HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-08-05, Page 19
Whole No. 5084
106th Year
:.- McKillop
Sets Tax
The tax . in McKillop will he
up 1.8 mills this year.
. Council reviewed estimated
receipts and expenditures at the
August meeting 'Tuesday and
set rates of 13.6 mills for resi-
dental and 15.3 mills for Com-
mercial properties.
The -rates last year were re-
duced to 11.8 and 13.6 mills so
that the new rates are but slight-
ly higher than in 1963. ,.
When tenders £or work on the
Roxboro side road were found
to exceed estimates, Council de-
cided to proceed with the pro-
ject using Township staff and
equipment. Involved' is the re-
moval of a number of trees,
straightening a bend in the'
road and cutting down a hill. `
Frank Kling Ltd., at $8740.00
submitted the, lowest of the.
three tenders received. Others
were Yundt and McCann, $9,280
and G. Heard, $10,490.00.. •
When it was found a greater
amount of Material was avail-
able in the mountain cut than.
had been "estimated, Council
agreed. to carry the rebuilding
program along. side road be-
tween Lots 20.21, Concessions,
1 and 2. Joe Kerr Construction
will .bio the work at $1.00 per
yard for granular B and $1.50
per yard for granular A.
The petition of Leon Maloney
for repairs to- the ,,I, r'auskopf
drain, Lot 6, ConcessidW4 and of
Tom J. Murray, Lot 7, Conces-
sion 3, for repairs to the Bow-
man' drain were accepted and
referred to engineers for re-
ports. Council agreed to have
Morris Survey and report on the
McArthur' drain
Attending the inductionser-
vice of Rev. R. J. Tehanz on
Friday evening at Londesboz+o
• United Church, were Mr. and
Mrs.. Dins Buchanan •and Mary;
Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Mr. and
Mrs. Reg Lawson, Mr, and Mrs..
Lomaute Lawson. -
Mra. Jas. Jamieson and Susan
ret'umned home on Sunday alter
spending a week •wd'bbh Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Doteald and boys of.
Midland, Michtgaw.
Mists M atrgoe Whyte returned
•home en Sunday after attending
the C.G.D:T. Camp at Goderioh.
Mr. and Mins. Latwmence min
.of °retention viaiited with Mr. and
Mrs. Ken •Pneszcadtor and faint-
iiiyr on' Sunday.
Mfrs. Frank Van der 'Malertn,
Paul amid Mark of Kitchener
spent the week end Waith Mrs.
Van der Mo9en's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Whyte.
Mr, Bill Hogged of Kitchener
spemrb the week end with his
parents, Mr.. and Mfrs. •George
Mr, and Mrs.. B •412 Reiger and
Carol Ann of Goderich.Townst ip
visited with Mr. nd Mets, Geo.
Me1Jl afin and Mealy. on, Sunday.
Mrs. Wm.. Le Slander, Jimmy"
and Brian, all of Stratford spent
the week end 'with Mens. R:obt.
Jamiue,son. Mr. Le Stauder spent
Monday With M Ja.nnielt�on
and Mrs. Lei Sannder` ind boys
returned home.
Mrs: J. T. McMichael of God-
eudch is vi sting With her daugh-
ter, Mme. Wmu. Dale and Mr.
Dale this weeny.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Wilbur Jitit
spent Sunday width; Brian at St.
Joseph's lkitepi`bal, Landon. We
are pleased to report that
Brian's thumb is improving
MISS Mary 'MacGregor of Kit-
chener spent the week end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Miss Joyce Brawn bias return-
ed Hb London after holidaying
for a month with her parents,
Mr .*and Mins. Borden Brown
and Elaine.
Miss Nanty Colson of Clinton
is holidaying at the, hom'e
"Wins. Rdb1t. Jamieson.
, Mlsrs Cathy Dalle is+ spending
a week wilih her sister ' Albs.
Mvirray &mitt and Mr. Scott and
twins of Belgiave.
Mester Billy Whyte is rarttend-
itng 'the•• United Church Sum'mer
Caimip at Gbderfe1i this week.
Mn. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan
and family spent Sutnday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jim' Hatt' of
My. and Mrs. Geo. Hloggart
and Balm spent Sunday with Mr,
end Mrs. Pantt M•cMastee, Carol
and Mark of Rfi'dgeto'wtl, Mists
Betty Hoggarb returned home
after spending as couple of
Mr. nd Mars. Jack Orbiter and
IX ya .of t i tiowe1 s lett>It Monday
With Mir. and Mitts, George ge Me,
Iltuaitt and Maury.
