HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-07-22, Page 8UNITRON HEARING AIDS Canada's ,Own N1G�J04QOM Hearing Aid CANADA "THE KEY TO THE WONDER OF • , SOUND" Unitron Industries Ltd., manufacturers of the UTC -21 Bat- tery Charger for hearing' aid batteries now make available for the first time a quality hearing aid • made in Canada. This unique hearing aid combines features designed for peak performance and 'satisfaction while withstanding the temperature extremes of the Canadian climate. Another first from Unitron is our "Factory to Customer" guarantees on products and -service: All our products are purchased direct from the plant in Kitchener a'nd serviced by our own technicians. Complete hearing tests given in our fully ' equipped ,testing rdoms at the plant- or in the privacy of your home. Unitron also eliminates battery eosts to ilurchasers by sup- ` plying a Battery Charger and batteries with every Hearing Aid. - Chargers and batteries also sold, separately to those now using 675 type batteries. If you have a .hearing problem you want to help, it would be beneficial to check with Unitron and inquire about this fine Canadian instrument, Clip coupon and mail for com- plete details on, how you can save money with ^Unitron products. • UNITRON HEARING AIDS 48 Fulton Ave. - Kitchener, Ont. . Please send without obligation: [Q Information on the Unitron Hearing Aid o information on the UTC -21 Charger & Batteries NAME ADDRESS TTY TEL . SRTH 22/7 ,44":‘1E 'O.SITQR, $EAFORTH, ONT., JULY 22, 065 ¥$ILRY MESSAGE L KEY,WWORD CLUE EW L L TEND WE L BE.STL.WAL. Some letters have been removed from the box and printed beneath. Put them back in correctly. A merry message will then appear, reading unbroken frdm left to right, starting at the top left. Cartoon provides clue to the key -word in message. • Answer: 1.13M SaN3 1VH1 113M 3e 11IM 11v DID YOU KNOW .. that Sun. Life of Canada is ons of the world's leading life insurance Companies, with 150 branch offices throughout North America? As the Sun Life represent- ative in your communal*. may I be of service i' JOHN J. WALSH rf ihbho 431-;,n00 — 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD dun Life Assurance Company of Canada RECIPE OF THE MONTH By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute "Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit" HONEY PEAR SALAD REFRESHING ONE -COURSE SALAD, . Pretty Fare For Party or Lunch 8 prunes 1 tin Canada Choice canned pear halves ,. (buy your favourite brand of canned Canadian Kars) 6 tbsp. golden honey ' 1 lettuce 8 slices cooked tongue. Soak and soften prunes. Remove pits and drain prunes dry. Place one prune in centre of each pear half. Brush pear with honey. Chill in refrigerator. In a bed of shredded Lettuce, arrange sliced tongue, rolled up and secured with toothpick. Alternate with chilled honey pear, star fashion.' Two tongue roll -ups, and two pear halves make a good individual- serving. Serve with hot rolls and Swiss cream cheese, if desired. Serves 4. . MWODA Survey Report Indicates Great Progress Manufacturing output in Hur-. on, Perth, Wellington and Wa-. terloo Counties reached an esti- mated value of more than $1 billion- last year - A survey of the Mid -Western Ontario Economic Region, un- dertaken by the Department of Economics and Development, shows that since 1951 • when manufacturing output was 4492 million, the four -county region had an average annual growth rate of about 5 per cent. As a. result of expanded manufacturing activity, the re- gion's relative share in 9n - Ontario's total industrial out- put rose from 6 per cent in the early 1950's to about 7 per cent Last year. The 146 -page. report, releas- ed by the departments Special Research and Surveys Branch, says that the. favorable condi- tions gin. industrial expansion are likely to continue to attract new manufacturing concerns and broaden the region's indus- trial base, Recent trends, the report says, suggest accelerated girdwth in the electronics and electri- cal equipment industries, me- tal fabricating end food pro- cessing. At pre>;ent, the four -county region generates about 10 per cent of Ontario's output in foods and beverages, 14 per cent of the textile output, 23 per cent of electrical applianc- Have a prolflem? Write to Canadian social worker Doris Clark in care of this newspaper es it is caused by, a lack of two vitamins, B and • C. Check your diet and.. be sure you are getting enough of these important food constituents. There are creams designed specifically to cover blemishes. Such a cosmetic could certainly make the blotches less go, able when applied tlFef Ily. Ask about these at your cos tic counter. A MONTH OF MARRIAGE DEAR DORIS—I have been married, a month and when I got married I thought I loved my wife, but noW I'm not so sure. My wife is only -17 and I am 20.. . I have met this other girl, 17 also; she goes with my bud- dy and I think I have fallen in love with her. She says she loves me but I don't know what• to do. 