HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-07-08, Page 4N txPosrroR, SEAFORTH ONTi, .fU 'Y 8, 1.965 Townie's rive In THEATRE — CLINTON' Children Under 12 in Cars Admitted Free Two Complete Shows Nightly Box Office Open at 8:00 p.m. COME AS LATE AS 11 P.M. AND SEE A COMPLETE SHOW FIRST SHOW AT DUSK THURSDAY and FRIDAY JUty 8-9 "GOODBYE CHARLIE" TONY CURT(S DEBBIE REYNOLDS 0 PAT BOONE (Adult Entertainment) Color Cartoon SATURDAY and MONDAY July 10.12 ELVIS PRESLEY in 'Fun In Acapulco' with URSULA ANDRESS Color 'Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY July 13.14 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER GREGORY PECK in "TQ KILL A. MOCKINGBIRD" ) ' with MARY BADHAM Cartoon COMING: THURSDAY and FRIDAY July 15-16 "SEX AND THE -. SINGLE GIRL" TONY CURTIS NATALIE WOOD HENRY FONDA LAUREN BACALL (Adult Entertainment) Color : Cartoon CROMARTY Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mrs. Taylor were Mrs. ' Dort Taylor, Patti, Steven and Lois Ann, Mrs. J. Cowie, Toronto, Mr. Maurice Chubb, Montreal, Weekend visitors with • Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson were Mr. and Mrs. $race Clelarfd, Bobby and Pauline of Listowel, Andrew and Richard Cleland of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Jefferson, Debra and Anne of Munro. Mr. and Mrs, H. R. Currie, Linda and Joanne of Dorchest- er, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Currie's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Otto Walker, Linda remained with her grandparents for some holidays. Mr. and . Mrs, Scheivink and family of Barrie were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mosselman and family. • We are sorry to report Mr. Stanley Dow is a patient in Stratford General Hospital, fol- lowing a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar visited on Sunday with- Mr. and Mrs. Castagnasso and family of Embro. S.S. No. 5, Hibbert The end"/of the year picnic at S.S. 5, Hibbert, .was attended by some severity members of the district, The wind which at first was thought to be yn- fortunate, caused great hilari- ty as paper plates and cups flew about. Sports, races and baseball were enjoyed prior to a short program in the school, presided over by Ted Kernick. The pupils had arranged a display of their year's work, hobbies etc. This year they al- so had an , interesting anti- que table. The grade 8 girls, Diane Neevel and Frances Scott were presented with graduation dip- lomas. All other pupils passed, much oto the ''satisfaction of parents and teacher. Husband: "My dear wife, I have taken you safely over all the rough spots of life, haven't I,,, wife:._,.. "You have, my dear. And I don't believe you missed one of them." Mulching retaine moisture in the soil. LANNERY CLEANERS WILL. BE CLOSED- FOR HOLIDAYS AUG.2 UNTIL AUG.9 Dressed Ham 6RNI/VAL SUPPER andy ST. COLUMBAN Wednesday, July 21st Supper served from 5:30 to 8.00 o'clock --- PROGRAM --- Games of Chance 'Penny Sale Draws Bingo Adults $1.25' • Children under 12, 50 cents EVERYBODY WELCOME CASH -- BIN G O Friday, July 9th — 8:15 p.m. LEGION HALL, SEAFORTH • 15 REGULAR GAMES FOR $10:00 ONE $50:00 JACKPOT THREE $25.00 SPECIALS — Children under 16 not permitted — ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c, or 7 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156, Canadian Legion PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK , CASH Saturday Dancing SEAFORTH LIONS PARK • Saturdtiy, July 10th With music by the CITEVELS ' Dancing 9 to Midrtlght ADMISSION $1,04.',; hanging hill continue each Sattirday night. Ent9y 1h' big nei0 floor ainief the,' leasant surround• info of the .Lions Park i..li II i Ifrr NEWS OF CONSTANCE Congregati�n .:Recognizes eparture Of Minister Rev. Mac Carson delivered his farewell sermon on Sunday and on Wednesday