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The Huron Expositor, 1965-08-05, Page 7
h a StartAugust'With El USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE , 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. -Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted' To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property, For Rent_ 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent • 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices -.0 23. Business Directory 24. Cards. of Thahks 'A- 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals Classified ads are inserted at a rate of 2 cents per word. Each number, initial and, ah, breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and • 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica-, tion. For cash payment, or- if paid by 10 days following last inser- tion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms, Trades- men, etc.): Minitnuni, 50 cents per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. w 1. Coming Events GRAND Ole Opry franv, Nas'h- ville, Tennessee, August 31st, 'starring Wilma Lee and Stoney Cooper, Rensallfl Aaewa. Spon - speed by HensalT. Miasma. 1-82 4 THE Stratford Chapter of the Sweet Adeline Ineorponalted welt hold a 'concent in the Seaforth D: H. S., on October 16, spon- sored by the Seaforth Chapter 233, O.E.S. A1➢; proceeds are to go to the new haspitall; 1-84-1 4. Help Wanted HABKIRK ' TRANSIT SERVICE Ltd. - Requires' School bus drivers male or • female, regular and part-time. Excellent opportunity ty to earn extra cash. Must have pleasant personality, smart !appearance and accident free driving re- cord. Desirable age, 28 to 50. M We will train successful ap- plicants and assist therm in ob- taining a pawl bus operator's licence. Apply in person.. 4-83=hf 7. Situations Wanted CARPENTRY work, remodel. ling, odd jobs -around the home. Peter Malcolm, phone 527-1664. 7-84.tf. NEED YOUR HOUSE PAINTED? Reasonable Prices For • Estimates Cal) IVAN NEILSE1 Phone " 527-0603 WILLY PEDERSON Phone 527-1273 Sea:Forth 784 taf. • 8. Farm Stock For Sale A GOOD Ifolstedn, due now. Apply Gordon Hamilton, `phone 262- 5225. 8-84-1 FII ii1iEN pigs, 8 .weeks Old. Apply Doug Hugill, .phone 482- 7548. - 8-84-1 EIGHT Hereford ,heats, appro,x- invalidly 650 deist, ago tear Hese- ford heifers approximately 600 lbs. Urban Duchamrne, R R 2 Brussels, phone 3435,1171, 8-84-1 w. 9. Poultry For Sale DE,—RALB Rea4y4ola1r Pullets " Call Me11i4LEY'SFARM and HATCHERY LTD:, Zurich Phone Hensel, 262-2837. 944-tf. KIMBER LEGHO;IZN Day Old and Started Pullets Red x S ' x Red Pullets Mixed Chides and Cae1rerels. Available now. Batik yo0tr or- defts ends. • SCOTT POMTRY FARMS, LTD. Phone 5270841 ' /lox 180 r, 9.8bf• 10. Used Cars For"Sale 1955 'Fargo pick-up $200, phone Mitchell 348-8169. : 1()-84x2 1940 Ford 2 -ton truck with 'hoist and stbock racks, . good tires, good ,condition, phone 242-5257, or aPPly to Lloyd Riley, Kippen. 10-84-1 1950 Chev truck, less than 50,- 000 actual mites, 12 -ft grain rack with front -end -hoist. Arn- old Campbell, R R 5 Seaforth, Phone 527-0085. 10-84-1 a. Articles For Sale AUTOMATIC Ingles washer. Suds sever. Like new. Phone 527-1663. ' 17,83x2 POWER take -off combine, with scour cletan and pickup, in new condikaton. Lloyd Lovell, Kip - Pen. 11 82x3 RASPBERRIES for sole. Mrs. John Thompson, RR 2, Sea- forth, phone 527-0238. 11-82-tf EPP'S pressure pump and .tank. Phone 5270677. 11-84-1 FORTY -three" acres{ of wheat straw. Phone Clinton 482-7691. ' 11-84-1 HACKNEY pony. Good home more important than price. Phone 527-1382. . 11-84-2 STRAW off seven acres of wheat in the field.. Fred Rose, 527-1987, R R 1- Walton. 1144x1 MILDMAY thresher ' fay equip - ed for bale threshing. Easy terms. 45 ,Nelson St., Goderich, phone 524-8610. 