Tuckersmith Nl. ,its
DONALD McKERCHER, of Dublin, Ontario's representa-
tive to Alberta in the 1965 Inter -Provincial Exthange of 4=11.
Club • members, .posed with the Honourable E. C. Manning,
'Premier., of Alberta, Whom he met on a one -day visit to Ed-
monton. puring his stay in the western province, Mr. McKer-
cher spent one week with each of two - Alberta 4-H fafnilies,
the : Roy Middtals, of Battle Lake and the Albert Strollerys;
of Armena.
Seaforth Abroad
Chance Meeting
in Y
on spotting a familiar licence
We had turned down .off the
town near Dubrovnik and our
way was blocked on a narrow
one-way street by a new Chev-
rolet, complete with Ontario
plates. •
(if course -1 "stopped and ask-
ed the usual questions. He told
me that he • came from a 'little.
town in Ontario that probably
I had never heard of, by the
name of "Seaforth". I said,
"believe it cr 'not,, I was born
there". What a coincidence.
Only two Canadians in this
part of the World, and both
from Seaforth. •
I'm sorry I've forgotten his
name, but he is your new 'den-
tist in Dr. Munn's old. office.
He is on vacation to his old
home here, in Yugoslavia..
We are having a fine vaca-
tion. We are -camping with a
Dutch -style camping trailer,
similar to. the American Ap-
ache, (fold -up style). Last sum-
mer we used hotels. Each
method has advantages and,,
disadvantages. We plan • a long
stay in Greece and Italy and
then home to Metz, France by
way of Switzerland. w
As you can _ tell by the
"sticky" writing, it is very hot
here on the Adriatic. Every-
one who can, just lives in the.
water along the beaches. I
think that both our children,
Scsctt and Betsy would love to
be diving into a cool Northern
Ontario Lake.
Once a week The Expositor
arrives in Metz. It is most wel-
come. We like to keep up with
events in the old home town.
If I were back in Metz, "1
would say, "au revoit", but
here in Yugoslavia it will be
"Do videnja".
Witen a native of Seaforth
and a present resident of the
town happen to meet while trav-
elling in the area it is an inter-
esting coincidence.
But when the same ,event oc-
curs in far off Yugoslavia,,,thats
It happened this, Why accord-
ccording to Leslie Hogg, a Seaforth
native, now an exchange teach-
er in. Metz, France. With his
family he was travelling through
Yugoslavia on July 15, 'when his
way was blocked by a car hav-
ing Ontario licence plates. The
driver identified himself as Dr.
R. Buljabasic, of Seaforth, on' a
visit to his native country.
Here is how ,Mr. Hogg descri-
bes the. meeting.,
Mlini, Yugoslavia,
July 16, 1965.
A little incident occured here
yesterday which 1 thought un-
usual enough to be of interest
to you and your "Seafor"th"
We have been travelling
across Europe, from France,
through Germany and Austria;
down through • YugosIavia, oleo
Greece. Since leaving Germany
five o; 'six days ago, we had
not seen a single Canadian or
American car, and we were be-
coming more and more keen'
F of A
� S
McKilIop Federation of Ag-
riculture will sponsor the
Farmstead and Rural Improve-
ment contest -in the township.
Advanced by the Department
of Agriculture as a Centennial
feature, entries for the contest
will be received until Septem-
ber '1, with judging ' taking
place next year. Details con-
cerning the contest will be ad-
vised to entrants by F. of A.
officials later this fall.
Each entrant 'will receive a
share of the grantsmade avail-
able by governments or the
plowing match organization.
In addition, the McKillop Fed-
eration will award prizes tot-
alling, $100, to be divided $50,
$30 and $20 for first, second
and, third plakes., 1 ;
Decision to sponsor the con-
test was taken at a meeting in
No, 6 School, Thursday even-
ing. John Moylan acted as con-
test program chairman, receiv-
ed details and outlined steps Word was reeeived of the
that could be taken. r sudden death of Kenneth Manns,
The contest is designed to 45, of Toronto, who -died sudden -
encourage owners to clean up ly Tuesday afternoon, with a
and dress up their properties heart attack. He was born in
in time for the International Hensall, son of the late Mr. and,
Plowing Match, scheduled fort Mrs. Fred Manns. He leaves his
McKillop, in the fall of 1966 wife, the former 'Marguerite
and the Centennial the follow- Moyer and one son, Donald. He
ing year. was an employee of the Good'
The meeting agreed to again Year Rubber Company.
sponsor a calf club, No action The body • is , resting at the
will be taken at this time in Turner -Porter Funeral" Nome,
connection with developing a Bloor St., Toronto, where" funer-
picnic. area at Grieves' Bridge, al services will he held, at 11 ale.
on the County ltoacl, , . on ,Friday,
Oil Stove
Catches Fire
Hensall firemen were called
Monday afternoon to extinguish
a blaze in .an over heated oiI
stove in the living room of the
apartment of Mr. and Mrs.
