HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-08-26, Page 4*Fin Inr�T Y,•i - M '.d: 'r' . � ,�.. n .., ,�➢ �c < P •::�.. .. .. woposrtou, swoRTH3 ONT., AUG. 26 19651 NEWS OF ME TS ..- • for -MN -and Mrs. Karl Regier • (:i ee Kw Shea) SATURDAY, AUG. 28 ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Des.lardine's Orchestra EVERYONE WELCOME — Brownie's Drive - In THEATRE — CLINTON Children Under 12 in Cars Admitted Free Two Complete Shows Nightly Box Office Open at 8:00 p.m. COME AS. LATE AS 11 P.M. AND 'SEE A .COMPLETE O SHOW FIRST SHOW AT DUSK 141 . THURSDAY and FRIDAY August -26 and 27 " Your Cheating Heart" George Hamilton -- Susan Oliver The great life story of the late famed country music singer - composer Hank Williams — Plus -- "LOOKING "LOOKING FOR LOVE" Connie Francis - Jim Hutton Color Cartoon SATURDAY and MONDAY , August 28 and 30 'FATHER GOOSE Cary Grant .LESLIE CARON • TREVOR HOWARD Color Cartoon' 0 TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY August 31 - September 1 "MONDO CANE No. 2" Daring - . . Shocking Completely Uninhibited .. - An Experience You'll - Long Remember! •• (Adult Entertainment) Color ' Cartoon COMING THURSDAY and FRIDAY Sept. 2. and 3 "Get Yourself A College -Girl" The I1av,e .Clark Five MARY ANN MOBLEY CHAD EVERETT c JOAN OBRIpN THE ANIMALS Color '. Cartoon FUNERAL Kdmloops Singer Mils- New Honors. MRS. JOSEPH DILLON - 101t. Joseph Dillon died Tues- day morning at Western Hospi- tal, Toronto, at the age of 83. The former Mary Ann,Conlogne she was a native of Hibbert Township for many years. Sdrviving••-are two sons, Ray- mond and Frank, of Toronto; four daughters, Mrs. Patrick (Evelyn) Longeway, Stratford; Mrs. Graham (Mary) Kritzer; Mrs. Steven (Rose) McDonald, both of Toronto; Mrs. Fred (Bertha) Raar, Dearborn, Michi- gan; 10 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, two sons and two daughters. One son, Pte. James Dillon, was killed on active ser- vice in Italy in 1944. Requiem High Mass was cele- brated at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Toronto. Pall- bearers were Patrick Longeway, Steven McDonald, Graham Krit- zer, Jerome Doornaaert, Daniel Sparron and William Jones. Burial w•as-in Holy Cross Ceme- tery, Toronto. LAKEVIEW CASINO Grand Bend --A Go -Go -Go. Nites FRIDAY, .AUG. 27th 9:30 - 12:30 • THE DEL-REYS Saturday, August 28th 9:00 - 12:30 Special 'Attraction! JON and LEE and THE CHECKMATES Canada's Sensationals Hear them before Amerkan tour starts, including appear- ances on SULLIVAN SHOW and SHINDIG plus • Rick Wadds and the • FORTUNE TELLERS Admission 1.50 each • SPECIAL DANCE Sunday9,00 Au12gust 29th - 00 THE DEL-REYS COMING— Labour Day Weekend Fri. Sat. - Sun. THE ROULETTES Featuring LEE and DEE Choir Boy Singers Terrific — their last appearance here. - Every week more people . dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by .low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 257-0240. DANCE Royal T, Wingham FRIDAY, AUGUST 27th. Music -by the All -Stars Dancing 10 to 1 ADMISSION $1.00 EVERYONE WELCOME Sponsored by Huron County Jr. Farmers CASH-- BINGO Friday, Aug. 27th — 8:1 p.m. LEGION HALL, SEAFO TH • 15 REGULAR GAMES FOR $10)0 ONE $50.00 JACKPOT THREE $25.00 SPECIALS — Children under 16 not permitted — ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c, or 7 for $L00' Auspices Seaforth Branch 156, •Canadian Legion PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK Saturday Dancing SEAFORTH LIONS PARK SATURDAY, AUGUST 28th With music by the C1EIEVELS -- Popular Walkerton Band — Dancing 9 to Midnight s AeMISSiON fanciug Will continue each Saturday night: - ,Enjoy' the big - ews foloforheitdonshpprkasant surround; The following item will prove of interest to residents of Hen- sall and community: "A young Kamloops singer, whose talents have led to Euro- pean tours and solo' spots with the UBC choir, performed re- cently on her home ground. Miss Inez Smillie, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ivan G.