HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-05-06, Page 10,tfm#K,”0,t*,„ :15Vikr..174:t4". i*kiii.17 • - . • ,' • Ft, NEI1AL 5 FVNERAL OF, C, DEXTER Funeral services for Charles al it - M. rs n- ee d OzPosrroR:a4rolam. Oft, AMY 6 00 The regular meethit of the Seaforth WOmetea Institute will be held Tuesday evening at the hone of Mrs. .Iohn E. 'MacLean. This is the International meet- ing and the roll call will be "a custom of angther country."( Anyone not having handed in recipes for the qoolt book and wishing to do so, are asked to bring them to the meeting. WHIRLWIND® by TORO As your grass grows, it lies flat. It's hard to cut. Hut Toro's Whirlwind' with "Wind -Tunnel" r action has so much pull- ing force.. . it actually . pulls the grass up for a ore even cut. Then it ischarges cli pin s swiftly, smoothly. Bags beautifully. Leaves your lawn spotless. • come in . . . see both 19" and.21" Whirlwinds • by Torn-' SHARP'S Maintenance Service R R 2 Seaforth Remember, it takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be. money in' pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. Guaranteed INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES (depending on terms and company) W. E. Southgate Seaforth Representing: British Mortgage & Trust Sterling Trusts Corporation Huron & Erie Mortgage Corp. Crown Trust Company Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company t.to 04 aro 0". tomma I Om% t "samilma ta mamma. • Remember, it takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise,, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. IRINNIIIV • GUARANTEED GROWTH • Fast growing, sturdy Ever- greens, . . . Shade Trees . . . Barberry . . . Pivat Hedge, for spring planting and priced to save you big money! • Stop by today or call us for complete infognOett on how to plant anitleoititirergreens,' Shrubs and Trees. We guarantee every, tree foe'one year. We will plant andJrim your trees if preferred. SEAFORTH NURSERIES GORDON NOBLE PHONE 527-0840 Jarvis St. — Seaforth Jacob Reimer standi in thick growth of weeds next to dean, .41=bn-treated field. Atrazin keeps the corn clean saves precious labour', says Jacob Reinter Pt. Rowan 'AttazIne.bas given us excellent weed control on our 140 acte, Corn. We , combined a bumper crop. iverag,ing 135-140 bus, to the acre",1v1t. Reimer. reports. "We applied Atrazine when the corn was 4" to. 5' high, because we like to hit the weeds that are already Td trouble is he weeds come up so fast. We thoughrwe were in for trouble. But Atraxineknocked them out -in shon order." "1 used to go through the corn tivo ot three dines with the cultivator, but my time is too precious putting on Nitrogen, to have to worry. /about cultivating— especially when Atrazine does the job' better." • l'Althoigh I plant tomatoes n some fields, follow- ing corn, y working up the soil well, I have never had any trouble With residues." "I certainly wouldn't want to go back to growing torn without Atratine." Use the one herbicide that keeps corn clean through to harvest. Ask your dealer for.descriptive literature and don't forget to get yo sprayer ready on time. flintin SSW Is realism ti 5 Pk 54 soll 511 it cadsifrImhr.uruppti toilers Fit IR. qma for goad ferstaing B 1403B pjoeisei W.Aieluiienterrase, 044 mat,erriek Aware* VAST, TONCIWO OfITAKIG • liopnotch Feeds Limited Phone S2/-1910 Seaforth / i 4. t Francis Dexter were held Fr day from the Whitney funer home with interment in Ma landbank cemetery. Rev. W. Carson officiated. Pallbeare were .Frank Riley, Peter Du lop, George Addison, Claren Walden, George Hoggart an Wesley Flogged. CHARLES STEPHENSON Mrs. Chas. Stephenson, high- ly esteemed resident of Hen- sall, passed away in Clinton Public Hospital Thursday night, April 29th, in her 82nd year. Mrs, Stephenson suffered a fall in her home, fracturing he hip last October, and had been con- fined to 'hospital since., She was the former Mary Ann McBride, and had been a resident of Hensall,for many years. She was a Member of Hensall United Church, United Church Women, and a past, • member of Hensall Women's Institute, Surviving are one daughter, (Gladys), Mrs. Lorne Coleman; two sons, George and Clarence, of RR 1, Varna; one sister,..Mrs. Maude Schnell, Regina, Sask., and eight grandchildren. Her husband predeceased her t18 years ago. Largely attended public fu- neral services were held from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, Saturday, conducted by Rev. H. F. Currie. Burial was in Bayfield cemetery. Pallbear- ers were Ron, Ivan and Bert Coleman and Keith, • Charles and Ken Stephenson. Flower - bearers were Ann and Mary Stephenson. JOHN CLARENCE SCOTT John Clarence Scott, a native of Seaforth, died on April 21, 1965, in the Veterans' Hospital, Victoria, B.C., at:, the age of 70. He was born in Seaforth on August 21, 1894, end lived here until 1911, when he mov- ed to Calgary to „ take up a position with a bank. He enlisted in the • Army ShOrtly after the outbreak of war, and went overseas ,with the First Canadian Division -in October, 1914: He was discharg- ed in 1920, and returned to Western Caned*: . Since 1924 he was a resident of Vicpria,,and—held the --posi- tion_ of