HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-05-06, Page 1tM .
I, .
Whole No. 5071
106th Yedr
Easter ••
Seal Fun
Is Short
Seaforth has fallen short of
its ebjective in the Crippled
Children's campaign; area chair-
man Don Stephenson, said Wed-
nesday. A recent meeting "of
area chairmen in Clinton indi-
cated that of the several areas
involved, all but Seaforth had
reached its quota, -
The campaign here . is con-
tinuing, and contributions may
be mailed to Mr. Stephenson
or left at any Seaforth Bank.
Only by a more general par-
ticipation will it be possible
for Seaforth to reach its quota
of . $2,000.00, "Mr. Stephenson
Legion Ends
Bowling Seri
Tuesday evening the Seaforth
Legion- bowling league ended
the season .when the, Beatles
defeated the Redcaps in the
final round three -game total pins
to count. The winning playoff
team was captained by Don
Eaton, and included Norman
MacLean, Bill Eisler, Helen
Nicholson, • Inez Spittal and
Marg Smale. , The losing team,
captained•- by Leo Hagan, in-
cluded Jack Eisler, Ted South-
gate, Joan-•. Eaton -and Betty,
MacLean. Barb Scott, the `sixth
bowler am the . team,- was un-
able1e to bowl because of an
jured wrist.
We wish to take this -oppor-
tunity, as ,captain of the losing
tea#n, to congratulate the Bea-
tles on their capturing the; tro-
phy for the playoff's. To all Le-
gion bowlers we would like to
remind, you of.the annual'bowl-
ing baifque <laeirig held. thisyearn-on .Saturday, '1Viay` 15, 'at
mat .theg.
6:30 P , Legion Hall.
Wehopewill let Al Nich-
You wi
olsoit-know as soon -as .possible
- if you are- going- to attend
Presentation of trophies : will
feature the night
OES Sponsors
Dessert Euchre
A successful dessert euchre
was held Thursday by Seaforth'
Chapter No. 233, Order of the.
Eastern Star.
The winners in the after-
noon :were: Ladies: first, Mrs.
• Ivy Butt; lone hands, Mrs. Jean
Cairns; consolation, "'Mrs. Bert
Shobbrook, Blyth.
In the evening winners were:
ladies , first, Miss Mae Smith;
lone hand's, Mrs. Borden. Brown;
consolation, Mrs. Wm: Kelly;
men: first, Albert O'Reilly; lone
hands, Albert Baker; consola-
tion Charles Reeves:
Miss Mae Smith made the
draw on the money bunny and
the lucky winner was Mrs. Cora
Chesney. The Chapter wishes
to thank all those who helped
in. any way to make these two
project such a success.
Attend Spring
The spring conference of the
Hospital Auxiliary Regional II
was held in Stratford last week.
Those attending were Mrs. J.
A. Gorwill, Miss Bess Grieve,
Mrs. Scott Habkirk, Miss Flor-
ence Laidlaw, Mrs. R. R. Me-
Kindsey, Mrs. J. Patterson, Mrs.
L. Stephenson, , Mias Galdys
Thompson, Mrs: H. Whyte and
Mrs. F. S. Cosford.`
The May meeting of the Hos-
pital Auxiliary will be held in
the nurses' residence, Tuesday,
Name, Ag, Rep
"Bon Trivers, 23, o± Thessalon,
Ont., will be summer assistant
agricultural representative for
-rHuron County. He has complet-
ed, the third year of the Gen-
eral BSA • eoursa et MacDonald
College;;P Q
Mr. Trivers, was active in 4-H
work in Algoma before
attending ,college. While at col-
lege de has :;particlpated in a
number, of athletic activities
He will,: be president of the
Men's Athletic, Association at
MacDonald .in his final' year.
Vitits From IN B.,
Miss. Anne ''Welton', 17f of
Bieck' Rock,, Gloucester einity;
u�Brunsivick, will be ifHr-
c�nt County the tie;",of
Inter-Prbvincial 4-H, Agrictulfttr-
dlClub ;'Exchange.
iss Whelton" will ,visit with
r�g n
lss;a• ellie Baan, Hart, 3, WAY.
d. la
tali rs 'all
�Cr h
`1;Hir�tbr}i `,rt'hl�g,� iiia ;Ift�r�rt
For Roa
THERE WERE SIGNS during recent days that Spring
finally had arrived. Typical of the sights in evidence
throughout 'lthe ,district is this trio intent on fishing . in
Silver' Creek, 'as'• it winds through . Lions Park. In the
background is, the new picnic pavilion, ready for the hun-
dreds of groups who will use the park facilities again
this year.