- Smillie, of Kamloops, B.C., a former physician in Hensall, gave a re- cital in. Kamloops Secondary School auditorium. She was ac- companied by Miss Brenda J. Sneed, an -accomplished pianist. "Miss Smillie, who, was born in Clinton, Ont., but arrived at Kamloops at the age of seven weeks, started her training with Mrs. Marion Owens. While un- der Mrs. Owens' tuition, she was a B.C. Royal Conservatory sil- ver medalist on two consecutive seasons. She 'also accompanied the Elgar choir of B.C.' as a soloist for two European tours. "She studied in the UBC De- partment of Music under the direction of Dr. Robert Morris. She has been a soloist with the UBC Choir and Madrigal Sing- ers and is lead soprano for the Chamber Singers. -"Last season Miss Smillie, ac- companied by piano and French horn, was among the winners for the Vancouver contest of the Friends of Chamber Music Society. For the past two years she has been taking private les- sons from Marie Schildef•, a Vienna -trained contralto. "She has •just completed a successful recital in Vancou- ver. Her accompanist, $rends Sneed, niece of well known ra- dio and. television star, Elinor Collins, is. a native of Vancou- ver, and last year was award- ed a Vancouver Symphony So- ciety Scholarship for proficiency in composition and in the same year won the. ARCT scholar- ship." • LAC Clarence Hoy, Mrs. Hoy, Ronnie and Gary, of • Gimli,- Man., formerly of Hensall and Exeter ,are vacationing for a few :weeks. , with, the former's,, paren.�tvMr : ;and ;Mrs- 1;Iar+xtee HoY,,,T0, t ,Atber ,thlg ter's parenits;;`,blr :and, Mr5.'Satn Armstrong, Longueuil, Quebec. Mrs. Pearl Nicol, London, has returned after a visit spent with her sister, Mrs. Fanny Clark. Mrs. William Cook and son, Ewen, London, who were visit- ing with Mrs. Cook's son, Nor- ris, a station agent at Gode- rich, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwen last week.. Grant and Kenneth Jones will appear on John Dickens' Talent Time. CFPL-TV, Sunday, Sept: 5th, at 5:30. Miss Margaret_ 5 ousseau vis- ited with friends in London ov- r the weekend, - Mr. and ..Mrs. Lawrence Mc- Coy and family, of Oakville, vis- ited recently with the latter's parents, "Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Whiteman and Beverly. Mrs. Edith Pfile, of Ayton, was a guest last week with Mr. and Mrs. Asa Deeves. - Mrs. Virginia Barnhart, of Alamo, California, called" on friends in the village- on Fri- day. Mrs. Barnhart is a niece of Mrs. Ruth Bell, of Alamo, Cal., formerly of Hensall, whom we regret to report is serious- ly ill. Mr: Orville Twitchell is a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital,.Lon- don.' Mrs. Frank Farrell, Blenheim, end Mrs. Fred Thompson, To- ronto, were, guests last week with their aunt, Mrs. Chester Lee. Mrs. Mary Parish and daugh- ter, Mrs. Barbara Craig, and her. daughter, Miss Maxine Craig, (the latter who is home on fur-' lough from Viet. Nam), of Un- ity, Sask., and Mr. arid Mrs. Stanley Marshall, Hamilton, have returned after visiting with Mrs. Fanny Clark. Mrs. Parish, a native of Ethel, Ont., and sister-in-law of Mrs. Clark, has not been back to Ontario since she went out to home- stead with hen late husband 62 years ago. Mrs. Aida Simmons received word that her sister and broth- er-in-law,. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low- cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 257-0240. FIRST . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - REV. DOUGLAS 0. FRY Minister Sunday, August 29th WORSHIP — 11:00 A.M. BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH Vermilyea, of Glendale, Cali- fornia, were instantly killed Friday afternoon, Aug. 20th, at Ventura, California, in a car ac- cident. They were returning hbme from visiting Mrs. V'er.- milyea's sister, Mrs. Ila Wood, who' was 111 in hospital at Santa Barbara, Cal., when the - acci- dent happened. Mrs. Vermilyea was the former Hannah Dins - dale, of Kippen: At the service of - morning prayer in St. Paul's Anglicain Church, the Rev. J. P. Gandon spoke on "Doctrinal Authority." Guest soloist, Miss Jean Hen- derson, chose for her selection, "How Great Thou Art." Mrs. Frank Forrest presided at the organ: Flowers were. in 1bving memory Flowers Mrs. R. H. Middle- ton, placed there by the.m- ily, • Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Munn, attended the Schilbe-Grand wed- ding in Holy Trinity Anglican Church, London, Saturday, Aug. 21st; Mrs. J. E. McEwen and Mrs. George Hess enjoyed a charter- ed bus tour to Kingston and Ottawa and a boat • cruise to The Thousand Islands