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The Huron Expositor, 1965-08-12, Page 4
Nit wr x F.�XI,';x b>r TC1 01 , OSIQ�, ' �., AUG, r 1.90. 1 -MA dEtQ }Sr,. y 4' continent 11 -Wheel ;teeth • 13.NAmend -16-Displaced person ' (abbr.) - 16- -lat'• ornaments 18-S1rmbol for nickel 19 -For example • (abbr.) 21. Mature 2 4-Waneher 26 -Evaluate t8 -Household Pat 29 -Beg down 31 -Narrate 63 -Legal seal (abbr.) 34. Expired 86 -Face of clock • 88 -Tuberculosis (abbr.) 40 -Sow • 42 -Place for combat 45 -Electrified Particle 47 -Barracuda 49 -Platform - 50 -Girl's name • 62 -Unusual Note of scale IS -Spanish article 66 -Chief officer 69 -Prefix: with 81 -Challenges 63 -Mortified 65 -Remains at ease 8Co un tion 7 -Peer Gynt's DOWN 1 -Conjunction 2 -Iterate 3 -Symbol for silver 4 -Heavenly body 6 -Norse gods e-WeicQmed 7 -Lamprey 8.Part of • 'church 9 Note of eceIR 10 Heelless atige 12 -Near 14 -Rosters 17 -Quarrel 20 -Merry 23-A stats (abbr.) 24 -Postscript (abbr.) 25. Ancient Greek district 27 -Lamb's pen name 30 -Dregs 32 -Fat of swine 35.Sadden 97 -Shake. spearlan king 38 -Wearied 39-Clatern 41.1 -lard of hearing ONO ORI IMMO' OOMMMO ©OMEMO 001 ESMEl®EiCI E© ©O ©OUO l2 3U1 ELMO MOO MOB f;%1 UOM OWMM UM ii-ili1L i 001110 OW WWUB MIMEO MOS MEM MEMO ROM MMEEFEE UM EJE®®E OU no wuoMME MIMEO MODEM L•2 MOM SOLUTION. 43 -Relatives 57 -Soak 44 -Conjunction 58 -Symbol for 46 -Symbol for tantalum niton 60 -Poem 48 -Look of hair 52 -Symbol for 51 -Sacred bull iron 63.Reverbera- 64 -Parent - tion (colloq.) PERSONALIZED COASTERS - GIFT .IDEAS - SERVIETTES Dial 527-0240 Seaforth- SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY , T. Pryde & Son ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited. Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas WINCHELSEA. (Intended for last week) • Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern, Kathy, Janet' and Kevin spent the weekend tenting at Chesley Lake. Mrs. Art Ball, of Clinton, vis. ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. George Frayne, of Sunshine, Line, visited Satur- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald 'Grt%l?be, of London, visited Saturday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Free- man Horne. Miss Brenda Bibby, of Kirk - ton ,spent a couple of days this past week with Janet Hern. Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Bar- bara. visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs: Harvey Smith and Penny, _of Crediton. Mrs. Newton CIarke visited. in London this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne ,$holdice... Mrs. Phil Hern and Mrs. a'ree- man Horne, along with the home economist from. Clinton, visited the gardens of the club girls on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Garnet Miners visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Johns, of Elimv-ille North. Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner at Sebringville. Mr. and `Mrs. Charles Fisher, of Exeter, visited Thursday ev- ening with Mrs. Newton Clarke. Master Douglas Penhale, of Elimville, spent Saturday af- ternoon with Bobby Clarke. • Miss Donna Bibby, of Kirk - ton, spent a couple of days this past week : with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern and family. Mr. --Roy G'ilfillan, of Blyth, visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. ,Colin Gilfillan and Bar- bara. . Master Randy Dayman, Kip - pen, is spending this week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walters. Mrs. Freeman Horne, Mrs. Garnet Miners and Mrs. Wm. Walters visited Monday evening with Mrs. Nelson Clarke at Farquhar. Every week more- people dis- covel- what mighty jobs are accomplished • by Iow cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 257-0240. ANNOUNCEMENT ONTARIO n-i;ri . H�spitI?a n.sur ill n depen to CO!! r Beginning September 1, 1965, benefits'under the Ontario Hospital Insurance "Family" pre- mium will be extended to cover eligible un- married, unemployed dependent children until theyreach their 21st birthday (rather than to the 19th birthday as in the past). This will apply, also, to the supplementary 'semi -private' :co- verage for which some residentsremit additional premiums to private carriers through the Com- mission. Separate premiums will be required when such dependants reach age 21, or marry, Dr become regularly employed. Applications for registration are available in hogpitals, banks, Province of Ontario' Savings Offices and Commis§ion offices. The family premium, however, will 'cover a persron over age 21 wtio•is dependent upon the insured parent or guardian because of physical or mental infirmity, provided he or she was the Insured person's dependant before age 21. Refund of Premiums An -unmarried, unemployed person who will now become eligible as a Family dependant under age 21 because of this new regulation,and tor whom separate premiums have already been prepaid beyond September', 1965, is entitled to a refund of premiums back to that