' •R McKinnon n Burn
;. ka
tat t
Ray MacKinnon::an employee
of Finks' Plumbing,' Hensall, is:;
in Victoria' Hospital, Londbn,
with third .degree burns to his
back, arms and hands.
He was severely burled in a
flash fire. at Point Clark Sun-
day, when paint fumes in the
Fink suminer , cottage ignited.
He was taken 'to hospital at
Kincardine and later transfer-
red to Victoria Hospital.
Mrs. Fink said Mr. MacKin-
non was helping to remove.
paint from the cottage floor
when, a nearby : stove ignited.
the fumes.
Mr. Fink wrapped a blanket
around him and extinguished
the flames.
Mrs. Fink • said her husband
and son, Brian, used a garden
hose to extinguish the flames in
the cottage, but it was exten-
sively damaged.
Approve Permits
Hensall council met Monday
evening with all members pres-
ent. George Beer was present
and, asked when council would
finish the drain on F.li7abeth
Street. Lc`rne Hay gave the re-
port on the Ausable River Con-
servation Authority with re-
gards to the dam at Parkhill.
E. R. Davis reported he had
been working on several drains.
The clerk . was instructed to
either write letters or put out
notices regarding people dump-
ing inflammable matter in the
drain. The clerk was also in-
structed to order eight barrels
of Colas and enough chips
to repair roads. •
Council agreed to assume the
Hensall shareof thedebenture
payment of the $195,000 for the
Hensall and Zurich public
schools. Hensall's share of the
debenture is 26.65%.
A request from the Town of
Exeter to assume the deben-
ture payment' on South Huron
District 'High School of $400,-
000 was filed, since the repres-
entative, Laird Mickle, was ab-
sent due^'to illness, '
Applications for building per.
mits,, were approved: W. G.
Thompson & Son, to 'build six
silos' and one dryer,' $30,000;
Ti.L. ,Mickle & Son,, to build a
"warehouse and repair the 'pres-
ent bean mill $18,000; Cook
Bros., to build 'We'rehouse, $12,-
000; Charlie Thiel, to build an
Office, $2,000; George Shields,
to install furnace and bath-
room in his home.
AM*. and Mrs. Harry Hoy, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Kerslake in London.
' In a, house-ta-house canvass
of the. viiige• for the Cancer
?rile Thursday' night,' members
of 'tf a Kthsnen Club 'collected
$190:00. Heading the project
,wag' Jim Hyde,; chairman of
'th'e Ways and Means Commit-
„,Aanyone having articles to sell
or doh to -to the corC iihtuiityyatie,
McKillop council is negetiat;
ing for the purchase of laud pp
permit eliminating a• danfierotls..
corner on the Blind Line,' ben= ;
Cession 6. ,,- a ni e Dog
Included are 'a little hater; ` •
than two acres, which are "ro7
quirk from the farm of Sari+"
Storey, lot 31, and about tore_ Control j
same amount from the -fa*
of Carl Dalton, . W1 lot 30. Officer
Council offered $200.00 an eer>.e::
to each owner, and instructed"
the roadsuperintendent to set'',` . Tuckersmith tackled
in motion action,, to expropi-? problem at the Tuesday m
ate if the offers were not ac-: ing of council and named
cepted. ray Dalton as animal.
Mr: Dalton said Wednesdahr'officer. •
URSDAY, MAY 6, 1965 — 12 .PAGES
WO -
the do
Mur -
he had accepted the tewnslii . i Already serving a number of
offer. Township officials sad municipalities, Mr. Dalton will
it was ' understood, howeVerr. receive $5.00 a dog and $3.00
that the offer was not aecep.-:- per week while' employed, to
able to Mr. Storey. cover cost of overhead. He
Council 'at its meeting Mogi- will provide necessary kennels.
day approved a bylaw setting?
the salary of the road superin-
tendent, Wilson Little, at $125v
per. hour,, plus 10 cents per,
mile' for car allowance, when
it was necessary to use his cart'
on township business.