evening the Londesboro charge gathered in the Lendesboro Hall for a farewell rally for Rev. and Mrs. Carson: The young people of the Londesboro, Burns .and Constance entertained the group with "a variety program. The young people presented Rev. and Mrs. Carson with an engraved silver tray. .Mrs. Reg Lawson read the address and Mrs.' Lorne Law- son presented Mrs. Carson with a woven hobnail bed- spread on behalf of the Con- stance UCW. Mrs. Ed Bell pre- sented Mrs. Carson with a cup and -saucer on behalf ,nf the Burn's UCW. The Londesboro charge presented Rev. and Mrs. Carson with apurse of money. Mr. Gordon Shrobrook read the address, Mr, Don Buchanan made the presentation on be- half . of the charge. Mr. and Mrs. Carson made fitting replies. Mr. Harry Lear acted as chairman for the ev- ening. Lunch was served by the social committee and the young people, Everyone .yvished Mr. and Mrs. Carson, the -very best in their new home in Ham- ilton,- where Rev. Carson will be doing Mission work. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley, Kim and Gregory of Ajax are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Stone- house of Belgrave visited with Mr. and.1lrs. George Leitch on Thursday and • called on arid Mrs. Lorne Lawson. The neighbors and friends of Mr. Harvey Taylor had, a bee last' week and put all his. hay in. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacGregor on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacGregor of Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Huth, Marion and Muriel of Clifford. We are pleased to report that Mr. Ross MacGregor was able to return SDHS Announces Promotion List Promoted to Grade 10 of the Five Year Programme in • order of rank. With first class honours --Bry- an Hodgert, Mary Bewley, Bon- nie Moggach, Carol Shortreed, William Hellinga, Margaret Whyte, Bonnie Kerslake, Joseph Ball, Sharon Dietz, Elaine Brown William Perrie,,.Rosemary Blake Robert McCartney. With second class honors—lane Cornish, Mur- ray Hulley, Helen Searle, Elaine Westerveldt,° ;William Wallace, Mary Hagan, Linda Traviss, Ter- esa Mowat Helen Landsborough Wayne Huber, Sharon Strong, Maria VanLoon, Linda Forbes, Joanne Kleinhaar, Allan Carter, Karen Sararas, Douglas Bray, Neil Govenlock, Elgin Dearing, Merwan Hassan,' ,Dianne ,Lan - sink., With third class' honors— Joan Rapien, Elizabeth Smale, Earl. Dolmage, Patricia Etue, Paul O'Rielly, Deborah Miller, Ve nl,Higginbotham, • Ted • Wil- 1?ee, anice Wright, Jane Shan- non, Linda Dietz, Yvonne Pryce, Sharon. Talbot, Donna White- house, Mary Plumb, Ruth Cole- man. The following pupils were pro- moted to Grade 10 on the four. year programme in order of rank, With first class honors—Bet- ty Hoggart, Linda Johnston. With second class honors—Paul Hagan, Linda Muegge, Eddie Salverda, William McGrath, Bar- ry Zwep, Gerald .Baan, Atje Zwep. With third class honors—. Rennie Armstrong, Gary Bannon, Lia DeJong, Marilyn Sedley (Math), Ross Elliott, Patricia 01-` iver, Judith Marlatt, Bonnie Stewart, Ralph Young (Math), Kenneth Dolmage, Gene Kruse. With credit standing ---Kenneth Scott, Judith Haarbye, Sheila Flood, Paul Hoff, Ronald Kroah- ler, Wenda Humphries, Fred Stevenson, Mary Price; Leslie Bernard, Marie Scott, Penny Moore, Joanne Sedley, • Maria Willems, Yvonne Feeney, Wil- liam Wood, Clyde McClure, Har- ry -,Mero, William Southgate, Francis, Brugger, Peggy Fry, Paul Stephenson, Marlene Lynch,, Joanne VanMiltenburg, Eliza- beth Brown, Lois Storey, Marj- ann Wildfong, Donna Stoll, Pat- ricia Storey, Lorne Harrison, Nanef Buchanan, Larry Horne. • Th•following pupil was pro-' rhoted to Grade 10 on the two year programme. James Finlay- son. The following pupils were pro- moted to Grade 11 of the five year programme in order of rank. With first class honors—Joan- ne Elligsen, Vida Malkus, l4ary