HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-05-13, Page 6pbeael en beck'etia all, it es for every age, Varied accommodations. Write Box- 4t6 Port .Elgin- PENECOSTAL CHURCH Corner of Franklin and William Sts. SUNDAY SCHO▪ OL,=.2:00 p.m. SUNDAY SERVICE -3:00 p.m. MR. L. HOY, Speaker — You are invited — + Young People's Meeting: 8 o'clock, Friday Sunday Night Meeting: at 7:30 p.m.. We believe the Bible to be the Inspired Word of God. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cos Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. BETHEL BIBLE- CHURCH (Services. at Orange Hall) Sunday, May 16th 2:30—SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all ages 7:30—GOSPEL . SEEVICE Speaker: Or: W: Foster London College, of Bible and Missions • Topic: • "NOAH' AND THE ARK" Historical fact or insult to our intelligence WOME2N'S HOS,P. TAL AUXILIARY The May meeting of the Hos- pital Auxiliary was held in the nurses' residence Tuesday eve- ning with Mrs. F. Cosford pre- siding. The daffodils for Hospi- tal Day were donated this year by Mrs. Mae Hillebrecht. Mrs. John Patterson told of the Re- gional II Spring -Conference in Stratford. Final arrangements were made for the rummage sale May ..29th. Miss. Gladys Thompson reported $384.00 has been made on the vanishing bridges and euchres to date. On display was a hand -hook - ,ed rug, made by Mrs. Winnie Nott. Tickets will be sold on the project by members over the summer months, with the draw in the fall. The June meeting and banquet will be held in the Colonial Inn in Grand Bend this year. It was deckled to go by chartered bus, with Miss Dorothy Parke as convener. The mystery prize - was won by Mrs. John A. Card - no, Bridges and Euchres Mrs. J. McConnell was hos- tess to Miss Janet Cluff, Mrs. L. Hoggarth, Miss Abbie Seip, Miss Wilma Seip, Mrs. R. S. MacDonald, Mrs. Brad Smith, Mrs. R. P. McDonald and Mrs. F. C. 'J. Sills. Cash donations: Mrs. Harold Hugill, Mrs, Leonard Strong, Mrs. R. McGeoch, Mrs., H. Scott, Mrs. P. L. Brady, `Mrs. H. Leslie, Mrs. W. E. South- gate, Mrs. R. MacDonald, Mrs. James A. Stewart, Miss Janet Cluff, Mrs. Brad Smith, Mrs. D. Cornish, Mrs. R, Kerslake, Mrs. C. Broadfoot and Mrs. D. Stephenson. CASH-- BINGO --CASH Friday, May 14th — 8:15. LEGIQN"HALL, SEAFORTH 15 REGULAR GAMES FOR $10.00 3 SHARE .THE WEALTH with SPECIAL JACKPOT $80.00 -- Full house with 56 numbers called. -- Children under 16 not permitted -- ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c, or 7 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156, Canadian Legion PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK PENNY E DRAIN Auspices' Women's Hospital Auxiliary FRIDA:Y, MAY 14 at 8:00 o'clock WHITNEYFURNITURE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SPRING THANKOFFERING SERVICES Sunday, May 16th Guest Minister: REV. JOHN C. BOYNE, B.A., of Exeter • SERVICE AT 11:00 A.M. - . — Special Music by the Choir "Lord, Thy Children",- by Jr. and Sr. Choirs Solo -Evelyn Storey "For Thou Only Art Holy", by Senior Choir Solos= -Mrs. Frank Kling, Mr." Fred E. Willis Solo --"God Remelribers Everything". David Stewart EVE'R (ONE W LCOME TO THIS SPECIAL S'ItIN ' HANKOFEEBING 'SERVICE 11 4: flou las a, Fry,' Minister t6WI40'e,"k , A il+lusx . Or tifiif 1.MAM ORO' N► cbaf,� Leider ti " The 'annual mieeting of the St; Columban Council of the Catholic Women's League was held, in the parish hall on Sun- day afternoon. The president, Mrs. Maurice Melady, presided for the reports of the work of the past year. - The following slate of officers was brought in for the coming year: Director, Rev, L. S. Coughlin; past president, Mrs. Maurice Melady; president, Mrs. Vincent Murray; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs; Frank