HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-07-29, Page 7L 7• -- NOTICE - or Co -Op Insurance cal . ,. • ARTHUR WRIGHT hone 527-1464 -- John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverage For: Auto and Truck ' Farm Liability: • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Cominerciai =r Life Insurance 4 Savings •'Huron Co-op, Medical - Services • Wind .insurance 01,0-7141ER Vol; ., w • V740' "ik sq SAW: rNEFELLOW,WNO PPT AL/M/T TOWNIE W/LL 00, is grow Parma A covi L/M/TON $$ 'PER By C. E, DEARING ,.. Al their regular meeting last 'week, the directors of Perth Federionof Agriculture de- cided to sponsor the Farmstead and Rural Improvement Cen- tennial Project. The project is made 'available through the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture to provide encouragement for ,farmers to clean-up, dress -up and paint -up their property in preparation for Canada's Centennial, and will be open to all farmers. Under the program, the Fed- eration will be responsible for: obtaining entries including be- fore and after pictures, arrang- ing prizes and prize schedule, planning judges' itinerary, ar- ranging local publicity, and planning an, awards night. The DePerttnent will make a grant to the county on the basis of $6.00 for each completed en- try if total entries, are 50 or less, $7.00 each if entries are 51 to 100, $8.00 each if entries are 101 to 150, and $9.00 each if entries are 151 to 200, with a maximum . of $18b0.00 per county. In addition, there may be special prizes of money or mer- chandise, depending on the par- ticipation of local business es. tablishments. Winners of - the county competition will be eligible to compete for .zone and provincial honors. There are eight prizes at provincial .level, with the winner receiv- DID YOU KNOW a that Srm Life of Canada is dile of the world's leading life' insurance companies, with 15.0 branch offsoss throughout North America? As the Sun Life repr sen+ . alive in your community. awy I be of service? JOHN J. WALSH Phone 271-3000• - 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada 1964 AMERICAN 330 SEDAN -Automatic 1964 AMERICAN 2 -DOOR `1963 "VAETXRA;L 04=DOOR 1963 RAMBLER 1962 RAMBLER .2 -DOOR 1962 RAMBLER 4 -DOOR 1961 AMBLER 4 -DOOR ' 1961 CHEV. BISCAYNE-6 Cylinder o 1957 DODGE V-8-A.T. 4, MILLER MOTORS Phone 527-1410 : Seaforth 'l ing the. Championship Trophy and $500.0Q. The runner=up will get the Reserve Championship Trophy and $400.00,F1 The com- petitor placing third will re- ceive $300, with lesser amounts. to the remaining winners.. The judges' score sheet' will list numerous •, improvements for which points maybe award- ed. Besides the obvious areas of condition and painting of house, barn and, outbuildings, points will be given for attrac- tiveness of: roadside and fenc- es, farm entrance, mailbox, farm • name, laneway, lawn; shade trees and windbreaks, flowers, vegetable garden,' fenc- es, ,hedges, walks, patios; •and for improvements • to barnyard fencing and grading, freedom from weeds and removal of scrapand rubbish. There will be two inspec- tions, the first between, Sept. 6 and Oct. 15, 1965, arid the sec- ond, Aug. 22 to Sept. 3, 1966. It is hoped that many, rural residents will become person- ally involved in the program. Homestead improvement is a desirable goal and with these added incentives, perhaps•some- thing worthwhile . can be, ac- complished. Entries in the competition will be accepted •up. to Sept. 1, 1965. FALL FAIR. DATES Bayfield Blyth Brussels (Zurich CitazensNws), • Stanley' ',TownshiP Area School Board met with a group of ratepaters from West 'Stan- ley --15 in 'a11 -at their regular meeting recently. Spokesman for the delega- tion, Allan Armstrong, said_ theyrepresented a group of ratepayers who would like to Sept. 28; 29 Sept. 21, .22 Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Dungannon , Oct. 1 Exeter Sept. 22, 23 Forest Sept. 24, 25 Gorrie Oct. 1, 2 Harriston , Sept. 15; 16 Ilderton Oct: 1, 2 Kincardine Sept. 16, 17 Kirkton i Sept. 30; Oct. 1 Listowel ' Sept. 7, 8 Lucknow Sept. 17,.18 Milverton Sept. 24, 25 Mitchell ' ' Sept. 28, 29 Mount Forest Sept. 13, 14 New Hamburg Sept. 17, 18 Paisley Sept. 20, 21 Palmerston Sept. 27, 28 Parkhill.Sept. 24 Ripley ept. 24, 25 St. Marys Oct. 5, 6 SEAFORTH Sept. 23, 24 ZION Miss Carolyn Lannin visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Broughton, last week. Shelburne Sept. 24, 25 Stratford Sept, 20, 21, 22 Tavi Sept.18, 29 Tavistock Sept,' 0 11 a Teeswater Sept. 4, '25 Thedford , Sept. 28, 29 Walkerton Oct. 20, 21 Zurich Sept. 25 & 27 Oct. 13th to 16th; inclusive York County International Plowing Match' Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper and Mr. and Mrs.