date. Re- funds must ba requested as this is the only means of identifying those eligible. The form ".at the bottom of this announcerpent is for the convenience of Pay Direct members in claiming this refund. Premiums prepaid through a group (other than as an employee) will be ''refunded through the group. Note: Commission literature is being changed to show the new age limit. In the meantime, please read all references to age 19 in existing pamphlets as "age 21". ONTARIO HOSPITAL 15ERVICES COMMISSION TORONTO 7, ONTARIO REQUEST FOR REFUND. To Ontario Hospital Services Commission, 2195 Yonge St., DEPENDANT'S SURNAME (FAMILY NAME) Please print IF ADDRESS 13 RURAL ROUTE or GENERAL DELIVERY INSERT NAMI:,OY WHICH YOU ARE KNOWN-I.e. Tom, Harry, ate, Toronto 7. Ontario DEPENDANT'S TWO INITIALS D Mn Miss DEPENDANT'S DATE of BIRTH DAY MONTH. YEAR 1E4 POSTAL ADDRESS R.R., SOX, et STREET NUMBER NAME e1 CITY or TOWN (Pleas orMO 1 am under age 21, unhlarried and financially de. pendent upon *parent or guardiarrwho is insured In Ontario Hospital insurance at the Family premium. Pleats cancelmny kersonal Coverage under the above number and refund premiurrls paid for the benefit period beyond September 1,1965. Amoco: A(. COPIES OF THIS FOR PROVINCF, Sl¢neo Signori DEPENDANT'S HOSPITAL INSURANCE NUMBER DEPENDANT DATE ,PARENT ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST - 1.91.414.2is V.U.r e,„4 1Y tut4 ' ltatata aattow,. latuaf puoaetecith* r.{Itab4 ..ia.k.�.t,✓a,r .. ,. .. .,, , F.n t....n .,... , ,.+,,,.. Z- wd„,.::.,. ,. ,°A-,.m9.I+W .� •..,. .., .,.,� i... DEAR DORIS advice from Doris Ciark Have a problem? Write to Canadian social worker Doris Clark in care of this newspapgr IF HE SHOULD DIE DEAR DORIS • My husband does not believe in insurance of any kind. He is a consulting en- gineer and has no liability or disability insurance, and none at all on his life. He thinks it is a waste of money, ▪ If, God forbid, he .should sud- denly die (it's not an improba- bility), I would never be able to provide a good home and educa- tion for our child. What about making outa will? That agairVis something ray husband doesn't believe in. Facing Facts. DEAR FACING Doesn't he carry car insurance, or hospital insurance? All such investments are a form of protection, and if your husband his any regard for his family's welfare he should protect you from what could happen to him by taking insurance. Perhaps hehas been cornered by a high pres- sured salesman at some tithe? Some people think that' mak- ing a will is the same thing as signing •their own death war- rant. As a result, they may leave a disgraceful ' mess for a widow to straighten out. It's part of self-respect to set one's affairs in,order with a will. To Worried Friend — The mother is unfair to use her hus- band's memory as 'a kind of club, When she says, "Your •fa- ther would be upset if he knew how you were behaving!",, she leaves Danny clubless. How can he check on this? Or how can he rebel. • DEAR DORIS — I wonder if you would give me your opinion, about girls riding on Hondas or small. motor -bikes. Both my Mom. and Dad are against this as they don't • think that it is ladylike. Also, I would like to hear your views about girls playing pool in mixed pool halls. Just because• they were taboo for a girl many years ago, are we still to -remain in the dark ages? • Cave Woman DEAR CAVE •WOMAN — A girl 'e an ride a motor bike •or play pool and still remain. a lady but will she? It's not so muchthe activity. as the wild crowd that seems to go with it — the black jackets, the tough guys — that tend to put it 'out of: bounds for the ladies. Times and customs change; but not as fast as you seem to imply. •To Service" Club - Put your aims in your written constitu- tion, with a copy for 'each mem- ber. Write in for the name of a handy booklet which can help you get organized. DEAR DORIS — For the last year. I have been very nervous about reading aloud in class. This is something new for me as I am a fluent reader. Now ner- vousness' makes my voice trem- ble and. T always run out of Breath. At home we have family Bible readings, and my cousins were NORTH$IDE UNIT MEETS Northside Afternoon tinil. met in the church schoolroom with' a good attendance. In the absence of the. • president. Mrs. Neil Bell, the meeting v,as conducted by Mrs. Wm. Ball. Mrs, Grace McCuaig was in charge of devotions. Excellent results of the free-will giving instead of a strawberry supper were reported. Mrs. E. I1. Close gave an interesting talk on "Doubt.” visiting us. Its it was our cus- tom we read that night, each of us to read two verses. My fa- ther was nervous and unable to finish his. When this happened, I thought: what if I wasn't able to read my two verses? This terri- fied me and I couldn't do it. How can I stop being so terribly seared? Seventeen DEAR SEVENTEEN — You aren't alone. Perhaps this year you have become more aware of yourself — a part of growing up. We all experience such qualms. Practise alone and aloud. And when you read, try thinking about the meaning, of what you are reading, and of expressing it well.' If you can concentrate on your sub&ect instead of on lis- tening to your own voice, you'll overcome your panic. To Insomnia: •Sleeping pills, when prescribed by a doctor, ,and taken just the way he says to, can do a tremendous amount of good. At the same time, no pill removes the worry or strain that caused the sleeplessness. And too much dependence on drugs equals an addict! GET A BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER , YOU'LL GET BETTER - PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR 'FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. BRUCEFIELD SALES — SERVICE Phone Collect' . 