HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-08-05, Page 3'blue coal' Champion Stove and Fura`nce Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Office 5274150 -- Res. 527-1053 i' - W. E.- - SOUTHGATE ALL LINES of INSURANCE MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH Res. 527-0131 Phone 527-0400 • UARD SERVICE STATION. GAS -Olt -REPAIRS i . 5mT-O6CDC, • GODERICH ST. SEAFORTH For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, I CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY 'OR LIFE - SEE. JOHN A. CARDNO Insu ai ce Agency Phone 527-0490 Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors '11.m Csmtsrux .y ce Monroe Red Face•Up • t —in:e vl.inm ec � �'�"+Mis ua a.� rer�, +�5Imelasea bon VOI world news in fa»cus The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston, Mass. 021 15 1 Have a problem? Write Doris Clark in ca to Canadian social, worker re of this newspaper. REPORT THAT CHILD -BEATER DEAR DtoRIS — My sister has two children. When they do something wrong their father gives them severe blows, shakes them and throws them in the corner. If they cry or don't lis- ten to him he'll shake them and hit ahem until they obey, him, When he does this he seems to lose all control of his senses. I have other nieces and nephews who are afraid of him. Our family talks about it but that's as far as it• goes, because we all love our sister and don't want to interfere. But I feel maybe I. am ,hurting them more by not doing anything. Worried Aunt DEAR AUNT — Do some- thing. The plight of battered children is a top -priority con- cern of social workers, Damage to developing personalities from such abuse may well be perma- nent. Today's laws give authoxity,,to child protection agencies to step in in such cases. Your move is to discuss thiegs with the agen- cy in your area. A trained work- er can help•a bad-tempered par- ent to do better. DEAR DORIS —, My problem concerns a widowed sister who will be 8l years old and a maid- en sister who will be retiring from her profession shortly. The first has a son and daughter both married. We are now faced with the proposition of celebrat- ing for the two of them at one party. I am one of a largefamily and my wife and I 'are the only objectors to entertain"Ing them both at one time for what we consider two entirely different HULLETT Burns' UCW The monthly meeting of Burns' Church UCW was held at the home . of Mrs. Ben Riley with twenty-thre,e ladies present. Mrs. Jim Seal Sr. presided for the ".first part of the meeting. After the opening words she read Psalm 37: 1 -16: -Hymn 405 "Stand up, Stand up for Jesus" Prayer by - Mrs. Scott followed. Mrs. Ed Bell had charge 'of the study book. The section taken was about Brazil, where there is such a'mixing of races but ,no racial discrimination. Mrs. Scott conducted an inter- esting Bible. contest. Mrs. Bell presided for the remainder of the meeting, Four members paid fines for not quoting Bible verses. Mrs. George Watt read the minutes. The financial reports were given by the Treasurers, Miss Jean .Leiper" and Mrs. Harvey Taylor. Thanks for cards, Letters, flow- ers and kindness were given liy Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Taylor and the • family of Mr. Peter Taylor. At the ' next meeting, the first chapter of Luke will be studied: Hymn 390, "Work For the Night Is Coming." Miss Cathy tarter of Londes- boro and her cousin, Miss Brussels have returned home after spending ...two and one- half weeks with their . aunt, Mrs,'' Gordon Kerr, of Toronto. Mrs, Kerr is spending holi- days ,with her sister, Mr's. George Carter, of RR 1, Lon- ., desboro. Please enter my subscription to the Monitor, for the period checked be - tow. I enclose $.