HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-04-29, Page 12a• 19J65• PCRQSATORjS FO. 'Mt; O, `'.,.APA; spt 10651. ekahs an - for rd Anniversay. 74.R'"53rd anniversary of Ed- e1ww ss Rebekah Lodge will be kttbserVed at the next regular meeting with past noble grants filling the various offices. The lodge was instituted on May 10, 1912. The name. 'Edelweiss' is that of a low -growing, hardy perennial plant, found ' on the Alps Mountains in Switzerland. ',Translated; Edelweiss means "noble white". Plants are to be ordered for Decoration Day service at Mait- landbank cemetery in early June. If members have not as yet donated to the bakeless bake sale and "Two Bits" drive for the Eye Bank and Visual Aid appeal, they may do so as early as possible, either at the next meeting or to Mrs, Keith Sharp, treasurer. .- The CPT committee chair- man, Mrs. George Campbell, announced that the committee is holding a euchre party and draw in early May, in aid of their benevolent work. A student attending Seaforth District High Scho, Linda Somerville, RR 4, Walton, was the successful competitor ,in a public speaking competition held recently . at Clinton. The event is sponsored annually by the Rebekah and IQOF lodges in the district, with the win- ning student to be one of a group from Ontario to receive an all -expense trip to the Unit- ed Nations this summer. In all, there were 16 entries in a local essay competition from grades 10 and 11, as a preliminary to the public speaking contest. Members were ,reminded- of the penny collection contest be- tween Rebekah and IOOF lodg- es. The losing club is to fur- nish a banquet for the winners in the fall. The noble grand, Mrs. Wil- mer Cuthill, presided. CLASSIFIED ADS 23. Business Directory JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5.30pin. Sat,, 9 to 12 noon Thursday 'evening by appoint- ment only. Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010 Mon., Wed., Clinton Office A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant. 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 McCONNEL,L. & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P: DY McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850• A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor; Etc. Office, 527-1850, Res. ' 527-1643' Seaforth : Ontario SEAFORTH VETERINARY' -. °CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, .D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. V. V. Parks, D.V.M., V.S. G. R. Gray, B.S., D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 Seaforth W. J. CLEARY Seafarth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 527-0510 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERICE . d.jnstable hospital , beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION . ' - Phone 527-1390 Seaforth J. A..'BURKE Funeral Director " and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ` ONTARIO Night or Day Calls: Phone 43 R 10 • BOX FUNERAL SERVICE' Prompt and careful attention - Ambulance Service Flowers Por All Occasions Phones: Days 527-0680. — Night 527-0885 24. Cards of Thanks Births DRISCOLL — In Seaforth on April 24, to Mr, and Mrs. W. John Driscoll, R R 2 Walton,. a daughter. PAPP,LE — In Seaforth, on Ap- ril 28, to Mr• and Mrs. Bruce Pappie, R R 4 Seaforth, a daughter. ' - 'EID — In Seaforth on April 24, to Mr. nd Mrs. Watson Reid, R R 1 Blyth, a son. Deaths DEXTER — In Seaforth, on April 27th, Charles Francis, Dexter, father of Ella, Mrs. W. R. Jewitt of Clinton, in' his; 82nd year. Too Late FOR SALE = Orders taken for maple syrup. Phone 527-0330. -1 WANTED — pastuanei for two yearling cattle. Ambrose Add - bey, first house south of store at Kiniburn: xl FOR SALE — fifteen stock grass, calves, 500 lbs. R. E. McMi1ian, Seaforth, phone 527- 1016. -1 FOR SALE - twenty weaner pigs. Herman Hostel, R R 5 Sea - forth, phone 527-0528. -1 FOR .SALE two seal, biro w n pony: mares. 'One five years old; one', two years old. Roy McGon- igle., North Main St., Seaforth. xl I would like to thank my many friends for their visits, cards and treats while a- patient in • the hospital. Special thanks to the. nurses and Dr. Stapleton for their kindness and also to my neighbours who helped so much at home. ,- Ross Mc- Gregor. 24-70-1 I wish- to thank all relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, letters, gifts,, flowers and visits while I was a patient in the - hospital. Special thanks - to Father Durand and hospital chaplains', Drs. Moore, Jarrott, McKenzile land. Sehut, nuns and staff of -the 3rd fiber of -the- Stratford General Hospital. Ev- erything was ,sincerely apprec- iated. = Mrs: Frank Kistneer. 24-70-1 NOTICE - Lawns rolled in Seiaforth. Reasonable rates. Call at noon or., in the evening, phone 527-1554.