The Huron Expositor, 1965-05-13, Page 1Male No. 5072
106th Year
eek To
an action initiated by Con,
e E. McNeil, the Supreme
rt of Ontario has been ask -
to declare null and' void a
lution of Seaforth council
terminated his employ -
t: The resolution terminat-
Constable McNall's employ -
t; was passed at a special
ting of council on March
Jerk E. Williams Monday
ht advised council he had
n given notice that morning
the hearing to be held in
don June 25th.
he application claims that
th Seaforth Police Association
ill been, and still is, bargain
in in good faith concerning
w nes and working .conditions,
a. that the town's resolution
s an • attempt by council to
• strate the provisions of .the
R' ice Act concerning bargain-
t contends that council ap:
eptly proceeded to conduct
a;,hiearing contrary to the Po -
Act, and therefore was
;Without jurisdiction, and that a
Waring was . conducted in the
absenee of . the accused,
he application contends that
Ilkfonstable McNall was sworn in
on the 10th of March; and no-
ta a of his .dismissal . was not
delivered until 1:12 p:m.' on
;%arch 16th,' "atime after the
•expiration of one year." •
Plan Meeting
n early `meeting of the. Po
Committee .wills, lie- held,
y Reeve °Willner Cuthilf
greed as;; councillors .considf:
erect a "'tetter from . Chief Gor-
don' Hulley, asking for direc-
tion as to hours of •work and
the degree of policing requir-
ed. • The letter had been re-
ceived the previous Friday, and.
there hadn't been time for a
.committee . meeting, and, as ,a
result there were no recom-
mendations, he said.
• Police are .working 48. hours
a" week, and it was understood
this was agreeable to them,
Mayor Flannery said in answer
to a query by Councillor Don-
Pointing out the need . for.
early consideration; Councillor
Kling reminded council there
were 168 •hours • in the- week:
If the three men worked all
the time, with only one on
duty' at a time, it provided only
144 hours. This didn't take in-
to consideration holidays, court
work, orw
ti�.e-, when all men
must be on duty, he said.
Chief Hulley, who was at the
meeting, agreed with Council-
lor Flannigan, radio communi-
cationwould result in a more
efficient .operation, but would
not necessarily cut down work
(Continued on Page 6)
Area Women's .institute'*t elegates Confer
SEAFORTII . WOMEN'S INSTITUTE and Institutes in ,left they are: Mrs.'J. E. MacLean,..Seaforth; Mrs. Alex-Nic-
Huron and Perth were well represented at the recent annual Gregor, Kippen; Mrs. 'Thomas Butters, Dublin; Mrs. Elvin•,
officers conference of the Federated Women's Institutes of Rader, Dashwood; Mrs. Donald BuCllanan, Walton, and ; Mrs.
Ontario. Here, area. delegates exchange greetings. From " Garnet ,Paterson, ,Grand Bend.
Seaforth Centennial project"
is going to be considered at a.
public meeting Mays 215.
Council took the"'°..decision.
when Councillor Donaldson rkil that his -committee could'
,not reach a decisions Each•• of
'three members attendbig .ha.,
avored' a different proposal,
:said. -
- Student Musicians Win Honors
'-DISTRICT STUDENTS placed high among winners at the.. recent Mitchell Music Festi-
val: Included among those bringing honor' to the community were, three members of the
Elligsen family. They teamed up with a couple of non -family members to take.. several
awards. From left, Beverley Sholdice; 14; Brodhagen; Joanne Elligsen, 14; John Elligsen, 9;
Margaret, Elligsen, 12, all. of RR 2, Walton; Paul Horan, 16, RR 1, Dublin.
Hold Baptismal Services
As Mother's Day Feature
Special Mother's Day services
Were observed 'et a• number of
area churches onSunday. ..;
At First Presbyterian Church,
services of baptism were con-
ducted, When those baptized
were: 'Mary Jane Bell,. daugh-
ter of Mr. and . Mrs. John Sell;
Clifford George 'Gordon, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gordon;
Charles Jahn Malcolm, ,-son of
Mr. and Mrs. • Peter Malcolm;
Douglas Stanley McClure, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Sam McClure;
DavicLWilfrid Scott, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfrid Scott.
Awards • were presented in
the Primary- Memory, Course to
Althea Stannah. Other awards
for Memory in- the Primary
Catechism went to Sandra Cole-
man, "Debbie Curring, Brenda
Hodgert,' Jean McKaig,' Vicki
Miller; Janneki VanRooijen and
Mary Jean. Fry.
