HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-08-19, Page 6• ??. • _To CNE Berth's Dairy Princest, Miss ,, • Doris Poag, RR 1, Mitchell, is scheduledto compete at the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, on Monday, August 30, Miss Poag was selected as Perth's representative to the provincial competition at a lo- cal contest held last September in connection with Stratford Fall Fair-. This presents an excellent op- portunity for Perth residents, intending to spend time at the exhibition, to plan on attending on the 30th and be a supporter of ,the Perth cheering section at the Ontario Dairy Princess Competition. Day-to-day winners of the C.N.E. preliminary contests will enter elimination semi-finals on Tuesday, August 31st, and Wed- nesday, September 1st, and a winner will' be selected from the final contestants on Thurs- day, Sept. 2nd. • The five girls entering the fm- als will each receive a calf and other priies. The winner will reign •as Ontario's Dairy Princess 'for a period of -one year. She will be Ike recipi- ent of an expense free trip to Great Britain as well as several valuable articles of merchan- dise. • . , : •••': •Honor Couple Wed 25 Years Mt-. and Mrs. William Ryan were pleasantly surprised, on Saturday evening by their fam- ily at their home in Kitch- ener. Mr. John Flannery, of Strat- ford, read an appropriate ad- dress of congratulations and best wishes to the -couple of 25 years. There were several gifts of silver,. TV tables, money and a pair of lamps from the fam- ily. Guests were present from Clinton; Dublin, St. Columban, Stratford, Guelph, Peterboro, as well as friends from Kitchener., . . Mr. and Mrs. Ryan have a family of two sons, Terry and Bill, both 'of Kitchener. • Classified ads pay dividends. • *kr MARI:ENE GcittArCH DONNA FRIT.41EY ''),,E,IllY WESTailialY-.,.1.'BE ''''' • 'OPERf.SH CLINTON , . ' ...• ' • kr ‘,‘..psk zo ',.•,....: - ' NA.WP*.ttifgiR 4 • Jt.)..A.WNE MALONE . , SEAVOR'tI4 RAVORTI3 J'fllf'ti(11-Cif)X eoptAt C H • . . • )411RIENE misotrrat DONNA 11-.EALY THERESA OEOROOT... MARGARET:ST:040r 6RE6 tigOONAL.0..:,...:. G. ',C.01,14144 :.61.4AlitilE C1Ilit4004::.".:,!..:3elEgYg. A.413"4.,,:•::::. . . .,. , .„. • C LI 14 TN GODERICH p,, ,,,,. . :/.34 0 DER ic H ' :60 Elf' iPti'left.: . Li.,...NTON . ..::.•'.: • . , .• c LINTP-N:: ::'::. ' - , CI--). NTOP`i . --„ . . .,..,:..• ......‘ „-„•., , . „ • ........:,:.:: . . ,:•,:,:f., .,,: .-,..4..1,.,:,:,..,,,,,,,,,,,,•,,,,.:,,„.:,,,i,i:,.,,,e,...., .., ..,„:„„„„ff,,im,,,,.,,,,,,,,-,:„.„„::,,,,.,,,,..„,,.,:.:. : .. . PIARILYtt HENDERSON MARY RATHWELL LAIC KNOW CLINTON EAT.,141R,M0$441' t'AVO*r1-11 • DiO KR E -RA RRASON MA( ALt CRAW E. • 14 I LDA P.OEcI4Vt • • 'LYN DA 1_8'.1.01.1SRER V1§11. VUer TtRftY ,CLINOARI DeRicIt •GOPOrcl4rt,... ,Goc3iikicH LLICKSOW . 0,00Xlit1014 • $EA:raftri( , DID YOU KNOW ...that Sun 'Life of Canada is of the world's leading life insnranee companies, with 150 branch offices throughout North America? As the Sun Life represeni. alive in Vous e.oramtmitg„ may 1 be of service? JOHN J. WALSH Phone 271-3000 — 48 Rebecaa St., STRATFORD Sun Life Assurance, Company of Canada WEDDING INVITATIONS Dial 527-0240 • Seaforth GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE Huron. County's Modern Business School Waterloo. Street, Corner West Street Dial 524-8521 or 524-7284 24th FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 7th • B:E.A. Sr. and Jr. Courses • Qualified Teachers , • New Electric and Manual Typewriters • • New Mimeograph and Dictophone Machines • Monthly Tuition $32 Final Examinations are set and graded by The Board of Examiners of the BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA . Canada's. Dominion -wide Association of Leading Private Business Schools THE STRATFORD GENERAL HOSPITAL requires Registered Nurses for both part time and regular nursing shifts on all services If interested' in full or part time duties, . please contact the: • Directer of Nursing, Stratford General Hospital, 'StRATfORD, Ontario ••. ' . • ": •,..