- _ =1 WANTED TO BUY — A colony house; call 527-1748 around 7 '-1 FOR SALE = Hereford bull. regi,s+tered, serviceable age. George Love, Walton, phone 527-0637. -1 Ti OCAL BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamont and Larry, of Windsor, visited with Mrs. Margaret Lamont fort` a few days. FO' A. 13. proadfoot, RCAF, Goose Bay, Labador, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.' Robert McClure and other rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pethick, of Hickson, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pethick .over the weekend. Mrs. Elliott Walters has re- turned home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walters in London. Mrs. Ina Crawford, of Strat- ford, was a guest on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. }McKellar. Visitors at the home of Rev. land Mrs. ' J. Ure Stewart over the . weekend were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parsons„ Bill and Gilean, of London, and Rev. and Mrs. ClintonA. Brittain, of Grand Bend. Gerry and Janet Lynn Dyk- stra, of Norwich, spent a week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Andrews. Mrs. Mae Dorrance has re- turned home after spending the winter months in Oshawa. Her son, Mr. John Dorrance, accom- panied 'her home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoelscher spent Sunday in Waterloo, where they attended the bap- tismal service at the Lutheran Church, ' when Linda Loraine Herbst, chosen daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Herbst, was baptized. Mr. and Mrs„ Bruce Hoelscher, of Petrolia, had the honor of being the sponsors. Mrs. Toleda Beuermann, of Waterloo, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Linda, Brod- hagen, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and family, ER 2, Dub- lin, Ont., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fischer, .Seaforth, on Sunday. Miss Sally Nott, of London,• spent the weekend at her home here before sailing on. Friday from • Montreal to the British Isles and the Continent for a three months' tour. Mr. and Mrs. Mac .Scott and Mr. and Mrs: Arnold Taylor and Ronnie have returned home af- ter a few days' visit with Mr.' and Mrs. Lennis Kragman, of Cleveland, Ohio. •- Mrs. Pearl Tull and Clark, of Mount Brydges, and Miss Bonnie Uhler, of Walton, ' vis- ited last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. ' Ephraim,4 Clarke, James Street. Miss Gertrude Crich, of To- ronto, was a ,guest 'Of her bro- ther, , Mr. John C. Crich and Mrs. Crich. Miss Crich was the speaker at the Home & School Association Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Kellar hav- ing spent the past two weeks in West Virginia -due to the ser- ious illness of Mrs. Kellar's mother, returned home Sunday: Miss Claire Creighton, of Seattle, Wash., was a guest ,at the home of Mr. and -Mrs. A. Y. McLean. , .. LOST • — an aluminum wheel barrow in the Bayfield. River at . Hanna's Bridge, Tucker - 'smith. If whereabouts known would finder ,please phone 527- 0400. xl FOR • SALE. Samoyed pups, 8 weeks old, -snow white, i 4eal pet,-George.Leve, Walton, p11 e 527-0637. FOR SALE — Alfalfa seed, pow- er" Cleaned, 820 perbushel.,Ap- ply Norman Eggert, phone 81 R 14' Dublin. xl F"OR SALE —. Timothy seed, f a c t o r y cleaned, reasonable. Roy Hammon, R R3 Mitchell, phone Dublin, 106 R 16. 70x2 FOR SALE =house in field, one one storey, , 2 bedroom brick veneer dwe0 iing.,_Oil furn- ace and garage. Kathleeen Ell- iott, Brucefield, phone 527-1826. 70.2 FOR' SALE — 25 `whale -faced yearling cantle,. Average .about 700 lbs. James Landjsborough„ R R 3 Seaforth, phone 527-182& -1 FOR RENT — 8 rooms hon e in Egmondviile across from General Store, 860.00 a month. Phone 527-1490. • 70-3 FOR SALE 9 pigs, 6 weeks old. Preston Dallas, R R 4 Sea - forth, phone 527-0827. -1 25. in Memoriam • BYERS — In loving menially of our dear sister, Minnie .(Bmodhagen) Byers, who pa5sed away one year ago April 27. Sleep dear sister° fog+ it .is true You suffered so 'much and fold se; !tenth, • But Someone, knew you needed rest 'Wet- God' above -and He knew bee, ()thees cave load end lost, we know But yen were our sister and we 'Miss ,you G. Lovingly' reMeanbered QJb' • your stems eared brattier ,and • Uncle Bill. 25.70x1. Pelr6onals • ern ISTIAN g'ttelmuan, 28 ylear§ old, wishes to meet Chnitbian• • . .Appl>y' to -Box lf153 Anton luioposrtox. 