HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-07-22, Page 14
Whole No. 5082
10Sith Year
• Prices
Change in
60 Years
A lot can happen in 60 years,
including changes in the cost,
of everyday articles.
That this, is, true is indicated
by prices advertised in a copy
of the Toronto News of July
22, 1902. This particular issue
of the 'long -since expired. To-
ronto daily was found recently
by Wilmer' Broadfoot as he was
preparing 'to move from Tuck-
ersmith to his new home in
A-, large advertisei then, as
now, The T. Eaton Co., offered
kid - gloves at 25 cents a pair.
Other values at Eatons includ-
ed: Lace curtains for $1.63;
silks at 25c a yard, and ostrich
capesand boas from $18 to
$32.50. Peter Pan white waists
were selling, for 49c, and wo-
men's black cashmere hose for
Other items of interest in
elude a reference to the .Ameri-
can Presidential election of that
year, in which William Jen-
nings Bryan Opposed ' the in-
cumbent, Teddy Roosevelt. The
News reports the speech of
Lord • Cromer to the British
,House of Lords, predicting wart
with Germany within a few
years. However, another peer,
Sir Charles Nike, laughs to
scion the idea of war between
Germany and Great ',Britain,
saying `neither country desires
war and there 'is no reason tvhy
there should be 'war.'
The platform of Sir Robert
Borden's Cbhaervative party in
1902 bears more than a Slight
resemblanee to current propos-
als before 'the Houge of Com-
mons. The, Leader of the Op-
position advocated Civil Ser -
vie reform, improvement - of
election methods, Senate re-
form and maintenance of Pro-
vincial Rights.' And in Niagara
FaUs,vaille the flow of water
WO a tunnel belpnging to the
Nieggr -Falls. .Pitryer.Co., waa,
shmtsoffduring efelfainejobsetta
the tunnel's roofs the ..A.Merf-
iaa Niagara is described as' be-
ing "practically unleashed."
A round trill rail fare Of
$14.25 from Toronto 'to New
.York is a striking contrast to
today's rates. However, separ-
atism, a question of great topi-
cal interest, is also mentioned
in 1902. ' The extreme French-
Canadian, Le National, reports
The News,' calls the visit of the
Prince of Wales to Canada "an
Outrage on the feelings of
French-Canadians." .
Acts in
Officials of the villages of
.Hensall and Zurich, have been
advised to hire consulting en-
gineers to prepare a report, on
the. installation of municipal
sewage ,works, it was revealed
in. an Ontario Water Resources
CoMmission water pollution sur-
vey report just released.
The report states' that the
villages are "major sources . of
pollution by domestic and in-
dustrial wastes"... These wastes
are being discharged directly
MW the storm sewer systems
of the municipalities; a n d
reaching provincial waterways.
The report also warned that
careful operation of Zurich's
refuse disphs,a1 area. is neces-
sary to 'insure that contamina-
tion of a • nearby creek is
The municipal and private
water. supply systems in the
two villager) and.theTownship
of Hey, in which they are 'Id-
eated, are "generally ratite
factory,". the survey found.
THE ROAD "OVER THE MOUNTAIN", as it has been known to succeeding genera-
tion's of area residents, will soon be no more. A road', imProyereent program being car- •
ried out by McKillop Township along the • second concession, northeast of town, includes -
cutting more than 15 feet from the top of the hill opposite lot 21, in concession 2 and 3.
About 30,000 tons orNpaterial is involved in the project for which Joe Kerr Ltd., of
Wingham, has the centred. Here, shovels are digging into the hill to remove stone,
which is crushed and then•used in the reconstruction of the 2%;mile stretch of road.
Family Groups in District
old Reunion Gatherings
The Wolfe ,reunion was held
at the Lions Park:' Seaforth,
when there were 150 in attend-
ance. os
' Officers are: President, Frank
Wolfe; treasurer, Robert -Wolfe;
secretary, Mrs, Cyril Coughlin.
