HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-07-22, Page 7r • world • news In.G f cus sip ----�.4,---- The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston, Mgss. 02115 Please enter my subscription to the Monitor for the period checked be- low. I enclose $.__.__. (U.S. Funds/ ❑ 1 YEAR 524 0 6 months 512, 0 3 months 56 Nome Street City State ett ZIP Code PM -1 This Summer make it a GREAT .. ONTARIO ADVENTURE VACATION • City excitement and country charm greet you in South Central Ontario! South Central Ontario is a family vacationland of many faces. Its cities are Ibig and exciting„ its countryside picturesque and relaxing . . . with• history and the thrill• of discovery at every turn. . Discover the country charm 'round Cobourg, founded by United Empire -Loyalists, in 1798. Relive early Canadian history. Then enjoy Toronto, Ontar'rio's cosmopolitan capital with its gracious parks and gourmet .restaurants, its bustling stock exchange and big annual Canadian National Exhibition. Tour ' Hamilton's mighty steel mills and beautiful Royal Botanical Gardens. ThriIP'to the sight of wondrous Niagara Falls honeymoon capital of the world and one of its se'ren wonders. Take o boat ride right up to the foot of the Falls. See ocean vessels pass through' the locks of the famous Welland Canal. Then enjoy the sport of kings ' at•Fort Erie Race Track. 07 An i dventure 'Vacation in South Central Ontario can be d vaFation of pleasure and meaning 'for your family, and we'd like to help you plan it. Send' us this coupon and we'll mail you our Great South Central Ontario Adven- ture Vacation booklet (24 pkges in full colour/. 1 Province of Ontario, Dept. of Tourism &. information, L Parliament Buildings, R6om 1680 • Toronto 2, Ontario. Please send me complete Information I' on atreot South. Central Ontario g'.I;Adventure Vacations. If !A� 1. Name �' j Address .( I City Province J CR6MARTY The 19th annual Riley ret10- ion was held at the home' of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Riley with an attendance of 125, Winners of sports, contests and •games were: Raymond Riley, Michelle Riley, Ruth Harburn, Robert Riley, Marlyne, Riley, JoAnne Riley, Wade Riley, Linda Fair, Jo -Ann Sten- son, 'Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ailey, Mrs. Frank Riley, Harvey Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farr, Bruce Brodhagen, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farr, Bill Riley, Jr., Marlene Fraser, Betty Dietrich, Donna Brodhagen, Jo -Ann Stinsgn's team. Sports were conducted by Mr and Mrs. Jack Brodhagen and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Brodhag- en. Roy The . president, Mr.. Smale, was in charge of • the business meeting, when officers for 1966 were elected as fol- lows: President, Mr. George Boa; vice-president, Mr. Ber- nard Brodhagen; secretary, Lo- retta • Riley; .treasurer, Mrs George . Shiels; sports commit- tee: Mrs. Nellie Riley and Les- lie, and Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Harburn; lunch committee, .Mr and Mrs. Bill Riley, Mr. and Mrs. George Shiels, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Harburn,and Mr. Mrs. Rips Riley. WMS Has Meeting Ladies from Exeter, Hensall, Mitchell and Seaforth were guests at a combined meeting of the Women's Missionary So- ciety and the Marion Ritchie Evening Auxiliary of Cromar- ty Church, when •.Miss Agnes Hislop, missionary on furlough from the Bhil Field .in India, ,was guest speaker. Mrs. T. L. Scott, who was closely associ- ated with the family in the `blue coal • Champion Stove and Furance Oil yam DUNDAS Office 527-0150 - Res. 527.1053 GET A BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER - PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR `FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. BRUCEFIELD -,SALES - SERVICE Phone Collect: 482-9250 - , Clinton iStr P fi EAST WAWANQSH Haat Wawanosh` Township Council met with all the mem- bers present and Reeve Snell presiding. The auditor was pre- sent and We his