HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-05-13, Page 4•
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Ontario hospital
Services Commission
Toronto 7, Ontario
The second InPetini of the
Huron County 4-11 Swine ' Club
was held at the Ontario De-
partment of Agrien tune board
room, Clinton, when Von Ful
len introduced the new sum-
mer assistant,, .Ron Trivers.
Lessons on "Care and Man-
agementof Pigs" were taken,
which was• followed by Malcom
Davis. demonstrating how to
tattoo pigs. There was a quiz
on the lessoh.
Every week more people dis-
cover what mighty jobs are
accomplished by Jaw cost Ex-
positor Want Ads, Dial 5270240.
Tenders were received ter
the construction of the Kraus-
kopf bridge at the regular
meeting of Logan Tgwnship
Council and the contract was
awarded to Roger F. MacEach-
ern Construction, Mount For-
est, for $9,204.00, It was one
of four received.
No• appeals being received on
the Siemon. and Murray Drains,.
the court of revision was dis
pensed with. Court of revision
was held on the Dillon Drain
with appeals being considered
from the owners of Lots 30 and
31, Concession 7. The appeals
were settled to the satisfaction
of 'both parties, with no change
in the engineer's estimate. The
a r r rr
The perfect fit of Preston galvanized .steel or Aluminum "TITS -
LAP" roofing and siding keeps out driving wind and rain —
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Preston Tite-Lap metal roofing is also available in 5 gleaming
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Multi -
Now includes new "Nykdn 77'' for
increased rust protection, Other
new•additives have Increased IQad-
carrying ability, life, "tackiness,"
and have improved performance
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does all the jobs around the farm
.. , belied
10 -pack
of 14 oz.
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Better protection against
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1OW-30 OIL
Combines three SAE
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The man at your Co-operative knows your farm oil and grease
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p.oratlye. • .
bylaws for the abode drains
Were given their third and fin-
al readings. The cQntreettl for
the construction or repair of
the drains were awarded as
follosys: Woman, Or f eoi}ard
Otto .for $914:00, and the oth-
ers to Robert NiCh01so11 Con-
struction: Rolph $75Q, Dillon
$1,76.5 and the Murray $1,$20,
with the township supplying all
tile and pipe, • • .
Meinbers of the Perth Coun-
ty Federation of Agriculture
executive were present, ex-
plaining the Federation pro-
gram and asking for sugges•
tions. •
General accounts totalling
$4;538.33 and road accounts
amounting to $5,678.96 were
ordered paid. The meeting ad-
journed to • i neet -June--7 at
7:30 p.m.
At the May meeting of Grey
Township council, motions
adopted included:
Glenn Huether and Archie
Mann: That we approve the re-
quest of the Grey Township
School Area Board to issue de-
bentures in the amount of $39,-
000, ° to finance the , purchase
of school buses, subject to the
approval of the Municipal
Glenn, Huether and Archie
Mann; That Grey approves the,
request of the Public School
Board • of Wallace Township
School Area for the issue of
debentures- in the amount of
$50,000 by- the corporation of
the Township of Wallace, for
the purchase of school buses.
By Kenneth Bray and Law-
son Ward: That • we instruct
the Clerk to prepare a by-law
to remove certain lands from
the Township School Area of
Elora. w.•
By Kennett} Bray 'and Law-
son Ward: That we pass By-
law No. 9, 1965, as read a first
and second time to - acquire and
renovate Union School' No. 4
for a community centre, under
the Confederation Centennial
Act 1962-63, .
By Lawson Ward and Ken-
neth Bray: That we accept
Stanley Alexander's agreement
fo-r the dump on northwest
part of Lot 24, Con., 6, for the
sum of $100.00 per year, com-
mencing May 1965. •
By Kenneth Bray and Law-
son Ward: That we accept an
application for a loan in the
amount of $1,800, and an ap-
plication for a loan in the
amount of $3,000, under the
Tile Drainage Act.
