copies ofthe sand p list may be had at my, office. Treasurer's Office -this ls+t day of June, 1965: JAMES.I.:McINTOS,H, Treasilrer, • . 2.2-76-13 . ONE choice second litter, York .sow due. soon. W. C. MUMS011,' phone 52Z�1167. 887'-1 SEPTIC TANS CLEANED . Modern equipment used. All work uaranteed. Write or g P hone . LOUIS BLAKE RR2 442 w 6, Brnnss- Brussels, contact els or conta,at HAROLD MAI, ONEY, ho phone 527-1424• 19-63x25 McCO L &. STEWAtc. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D, I• STEWART Seaforfih, Phone 527,0850 SIX. Pam, seen weeks, old• Paul O'Reflly, 'phon'e DubMi - Jo7r3, 8-87x1 HOG 16 monodist did. Paperls r ' arvaiLbk =Apply J'i'm Sloaaly R R 5 Se'aforth• • 8-87x1 PROPERTY FOR SALE 200 acrre farm, Seaforth' area' 154 acme farm, Varna, aria Hoare in Seafomth, modern bath. and kitchen terms Income proper in, S'e,aforbh and Clinton �w WILLIAM M. HART �' Salman . GEORGE R. JOHNSTON Real Estate 14-87-1 GLADIOLUS, sweet tarn, pota- toes, etc, are now ready. Mur- nary Tyaida+ll�+, B'rucesFielld, p'holie 482-7182. 11-87'-1 WANTED, ,,.,, I1IIPROVE'D FARMSTEADS for Canada S Oentenidall File an entry in the "Fatrmr- stead • improvement Project” iminedi'atelly, with Perth Feder - ation of Agriculture, Box 664 g Mitchell. 19 86-2 -_ TWENTY -five wearer pigs, sev- en weeksi -old. Ted Van Dyk, RR -3 Selafonth one 527-1435. ph 8-8'7-1 EIGHT year old standard bred inure and four year old gelding. Saddle baakenv. Contact Honaxd Krieger, L 4 ger, of 32, Coax. 1 Grey Township, R R 1 Moa kbon'. 4 87x•1 M. , A. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55.57 South Street Telephone.. P Goderich 524-7562 ALI.IS cha'mers 66 combine witth - bean attachments'. Apply Ian MbAilllisteA R.,R 1 Zurich,' 1'1-87-2 - J: A. BURK.E, - Funeral Director and Ambulance Semite DUBLIN ONTARIO Night' or Day Calls: Phone 43 R 10 - MALE be+aglebpups, +beagle' and Walker crossed, two bo' five ,months old. A kq ,tratilnied hounds Leshe+ Pepper, R R 4 WalWn, phone 527-0506. 11.87-1 NOTICE , TO CREDITORS In the Estate of H'ARR'IET T>;1'0•M'PSON I '' HURRAY All .persons having claims against, tale Es�tabe of Harriet Thompson Munro , P y^, late Of debet Town of Se,afo'itbh, in title, County of Hhtratu R>aeti2ied Sales Clerk, deceased, who died on the 25th day of JuI 1965, aide hereby notifled to,send in :� ,ams 'al, 'their ella�rns, to #ilne uao- dersmgned_,� or b. the 10th epte, da}y'•of September, 1965 after which -date kale assets will be distmilbtnbed; homing regard only, bo cWaahn�s+ ,hien received., DATED at Seadortk Ontario, thisis _ , 1965 A ea LL Ontario, E*ja S Solicitors, for the Adminisbl•atrix I 2286-3 1. Tenders Wanted 9. PoultryFor Sale ' FOR SALE = Costume. - jewel- J lery to clear at on 59c. Neck- �' laces' broaches, earrings and bracelets, $2, $4 and $5 sets, -to clear +at-% 'price a�' siert Jewelllerns• Ltd:. 11.86-•tf COLLLE•` ,pups, border and Eng- fish massed, "tw months old, q parents are excell,bnt cal6dle doges. Leslie,, Pepper, R R°4 Wall- ton,. phone 527-0506: 1.1-87'-1 TENDERS -WANTED McKtp .Public School Area Board invite t'endrers for blie' suppleW, i& furnace. bili fo,r' the foiiawing schools' from, Septe�n� ber, 1965 to June, 1966: Schools' 2, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 184h, McKillop (Board to 'hire 'tbear 'Own, fur- nate servicing). � Temde�sr bo b'e marked Tez1- „ d des an be in the haands, of the secretary by August 27th,, 1965, Lowest ar any bender not necessarily accepted., CAMPBELL WE'Y, Secretary• RR2•..Walhon,' Ontario 2186-2 READY to la �' Pubs, � weeks old September 16. Bruce Rory' LondeSboro, l ' phone Blyth,_ 523= 4237. 