Sills, Stephen Brady, Douglas Dalrymple, Jack VandenHengel, Leonard Jamieson, Monica Mc- Curdy, Carol Wilbee, Harry Scott. With second class honors - Joyce Roe, Madelyne Smith, Jean Scott, .Joan Gorwill, Joan Hoov- er, Tom Papple, Gerda Willems, James Etue, Kenneth Whitmore, Agnes Poland, Susan Lednhardt, Erma Agar, Mary McCurdy, John Holland, "Larry Walters, Bruce Brady, Jane Boshart, Ross Hemingway, Mary Anne Phillips. With third class honors—Della Wallace, Judith Muegge (Typ.), Nancy- Scott, Patricia Bannon, Sherrill Craig (Math), Rose Brady, Gerald . Townsend, Dol- ores Maloney,- Janet Shortreed (Math), Andrew Thompson, Lar- ry McLean (Fr.), Dawn Stephen- son, (Math), Gary Nicholson (Eng. Lit.), Glenna Houston (Fr.) Ann Blake, William McLean (Fr.) Mary Hoggarth (Math), Joan Sin- clair, Lois Jackson, Susan Stock, well (Gedg.). With credit stand- ing—Edward Scott (Ft'), 'Gail McTaggart, Dorothy Jamieson (Hist), )'Hanna Ran (Math.). The' following pupils' were pro- moted to Grade 11 of the four year proit'amma ill order of rank ' With second class _honors— Bruce Druinnrond, Fames Phil- lips, 13drnatd tiittsink, Keith l~ittitlgatf, Paul Flilde1srand, Bev nide Jtcjae ' Y ;tri third elan honµ • gus Quinn, Brenda Hoegy, Cath erine MacLeod, Irma Petersen (Math), David Smale,. Rober Watson (Hist). With credit stan ding—Donald Hulley, Richard Fortune (Typ.), Donald Murray (Typ.), William Henderson, Rob- ert Tyerman, Dianne Stoll, Wil- liam Carnochan, Lorraine Huard, Larry Ritchie, Allan Butson, Jean Roe, Bruce CIark, Sharon MacDonald Keith Williamson, Marion Roberts, Elizabeth Pen- nington, June Hilien, Christine Pryce. The follov ing pupils were pro- r.77, home from hospital on Satur- day. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Miller of Staffa on Sunday.. • Mr. and Mrs. Art Calson vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs, George Leitch on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson,and John visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Carnochan of Tucker - smith on Sunday. b - The many friends of Mr. Mil- ler Adams are sorry to hear he is a patient in Victoria Hospi- tal, London. We wish him ••a speedy recovery. Miss Joyce Brown of London is having a month, holiday at the home pf her parents, Mr: and Mrs. Borden Brown and Elaine. Mrs. Harvey Taylor spent the weekend in London. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszeator and' 'family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Reg , Elliott of Staffa, Lynda Preszeator re- mained for a week, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. ,Flynn of Seaforth spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt. • Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Hoggart on Sunday, Mr. Paul Dedrick of Port Rowan, Miss Laura Hog- gart of London, Miss J ane c- Bakker of Monkton' and, Mr, - Bill Hoggart of Kitchener. Messrs. Billy Whyte and Don Jewitt attended the Boy Scout t Camporee over the weekend at - Bannockburn. Messrs. Ron and Gary Jewitt left on "111onday to attend a summer course , at Waterloo College. , Mrs. Joe " Williams, Debbie and Sharon of Whitby spent Monday with Mrs., James Medd. ors- '-Suzanne Dale, Patricia •M Grath, Christopher Coombs, Fer moted to Grade, 12 of five year arts and science in order of rank With first class honors—Don- ald Landsborough, William Mor- ris, Susan .MacLennan, Barbara Chesney, Bryan Stewart, ; Mary Beuermann, Barbara Longstaff,. Sally Cosford, Joyce Harrison. With second class honors—Sally Mowat, David Brock,'Linda Som- erville, Nellie Baan, • Brenda Flannery, Robert Petersen, Alice Bannon. With third class honors - Erie Ross, Ruth Gorwill (Math,), Janey Hassan,Anthony Vanden- Hengel, Larry Lane, Shirley Thamer, George Kruse, Dianne Forrest (Math), Paul Buchanan, Garry VanLoon (Fr.), Paul Spit- tal, With credit