. The following accounts ' were
paid: __Ontario -Hydro; -Melees-
worth street • lights, $15.42;
Tow -d- of Seaforth, debenture
payment, High School, $930.56;
Huron County. Municipal Offi-
cers' Association, membership'
fee, $20; Hiemstra Nursing
Home, April account, .$86.25;
Queensway Nursing Home, Ap-
ril account, $116.26; Township.
of Arthur, March relief, $16.82;
Ladies Aid
Lays Plans
Mrs, F,. Kling was hostess for
the Ladies' Aid of First Church
on Tuesday, when there were
20 members present.• Mrs. Kling
Who is president, was in the
chair,- and Mrs, Harold • Agar
opened the meeting with a
poem; "God's Holy Realm." A
report- was given ori the work
being done by the managing
board at the church. Mrs. Agar
read the Scripture lesson from
Mark 3:7-21, after which Mrs.
Wilfred Coleman ?led in prayer.
Mrs. McFarlane and Mrs. H.
E. Smith will be in charge of
the June meeting.
Articles for the bazaar are
to be left with Mrs., W. - A.
Wright. Mrs, H. Whyte and Mrs,
R. Kerslake are conveners of
the bazaar. Mrs, J. D. Cairns
sang the solo, "God's Tomor-
row," accompanied by Mrs, J.
Ar McGregor.
The guest speaker, Rev. J.
Ure Stewart, was introduced by
Mrs. W. Coleman, who chose as
his subject, "What Does Spring
Mean To You?" He spoke of
the trust, the hopes and the
opportunities ' of springtime.•
Mrs. Coleman expressed the
thanks of the group to Mrs.
Cairns and Rev. Stewart for
their contributions to a fine
Supplexneitt�ry?►, i do $15; 85,
County of tt}rofib, r fW d, Jaw;
ary Nursing moria: Acct,, $8:9Q;•
The Post; Publishing• Flq4se,
adv., auditor's report, $37.00;
Stanley Alexander, de[linp rent,
$100; Edward McTaggart, main-
tenance :fire dept., March and
April, $12; Allan Dobson, gar-
bage collection, Ethel Village,
$14.00; Bob Pearson, replace
bulbs, Ethel Village, - $8; Fred
Smalldon, . warble fly • inspector,,
$331,20; Nelson Hanna, fox
bounty, $56;, C. M. Stevenson,
fox bounty, $52• roads and
bridges, $1,501:1d Total, $3,-
East Waw,anosh council •met
with all the members iireseitt,
Reeve S,nell presiding, Motions
adopted included: - .
By 11,obinsbn and . Gow: ,That
council' join ,,the and,
Reeves' Association nrtd - pay
membership .fee of $10
By Coulter and Pattison: That
council join,; the Huron 'County
Municipal Officers' Association
and pay the fee of M. •
The East Wawanosh Schdol
Area --Board tlnd .council met,
when the School Board present-
ed the council with the follow-
ing recommendation, which
council accepted: Mgved by
Howard Walker, seconded by
Eldon Cook: 'That we ask the
council to take the ' necessary
steps to issue debentures to
build our own eight --room
school' with a general purpose
room, at or near Belgrave.
Payment approved included:
C. W. Hanna, salary,. 5193.61,
bills paid, $15.83; Alan McBur-
ney, wages $161.95, rent of
truck, $2,00; Jack Marks, labor,
$13.80; Herson Irwin, labor,
$14•.95; Elmer Bruce, labor,
$14.95; James Taylor, labor,
$14.75; Ralph Logan, labor,
$14.95; 'George Currie, labor,
$14.95; George Radford, snow
removal $81, gravel $11.50; The
Wingham Advance -Times, adv.,
$4.86; The Listowel Banner,
adv,, $4.90; The Huron Exposi-
tor, adv., $5•25; Roy Hardy,
snow removal, $25; Robertsteel
Canada Ltd., pipes; $57.40; Do-
minion Road Machinery Co.,
grader repairs, $144.19; Harry
Williams, fuel and grease,
$218.10;• Dave Murray, weld-
ing, $2; Harold Vincent, snow
removal, 57.50; Receiver Gen-
eral of Canada, income tax;
Frank Cooper, wages $251.45, -
bill paid, 30c; William Kenne-
dy " wages, $268,50; Geo. Walk-
er, wages as inspector $183.75,
bill 'paid, 30c; Receiver General
of Canada, income' tax, $47.55;
Belgrave Co-op, warble flypow-
der, etc., $306.63; McClure .Mo-
tors, repairs to truck, $27.35;
Harry . Williams, gas and oil
for truck, $88.08; Purdon Mo-
tors, repairs to truck, $8.88;
Percy Clark, repairs to spray-
er, $2; Dave Murray, welding
sprayer pump, $21.25; Snell
Feed Mill, chain and labor, $8;
Huron County Municipal Offi-
cers'_ Association,' $20; Associa=
tion of Ontario Mayors and
Reeves, $10; Mrs. Jean McKay,
patient' at -Brookhaven, $116.25;
direct relief, $35.00; Wingham
Rural Fire Committee, levy,
Mr. and Mrs. J. ,,R. Jefferson.