The junior choir led the Ser-
vice , of Praise, singing, "0
Love of Mather" and Evelyn
Storey sang, "One Who Sill
Loves His Mother." . -
Norfhsids United '
Baptisms included: Paul An-
• drew Haley; son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Haley; John Ed-
ward Steffen; son of •Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Staff'en; Tammy Llyn
Alexander, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Alexander; Jamie
Richard delloer,- Son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob'.:deBoer;.. Jacqueline
Elizabeth 'Schenck, daughter'of
14>r. and, hit's. David" Schenck;
Jeffery " Keith Henderson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. William Hen-
derson; Kevin John •Dale, , son
of 1Vdr, and Mrs. Larry Dale;
Wayne ' Allan Marshall, 'son of
Mr. aril Mrs.. Ernest Marshall;
•Beverley` Ann Dalton, daughter
of, Mr and- Mrs. Douglas.. Dal -
tom; Ann .Kennedy,
daughter 01 Mr. atnd; Mrs, Har-
vey- Kennedy; Steliaa • Christine
Kennedy, daughter of Mr., and
rs. 'tart* Kennedy.
ai` Dayservi�
r el• at
bs; rWe e h avan Vnited;
Churctif 'Gil int p, on .Sundae
It ifi A�i?+a'1�• a
'tized: Donald Keith McClure,
son of Mr: and Mrs. Donald
McClure; Tammy Lee Driscoll,
daughter of ,Mr. and. Mrs. Wily'
Liam 'John Driscoll; Donna
Lynne Dodds, daughter of -Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Dodds;. Harry
.Glen McNichol, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph McNichol; Sandra
Joanne Campbell, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert 3. Camp-
bell;.. ,lames ,Edmund Saldivar,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund
Saldivar; John -Francis Dillon,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Dil-.
lon; David Ronald Bernard, son
of Mr; and Mrs. George Ber-
nard; Deborah Helen,' daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hul-
ley; Cheryl Elizabeth Camp -
bel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Leslie Campbell. f!
Egmondviffe.- United
Mother's Day. services were
observed in Eginondville Unit.
ed Church last Sunday by the
Sunday School joining with the
congregation. .The • service was
conducted by Gordon McLean,
with Scriptures being read by
William Carter and James Dal-
las. William Hellinge led the
prayer. The' mothers' choir
sang two anthems during the,
service, and the offering wag
'received by . grandmothers.
A baptismal service was 'ob-
-served with Rev, A. Scott in
charge, when children baptized
were: Joan Helen, daughter of.
Mr. and Mrs.' Preston Dallas;
Laurie Ann, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Eric McIntosh, and
Mary Janet Pauline, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wal-
Set For
May 21
Seafortb's fireworks display,
Which in recent years has at-
tracted increasingly I a r,g e r
crowds, is being sponsored this
year by the Merchants' Com-
mittee in conjunction with Sea -
forth Firemen.
The merchants plan. a major
event on Main Street, Friday.
evening, May 21, and the fire-'
works will get under way at
the Lions Park about 10;80, ac=
cording to committee chairman
Robert Read. -
Plan, 'Confirmation
At St. ihomas' Church
A Confirmation service at St.
Thomas' . Anglican Church on
Sunday -evening will also mark
the 35th anniversary of the
ordination of four of the clergy
taking Pint They are: Rev. H.
P. Appleyard, Bishop of Geor-
gian B'ay;' Most ,,'everened. A,
H. O'Ndiif; ; rchblahop» of "the
Ecclesiastical Prbvince of Cati-,
Rev, Canon R. C. Drown,
rector of St. Mary's Church,
Walkerville, and formerly Dean
of a tutee; Rev..Dr.. T. M. ar-
ker f oparOf :... ;
H et
Flt# .
� ,. p&rto'► n, � .. o�tra ,::. , u
a , ,, Llterattiro ofw th°e,, ;Geileritl
Board of Religious Education.
The confirmation will see 10,
young people. of 'the congrega-
tion being received into mem-
bership of the church.
At the service Bishop Ap-
pleyard will officiate; Arch-
bishop A. H. O'Neill will be
the., guest preacher, andRev.