11-84-1' A-6• Case combine with pick-up and scour clean. In _.re. ..di - tion. Rossi. R i l e y. Crom:a, ,, phone Hensali 262-540, 11-84- MASS,EY 35 lf-pr&pellled bine,C'13-ft\h ager; Innex pick- up. James Chalmers, R R 2 Kip - pen, phone 527-0205, 11.84x1 HARVEST"apples, Stewart Dale, 1#. R 4 Clinton? phone 527-1406: 11-84x1 MASSON and Kisch 'Upright; piano, in good •condition. Mrs Elizabeth Anderson,. R R3 Kip - pen, phone 527-1828. ' 1L84-2 USED refrigerator, good work ing condition, phone 527-0207. 11-84x1 TWO singing canaries, guarani - teed. Phone 527-Q423, after sinc- thirty in the evening, i1 -84x1 THRESHING belt, 120'-7" belt. Gerald Bruxer, R 111 , Dublin, phone 46 R.19 Dublin. 11-84x2" MOSSBURG s e m'i -,automatic and 4 power scope, . excellent condition, $55. Gooey single bar- ret arret 410 gauge shot gun, new condition, and shells, $20. Ted Wallets, phone- 527-0812, 11-84)01 ONE 6" grain" anger, 41 feet Bong. on . transpm't`,' .t. P.T.O., a •in good condition. Apply Roy Wild- foxsg, R.R•2 Walton. 11-8471 ROBT,4-BmT.T,- Threshing mac- hine' 24300 straw caber, grain. thrower, drive belt, like new. Gilbert . Murray, Dublin RR 1, phone 23R20, Dublin. 11-84x3 FOR SALE—A number of used televisions, in excellent condi- tion, 21", and 17''. Crown Hard- ware,. Seafortlh, i 11-83-2 OX yoke, in excellent condition, and otil'er amtigues, W. L. Mel - lis, phone 262-5184-1iippen, ' 11-84-tf. Clocks! Clocks! Clocks! If you need a clock see us. We have a.large stock of kitchen, alarm, mantel, cuckoo and decorator clocks. Ansteti Jewegers Ltd. • 11•$4.:M1f. TIMEX Sales and Service. We will sell you a new Timex pric- ed. from $7.95 up or have your ppresent Timex repaired at. Ans tett Jewellers Ltd. „ 11-84-t4; KCLV:EiR WAIr,E 422pe. service for 8 with chest. Reg, $79.95, nowonly $69:95. Receive free -- 8 coffee spoons and 8 butter spreaders. An s t e tt Jewellers. Ltd. 11-84-11. CEDAR posts for sale, peeled with 6-7" and 5-6" tops, 12 braces, anchor posts, steel posts 6. ft. and 7 ft. lengths, barb wire a1Q weights, Kinbut+li Store; Borden _Brown, Phone 527-1987. 11-84-1E. ENGLISH, Dinnerware sets, 50 pieces far only $29.95. 8 cups and saucers, 8 dinner platers+, 8 bread and butter plates, 8 cer- eal. bowls, 8 fruit nappies, 1 platter and'I: vegetable bowl at; Ansbetttt Jewcllttenrs Ltd. 11-8441. SINGER Zug- Za; •, sewing machine, does fancy stitches, makes buttonholes. Tbikl math ine cams. be had for balance ow ing, $52.00 hash or $7.00 Month- ly. Write Box 1475, Hann Ex- positor • 11-83-2 ALUMINUM; doors: window's, awnings, siding, and aituninum and wrought iron porch bailinga. Top quality products at reatvn- abte prices. CaR us for fre estimates. We do our own In- stalldntg. Walker Al'untioum Sates, phone 2354122 (collect), Exeter. • • 11•-84-11. HURON Cenntyi'e 'leading tract- or and farm equipment depot. Lowest moble prices on 'e tock b .. hand of tractors and over 80 other tiefaeltlites in stock or being shipped taxa at mice in bunk strlpmemtb plus a large stock of used crop. Kongss- kilde • and Other used cutidirnat- ors, disc harrows, •spring, tooth h arro'W s, grain antl'`fert lizen' drills, pplantears, manure spread- ers,pl'owns mowers,' swat, hay c conditionals, comlbines ted many) other machines. Phone 527.0120, John Baal, I.11. >; � en, Seaford),, 118441 FOR,. SALE - Gfad:n Myers—Propane Heated 1, Meyer ,'Rodsm Batch, 250. bu4liels ;siz'e, -rule year old, er takeoff, iike, netts, . 8,788.00 2, Behldn glitch,: 500 Ibtlailele site, eight yearsr�oMet, lettie WIli} s ail�cbtdc jnobotl"s, .reef 0)00ed, ' iry good c�omittiItin 11. Artieles For Sale only $1,500.00 - The driers are ,being replac- ed under plant extension pro- gram and are in excellent working condition. • Apply CANN: S MILL LIMTFED, Exeter, Ontario.' • 11-83.2 12. Wanted To Buy., ANTIQUE furniture, piobture frames, cupboards, lamps, and dishes, etc. W31 buy individual pieces or complete household. Phone 2711-1578. 