HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-06-10, Page 5r, • • N 4 41 • • A A e COSTS LESS ... DOUBLES PROFIT when you use a A 125-3P Sprayer is tailored to your requirements and will help you do the, best possi- ble spraying lob. The- most sensational development in sprayer history. NEW CATALOGUES FREE - WRITE NOW HAROLD PRYCE R.R. 1, Seaforth Phone 527.1637 AT THE ANNUAL'. spring convocation, Thames Hall, University` of Western On- tario on Friday, David Noakes received his Bachelor of Sci- ehce degree for Honors Biolo- gy. He. was, presented with a gold medal by the University Board of Governors for his Master of Science Degree', A son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes, Hensall, he is now working for his 1VIaster of Science degree. L ; w e • EUREKA Shower of 'Values Limited Time only... e HIS or HERS Umbrella A $5.95 value or only $1.99 with purchase of the Princess EUREKA HIS Black acetate.0leemlet chrome hardware. SBOWER•OF VALVE SPECIAL • LIMITED TIME ONLY • Box Phone 527-0680 . • ffN�� HERS Glee acetate • Gleaming chrome hardware • High style Handle • -LL MODEL 7H OVER 1 N.P. MOTOR FLIP --TOP LID EXTRA LARGE S,}nitited. DUST BAG CORI/MOLDER HANDLE NEW MOBILITY NEW DEEP CLEANING -- RUG NOZZLE CONVENIENT TOE SWITCH .95 FURNITURE Saforth A milestone ill t31% ,history of the Women's Missionary Socie- ty of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, ','was reached Wednesday, when the 'society celebrated its 75th ,anniversary, mark the occasion', guests were present from the auxiliar- ies -of fiuron Presbyterial, 'Exe- ter, and Cromarty an4 ,:Hensall churches. Mrs. Earl Campbell presided and was assisted in the devotions by Mrs. Percy Campbell and Mrs. John Boyne, tog theme being "Faith." Mrs. Campbell gave a short reyiew of the society's •history- and Mrs. Beatrice Hess sang a solo, accompanied on the piano by Mrs., Ed. Munn. -- The guest• speaker was Mrs. W. A. Young, of Guelph, a for- mer inister's 'wife. In her in- s mg address • to the . large udience, Mrs. Young used as ler theme, "What Does God Require of Us?" and used the. story of .Naomi to point out the characteristics we should -try to attain. She was introduced by Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and thanked by Mrs. Harvey Hyde. During a social hour, Mrs. George Walker had the honor sof cutting the birthday cake. at The annual meeting of the executive and standing commit- tee conveners of Kippen East WI met at the home of Mrs. Robert Bell Tuesday evening to plan programs for . the coming year. Plans were also -made for a fashion show of dinnerware in October, when all branches in South Huron District will be invited. A bus trip was also planned for October, with Mrs. Grant MacLean and Mrs. Robt. Bell in charge. The smorgasbord, sponsored by the UCW of `Hensall United Church, held Wednesday eve- ning, was successful. One hun- dred and fifty dinners were. sent out; in addition to the large crowd .who 'patronized. the supper .at the church. The monthly meeting of the Hensall Legion Auxiliary was held Tuesday evening, with President Mrs. Roy Smale pre- siding. Plans for the annual picnic, to be held at Riverview Park, . hxeter, were made. It was announced that the annual penny sale• was a success with $120.00 taken in. Mrs.. Harold Campbell won the attendance prize of A$5:00, and also won the 'guessing prize. Past Noble Grands Past Noble Grands' Night wase observed at Amber Rebekah Lodge Wednesday evening. En- tertainment for the evening WILKINSON'S FOR. -VALUES 11 -oz. Bottle Top Value KETCHUP FREE with Ground Beef CHASE & SANBORN - -= Save 9e COFFEE . 1.. Ib. BAG 133c Every Purchase ,Of 2 99. L'. B S From Florida No. 1 Ripe TOMATOES 2 14>_. Tuee• 35 WIENERS2 IDs: "79c Morton's Frozen Beef or Veal " POT PIES • • : • ... 