7 -704 - E><• irths CC}R +I ff `Ate Western .Ion pital,. Tbx'trni ii, mi ,tltrril ir5, tel M : iiild;•liellt`S!r' Crari Cor (neefatnne Cook) . Tori r• FOR SALE — family size Mc - .Clary refrigerator,, No. 1 condi- tion;- new WestinghOizse Clothes 'dryer, still. in • cratel;50 bales good mixed her two No. 1 working clean telephones, idea for intercommunication) to other biiiidingsr. Are you; thinking of building a house, or cottage; I have a; new building, .20 x 36, ',fully insulated, waned, designed to be readii>Sr Moved and con- nected to dwelling at. minimum cost. Can't .be duplicated at twice the asking price. Gerold Holand, phone Dublin 3.. -1 USED • MACHINERY 620.3.- Deem power steering, hydraulic; and LPTO; 44 Meas- siey With. loa,deri; *lover steer- ing;., 30 I,VIasaeey; 1q1 Masseey • Z Mnneaepola's; VAC Case;, CA Allis Citatmeers loader and plow ; two W4 Internationals; Fergus-" on tractor; J. Deer&B; 30 Cock - dna, LPTO; 9 ft. set of Massey disc's; two 8 ft. Flleury Bissel discs; 7 section' used Interna- tional drag harrmvsi; t ro 81/2 ft. J. I). cultivators' 8 fit Mas siey Harris cultivator; 10 f,. aster,..10 It sell of used chain ha°owsi 10 ft. peckers', $200; Ititernational stiff Moth, $60; Speiiia�I' - three *gieletiOni.diaMond harrow and draw bar, $54. on, l" tit V�rnts�t FUNERAL CR 7lil Woe's At the Seaford' District MO Sdsoot This young man's dream is now a big business. 41 one month . CI' NX , will,, ,use more hydro than yoy, would 'use ii your homein three, years. As CKNX gatiiers news and talks with peopke.acros5 the province,. their telephho'ne bill :amounts to over $1,400 a month. CKNX is all around you. It is behind you; it is in front of you., You• cannot ,see it; you cannot touch it. But when you hear it . . . it is the Voice" of Western Ontario that you hear. . THE ROARING TWENTIES (By Joan Sinclair — 10B) (By Torben . Haa1•bye) The public speaking,, finals were held recently. The sen- ior' winner was Doug Fry, and, the junior winner was- Joan Sinclair. Here are the texts of their speeches: - CAN'T SEE IT, TOUCH IT (By Doug ' Fry -, 12A) It is behind you; ' it is in front of you; it is above you. My topic is all' around you.'But you can't -see it and you can't touch it: It has no color, and it has no smell, yet you use it everyday. Mr, Chairman, my topic is "Radio". With a turn of the switch it fills the air ,with mus- ic, voices and sounds of the world.. Wherever you' go, there is radio. In this county, the Voice of Western Ontario is CKNX, Wingham. Wingham is the radio town of Canada. ,The smallest town in our land having its own pri- vate radio and television sta- tion. All of- this., is due to the imagination and.. •ambition of one man. He left school in 1915, having graduated from public school. Because of the death of his father, he had to find work. For a while he work- ed in a furniture factory. He then became a chauffeur for a latly doctor. This' earned him the nickname "Doc". At the age of 17 he was working 10 hours a• day in a foundry; in the evening he sold radios for an hour, and then operated the. projector in the local theater until 11 &clock at night. This man was W. T. "Doc" Cruick- shank, founder and, owner .,of CKNX Radio and TV. The voice of his station has been heard in Western Ontario for 39 years. • It began • as a hobby. The hobby became a dream. And the dream became 'a radio' sta- tion. Forty years ago Doc built a small transmitter with, bits and pieces of equipment.- He set the transmitter up hi a third floor hotel room. On Feb- ruary 20, 1926, Doc went- "on the air" and a resident of the town phoned to say that.: he was coming in fine". There were just 12 radios in Wing - ham at that, time. MRS. PERCY SPENCER Funeral services for the late Mrs. Percy Spencer, who died April 19th in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, were held from the G. A. Whitney funeral- home on Monday, April 26, at 2 p.m. Rev.' J. C. Britton, of Northside United Church, officiated, with interment in Maitlandbank cemetery. Pallbearers were Harvey Coleman, Anson Coleman, Wat- son Webster, James McEwarl,. George Taylor and John Eidt. Since broadcasting was just a pastime, rather than a busi- ness, and since the home-made transmitter :was such an odd looking affair, Doc christened it with the .call letters JOKE: But this was the turning point that led to, success. Business thrived and Doc'' soon had to .hire a staff of seven to run the operation. Property Change property changes reported through the offictl of Joseph McConnell, realator, include the property of , William Nedi- ger on Ann- Street, to John Harvey Bryans, Brussels, with possession July lst, and the Bruce Hodgert house on West William Street, to Minnie Harv' ley, with possession in May. - In ' the middle of a blinding blizzard the doctor received a call from a man whose wife needed , medical attention. "I'd be glad to come, but I have no car," the doctor said, `you'll have to come for me." - "What?" exploded the caller; "in this weather?" McGavhi's Patti