audit of the 1964 township.. accaun;ts, show - $3,972.34 The report w a s adopted and fee of $350.00 paid. Representatives of the Win - ham High School Area and the Clinton C.I. Area were present to -discuss high school boundar- ies, and it was agreed to meet with' the County School Con- sultative Committee as soon as possible to try and change the high school boundaries, Council approved a grant to the Arena .. oard of $200,00. The towns kkjfgy'11 rate was set for 1965 at 4 mills fir farm and residential, and 15 mills for commercial. A supplemen- tary road bylaw of $12,000.00 for bridges was approved. Accounts approved included: C. W. Hanna, salary $19$.86, bills paid $1.78; Alan McBur- ney, wages $156.80, truck $18; Wm. Kennedy, wages, $89.70; George T. Currie, wages, $43.70; Frank Cooper, wages, $19.55; Elmer 'Bruce, wages, $9.20; El- don Cook, wages, $9.20; James West, introduced the speaker, referring to her as 'a former pupil in public, school. at Meath Park, Sask. Miss •Hislop, dressed in a blue sari, spoke of her work in India, emphasizing the fact that we in`•our auxiliaries are as a team, working with the Chris- tian missionaries in India. Mrs. Mervin Dow presided for the» meeting and Mrs. J. C. Boyne conducted devotions. Miss Bonnie Miller gave a read- ing, "The Wise Sower." The CGIT group »contributed a spe- cial musical number, "I'11 Ga Where You Want Me To Go, Dear • Lord." . Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Robert Laing, and Mrs. Dow closed the meeting with the benediction. Lawyer: "Now make it brief and to the point. How did the explosion ,occur?" Witness.: "The Engineer was full and the boiler was empty." -- NOTICE -- For Co -Op Insurance' Cell W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 - John St. SEAFORTH Complete,,:Coverage' For: • Auto an4Truck • Farm Liability- • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services •' Wind Insurance ATTENTION FARMERS ! ! We have for immediate FREE DELIVERY 20 .1,350 -Bushel Capacity -Galvanized Steel -GRANARIES Complete with walk-in° door, auger open- ing, roof ladder and . roof opening The regular price of these Granaries is $413.7.5 OUR PRICE DELIVERED $ 325.00, J. M. McD.ONALD LUMBER LIMITED BRUSSELS Phone 77 ast railservi o TORON` DAYLIGHT SAVING -TIME Dally except Sunday LEAVE SEAFORTH 12:54 P.M. ARRIVE STRATFORD 1:35 P.M. LEAVE STRATFORD , » 1:55 P.M. • ARRIVE TORONTO • 3:55 P.M. Revenient connection to Montreal, Atlantic Provinces. w rail fares. ^ information phone. your 'local C N Sales Office. 4 ro- E AY Cbultea, Jr., wages, $9.24 Al bent Coulte,S; cement basin/, $114.80; Karry Williams, gaso- line and fuel oil, $235.46; Snell Feed & Supply Ltd.', weed spray - and cart wheels, $109.50; Bel - "grave Co-op, weed spray and fuel oil, $128.48; The Blyth Standard,- printing and sup- plies, $18:75; Canada Culttert Co., pipe, $162.24; Armco Drainage Co., pipe, $162.24; Dominion Road Machinery Co., grader repair, $911.29; Alex McBurney, unemployment in- surance stamps, $32.34; Hugh Blair, 8 hours with truck, $24; Joe Kerr, gravel, $3,146.99; truck $285.00; Garth Walden, -8 hours with truck, $36; F. Mont- gomery, 10 hours with truck, $45.00; Ross Jamieson, 103 hours with truck, - $463.50; ,Amond Jamieson, 106 hours with bulldozer, $795.00; Receiv- er -General of Canada, income tax, $14.40. General Cheques -County of Huron, tree planting, $81.35; 'Fawn of Goderich, D.C.I. deb, $967.87; Town of Clinton, D.C. I. Deb., $732.06; Geo. Walker, • telephone re W.F., $1.00; Bel - grave Co-op, W.F. powder $2.10, sprayer parts $9,45, chain for park, $20.29; A, M. Harper, audit fee, $350.00; Ernest Snell, convention expenses, $50.00; Ron Snell, 4 fox bounties, $16; direct' relief, $35; ipl' Jefferson, mower repair, $1. Belgrave Community Centre, grant, x$200. MORRIS COUNCIL Morris Township Council met with all members. present, Mo- tions adopted included: William »Elston and James Mair: That Walter Shortreed be commissioner° to look after re- pairs to the Smith Drain. William Elston and Ross Smith: That - a grant of $125.00 be given to Brussels Recrea- tional Committee. Ross Smith and Walter Short - reed: • That Bylaw No: 5, 1965, being a supplementary borrow- ing authorizing the tress urer to borrow up to $60,000.00 be passed. a. James Mair and William El- ston: That Bylaw No. 6, 1965, setting the township rate at 14 mills for farm and residential property and 15,5 mills for commercial and business pro- perty be .passed. ' Walter Shortreed and James Mair: That Bylaw No. 7, 1965, setting the penalty on unpaid taxes at 2 per cent to be add- ed after Dec. 15, 1965, and % of one per cent per month, commencing Jan. 1, 1966, until paid be passed. James Mair and Walter.Short- reed: That .$300_. be given to Brussels cemetery chapel fund. Accounts approved included: Ross' Smith, fox bounty, $4.00; Art Hoggart, fox bounty, $8.00; Wingham Retarded Children's.. Authority, $300.42; Clare Van - Camp, chickens killed, $72.00; Town of Clinton, debentures for Collegiate Institute, $335.53; Mrs. Bernard Hall, premium on Compensation Policy, -$139.75; Brussels .Recreational Commit- tee, grant, $125; Mrs. Laurie Scott, chickens killed, $31;00; Ken Taylor, valuator's fees, $10.90; Ontario Hydro, Bluevale street lights, $14.25; Helen Martin, salary, $100; Stewart Procter, mayors' and reeves' convention, $40; Brussels Ceme- tery Chapel Fund, $300.00. Road Accounts -William Mc- Arter, mileage, wages and book- keeping, $133.46; James Case - Tore, wages, $260; John Smith, ages, $40.70; Ross Jamieson, loading, supplying and hauling gravel, $213.90; Hamm's Gar- age; tractor tire, $23.59; Brus- sels. Coal Yard, hauling gravel, $101.00; • Sam Sweeney, bulldoz- ing, $1,428.00; Ontario Culvert & Metal , Products, culverts, $432.12; Struthers Transport, trucking, $22; 'Mel Jermyn, loading and hauling gravel, $208; Ideal Supply, flashers,' $4.33; Alex Inkley, fuel oil and tax, $379.56; J. C. McNeil,' hy- draulic oil, - etc., $48.31; Mow- bray Construction Ltd., • pay- ment No. 1, $16,743.59; Allied Chemical Canada Ltd., chlor- ide, , $78.60; Pollard's Chain Saw, repairs to tractor, $18.86; Wilfred Warwick, gravel $54.60. GREY COUNCIL Motions approved by Glrey Township council included: By Kenneth Bray and Law- son Ward: That we set °the township rates as follows: farm and residential, 12 mills; commercial, 13.5 mills; fire de- partment 0 mills, and adopt- ed the budget for 1965. By Kenneth Bray' and. Archie USBORNE AND HIBBERT -- MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Directors; Robert G. Gardiner R.R. 1; President Cromarty Martin Feeney RA. 2, Dublin Vice -President Wm. H. Chaffe - RR 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1, Science Hill Raymond McCurdy''' R. R. 1, >kirkton Tim Toohey - R.R: 3, Lucan Agents: Hugh Benninger • Dublin Harry Coates •• Exeter Clayton Harris • Mitchell Secreta`/ •Treasurer: Arthur b`i:aor.. ,x . Fleeter et Al anti: That we give a grant' to the Libraries as follows: Ethel, $50; •Cranbrook, $30; Moncrieff, $30; Walton, $15; Molesv.�orth, $15. By Glenn Huether and Archie Mann: That we give a - grant - in the,aanount of $300.00 to the Brussels Cemetery for a burial chapel and storage vault. • By Kenneth Bray and Glenn Huether: That we give the Brussels, Morris & Grey Re- creational Committee a grant of $100.00: By Lawson Ward and Glenn Huether: That we accept • An- drew Bremner's resignation as livestock valuator. By Archie Mann and Lawson Ward: That Bylaw No. 16, 1965, be passed to appoint Hugh B. Smith valuator under the -Dog Tax and Livestock and Poultry Protection Act. Accounts approved included.: Harvey Smith, chickens killed, $22.15; Andrew Bremalu- ator, $4.00; . United ati ery, supplies, $66.05; A. B. Louns- bury, office blind, $21.70; Hiem- stra Nursing Home, June acct., $86.25; Queensway Nursing Home, June account, • $116.25; Clifford R. Dunbar, to Mayors' and Reeves' coiT,ention, $25 ; Allan Dobson, .garbage collec- tion, Ethel Village, $14; J. C. Conley, ' bulbs, Ethel Village, $5.93; Tile -Drainage Loans, $2,- 559.50; Melvin Carnochan, tile