Grant McClinchey on oxford St.
Larry Consitt, son ,of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Consitt is this week
attending the United Church
Camp, near Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. John MeNab and
son Peter of Etobicoke are vaca-
tioning for two weeks with rela-
tives and friends in London,
Chatham, Point Clark, Seaforth
and vicinity and Hensall.
Defer Lecision
On Debentures
Tuckersmith Council delayed
.et decision at its regular meeting,
Tuesday night as to how it
would dispose of $150,000 de-
bentures which. are being issued
to provide financing' for the im+
provement program of the Tuekr
ersmith Mtinicipai Telephone
System. •
Approval for the work was
given nearly two years ago and
much of the program is com-
pleted. In the interval financing
has been provided on a tempor-
ary basis with bank loans.
Clerk James L McIntosh told
Council that it was necessary
that the debentures be sold
within a year from the date in
which the by-law is given final
reading. It is expected final
reading will be given at line
September meeting. •
Councillors suggested there
would be a demand for.the de-
bentures locally and that if this
method of sale was agreed to,
a saving could result compared
to having them sold by an in-
vestment dealer.
Council agreed to- have an en-
gineer: examine the Moore drain
as a result of an application. of
Adrian Timmerman and others.
Ray Consitt, who appeared , at
the mdeting„indicated work was
necessary to lower the outlet
and this too will be looked into
when the engineer is on the site:
Snow plowing -will be under-
taken on the same basis as in
previous years. Council instruct
ed the Clerk to advertise for
tenders. Two units in addition
to the equipment owned by the
Township are required.
•Council . agreed the day may
come when it would be necessary
to obtain additional equipment
if satisfactory tenders no longer
were received. However as long
as contractors where available
when they were required,plow-
ing by rental was the most econ-
omical proceedure to adopt.
Will Repair RCAF Road
„Council agreed to carry out re
pairs to a portio of a paved
road surrounding RCAF Station
Clinton. At discussions at- the
site tt had been indicated that
tar and chipping would cost
$1,989. ,.Reeve Elgin Thompson
said while this method would
perhaps preserve the road for
sometime, before too long it
would be necessary to' rebuild
it completely. •
There was a hesitation to in-
volve the Township; in a major
expenditure at this time, and
for this reason approval was
given to carry out a ,temporary
oiling and sand job which it was
felt -would seal the pavement.
In the"meantime station person-
nel will be urged totake steps
to obtain Federal assistance in
rebuilding the road.»
.There was concern that road
expenditures this year would
get out of hand. Councillor. Ross
Forrest asked whether a careful -
look should be taken at the pro-
gram and perhaps..' a halt called
for this year. "We have been
adding a bitalmost every meet-
ing and I think we have a pret-
ty ambitious program now" he
Council approved an ammend-
ment in the total amo nt ' oI-
ved in an Exeter Hfgh Selio
construction program. The new
amount is $464,510 up from
$400,000 approved previously.
Reviewing accounts„ Council
was told that during the 'past
month Animal Control Officer,
Murray Dalton, picked up five
dogs in the Township. •
It was revealed, at, the meeting
that at a .special meeting last
week, the tender. of Sandy Con-
struction, to rebuild ertain
Township roads tial been ac ept-
•ed on the basis of 50c per 'ard
for 4,000 yeards of pit run grav-
el and 80c per- yard for 1,200
yards of crushed stone.'In ad-
dition the contractor will receive
$13.00 an hour for use of a
14 yard scraper.
Other tenders were Clarence
Reid, Hensall, at 75c for pit run,
Lavis Construction of Clinton at
95c, $L25 and $9.00'respective-
ly.:Gordon Heard, Seaforth, 69c
for pit run and $L12 for crushed
George F. Elliott, Clinton, 90c
for pit run, $L00 for 'crushed
and $13.00 for scraper. Garth
at $1
Postill3.25. quoted on a scraper only
At the same meeting Henry
'Uderstadt of Triton Engineer-
ing was asked to report on the
repairof the McCulley drain as
it affects the' outlet at Lot 11,
and 12,' Concession 9, HRS, . at,
the property of Orville Workman
and also to report on'the repair
of the Carnochan drain at Lot
21, Concession 3. .