482-9250 - Clinton ups LEANER "ii NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR, HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 — Seaforth egi o f Ingo Winners Branch 156, Seaforth Cana- dian Legion, held a bingo Fri- day evening in the Legion Hall. Winners . of special games were Dora Taylor, Seaforth; Mrs. Wolfe, Mitchell; Mrs. Baird, Brucefiekl, and Mrs. Ash- ton; Clinton. Door- prizes were won by Jean Hodge and Mrs. Beuer; man, Seaforth: Winners of regular games were: Russ Campbell, Mitchell; Mrs. Ohm, Wingham; Mrs. Al- lan McKercher, Jamestown ; Jean Hodge, Seaforth; Mrs. Cruickshank, Holmesville; Frank Skinner, XVIitphell; Mrs. Wes Vanderburg, Clinton; Dor a Taylor, Seaforth; Mrs. Walters, Walton, and Mrs. Tideswell, Clinton; Mrs. Wolfe, Mitchell; Mrs. Baird Brucefield; Mrs. Denomme, Clinton. Game three was split 'four ways; and games five and eight split three ways. • r N..�rs� • • Insurance • • WIND TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS Phone 527-0467 Seaforth Representing the Western Farmer's Weather Insdrance Mutual Co., Woodstock,, Ont. THiE IIAcKILLOP MUTUAL::: FIRE UTUAL.,• - FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office — Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools," Halls Extended coverage (wind,' smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth' V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea - forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth. • GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE Huron County's Modern ,Business School Waterloo Street, Corner West Street Dial 524-8521 or 524-7284 24th FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 7th • B.E.A. Sr. and Jr. Courses • Qualified Teachers • New Electric and Manual Typewriters . • New'Mimeograph 'and Dictaphone Machines • Monthly Tuition $32 Final Examinations are set and graded by The Board of Examiners of the BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Canada's Dominion -wide Association of Leading Private Business Schools WANT ADS BRING QUICK REgULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements.— It's a Profitable Pastime! •* SEAFORTH MOTORS '64 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN—A.T., R. and P.S., low Mileage 2,475.00 '63 CHEV. SEDAN 1,875.00 '63 FORD "8" COACH—Low mileage . 1,775.00 '62 METEOR "8" 'SEDAN—A.T., .like new 1,575.00 ' '61 CHEV. SEDAN—O.D., R. 1,375.00 '60 ENVOY SEDAN—Very clean 57-5.00 '6.3 'OLDS SUPER SEDAN—R, PS, P,$., beautiful - 2,575.00 . 675.00. fH '60 ,GMC Pickup MANY MORE LOWER PRICED — No Reasonable Offer Refused — Seaforth M�tors Your Guardian Maintenance Service Centre Phone 527-1750 •. Seaforth • YEEK— Etolz,v7 :kAliatez Safety Contest! 1- cc - c b,aY o IMPERIAL I1UARI IV BIKES' : 1 1 ONE BOY'S AND ONE GIRL'S TL Y TE ACCESiSORY •KITS. Emil kit contains. bicycle lock, handle grips, bell, mud flap and streamers. world news • in • A f;:cus Col • The Chrlstlan Science Monitor One Noway St., Boston, Mass. 02115 , Please enter my subscription to the Monitor for the period checked be- low. I enclose $.— (U.S. Funds) ❑ 1 YEAR $24 0 6 months $12 Q 3 .months $6 Name . Street clay ■phi,--, ZIP.todo ' P31.1 HERE'S HOW I Cut this contest -out of paper along dotted fines and color the picture Or draw a picture that' looks Iikt this and color it. 2 List on separate sheet of paper the 'seven things wrong in the picture. - 3 Moil contest and list to ad- dress on Entry Form. Don't for- get to fill in your come and address, 4 All entries become the pro• perry of Elmer the Safety Ele• phont and cannot be returned, 5 Children of employees of this newspaper, the Ontario Safety. League dnd C.C.M. may not enter. 6 Any child ofelementary' school age may enter, 7 Judges will be Traffic Safety authorities. Juiiges' decision is finbl. Mail before ELMER SAYS: This contest is based on my advice: "Keep your Bike in good mechanical con- dition at all tir!T4s-" All you havo.'to do is find the sevon errors here, then color this picture — it's,fun. Aug. 18th to: , I .cntet Hee 4 ELMER c/o ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE 208 'KING STREET WEST TORONTO 1, ONTARIO •-g .r_r-. r, -...r .+...ter. 'Y-�-�-M NAME ADDRESS 2 () AGE TELEPONE ' ('Down or City) Boy Girl F 4, f et • r 0 e h r