Results of races were: La -
Pass Music:
Exarninafions -,
Area music pupils have been
successful in recent•exams:
(St. Joseph's Convent)—Piano-
forte,. Gtade X, pass: Barbara
Holland. • Grade VIII, first class
honors: Jean Patrick, Margaret
Whyte, Joyce Harrison., hon-
ors; Joan Hoover. Grade. VII,
first class honors: Lorne Harri-
son, Dawna Reynolds, Chris-
tine Turnbull: Hpnors: Angela
Devereaux, Karen Russell. Pass:,
Ann Sills. Grade III, first class
honors: Jane Sills. -• —
Miss Nancy Scott, of Sea -
forth, and Miss Glenda Little,,
of RR 1, Seaforth, *ere suc-
cessful in passing their piano
examinations with the Royal
Conservatory of Toronto with
honors. Both' girls are students
of Miss. Carol Brown.
Lady Bowlers "
Rite kick slipper, Myrtle Coop-
er, Eunice Wolfe; 'men's race,
Earl Dill, Mervin Broughton;
balloon contest, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl- Dill; mysttry. jar, Wendy
McTavish; number jelly beans,
Mrs. Lena Jasper; young la-
dies' three-legged race, Sharon
Baird and Gail St. Lewis, Thel-
ma Jones and Lynne MeTaVish;
children's races: one year old,
Danny Stanley, Howard Tuff -
nail, Brian Salter; two and,
three year-olds, Gregory Sang-
ster, Brenda 'Cower; • four .and
five year-olds; Kenny Wolfe,
Kenny Varley, •Patty Stanley;
six and seven year-old, Dale'
Jbnes,. Shelley Stanley, Laurie
"Wolfe; eight and 10 year-olds,
David Tuffuail, Judy Puselzurg,
Lonnie Stanley; 11 and 12 year-
olds, Larry Hamilton, Jerry
Tuffnail, ,Shirley Hohner; 13 to
16 years, Sharoh Baird, Gail
St. Lewis, Wendy McTavish; 10
years and under, eat biscuit and
whistle, Larry Hamilton, Jerry
Tuffnail, David Tuffnaila wheel-
barrow race, 16 and under, ,Lar-
ry Hamilton, Jerry' Tuffnail,
Judy Pushelburg; relay, boys
against girls, Cindy Stanley,
David Tuffriail; Lifesaver en
toothpick, Davi d• Tuffnail's
team, Jerry Tuffnail's, teaeg; a
peanut scramble was -held for
the children.
Sponsor EVents
' Seaforth lady bowlers held
doir annual ladies' day tourna-
nkat Tuesday with a good at-
tendance and perfect weather.
Winners were: first, Goderich
rink, skipped by Mrs. IL Setime-
geour; second, Mitchell rink,
skipped by • Mrs, Elliott; third,
Wingham rink, skipped by Mrs.
R. DuVal; fourth, Stratford
rink, skipped by Mrs. Walsh;
fifth, Goderich rink, skipped by
Mrs. E. • Allison.
There will be bowling on
Saturday evening, followed by.
a barbecue,' Those wishing to
bowl are asked to contact Mrs.
Jack Muir by Friday night.
Popular mixed jitneys are
held every Tuesday night and
are attracting a number of the
younger Tuesday night's
winners Were: ladies, Marie
Muir and Katie Phillips; men,
Doug Phillips and Dr. Brady.
Thursday night is men's night
but ladles, too, are welcome.
.NEWS OF ckomAtir
Bible- Sihool
The closing program of erdin-
arty Bible School Was heid-in
the church Friday evening, Mts.
Thomas L. Scott preSided in the
absence of Rev. J. C. Boyne.
- The large congregation of
parents and friends joined in
the singing and heard each class
present a nuibber on the theme
of the school, "The Creation."
Teachers at the school were:
Ruth•Oudmore, Ruth Ann Cole-
man and Marian' Roberts, of
Chiselhurst; benne Dow and
Beth Christie, Royal; Mrs. Rob-
ert Laing, Mrs. Gerald Carey,
Mrs, T,
Coming farthest distance, Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Wolfe, Toronto;
youngest boy present, , Shawn
Palmatier; youngest girl pres-
ent, Sharon . Skinner; oldest
person, •Mrs. Lena Jasper; clos-
est birthday to picnic, child,
Brian Cooper; adult, Dick Tuff -
The picnic will be held at
the Lions Park neat year on
July 16, 1966. Those' attending
the picnic were from Toronto,
London, Exeter, Goderich, Sea -
forth, Clinton, Brucefield, Hen -
salt, Detroit, Stratford, Isling-
ton, Hamilton and Kitchener.