9-85-t'f M. Carus of Thanks FOR SALE Jn Dublin Two apartment building, 2 b�artk>r• of afur cave gas furnace, one o+ill fua•nac�e, garage, large llot, Building in glo+od state of retpair.. Omer �g ta,,. Europe, � sa�tif'ice for quack sails. Joseph' McConnell Realtor 19 Victari Street n Seafosth Phone 527-1560• 14-$7.1 I wish to take hails+ opp�alrtilni,'ty to h+ank•everyone-fm, te+ cards and, visits, the Brtteedel8 U.C.- 1� �„ �, W. ' the. 'on Avmli t� ll.orel fOw+erm S thanks to Dads• Cakeb,-,asn - Goo- wd7fl and •na�iln slbalfiE w+bu�e I . ,g was 'a padient in C,iu#on Public — 'Hetllen Btzadgle+' 24.87-1 , " • FQ1' Additional - Classified.. �ed- „ �0 - DE,— �d'y-to•la'y < - Pulllets . Call McXINLEY S FARM and HATCHERY LTD. Zurich Phone Hensalll, 262-2837. 9-84-tf. NEW 14' boat, nevem in wattter, pl'ynwood Wnsdmuctibn, with oak superstructure mahogany deck „ ' ' 5 beam 31. deep, unpaintted, rated for 35 h. Reny, D. O• p' Fry, phone• 527-L�22 11-87-1 NEW bean, knives' for ail+• types of 'bean,, puffers. Innes, bean windmwl ,2 Basal O'Rourke HaTirisv Bruel�l, phDBa Ciin'Ro O'Rourke 9131• 1187-1 23. Business Directorynor JOHN E. LONGSTAFF � OPTOMETRIST F Office: Tues., Thurs., Thurs. Fri., 9 to 5.30p.m. Sat.; 9 to 12 noon 'r urs ay evewng bit appoint. Phone 527-.240 only. 482-7010 Mon:, Wed., Clinton Office . KIMBER LEGHORN Da 01 4, Started Pulllehs• ' R�. XIS x, Red Pullets A ailable icks snook your or- ders early,. SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160 9-841,f. 15. Property For Rent Classified ads. pay dividends. SMALl.'W�Ri.� 9 EIGHT inch bench saw. 25; $ wood shaper with 10 cutit;i;, $50; 303 raflte, $25; heavy, duty Beaver saw.. with i/2 h.p, motor, I three 8 -inch b,adels, and extra ROOM'S to resit ilnfnlannsbed. Phone 527-1,103: w 15 84-Ef. FOR RENT. — Travel' trailer; I sleeps 3-4, phone' 527-0828.• 84-tf. r ROOMY self-contained apart SALES clerk` and waitress ware ed to srtiaarC Sept. 7 or, -before; • ' Musa. be neat and od', worker. > ! Abbe ba merge change and pleas'- ply Cmiclu'as� Bakehye d4 8A7 SEWERS wanted immed'i�ately, -work' a+t home doing simple sevAh We, Supply ma*iia'ls g' • and pay.'shnpping both ways. s Good rate of pay. Piece work + Apply, -Dept. 2, Box 7010, Aden „ aide Post Office, Toronto, Ont. 4 4-87-3 YOUNG ladles, ,age 17-25, snngle or maau*iW, •a,s contestants, for Hardware. 11786-2 — FOR SALE—Fresh picked green partes, $100. Keith Finnigan, Eg- mandville after snx-tJii'r T. ' -1 _ mem, Goderich' St. East, full pleasant bath, kftdien, leas. Avagiarb'le September. Apply to Bax 1478 Huron Exposi+toT. - 15-86x2 , 10. Used Cars For Sale 1055 Pontiac, new •paint jab $160. Phone. 262-5586. 10-87-2 Classified ads pay dividends. CEDAR pasts for sale, peeled with 6-7" and 5-6" bops, 12 ft. brace's; anchor posts, steel posts. 6 ft. apd,,,7,ft• len lengths, bad wire am eights. .Kinburn Store, Bond Brown, P'h4tne .527-1387. 11-84-tf• A smaaff '59 foreign cam, good shape. cheap tra+nsport'artiion, $85, Caul' 527-0082 after stir: ' 10-87f1 ONE large apartment, n't, nicely dvcagroo two bedA&e ,large 41i'vingxoam' rand �,kt4heri, new buile cupboards+, entry , e, piece bath, private entrance, het and cola water, and gas heated. Available immedigte'ly. Phone 527 0753 a6ber six ` 15-83-tf 1955 Dodge g truck, V-8, 3 ton, P.T.O. 1851 Dodge ,ruck, 6, 3 ton, P.T.O. Wm. St1apleton and Sona, phone Dublin '31. 