Gari 'nD. J. Cornish,
o C rn sh Port Dov-
er, grandfather of one of the
confirmation candidates, Will be
the bishop's chaplain. The Rec•
for of 'St.' Thomas, S afbrtli
61'4. 84 Ufa 'e Dtibliii :
ry r r
11. Donaldson.:,.
ah';t ie Arena.
`tonine1itid h petit area; 2) ia�nctn
scoping and, creation..of a par C;
at the new • hospital; (3) im-
provement of Victoria • Park.
The centennial project has
been before council since Janu-
ary 1964, when various propos-
als have been reviewed. Conn -
late last year' endorsed the
Victoria Park proposal, but has
taken no action, since provin-
cial officials requested details
as to what was contemplated.
Caravan • Here .
The Centennial Commission
advised council that the Cen-
tennial • Caravan ' would visit
Seaforth ;in 1967. A represent-
ative will be 'here in July to
investigate possible sites where
the .exhibition could be held.
No More
There are going to be no
marathon council meetings in
the future if, members 'of coun-
cil can 'prevent it. In the dy-
ing hours of the meeting • Mon-
day night, which ran on until
nearly one o'clock Tuesday
morning, Councillor Jas. Kelly
introduced a motion which
gained unanimous consent and
which called on :committees to
do a greater' degree of pre-
paratory work, and to iitake
formal recommendations so
that council • business could be
expedited. Councillor Flanni-
gan suggested committee chair-
men approve accounts prior to,
the meeting.
Council in other business:
Considered 'a'. request from
Murray Dalton, animal control
officer, for $3,00 a- week retain-
-ert plus $5.06 -far each dog he
catches. This is the a'range-
ment in, Tuckersmith, he said,
and the additional retainer was
necessary to provide for over-
head expenses. ,
•---onsidered' a • suggestion
that the dog. bylaw be altered
to permit -dogs being picked up
on other than owner's Proper-
ty. The protection to persons
committee will investigate and
report to council.
Accepted the tender of
Neil Bell, in amount of $2,100,
for a heavy duty truck'for the
public works department. Oth-
er tenders for standard trucks
were: Seaforth Raters, $1852;
and Rowcliffe Motors, $x,,931.
The Bell tender ' provided for
heavy duty truck as specified
in the tender call, -
-y-Learned that the legal firm
handling the polio ,!natter for
the town had asked , the legal
representatives •oil, the Police
,, < Continued 'oti: •Pie '�•
The necessityof looking
ahead and determining an or-
der of priority for road and
construction was emphasized
when Seaforth council Monday
evening considered a prelim-
inary report by representatives
of MaeLajen Associates, who
are designing a storm sewer
for the town.
Douglas Smith told council
that plans of the system were
well advanced and should* be
ready within a few weeks, but
before completing them it was
felt council should suggest an
'order of priority for road con-
struction over the next few
years. In this way the priori-
riorities could be attached to the
storm 'sewer work, He empha-
sized •that . before permanent
paving .. could be considere5,
provision should be made for
both storm and sanitary sewers.
He recalled the events lead
ing up . to the construction of
the storm sewer on North Main
Street two Years ago. At that
time, because of the urgency
of the work, the Sewer was de-
signed to serve only. the road
itself. Now,' in "order to pro-
vide storm drainage through-
out the •area, an additional
sewer must be constructed. He
would hope that such a situa-
tion could be avoided in other
areas by planning In advance.
In this way, substantial savings
can result in most cases.
Reeve Carl Dalton " agreed.
"We don't know . when_Main
Street and Main Street South
will be done, but it won't- be
too long, and certainly it will
be wise to share a seeder line
with the county' and to provide.
for all the needs of the area
in one line," he said.
FRE.DE'R;lC UHLER, RR 3, Walton (right? and Jqhn
Patterson, Seaforth, are anlpng the 79- members-
51�1,00 ng crass oft,; ,WP*91 Vi�,t-' '9 `'' riL 04:
idgetowif: Mr: •Vii'fd'rqlhas: reeeiye. ' '4eaon wr tit
Women's Institute trophy u4 �1
. V � tr „P Y as :high _student in„ Civies. Ralph.
Buffi iga, BdiiddSboro, has cOnipleteditis jtu for Year ' at
the school. ,b
Name Walton Minister
As New Presbytery Head
Huron Presbytery of the' ences, with only 29 ministers
available. "The time has come,"
he said, "where the• small three-
point' charge -will -no longer be
able to call an effective or-
dained minister." However, he
indicated many laymen are
•coming 'forward to supply pul-
Huron County Library has of-
fered 200 books on Ilan to the
Presbytery's camp at Goderich.