(U.S. Funds) ❑„1 YEAR $24 0 6 months $12 ❑.3 months $6 Name Street City State_ ZIP Code PM -1 The 4-H bey'S were visiting their province's Largest city oh their annual ,bus trip when a girl walked by, She .was the fin- ished product—high' piled hair- do, blue -tinted eyelids, gaudy lipstick and silvered nails. One boy stared after her for long minutes: "Gosh it ,looks like it must be mighty poor soil to need that much top -dressing," Classified ads pay dividends. Ina" 'TCONI'ii 1964 AMERICAN 330 SEDAN—Automatic 1964 AMERICAN 2 -DOOR 1963 VAUXHALL 4 -DOOR '1963 RAMBLER 1962 RAMBLER 2 -DOOR 1962 RAMBLER 4 -DOOR 1961 RAMBLER 4 -DOOR 1961 CHEV. BISCAYNE-6 Cylinder 1957 DODGE V-8-7A.T. MILLER MOTORS Phone 527440Seaforth occasions. We figure • the daugh- ter is the one that should be en- tertaining her mother so that she could have some of her mother's personal friends in: We would be glad to put on a do for the retiring sister, with her friends, as well as the fami- ly. Previous retirement parties have been confined to the fami- ly. Brother DEAR . BROTHER — I'm 'Tn. Seems to me that if I were the professional sister and had been attending special retire- ment parties for other family members, I'd be a lot happier if a special party were given for me alone, rather than being lumped in with a sister's birth- day celebration. ti An 80th birthday is something else again, and well worth cele- brating; and it's my guess that the .old gal with the progeny would get the lion's share of the spotlight. DEAR DORIS -- My mother won't let me wear eye make-up. My girl friends in school all tell me I look good with it' on, as it makes my blue eyes stand out' more. Mind you, I only put .a bit on, and I don't overdo it,, Other girls wear it; why can't I. Blue Eyes • DEAR BLUE EYES —= Be- lieve rr e' — you don't need 'it! That fresh look that comes of just being alive and healthy, at 15, makes for sparkling eyes. Too much make-up gives a girl a painted look. Wear blue to bring out the col- or of your eyes. DEAR DOR1S— 1 love baby sitting; .but lately it's getting so that I can't stand children any more. I think the root of my problem falls back- to home. I have been looking after my brothers, and when I ask them to do anything they act smart, get lippy or do anything to ag- gravate me. I think I could get more baby sitting jobs, but if I can't stand Children what's the use? I know these other children would like me. Odd Baby Sitter DEAR ODD — You aren't odd;. your` little brothers are. They are feeling their oats. In other words, they are growing out oftheir submissive -baby stage, and when you act con- fused they take advantage. There are hooks and courses on How to Sit. It would get you off .to a new start if you were to study the books or get a little training. • Then• go after more jobs — and good luck! PROMPT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE • , at SAVAUGE JEWELLERS Certified Watchmakers OPPOSITE POST OFFICE ' KR Is REUNION. The annual Kruse reunion was held at the home of Mil and Clara Brown, EOM/WI/111A with 0 present. An afternoon of softball and sports, under the direction, of Earl and Hel- en Elliott, resulted as follows: aces: boys. :and girls under three years, Kimberley Elliott; three to six years, Mary Ann Vanstone; six to eight years, Beverly Brown; eight and nine years, Billy O'Shea; 10 to 12 years, Joe Vanstone; 12 to 14 years, Brian Oldfield; ..bottle race, Norah • Brown's team; kick the slipper, girls, Chris Vanstone; boys, Bev Brown; teen-age ' girls, Norah Brown; teen-age boys, Bill Chambers; men, Jim' Brown; women, Ber- nice Chambers; things in La- dies' purse, Jacqueline Racho; man with brightest socks, John Oldfield and 'Earl Elliott; man with most -pennies in pocket, Bill Chambers; person , coming (he greatest distance, Harry Kruse; lucky .coin in pocket, Jim Brown and Bill Chambers; guessing buttons in jar, Doug Racho; beans in jar, Bernice Chambers; ,candy in jar, Bev Brown. A smorgasbord supper was followed by a business meet- ing with the president, John Oldfield$ conducting. The secre- tary -treasurer, Mrs. Eva Brown, read the minutes and financial _statement. The same slate of officers will continue for next year. The 1966 'reunion will be held' in Hensall. A vote of thanks to the Browns for their hospitality was tendered by Dorothy Parke. Members were present from Toronto,. London, Wing - ham, Dublin., Hensall and sur- rounding district. CAVAN CHURCH, WINTHROP Winthrop congregational pic- nic was held at Winthrop park Thursday, with games conduct- ed by Jim Rapson Winners were: Mrs. Dodds' class: Paul McClure, Cheryl McClure; Jim McClure; Mrs. Smith's class: Kathy Dalton, Is- abeI Pethick; Mrs. Dolmage's • NEWS OF THE and 'VW.