The Baird - reunion was -held
Sunday at Seaforth Lions Park
with 56 in attendance from
Warren, Detroit, Dearborn,
Michigan and Brucefield • '
Sports events were conduct-
ed by: Children's sports, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Ross and Mr. and
Mrs, Arnold Taylor; adult
sports, Mr. and Mrs. George
Klinkhamer and Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Wilt; Iunch committee,
Mrs. Norman Baird' and Mrs.
Victor Taylor. •
Results of sports were: One
year -old, Karen Klinkhamer,
Scott ROSS, Danny Stanley; two
and three years, Ronda Warner,
Jerry Ross, Ronnie Taylor; four
and- five, years, Billy Lee, Brea.:
da Warner, Patti Stanley; sik
years, Dale Joneg, Shelley Stan-
ley, Kelly Ross, Donna Lee;
seven and e*ht years, -Lonny
Stanley, Dianne Baird, Cindy
Stanley; lifesaver relay, Cindy
Stanley's teanaa soda biscuit and
whistle, Dale Jones; wheelbar-
row race, Dianne Baird and
Cindy Stanley, Dale Jones and
Brenda- Warrior, followed lay. a
peanut scramble. •••
Adult Rades: Paper 'ccintest,
Don and Billy Lee; ladies kick
the slipper, Thelma Jones, Bet-
ty".Dalrymple; men' kick the
slipper, Don Ross, Seldon.Ross;
marshmallow contest, • ladies,
Dorothy Ross, Thelma • Jones;
men, George Warner, Don
Ross; couples shoe scramble,
• (Contineed on Page A)
Set Plans
For Picnic.
Recently named Solicitor -Gen-
eral in the Pearson Cabinet,
Hon,' ,LtAry Pennell will make
his first visit to the area when
he will be guest of honor at
the third annual Huron Liberal
• Sponsored by the Huron Lib-
eral Association,
being held at the
Lions Park, Thursday af
noon, July 29th: ,
Other guests at the picnic
ill be .Gordon Blair, Ottawa,
president of the Ontario Lib-
eral Association, and Bruce Mc-
Cullough, president of the
Western Ontario North Liberal
Association. •
A special treat for •the kids
and adults, too, will be ,the
ePpnrtiinitY'tb ifiedt and chat
with Larry Jeffery; of Gode-
rich, former Detroit Red Wing
hockey star, and now with the
Toronto Maple Leafs.
Work is at a staadstilE at
the new , Seaforth Coriunimity
Hospital for the third week, as
striking carpehters continue to
picket the project.
• Members of • the Uhited Bro-
therhood of carpenters and
Joiners Of America went out
on strike July 5th, and brought
work to a stop on 44 projects
across five Western Ontario
counties, inelbding the Seaforth
hospital. Officials say there is
no way the few day# work
remaining to be done at the
hospital ,can be .completed until
the strike is, settled.
Work on the new hospital,
which began a year, ago, had
been proceeding according to
schedule until June, when de-
lays in delivery of certain
equipment forced the contrac-
tors, W. A. McDougall Ltd., to
seek a postponement a the
completion date to July 20th.
Hospital staff , had all plans
completed for the removal of
patients to the new building.
Work of packing the hundreds
of supply items which will be
moved had been well advanced
when the strike halted,. work,
p. 4
quarters have announced the
prontotion of R. E. "Ron"
Hansen to the rank of Flight
Lieutenant. A native of Sas-
katchewan and now of Sea -
forth, he joined the RCAF
in 1951. Later he applied for
university training under the
sponsorship of the RCAF. He
graduated in 1962 with a
Bachelor of Science degree
fromOttawa University, ma-
joring in, electrical engineer-
ing. , •
!Flight Lieutenant Hansen
and his wife (nee Ann Moir,
of Orillia, Ont.) are residing.
in Seaforth, where Mrs. Han-
sen teaches gnglish in Sea -
forth District High School.
Wins Honors,
At Saskatoon
A Grey Township exhibitor
monopolized a major, champion-
ship in Lacombe judging in the
all -Canada swine show at the
Saskatoon exhibition Tuesday.
Grand champion boar was
eadowbrook Adam 103, owned
by William Turnbull & Son, of
Brussels, Ont., well-knpwn area
hog breeders.