standing—Linda Staples, Sharon MacKenzie (Fr.), John McCall (Latin), .Teresa Ryan, Neil ,Gemmell (Fr.), Pat- ricia Stiles (Myst), Catherine Phillips (Phys.), Brian Broome (Fr.), Jack Dalton (Eng. -Lit.), Elaine Oke (Math,) John Doyle (Math,). The following Grade 12 stud- ents abet "recommended fer a Seconder School. Graduation Diploma -in order of rank, Jim Traquair, Christie Dobson, Jan- et Turnbull Robert McNaughton Bruce Elliott, Dawn "Shepherd,• David Britton, Peter Stinnissen, Pamela Powell, Gerald Rapien, Myra McNair, Darlene Sills, Lin- da Bryans, Mary Buchanan, Judy Wallace, Dianne Ree, Graeme Craig, Faye Matheson, Peter -Wilbee, Diane Finlayson, Grace Riley, Francis Hagan, Brian Scott, Donald McNichol, - June Willumsere George Wood, Doug- las Foskett, Bonnie Uhler, Anita Harrison, Jack Dulrst, Carol Van - Loon, Barry Nolan, Jean Pat= rick, Bryce Jacobi, Colleen Mc- Curdy, • John iffeLachlan, Paul Rau, Anne Sharp, Gerald Smith. The odds are about 10,000 to 1 against your mastering ven- triloquism. The odds are probably about the same against a company not va)idating its product claims. The proof of our circulation product is in ABC's independ- ent audit and fart -filled report. When advertising, insist on circulation proof. Be ABC e sure. THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth ZION Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin attended the funeral of her uncle, the fate William Ramney, in Stratford, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm attended the Fullai.. reunion in Mitchell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney visited Mrs. Albert Roney on Sunday. Miss. Mary 4,'Lannin who ' is working at the Victiorian Inn, Stratford, spent weekend with hbr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus. Lannin. Mrs. George Mitchell was in Toronto on Sunday. Her aunt, the late Mrs. W. J. Hocking had pasSed away on Saturday. - Mrs. Ross Gordon visited- her mother, Mrs. Mary Malcolm on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gibb, Nancy, Andy' and,Gayle, Stratford were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Rev. Edgar J. Roulston, now retired at Exeter and a former minister of Staffa charge was the guest minister at Zion Unit- ed Church ori Sunday, yhen the, church was filled with worship- per§. Joining the Iocal congrega- tion were members of Roy's and Staffa Churches.• Zion choir un- der the leadership of Mrs. Charles Roney rendered special music .for the occasion. Miss Nahcy Lannin, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Lannin, who teaches in Woodstock ar- rived home on Wednesday for the holidays. Miss Joan Britton is home from Galt but will. take asum- mer course in Waterloo for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Norris, of Guelph with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Barker for the weekend.- Mrs. Norman Bushfield, Mrs. Lawrence Hammon were on a bus trip with the Kirkton Horti- cultural Society to Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Morley' Lannin, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper at- tended the Kemp reunion in Mitchell on Sunday and also at- tended the Potter reunion in Stratford on Thursday. • Mr, Larry Barker has accepted a job in London for the holidays, also Keith Malcolm in Exeter. Mrs. Larry Dale, Bobbi and Kevin, Seaforth, with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton for a few days. • 4-H Moeting The June 'meeting of the 4-H Tractor Club was held at the home of Mr• and Mrs. Fergus Lannin. Fifteen members and one guest were present. Gladys Roney explained the meaning of the second "11" project was con- sidered. Members discussed mix- ing fuel and air. Bert Moggach demonstrated on ,a tractor what happens when the idling speed is changed and when the mix- ture of fuel and air