12.79x6 13. Wanted $8,000.00 First" Mortgage on 7 - room modern home, would be willing to pay 7% interest on loan. Box 1474, The Huron) Ex- positor. .13-83-2 14. Property For ,Sale CHOICE tots, sewers available. N. Mainn•Street, R. J. Doig, 527- 0763. 16-844f. FOUR -bedroom) house, on East William St. Phone Leslie Beattie at 527-0542, Sea toa>th. 14-84-tf TWO -family dwelling on Welsh St.' Redecorated; new siding and picture windows. Will sacrifice for cash or can handle terms. Contact: C. J. Dennis, 10320 E. Grand River, 'Brighton, Mich. 14-8441 '-PROPERTY FOR SALE , Small cottage in the north end of Seaforth. Gaya furnace, im- mediate possession. Seven room house in south end of • Seaforth. Oil furnace, im- med,ate possessdom. Apply to HAROLD' JACKSON (Realtor) Phone 527-0640. ' ALLAN CAMPBELL (Agent) Phone 527-0445 14-81-6 15.- Property For.•Rent' ROOMS to rent unfurnished. phone 527-1103. 15.84-t f. FOR RENT -- Travel trailer, sleeps 3-4, phone 527-0828. 84-tf_ LARGE heated apartment, on Goderich St. West. Frank Hunt, phone 527-0497. 15-844 TWO -bedroom apartment with bath. Stewart McGregor. East William St, 15-84x1 THREE bedroom house, reinod- e'Jted kitchen, laundry, room• on ground- floor. Equipped for gas or eilectmie appliances. Apply Dr. J. 0. Turnbull, phone 527- 1904. 15-92x3 UPPER or lower duplex, in Hensall, modern,, nicely' decor- ated, private entrance. Avail- aible September Ist. Mrs. Ada SmdWlie, phone 262-2096 or 262- 5141, Hensall. 15-83-3 ONE large apartment, nicely decorated, two bedrooms, large li'vingroom and kitchen, new built-in cupboards, sunroom, 4 - piece • bath, private enteae, hot and cold water and .gas heated. Available i'mnietliately; Phone 527-0753 atter sax; pan. 15-83-tf 16. For Sale or Rent TWO stores on South Mann St. apply, to Joseph: McConnell or Mrs. &nay Dick. 16 -•84 -if. 19. Notices NOTICE -- Custom cmnhining,. Doug 'Hue% 482-7548 or R R 2 Seeafarltb. • 19-131x4 CUSTOM combining. Ned Croz- ier, RR 2, Seaforth, phlone 527- 121.6. 19-83-2 FOR custom swathing, call 'George Stone and --Son, 527-0136.' 19-83x3 CUSTOM digging with back hoe, basemenrts, diteb es, water lines or any ext vetting, Reg Chapple, phone Dub ' 33 1 10, 19-81x4 ELECTROLUX • Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St,, Goderich, phone 524- 6514. , 19.84-11, VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Varna. Phone 262-5350. 19-84-tf. WE carry, in shock, -replace- merit pasts Inc Most popular brand nstne electric shavers. Ann Se:Wailers Ltd. -"'1944-t1f. MASONA+R'Y repairs, chi'mlmeys and repointing, plastering, :also while coating' basemenlfls. Raymond Squire phone 527-1932 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used., All work guaranteed. Witte or pp1h1��n�e LOUIS BLAKE, RR2 russets, phone .442•w6, •Bruss- ell's or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEy, phone 527-1424, 19-63x25 WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE © AlI work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd- �- 'Phone 527.11120 -- Serif NOTIC `Tiickersmith Municpal Dump , will be open until fuitlher nacttice on Wednesday and' Sated day afternoons, train 1 10 :30 pm. No wire fencing, old concrete or car bodies permitted.. ' ivic r rosn, Clerk , 19. Notices DEAD ANIMALS -REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL COLLECT -Darling & Company • of Canada Ltd.' Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No. 350-C-65 19-844f. .. NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives if Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday' night. FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1,946, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone Dublin, 114 R 6, 19-8441. 