John Broadfoot, the Town-
ship's' representative on the
Seaforth SDHS Board, discussed
with Council plans which the
Board are considering for addi-
tional eacdomniodation at the
school. • - •
Council adopted a supplement-
ary road by-law to provide for
the expenditures of an addition-
al $5,000.
Smile of the Week
A wife asked her husband,•to-
bring home a head of cabbage.
"What size?” he asked.
"Oh, about as big as your
head," she replied.-
On the way, he .met a friend
who was -a gardener, who said:
"Just gee over to my garden
and take any head of cabbage
you want."
Later, another friend said to
the gardener: "Who was that
in your garden? When 1 went
by, he was trying his hat on
one head of cabbage after an-
Kippen East Institute
Lions Park Swi
Pass Rc:d;Cro;,s;s:
First phase in the Lions Park
swimming instruction program
has been completed when swim-
mers in the several Red 'Cross
categories were examined and
were cleared for advancement.
Instruction classes began at
the beginning of July and were
held five mornings a Week.
About 300 children were enroll.
ed. The second'series of classes
got underway on Tuesday and
continues. until the end of Aug-
Following lied Cross • Tests,
Ted Cosford, an examiner for
the Royal Life Saving program,
tested a number of students in
this category. •
Instructors on the pool staff
include Ross Howay, supervisor,
Judy Crich, Ann" Sills, Robert
Cosford, Peter >Stinnison, Mie.h-
ael Stinnison, Jim Montgomery,
Michael MacRae, Shiela Rowatt
and Mary Sills.
THERE WAS lots of activity at the Lions Park as stu-
dents t'ried a series of tests to qualify under the Red Cross
instruction program. Here a group indicates resuscitation pro-
cedure, (Expositor Photo,by-Phillips)
Huron Liberals Gather
For Annual Picnic
Huron Liberals from across
the riding were at the Lions
Park, Seaforth,• on Thursday,
for the annual association . pic-
While damp overcast weath-
er held down attendance, more
than 250 guests were registered.
Solicitor General Larry Pen.
.nell"'recentljr ,app0i'nteetl3,.toa:xhe:
Pearson cabinet, who had accept-
ed an invitation to attend the •
picnic was forced to remain in
Ottawa by developments in the
postal strike. He is- one of the
committee of cabinet dealing
with postal workers' representa-
Bruce McCullough. of " Kit-
thener, president of the West-
ern Ontario North Liberal As-
sociation and Gordon Beaton,
Mardale area organizer, spoke
briefly and discussed the work
that was required before an el-
ection was held.
Referring to the problems
facing the minority Liberal gov-
ernment during the past session
Mr. McCullough stressed the
effective 'legislation t'hat had
been enacted despite the diffi-
Mayor John Flannery, of Sea -
forth extended a welcome and
Reeve, Elgin Thompson of Tuck-
ersmith, in which the Lions
Park is. located, ,spoke on be-
half of a number of area reeves
who were present. These includ
ed Reeve Cliff Dunbar, of Grey,
Reeye Don McKenzie of Ash-
field and Reeve Carl Kreuter,
of Brussels.
Murray Gaunt, MPP for Hur-
bn Bruce nreviested''ae .'iii
the legislature. Association pres-
ident, William Elston,.Winghain
was-ehairman•'for the short pro-
gram that followed a picnic
supper. -
During ,the afternoon, child-
ren used the pool facilities and
took part in a sports•program
in charge of Mit Edgar, Clin-
ton and Larry Wheatley,. McKil-
Winne*s in the various events
were: Stevie Jewitt, Suzie Cham-
bers, Margaret Vermunt, Bever-
ley Edgar, Marianne, Vermunt,
Eleanor Devereaux, Kevin Jew-
itt, Waiter Vermunt, Joe Clif-
ton, Marilyn 'Jeffry, .Donna, Mea-
gher, Jeanie Vermunt, Lyle
Adams, John Taylor, Larry Jew-
itt, Donald Cameron, Brian, Ed-
gar, Francis Vermunt, Stehen
Flynn, Leslie Adair, Michael
Johns, Bobby Montgomery, Fred-
die Montgomery, Bob Edgar,
(Continued on Page 4)
, Red Cross Awards,
The • following pasaa4 tlxe
Red° Cross Swimming .Teats
Margie McLean; Allan Wit -
bee; B ata
itbee;Beata Malleus, Joyce Thief:
hLfi; Mary Gibson. •
Paul .Blake; Nancy Pearson;.