Tax arrears totailing $6,858174
are to be forwarded to Huron
Treasurer John G. Berry, ,soy
that properties involved can 'fie'
included in the annual tax sale:
Fox bounties were- apl►rov
for payment . to Bill Siemoni ".ate
Douglas Boyd $8, and Keith
Siemon $4. .:,.:.:.;
Reeve Ken
road superintei dent - v ere u
thorized to appoint a" weed
spray .operator. The tevanship
will supply necessary materia}.
Walto�n �
F`r`iday, Maya 29 areasked to'
call Trevor Wilson; Edward
Corbett or Peter McNaughton
before May 17th for listing.•
The project is sponsored by
the Hensall Minor Association
for the promotion of- , minor
Mrs. Roy Smale had the mis-
foftune to fall in her home,
suffering a dislocated shoulder.
Mr. Vic Diebolt, of Waterloo,
a salesman, was the lucky win-
nerof the 5,000 pennies ($50)
in a draw Friday night. The
project was sponsored by Hen-
sall Kinsmen.
Elect Officers •
The following officers were
elected for 1965-66 at the an-
nual meeting of Hurondale WI,
held at, Caven Presbyterian
Church, Exeter, Wednesday:
president, Mrs. Lee Webber,
RR 1, Hensel; vice-presidents,
Mrs. Mac Hodgert, RR 1, Wood-
ham, Mrs. John Pym, RR 3,
Exeter; secretary -treasurer, Mrs.
R. E. Pooley, Exeter; assistant,
Mrs. Harold Patterson, RR 3,
Exeter; district director, ' Mrs.
Gerald McFalls, RR 3, Exeter;
alternate, Mrs.' Harry Dougall,
RR 3, Exeter; directors, Mss.
Almer Passmore, Mrs. William
Dougall, Mrs; Garnet Hicks,
Mrs. Lorne Oke; auditors, Mrs.
Robert Jeffery, Mrs. Warren
Brock; nominating committee, -
Mrs. Stanley Mitchell, Mrs. Wm.
Rowcliffe;- pianists, Mrs. Harry,
Strang, Mrs. Andrew Dougall;
song leader, Mrs. Lorne Oke.,
Standing committees — Citi--,
zenship and- education, Mrs.
Harry Dougall,.Mrs. Robert Ma-
yer; agriculture and Canadian
industries, Mrs. Glen Stewart,
Mrs. Ray Cann; home econom-
ics and health, Mrs. Mervin
Dunn, Mrs. Wilfred Shapton;
historical research and current
events, Mrs. Mac Hodgert ;
Tweedsmuir curator, Mrs. Ar-
thur Rundle; resolutions, Mrs.
Gerald McFalls; public rela-
tions and.. press reporter, Mrs.
Riney, Keller.
Roll Call, "Pay your fee and
unveil mystery pal," proud in-
teresting. The group will char-
ter a bus May 15 to CFPL, Lon-
don, to appear .on "Take Your
Choice'' • at 8:15. Arrangements
were made with Caven Church
to hold further meetings there.
Hostesses were MA. Hugh Love,
Mrs. Harold Patterson, Mrs?;
William Sillery, Mrs. Passmore,
Mrs. Wm. Rowcliffe and Mrs.
Wilfred Shapton.
Mr. Tom Dougall, who re-
sides south of Hensall on .High-
wny 4, is a patient in South
Huron .Hospital, Exeter, recov-
ering from an accident at his
barn on; his farm, when he
:i raetured; a small bone in his
leg which:'wili be placed If a
Ori Saturday, the Messengers.
'froth Rental' United Church ,dt-,
'tended d rally , at > ,.' cefietd'';
ele-. 1 g
gor d ::.b r fm�
s n
Mr. Dalton told council the
problems that arise in dog con-
trol. Not only is there diffi-
culty in catching the dogs, but
there is a problem in disposal.
Dogs not claimed within 72
hours can be" disposed of, and
some he sells; others he gives
away. The job involves a lot
of running around for which.
he gets little thanks, but lots
of abuse, he said.
_Asking about insurance, he
'was told it was expected the
township policy would protect
him while on duty. This will
be checked ;by, Clerk McIntosh.