-. Lawrence Barker in Stratford on Satur- day. ' Mr. Ken Britton took a car- load of 4-H Club members to the Pinery on Sunday, includ- ing Danny Kehler, Winnipeg, Bruce Malcom, Gerry Baker, Winnipeg, Gayle Lannin, and Nancy and •Mary Lannin. Ter- ry is a guest -at' the Lannin home, and Danny , at the Mal- colni home for the week: Mr. and, Mrs. Lawrence Bar- ker and Wendy and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Norris, Guelph, spent Sunday at Goderich• Mr's. Audrey Harper, Cindy and Billie, of Toronto; spent a few days with Mrs. Mabel,Hig- gerson last weekv Ray Barker and David Han on left for Bimimi Camp on Thursday and will spend the next week there. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper held - a picnic supper on their lawn Wednesday evening in honor of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Auburn Pepper and daugh- ter, Janet, from Weyburn, Sask: Those present were Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper, Mr. Dalton Balfour, Mitchell, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Gordon and Bar- ry, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper,,. Dennis and Nancy and Mr. and' Mrs. Lawrence Bar- ker, Wendy and Larry. Mr. and Mrs. Penner left for their. home in • Weyburn Thursday morning. Mr. ,and Mrs. Auburn Pepper and' daughter, Janet, were din- ner guests of 'Mr, and Mrs. Dal-, ton Malcolm and Mrs. Mary Malcolm on -Wednesday.. Mr. and Mrs. Pepper are visiting from Weyburn, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper attended the funeral of the late Frank Wright on Tuesday; Mr. and' Mrs. Lorne Aikens so attended the funeral of Mr. Wright. Mr. and 'Mrs.. Roy Harris, of Stratford, ,,with her. parents, re- cently, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bar- ker. Mr. and . Mrs. Lorne Aikens and Ann arrived home on Monday from their trip to Nova Scotia, where they spent the past two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bar- ker and Wendy visited in Bur, 'ford on Tuesday with his sis- ter, Mrs. Alvin ,Williams and Mr. Williams,. and family. Miss Lillian Goetz and Mrs. Eldon Bair, Plattsville, called on Mrs. Mary. Malcolm on Tues- day. Mrs. Mabel Higgerson, •Mr. Harry Proctor, Audry . Harper, Andy and Billie, of Toronto, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen, .13rodhagen, Friday evening. Miss Lettie Lannin, R.N., Nancy Lannin and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thiel visited in North- ern Ontario and in Ottawa. Mr. Ross Murdie, Seaforth, visited his cousin, Mrs. Mary Malcolm, on Wednesday.. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm .and Mr. ,and Mrs. Lawrence Barker and Wendy attended the Holstein twilight meeting and spare=rib barbecue of the Perth County Holstein Breeders' As- sociation, held Thursday eve- ning at the farm of J. E. Frie- burg, Carthage. Eyery week more people dis- cover what mighty '• jobs are accompt'ie'red b w- cost_ x- positor Want Ads. Dial 257.00. WANTED LIVE FOWL Picked up at the farm Top Prices Locker Service Available - 'Ronald ,Bennett WALTON a Phone 527-0887, Seaforth or 393 J 15 - Brussels v ersrni belgng xQ th'ejownship School; sufficient aceonimodation in He .said that they could. apv their• planned Central School preciatd the. feeling of . Bay- for all the pupils in the Tuck - field residents. and felt that sersmith Township School Area.''. this was their own business. A motion, to .grant Ow re- flowever, the feeling was that quest by George Cantelon, see- the -school could .be filled with onded by Bruce Key.es, was op - people "of our opinion." He posed by members Merton Mer - depicted tardiness of action and ner and James Cleave. unwelcome publicity, but could Merrier then introduced a still see the views of those "on • copy of . a letter from Lerner, the other side of the fence." Lerner, Bradley & Chernich, He did indicate he woti'ld rather London, legal counsel for Bei,- see aysee Tuckersmith running their field,- and advised the board to own school. consider it' before ' voting on Mr. Armstrong said he was the motion. interested ifl the matter "cost- All members read the letter, wise -= the school should be suggesting that no further .ac - built and operated with 'sten- tion be taken on the move to - tion to costs and to tile type of wards.,.the Central School: education needed.'