United Church of Canada, meet-
ing at 'Centralia, elected Rev.
Arthur Higgenbotham, Walton,
as .chairman for 1965.66. Other
officers are: Secretary, Murdock
Morrison, Varna ; treasurer,
Joseph Snyder, Goderich:
It was .announced that Rev,
Clint Brittain, of Grand Bend,'
will be leaving in July to take
ug new work at Simpson Ave. A resolution ' was approved
Church in Toronto. Rev. Mac which stated, in part: :'Where -
Carson has resigned his work as the Christian faith regards
inLondesboro to assume re- the murderer as capable of p
sponsibilities under the . Home demption by the grace of God,
Mission Board : in Hamilton, and whereas .the death penalty
where he will work with young eliminates all opportunity for
people in the/ downtown area. the reformation of the con -
Rev. Maurice Boyd, of the demned . . . we petition our
Home Mission Board, reported Member ref Parliament, ' Mr.
94 vacancies in the church from Elston Cardiff, to vote for the
Montreal to London Confer- abolition of the 'death penalty."
alton Congregation
Features Family Day
Family Day was observed in
Duff's United Church last Sun-
day morning. The sacrament
of Baptism was conducted by
R e v. Arthur Higginbotham,
when eight infants were pre-
sented for baptism. Paul Dong-
Ias, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug-
las' Kirkby; Kimberly Anne,
daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. Law-
rence Ott, Kitchener; Daniel
Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Achilles; Murray Wil-
liam Shardiee, son of Mr. and
Mrs. • Mac Sholdice; Cheryl
Anne, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Fraser; Terry
Ronald Williamson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ronald Williamson;
Ronald Neil, son of Mr. and
Mt'si•:'Laverne Godkin.
Mr's John Shannon left on
Satttriiay for Toronto, where
she"; will visit with relatives
for, several weeks.
Mks. William Leeming of
Seaforth spent a few days with
her sister, Mrs. Walter Broad -
Mi: , and Mrs. William Bell,
Brttasels and Mr. and Mrs. Har-
ri"s'Bell: attd family, Elora, were
Sunday guests at the home of
Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Bennett:
+i$ Earl Mills and Dr. Jean
MII *ere �re sue t
s s at the home
,.,. ,
Of `,,g fnd Mrs,. Murray Milia,
1, "last Sunday.
varS,.. at
London, were weekend Lvisitors Mrs. A. McCall read the scrip -
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ture from Prov. 31, 10-31 and
Clifford Hoegy. ,John 19, 25.27. Commentary
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferric followed by Mrs. Coutts. Pray
and family of Cranbrook, spent er was offered by Mrs: T. Dun
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. das. Carolyn Fraser (CGIT)
Douglas' Kirkby. ' favored with piano selectior
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLlwain entitled "Largo".
and Mark, Seaforth, spent Miss Ethel Dennis. progran
Mother's Day with Mrs. W. C. convener, introduceda film or
Hackwell. • Trinidad entitled "Peter Ma
Mr. and Mrs. James Keyes; hadoes Quest": Several mem
McKillop and ` Miss Eleanor berg commented on what the
Keyes, Kitchener; visited on observed during the film. • Of
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Mac fering was received and ded'
Sholdice. Bated by Mrs. W. Coutts.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid Mrs. Alvin McDonald presk'
spent the weekend with ' Mr. ed for the business. Minute'
and Mrs. Alvin Stimore, Strat- were read by Mrs. C. 11 Vey.' 1
ford. was decided to send registratio
Mrs. Hugh Johnston is a fees for delegates to Alma Co'
ptient in Clinton Public Hos- lege. Several pietures were dis
;iter. played with regard -to choosinf
Mr, and Mrs: W. Stutz of one for the Centennial souv
Waterloo, visited over the week ernes. Leaders are to inquire
end with Mr. and Mrs. Torrance in their unit for the. lost study
Dundas. book. Mrs. L Leeming was in -
Walton UCW, ' structed to send for clip sheets
The May meeting of the Wal- for the rest of the year. Mrs.