Ryan; second vice - president, Mrs. I, e n O'Rourke; third vice-president,. Mrs. Lewis Coyne; recording secretary, Mrs. Leo Arts; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. Ray Murray; treasurer, Mrs. Wm. McMillan. . Mrs. Murray -'then took the chair and was presented with the president's pin by Mrs. Melady. Conveners were ap- pointed, and fees are to be col- lected during the next two weeks, , Plans were made for the an- nual penny sale, to be drawn for on May 31st. ' Articles are to be left in the basement of the church by Sunday, May 16. Good, clean, used clothing is being asked for, and must be in the basement ready for ship- ment on June 2nd. The date for the summer carnival and supper was set for July 21st. The delegates to the dioces- an convention, to be held in Chatham on May 18 and 19, are Mrs. Vincent Murray and Mrs. Len O'Rourke. • A prize, donated by Mrs. An- gus Kennedy, was won by Mrs. Frank Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brady and family,. London, and Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Gaffney and fam- ily, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Butters and family, St. Thomas, and Miss Mary Murray, London, with Mr; and Mrs. Gilbert ,Mur- ray. • Miss Jeanne Melady and Miss Anne Melady, London, with -Mr. and Mrs. Ted Melady. Miss. Luella Moylan, Kitchen- er, and Miss Jean Moylan,• ,Zqr- ich, with Mr. and Mrs. John Moylan. Miss Catharine Lennon and Michael Lennon, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs: Michael Murray, Miss Rita Kennedy, London, with Mr.' and Mrs. Angus. Kennedy. - Mr. and Mrs. Mike Malloy, Brantford, with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dalton. Miss Jean Maloney,': ;ondon, and Leonard Maloney, Lucan, with Mrs. Nora Maloney. • Rev. John McIver, S&.M., Toronto, with. Mrs. William Mc- Iver. Miss Joan Coyne, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Coyne. Every week more people dis; cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low . cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial '527.0240. 1111111I111111t11111111111111II111111111111! ANNUAL HAM SUPPER CONSTANCE United Church TUESDAY, MAY 18th " 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Admission — Adults $1.25 Children; under 12 years, 50c IIIIli111111rlllllllllllllllllf1111111111111 DESSERT EIJCHRE Orange Hall, Seaforth WED., MAY 19th from 2'to 5and from 8to9 Auspices L.O.B.A. EVERYONE WELCOME Admission — 50 Cents BAKE SALE Whitney' Furniture Store Saturday, May 15 Sponsored by Unit Five Northside United Church EUCHRE & DANCE Constance Hall In honor of the Thirty-fifth Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. James McClure FRIDAY, MAY 14th 9:00 o'clock EVERYBODY WELCOME, Ladies please bring Sandwiches FREE BUS* To Car Bingo FRIDAY, MAY 14th Kitchener Auditorium Leaves' Seaforth Stoplights at 6:15,p.M. '1.00 Fare will be refunded if there are 25 or more • passengers. Phone 5274222 to Reserve •Soat Habkirk Transit .Sen ice Ltd., ., . 1T! CR Mr. Franit, , U l 4 Scott Meral s , gat nt in t mo' r lat t , forth. f I fll; lea Mr. and Mrs: Q aid'lgtl?re- head and for ily, q Rostock, were Sunday visitors" with ' Mr And Mrs. Alex Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. •Laurie McKel- lar and son, Mark, Visited Sun- day with her parents,., Mr-, and Mrs. Louis Nigh, Seafortl , Sunday visitors with Mr, -_and Mrs. William harper were Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gale,. Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Th,np- son and sons, of, Atwood: ' " Mr. Floyd Dow, of•'Newcastle, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Dow. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jefferson attended the baptismal service of .their granddaughter, Anne Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jefferson, at Mun- ro United'Churchon Sunday. Miss Margaret Ann Wallace attended graduation exercises at Ryerson Polytechnieal Insti- tute of Technoloy in Toronto on Friday. Mr. Bob Parkinson, of Mitchell, was among the graduates. Mother's Day service was ob- served in Cromarty Church, on Sunday with Mr. Douglas Cod- ling conducting the service. The junior choir led the singing and, contributed a special num- ber with Denise Kerslake, as soloist. Many of the Sunday School pupils received certifi- cates and diplomas for mem- ory work and regular attend- ance. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ramsey, Stephen and Vickie, of Listowel; visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Scott and Ronnie, Mitchell, and Mrs. Sa:. die Scott visited . on Sunday with Mr. .and Mrs. 'Carlyle, Meikle and children: Mr. and Mrs. Len Houghton, of Teeswater, called on friends in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Currie • pt+i.r $ OF .:T d d° ar! a r rx ,.g.,++ x � .!i Whon o B n r- � C.,.:Vlsited df- t}#e home of Mrs, Grace Slott, - • Mother's flay guests._ with, Mrs. Grace Scott were Mr, ann Mrs. Donald Scott, Sharon, Xar- en, Cathy, Janet, and Douglas of Goderich; Mr. - and Mrs. Frank . Cadick, Sharon and Don- ald, London; Mr. ;and Mrs. Wes- ley Russell and. Mr. and Mrs John Wallace, Margaret and Debbie. Mr. Hugh Scott, of Guelph visited with his parents, .Mr, and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Garry • Quance and children, Staffa; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilds' and family and Miss Carol Howe spent Mother's. Day with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howe, WMS Meeting Mrs. M. Lamond was hostess for the May meeting of the Women's Missionary Society. Mrs. R. Dodds presided and opened the meeting with al poem, followed with prayer and Scripture lesson from Psalm R1. Eleven members an- swered the roll call with a Proverb, Twovisitors were present, Rev. J. C. Boyne conducted the Bible study and Mrs. Boyne presented a chapter of the study lesson, "Put Forth Your Hand," with Mrs., C. MeKaig, Mrs. 'S. McCurdy, ' Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. T, L. Scott as- sisting. The secretary read the minutes and the treasurer gave her report. Mrs. T. Laing read the Glad Tidings prayer. The business period was conducted by the president, Mrs. M. La - mond,. The topic,' "Where Christ was. Crucified,", was given by Mrs. K. McKellar. A letter from the supply secretary was read by Mrs. Sadie Scott. • Mrs. T. 'L. Scott led a Bible quiz; and the meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer in unison... The hostess, assist d by Mrs. Sadie, Scott, serve a dainty lunch, OBITUARIES HENRY HOGGARTH Henry Hoggarth, aged 91, died in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal Thursday. Born in Hibbert Township, he farmed there un- til he came to Seaforth in 1921 to work, and retired. in 1950. He was a member of Northside United Church. After the death of his first wife, Mary Anne Simmons, he married Esther MacDougall, who died in January, 1963. He is survived by a son Lloyd Hoggarth, Seaforth; two step- daughters, Mrs. James .(Chris-. tie) Souter, Brucefield; Mrs. Richard (Ethel) Pieffer, Kala- mazoo, Mich.; one stepson, Hort' ton MacDougall, Hibbert Town ship, and two grandchildren. ' Funeral. services were held 'from the G.