•..gef.,.`ttrk !Li. g, .4..,••.•,,,r,,,.', ▪ ,. . . ,,, ' ' , . , , . .. ▪ ' * , ,4';.'"'..,k,';',,',•:P."..!',"11:••,....,:ii'... ,r, , 1 . '' * ' • e •• :Y.:. - ..... . ' 1' • ''''!".:r,''' , ''',,' ' ''' -''''4'•.'''':•. • • . ' ` . 1, .''1. " .. ' ''•''• ." 7 ' • '' '''.1 • 1,.'"...4;e. Ag.•,',14t.).,,dr,?:.4,,,..i...,,,.,,A.' ,,,,...§,f,.;,,,,,'.....1.4:;,..,:;•..V.,..?....,•.,e.,..;;,;t:....'..012,11!...',.';',', ':•'....,.....,1I'..•; -..f'!:'1,..1'.1'....1.;; wj,.•„: ,,. i,„,.,., 44,;,•,,.,.,,.u,;,g,..,•,z., ,,,v),,i,,„,.,.&,,,';,.:,..,5,„,„,.,,..,-,..,..ge,•:,,,...,.?„,.„!,?.,,,,:„i,„,..., ,.....,L, 4 Legion Bingo Whiners Branch 156, Seaforth Cana- dian LegionA9eld a .successful bingo Friday evening in the Legion Hall, Seaforth. Winners of special games were Mrs. Lovett, Clinton; Mrs. Hilda Austin1)Seaforth; Mrs, De' Lafranier, Stratford. The jack- pot • game was split between Mrs. F. Walters, Walton, and Mrs. Elmer Lee, Holmesville. Door prize winners were Mrs. Luson and Mrs. McMichael, both' of Clinton. Regular gamewinners • were: Ilene Plant, Seaforth, -and Mrs:. Copeny, Clinton; Mrs. Elmer Lee, Clinton; Joan Pletch, Wing - ham; Mrs. Hilda Austin, Sea - forth; Mrs. Bill Steep, Bruce - 'field; Ed. Brady, 5eaforth; Mrs. Dora Taylor, Seaforth; Austin, Seaforth-; Mrs. A. Mc- Kercher, Jamestown; ...Mrs. M. Irwin, Gorrie; Lorne Ossier, Mitche% Mrs. Elmer Leer, Clin- ton; Mrs. C. Ashton, Clinton. ..:_Game one was split four ways and 'game three was split three ways. Store clerk to Small boy: "Can I help you, son?" Small boy holding up a ban- ana skip: "I want .a refill, please." - • Classified ads pay dividends. Have a problem? Write to Canadian social worker Doris Clark in care of this newspaper. FOOL . . . ORA HEROINE? DEAR DORIS: • Shortly after Marriage 1 discovered my hus- band was an epileptic. I was shocked. Now we have been married eight years, a very rocky time, I mist say. His frequent seizures caused him to miss promotions. I have helped out by working. But then he started drinking heavily end one night he beat me up' severely. I threw him out but when he came crawling back I took him in for the sake of the little b6ys we have. They miss- ed him. I am constantly on guard end ready to run away if he should start drinking again. But he has never been s_agy to get along with—no patience at all, bossy, always has a chip on his shoul- der,oss with the children. • Do you think I am a fool to, stay with him? He says he loves me and in his own 'kooky' way, I suppose he does. ' Fed • Up DEAR FED UP — Moodiness, violent rebellion, impatience, often go with epilepsy. The vic- tim has had many years of frus- tration in which to build tip re - 1964 AMERICAN 330 SEDAN—Automatic 1964 AMERICAN 2 -DOOR 1963 VAUXHALL 4 -DOOR . 1963 RAMBLER 1962 RAMBLER 2 -DOOR 1962 RAMBLER 4 -DOOR 1961 RAMBLER 4 -DOOR • 1961.„CHEV. BISCAYNE-6 Cylinder 1967 DODGE V-8—AN. MILLER !MOTORS +Phone 62,74410 : Seatorth sentrnents. There is still a good deal of misunderstanding about eplip- sy and people shy away from epileptics. Yet a well-balanced individual may rise above his illness, and with modern drugs may avoid any but the lightest bf seizures. - No, you are not a fool. You are a heroine. Learn all you can about the diseaSe (through your library and your nearest epilepsy asseciation) and try to improve his and yqur tinder- standirig of what is wrong with him. Both emotionally a rr'd physically. ' * * * DEAR DORIS—A lady in our neighborhood LS • expecting a baby soon. It