HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-05-27, Page 8i<. This Summer make it :a GREAT ONTARIO ADVENTURE VACA'FION Thrill to the drains and historic pageantry of Ontario's Southeast! Southeast in your 'Ontario, family vacations are enriched by history and mars -made wonders, by cosmopolitan excitement and rustic tranquility, Return to pre•Confederation days at Upper Canada Village.'' Relive history at Kin'gston's Old Fort Henry. • ' See the spectacular parade ,of the fort Henry Guard. Thep watch ships from the seven seas pass through the .gigantic St. Lawrence asaway, Discoyer Ottawa, where. new 'chapters in history are'written every day. Visit the Houses of Parlioment and famed National Gallery, the National War Memorial and Royal Canadian Mint. Then, let scenic High- way 17 take you to,giant hydro -electric gienerating stations that harness the - 6ttawa River. Relax, and rough it if you like, in scenic Madawaska Valley. Become on 'amateur geologist and hunt mineral - i.' laden rocks amid the fascinating rock formations near Bancroft. There's so. much waiting for you and your family on an Adventure Va- cation' in Ontario's Southeast. Send us this coupon and we'll moil yon! i . our Great Southeast ,• Ontario Adventure Vocption •booklet 124 pages in full. colour). • x. r Fr -u--- :Province of Ontario, Dept. of Tourism & Information, Parliament Buildings] x0e111 167$ Toronto 2, Ontario. • T ?tease send de complete information an Great Southeast Ontario Adventure ,Vacations. ;Name 'Address City Province L- Annual H�re Pr. Neville LefeOet':df Lon- tion in S.eafnrth oz Monday. ;don;` will address the annual His subject will be, "Research in Lung Disease Today." Dr. Lefcoe is a medical doc- tor from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennesee, ' and re- ceived his Fellow Royal Col- l -ere of Physicians in 1956, He has had extensive post -gradu- ate study and experience in the United States and Canada. At the , present time, Dr. Lefcoe is Associate Professor of Medicine; University of West- ern Ontario. His interests are largely concerned with teach- ing of Pulmonary disease at the Medical School, managing the lung function laboratory at Victoria Hospital, and various research 'problems, including the distribution of bronchial disease in different occupation groups in London, with regard to dust exposure in the various occupations, and the effect of exercise and body conditioning on lung function in normal people, and in people with various diseases. dinner meeting of the Huron County Tuberculosis - Associa- THE FELLOWWNO TOM N/SOWN MAW, /14S EVERYONE _ ✓UMP/N° W 4"EEP OUT OF • 11471001 UARD SERVICE STATION G SOIL -REPAIRS USED A S27-400415s.d5•CO GODERICH ST. SEAFORTH USBORNE AND HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 'CO. HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. S--"4, r -Flit actors: Robert -G. Gardiner R.R. 1, President Cromarty Martin Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin Vice -President Wm. H. Chaffe - RR 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1, Science Hill Raymond McCurdy R. R. 1, Kirkton Tim Toohey R.R. 3, Lucan Agents:, Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - - Exeter Clayton Harris Mitchell Secretary -Treasurer: Arthur Fraser - - Exeter Jacob Reimer stands in thick growth of weeds next to clean, Atrazine -treated field. 'Atrazine keeps the Corn clean saves precious labour,' says Jacob Reimer, Pt. Rowan "Atrazine has given usexcellent weed control on out 140 acres of corn. We combined a bumper crop, averaging 135-140 bus. to the acre", Mr. Reiner reports. "We applied Atrazine when the corn was 4" to 5" high, because we like w hit the weeds that ar&already up.' The trouble, is the weeds come up so fast. We thougbt•we were in for trouble. But Atrazine knocked 'them out in short, order." "I used to• go through the corn two or 'three times with the cultivator, but my rime is too precious putting on Nitrogen, to have to worry about' cultivating— .. especially when Atrazine does the job better." Although I plant'tomatoes on some fields, follow: ing corn, by working up gibe soil. well, I have never had any trouble with residues. I certainly wouldn't Want to go back to growing corn without Atrazine." Use the one herbicide that keeps corn clean through to harvest. Ask your dealer for descriptive literature and don't forget to get your sprayer ready on time. AlfraBuISWItavailable k5lb. lugs ad50IA. trim Itemfarmsuppydeateri for ,gocr,cl farming �(d B 1490e !t>rONS (CANADAt'L1MIT*Dt 254.ROLINTON AVENUE RAST. TOIabNTO 12; ONTARIO. TOpiiotch Feeds Limited Phone 527-1910 ---Seaforth niers ' cemep R of the Kippen WI Enjoys Displays Kippen East Women's Insti- tute met at the' Legion Hall, Hensall, Wednesday evening, with Mrs. 'Ken McKay and -Mrs: Alex McGregor as hostesses. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Grant MacLean chaired the meeting. As this was Grandmothers' meeting, roll call was answer- ed by members introducing the guest they had brought. Each grandmother • w a s presented with a tulip and each gave her grandmother's maiden name. Reports " from the district annual, held at Zurich May 19, were given by 'Mrs. William Gibson and Mrs. William Kyle. Prizes for the grandmother with the most jewellery went to Mrs. William Kyle; grand- mother with most grandchil- dren, Mrs. William Gibson; grandmother . with birthday nearest date. of meeting, Mrs. Jack Sinclair; grandmother With oddest 'article in her purse, Mrs. Stewart McQueen. Mrs. William Siebert, of Zur- ich, demonstrated, on plastics, and displayed her driftwood. Mr. Don McCurdy favored with a solo, accompanied by Mrs. Wil- liam .Gibson.- The motto, writ- ten by Mrs. Ross Sararas, was read by Mrs: James Drummond. Lunch was served by the,hos- tesses and the committee in charge, Mrs. H. Whitehouse, Mrs. Jack Sinclair, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. J. Drummond and Mrs. Arthur Finlayson. Classified ads pay dividends. ' Have o pspbtem? Write to Canadian' social worker Doris. Clark In care of this ne s aper. TOO GOOD A SCOUT DEAR DORIS-.-My husband ,and I are both in the Boy Scout movement, and my husband makes scouting his god. We just have not got any people who will come to visit us, be- cause they say all he will talk about is scouting. When I want to go to visit our married children, he won't go; ' but if I suggest going where there are Scout ,leaders, he'll go.- I can't get him to take me to a show. We have many a quarrel about his 'lack of interest in me. ' What would you do, Doris, with a man who,, makes you feel you come last with him? Nobody DEAR NOBODY—So it would almost seem that your- husband married the Boy Scout move- ment? You won't change things by protesting — and you wouldn't even want him to. drop his Scouts completely; would you? The thing that is wrong with this hobby is that he has gone overboard. Serve notice that you plan to spend at least one night a week -btft;, that you 'also intend to-vis- it o •vis -it your children and grandchil- dyren regularly. When he looks' up from his camp kit and can't find yoti, and discovers that his grandchildren are growing up without knowing him, he may reconsider. Don't forget that he is also doing good for other young fel- lows. He's not drinking or philandering while hes Scout- ing. • * aF ae DEAR DORIS—We have to give talks on occup ions or something connected with them. Last time I discussed nursing. This time I'd like to have some- thing everyone will "enjoy and think great: maybe a panel with two others. Counting On You DEAR COUNTING— One of my pet themes is ,that every single one of us ,has a special talent. When we discover this, andchoose the career related to it, life is a breeze. Your work should be your fun. My leaflet, "On Choosing -A. Career,"• goes' into this, point ing out that we must avoid false clues, as well as discover= ing our own special ptitudes. Your panel discussiMr, could cover both, giving examples of people who have found the right job, and some who haven't. (Anyone may have this leaf- Said the preacher as he slip- ped on the banana peel:` "It's .odd how old forgotten words spring to mind, isn't it?" GROWING BEANS?. Due to the Late Seeding this Year, are you thinking of growing more Beans? MICIal°S HAVE 1.) Excellent Quality, High ` Germina- tion Seed Available. Bean • Contracts which supplies Seed,- Fertilizer and Eptam fcr your 5 Complete Program.- ) -Eptam for Weed Control.' 4) I4arriston Fertilizer at Competi- tive .. Prices. • Up-to-date Handling Facilities— (Improved again this year) 6) Knowledge of Domestic and Export, lVIarkets., (We visit our Customers and survey their needs). For Bean Supplies and Marketing Consider TICKLE as Your Place of Business E. L. MickIe 84 Son. LIMITED ' g HENSALL - . ONTARIO Phone 262-2714 let by writing in ,for _it, enclos- ing ten • cents and a stamped, self-addressed envelope.) DEAR DORIS—Daddy's day starts at 10 a.m. and he loves staying up until 2 a.m.. This is bad enough,' but he encourages the children to stay up, too, If I tell the kids to get to bed it's: "Oh yes, here she is asserting her female rights, the battle' of the sexes -to put Dad in his place." The kids love, it! I am shak- ing with exhaustion at ¢::30 a.m. when I have to'roilse the boys; The two wee boys get enough rest, but Dad's pals, ages 19 and 15, I can't cope with. Still Shaking DEAR SHAKING --Then put Dad in his place as the head of the family—by stressing his privilege " of having rested, healthy, teenagers. Ask him whether he- plans to let you run things alone. Right -now his actions sug-, gest those of an irresponsible child. His tactics are unfair and designed to make you re- tire in confusion. TO UNTOUCHABLE — Your grandfather has taken advant- age of his kinship to `maul you since you were little. Now, as a young lady, the nearness of a nice young man revolts you —a reaction which could perm- anently affect your relations with the opposite sex. A better understanding of our need for affection and how it should be. used to express love could help you. Write in for my ght Members of Huron Tuber. culosia Association were told by education chairman; G. A. Watt, that pamphlets and pos- ters had gone out to doctors' waiting rooms and industries in the county. The association met in Clinton when Dr. R. 111. Aldis presided in the absence of "the President, D. I.