- Little's 0144a; AndeBruce rson, len A.attQ,u, dim Rapson; Mrs. Little's elnass; lan Dolmage, Ra+ Beattie; Mrs. R. C$mphell's c a , Carol Dolmage, Marlene Dolmage ; young ladies'- class, Joyce Sud. Marlene- Dolmage., kick the slipper, junior girls: Debbie McClure, Sheila, Campbell; jun- ior boys, Ken Dalton, Derry Mc- Gregor; young ladies, Joyce and Marlene Dolmage; young men, Rae Beattie, Ean Bruce Dolmage; three-legged race, be• ginners, Ken Pethick and Dav- id 'McClure, Kathy Dalton 'and Debbie McClure, Sheila Camp- bell and Isabel Pethick; juniors, Ken 'Dalton and Ken Ander- son, Donna Horne' and Lynda Anderson;. young people, Mar- lene Dolmage and Blanche Dal-_ ton, Janice and Barbara Mc- Clure, Ean Bruce Dolmage and Rae Beattie, Grant; and,.'Neil Little; wheelbarrow race, Rtae Beattie •and Ban Bruce. Dol mage, Kelly and Dennis 'Dal- ton, Ken Anderson and Ken Dalton, Joyce Roe and Carol Dolmage, Janice McClure and Blanche Dalton, David McClure, and Ken Pethick, Dehbie Mc- Clure and Kathy Dalton. There were several relay rac- es and, the evening finished with a barbecue. CAMPBELL REUNION The descendants of the late Mr... and Mrs. John Campbell and )Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp- bell, .•formerly of concession 6, 14IcKillop Township, held their sixth reunion at the Bayfield ,Arena on Sund'ay,- -with" 120 present, ' The results of the races and other contests, supervised by Mr. and Mrs. Watson Reid, Mrs. Nelson Reid and Mrs. Edna Hackwell, were as follows: five years and under, Christine Mc- NaII, Donna McKinley; six and seven-year-old girls,' Debbie . Me - Beth, Donna Reid; 8 and 9 -year- old boys, Larry Carter, David McClure; 8 and 9 -year-old girls, Marsha McNeil, Janice Hous- ton; 10 and 11 -year-old boys, David McClure, Jim McBeth; 10 and 11 -year-old girls, Mary Lou McKinley, Marie McClure; 12 and 13 -year-old boys, .Murray WEEK. IN STAFFA ,Bonnie " Miller, • Joanne and Bob Templeman, David Daw and Henry Neevel were among the 4-H members :from, Perth County who enjoyed'•a bus trip, to Doug- las Point and Port Elgin recent - s K ed s Mrs. A. Bowman, Uagersville, ly, Mis Mary Miller of 'Monro, visited last week with Mis$ El. eanor emp. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil' Bowman attend a school reunion in Hagar ville on Friday evening and later visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daynard has been a patient in Stratford General Hospital, undergoing surgery Iast week. - Mr. and Mrs. Lyall, Nancy and. David, Agincourt are holidaying with Mrs. Lyall's mother, Mrs. Sam Norris. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Vivian and family have moved into their -new home this week. Mrs, A. Drummond, Startles, and Mrs. G. Tuffin, Wheatley, visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Darrel 'Parker and on Sat- urday visited with Mr. and Mrs, A. Gaiser at Hyde Park. Attending a family picnic at the hdme of Mr. and Mrs. John' Templeman and family on Sun- day Were: Mr. and Mrs. Russell. Ische, RR 5, Stratford: Mr. and Mrs• Wilfred Annis, Joan. Cal- vin and Ken, RR 3, Niitrhell and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cole, Jean and Donald, Cromarty, Darlene Templeman visited over the weekend with Denise Kerslake, Cromarty, Mrs. Darrel' Parker and Mrs. A. Drummond visited last week With Mrs. M. Daw, Russelldale and Mr. and 'Mrs. B. Fisher, of Mitchell, - Miss Jean Daupe; • nurses -aid, in training at South Huron Hos- pital, visited over the weekend with Mr: and Mrs: Russell Miller and family. Classified ads pay dividends. H,IBBERT . USBORNE AND MUTUAL •FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE – EXETER,'Ont, Directors: Robert G. Gardiner R.R. 1, Presiders '`"., Cromarty Martin Feeney R.R, 2, Dublin Vice -President - • Wm. H. Chaffe - RR 4, Mitchell. E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1 