HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-05-27, Page 4THEATRE -- CLINTON !Children Under 12 in Cars Admitted Free Two o Complete Shows Nightly COME AS LATE AS 11 P.M. AND SEE A COMPLETE •- SHOW Box Office Open at 8:00 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Thursday •and Friday May 27 -28' 'PALMS SPRINGS K[ND' Color E STEVENS TY HARDIN •• Cartoon Sat. - .. Mon. Tues. Wed. May 29-31, June 1-2 "How the West Was • Won" CARROLL BAKER . HENRY FONDA LEE J, COBB r".. GREGORY PECK - ;DEBBIE REYNOLDS JAMES STEWART And Many Other Stars. Color - • Cartoon PLEASE NOTE: J 1 Show Nightly At 9:30 I #I IHAHIflUi SlItIllIlI RllNtlli111 C MING: THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 3-4 "For Those Who Think Young" JAMES DARREN PAMELA' TIFFEN Color Cartoon Plus A Short "'!The' Beatles Come To Town" Color Classified ads .pay dividends: . Y 1.965 H.uIlet.t Picks. Site • Hullett Township School Area Board has selected a site for the 12 -room central school, which will replace the 13 one -room schools in the township. Options were taken on five possible sites in the vicinity of Londesboro, and after percola- tion tests on the soil had been taken, a site on the farm of John Armstrong was selected. It consists of approximately 17 acres, on the southeast edge of Londesboro. After a land sur- vey is taken and approvals granted, the land will be pur- chased, a well drilled and sketch plans °'"prepared by the architects. The firm of Dunlop, Wardell, datsui & Aitken, of Islington, are the architects for the new school 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Smorgasbord SUPPER Hensall • United Church WEDNESDAY June 2nd 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $1.50 Children (12 and under) 75c Ham; Turkey, Salads, Jellos—all you can eat, PLUS DESSERT 111111t1111111nM11111lnllttillitluiltl BE•'THEL. BIBLE CHURCH (Services at Orange Hall) Sunday, -May 30th 2:30—SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all ages 7:30—GOSPEL SERVICE, Speaker: PROF. W. WALLACE,, London College, of Bible . and Missions "ThepCrossing of the' Red Sea" Did the Waters Divide or Wliat Does "Dry Shod" Mean? Exodus 14:21: "And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a'strong east. wind all that night, and made the sea all dry land, and the waters were divided:" sir's' BINGO CASH CLINTON LIONS' ARENA' 9:00 p.m. SHARP MONDAY, -MAY 31 1 Big Game far $500.00 1 Special Game for $100.00 13 Regular Games for $30.00 each 2 Share -The -Wealth Gaines Admission: $1.00 per person; Extra and Special Cards 4, ?5c each or 5 for $1.00 Sponsored by Clinton Legion Branch 140 for Minor Sports in Clinton and District CASH— BINGO--CAsH • Friday, May 28 - 8:15, p.m. LEGION HALL, SEAFORTH • 15 REGULAR GAMES FOR $10.00 ONE $50.00 JACKPOT THREE $25.00 SPECIALS. Children under 16 not permitted '-- ' ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25e, or 7 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch, 156, Canadian Legion • PROCEEDS FOR 'WELFARE WORK ANNUAL MEETING Huron County Tuberculosis Association ' St. Thomas' Hall, Seaforth Monday, May 31, at 6:30 p.ln. . ; Guest Speaker: 1 er iie Lefeoe, 'i t C,P.(C), of London a weir ity of Western Ontario, London Ie f Preside; t 11 7 BRODHAG.E14' NEWS.OF i'HE ATE,E ! (Continued from Pagg. T). gel on Sunday. lips Toledo • Beuerman and Mr- Peter Miller,- of Waterloo, called on Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Miller and attended the goldep wedding anniversary of Mr. and .Mrs. Mogk.' . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed: •Oliver and family, of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eickmier and family, accompanied. by Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy and family, visited Mr, Wilbur Hoegy in London hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Shbldice spent the Holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sholdice and other -friends from Toron- to and Grand Bend for the week end. Mr. George Jacob, of Kitchen- er, with Mr. anti Mrs. Chris W. Leonhardt. Mr. and Mrs. Herman - Hinz and Gary, of Kitchener, with Mr. and -Mrs. 