^ Stewart. Congratltlatdry and informative letters to secondary school gra- duates are to go out, the board agreed, and "Clinical Notes" on respiratory diseases are going to hospitals in the county for doctors' and ,nurses' use. ' 'In the case -finding report, it. was noted that as well as regq- lar monthly, referral clinics, the. foodhandler survey is ready to begin. E. R. Knight, rehabili- tation and social service chair- man, said financial assistance is being given to a TB patient. Plans were finalized for the annual meeting to be held on May 31, 1965, in -the Anglican Church, Seaforth. Dr. Neville Lefcoe, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of West- ern Ontario, will be the speak- er, his topic being, "Research in Lung Disease Today." D. M. Rae, of Stratford, a director of Ontario Tuberculos- is Association, spoke -to the group in his • capacity as a member of the Management Committee OTA. Mr. Watt will attend the annual Ontario Tuberculosis Association meet- ing Toronto on Julie 7th. list of books on "Sex, Marriage and Birth Control," enclosing ten cents and a stamped, self- addrssed envelope. And find a mature %friend or counsellor -to talk all this out with. WANT 'ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial -527-024,0 a Agri - Nite FARMERS '! Investigate the most Eco- nomical Type of Nitrogen for Corn, , Sugar Beets, White Beans . Anhydrous .Ammonia FROM AGRUCO THE FUNK'S -G TRIO OF HIGH PROFIT' CORN PRACTICES: 1 Start with a high -ming! FUNKS 4 -HYBRID 2 MKT n METIER � 3 APPLY Ertl* FISMID is feed Gs utn pgade. FE lV WS HYBRID LAUGH BROS. BRUCEFIELD—Phorie 521-0827 No wonder. Pontiac is so popular. again this year..:, justloolcat it 1 Arnold StinnisSen GRQUP . . LJFE, ACCIDENT and SICKNESS tMAJOR MEDICA . PENSIONS ANNU1XlE6- / Represepting Sun Life AsHrance Company of Canada TEELEP.H9NE 527.0410• Goderich-St.. East - Seaforth 'WEDDING, INVITATIONS TIDE HURON -EXPOSITOR Dial 527-024.0 - Seaforth ed Beans We offer the following: All Varieties Available with High Germination . CONTRACTS - Seed and Fertilizer supplied - CUSTOM TREATING— For Wireworm Control EPTANI— Effective Spray for Weed Control THIMET- r For Bean Beetle Control (by order only) COOK BROS. MILLING CO. LIMITED Phone 262-2605 - HENSALL "Our Office now located across the Street from . the . Elevator" VI One glance at Pontiac's out=and-out.beauty tells you why, it enjoys so much popularity with Canadian car buyers.. But looks are only part of the Pontiac story. Pontiac has a• lot more than just glamour. Luxurious comfort, for . instance, in the rich fabrics and thoughtful appointments -of Pontiac's fashion -plate interiors. Swashbuckling performance, backed by outstanding dependability. ' And pace -setting Pontiac engineering developments. Like the all-new way Pontiac is built this year, with tough perimeter frame construction and curved glass side windows. Like dramatically improved road -holding ability From the new wider track and Full -Coil suspension. Plus a long list of other fine features and options that easily explain Pontiac's appeal to your practical side. As to how justPontiac gets its special place in your heart ' t look at it! " • d J • A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE And look what's" happening at your Pontiac dealers Success Car Sales Celebration 'ill full swing! Here's your Pontiac dealer's way ofsaying "Thank you't• • ybO for r enthusiasm about his (1965 models. He's ready to give you the kind oi'.te rific,deal you'll want to tell your friends abotit. Whle selection Of models and colorst,With Pontiac you can choose from .. . ,hardtops, sedans, convertibles, station wagons . , a • total off40,eye-appealing models in all. And you can• get fast delivery on' most models. IJnth rpas'sed' trade in %slues! To keep up his stocks •of used cars, you'` it''oritiad dealer is offering top allo*ahce dli yottr tt'hdt ih at this Celebration time. Whichineans your present car Will Bever be worth more than it is right' now'' Take Advantage of this groat opportunity•todeyl Be sure to watch "Telescope" and "The Authorized Pontiac Dealer tit ::ivtefle�(f: , 1;, • .11 .•4 Parisienne Sport Coupe Visit the Success Car Saes Celebration today! Rogues" now showing on televialbq. Check iota) listings; for time and channel. Q • a • 'I • • 41 • •