is changed. Lunch was served by Bill and George Lannin. Miss Gloria Ann Pepper, Kit- chener -Hospital, spent Wedties- day with her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper. • Mrs. Fergus Lannin, Eleanor and Carolyn, attended the trous seat tea for Miss Francis James on Saturday, at her home. Miss Nancy Lannin and Eunice Their, Zurich is spending a few day& touring through Eastern Ontario and going as far* as Montreal where their friend teo'k a plane for Europe on • ;0 FUNERALS 46 MRS. A. C. MEAGHER "Mrs. Alphonse G. (Rita) Meagher, 33, of Winnipeg, died suddenly 'at the home of her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher, Seaforth, Monday,, while there on holi- days with her family. She was - born in Ellice Township, daugh- ter of Mrs. Patrick McDonnell, the • former Mary Lynch, Kin - kora and the late Mr. McDon- nell. She was a men)ber of the Roman Catholic Church and of the Catholic Women's League in Winnipeg. Surviv- ing besides her mother are her husband and her three child- ren, Theresa,8, Lawrence, 6, and Stephen 5, all of whom were here on holidays with her;' two brothers, Thomas, Windsor and Joseph, Kinkora; and two sisters, Mrs. John (Alice) Dewan, Lucan and Miss Grace McDonnell, Stratford The body ' will be removed from Gingras Funeral Home at 9 a,tp. Thursday for Requiem High Mass. at 9:30 in Kinkora, by Rt. Rev. J. A. Feeney, Bur- ial to follow in St, Patrick's Cemetery, Kinkora. JOHN BYERMANN John F. Byermann died on Tuesday, June 29th, at his home, aged 75 years. A retired farmer he moved to Seaforth from McKillop Township in 1959. Surviving besides 'his wife, the former Norma Ross; are two .sons, Gordon, : Water- loo; Melyin, Acton; font daugh- ters, Mrs. Ross '(Audrey) McTag- gart, Brussels; 'Mrs. Henry (Alice) Diegel, Brodhagen; Mrs, Alvin (Ruth)• Schmidt Los Angeles, Calif.;- Mrs, Doug- las (Iris) Wilson, Preston; a brother, George, , McKillop Township. Funeral services were held from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home on Friday, at 2 p.m„ with inter - Beauty Queen (Continued from Page 1) OiI change, grease job, Ross Motors, James M Scott; brown sandals, Highland Shoes, Louis Hildebrand; 3 silver dollars, Bank of Commerce, Miss ,Mary Jean Scott; v.paint , and table legs, Frank Kling, Bill Austin; blanket, Stewart Bros., Mrs. Lois Hodgert; spice set, Staf-. fen's, Susan Horton; punching bag,' Crown Hardware, Mrs. Harvey Kennedy; oil change, Bob's B -A, Jean White; spark plugs. Habkirk Transit, 'Mrs. Ken Gemmel; case of oil. Sup- ertest, Jean Andaria, Clinton; $3.00 dry cleaning,.Flannery's, Mrs. Reg Aubin; dutch shoes, Main St, Variety, Mrs. Ross McNichol, Kippen: shirt, Eve-, Mar, Mrs, Bruce Johnson, Var- na;;.gailon paint, Graves' Paint, Mrs. Hartman Huisser; 8 lbs. honey, William Kelly, Marilyn Tremeer; `2 gal.' paint, Hilde- brand's. Tony Van Loon.; Titan's shirt, William O'Shea, Carol Brown; lawn chair, cash donors; Crich. Linda Bedard: seat belts Rowcliffe Motors, Mrs. Helen. Brady; lawn chair, cash donors Mrs. Richard Kruse; smoking stand, G. A. Whitney, Tony Van Loon: car wash, oil change Huard's B -P, Mrs. Rick Fell; dinners. for 2, Queen's Rest-- aurant, Janet Gornall, Clinton; 50 Ibs, sugar, I,G.A., Dora Moore, Stratford: $10,00 perm, Brian's •Beauty Shop. Mrs. Mr Huard; oil chapre, grease job, White Rose Station, Mrs. Gor- don White, Walton; milk tick- ets, ' Manle Leaf Dairy, Helen Nott; boys shoes, Highland Shoes, Eleanor Henderson; gal- lon paint, Seaforth Co -Op,. Mrs. Mrs. Jim Slattery; binder and stapler, Expositor, ,Wilfred Parker, Clinton; ball and, bat, and glove, Sills' Hardware, Kathy Stewart. $2.00 baking, ''rapnell's Bak- ery, Mrs. Clarence Malone; case of pop, Queen's . Hotel, Mrs. Bob Doerr, RR 1, Seaforth; doll, Larone's, Corrine Bbwer= ing „ Walkerton; dinners for tvi%o, Commercial Hotel, John McConnell; girl's shoes, Read's Shoes, Mrs, Ed McGraw, Dub- lin; boy's shoes, Jack Thomp- son, Mr. M. McCurdy; ' thermo jug, Keatings, Brenda Deitz, RTh 3, Seaforth; shoe findings, H. Thompson, Mre. John Con- sitt, Zurich; cigarettes, Elliott's Lunch, Mrs. Agnes Lamont; milk tickets, Maple Leaf Dairy, Glen Chesney; hair oil. 