visited recently withk'Mrs. Marie
Dow, of Russeklale.
Sharon -and Donald Caddick,
of London, with their grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. John Neevel
left- by air on Monday from
Crumlin Airport to visit in
Holland with Mr. Neevel s. par-
ents and other relatives.'
Mr. Calder McKaig and Mr.
Norman Harburn visited Sun -
The ,egU,1 ifop.ting of
pen Kist -Women's Institute will
bp, held W edriesiJ,ey in' the Le•
gion Half, Hensa11, with Mrs,
Kenneth McKay, and 'Mrs. Alex
McGregor as - hostesses. As this
is the grandmothers' nteeting,
each mexnber is asked tp bring
a guest, either young or old.
Mrs.. Grant 1V.(eI,ean and Mrs.
Kenneth, McKay willentertain
the grandmothers. Mrs. Wm.
Siebert will 'display her, drift-
wood. She will also give dem-
onstrations in plastics. The
lunch .committee will be Mrs.
C. Whitehouse, Mrs. J. Drum-
mond, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs.
Arthur Finlayson . and Mrs.
Vern Alderdice.
Mr. and Mrs,, John Barnard,
of •Ailsa Craig, visited S`uhday
with the latter's sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. iuid Mrs.
L. Meilis.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold .tones
and sons visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable
and Bill, of, Centralia.
'Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Kerr vis-
ited on Sunday at the homes
of Mr. and . Mrs. 'Leslie Camp-
bell, of Winthrop, and Mr. Mel-
ville and -Miss lVIary Lamont,
of Ethel.
Visitors during the week
with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long in-
cluded: Mr. Jim Armstrong,
Staffa; Mr. Roy Armstrong, . of
Owen Sound; Rev. and Mrs. D.
A. MacMillen, London; Mrs.
Marguerite -titch, Windsor; Mr.
Oswald Brown, QC, and Mrs.
Brown, Detroit, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Little, Hensel'.
day with Mr. Russell Butler,
who is a patient in Victoria
Hospital, London.
Mr. and ` Mrs. Otto Walker
visited Sunday with her sister,
Mrs,' Statham, at Parkhill.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning
and family, Mitchell, visited Sat-
urday evening with Mr, and
Mrs. K. McKellar. •
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing(
accompanied by Mr, and Mrs.
Bruce Cleland, Listowel, visited
Sunday with Miss Ina Jeffer-
son, who is a patient in Vic-
toria Hospital, London. •
Mr. James G. Scott died early
Sunday morning at the home
of his son-in-l'aw and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dow, lot 4,
concession 11, Hibbert Town-
ship, where he made his home,
at the age of 88.
He was born in Hibbert
Township • on January 23, • 1877,
and was- a son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Scott. He was
married on June 28, 1905, to
Mary Henry, who predeceased
him In 1959. They farmed in
Hibbert Township until moving
to Russeldale in 1938. He was
a member of / Roy's United
Church, Fullerton Township.
Surviving are three daugh-
ters: Mrs. Roy (Margaret) Dow,
Mitchell; Mrs. ' John (Jeanette)
Cottman, Toronto, and Mrs. El-
mer (Mary F.) Dow, Hibbert
Township; five grandchildren
and one great-grandchild.
The funeral service was held
at the Heath -Leslie ' funeral
home, Mitchell, on Tuesday,
with Rev. A. H. Daynard, of
Staffa, officiating. Burial took
place in boy's cetery, Fullar•
ton Township. '
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