ton UCW was held with the Harold Bolger, supply and wet-
CGIT girls attending. fare; reported hale was packed
Mrs, William Coutts condnet- and..,ready to be sent to Toren -
ed the devotional period With to. One bale had ..beerf deliv-
the Walton unit in charge, Bred to Salvation Arnly, Wing -
Hymn 394 Was sung with Mrs. ham:- Mrs. K. McDonald gave
Baan at the piano. A pooim, AT,'"; the treasurers report. Mrs, it
was a sheep the Good Shepherd. Marks,corresponding
Bro u ht followed by,
Were Wet b M�WCot1tVii
whether the exiisting ou..,
to Silver ' Cr ek• rues Stii%ient
He suggested this, shoul.C11. itt
eluded in the ,study Mr,,,Stnitb;
agreed that Silver Creek would
probably have to be deepened,
and thatthis, would be con-
- Can ,Save Money
To suggestions that funds
were not available; for addition-
al construction work, WT. -polio
agreed a complete -program
would be quite expensive, but
the advantages of having, a .re -
port and plan is „that there is
knowledge of what the ulti-
mate aims' are. In this way,
construction 'can. be spread
over as many years ,asare: de• .
sired, or as may be necessary
because of shortage of funds.
When the over-all project is
finished, however, there is as-
surance that the work fits to-
• Referring to the water dis-
posal problem in the SDR&
area, Mr. Kling asked • whether
engineering advice had been
sought so that corrective steps
could be taken and the cost
distributed over all the areas
benefiting. Reeve Dalton said
the situation seemed to have
cureditself; and as 'a result
nothing else had been done. r.
Mr. Smith told aeouncil .this
could he considered as part of
the storm sewer survey now un
der way,
He agreed in answer to a
question that a basic sanitary
sewer plan already existed ..and
had been prepared by his. ,firpa,
about 10 years ago. As far as
he could recall, the next re-
quirement would be that dis- -
posal facilities be improved.
It was agreed the engineers
would include in their study -re-.
commendations ' regarding pix- •.
r` . tot bie . given particular'
1tavmg i egard to sanity: '
and storm sewers, ,and.. also,*e, ..
biito. "consi'< .tation cost and
use. top priority ' will' he given
to the Main Street proposal,
since early approval is expect-
ed of . a development road pro-
ject which would . include this
section. The study will also
include' review :tee
of the town in relation to Sil-
ver Creek and the outlet. that •
is, being provided to parts of
McKillop: Existing, drains • in'
the town are to be determined
and where possible these will
be incorporated into the pre -
posed scheme.
OWRC Asks Action
Later in the meeting, council
considered a letter from the
Ontario Water Resources Com-
mission, asking what action had
been taken as a result of . a
letter in January „of 1964, sug-
gesting improvements must be
made to disposal facilities.
Mayon Flannery recalled dif-
ficulties there .had been in pre-
vious meetings with the OWRC,
but suggested possibly a fur-
ther meeting should be held to
determine priorities. •
Couneillor Harry Donaldson
and Councillor Kling urged that
the establishing of priorities
was most important and could
result in substantial savings in
years to come. It was neces-
sary, they pointed out, that
!here be some plan and that
this should encompass storm
sewers, sanitary sewers. and a
(Continued on Page 6)
The Seaforth Whirl -A -Ways
are holdingan open -house "Fun
Night on Tuesday, evening, in
SDHS auditorium, and have •in-
ited all interested to come out
for what the Members suggest
will be a highly entertaining
evening,,,, Art Shepherd, who is'
leaving eaforth for New Zea-
ealand this summer, will call.
The executive of the Seaforth
Whirl -A -Ways Square Dance
Club was chosen for the corn -
ng 1965.66 season and im
•!lodes: Presidents, Gordon and
Ruth Beuttenmiller; Pas` 'Presi-
dents, Bruce and Marjorie Cole-
man; vice-presidents, Aubrey
and Rose Eickmeyer; 'secreta!".
ies, Ken and Leis Moore; pu-
blicity, Keith and Marg Sharp,
and Aubrey and Rose, Eickmey-
err social,, Cliff_ and Violet
Broadfoot, and Clare and Glad
Reith; membership, Mel and
Shirley Cooper and Ab •an'd Lou.
Whitney; telephone, Joh !�and
Donne Patterson d lnier..
'acid Barb Rivers^ a'$COWit ft;
tion, Rimer Lorene);
committee for OO6
e t eman,,
' it i.