'Tre- meer's Barber Shop, W. D. Wilson, Brucefield; oil change, grease , job, Cleave's Sunoco, Kevin Bisback, Hensel; chocol- ate turtles, McKindsey Drugs, George Hays; chocolates,, J. C. Ed Andrews.„ Livestock spray, Turnbull & Bryans, John Daly, Toronto; luggage, Stewart Bros., Mrs. Andy Dunlop; shirt, B. Hamil- ton (Forsyths), Fergus Feeney, Dublin; 100 lbs. feed, Topnotch Feeds, Mrs. Jim Hopper; $2.00 laundry, Miller Laundry, Mrs, George Powell; % gal. ice cream, U-D,P,C., Ray Mennell; case of pop; ,Queen's , Hetel, Mrs. George Mcllwain; cowboy shoes, Highland Shoes, 'Mrs. Harold McCallum, W a l t o n; chaisette, cash donors, James Richards; Iingerie, Eve -Mar, Mrs, Arthur McNichol, RR 1, Londesboro; case of coke, Coca-Cola Co., Carl- Vanderzon; case of coke, Coca-Cola CO., Mrs: Floss MacDonald; sun glasses, J, Longstaff, rsabel Kerslake, gromarty; 10 gallons Fina gas, . Fina Station,, Mrs. itoy, Scott. ' y�Prizes tnay hh • piClip 1 up ;at >Eiat;t'4 wureliou40; 4r.n. r r F ment in Maitland Bank Ceme- tery. Rev. J. C. Britton offic- iated. Pallbearers were Sec- ord McBrien, Don McLaren, Michael Malaniuk, Ross Dris• Boll, Eldin Hulley Kenneth Mc- Farlane. Flowerbearers were Paul Byermann, Donald Diegel Douglas McTaggart, Don „Hui.. ley. MRS. PETER TAYLOR Mrs. Peter Taylor, 81, RR 1, Londesboro, died in Northwest- ern Hospital, Toronto, Friday, after a fall at her home Wed- nesday. Born in , Hullett Town- ship, the former Janet Lowrie, she was a daughter of the late William and Jane Lowrie. Ed- ucated at Seaforth District High School, she married Pet- er Taylor in • 1909. Surviving besides her husband, are two sons, John L.; at home; William L.,- Toronto; a sister, Miss Eu- phemia Lowrie, Hullett Town- ship; one brother, James Low- rie, Seaforth She was a mem- ber of Burns United Church, Hullett Township - and of the UCW. Funeral services were held from the -Box Funeral Home, on Monday, July 5th, at 2 pan. Rev. D. 0. Fry of First Presby- terian Church, Seaforth offoc- iated with burial in Burns Cemetery, Hullett Township. Pallbearers were Edward Reid, William' Trewin, James Neil- ans, William Dolmage, Joseph Taylor, Harry Rayson. Flower - bearers were John Rapson, Ross Leiper, David Watson and Ward Knox. FIRST • PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. DOUGLAS 0. FRY Minister Sunday, July lith WORSHIP.— 1i:00 to* 9:45 a.m.—Minister's Class 10:00 a.m•—The Senior Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.-fine Junior Sunday School. Services during Julfin North- side United Church. Remember, it takes but a moment to place an 'Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. BETHEL " BIBLE CHrURCH (Services at Orange Hall) Sunday, July llth 10 A.M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all ages 7:30—GOSPEL SERVICE Speaker—Garry • Landers, of Stratford Ephesians 2:8: "For by grace are ye saved through faith;, and that not of yoursel- • ves: it is the gift of God," Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 SATURDAY JULY 10 15 BRUSSELS NIGHT • AT WESTERN FAIR LONDON` DON'T MISS THE. BRUSSELS DRIVING PARK PACE Going for an added purse of- • ""000 , FREE PARKING!-= "RACING RAIN post 4S time 7 EDST OR SHINE " YOU ARE INVITED TO B''GUEST THE GUEST OF THE RACEWAY FOR THIS - EVENT CLIP THIS COUPON FOR. YOUR' FREE ADMISSION THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR ONE FREE ADNIMION On Brussels' Night, Sat., July 10, 1965 Name 0 Address WESTERN FA1 R RACEWAY LONDON ...�.. a 1 M • 4 i