is her second one and she is happy about it. How do I go about congratu- lating, her? Do I Visit her un- expectedly or phone her, or do I send a card? Glad Too • DEAR GLAD — Depends on how well you know her. A mere acquaintance wilt welcome a card once the baby has arrived, safe and sound. A neighbor you know well vould delight in a visit—but even then a phone call before dropping in might be indicated. A small gift to go with you—baby's bib, or toy, or bath powder—would show thoughtfulness. Any expectant mother welcomes a little extra interest. * * * DEAR DORIS—What do you think of a guy who gets sick whenever a girl breaks up with him? Or if there's a little mis- understanding he says, you want me to get sick'?–, Then he's on the phone telling his doctor all about.it and he tells him to step worrying. Is such a guy just a weakling? He's also tight with his mon- ey. When we're alone he'll or- der supper for himself ' and when it comes he says they didn't send much. Or if we go to some entertainment he buys the cheapest tickets and you have to sit where you can't see much. I don't evfi care if I go out anyrnore. Disgusted DEAR DISGUSTED -- Doubt- less when he was a little boy his bother fussed over his slightett- ',ailment, neglecting other ways' of giving •Mtn int- portance. Getting sick, to him, has Votight big reWards. Such 'A poor way of- meeting bad news ranks with alcoholism, temper • tantrums, sulking. It solves nothing;. Merely helps the victim to run away. It is a common neurosis, or defence mechanism. Clinging. to cash also suggests self-centred tendencies. He is a wealsling in the sense -that any child is a\ -weakling — he needs to grow up • and meet life head on. Classified ads pay dividends. ALL, TYPES ' INSURANCE Donald G,. Eaten Office in Masonic Store Main Street Phone 527.1610 : • Seaforth PROMPT WATCH REPAIR. SERVICE at SAVAUGE JEWELLERS Certified Watchmakers OPPOSITE POST OFFICE 'UNITRON „HEARING AIDS Canada's Own Hearing .Aid' "THE KEY TO THE WONDER OF SOUND" Unitron Industries Ltd., manufacturers of the UTC -21 Bat, tery Charger for tearing aid -batteries now make available for .the first time a quality hearing aid made in -Canada. This unique hearing aid cetnbines features designed for peak performance and satisfaction while withstanding the temperature extremes of the Canadian climate. Another first from Unitron is our "Factory to Customer" guarantees on products and service. All our products are purchased direct from the plant in Kitchener and serviced by our own technicians. Completelearing tests given in our fully equipped testing rooms at the plant or in the privacy of your home. " IMIOTIROVI CANADA Unitron also eliminates battery costs to purchasers by sup- plying a Battery Charger and batteries with every Hearing Chargers and batteries also sold separately to those now using .675 type batteries. If you have a hearing problem you want to help, it would be beneficial to check with Unitron and inquire about this– fine Canadian instrument. Clip coupon and mail for com- plete details on how you can save money with Unitron pKoducts. UNITRON HEARING AIDS 48 Fulton Ave. — Kitchener Ont: Please send without obligation: 0 Information on the Unitron Hearing Aid 0 Information on the UTC -21 Charger & Batteries . . , NAME CITY • ADDRESS TEL SFTH .12/8 WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS.- Dial 527-0240 to litrims, service prim DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Daily except Sunday • LEAVE SEAFORTH 12:54 P.M. ARRIVE STRATFORD - 1:36 P.M. LEAVE STRATFORD- 1:55 P.M. ARRIVE 'TORONTO 3:55 P.M. Convenient connection to Montreal, Atlantic Provinces. Low rail fares. For information phone your *local C N Sales Office. Met CANADIAN NATIONAL • • • • • • • • • • • • •