A sister, on her way to at-
tend the funeral of. her broth-
er, who a few days earlier had
been electrocuted, was killed
in an airline crash.
Ken Smithers, 34, of . Prince
Geonge, B.C, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom-Smithers, Vanderhoof;
B.C., and a nephew of .Mrs,
•Sclater, of towna-:wast.-elect."'
cuted by a nigh tension wire
while at construction work or,
July 6th.
His sister, Dorothy„ Mrs. Tom
Covello,, and her husband, were
flying to her brother's funeral
from their home in Winnipeg
on July 8th, when they were
killed in the crash of a Cana-
dian, Pacific' Airlines jet at 100
Mile House, 170 .miles north of
Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Covel-
lo had four young sons. , Mrs.
Covello was the only daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Smithers.
,•A memorial ' service for the
couple was held in Thorold,
Ont.,. Mr. Covello's. home town,
on, Saturday, Mr. Smithers • is
survived by his wife, Pauline,
and seven children.
, .
Itt the meantime, it has ,been,
necessary to unpack some sup-
plies end equipment, since
there is no way of telling when
the move eara be made.
There has been no indication
of negotiations being . resumed
between the striking carpenters,
and the contrattors.! Reprea
ehtatives have suggested the
strike could continue" for some
Conservatives Alter
Area.Organization —. • of honor and her mother, Mrs.
The carpenters- want 75
cents an hour spread through
a three-year kcontract 25: -
cents a year, plus six per cent
vacation pay instead of four,'
!resent -hourly rate is $3„1,7,,
plus 10 cents welfare beneflts,
The exchange has offered 95 .
cents spread , through Ave
Walton Area Girls
At Summer Camp
The following girls from
Walton and vicinity are at-
tending the United Church
camp at Goderich summer
school this week: Sharon Marks,
Connie . Coutts, Joan Bennett,
Gail Traviss, Debbie Wey, Dena
Wey, Linda Gray (Stratford),
Dianne Fraser, Gwen Bosman
and Margaret McNichol.
Decorations of pink ' and
white streamers and baskets of
roses and fern were the set-
ting for a miscellaneous shower
for Miss Donna Smith, bride-
eleht for this month. The event
was held Tuesday evening, July
13, in the Walton Community
Misi Glenna Houston was in
charge of the guest book. ' A
program was presented with
Mrs. Ray _Houston as master of
ceremonies, consisting of: piano
-duet by Carolyn and Mane
Fraser; Johnny and Matilda, a
vocal duet by Mrs. Emerson
Mitchell and Gail Traviss in
costume, accompanied by Mrs.
Herbert Traviss; a humorous
reading, Miss Bonnie Uhler; a
pantomime was presented by
p atth end 16th with Mrs, Jan
aitaVliet is .eifintineritatora de-
picting the various stages. of -
Donna's life. Those taking part
were Mrs. Clarence Martin, as
a baby; Janice Houston, as a
Mr. and Arra. Bob Coates, of
Brandon, Mrin., ,and their son,
Jack, of Veterinary College,
Guelph, visited at the home of
Elmer and Wilfred Dennis.
Lind Leeming, of Mitchell„
is holidaying with her grand-
parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Leonard
We are pleased toreport that
Susan, Murray is in satisfactory
condition followiflg, heart aure
gery last Tuesday at the Chin
drefi's War Memorial 'Hospital,
London. Her mother, Mrs. Gor-
don Murray, returned home on
Sunday after sending last
week in London. •
Mrs. Isabelle Boyd, of McKin
lop, spent a few days last
week. with Mr. tend Mrs, Leon-
ard Leeming.
Gail Traviss has returned
home after holidaying at Kin-
cardine with Dr. and Mrs. Clay-
ton. Sellers, of Wellesley. '-
Mrs. 'Gerald •Ryan and baby
son have °returned home from
Listowel Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. William Leeming and
Mrs. Fern Patterson, of. Sea -
forth, were weekend guests at
the' home of their- sister, Mrs.
