HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-07-22, Page 6w717,1 7732t
(PM „ 2.. i 4965
D1a1 '527-0240 Seaforth
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1 to 5 years
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6 to 20 years
CALL 527-0452
W. G. Campbell
A brute for work :. .
Agiutton forpunishment!
This is the silo unloader that always delivers . , no matter
what the temperature may be, no matter what condition the
silage is in - .. wet, dry, frozen, or compacted. Those big
FEED -EASY double augers dig in and deliver a steady flow
of silage the moment you turn on the electricity. Patented
impeller system will never freeze' or clog. Adjustable wall
wheels and adjustable drive hubs keep the FEED -EASY silo
unloader in perfect balance, hugging the silo wallsat all tithes.
Fits all sizes of silos
The.,powerftiL lion -clogging
FEED -EASY impeller sys-
tem throws the silage down
the chute efficiently in silos
through 16 feet. When in-,
stalled in larger silos, an au- 't
ger conveyor chut'5 is easily
attached..The loosened silage
is thrown from the impeller
apout onto the conveyor
which carries the silage to.
the silo chute.
Write or phone for more information
Agent and dealer inquiries invited
• Farmstead Automation Division
GEORGE• WHITE •& SONS CO.' LTD. 80x129, London, Ont.
Rev. F. T. Darnell officiated
at the marriage of Anita Mar-
garet Ashdown and Kenneth
Gordon Storey, Lontlon, in Eg-
erton St. Baptist Church. The
bride's parents arp Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas. Ashdown, London, and
the groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Storrey, RR
2, Brussels, Ont.
The bride chose an • • empire
floor -length gown of white or-
ganza over taffeta. The chan-
tilly lace bodice was fashioned
with lily -point sleeves and a
scalloped sabrina neckline bor-
dered with seed pearls and
rhinestones. The bouffant skirt
was appliqued with chantilly
lace. A crown of miniature
flowers and net' leaves enhanc-
ed with seed pearls, held her
net bouffant veil, and she car=
.ried a cascade of red roses.
Miss Jacquilene Walmsley was
maid. of. honor. Bridesmaids
were Miss Sharon Storey and
Miss Jacquilene Jeffry. They
were groomed alike in street -
length dresses of lavender silk �,
organza over taffeta. They car-
ried cascades of white mums.
Murray- Alcock, cousin of the
groom, was. groomsman, and
ushers were Donald' Storey,
brother of the groom, and
Robert Wilcox, of London.
The bride's mother received
the guests, wearing a rose crepe
dress with at matching lace.
trimmed jacket and white ac-
cessories. Assisting her was
the groom's mother, who chose
a torquoise fitted -dress of crepe
with matching hat and white
accessories, and a corsage of I
pink carnations. The reception !
was held ,. in the Ivanhoe in
For a wedding trip to the
Adirondacks, the bride chose a
two-piece pastel blue lace suit
with' white hat and gloves and
matching blue patent purse and
shoes. She wore a corsage of
red roses. The couple will re-
side in London. ,
Miss Patricia Burchill spent
the weekend with her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bur-
chill, Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roney and
family were in. The'dford on
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hanna,
Mitchell, were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mfs. Jack Burchill sand
visited Mrs. Ada Burchill on
Mr. arid Mrs. Wilfred Annis
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Pepper and family, 'Mr. and
Mrs. Rdssell Roney and fam-
ily, Mr.• and Mrs. Russell Ische
and Mr. and Mrs. Ray ,Heuther
and family spent Sunday at the
Mrs. 'Frank Moore spent
Thursday with her sister,, ,Mrs.
Leslie Moore, -Mitchell.
Mr. and Mr's. George Pepper
and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper
were in London Saturday eve-
Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Annis,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Roney and
Mr. and Mrs. Ross' Pepper were
in Thedford on Thursday. with
Every week more people dis-
cover what mighty jobs are
accomplished by low cost Ex-
positor Want Ads. Dial 257-0240.
Starting Wages 1.15 per Hour.
Guaranteed • 35 ours per week
Earn that Extra Money you need for just a
few hours time every day
PFate 48
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald.
Miss Mary Lannin, Stratford,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fergus Lwinin, on Monday.
Mrs. Jack Burchill and Pa-
tricia were in London on Tues-
Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper.
visited Mrs. Mary Malcolm on
Mr. Fergus Lanhin is attend-
ing the ;Shorthorn picnic' in
Peterborough this weekelyd.