10-87-2 s ENGLISH Dinnerware sets', 50 pieces for onlyinn $29.95. 8 cups and '. $•aucers, - 8 dinner plates, 8 bread and butter plates, 8 cer- eat bawls, '8 fruit nappies, 1 platter and 1 vegetable bowl at 11. Articles For. Sale TWO -bedroom upstairs. apart - meat with, -private entrance and baibh• ,Avail'ab'le Sept, is't, Con- GRADE 13 text +books, phone Hens'a9U 262-5046; , 11-87x'1 4, the Perth Dairy Princess Com,- Anstebb Jewellers Ltd. 11-84-tf. .tact' , Robert • Beuttenmill-er or At - petition are `-Strat£ord Fall' Farr Classified ads pay dividends. ALUMINUM doors, windpws ' phare 527 0282 after six. At n ow, September uric• Far inform FLU N 1(O • r anon oro• application Forms coli- GRADE 13 books, Mary Buchan- a'v'mn'gs', siding, and aluminum 15-85-tf , _._ „• __. _.d A., m.-oh'onP, 527-0987- 11-87-1 and wrought iron porch railings. TWO heated arDarrtm'Cnbq in Mc- a - lu,p quautiy-pvvaucrs ai reason- Master apartments now avau-' culture, ]1Titchell. - 487-2 BEAGLE! pups, Ernie Dale, a'bl'e prices. Call, us' for free able, 2 apartments in'Royal a RR4 Clinton, phone- wIELL�TN1813IT,OLDBUDDY! 4t1 -87x3 estimates. We do our own in- pa'i'tmen't building, one 2 -bed - RELIABLE MAN stalling. Walker Aluminum room ,apartment. in Simpson REMEMBEP,60 DEEP oN ALL TWO grade 13 mea books, Sales, ' prone 2350722 (collect), block, Joseph McConnell of Dr` to work in modern slaughtering al•geibra and.trigop lcbry Call, Exeter. 1t&4-tf. E. A. McMaster. 15-85-tf Tlif: CoRNERSAND DONYF02Gti•., and processrtng plant, 'steady y27-050.3; 11-87-1 - positiion. Apply stating,qualifica= THIRff`Y a+(rens of standing hay, Mens to timothy, red clover and talfalfa• SILVERWARE 16. For Sale or inert H. D. Rowson &Sons Alex M'cGre'gary Kipper, phone SPECIAL NEW 3 -bedroom house, West 262=5491, 11-87-1 , Williairn St., Sea+fortih. Condset Limited ' 500 balers of straw.' A. Peters, 78 piece set for 12 with Joseph McConnell, Seafarth or R R 3 CoTbl r, Ontario R R � Brusselh+, phofi'e 497w4: beautiful drawer chest for Bob Whitelaw, phone, 294-6128 4-87-2 11-87-1only X59.95 Rarkrh.i71. 16-87 x 1 • + MALE HELP, USED tel'evi'sions', 21" and 17" WANTED also one, 10" portable cambkii- Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 19, Notices akion TV and radio. Crown SINGER Sales and Service NOT- oo SOON! I. WANT TO SAVOR THE-CONCERN.KIUDNESS AND AFFECTION AS LONG AS I CAN. 5HOULD BEA 3 �r� 1. (,a r ���, �••.� ,.r ni % rif tYty hili: Permanent Employment 3.. f for 1 Hardware. 11786-2 — FOR SALE—Fresh picked green 11-86-tf m• sewing achrinesi vacuum clean - 'an- ers, floor polisheirs, and tyf e - „ USED . reanan processing pitaantl, Aged 30-48, prefer- corn, beets, carrots, beans, cu- - writers, Ca82• Jath McGregor, OUR TOWN rablly• in riied. House avail- cumbers, potatoes. Ambrose FARM MACHINERY bane 527-1486 Sea3brbh,, 19-86x3 . aiblle Addles, Kinburn. it -85x'3 268 baler, with bale thresh. 0 ELECTROLUX C a a d a Ltd. 1A60 layer cages. Wfff FsVR or ' any pant. Thas. J. Kale„ 2, Truck driver, 25 years or Ing kit.;. Robert Bell threshing Sanas and Service, authorized dealer Riney, 153 Light- IT'S TH5 HOLIDAY• THiRS WNY I WANT TO i I'M TRA#T1C,JA,14 0 GET HOME AS QUICKLY AS Ili LOCioNG ACCT qua oven labotirers, �apaadbments R R 5 . Sead*th, Onft., phone machine, on rubber; • Massey house St�derich hone 524- t p _ It POSSIBLE.. THE GARAGE. BY r 3.' Plant Daiblk'n, 147797. 