- A. Whitney funer- al home on Saturday at 2 p.m., with the Rev. J. C. Britton of- ficiating. Burial, was in McTag- gart's cemetery, Hibbert Town- ship. Pallbearers were D'Orlean Sills, Frank Salisbury, Andrew McNichol, Scott Cluff, Phillip Hoggarth • afid Al Hoggarth. HUGH A. ROBB Hugh. A. Robb, superintend: ent of the Detroit News', press - .room for 37 years before he retired in 1954, died Monday night -in' Mt. Carmel Mercy' Hos- pital. He was 76. Born. in Seaforth, Ont., Mr. Robb `went,) to Detroit at the age of 10 .and began his' ser- vice with The News on Jan. 1; 1905. He was promoted to pressroom superintendent in 1917....He resided at 18479 Sun- derland. He is survived by his wife, three daughter's, and a brother, Jaines G. MRS. GEORGE D. HAIGH Mrs. George ° D. Haigh, for many years a well-known Sea - forth resident, died suddenly in Hamilton on Tuesday. She was in her 81st year. ' Mrs. Haigh, the former Mary Jane Johnston, was born in Lucknow. Since 1940 she has resided with her daughter, Mary, Mrs. Bruce Davidson, in Hamilton. She issurvived by her daugh- ter; a granddaughter, Karen, Mrs. Ralph Smith, of West Hill, and a sister, Ella, Mrs. Russell Robertson, Lucknow. Funeral services ` are being held in Lucknow at 2;00 p.m., Thursday from the McKenzie Funeral Home. Classified ads pay dividends. THOMAS R. THOMPSON Former Clinton businessman, Thomas Robert Thompson, 67, passed away suddenly in CIin- ton Monday morning, May 3, following a, heart attack. . He was born in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland. In 1915 he served with the . Enniskillen Dragoons until - his discharge in 1919. Mr, Thompson carne to Canada in 1924, where' he start- ed with Loblaws and served as manager in Hamilton, Toronto, Oshawa and Kitchener. Com- ing to Clinton in 1936 he oper- •ated several stores until his re- tirement in 1956. . He' was a fnember of • Calvary Baptist Church. lie leaves his wife; the for- mer Josephine Livingston,.” to whom he was married July 16, 1930; four daughters, Mrs. Don (Yvonne) Reynolds, Ottawa; Mrs. Ewart (Joan) Cornish, Clin- ton; Mrs. David (Patricia) Un - ran, Lafayette, Indiana; Sharon, of Kitchener; six grandsons; brother Wesley, Toronto; three sisters in Ireland, and was pre- deceased by a son, Robert, in January, and a brother Richard, Ireland, in March. Funeral service was held from the -Beattie Funeral Home; Clinton. and conducted by Rev. L. T. Hobbins. "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" was sung by. Mrs. Bruce Cann, Exeter. Pall- bearers were John McCowan, James Scott, William Living- ston, Tony Phillips, Howard Johns and Bert Gibbings. Flowerbearers were Jas. Arm- strong .and Herb Bridle, JOHN COUTTS n John Coutts, who 'lived most of his life in this"- area; died Sunday in the Kilbarchan nurs- ing home, Until he retired in 1941, he had farmed in Grey Township. ' Surviving .besides his wife, the former Levina Clarke, are three sons, Donald, London; A. Ross, Ottawa; Glen, Kitchener; one daughter, Marian ,Coutts, Seaforth; four brothers: Benja- min, 'Red Deer, Alta,„ Russell, Marengo,, Sask.; James, Sea - forth; Andrew, Walton; 'and one sister, Mrs. M. (Cecil) Car- diff, Grey Township. Funeral services ' were • held Tuesday from the It. S. Box funeral home, with interment in Maitlandbank cemetery. Rev. D. 0. Fry officiated, Pallbear- ers were Harold Maloney, Chas. Green,,_ Russell Carter, Henry Ziler, Aden Forbes a n d D'Orlean Sills. ' Flowerbearers were William Wilbee,» Charles Geddes, William, Coutts and Ted McCreath, CHICKEN BARBECUE Egrnonclville United Church .Wednesday, May 26th • 5 , to g p.m. ADULTS .