'Ronald Hinz and attended the Ludington-Wur- dell wedding. Mr. Ray Scherbarth, of To- ronto, and Miss Donna Scher - berth, Stratford, with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scherbarth, for the holiday weekend. ' • Miss Faye Wolfe, RR 4, Mit- chell, spent a few weeks -with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Scherbarth, S.r. Master Kenneth Wolfe, RR 4, Mitchell, spent - a few weeks 'with' his uncle and aunt, Mr. and • Mrs. Edward -Scherbarth, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Prueter. Mr. and Mrs. •Keith Stephen and Kevin, of St. Marys;• with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Prueter. Miss Suzanne Whitlo ck, !lit', chell, with Miss- Phyllis ' #u)z,` Mr. and Mrs. Clarence fuer engesser and Glen and friend of Stratford, called on Mrs. Albert Querengesser and Mr and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and Mrs. Elizabeth Querengesser, Herman Leonhardt and Carl spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Norman Wilson, and Mr. Wilson, at• Neustadt. Fiftieth Anniversary ' Mr. and Mrs. George Mock, who reside with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk, Brodhagen, cele- brated their 50th wedding an- niversary off,. Saturday with • a turkey dinner, in the basement of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, with about 42 guests attend- ing. The dinner was served by members of the LCW. • Gold roses in vases and a gold floral arrangement, along with a gold and white anniversary cake, decorated the tables. Mr. and Mrs. Mogk were mar- ried 50 years ago in May by the late Rev. H. Weigand at'St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brod- hagen, with' about 150 guests attending, and the attendants were Rudolph Fischer and the late Mrs. Fischer (Annie Mogk). Mrs. Frank Elligsen (Frieda Becker), now, of North Holly- wood, California, was maid of honor. Mrs. Howard Stacey, of Mitchell (Fern, Francis), and Mrs. Walter Shelly, 'of Windsor (Evelyn Wasman) were flower - girls. Mrs. Mogk is the former Law ra Miller, daughter of the late Mr. and _Mrs.. Ferdinand Miller, and Mr. Mogk is the son pf the late Mr. and Mrs. John Mogk. The couple have two sons, Iar.- "She can jump higher than our center!" INTERNAL, REVENUE - S_ERkitt E "l'm having trouble with tlia part about getting up the money!" A'aid?/t1ni YIiands /lake, Brr • When Hydro Showtimels pre ,o stinr-demonstratiooS. rented at the new Legion Hall,' Brussels -on Wednesday,. June 2, the presentation will be spon cored by .the Brussels PITC, under the auspices of the East Huron Agricultural Society,(W, men's Division). A highlight of the • informative and entertain- ing program will be the inter - old, on the home farm, Brad- hagen, and Carman, of . St. Thomas; and four grandchil- dren; Mrs. Robt. Wietze (Nancy Mogk), of Mitchell; Wendy, Ter- ri and Randy Mogk,. of St. Thomas. Guests attended from. Sarnia, Belleville, London, ' Toronto, Peterborough, Waterloo, Mit- chell, Brodhagen and district. They received many beautiful gifts, including many beautiful flowers. They are members of St, Peter's Lutheran Church here, and Mrs. •Moglr was the "fgrmer church organist for about 25 years, and she is a member of the' Lutheran Church Women. Mr. Mogk was in the choir for many years, .and both were Sunday school teachers, and have always been -active. in community affairs. • Attend Spring Convocation Rev. and Mrs. Harold Brill, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Prueter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Prdeter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon •Bach, London; Mrs. Norman Rode, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. E. Morris, Sebring- ville; Miss Willow Morris.,.,Bur- lington;' Miss Diane Beuerman, St. Thomas; Mrs. Rachel Ahrens, Mr. and Mrs. Donald- Ahrens, Burlington; Mr. sand Mrs. Wil- fred. Ahrens attended the spring convocation of Water- loo .Lutheran University on Mon,ay, May 24, at which Clay- ton R. Ahrens and Robert C. Ahrens, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens, - Brodhagen, were' among the graduates ad- initted to the degree ' of Bach_ elor of Arts. The .parents held a luncheon for their guests' at the Conestoga Motel. PORT ELGIN Safe beaches beckons all, activities for every - age,. varied accommodations. Write Box 406 Port Elgin Chicken Barbecue Tauri.~, June 10th C.O.F. Hall, Constance 5:30 to 8 p.m. ADULTS • $1.25 - CHILDREN (6 to 12), 15e' - — FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. DOUGLAS O. FRY Minister.._. Sunday, May 30th WORSHIP -- 11:00 A.M. 9:45 a.m.—Minister's Class 10:00 a.m.—The Senior Sunday School. 11:00 am.—The Junior Sunday ,. School. ' There will be NO DANCING at B'LU,EWATER DANCELAND Till June , llth Music by Cavaliers MUSIC RECITAL Presented by Miss Carol Brown Miss Nancy • Berger AT SEAFORTH DISTRICT " HIGH SCHOOL Sunday, May 30 8:00 p.m, The program will include piano duos and duets; also violin selections, vocal solos and trios. EVERYONE WELCOME -- Silver Collection — PENNY SALE Auspices of Si. Columban CWL Prizes on display' in Box Furniture Store May 27 - •28 - 29. Draw to be made in Stt Columban, Mon - da , . may auk:: hY Miss MISS LINDA - McMASTER • Ontario Hydro Lihda McMaster; one of. On' tario Hydro's Home Econom- ists, '- Attractive door prizes to be drawn for will include the food prepared by the. Home Econ- omist anda number of beauti- ful electrical appliances which have been donated by local dealers and the Brussels. PUC. Miss McMaster,- who graduat- ed from- the University of Bri- eish • Columbia, witfi-a' Bachelor of , Houehold Science degree, later interned at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. S °afQ .Lh Agricultural ► o je BEEr•-Und, PORK BARBECUE ,SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CE14T tE. Wednesday, June °23rd 5 to $ p.m. ADULTS $1.50 CHILDREN 75c DANCE TO FALLOW MANCE by The Cavalier Seaforth Hospital _Auxiliary rt' RUM•MAGE SALE SATURDAY,' May 29th Public Library — at 2' p.m. Your opportunity to'save on Used Spring and Summer Clothing, Children's Cloth-. ing, Shoes, Hats, Dresses, Men's Coats, Shirts and Suits. Children's Toys, Books, Dishes, Jewellery, Dress Patterns (modern styles), etc., at the White Elephant Table. limon Spring Fair SATURDAY, JUNE 5th 1:00 p.m.—PARADE Clinton ..RCAF. Trumpet. Band Clinton Marching Royals Four -horse Tandem Hitches 2;00' p.m.—OFFICIAL OPENING BY Miss Dominion - tf Canada . (Miss Mary 4.4 Fa>;rel,,of St. Johns, Newfoundland) Display . Mam Machinery Children's Po • . s , Judging Horses, Cattle, , Swine Kiddies' Rides • Joyes Midway • Pet Show ADMISSION 50c • , GRANDSTAND 25c • r CARS 25c 7:00. p.m. -EVENING HORSE SHOW' ,Clinton RCAF Lads And, Lassies Square Dance Club Legion Pipe Band and Local Entertainment r Floats EVENING ADMISSION 50c CHILDREN FREE 1 CARS 25c FRANK FALCONER W. G. RIEHL President . - Secretary COME OWTO DRO SH1iM C� DKI N G DEMONSTktAT10N LIGHTING HINT'S LAUNDRY TIPS ELECTRIC HEATING RtZES rt Hydro Showtime ... a' lively 2 hour .show —.packed with ideas on ModernElectrical'Living . . to be enjoyed at: NEW LEGION HALL., BRUSSELS - Wednesday',June 2, 1965, at 8:15 p.m. presented by the Hrussels Public Utilities Commission and Ontario Hydro Under the auspices of _ THE EAST `itURON. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Woi fetes - Division ' rl11. dal. L?L9:'rAY:v n� F•:x`$'& ua