Agree tln •,ee Spray d S ra ,
9. t
Council engaged Ralph Bev-
eridge to spray township road-
sides. He will,teteivel3.50 per
mile, both sides. Material is
$8.15 a gallon. Mr. Beveridge
has carried out the work for
several years.
Tuckersmith's share hi the
proposed - Exeter vocational
'school was aPProv
„d ofter
township•- oard representative,
Be� bm e 1
s Of a total cost of $1,,640,000,:'
abbui ane ;quaff er must • be, rais
ed ~locally., . The balance comes
front grants.
"Mr,. Cook said the new school
would provide accommodation
for all with the exception of
those requiring certain special
classes, who would continue to
go to Clint'on".
Council agreed to meet with
representatives of Pryde Mem-
orials concerning work to be
done in providing maintenance
for a ceirietery on Nn. 4 High-
way, south of Brucefield. Esti-
mated at $1,000, the work in-
volves rearranging, headstones
to permit easier maintenance.
There are 50 people, aged ..65
to 70; and 117 over 70, in Tuck-
ersmith, council learned as it
considered . a report from the
Huron Health Unit in connec-
tion with a federal old age sur:
Vey which is under way.
Water Arrears •
Arrears of the E mondville
Water System total $290.00,
Clerk McIntosh told council.
Possibly that a penalty provi-
sion will be introduced was
seen as council reviewed the
arrears. There are 75 'Users on
the system.
Karnes. Officers :•
ied toa e
n.s, LMute'
Wednesaic ��e��M�
"a siper eing serV,to forty
ladies:- Mrs..Knneth:
presided" and •opened
with the Mary 'Stewart ,Collect.
Mrs. George Hibbert ,read the
secretary -treasurer's report and
correspondence. Mrs. Donald
Buchanan was appointed cura-
tor for the Institute. Mrs.
James Nolan gave a report of
the .district• executive meeting
held in Ethel, The .district an-
nual is in Molesworth Presby-
terian Church; May 20th:- when
voting delegates- are Mrs. Roy
Williamson, Mrs. Kenneth Mc-
Donald, Mrs. Alvin McDonald,
Mrs. -Margaret Humphries and
Mrs. Torrence Dundas; It was
decided) to • have .Sunshine Sis-
ters for another year.
Convenors . for Resolutions,
Mrs. Stewart Humphries and
Mrs. William Humphries had
charge of the following pro-
gram: Reports were given, Ag-
riculture and Canadian Indus-
tries, Mrs. Harvey • Craig; Citi-
zenship , and Education, • Mrs:
Herb Williamson; Historical
Research and Current Events,
Mrs. Ray Huether; Home Econ-
omics and •Health Mrs. Nelson
Reid; Public Relations, Mrs. E.
Stevens; • Sunshine Committee,
Mrs.. Andrew Coutts; Resolu-
tions,• Mrs. William, Humphries,
A 'report of resolutions from
Mrs. ' Lymburner FWIO was
read by Mrs. Stewart Hum-
phries. The, roll call was an-
swered by payment of fees
and presenting a gift to your
Sunshine Sister. Mrs. Kenneth
McDonald retiring president,
thanked everyone for co-opera-
tion throughout her term of
office. Mrs. William Humphries
thanked her on behalf of the
Institute for ,her• untiring ef-
forts for the past three years.
Mrs. Frank Walters, district
president of East Huron Dis-
trict, spoke and installed the
officers for 1965 and .1966. She
was presented with a gift.
Mrs: Roy Williamson,- our
new president took the chair
for the rest of the business. It
was voted to take part in Brus-
sels Fall Fair •display. Mrs.
Herbert Williamson and Mrs.
Ernest Stevens are to he rep-
resentatives. `on the `Brussels.
Fall Fair Board from • our In-
stitute.. It , was"-leeided to ha'v'e
a bus trip;this year. Mrs. W. 3:
urnbull reported that the
tirussels Fair Board are selling
ckets on Hydro Cooking
School, June 2nd, at 8:15 p.m.,
in the Brussels Legion Hall.
Misses • Elizabeth and Janice
Bewley, 'Willowdale, Were re -
Cent visitors at the home of
their uncle antraunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Bewley.
Mrs.- John Taylor, Seaforth,
is at present' visiting with Mrs:.
John Shannon.
• Sunday g'ue'sts, at the home
of .MVits Eva-aDougan were: Mr.