21. Tenders Wanted TENDERS For Tnansporbatiion of stud- ents of C.R.C.S.S. Hibbert, Logan and McKillop No. 1, to and- from school:, commencing September, 1965, to June, 1966. Applications must be in by 6 p.m., August 9, 1965. Map of bus routing and num- ber of pundits to be transported may be seen • at Secretary's home. Lowest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. MARIE ' O'R'OURKE, RR 1, Dublin, Secretary - Treasurer 21-834 22, Legal Notices TWP. of T.UCKERSMITH Treasurer's Sale of Land For Taxes Township. of Tuckeasrni'th, County of Huron. TO WIT. By virtue of a warrant issued by the reeve of the Township of Tuckersn i h under his hand and the s6al of the said corporation hearing date the 15th day of March, sale of Hands in arrears of .taxis in the Township of Tuclrersmrith mill be held at the Town Hall, Seaforth at the hour of 9:00 o'clock in the evening on the 7th day of September, 1965, unless the taxes and costs are Sooner paid. Notice is here- by given that the list of lands for sato for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette, en,,the 1st day of May, 1965, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office, Treasurer's Office thie 1st day of June, 1965. JAMES L McINTOSIH, , " Treasurer. 22-76-13 23. Business Directory SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. • W. R..Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. 'G. R. Gray, B.S., D.V.M.,.V.S. P. D. Cullis, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 Seaforth BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful , attention, Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones:• Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885 A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office, 527-1850, Res. 527-1643 Seaforth . Ontario J. A..BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ONTARIO Night 'or Day Calls: Phone 43 R '10 W. J.. CLEARY' Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER - and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Nigh M. Day Calls - 527-0510 G. A. WHITNEY .' FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth - AMBULANCE SERICE Adjustable hospital beds • for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION' Phone 527-1690 Seaforth McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors; Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. L STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55.57 South Street Telephone Goderieh ' 524-7562 J I HN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST . Seaforth Oflice: • Tues., Thurts., 910'540p.m. Sat., 9,to 12 noon Thur8day .evening by appoint. meat only. Phone 527-1240 — or .482.7010' Mon., Wed., Clinton • Office • 24.,Cards of Thanks I 'whih tro thank my many friends and neighbors for cards, flower's, fruit boxes, and onsite at lame and while I 'was a patient in Vietoriat Heapilbal, Special thanks ;to DKA. 3ohnslorn and Mallausy the nunet and also the Legate LaddaW a. , and Si Th'ttae W.A. chiasma too crag 1 " 24. Cards of Thalnl s - always be remembered. Many theaks, — Peg Coombs. ' . 24-84n1 WE wish to thank all those who sent flowers, mass icards and for other kindnesses shown dur- ing our recent bereavement. SPecial thanks to the staff of St, Mary's H.ospitat,. Kitchener, D. Earl Brown Father Laragh, Father 9aigeor%, also, pallbear- ers and Cleary's Funeral ser- vice. — Mr. Albert O'Reilly and farlril y'. 24-84-1 M'' hearty thanks to ail those who so kindly remetn,beaned me while I was a patient in Seat - forth Hospital, Special thanks to Drs. Malkus and Ready, and the nurses and those who helped at home in any way. — Walter Muegge. 