Mrs. Herb Britton, Mrs. Lar-
ry Dale, Bobbie and Kevin and
Mrs. Len O'Rourke, Vicki and
Patti attended the Workman
reunion in Mitchell on Wednes-
Miss Lettie Lannin, Reg.N.,
Detroit, attended the wedding
of her nephew on Saturday and'
is visiting her brothers, Mr.
Morley Lannin and Mrs. Lan-
nin and Mr. Fergus Lannin and
Mrs. Lannin 'for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Spearn, of
London, visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack -Balfour, recent-
Mr. Danny Kehler,' RR No. 1,
Ste. Ann, Manitoba, a 4-H boy,,
is spending .this week with
Bruce. Malcolm.
Bride -to -b
A miscellaneous shower in
honor of Miss Pauline Staple-
ton, whose marriage to Mr. J.
G. Agar is an event of August
7th, was sponsored by Miss
Joanne • Stapleton and Miss
Leona Krauskopf. About 35
friends and neighbors- assem-
bled to extend best wishes -to
the prospective bride.
• An address was read by Miss
Stapleton, and the guest' of
honor- was assisted . in opening
numerous and .useful gifts of
linen and china. A social hour
was spent in games, and lunch
was served by the sponsors and
their assistants.
Miss Bernadette. Nagle has
successfully passed her• grade 8
Royal Conservatory of music
examinations in piano with Min-
ors; Miss Joann Goettler, hon-
ors in grade 7; and Miss Jane
Looby, , first class honors in
grade 3.
Mr, and Mrs. Don MacRae
arid Nora Ann attended the
Wedding in Bloomfield Hills,
Mich., of . their cousin, Miss
Linda Schonorvck, to Mr. Thos.
P. Hanson.
Misses Marie, Bernice and
Pauline Holland, of • Stratford,
with Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Hol-
Mr. atd• Mrs. Billie, Feeney
and children, Kitchener, with
Mrs. Nicholas Krattskopf.
Mr. and Mrs. rat O'Rourke,
Burlington, with Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Looby.
Mr. and Mrs: Walter Carpen-
ter in Formosa.
Mrs. Jim Newcombe, Port
Credit, with Mr. and Mrs. Wfn,
Mrs, George Coville has re-
turned home from Long Island,
New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris and
children, London, with Mr, and
Mrs. Torn Butters,
Mrs. Taunt, Of Pontiac, Mich.,
with Mr. and Mrs. ' Michael
Nagle. .
Mrs. Howard Burgess, Flint,
Mich,, with 14rs. Joseph bill.
The 1966' M4,Clure: reunion
was held Sunday, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Mc-
Clure, with 132 'in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc-
Clure, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Williamson and Mrs. Robert
Dalton were in charge of en-
tertainment.. Mr. and Mrs, Bev
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. • Russell
Taylor and Mr. and .Mrs: Percy
Dalton conducted the sports.
Winners included: First fam-
ily to register, Mr. and' Mrs;
Garnet, Taylor and Joan Tay-
lor; man with largest shoe,
Robert• Lawson.; lady with least
articles, ,Ann Gibson; youngest
grandmother, Mrs. Margaret
Carter; closest birthday, Rus-
sell Taylor.
Races -Pre-school, Paul . Mc -
lure, Stanley McClurg; girls
678 years, .Bonnie- Taylor, Deb.
bie McClure, Faye Dalton; boys
6.6 years, 1ileicy Taylor, Clare
McClure; girls 8-10 years, Lyn-
da 411derson, Betty Taylor,
Kathy Dalton; boys 8-10 years,
Fred McClure, Edward Mc-
Clure, ,David McCIure; girls, 10-
12 years, Janice McClure, Bar-
bara McClure, Marie. McClure;
boys 10-12 years, Ray McClure,
James Anderson, Fred McClure;
girls, 12 and over, Janice Mc-
Clure, Blanche Dalton, Barbara
McClure; boys 12 and over,
Clyde McClure, Donnie Dalton,
James Anderson; ladies, Mar-
jorie Anderson, Sharon Beuer-
mann, Joyce McClure; men,
Murray McClure, Don McClure,
Glen McClure; ladies kick the
slipper, Marjorie Anderson ;
nn,, a►l .Picn c,; eurtion
bag race, Bob Lawson. Janice
McClure; nylon relay, Glen Mc-
Clure's team bean. and. Straw
relay, Myrtle • Taylor's team;
most clothespins in hand, Mar-
garet Carter; it's your move,
1st, Marjorie Anderson and
Margaret Taylor, 2nd, Mary Lou
Taylor and Pat Taylor; guess
the weight of one dozen orang-
es, Joyce McClure.