5 "for 99c :: STEAKETTES lb. 49c Beef, Chicken Turkey" " Mother Parker- 6 -oz. Jar 20c Off - Giant Size - • . INSTANT COFFEE • • • . • • 99c SURF DETERGENT 65c FunnyFace - Powdered Instant. DRINK MIX • :. • 10 Pkgs. 99c CARNATION MILK, 3 lbs. 99c Blue Bonnet Parchment MARGARINE 17 -ib. Average • WATER1VI ELONS • California GRAPEFRUIT - 4 for 49c Hothouse CUCUMBERS 2, for35c Outspan ORANGES, 100's. • • • Doz. ,65c Angelo's White'Y- 16•ot. Pkg. MARSHMALLOWS 29c 3 lbs. 97c 79c Clover Leaf -.7 -oz. Tin SOLA) WHITE TUNA : • • • 39c 12 -oz. Tin SWIFT'S PREM , 39c Kent Fancy - 28 oz, FRUIT COCKTAIL 39c Shirley 'Gay RAISIN• PIE, 24 oz. 39c Shirley Gay ' Chocolate Cream ROLL • • • • 45c FROZEN/FOODS • Fraservale -- 15 oz. ' RED RASPBERRIES 2 This 69c Top Valu Choice Wax or Green ` 20 -oz Tins 'Top Valu - 2 -Ib. Pkgs. BEANS . 2 Tins 39c GREEN PEAS 2 pkgs. • • • 89c Top Valu - 32 -oz. Jar SALAD DRESSING Thrift Liquid -- 24 oz. DETERGENT. Gi 4nulafed SUGAR Pillsbury. 'Assotsfed CAKMIXES • Sonny = 12 -oz, Tins 49c ; Orange Concentrate 45c • 46i SALMON CROQUETTES• •59c Kraft - 16 -oz. Jar 5 lbs. 39c CHEESE- WHIZ 53c Cracker ilarret - 12-oz..Pkg. • 2 Pkgs. 79c 'Mild Colored WEDGES - • ; • 49c You Save Everyday -- Everyway At Seaforth IGA was provided by the Past- Noble tx rands, who for their selection sang; ,'How Great `'Thou Art,'' and did square dance numbers to recorded music. Members of the square dance • sets were: Mrs. Ross Richardson, Mrs. Ale?F M"MBeath, Mrs. Archie Macgr.e' ger, ,Mrs. Howard LemnZon, Mrs. Ernie Chipchase, Mrs. Beverly Beaton, Mrs. R. A. Orr and Mrs. Edna Caldwell. A humor- ous reading, "Bessie's Boil," was given by Mrs. Alex Mc - Beath. Mrs. Edna Caldwell will at- tend Grand Lodge Assembly at the Royal York, Toronto, and Will be installed as District De- puty President of Huron Dis- trict. • Mrs. Clarence - Voiland will attend as a scholar. A country store, in charge of Mrs. Beaton, realized a profit, and lunch was served by Mrs. Earl Campbell and Mrs. Inez Mc- Ewen. Noble Grand Mrs. J. F. In- gram presided for the bus'= ness and members of Monkton Lodge were special guests. A highlight of the June UCW Unit Four meeting, held Thurs- day, in Hensall United Church, was vocal selections by two UCW members, Barbara Coop- er and Betty Anne Beer. Mrs. James McAllister opened the meeting with invocation. Pro- gram conveners were Mrs. Fred Beer and Mrs. J. Flynn, with Mrs. Beer presiding for the pro- gram, The' devotional was tak-, en by Mrs. Flynn, who also gave a commentary on "Choos- ing a Faith,' taken from the study book; -"God and His Pur- pose." The topic, "New Evangelism Needed;" was taken by Mrs. Beer, who stated we, as Chris- tians, must have more concern for' -those who have fallen by the wayside. Mrs. Beer gave courtesy remarks. Mrs. McAllister, , leader, took the -chair for -=the business. An interesting report was heard from- the visiting group• for • the month of May. It was suggested all members make calls during July and August on their regu- lar meeting day. Mrs. McAllister thanked the members who had helped in any way for a successful smor- gasbord. The spring , bale, do- nations and packing were • re- ported as being 'a wonderful work, and the eight ladies who helped. in packing were ,gra- ciously thanked. Boxes were sent to Hazelton, B.C., eight to Torontq for overseas relief, and six to the Salvation Army, Lon- don. Pyjamas made - for the Children's Aid Society Christ- mas gifts were handed in. The general meeting for June;, will be in charge of this unit. Miss Florence Clark, a mission- ary from Trinidad, formerly of Centralia, will be guest speak- er: Unit Four is also in charge of nursery and flowers for Sep- tember; Mrs. Laird Mickle and Mrs. Sim Roebol are in charge. Memorials , for the . United • quireh were brought to their attention,' proceeds of this to' go towards the Missionary and Maintenance Fund, as mention- ed in the United Church Ob - Server. Members were divided into groups for a buzz session to discuss the turmoil in the eI urches. ' Wins At St. Thomas . At the provincial trap shoot at St. Thomas Saturday, John Anderson was runner-up in Class 0; with a score of 192 out of 200. Sunday, he shot a 90 in the handicap. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, of Hensall, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Sunday with a family: dinner at the pominion Hotel, Zurich, the tea table centering a three-tier Wed- ding cake flanked with peonies and red tapers in silver hold- ers. Attending the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mann, Bradley and Vicki, Hen- sall; Keith Anderson, Petrolia; Miss Ann Denomme, Londoryiy Debbie Anderson, Hensall, ar(d. Mrs: Elizabeth Anderson, molih er of'Mr. Anderson. .After the dinner they returned to the fiome of Mr. and. Mrs. Ander- son, when the family presented, them with a large wall mirror. ratio yF Death of Sol Kipfer Mrs. Thomas Kyle, Sr., re- ceived word of the passing of her brother, Sol Kiefer, 66, of Madison, Minn., U.S.A., who died Thursday evening, follow- ing a stroke. He was born in Hay Township, went to Madi- son some 40 years ago, •where he farmed extensively. Surviving are his wife, three brothers, Ezra Kipfer, Hensall; Sam Kiefer, Minnesota; Dave, Iowa; and two sisters, Mrs. L. Desjardine, Exeter, and Mrs. Kyle, Hensall. Funeral services were held Monday. • Damage $500 Firemen we're called to ex- tinguish a _blaze in the McKen- zie home on Queen -St. Satur= day evening, when fire of un- known origin started in the chesterfield._ Damage to the chesterfield, pillows, blankets and smoke damage to the house amounted to over $500. A neigh- bor, Clarence Parke,- gave the alarm. Mr. Douglas Codling, B.A., occupied the pulpit Sunday morning, in Carmel Presbyter- ian Church, basing his thoughts from. the sermon topic, "Sweet- er Than Honey." Mr. Codling will be in the pulpit for • the with of June. Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Howe; . To- ronto, spent the weekend With the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A, Foster. Mrs. Howe, the former Marie Foster, who is on the staff at Eaton's, Toronto, will be presented shortly with a diamond ring in honor bf 25 years' service with the firm. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lewis and Shelley, Sarnia, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Spencer- and .Greg. •- GROWING BEANS? Due to the Late Seeding this Year, are ... you thinking of growing more Beans? MICKLE'S HAVE 1) Excellent Quality, High Germina- tion Seed Available. 2) Bean. Contracts which. supplies Seed, Fertilizer and Eptam fory,our Complete Program. 3) Eptam for Weed Control. 4) Harriston Fertilizer at- Competi- tive Prices. 5) Up-to-date Handling Facilities - (Improved. again this year) 6) Knowledge of I)om'estic,and Export - Markets. (We visit our Customers and survey their needs), For Bean *Supplies and Marketing Consider MICKLE As Your Place of Business E. L. Mickle & Son LIMITED HENALL - .. ONTARIO Phone 262-2714, Hensall Pennell 'net in sess11. Monday evening when 'marry; Horton was present regarding•. the erection of -oily, . tanks on property next to hint,, • Ian Mc- Allister was present on behalf of Hay Township School Area Board, requesting an increase in the amount of the school de, bentures, $367,149.40 t o t a 1 amount. E. R: Davis reported he had patched . streets and cleaned them, and requested, council to consider the purchase of a radar speedilizer foi• checking traffic. He was also instructed to lay court charges against dog owners who have pot secured 1965 dog licenses. Council agreed to assume their share of the debenture of $400,000 required by Huron South District High School for an addition, debentures to be issued by town of Exeter. A bylaw was adopted ,auth- orizing council to borrow up to $25,000 from the Bank of Mont- real, Hensall, for current ex- penditures. Applications for buildiing per- mits were approved, including: William Rooseboom, to move a house; Cook Bros., to move an office; Cook Bros., tobuild a new office. Dr. W. T. Joynt, London, ac- companied by :his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt, of Hensall, attend- ed convocation at University of Western Ontario,,on Saturday, when Dr, Margaret Strang Sav- age, of Cold Lake, Alta., was Presented. with an honorary de- gree of Doctor of Law. Mrs. Savage is a former 'resident of Hensall area, and is a niece of Mrs. Joynt. Mrs. Donald MacKinnon is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,, London. CAVAN UCW The June meeting of Cavan. Ghureh, Wi-nthrop,•, - UCW was held on Wednesday as visitors' day and opened by singing a hymn, with