And, Mit, Crosby' ..Sotheran,
i'o;rdw ch; 11 and ,Mrs; Olin
ton; -:,Hone ord? and,i.,�Mr.•„sand
Tuckersmith council took no
action Tuesday- ,evening on a
brief setting out the' situation
concerning the creation of a --
proposed new school to serve
pupils in Tuckersmith. and
The a
rea boards of the two
hips have examined a
mber of sites for the pro-
posed school, and it was indi-
cated agreement had been
reached on a 30 -acre -..site, 1%
miles south of Brucefield, on
the west side of No. 4 High-
way in Stanley.
Reeve Elgin Thompson- distri-
buted copies of the brief, and
answering a query from Coun-
cillor Sillery, said the brief had
been prepared by the inspec-
An increase in costs of be-
tween 20 and 25% over pres-
ent operating costs . could be
anticipated, council agreed, as
'members studied 'the brief.
Councillor Ross Forrest in-
quired how soon .•a county
board would be established and
Reeve Thompson said he didn't
know whether' it would come
or not.
He said Inspector Burrows
wants us to talk it up at coon»
ty `council, and added, per-
er haps there would have to be
two or three boards. In any
event, the 'first thing would be,
to provide for an equalized
Some reservations were indi-
cated concerning the choice of
the proposed school site. „It
was not the most central to
Egmondyille or Bayfield.
The brief setting out the
views of inspectors follows:
Consider Brief ,
The Boards -have investigat-
nvestigated the possibility of building a
central, school to accommodate'
All the pupils in the three mun-
icipalities: - This school would
have 15 classrooms, a general
purpose room, a library and
and other auxiliary facilities.
It would be possible to provide
an improved type of education
—provision for enrichment, a
visual aid program, a physical
education program, etc”
The transportation of all pu-
pils can -be arranged in a man-
ner which would provide, that
no pupils would be required to
leave home before 8 a.m.; and
would arrive home • about 4:30.
ayfield Pians.
A dozen ratepayers met with.
Bayfield council and. two' •mem-
bers of the Stanley,,Township
Area School Board on. Monday
evening to• discuss. a report;
written by. the school.inspec-
tors, of Huron County,. on th
proposed school facilities .•, for
the, new Huron'Cd. ch Y
S od
Area No: 1;whi eludes Be
cit in . y
: eld' t e�� iui'$s df
•rand h mss+ � s
Stanley =arid Tuckersmith;ۥ-.:21
- ,;,Dissatisfaction was expressed
with' thereport which has been
written as if it were the opin-
ion of •the present Stanley and`
Tuckersmith School Boards. The
report. recommends that one
central school be built for the
new school area, and that 'Hay-
field elementary school facili-
ties should be closed out. This
would mean that the 68' chil-
dren, now -attending the Bay-
field School, would be'taken'12
miles by bus 'to a proposed cen-
tral school sputh of Brucefield.
Discussion at the meeting.
found fault with many of the
statements made in the inspec-
tors' report. 'It was felt that
the report should have been.
more Objective and should not
have dismissed so: abruptly re-
quests made by the western
end of Stanley Township and
the Village of Bayfield for the.,
addition of two rooms to the,
present modern two - roomed
school in Bayfield. It was also
pointed out that several ex-
amples are known of township
school areas which have approv-
ed the continuation or construc-
tion of smaller school units be-
cause of geographic considera-
tions, even: though a central
school Was' being •built at 'the
.same time. It was felt that
thereis a much better case of
maintenance and addition to
the 'elementary school facilities
in Bayfield than in the . other
exceptions to central • schools.
which • have been approved'. hi
,- s'
other c o 1
o ar „�.
•+- � t
Tlie: meeting felt very sptt3g�•Y
pili. The tirahspo±tation y<<iro:,
. done rn boa{rd,ovpn"ed bus
or ,under:contract''with ii}dr
dual operators, • Since it: is /-,ap
parent th0. many of their ptt''
will be trapellirig' In the
same direction and at ntucii the
same time as the seeonderY,.
school pupils, sortie co-operk.
tion can • be planned.