Officers elected for 1966 are:
President, Fred Gibson; vice-
president, Glen McClure; secre-
tary -Measurer, Dorothy Dalton;
sports, Mr, and Mrs. Walter -
McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
McClure and Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Anderson; refreshments, Mr.
and Mrs. William, Taylor, o -Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey McClure and
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Armstrong.
Everyone sat down to sup-
per but the weather was rather
chilly. Relatives came from
Zurich, London, Clinton, Bruce-
fleld, Staffa, Seaforth, Londes-
bero, Blyth, Walton, Sarnia,
Goderich and Winthrop.
A 4aming father brought
the -news to his six-year-old son
that, the stork had delivered a
lovely baby,sister sister for him.
"Aw," said the lad, "I was
hopiryg for an older brother."
The dry boarded t h e
crowded city bus and stood fac-
ingall the other passengers.
Realizing .that something was
wrong, he finally said: "I sup-
pose you are all wondering why
I called this meeting.' -
The Reeve, Members of Council and Ratepayers
The Corporation of the Township of Hullett '
Londesboro; Ontario June 22, 1965
Gentlemen: --
I have hudited the accounts and records of the Corpora-
tion of the Township of Hullett for the year ended December
31, 1964 and have prepared •therefrom the statements listed
in the index accompairying this report.
The operations for the year resulted in a surplus of
$4,703.25 compared with a surplus of $338.12 for the year
ended December 31, 1963.
- Presented herewith is a condensed, comparatite State-
ment of Revenue and Expenditure for the three years end-
ed Deeember 31, 1964, 1963 and 1962.
Township of Hullett - Auditor's Report
„ 1964 1963 1962
Taxation . ,.. ..... 152,951.54 149,827.32' 140,877.36
Prov. of Ont. -subsidies 40,508.54 43,218.07 39,012.30
Licenses and permits .... 571.00 632.00 666.00
Interest and penalties .. 4,087,56 4;208.25 4,013.97
Other revenue 72.31 596.08 694.19
Miscellaneous 456.88 2,184.43
Surplus from prior years
used to reduce levy 340.00
General Government ._
Protection to persons &
198,987.83 200,666.15 185,263.82
8,346.19 - 7,258.11 6,845.48
- property 6,151.13 3,638.76 3,043.11
Roads 53,479.02 59,133.97 34,798.25
Sanitation waste removal' 25.00 25,00 25.00
Social welfare619.96 274.08 203.75
Education 77,351.04 81,915.13 77,860.66
Recreation and commun
.ity services- 1,479.83 ' 1,758.14 6,404.04
Debt charges 7,016.53 7,054.70 6,690 $0
County rates 38,838.56 3$,638.04 38,286.08
Police village rates 916.20 626.10 607.20
Provision for deferred
income 202.77
MViiscellaneous 61.12 6.00
Capital expenditure from
current revenue 17,685.57
Surplus or (deficit)
- far the year 4,703.25
194,284.58 200,328.03 192,652.71
General Fixed
Due from Schools (Coll. & High)
Due -from Nott Drain
Due from Storey Drain
Accounts Receivable
338.12 (7,388.89)
.The results of the operations of the
the year ended December 31, 1964 were
School Section No. 1
School Boards for
as follows:
suriplus .265.62
Union School Section No. 2 .., surplus 668.76
Sohool Section No. 3 surplus 1,580.89
School Section No. 4 surplus 25.99
School Section No. 5 • surplus 756.07
School Section No. 6 surplus 120.40
Sohool Section No. 7 deficit 341.46
Sohool Section No. 8 surplus 2.40
School Section No. 9 deficit 407.31
School Section No. 10 deficit 439.50
School Section No. 11 - deficit 1,157.40
Union Sohool Section No. 12 surplus 2,106.47
Union School Section No. 5 deficit 189.31
Duplicate receipts, serially numbered by the printer
should be issued for all funds received by the treasurer.