Inspector of Fisheries with' the Fed-eral Government until. retirement in _1946. He was a member of the Pro Petrie Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. He leaves—his wife, Nellie Milne; son, Stuart, of Toron- So, and grandson, Geoffrey. Mr. Scott was the youngest and last remaining Child of James Scott, who was 'born in Seaforth in 1847, and' died in Victoria, RIC., in 1931. James Scott's funeral was held in Sea - forth on September 1, 1931. Mr: Scott was predeceased by his brothers, Archie and Roy, and sisters, Beatrice (Mrs. Wal- ter. Pickard) and Evelyn. '.ja‘vn atittratr,tr,..176q,' Have a problem? Write to Canadian social worker Doris Clark in care of this newspaper. WE NEED AFFECTION DEAR DORIS—A milestone in the life of every reliable husband occurs when he, has discovered that, should he have omitted .the affectionate greet- ing his wife will not make the first move to greet him,: --even at home! Call it'"Mom-ism" if you like, but is it not' natural, that a youg man should expect that affection should be mutual af- ter marriage? As a writer of a column main- ly feminine, will you commit yourself to some criticism of wives on this score? Male of Seventy DEAR MALE—Yes, indeedy. Some wives take husbands for granted. Other wives think it is unladylike to initiate affec- tionate gestures. But then there are husbands who rebuff th(n. And males who all life long fail to show consideration in all things physical, sad to say. Humans need the hiiman touch; the pressure of a hand, a loving arm, a kiss. This goes for whether one is eight, 18 or 80! -Love thrives on 'affec- tion. * & DEAR DORIS—Why does ev- erybne copsider that when a teen-ager k16) really falls in love with someone 10 to 20 years her senior, she falls for him because of a fatherly atti- tude towards him—"a father - daughter affair"? Don't you feel that if he feels that he loves her, and that she loves him and vice versa, they are,in love? I have been going with this guy for two years. Why can't my moth- er accept the fact that I love him? Truly in Love DEAR TRULY—You'll have to number meamong pie ,:`ev- erircineV inentioned • iri97ottest . . - . „BARBARA ICIRKMAWAUX. The Easter thankoffering of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary was held Tuesday evening in First PreSbyterian Church hall, with Egmondville, Northside, Mitchell and Brucefield ladies as guests. Mrs. Dale Nixon presided and opened the meeting with a fe* Easter thoughts. The. Scriptuffe lesson was a meditation on the 23rd Psalm, and was 'read by Mrs. W. A. Wright. Mrs. Edna Rivers read the Glad Tidings. Prayer. During the offering ,period Mrs. M. R. Rennie played a piano selection. Miss Bessie Grieve and Mrs it .Kerslake • received the clleton. IVIrs. Frank Kling sang the solo, "Did You Stop To Pray This Morn-, ing?" accompanied by Mrs, Rennie. Arrange Workshop Mrs. td. AndreWs*intro-duced the guest speaker, Mrs. Lloyd orsdahl, of Mitchell, who gave convincing message on the esurrection and the Cross. ItIrs. Keith Sharp expressed'the ppreciation of the group tn. Mrs. Sorsdahl and .Mrs. Anglican women from S throughout the Diocese of .! Huron will gather at Huron College„ London, in May for the annual Diocesan Workshop, a from May 14 to Sunday, May 16. The Rev. Donald E. Bod- rey„Ph.D., ' of Adrian, Mich., will direct the workshop. Dr. Bodley, a dynamic and experi, enced leader in this type of 'group study, was requestedin• 1959 to organize a workshop for the women of Huron Dio- cese along group study lines which had been pioneered in the United States, and he has led in its. successful levelop- ment since that time. The theme oi this year's workshop is "A Time For Chris- tian Obedience," to be consid- ered in the four areas of wor- ship, work; prayer and gifts of the modern Christian. . Nobody ever. called a spade a spade when he tripped over one in the dark. 1 line.. I'd suspect that your dis- tant relationship with your par- ents has made you turn to this warm and syrhpathetic ' adult. The real tragedy would be. -if you promised yourself to him or anybody else at this stage of your young life. 4 i DEAR *DORIS--I am 14 yeart old' in Grade 10. Please do not use that old "yon are too young" ahswer for some of my questions, since I can pass for 18 with no trouble at restrict- ed movies -or pool halls. My parents give me too lit- tle freedom. If I want to .go to a school dance that ends at 11:30 they say, "Be in by 12." Now, I ask you, what are they trying to do, only giving me a half hour? What kind of fun can I have in only half an hour? If a bunch of us takes off in cars for a wild ride, etc.,I am never in by 12:00. Itis more like ,one or ..two in the morn- ing. How can I get more ,par- ent -approved free time? . Not Too Young DEAR NOT—Going by ap- pearances means you fool no one but yourself. Just wait till you find yourself up against a serious problem, like an acci- dent, an unmanageable girl friend; a drunken driver. It'il be your parents •who are called to account, then. If you were my 14 -year-old boy, you'd not stay out. after 12. It's net how old you look, but how did you are, in mind, body and personality. DEAR DORIS — Could you - send me some sort of flexible hdusekeeping schedule as the breakfasts ,-for my crew ,(eight boys and husband) go on from six to ten, and dinners from six to nine? There's just isn't enough of me. "My husband ridicules my poor housekeeping habits daily. The house As, clean but net spotless, I'm ashamed to say, My monetary allotment is not enough to have help. I'm sure you've heard it all before. God bless some of the poor souls you hear from. • Yours In Laughter DEAR LAUGHTER — If you can still laugh, you've got it Made! One cheerful reader with a load like yours sent us .scinve hints for copying, and I'll send them on to you (and to anyone else who'll send me astampd, self-addressed en- velope along with ten cents to cover handling). Classified ads pay dividends. 