.' . "This could hold us up for Another ratepayer who had two years," said Taylor,. who attended SS No. 7, said he had reiterated his belief that the been educated "pioneer style" 1 foom Central School would before the convenience of mo- and had braved the snow drifts, prove the best • education. Chairman Taylor cast the deciding vote in favor of the Tuckersmith request. • dern snowplowing. He reason- ed that •today., .teachers are trained to work in larger schools, and said that graded eduta ion is necessary, al' though bigness does not guar- antee better education, it does provide better opportunities, better subjects, better teaching facilities and the use of better machines." The west part of the Town- ship would»gain no advantage from "going in" with Bayfield, 'rhe noted. He could foresee ad- vantage as regards to bus mile- age. �- Another delegate said that Bayfield school is in the village and . asked, ' "What is, to stop kids from the country from getting into mischief during the, lunch hour, in Bayfield?" "Any village is the same," chairman John Taylor concur- red, "not just Bayfield." A third speaker said, "We need to provide more education. Technical knowledge. is needed and a bigger, better school is needed if it will provide this type of education," The fourth delegate said that most people feel that if Bay- field wishes to keep its school, it should be allowed to do so, and "no one should push them around." He also said that in the future Bayfield might feel cramped and "want to join us." "In the long run, we need each other for economic rea- sons," he added. The fifth spokesman said "the, bus ride is a field day.': Remember, it takes but a moment to place . an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0244 ' Request 'Granted A 'request from Tuckersmith School Board for the amal- gamation of the school popu- lb io'#r. , from, „Sta_nley. and „Tuck- ersmith school areas' was ap- proved by the Stanley Board. "Ip view of the. recent approval of .County School- Area' No. 1, which includes Stanley *Town- ship. School Area, Tuckersmith. Township School Area and the Village of Bayfield," the re- quest read, "the Tuckersmith Township School Area. Board requests the Stanley Township School' Area Board to provide Classified ads pay dividends. OLD YOU KNOW WE HAVE GUARANTEED Trust Certificates 1 to 5 years Term Certificates 6 to 20 years SINGLE PAYMENT CALL 527-0452 NO OBLIGATION - THE W. G. Campbell Sedfortb - .11 //Wed, fila SYNDICATE LIMITED ER PR SAFETY -TESTED AT SEAFORTH MOTORS USED CAR LOT -OPEN EVERY: EVENING 7:00 plm. to 9:30 ,p.m. ANY REASONABLE OFFER ACCEPTED! SPECIAL:,. 1960 Chevroret `- IA -Ton .Pick-up $675 eaforth "`Motors ,m^ Your Guardian Maintenance Service Centre • Phone 527-1750 . Seaforth RAND PR!ZE E1 /FRY WEEK -- Wheat Corn -- Oats in , E!mer's Summer Safety Contest! CCM IMPERIAL MARK IV BIKES ^ a ONE BOY'S AND ONE GIRL'S ¥L Y• TE ACCESSORY KITS Eachkit contains bicycle lock, handle grips, bell, mud flap and streamers.- HERE'S treamers. Again This Year At Competitive Prices CONTACT US BEFORE YOU, SELL , Our New Modern Handling Facilities soon will be in use! Our year ends next Saturday, July 31st, and we would appreciate all"accounts in arrears being paid in full before that time. world news in f CUS HERE'S HOW 1 Cut this contest out of paper' along dotted lines and color the picture. Or draw a picture that looks like 'Oils and color it. 2 List on seporate sheet of paper the seven things wrong .in the picture. 3 Mali contest and list to ad- dress on Entry Form. Don't for• get to fill in your name and address. 4 All entries become- the pro- perty of ,Elmer the Safety Ele- phant and cannot be returned. 5 Children of employees of this newspoper• the Ontario Safety League and C.C.M. may not enter. 6 Any child of elementary school age may enter. 7 Judges will, be Traffic Safety authorities. Judge' decision is final. Ilys Christian Stle'nce Monitor On S' St., Boston, Mass. 02115 Please enter my subscription to the Monitor for the period checked' be- ll:Mt 1 enclose (U.S. Funds) ID 1 YEAR $24 0 6 months $12 0 3 months $6 Name • Street • "THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR" Phone 5271910 Seaforth 'City L - This' iontest is based on my rule, "Ride your Eike., safely, obey all signs and signals." All you have to do is find the seven serails "here thoii, color this picture - it's fun. Moil before Aug. Alth to: ELMER c/o ONTARIO SXFETY LEAGUE 208 KING STREET WEST TORONTO 14 ONTARIO Contest No. 2 (Town or City) *ay Girl AGi TELEPHONE