Total assessment of the area,
$5,585,720;- total number of p-
pils, 500; number of teachers
employed as present, 20; .prob,-
able number of teachers; in new..
school, 16; total'_Ievies in 1964,
$50,011.08; . total' grants . -in
1964, $74,904.70. -
It is' . proposed to engage
16 teachers—a principal and.15
-teachers: Any decrease, in ex-
penditure in this item will: be
used to provide . part of the
cost of transportation
The relationship of grants to,
local levies in 1964'was on,,, a
basis of $3.00 in grant to $2.00,
in levy. In certain, -areas where
central schools' have been built.
and transportation provided, the -
grants payable areon a baSis
of .5to 2....
Proposed Construction at4;
Costs—Building to include 15"
-classrooms, •auditoriurn gynuiiis''
tum with stage, .library apd4u '
iliary facilities. .
Estimated cost of the'• •
building $380,
Architects' fees, sale
of debentures '13,800,00,
Equipment 19,200:00
,�. �, �,-� .ter
ly that the •dit er`ce betweed
a single 16-rooni school in
Brucefield and on the other
had a 12 -room school at Bruce -
field and a four -room school at
Bayfield did not justify the
arbitrary, attitude the inspec-
tor's • "report presented. It was
Feinted out that Bill 54 direct-
ed the formation of larger
school administrative areas but
did not direct that there must
be only one school in an• area.
he meeting decided 'to take
ction to maintain adequate
lementary school ,facilities in
Bayfield and • elected a five -
member ,nucleus' of a Save.Our-
School Committee. These mem-
bers' are: 'Mrs. Leroy Poth, Mrs.
Joe Maymnn, Mrs. E. W. O.d-
dleifson, Jack Sturgeon and
Frank McFadden. The SOSC
will meet later in the week
with power. -to add to its num-
bers, both from the • western
rural portion of Stanley Town-
ship and from the Village of
Bayfield. The SOS Committee
will also consider action neces-
sary to organize the support of
ratepayers and parents and to
bring the situation to the at-
tention of higher authority. .
SDHS Students Present
Annual Variety Program
SDHS students played to a
full house Friday when they
presented their annual Variety
Night. The students presented
La Plume de me Tante, direct-
ed by Mrs. Anne Hansen. Tak-
ing part in the play were Pa-
tricia Harris, James Traquair,
Jan Hassan, Fred Hassan and
Lorraine Huard.
Nancy Berger directed the
school Glee Club and Joanne
Elligsen was the pianist. Solo-
ists, were Joan Sinclair, Sharon
Strong, • Eric . Ross, Graham
Craig, James Sills, Kenneth
Cardno, Elizabeth Smale, Doug-
las; Fry,• Linda Bryans and Bri-
an Habkjrk,
The 'school's all -girl trumpet
band perfolrmed under the di-
rection of George. Hildebrand.
bouglas •Foskett directed the,
judo exhibition. A. K. Shepherd
was in charge of tumbling acts.
Principal L. P. Plumsteel was
Debbie Miller, Jane Boshart,
Susan Leonhardt, Lynn Nixon'
and Julianne Rau presented a
daftcing (routine, and the Hoov-
er sisters, Julie, Joan and Lin-
da, sang. •
Smile of the Week
Mother: "Be sure tn wash
our` :arms before you "put On
, or :SNOW
Those in the other numbers
were: -
Glee Club—Elizabeth Smale,
Joan Sinclair, Joyce Storey,
Catherine Phillips, Glenna Hou-
ston, Douglas Fry, Graeme
Craig, Jim Sills, Eric Ross, Ken
Cardno, Larraine Miller, Linda
Dietz, Sharon Strong, June Hil-
len, Marilyn Sedley, Mary
Beuerman, Dianne Roe, Dar=
lene Sills, Grace Riley, Mary-
anne Phillips, Elaine Oke, Lin-
da Somerville, Maria VanLoon,
Elizabeth Brown, Mary Plumb,
Sharon MacKenzie, Joanne Sed-
ley, Anne Sills; Linda Bryans,
Mary Helen Buchanan, Patri-
cia Harris, Marian Roberts, Don-
na , Whitehouse, Mary Hagan,
Agnes Poland, Janice Wright,
Marjann Wildfong, Jean Roe,
Michael Stinnissen, Peter Stin-
nissen, Ross Hemingway, Allan
Butson, Sharon Dietz, Jeanne
Trutnpent Band Y- Chstine'
Pryce, Joan Hoover, Alia Ban-
non, Irma Petersen,' Jloanne'•11-
ligsen, Sharon Dietz, r Bonnie
Stewart, •Brenda Flannery, Lin-
da Somerville, Jean Scott, Di=
and Finlayson, Mary Sills, Jan-
et Turnbull, Patricia • McGrath,
Sherrill - Craig, Jean Patrick,
Grace Stephenson, Monica Mc-
Curdy, Elaine Oke, Suzanne
Dale, Brenda Hoegy, Jane
Shannon, ''Kathryn Murray, Jan-
Hassan, Mary Jean BOshart
10y'. !:.;Helen.,.,, Buchanan, , Ayra.