over the weekend. They also visited Fort Henry, •Upper Canada Village, and saw the changing of the Guard ceremony .at Parliament Hill. ` Mr. and Mrs. Gordon -Cousins, of London, were guests Sunday with Mrs. Leona Parke. and Pa- tricia. Greene Reunion Ori Sunday fifty members of the Greene family gathered in the Seaforth Lions Park for their fourth annual reunion. laces and games were enjoyed by those present. The winners were: Games-- Balloon ames=Balloon race, Irven Gethke; pa- per plate race,- Betty Tucker, Steve Suplat; lucky spot, Mrs. Beverly Beaton; guess weight of water melon, Mertez Taylor, Steve Suplat; hammer the nail, Irven Gethke, Betty • Tucker; most change, Wes Greene. q .,,Girls , and boys, six +and eupder, Kim' Greene, . Jeff :T2lylor; girls, and boys,, six ,to 10, Nancy - Taylor, David Greene; girls and boys, 10-14, Diane Suthern, Marty McClair; wheelbarrow' race, Marty and Robert McClair; three-legged race, • Maxine and Murray Greene. Youngest baby present yias Brenda Kerr, 21 months /old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Kerr, of Nile; youngest grandmother . Was Mrs. Steve Suplat, 38, of Goderich; , oldest grandfather, Mr. Wes Greene. The person with •the most eig- arettes in an open pack was won by Catherine Racho, Strat- ford. During the afternoon officers elected for 1966 were: »secre- tary -treasurer, Maxine Greene, Mitchell ; sports committee, Catherine -. Racho, Stratford ; Mertez Taylor, Woodstock; reg- istration, Charles Greene, Eg- mondville. Immediately following sup. - per, a surprise birthday cake was presented to Mr. William Greene, Exeter, also a lovely gift from the family on the occasion of his birthday. The 1966 reunion will be held jn Seaforth Lions Park. (Services at' Orange Hall) Sunday, Aug-ust 29th 1010i-X.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all ages 7:30—GOSPEL SERVICE Speaker—Cerd•Murray, Stratford I> Cor. 6:14r `Be ye not un- equally yoked•together with un- believers: fox' what fellowship hath righteousness? And what comi>iunion • hath light with darkness?"-. Huron Farm News Excellent weather of the last few days has speeded up the harvesting of spring crops, with yields and quality above'earlier expectations. The dry weather has also retarded the develop- ment of white mold in bean fields and hastened the ripen- ing process that this may not now .become a. problem. A goodly number of fields are being prepared for fall wheat. A lot of warm weather is needed to mature beans and corn. Beans are on -the • aver- age, at least two weeks late. • Reception - Dance for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoggart (nee Laura Hatcher) FRIDAY, SEPT. 1.Oth SEAFORTH LEGION HALL Dancing from 9:30 till — By Ken Wilbee's Orchestra Ladies' please bring Lunch Ladies' W.O.A.A. Jr. Semi -Final PLAYOFFS Winthrop Vs. . Shakespeare Jrs. under lights LIONS PARK SEAFOR.TH Thurs., Aug. 26 at 8:30 p.m. SILVER COLLECTION - HEN$ALL K MyN PRESENTS r A .FROM NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE A HENSALL ARENA ESDAY, AUG- 31 8:30 Doors open 7:30 p.m. STARRING . • - * .WILMA LEE. and STONEY COOPER * CHEF ADAMS and YVONNE TERRY CLINCH MOUNTAIN CLAN * MANY OTHERS! Advance Rush Tickets $1.75 Advance Admission at the Door WILMA LEE AND STONEY COOPER Reserved Seats $2.50 $2.00 • , Tickets on '_sale in. Hensall at Crest Hardware, The Regal Grill and ,Reid's Texaco This ad. is sponsored by the f ollowing Businessmen of Hensall: eneral Coach Works of Canada Ltd. Hensall Sales Barn Scholl's Super Save E. L. Mickle & Son Ltd. - Irwin's Ladies' Wear & Drygoods Lavender Garage W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. Hensall P.U.C. ' Taylor's.. Ready -To -Wear J. Bonthron & Son - Cook Bros. Milling Ltd. W. J. 'Doc' Cameron Plumbing Crest - Hardware - Christie's 5c to $1 • . Huron Auto Body_ Jim Sangster Aluminum Sales Joe's Barber Shop A. Spencer & Son Richardson's Garage & Grocery" Beaton's Bakery Wm. Fuss Electric Ltd. Wilson's Drug Store Hurondale • Dairy Fink Plumbing- & Heating Ltd. Keys Transport - T. C. Joynt & Son ,Hotel Hensall Regal Grill Hyde Bros. Farm Equipment Kamp Korner Restaurant Hensall. •Motor Sales Reid's Texaco Service Charlie's Auto Sales • Hensall District Co-op Cleinent' McKee Sales 'Chub's Barber Shop M 0 r i - • • 1,