'Please help. Last 'I -lope 'DEAR LAST—Today's " pres- sure on teen-agers to marry has put many another in the , same quandary you face. now. It's normal to fall in and out of love at that age. Takin(it ser- iously is the big mistake. Since the knpt has been tied, it's up to you to bend over backwards to keep it that way. One month's worth of living with a"girl you found attrac- tive enough to marry, is far too short a time to find out all the nice things• about. her.' Try. seeing -yourself as a re- sponsible person who keeps his word. Try seeing your. wife as a companion. .Don't expect to float along on a rosy cloud all the time. Marriage means roll-' .ing up your sleeves to make a go of everyday living. • I'm sending you my leaflet, "What Is Love?" There's a good chance • you can make a go of your marriage, but first you need to know whafjeal love is all about. . Anyone .may have this • leaf- let by writing in to this news- paper for it, and enclosing ten cents and a stamped, self-ad- dressed envelope.•- DEAR DORIS—My sister has been corresponding for five months with a man 600 miles from here. She has never seen ham except in a' photo. Now he has invited her to come to him during her two- week vacation at his expense. Do you think this is wise? She is 39 years old. Would you please advise by return, as she is leaving next week. Perhaps we can,k-hange her mind.. Anxious Brother KQRLIN LIMITED Have opportunities in the following positions due to expanded facilities: EXTRUDER OPERATORS: Capable of operating Plastic Extruders. . Shift. work. o MAINTENANCE MECHANIC: For mechan cal repairs and fabrication in our maintenancy department., GENERAL OFFICE CLERK: • (Male or Female) ' Typing experience required. ,Accountin'g Machine e,tperience an asset but not essential: ATTRACTIVE WAGES EXTENSIVE GROUP .BENEFITS Write, Phone or apply in Person KORLIN LIMITED 577 Erie St., Stratford, Ont. " Phone 271-1680 e - DEAR DORIS—I, am a widow. A few months ago I met a nice; kind and sincere man and fell in love again: He loves me too and Wants to marry me, but my boy (who. is 13)- doesn't like the idea. He wants to stay the way we are now, just the two of us. Perhaps he is jealous and doesn't want to share his moth- er with anybody. I love my boy very much, and I don't want to hurt him, but I would like to make a new ,life for myself. es, 28 per cent of rubber pro- ducts, and one-third of On- tario's output of shoes. While manufacturing a n d agriculture form - the prioaary basis of the region's economy, the tourist trade and associated service' industries are becom- ing an increasingly important source of regional income. The report says that present indications suggest continued and sustained growth of the re- gion's economy over the next two, decades. The region's. population of 373,000 is expected to range from 545,000 to 575,000 by 1981, the report says. At pres- ent, 68 per cent of...the people now lit in urban communities. Almost 65 per cent of the la- bor force are employed in the manufacturing, trade and serv- ices sectors of the economy, and 15 per cent are engaged in ag- riculture. \\ The Mid-Weste w Ontario Ec- 'anomic Survey is. the seventh in a series, released by the de- partment's Special Research and Surveys Branch. A .survey of the Lake,Erie Economic Region and a nw report on the North- eastern Economic Region will be released later. .this year. These will be followed by an economic survey of the St. Clair Economic Regicln for which the field survey work also will be carried. out this' year. These regional studies are designed to provide extensive. information qnd analysis with respect to economic activity in the ,province's 10. economic re - ons and are fn support of the. epartment's regional develop- ment program and the -activi- ties of the ,mine regional .de- velopment associations. T h e studies are used by govern- ment, business, educational and research organizations engaged in economic development on a regional basis. Hoping DEAR HOPING —. You've guessed it. Your son sees any male, as an interloper, after having "you all to himself. Take it slowly. Provide op- portunities for your son and the man you love to become companionable. Any boy needs a. man in his 'life; and if .he, doesn't feel left out, he may indeed be the one urging the marriage before long. DEAR BROTHER—While let- ters are fun; what