Science Hill Raymond McCurdy ' R. R. 1 Kirkton Tim Toohey R.R. 3, Lucan • Agents: Hugh Benninger Harry Coates - Clayton Harris '' - Dublir Exeter Mitchell Secretary -Treasurer: Arthur' Fraser • . - Exeter biel~Tall� Hifi Mc ;etht 12 and .x 13 arrgrlda gMi<lsClur4ea;U Ttunielledn'la- dGireaevsgi,dMMrMnBuraeeBkikPieccpkpettrhehse !pp.: per, chin, arbara MC, per, women, Mrs. Greg McDon- ald,'; Mrs. Rae Houston; oldest lady, Mrs. jean McKinley;- old- est gent,•.Nelson• Reid;- youngest child, Reid. McBeth;. birthday nearest' July 25, David Hack - well; coming farthest distance, Mrs. Evelyn Roos, Alberta; most- recently married ,couple,` Mr. and' Mrs: Reid Hackwell; largest family present, Mr. and .Mrs. •Glen McClure. Officers for 1966 are: presi- dent, William Pepper; secre- tary -treasurer, Mrs. Glen Me - Clare; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scotchmer, Mr. and Mrs, Ron Scotchmer;• lunch committee, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pepper, Mr. • and Mrs. Or- -va1 Schilbe and Mr. and Mrs. 'Ken 'Campbell. -- NOTICE -- For Co -Op Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 -- John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverage For: • Auto and Truck • Farm .Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • - Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services • Wind Insurance sURNS CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING OIL Walden '& Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 Seaforth coon throughout Nei A,+ � Srir4 Lf fir y��tnp;�A. �alr�b,.f of a����" it JOHN J. WALSH A . Phone 271-3000 48 Rebecca St., STRAT:FORD Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada WANT ADS BRING QUICK RF,S£ILT$: Dial 527.8248' ANNOUNCEMENT UNITRON Unitron Hearing Aids CANADA Manufacturers of CANADA'S OWN HEARING AID - invites all who are interested in better hearing to inspect the new UT -210 Hearing Aid. Many hard of hearing per- sons are now enjoying improved hearing with this truly fine Canadian hearing instrument. In addition to the many outstanding features •of this -new ,model,. Unitron Industries Limited also brings to the public for the first tine a Hear- ing Aid free of battery costs. If you are .paying for bat-,, terms now, come and see how you can save th1's• expense on your present hearing aid. For a complete hearing test without obligation and free service to your own hearing aid, plan to attend the clinic conducted by our factory consultant and see how Unitron can recommend the proper instrument with the master Hearing Aid and Response I Selector. Don't miss this opportunity to in- • spect this fine Canadian Hearing Aid to be -.shown by Mr, E. R. Pearson, whose services have been \acquired for the customer -service dept. of Unitron Industries Ltd. - Mr\ Pearson is a qualified consul-, tent and• will be available to offer free hearing. tests and service to your presenthearing aid. NO BATTERY COSTS As Long As, You Use a UNITRON Hearing Aid If you are now using Type #675 Batteries, come and see how you can save $25.00 or more a year with Unitron rechargeable batteries. Mr. Pearson's Clinic, is scheduled for' Monday, August 9, 1965 at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth from 11J a.m. to 6 p.m. — Phone for Appt. No. °527-0980 UNITRON - HEARING AIDS "The Key To the Wonder of Sound" P ;iii''",� V'S�i xiiV'�IO, •A..`'••a'�-;k`'.°� Ttkl�� � — .,'�..� raiz ,^ ervice ONTT DAYLIGHT ,SAVING TIME 'Daily except Sunday LEAVE SSE AFORTU ARRIVE STP1TFO-RD LEAVE STRATFORD' , ARRIVE TORONTO 11).:',4 P.M. 1:35 P.ii"4. 1:55 P.M. 3:55 P.M. Convenient connection to Montreal, Atlantic Provinces. Low rail fares. - For information phone your local, C N 2"1-F5 Sale Office. CANADIAN NATIONAL' C'ANADIAN PETR ,�� ,,.: � Mfr x ,�i LIM1 proudly announces the apointment of FINA gasoline, ANK" V N BAK AS DISTRIBUTOR OF diesel fuel', stove - and furnace ail motor oils and greases for DUBLIN. eFREE BURNER SERVICE MITCHELL AREAS AUTOMATIC DELIVERY --- 24-HnUR SERVICE --- DUBLIN --�-- "Our Service is Good As Any Better Than ny"