drain -age inspector, $14.50;, E. M. • Cardiff, foes, tile loans, :$20.80; Melvin Carnochan, re- pair drains, Holland -Anderson, $33, Smillie $31.50, grant $28; J. Homer Henderson, 100 eight- inoli tile, , $17.05; Hodgins -Mc- Donald, culvert graint. drain, $21.96; G: A. Gibson t Sons, Pollard Drain, $24; E. M. Car- diff, drain collections, $20.00;. Township of Wallace, Moles- worth -street lights, $420.96; On- tario Hydro Molesforth street lights, $2313; Brussels Ceme- tery, grant, $300; Recreational Committee, grain, $100; Library grants, $140; . Robert Cunning - m, gas, oil, Fire Dept., $5.75; Elwood McTaggart, maintenance Fire Dept.,. $12; Firemen to Mill, $24.00; roads and bridges, $21,329.63. Total, $25,487.11. W. E. SOUTHGATE ALL LINES ' of INSURANCE MAID ST. • SEAFORTH ° Res. 527-0131 Phone 5,27.0400 ' , A'. 4 o A . Proj,ect The Huron County Federation of Agriculture have volunteer- ed to • be the sponsoring 'body of the Farmstead and Rural Improvement Centennial proj- ect combined `with the competi- tion supported by the local com- mittee of the International ,Plowing Match 1966. C. H. Thomas, of Brussels, is chairman of the event, with Gordon Elliott, Seaforth, as vice-chairman, and Bob Henry, Blyth, as secretary. It is hoped that \each township -will have t least 20 completed entries. Entries are to be sent to the township chairman, and a champion will be selected to compete for the county cham- pionship and reserve. - Township chairmen are: Ash- field: Eldon Culbert, RR 6, God- erich; Colbornedf Jamieson Rib- ey, RR 6; Goderich; Goderich: Lloyd Bond, RR 3, Clinton; Grey: Clare Veitch, RR 2, Brusr sels; Hay: Harold, Campbell, RR 1, Exeter; Howick: Jack Ferguson, RR 1, Clifford; Hul- lett: J. Robert Henry, Blyth, and Ted Hunking, RR 1, Au- burn; 1Killop: John Moylan, RR ' 5, Seaforth, and Oliver Pryce, R 1, Dublin; Morris: Ted Fear, RR 5, Brussels; Stan- ley:- Les Armstrong, Bayfield; Stephen: Bruce Shapton, RR 1, Exeter; Tuckersmith: Wilmer Broadfoot, RR 3, Kippen; Turn - berry: • Cedric Moffatt, Wing - ham; Usborne: Sam Skinner, Centralia; West Wawanosh : Murray Wilson, RR 2, Auburn; East Wawanosh: Robert Henry, Blyth. Classified ads pay dividends. PARTIES THAT ARE 'y� A BUSHEL'OfFUN SOMET/MES W/ND UP A PECK OF UARD SERVICE STATION GAS -OIL -REPAIRS USE' CA; 5MG7-O4156,CP GODERICH ST. SEAFORTH IAT riNcovsrm 1964 AMERICAN, 830 SEDAN -Automatic 1964 AMERICAN 2 -DOOR - 1963 VAUXHALL 4 -DOOR 1963 RAMBLER 1962 RAMBLER 2 -DOOR -1962 RAMBLER • 4 -DOOR 1961 RAMBLER 4 -DOOR 1961 CHEV. BISCAYNE-6 Cylinder ' 1957 DODGE V-8-A:T. . ILLER MOTORS Phone 527-1410 Seaforth ' TIURO,N gx?OSMA,V4o r ( WILLIAM Phone 527-0870, 1 J41•F M. HART : Seaforth• �,� 4A {u ill ' ` , y ,,� / > • ' ,," y //o - Arnold Stinnissen , GROUP - LIFE ACCIDENT and SICKNESS - MAJOR MEDICAL PENSIONS - ANNUITIES - Representing Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE 527-0410 Goderich St. East - Seaforth VO-LKSWAGENS-. See and drive them - at. •, HUNTER - DUVAR:'LTD. _ Exeter. : 235-1100 OFFICE SUPPLIES THE HURON EXPOSITOR " Dial 527-0240 Seaforth • - SHOLDICE'Swog Brodhagen, Ont. "We Give Thlei#ty Blue Stamps" F�pp STOR • "DOLLAR DAYS SALE" BALLET TOILET Tissue . . 10 LEAN, RINDLESS, Bacon :... PLASTIC, OVAL, Laundry Basket E. D. SMITH Apple Pie Filler MONARCH Pie -Crust Mix "Luck Product' y• Win free gifts week by purchasing. secretly marked ducts in . our rolls $1.00 1 Ib.85c x1.00 All • for .00 every , pro- store. r� ' �SDRIVE IN BEFORE YOU DRIVE AAY! Ready For Safety - Check Avoid getting a roadblock ticket by taking advantage of car FREE Safety Check. This includes: • Check all brakes . • Check all lights • Check "horn • Check windshield 'Wipers SUMMER CONDITION•IN-G Get Ready For Pleasant, Care -Free Driving This Summer! Cooling system flushed and checked --'rust inhibitor added. Hoses and thermostats checked. Motor wash -down to help keep engine cool. Regular $11.85 '- All' for only • • . 7 .95 PARTS EXTRA IF NEEDED Seaforth CHEVROLET Moto CS SERVICE DEPARTMENT Phone 5274750 Seafot* ai