11-86nC2 Clippei combine, $200; 7T 6514. 19-84-tf. •y � S available. Emplbymtent Case ' combine, equipped for beansp,. 26 Massey-Ilarris self VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ger- � - ROBT: BEM 111 k8hM9'- Thee- .Dmmiedfaibe Usulall Benefits hire 24x40. straw cuttidr, grain thrower, drove bell, ihi;l'mew. propelled, with flax rolls; 28', 6" vice for all makes. Filter Queeit Sales Varna, Phones 262-5350. t Apply- Gilbert Mnrrray, iYublin RR 1, auger with transport; 620 John 19-8¢tf. FINNI'E DMTRIBUTIiNG LTD. phone 231120, Dub&. 11-84x3 Deere tractor, with power steering; 611 Case tractor, - WE carry, in • stock, repW - C ocksI Clacks+l CTioc'klsl If you ,�r- Phone 284-2080 St. Ha'r3's' `1=87-2 With 3-poigt hitch; '1960 Fordsdn meat parts for most po+pulaT _ need a chock see us. We have a lar a stock of kitchen alarm g Major diesel; W-4 Internation- brand name electric shavers. Anste'ttr Jewellers Ltd. 19-84•tf. STATI(3NERY mantel, cuckoo and, decorator al; B John Deere with scuf- - ENGINEER clocks. Anak4 Jewellers Ltd. •£ler; D Case, $MO; 30 Cock- Model M WATCH REPAIRS 1 tf, shubt with iLPT6; Johan De&e', '91 gle 'beater PTO, FAST SERVICE QuaEf ed alb, leash #h Class Dns tbddli TIMEX Sales and Service. a wirl,sell' you a new Timnex pric- spreader; Fergusson tftraotor; All work, guaranteed a required b$� tiro 'Cli'Iiltanl w Collle+gd+ater Pt1 trUthite Sward, CRs- ed- from $7.$51 up or have' your C Allis-Chalmers with mower. ' ANSTETT CYNTHIA bon a present Taimex repal"tM at Ans J ]niers L 11-84•-" McGAVIN JEWELLERS Deities k$ coanirinlem>S as' .soon as poLssilile ager 1 Sep6em4nem. tett o°`'o HURON Coup' 6 leadmug tract- or and £ar11i equipment depot,' FARM EQUIPMIFNT Walton —.Phone 52? -0245 Ltd. Phone 527•N20 — Seafarbii „ Excellent , *Mking C011m i6m, medical plan avaftabI6. Tmio Lowest possible prices on stock • „ 11-86-1 - weeks pawl' vacation) after once on hand. of - traeborst and over 80 new machines in stock ' NOTICE 12. Wanted ^ TO Buy - • yeran Salary $3,200 to $3,600• Arpply, in wAtin+g on or before other, or 'being dripped to us at ante large Tliekersnitth 31 August, .1965, , gik+tin'g full m• bulk shipment plus a stack of used row crap. 1Congs� BUNK beds, phone ubll illi Municipal Dump experience and kilde afid other' used cultivat- WARDROBE, IV -ply Ay 'Harald JaCksbrt, Phoan 52N", Slva�'' liferrn�c+ces t, to: ors disc harrows sprin tooth ors, g will; be aper until £tir'th'ea• ratios. Mr. L. •R. Maloney Busirtoeg Admidsftibor h a,rronvs, grain And ferfrglamer drills, planers, mantt;6 d. e,rs, OW mom, s�tflers , �. , 12-86-2 ANTIQUE' fKMdtm'er, pktaxie on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5:30 p.m. No wire fineinglold concrete Cl6;h6m Disbr d Collle+gdatts hay conditioners, comlSlnes to £ramfev; cupboards, l+arnps, and , or car bodies permitted. iinsfitup Board Clinton, Ontario mianyt other machines, 'P h+o n b, 527-0100o Sohn, Bach-, I.9. Detat• � site . Will buy individual 0d caimipr*e` h+bumeTiolld, J.' I, Mc'INT4Sli, Clerk 4.871-1 ex Sea6nmblr 11-84-bf Phoxtler 2711578 ] 2 8G tf '19.8& f TU$T A gejicK FRESHENING up fit�lx(YY�,r i r l Nti R: ,,. �' ,..: .• f �_•:_ '. � Y< r.... ,. W�« , r r i .,., �r LYr Yi i .r .. , r •. ♦ ...•,.. . n ,, r,..,•r, n. .. .. .. • ♦ ,M1.. t.. ...... .. /.