'blue -Champion Stove and Furance Oii VVILLIS DUNDAS Office 527-0150 — Res. 527,1053 There Is No Longer Any Choice 'If the Family Farm'is To. Survive We Must Strengthen the Union in '65' Join and Support 'the . - ONTARIO FARMERS' UNION • When you pay your dues you join an AGGRESSIVE, MILITANT..ORGANIZATION Don't Wait To Be Asked — Contact: F. HUNT G. STONE C. DALTON Treasurer FARM UNION MEETING NIGHT — 8 p.m., Second Wednesday in Month — SEAFORTH TOWN HALL Secretary President Farmers :Coiotits :41'10 - Seaforth • FIRST MORTGAGES• Farms Residential Commercial - PROMPT, CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE' • The Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company • ESTABLISHED 1889 CoLtact our Representative • W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 527-0400 Seaforth HULLETT Mrs, G'eorge Sruith opened the monthly ineeting of Burns' Church UCW with an appropri- ate poem. Ilium 579,' .95q1 Plow the- Fields," was sung. Mrs. Smith offered 'prayer and read .a chapter from the study book. She then read a, poem, "The Man Who Loves the Soil," followed by the story of how Hymn 475, "There Were Ninety and Nine," had origin- ated, after which the hymn was sung and all joined in repeat- ing the Lord's Prayer. The president, Mrs. Ed. bell, presided for the business. She read a poem, "Apology." The roll call was answered by 16 members, two of whom paid fines for not having a Scripture verse. The minutes were read by Mrs. George Watt. Plans were made for the open meet- ing to be held in the church on May 26th, with a former member, Mrs. George Mickte, as guest speaker. It was decid- ed to hold. the regular meeting on the same day. The treasurer's report was given by Miss Jean Leiper. A letter -from Rev. Elizabeth New- hort, of India, was read by Mrs. George Carter. It, was decided that the society send a gift to Harvey Taylor, who has been a " patient in London hospital for some time; also to send a gift to Mrs. Peter Taylor, a valued member, who. has . re- cently returned home from Scott Memorial Ildspital, Sea - forth. • The teacher returned to class with the graded examination papers and asked that all the students sit down. yott stood up," he explain- ed, "it- is conceivable that you might form a-circle—in which case I might be arrested for maintaining a dope ring." For Complete • INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE eres1"4. JOHN A. CARDNO Insurapce Agency Phone 527-0490 : Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors DID YOU KNOW ,,.that Sun Life of 'Canada is of the world's leading life insura,• companies., with .150. Iranch offices throughontNortli America? , . Ao therlun Life represent* Wive in your comtnunity. *nag be of service JOHN J. WALSH Phone 271-3000 — 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD Sun Life Assurance Company of -Canada WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 You can't 0' argue with WEEDS KILL THEM WITH PROVEN CHIPMAN ATRAZINI" SPRAY The proven weedkiller for use on corn. Kills annual grasses as well as broad - leafed weeds. It is also possible to kill, quack grass without damaging corn. Kill the weeds before they kill your profits. Contact us for more details and liter- ature or, better still, see 50 acres on my farm sprayed for quack grass last year. CUSTOM SPRAYING Custom Spraying using the most mo- dern equipment, particularly designed to handle Atrazine, thus ensuring the most effective results. MILTON J. DIETZ Pina Chows .7— Sanitatiqn Products Phone 527-0608 - : SEAFORTH, R.R. 3 • - CHIPMAN CHEMICALS LIMITED Montreal - Hamilton - Winnipeg Saskatoon ; Edmonton AT's out of the bag •-• • NE, • AGRICO• T" introduces A QUALITY 4 7.2 -28 for Corn and Spring Grain HIGH ANALYSIS — Your yields and profit will take a tremendous leap forward yrith new AA Quality 7-28-28' fertilier. Agrico's 7-28-28 in the popular 144 ratio is' high in phosphorus for early kattuitY and high in- potash for top quality grain and sturdier stalks. With more plant food units in every bag you need less fertilizer to get maximum yields. And you save time, labour and money. The uniform granules spread even- - ly and are easily regulated in the hopper. This season, use Agrico's AA Quality 7-28-28 for corn and small grains and watch your profits grow. AGRI C . AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS LIMITED, LONDON oRANGEvILLX PM' HOPE Order from your Agric0 dealer An IVI4start .R R 1 Varna a'r • •,„ tc • 1