Fidelity bonds have been examined for only those treas-
urers of the school boards that are listed on schedule No. 20,
and therefore it is presumed that the remaining treasurers
are not bonded. '
There are still many .sundry accounts receivable for
t grader oharges and material sold by,. the Township which
have been outstanding for many years. Where possible these
accounts should be added to the collector's roll and if this is
not possible an effort should be made to collect them directly.
There is no authority permitting prelevies for\ debenture
charges on municipal drains.
The bank overdraft plus the bank loan 'are in' total in
excess of the amount permitted by section ,329 (2) of ,the
• Municipal Act. I understand that some of the many out-
' standing cheques as at December 31, 1964, although dated
December 15, 1964 were not mailed to the payees until a
later date. This does seem to be the proper method to
pay the Township's obligation or attempt to avoid the pro-
' visions of 329 -(2) of the Municipal Act.
Subject to the foregoing qualifications I. hereby report
that in my opinion, •
(1) The financial transactions which have come under
within notice have been the powers of the municipality.
- (2) The audit .has been conducted in accordance with
the instrn'Ctions of the Department of Municipal Affairs.
(3•) The financial statements present fairly.the financial
position of the municipality as at December 31, 1964 and the
results of its operations for the year ended on that date.
(Signed) -A. M. HARPtil,
license Number 2775'
Filed.June 29, 1965.
33,935.57 Drainage. (other than general) 4,618.55
99,391.40 Tile Drains -owners share 28,527.35
3,986.74 Due to other municipalities 99,391.40
631.81 Investment in Capital. Assets 33,935.57
28,527.35 .
• r
Total Assets • 166,472.87
Cash on hand
Sundry accounts receivable
Due from 'Province of Ontario
Due from other Municipalities
'.Taxes receivable
Total Liabilities 166,472.87
Revenue Fund Baan'ce Sheet .
Total Assets
4,293.38 Bank overdraft -21,049.02
1,370.34 Temporary loans 34,500.00.
2,149.02 Accounts .payable 5,014.90•
14,639.30 Debenture interest due 279.25
103.94 Due to ,schools 15.70.
73,464.88 Deferred revenue 891.56
Pre -Levy Nott Drain 946.42
Surplus . . 33,324.01 •
96,020.86 Total -Liabilities
Revenue Fund SurpJus Account
Balance at beginning . of year 27,458.89
Drain adjustments 1,501.87
Surplus for the year 4,703.25
Total surplus ' . 33,664.01
• Less surplus included in Current Budget• 340.00
Balance of surplus at end of year 33,324.01
' 96,020.86
For the year ended December 31, 1964
Total Revenue from taxation .. - 152,951.54
Contributioxis, Grants, Subsidies
Welfare -Assistance ' 237.50
Highway iafrproitgrnent 32,456.15
Payments in lieu of taxes 71.61
Unconditional per capita
grants - 5,892.00
Sales tax rebate 1,423.13
Warble Fly • 429.15
Inlicenses and 'Permits
terest and penalties on taxes
Other Revenues
Fines ,
Miscellaneous - Provision for
. deferred revenue .,
Gross Total Revenue
S'ttrplus from Prior Years used
to reduce levy
+tc a,X Revenue Section
Budget Actual
150,000.00 General Government
Executive and Legislative .. 1,110.00
Administrative 6,082.08
Other 1,054.11
. 4,400.00
Protection to Persons and
Property -Fire 3,889.63
Livestock claims 53.00
Laenforcement 15.00
Street lighting 33.09
Weed spraying 19.10
Reforest 'pion , 58.75
Warble ly Control 954.27
Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority 1,128.29
Public Works - Roads, High-
ways, etc.
Sanitation & Waste Removal
Social Welfare
Welfare Assistancet
Education, including debt chgs
Recreation and Com. Services
Debt Charges
Long-term debt charges ▪ 14,921.27
Less own' share of school
charges 11,385.62
Short-term interest & others 3,480.88
Taxes written off
Joint or Special Expenditures
County Rafe§ 38,838.56
Police Village RateS 916.20
Gross''otal Expenditure
Surplus for the Fear
'Total Expenditure Section
8,346.19 8,000.00
6,151.13 4,000.00
53,479,02 61,000.00
619.96- 1,000.00
77,35L04 77,681100
1,479.83 2,000.00
7,016.53 7,780.00..
39,754.76 39,600.00
194,284+58 201,060.00
1981987.83 201,060.00
it 1'1