Gail McWljirter; Ron Bender-
son; • Beverly McCall; Linda
Wilson; Linda Reed; Stewart
McLean; Cathy BIake.
Peter DeGroot; John Lan-
sink; Randy Alexander; ,Anne
Noble; Stan Fischer; M,oniea
Malkus; Penny Hulley; Daphne
McWhiter; Faye Blake; Sharon
Willis; Connie Coutts; John
Gibson; Don Mann; Marlene
Turnbull; Allan., Coleman;
Hamoody Hasson.
Beginners -
Mary Lou DeGroot; Sharon
Johnson; Don Wood; Moira
Rooney; Bill Shortreed; Mar-
een Sullivan; Julie Hanna;
Joanne Arts; ,.Althea ,Stannah;
Wendy Stannahi Barbara, Ili;.
zacovics; .. Kim Sullivan; Stelih
en Ryan; Ross Somers; • Glen.
Dolmage; Bob , Coleman; Pat-
atricia. Roberton; Brenda Dungy;.
Teny Dale; Kim Srenge; Marie
Nolan; Nancy Knight; Ross. SO--
ovier; Bryan Dale; Joan Hilde-
brand; Joan Wilbee; Cathy.
Somers; Wilf Whitmore; Bob
Royal Life Saving Awards
John McGrath; Dawna. Rey-
nolds; Nancy Scott; Hank
Scott; Barbara Box; Gary Mont-
ontgomery; Brtice Wilbee; Joanne
Goettler; Christine Turnbull;
Monica McCurdy; Angela Dev-
ereau; Karen Henderson.
• Bronze Bar
Lynn Wright; Nancy Hulley;
James Rowat; Vida Malkus;
Susan Leonhardt. .
Award of Merit
Susan Leonhardt.
SDHS.. Grad
Is Promoted
Robert D. MacLennan; Mont-
pelier. Vt., has been promoted
by the directors of Nati
.Life Insurance Corima-. of
Vermont from assistant ct�,
to associate. actuary.
He joined National Life in
1954 after receiving a bachelor
of arts degree in , mathematics, ,
from the University of Toronto.'
He was one of the youngest ac-
tuaries in the country when he
became a Fellow of the Society
of Actuaries in 1960 at the age
.of 27. In• the same year he was
elected . a company officer with
the title of assistant actuary.
Mr. MacLennan a graduate of
SDHS, is a son of Dr. and Mrs,
J. C. MacLennan of Seaforth.
Members .Pay Per��ttieS.Mln B.ackwards - Coiit
Kippen Eaet W.I. held jts'Juty
meeting at Bdln Gibson's cottage
on Lake Huron with Mrs. Harry
Caldwell and Mrs. Glenn Boon
as hosrteses. This was the Back:
wards meeting and three of
those present paid the penalty
for not having a dress on back-
wards. They were Marian Rob-'
eats, Ann Klein Harr and Mrs:
Ross Broadfoot. The meeting be-
gan with '§everai relay races
followed by the singing of "Gori
Save the Queen". Mrs. Wm.
Bell ga 'e curbesy remarks. and
Mrs. Charles' Eyre chaired the
A .hi'story' of Hay Townshtp
was given by. Mrs. Robert Bell.
Mrs. Cecil Pullman read tine
Motto "Keep us Oh Lord from
Four club garl's Anne Kl'e,in-
herr. Marian Roberts, Donna
Wh'ittehouse and ji'ambara Gem -
men. demonstrated- some of the
First Aid learned in "The Chub.
Girl Stands On Guard". Mrs.
Ch'athes Eyre favoured with two
poems and introduced the guest
speaker Mi :sr Margaret Chesney
cf Seaforth who shewed fibm•e
which took them nn a marvel:
bus t' •'p through 'Western- Can•
ada, the United Star';es and Mex-
ico. She was thanked and Arc-
s nt,d w•i'h a gift by Mrs.
James Drummond.