$1.25 CHILDREN (under 12) , 75e , Take -Out Order's Available (No Delivery) Tickets available fro Me tbers of the Official card .r^.. Mr, • , 4 o Clpn zer 'ad Kevin, Listowel,_„visit ed .Saturday with Mr. and •Mrs. GeorgeMeflwain. and Mary, Brian and. Paul returned. borne after spending a week with their, grandparents. Master Steven Jewitt return- ed home Sunday after visiting with Mr. a'd Mrs. William paw son and family, of Varna. Mr. and Mrs: Robert Johnson and . Bruce; of Grand Valley, visited with Mrs. James Medd en Sunday, Mother's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mac, Gregor, of Chatham, and Miss Margaret MacGregor, of Moles- worth, spent tke weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and Elaine and . Miss ' Joyce Brown, of London, spent Moth er's Day with Mrs. Sarah Brown of Hanover. Mr. and;Mrs. Erik Fogt, of Brampton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan. and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Hart, of Brussels. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ellwood and Mr. and Mrs. Thimias Riley, all of Clinton. Mr. and;Mrs. Reg Lawson, and John visited with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Lawson, of Clinton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Preszcator's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. ' Lawrence of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall, of St. Marys, visited with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross MacGregor on. Sunday. ; Vi'sit'ors with Mrs. William Jewitt and family on Mother's Day were Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Dowson and family, of Varna, and Mr.- and Mrs. John. Jewitt and family. Mr. and Mrs. .William Dale, Deanna, Cathy and Chyrl were guests to dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scott, Meribeth and Melanie, of Bel: grave, and were, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Glousher, _Blyth, for supper. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Glou- sher; Stewart and 'Barbara .vis- ited on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ball and family, of Auburn. -' Mr. William Webster, of St. Helens, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale` on Monday. Mrs. Harvey Taylor ,visited with Mr, Harvey Taylor in Vic- toria Hospital, London, on the weekend. No More Late - (Continued from Page 1) Bested draft agreement. —Agreed to purchase a type- writer from -The Huron Exposi- tor at a cost of $241.50. Other bids which had been received ranged to $339. • Referred• a request for time and a half overtime pay which was received from town employees to the Public Works Committee for recommenda- tion. - -Approved ' the attendance of Chief Hulley at the bonven- tion of police chiefs, being held in Barrie, June ,7-11, with ex- penses: —Agreed that Gouinl6ck St. could be closed on Saturday to permit a safety check being carried out. —Approved membership in the Seaforth C of C and nam- ed Councillor Harry Donaldson as council's representative. —Instructed Councillors Flan- nigan and Kelly to confer with Huron Canadian Fabricators regarding a petition council re- ceived. The. petition claimed that problems being cre- ated' in the area of the plant by improper parking, by flash- ing lights when welding was in progress, and noise late at night. Council agreed a diffi- culty_ did exist, but at the same time recognizing the plant was a substantial employer and was a desirable business in town. —,Approved a grant of• $50 to assist the Merchants' Commit- tee in carrying out a fireworks program on Friday, May 21, instructed the Recreation Committee, headed by Council- lor Cardno, tb consider steps t/O take to recognize the honor which the Intermediate hockey. team had brought to the town. —Agreed that the clean-up program, which had been car- ried on under thedirection of Reeve Carl Dalton during the past year, should be 'continued. —Learned that wet weather: had delayed completion of cleaning up operations at the hospital sewer