Mrs. George Case, the president,' in the chair. Scriptures, Luke 22, verses 7 to 22, were read by Mrs. Lloyd Mc- Ctuskie. Mrs. }Case chose as her topic, chapter 8 of "God and His Purpose," entitled -"God's Man; Jestis Christ." Prayer was given by Mrs. William Dodds. Musical numbers were render- ed by Mrs. J. Little and a duet, "Softly. and Tenderly," was sung by, Mrs. Stanley Hillen and Mrs, Robert Campbell. Mrs. Nelson _Reid• gave greet- ings from Presbytery, and Mrs. Russell Bolton showed slides of her trip to Britain. BRUCEFIELD - The June meeting la Bruce - field UCW was held in the church hall Tuesday with Mrs. Elliott presiding. Roll ea'l t'•jts answered by 32 'Tidies. Mrs, Berry read thank -'von -notes from Mrs. E Jarrott. Mrs. Harve Taylor, the Harry Taylor family. of Exeter, Mrs. Robinson, Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Allan. Jr.. and Mrs. Ross Mc -Reath The treas- urer reported $697:85' in . the - hank. • On motion of Mrs. .:John Broadfoot and Mrs. Plant. it was agreed. td send Ja delegate, to UCW Training, School at St. Thomas. Mrs. Jack Henderson to be one representative. On' motion of Mrs. Brodie•and Mrs. Hargreaves. 12 chairs ;will be purchased for the nursery with the church committee in charge. Mrs. Hargreaves reported for the Board of Stewards. Mrs, R. • S.cott invited the la- dies to their summer home for ' a picnic meeting in July or Agust, Miss M. Swan and Miss Margaret McQueen proposed that the UCW have a bus trip. Mrs. Robert Allan introduced the guest speaker,- Mr. Hall, of (Thderich, his topic being "Mem tal Health." Mrs. Walters, Mrs. Allan and Mrs. Arriano conduct- ed the worship service. Hymn No. 9 was read in unison and Hymn' 438 sung, and the offer- ing received. Mrs. Allan 'read the Scripture.' Hold Cuboree At Mitchell Perth District Cuboree was held Saturday at Mitchell when 150 boys participated. The event opened with the Grand Howl and Lord's Prayer, and the boys competed in various cub star work;- from tying knots to signalling and walking the plank. The club shield was won by First Mitchell "A" Pack. Mrs. H. Gloor is the Ahela Leader of the winning pack. Thirty boys from Seaforth, with Mrs. Helen McKenzie, A.C.M.; took part in the event and qualified for third place. The Cuboree was held under the direction of Mrs. Gerald Snowdon, A.D.C,, for Perth' Dis- trict. Packs were present from Mit- chell,-Monkton, Walton, Eg- mondville, St. Marys and Sea - forth. The Perth district druM- head service is being held oti• Ante. 29, at Walton. • Choose from Dan River ginghams, printed pol- ished cottons and plain shade broadcloths, that are all wash and wear. Styled in shifts, shirt - maker and sheath styles in a grand range ' of best Summer shades ,and pattern$. Sizes 7 to 241/z 8.95 to 10.95 • CHOOSE NOW! Summer Millinery REDUCED 20% TO CLEAR 4 White Stag SPORTS WEAR Shop today for these smart , "White Stag" mix or match co-ordinates, in slims,' knee -knockers, Berinudas, Ja- maica, and poptops, or jackets. All plain shades in sail cloth, featur- ing patio blue, coffee ice, golden sand and aqua mist. - Priced at 2.98 to.95 Eye -Catching. SWIM WEAR By SEA QUEEN An, exciting collectionof swim suits, featuring Antron, Terylene and Nylon double knits, in Blous- on, two-piece sheath, Bikini and one-piece styles. A wide choice of patterns and colours. Sizes 10-20. 10.98 to 19.98 GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR FATHER'S DAY, JUNE 20th GIFT BOXES ARE FR!E Fort Shirt.; (short sleeves) 2.95 to 7.95 ;; h'llirts (short sleeves) 2.95 to 5.95 S't; hell Dress Shirts (Is or ss) .3.95 5.95 Bermuda Shorts 4.50 to 16.50. Long Sleeve White Shirts • • 3.95 to 5.95 Dress Sox • 1.00 to 1.50 ' •eci:ww'eaL• 1.00 to 2.00 Stewart Bros. f 1,'f (Irl, the Arirrvti,e,nents - It's a Profitable Pastime! !WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS, Dial 527-0240 • SPECIAL! Introductory Sale ' on the -New ' VINYL WINDOWS and DOORS Manufactured of B. F. GOODERICH KOROSEA.L For free demonstration and estimates On these and anther home improvements, as well as ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING CALL EVERLAST STORM CO. Mitchell 52115$0