Sills, Linda Bryans, Helen El -
1 liott, Sharon Strong, June Hil-
Boys' 'Tumbling—Allan Pat-
terson, Bob Watson, Ben Lan -
sink, Keh Devereaux, Rick For-
tune, Paul Hildebrand, ,Alan
McLean, Jim Phillips; Jim Nix-
on, Larry Lane, Jim Stephen-
son, Gene , Kruse, Donald Mur-
ray, Bryan'. Stewart.
Stage Crew --- taurie Stock-
well, lighting; Michael Newn-
ham, curtain; Peter Wilbee,
Bryan Stewart, Paul Epittal,
David Britton, Douglas Bray,
Bill Southgate, Bill MacLennan,
Brian Broome; stage"`directors,
W. K. Murdie and R. M. Bur-
School Site
The Board proposes to pur-'
chase suf$cient,land .to poyide.
for ,all the, -needs of this Sae 1.•
Certain grants are paid oh
e<. fin•
x erCdi
ti -To tans
Tr rt n
o S►rC
". 1113.•w0 nizeii
:re � ,.a..
� q t
� C
u#i3.'fa. '
e a�bus
owners": anti `operators' .may' "lie
made on a' mileage rate or; on a
yearly contract. A fair estimate
of the annual cost is' $5,000' a
unit. The 'total annual,' cost of
transportation would'thus be
$40,00000-$45,000.00 under this
Certain other Boards have
purchased buses on a, five-year
debenture. issue, hired drivers
and paid the. cost of insurance,
fuel and repairs from current
funds. A typical example in a -
township was•nine buses pur-
chased at $64,000.00, a five-year .
debenture with annual pay-
ments of $14,500.00 `and a year-
ly cost for drivers; fuel, etc., of
$16,500,00. :In this case .the --
Board intends to exchange some
buses annually and meet the
cost from current, funds.
Estimated Budget" for the,
Proposed :School—To pay the
cost of operation; to 'pay annual
debentures; to furnish transpor-
tation in board -owned buses.
(See table below).
1. The various estimated, ex-
penditures have been compared
generally with the. other cen-
tral school' which is in opera-
2. In the other central school
an expenditure of over $24,000
on capital expenditure is not a
recurring item.
3. The estimated debenture
of $52,400.00 includes $35,000
for the school, $14,300 for the
buses and $3,100 on the Bay-
field school.
It is pointed out that under
this proposed scheme the cost
to the ratepayers would be ap-
proximately the same as in
1964. This favorable situation
results 'from: ,
1. The building of one school
with all the facilities which
should• result in' a more eco-
nomical corltrac't. •
2- The-, Foltision "- for one
transpor'tatton, .,Scheme.
3. The ,operation of one
school w t1i, nne ,:principal; one -
expenditurefol ''operation dnfl
maintenance.4 :
The Board Is Ware of the
desire of pe�il5le' it1 °Bs field to
retain this, tvio-rosin's'clyiool, arld
• (Continued° en rage 6),
1964 Statement;
of Comparable'' 1 Estimated •
1964 Several Central Schecit. Costs:in t'kw
Present Schools (16 Rgoitist':Ceni ra ,tS'chool;
$ 50,011.08 $46;383:37- 50,000.00
.. , 74;904.70 127,21143 120f 000.00
1,837.89 $,408.05': ,.ls;.' + w'+»
Instructional Supplies
Op: and maintenance -
Tuition fees
Capital xpense,
$126,753.67 $182,0055,45 t ,70, 90.00
Etc ndihfrtes'...
$'90,762,5017,, $ B,31i
.•93. 6,
' 3,705'53 95 „
1809$:$0 'i '8'_
3,81059 K140406
2,215685 .