Mr: anciaaVIrs. Neil' Reid; ofa
Toronto, visited with • the-- lat-
ter's mother, Mrs. George Den-,
des, for a few ,days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mule
child; Mrs. Alvip . McDonald, ray, of Toronto, were Sunday
school days; Mrs. , George Me -!guests at the home of Mr. and
Call, teacher; Carolyn Fraser
and Shirley Bolger, as Deena
and Bob, 'courtship days.. Mrs.
Rae Houston, Mrs. KennethMc-
parents. MrandMrsTerrance
Donald, Mrs. Douglas Fraser, !
• Dundas. ' , ' •
. - .
Mrs: Harold Bolger assisted Mrs. Miss Pauline Zoeger, of To.
Van Vliet backstage; with Miss
°vigeterd. and Wm
with Mrs.
o. Fredd-
Glena Houston at the piano; 1rwanat' ma°
solo, Mrs. Neil McGavin, dedi- Miller over the weekend.
cated to Donna. The '17th and Barry Nolan • is attending
Boundary presented a comic, cadet camp at Ipperwash, where
skit by Ruth Ritchie, Linda he is an' instructor. -
Johnston, Nellie Baan, Arlene Rev. W., J. Maines, of Lon -
Williamson, Sherrill Craig, desborci, a former minister of
Shirley Johnston: Lois William- this charge, conducted services'
sop. June Williamson and Mar- for the last three Sundays at
ion McCallum, with Mary Hen Walton and Moncrieff. Services
en' Buchanan at the piono. will ,be withdrawn 'next Sun -
Decorated chairs were•placed day.
oti the platform and the guest 'William Sholdice and Andrew,
•Coetts Detroit last Sunday between
Detroit Tigers and Baltimore
Orioles. The trip was made by
special bus from the Habkirk
Travel Service, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ennis,
Ste"Cen, and Leanne. ef Hamil-
ger, Carolyn Fraser and Glenna 'ton, were weekend visitors with
• Houston. A decorated hat was Mr. and, Mrs, Douglas Ennis.
made from the bows and rib- Mrs. Edward Smith. Sandra
bons, and later displayed •by and Monica Arie, of London,
the bride-to-be. are holidaying with Mrs. Wes -
Donna replied. thanking e 1.1ey Reekwell this week
ladies for the levely.•
gifts and I aIdMr
and ivira
,those responsible for the eve- I
; ning. Lunch was served by the ,Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Mur -
8th and 16th ladiesray!Huetner visited in Toronto
i I
Mr"and MrsDonald Buchan-
last Sunday. the guests of Mr.
• . . !an, Mary Helen and Catharine and Mrs. Wallace Sholdice,
Murray left last Wednesday by
train for Summerside, PEI., to
I visit with the former's son-in-
law and daughter. F'() and
' Mrs, John Day.
Mrs. ,William Murray.
Mrs. W. Stutz, of Waterloo,
visited on Saturday with her
A ,change in the boundaries i Dashwood: Arthur Bolton, Dub -
of area Progressive Conserve- ' lin; Frank Falconer; Clinton;
Anson McKinley, Zurich; execu-
tive Associations was• approved
at the annual meeting of Huron
Progressive Conservative Asso-
ciation in Clinton Monday night. wood; Gordon Orr, Goderich;
In future, separate associa-
,Joe Allaire, Bayfield.
tions will serve the provincial Secretary is Mrs. G.
and federal ridings. Until now Thompson. Clinton, ing the
a common organization has func- treasurer is Earl MeSpadden,
tioned in both ridings. Seaforth.
John Durnin is president of Guests at the organizational
the Huron riding association. meeting included Highways
which remains unchanged. Minister Chars ii/acniaughton.
•Elected president of the new Attorney -General anialiart. Hur-
group was Douglas Freeman, on Warden Glen Wel3b, Eliner
of Clinton.
Bell, of Exeter, provincial Con -
Other officers are: Hnorary servative Association president,
presidents, E. L. Cardiff, M.P.
and L. E, 'Cardiff, who was hon -
Brussels; HonC. SMacNau M.
gh_ ored as. a 25 -year federal re-
, .
ton, Huron MLA, Exeter, and presentative 'of the Huron rid -
mg. 9
tive members: Frank Walkoin,
Goderich; Verne Pincombe, Ex-
eter; Valerttine Becker. Dash -
Elmer D. Bell, Q.C., Exeter;
vice-presidents, • Harvey- Cole-
man; 'Bayfield: !James Hayter,
Dashwood; Mrs. May Mooney,
Goderich, and A. W. Dunlop,
Seaforth; ditectors: Edwin, Mil-
ler, Dashwood; Glenn Webb,
ures Closing Program
Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson
and son, Cameroti, of Sault Ste.