1T •. Vern Aldericp presided
for the business part when Club
Leaders; since 1962 were , pre-
sented with gifts by, Mrs. Grant
MacLeap The evaders, honored
CONSTRUCTION 'OP new Municipal Offices. to serve •McKillop Township is well advanc-
ed at Winthrop. The new building located north of the present Township garage has been de-
signated as the McKillop Centennial Project. The building will contain offices for Township 7
officials es well a meeting room for Couneil and the public. (txposito.r Photo by i�ltillips).
were Mrs Ernest Whitehouse,
Mrs. Rooberrt Bell, 141rs, Stewart
Pepper. Mrs.. Vern Allde'rice,
Vivam Cooper' Mrs. Rus-
" 1 Cons.tt, Mrs, Hugh Hen-
dr;ck. Mrs. Wm. Bell, Mrs, Ross
Forrest Mrs. Robert. Ge•mmcll,
Mrs. Harry ("addwelll.
1t on- d"'r r1'*1 to put nn
The tea table was covered
with an embroidered linen
cloth. Pink and cream roses
and haby's breath flanked with
pink tapers formed an attrac-
tive table centre. -Presiding at.
the lea table were Mrs. Eleanor
McKenzie. aunt of the bride
rrnT^am Nry^mbcr 1, at Ontar- and'Mrs. N. Long. Kippen;
Mrs. R. Simpson, Hensall; Mrs.
i•' ifi •e:t�1l. G do: -;ch,
f Ian„ wrrr ma•i^• fee fee nen- W. Storey. Seaforth: Mrs. Ila
n'r F -0 -tion s>? -,r wt`c`t will McKenzie. Exeter; Miss May
to- • nlac" in October, Somerville, Winnipeg; and Mrs •
Mrs. John Gibson, Mr' and Ti. Jones. Hcnsall. -
Mrs. Art Gibson and children of Assisting : in the tea room ,
Wroxeter were St'ndav guests of were Mrs.'t Gary Alexander,
the fermer'c dao"h,teo and eon-i.rt• Mks Bonnie Robinson, Miss
' "v Mrs. W T. Mellis and Mr. pnhnnn. Hiss Gail Farquhar,
Mell1s • Miss Grace Clifton. Mrs. W.
1f'sc •
Mae Snnlor'•illc of Winni- Mac or, Miss' Wendy Jones,
nee is the enest of Mr. and Mrs. MPs. E. Bouchard. Mrs. R: .
\ietnn itrod and attended the f arter, Mrs. T. Garter. Misses
Carter -Hood wedding Saturday Kim and •Kathie Carter were in •
afternoon in St. Andrew's Unit- charge M the guest book And
ed rhu,^h Kippen. ;rifts. Gifts and trousseau were •
Ray and Mr , 17• A. MarMsr'all how by Mrs. 1). Cartwright,
d Mr, and Mrs. Nnrrss Mac•` Miss Rosemary -McDonald, Miss
Lorraine Talbot, Mrs. E. Brooks
Miss Ruth Cudmore.
Assisting in the it hen •
were Mrs. E. Morton, E.
Faber, Mrs. A.' McBeath, Mrs.
H. Cudmore, Miss 'Marjorie
Hyde. Mrs. E. Talbot, Mrs, T.
Robinson, Mrs. W. Jones, Mrs.
R. Schwalm, Mrs. H. Hendrick. '
Shower hostesses who enter-
tained in honor of the bride ,
were' Mets. R. Warren and Mrs.
E. Brooks at the former's
home at Amhershurg,; Miss Ei-
Hold Trousseau , leen Collins and Miss Wanda
Mrs. Nelson Hood entertain- Wilson, `•' RGoderich; Mrs. D. '
ad at a trn'isseau tea in honor Cartwright and Miss Rosemary
of her .daughter, Joyce • Mae, McDonald, 'Clinton; Kippen
whose marriage to Ronald Ross Church and District held ' a
Carter took place Sa"t rd'ay, miscellaneous shower in the
Guests were receive by Mrs. church and a presentation. W'a5
Hood, the bride and Mrs. Rpn- made. by the staff of the' Sheef;
all J. Cartel', mother of the fer -Peri Company;,, where the
jxoom.' bride, ltta§ employed
Millan of T enders visited Friday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. N.
Lone. Sunday risstors' were Mr.
and Mrs..tohn C Doig, of Grand
Mrs. Archie Parsons returned
home Thursday, from being hos-
pitalized in St, Joseph's Hospit-
(al• London.
. Weekend visitors with the
Parsons were their son and
daucht•gr-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Parsons and family of
Themesford. '