project, and was advised this would be complet- ed as soon as the. ground could be worked on.i , —Learned from Mayor Flan- nery that Mrs. '3'.. McConnell,` the retiring deputy; clerktreas; titer, had been presented with a gift prior to' her leaving the office. Mrs. Bessie Broome h,as been appointed as office ;assist- ant. one of our staf£ members re= porta that his 'son "came 'hotiie the other • day to breathlessly, itiform hid !nether ,•that: ' his school i§',•sfietitai;ing 'a -hake and rttnii aige aaie. "f kite* • 'Voir • cart bake a• ealre;' >h+ gild hfa do!Iva hada tiri3wtri srll ►txtages'ti', a ::•T , J. .. a r ,. nSIder Lon 04404#pm rage *owl 1)' prog-.aii , Once tb�ts wa$ determined, the amount that r"ould be accornpX shed in -any particular year could be based on funds that might be avail- able. It was suggested a special meeting should be called at an early date to consider such a program. In the meantime, the Clerk is to adyisd OWRC that the problems are being considered. Seek To Annul (Continued from Page 1) hours. • Suggesting publicity concern- ing 'police matters had encour- aged certain groups to try to see-, how far they could go, Councillor Donaldson stressed the need of supporting the po- lice. "We must emphasizecouncil is behind the police. I have the feeling that the impression that is presented is thatthis is not the case, and this makes it pretty hard for the police." A letter to council from J. E. Baker protested noisy groups on weekends. Mr. Baker,' who indicated a petition was in pre- paration, said he considered the polio were doing an ex- cellent xcellent job, but needed assist- ance. He asked why, in • view of the heed that existed, coun- cil hadreduced the force, • GIANT PENNY SALE Legion Hall Hensall Draw: Friday, May 28 9 p.m. Hall Open May 13th to May 24th ' Every Thursday and Saturday afternoon and , evening. .. MAY 24 TO MAY 28 -,-Hall op. en every afternoon and eve- ning -- Tickets on Sale. Sponsored by Hensel' Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Brwflh Drive 'in Theatre -- Clinton Open Nightly FIRST SHAW AT DUSK Box ' Office Opens 8 O'clock . WED., THURS., .. _FRI. May 12-13-14 "THE PINK PANTHER" (Adult Entertainment) . David Niven - .Peter Sellers_ Robert Wagner Cartoon Color SATURDAY ONLY -- May 15 • — DOUBLE FEATURE "SURF PARTY Bobby Vinton - Patricia Morrow "FLIGHT FROM AS'HIYA" Yul Brynner Richard Widmark' Color Cartoon MON.,, TUES., WED. May 17-18-19 w 'Kiss Me, Stupid' Kim Novak - Dean Martin • • Peter 'Sellers COLOR 4 + , ADMITTANCI R rwrid.'-01'ww.e Absolutely No • I Children Admitted THURSDAY and FRIDAY. May 20 -21 — DOUBLE /FEATURE . -- Enjoy The Sports Car Set in "THE LIVELY SET" James Darren - Pamela Tiffin Doug McClure COLOR "TAMMY AND THE DOCTOR" Sandra Dee - Peter Fonda Color Cartoon - COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE HENSALL ARENA Anyone -having articles to sell or donate, Friday, May 28 - -7 p.m. contact Trevor -Wilson, Ed. Corbett or Pete McNaughion4 IF -DASIRED, ARTICLES WILL BE PICKED UP Watch for listing in this paper next week ' Sponsored by the Hensall Minor Athletic Association All proceeds for Minor Sports TREVOR WILSON, Secretary. Jowett's Grove BayfieM _ OPENING` FRIDAY, MAY 21st DANCING Every Friday Evening TENTS TRAILERS Rates by day, by week, by month, or by season Coin Operated Laundry Booth, and Picnic' Facilities A. GARON, Proprietor Phone Clinton 4829216 or Bayfield 804 GIGANTIC RUMMAGE SALE Under auspices of WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY — at SEAFORTH PUBLIC LIBRARY at 2:00 p.m.' SATURDAY, MAY 29 r y' Men's Wear - Ladies' Wear -.Hats -' Shoes and Purses - Children's Clothing Bait-a.Erac - Books and White Elephant Table M Etc: if '4 a. 4 3