24-Stjo1 25. In Memoriam JEWITT—in loving memory of a dear husband and father, WilltaIm Jewitt who died sud- denly Aug. 5 1963. We little knew when we woke in the mowing, The sorrow the day would bring, The call was sudden; the shock severe, • To part with one we loved so dear. • Lovingly remembered by Ella and family. , EDLER — In loving memory of. Mrs'. Gisela Eder, who passed away July 28, 1964. The depths of sorrow we can: not hell, 'Of, the loss of one we hived so Ave& 'And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we 'shall) !always keep, Ever remembered and sad- ly missed by her husband, Hans Eder, and sons Mishael and Butch of Goderich, her father and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mass, Arnold Calclough and Clif- tord°' Colclough of Clinton 25 84 1 'Engagements Mr. ,John McCarthy of Dublin announces the engagement of his only' daughter, Margaret Claire, to Mr. T. Roy MicQuaid, son of .Mr. and Mrs, James McQuaid of McKillop. The wed- ding to take . place in St. Pat- rick's Church, Dublin, ora Satur- day. August 28, at 11 am. x1 For Additional Classified See Page 8 Seaforth W1. Plans Meeting The regular meeting of the Seaforth Women's , Institute will be held Tuesday, August 10, at 8:30 p,m_ at; the home of Mrs. Wallace Haugh. This is the. Agriculture and Canadian Industry meeting, with Mrs. John Hildebrecht and Mrs. Haugh as conveners. The topic will be "Industries -of Cana- da" and- the roll call "A mod- ern Canadian manufactured ar- ticle I use": • BRODHAGEN Miss Lynda Gibbs of Glencoe with her cousin, Glenda Dick- son. Messrs. Richard Leonhardt, Larry Kistner, Richard A. Leon- hardt and John Pridham spent the weekend at Bola in Muskoka. ST. COLUMBAN Mr. and Mrs. John Moylan and family visited Sister Don- ald Marie at Maryknoll. They also attended the World's Fair. 'Ted Feeney, Kitchener, with Mrs. Mary 'Feeney: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne De Gaust and children, London with Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor. . John and Leo Plue and Miss Carol Flue, Codrington with John Delaney, and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Murray. Bobby Malone, of .Winnipeg with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Malone. • Mr. and Mrs. Don Brady and family, -London, with:,;,Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan. Lou Murray, Guelph and Miss ,Helen Ackroyd, Toronto, with Mr. \and Mrs. Michael Murray. Mr, and Mrs. Jim 'Doyle and. family,' London, with Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Maloney. • Mr. and, Mrs. Patrick. Murray. and ;family, London, with Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray. Miss Mary McGrath, Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Ken- nedy. ' Mr.^ and Mrs. Tom Ducharnie and family, London, with Mr. and, • Mrs. Auguste Ducharme and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stap- les. " Mr. anti Mrs'.' Frank ")low= man, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. 3. L. Malone. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris and children, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom, Morris. _ SMALL WORLD ART. WINPER USUALLY SOPS M1= WHEN I GO I-tOME THIS WAY. I DON'T LIKE BEING • BOPPED. �a1/, bj - CYNTHIA There T No Longer A;.yCl olce, 'If the Fum ly Farm Is 1oSunjv! Y Must Strengthen the :Wiwi ' in Join , and Support' the - ONTARIO FARMERS' UNION When -you pay your dues you join an AGGRESSIVE, MILITANT ORGANIZATION Don't Wait To Be Asked Contact: F. HUNT G. STONE C. DALTON Secretary - President , ' Treasurer FARM UNION MEETING NIGHT — 8 p.m., Second Wednesday, in Month — SEAFORTH TOWN HALL WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 • THE HOME TEAM-: } ear "Just because you're good atlaying down, why should that qualify you as btxing czar?" 1 KNOW- BUT YOUR MOM 'SAID I WAS TO TELL: YOU SINE WANTS YOU. • • I TOLD A. LI E - AND I'M GLAD. ART IS A COMPULSIVE H5 S15TERW - TN NVVItHSOP MOTHER WILL 80PU/M! a FI.-UN•KO rUR TOWN . JAY HAG A PERFECTLY _ Ne WILL SAIL AROUND ANCHORING AT NICHT IN ONDEcRFUL. IDEA 1iDPtCAL ISLAN06 0R1NWNG SOME WgacnCOVE,swtMMIN6 R RETIREMENT..• ` COFFEE AND �AT.ING IN TRANSLUCENT WATER, BACON SANDWICHES. 'THEN RETURNING ABOARD FOR A GOOD DINNER you DO tw, V Y►i*yt DO KAY ? • OIING ALL NK COOKING?