Marie, ,returned home on Sun-
day after visiting with his par-
ents for the past week.
Mr. and Mrs...Joseph Jeffer-
son, of Port Arthur, are visit-
ing this week with his brother,
John, and Mrs. Jefferson. •
Mrs. Fred' Porterfield, Mrs.
Lottie Levy, Mrs.' Gladys Kemp
and Mrs. Meta Davis, of Mit-
chell, were Sunday evening vis-
itorsat tho home of Mr. and
Ms. Gordoti Scott and family.
.Mr. and Msg.. Robert Laing
and famity, Mr. and Mrs..Goo,
Itsitrames ^ Milieiand Ante 'friends in this comniunity.
. .
Si Tern aitY1 Roy. A. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker
rf. rta'S lids, and Rev. J. C. and Miss Linda Currie, Mr. and-
Beyffe7'tremarty, directed the Mrs: Calvin Hulley, Beth, Billy
school. and Kathy, and Mrs. Elia
Total enrolment was 86 with- ley were Sunday visitors with
an average attendance of 83. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ridley and
The missionary offering 'was family, of Winthrop.
$41.92. This amount will be Mrs. WalteraZurrell and Mr.
sent to CARE. 's and Mrs. Wayne Zurrell, 'of
" Gtaduates are Cecil Mossel- Milverten; and Miss Joanne
Mart, Hilda Mosselman, heather Zurrell, of Stretford, were Sun -
McPhail, Darlene Templemen day visitors with alr. and Mrs.
and Andrew Douglas. Alex Gardiner.
Mt. and Mat. John , Walton, Mrs. Ella .Hulley, of truce -
'of Meskanew, Sask., are guests field, is visiting at the home .tif
at the 'Mine Of Mit, Grace Scott her Ann and Rug itt
and idad, 4ialting'Intli fl4ity it; and. Vira. Oidvin ty And
den Laing and (amity and Mr.
and 'Mt -s. John Jefferson attend-
ed. the Jefferson reunion which
was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson, of
Auburn, on Saturday.
Bobby and Jane Binning. of
Mitchell, are holidaying at the
home of their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar.
Many Cromarty people at-
tended the decoration service
at Roy's cemetery on Sunday
Mrs, Sadie Scott visited. Sun-
day, at the ' home of her son
and daughter-in-law, Mr, and
'ii,"•Gordon Scott and family,'
James Smith„, and the mother
of- the, grog -to-be, Mrs. Percy
Gibbings,tint,n. were called
to the fr.'rs, Douglas Fras-
er read a 'as dress and gifts
were presented by Linda Bry-
ans, Shirley Bolger, Jean Bol -
BILL MacLEAN, of Egmondville; h son of Mt. and Mrs.
Norman MacLean, uses a violin made by his great -great uncle,
Louis VanEgmond. A violin student in Eitchener for eight
yeart,. he was given the heirloom by Louis jackson, who in
turn had received it front his father. The violin has been
,Praised byautboritieS. 10 its Clarity an.r•tOne,
Mrs. William Farquharson, of
London. and Mrs. Helen Mat-
thews, Seaforth, %tisited on Sat-
urday with Mrs. Walter Broad -
Mralid iVirs, Stanley McDon-
ald, of Detroit, Mieh., visited •
with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack McDonald and Mf. and
Mrs. James Mcbenald and fam-
Mr. and Mrs Ronald Hamlin,
Douglas and Susanne, of ,Mid-
land:, with Mr. and Mrs. Jan
Van Vliet.
WillIng Weeders Meet
The 4-11 tneeting of the Wal-'
ton Willing Weeders held their
July- meeting at the home of
Sherrill Craig, opening with "0
(Continued on Page 4)
In Course
'• • ,
Announcement was made this r.
week that lairs, Leona Rowat
had been successful in complet-
ing examinations in nursing unit •
The course is Sponsored by ,E;1
the Ontario , Roapital-. ikasopiasi;,
tion and the Canadian -Nurses -
4asodiat 4