they pro- vide in the tvay of a picture of the writer is sometimes not ev- en a reas. nable facsimile! If your sister,toes to see her pen pal, she should stay at a hotel. Even accepting train fare puts her in a compromising position. DEAR- DORIS—I have -.white patches that have come on'.my, neck.. I have used several kinds of ointment without any suc- cess. Would they be related to skin pigment? If so, what is a cure 'for them? These patches are' very noticeable. Spots DEAR SPOTS —,Sounds like uneven pigmentation, which is hard to get rid of. Medical au- thorities say that in some cas- For Complete INSURANCE 'on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE " • SEE Insurance WIND TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS Phone 527-0467 - Seaforth Representing the Western Farmer's' Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone" 5274490 •s 8eaforth Office Directly Opposite Seelforih-Motor* 4 - ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office in Masonic Store Mairi Street Phone 527-1610 - Seaforth BURNS CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR ( 1E4HEATING OIL" Walden Bt:-Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 — Seaforth Bingo Winners The. largest crowd of the sea- son attended the bingo Friday evening, which was sponsored by Seaforth Legion, Branch 156. Winners of special games were Mrs. Alex Muir, Seaforth; Mrs. Gord Lawson, Clinton; Mrs. Jean Hodge, Seaforth; jackpot game was won by Lewis John- ston, Clinton.. The door prizes went 4 Lew- is "Johnston, Clinton, .a d Mrs. Heckman, Stratford. Following are the winn s of regular games: Tom B rns, Dublin; Mrs. Knight, C ' ton; Mrs. McMichael, Clinton; Mrs. C. Plefch, Wingham; , Gordon Byers, Dublin; Mary Penning- ton, Brussels; Mrs. Don Kun- der, Seaforth; Stan Watson, Mitchell; Mrs. Whittaker," Hen - salt; Mrs. Ron Dale, Seaforth; Mrs, Tienkamph, Clinton. Games 2,..7 and 11 were split three ways; game .12 was split four ways. SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS ' • OPEN DAILY T. Pryde & Son ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS fnquiries are invited. Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON 482-9421 • SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas This is' "HOME FREE ER SEASON„ For "Special Prices” contact: - MACHAN HARDWARE Phone 483 -. Brussels, Ont. •..,' We sell Atlas, General, Zenith, McClary- Easy and ' Kelvinator Freezers priced as low as, 15 Cubic Foot $17900 18 Cubic Foot $189.00 22 Cubic ,Foot $214.00 PROMPT WATCH • REPAIR SERVICE Y1 SAVAUGE JEWELLERS Certified Watchmakers t�PPOSITE POST OFFICE SERVING ` SEAFORTH AND AREA Kenneth J. Burchill G. K. Holland The Great -West Life Assurance Company ,announces the appointment of Kenneth J. Burchill as arepresentative in the Seaforth.Mitchell area. Mr. Burchill and G. K. Holland are now providing Great -West Life's complete range of life, health, group and annuity services in this area. Mr. Burchill was formerly -associated' with one of the leading Canadian banks and inimelliately prior to enter- ing the life insurance business was an assistant manager with a trust company in Ottawa. With his broad back- ground in financial circles, Mr. Burchill is fully compe- tent to provide policyholders and new clients with a complete counselling service on their life and health insurance programs, including business insurance and employee benefit plans. Mr. Holland, who has been associated with Great -West Life since 1947, will continue to conduct his life insur- ance and general insurance business from his office. in Dublin. KENNETH J. BURCHILL 186 St. David Street Mitchell—Telephone 348.8037," THE G. K. HOLLAND bublin Telephone 3 Great -West Life ASSURANCE COMPANY 0m 4 Doyon have to ration hot water �n wash days and bath nights? a Cascade 40. electric water heater. can change all that. Cascade 40 has two elements: a 1000 -watt lower element fot normal use, and, a .3000-watt't9p element that surges into action at times'of extra heavy use. That's why the Cascade 40 can sup- ply more hot water -than the average family is ever likely to use. Cascade 40 is flameles's, safe and clean. It requires no flue so it can be installed anywhere, the ten year, guarantee on the tank is your assurance of Casc a 's reliability. - With a Cascade 40, th cos of abundant hot water is low. For more information... ask your hydro 1I r 4 Y 4-- 4 FRANK KLING LTD. Phone . 527-1320 Seaforth BOB DOIG Phone 527-0357. , Seaforth GINGERICH SALES . & SERVICE LTD. Phone 527-0290: Seaforth GEO. A. SILLS & SONS Perone 527-1620 Seaforth - DUBLIN ELECTRIC Phone 70R2 : Dublin - Consult your Electrical Contractor for further information