Eotil,preiit • Man teaching wife. to drive: "Stop on the red, go on the green. Take it easy when I turn white." ' CH,611.ES F, DETER CJiarles„ Ennals Dexter died Thursday ln, Scot i4emgriaV Uospital,seaforti, in Ms 8244. year. Mr. De*ter, a native of Mullett Township,, had been in failing health for the: past year. A farmer all his life, he re- tired some 15 years ago to live in Constance. His wife, the for- mer Elizabeth Jane Adams, pre- deceased him in March, 1963. He was a member of Constance United Church. - •Surviving are one daughter, 1V.irs. W. R. (Ella) Jewitt, Con- stance; 10 grandchildren, and- orie` brother, Austin, of Blyth.. The body is, resting at the G. A. Whitney funeral home, Seaforth, where funeral servic- es will be held Friday at. 2:00 p.m., . with the Rev. W, 'M. Car- son in charge. Interment will be in Maitlandbank cemetery. Mr. Chairman: The topic I have chosen to speak on is "The Roaring Twenties." The early twenties was a time when new inventions were made, sports introduced, and the entertainment world spread widely. • • Many names were given to the early 1920,7s, such as, "The Era of Flaming Youth", -"The Time of Wonderful Nonsense" and "The Roaring Twenties." The last name, "Roaring Twen- ties;" became the mist known name, of the three. This was a time when -the younger generation seems to, have cut itself completely from the traditions' of their elders. The First World War left a large gap between the older and the younger generation. Many .of the middle-aged men had been killed and this left the younger men with little idea of what went on in their father's-. and- grandfather's -time.. These younger men set out to shock their fathers by doing what "was not done" and seem- ed to tollow the pattern of: "Eat, Drink and Be Merry!" Mothers trerirbled with fear as their daughters bobbed their hair, shortened their skirts to and above their knees, played tennis in shorts, wore make-up, a modern bathing snit, and went to a dance in a car un- chaperoned. The modern dress of this timewas a straight un- fitted garment, long dangly beads, and a tight -fitted hat. Sizes did not seem to create a. problem for this style of dress: The car was a new invention of this time and proved to be a means of escape to go to dances, night=clubs and parties. -After the war, the bootleggers and rum; runners seemed to have a booming business. Al- though seli'ing • liquor was against the law, this, too, be- came part of their entertain- ment. Jazz, seemed to be, the per- fect music for such an uproar- ious age. Jazz musicians had started to come - from New Orleans and spread their wild music all over the country. Many of the finest stars were King Oliver, Jelly .Roll Morton and Louis Armstrong. With this wild exciting music, played on the saxaphone, the teenagers of this time had,.no trouble in keeping pp with the pace "9f the music by doing the. Shim- my, Charleston, Black -Bottom, and the fox trot. The movies` became sensa- tionally popular. At first, only silent pictures were shown, but in 1927 Al Jolson starred in the first talking picture. Sports seemed to be more important now. It was stated that a. university graduate was willing to donate money to his old university for a football stadium;, but when asked about money for a library, -there seemed; to be a drawback.. It appeared as if sports came be- fore studies. This was a restless age. The younger generation • had re- belled against 'the past and thrown all the ideas and cus- toms of the past and started with many new and daring ex- periences. In 1941 CKNX began • to broadcast from studios on Wing- ham's ingham's main street, and at the same time moved ,to 920 on the dial. CKNX has built its reputa- tion of community service. A town dedicates a new arena. A farmer loses a cow. The Wo- man's Institute needs a speak- er at their meeting. A Walker- ton man wants to know how the road is to' London. A Sea - forth church celebrates an an- niversary. The 4-11 girls 'want loudspeakers for their fashion show. These are just a fete re- quests and events to which CKNX will always says: "Yes! We'll be there." In 1955 CKNX took over the unused Wingham High School building and transformed it in- to a modern radio and TV sta- tion. However, a disastrous fire destroyed the entire operation on March' ;8, 1962. The build- ing and equipment were gone, but with the services of the mobile unit they were off the air for only 10 minutes. In September of 1963 a brand new station arose on the same site. It is now one of the best designed and equipped R and T stations in Canada, -with a staff of 78 people. Doe, his staff and his station continue to be household words in our coin, munity, and they continue to serve all Of Western Ontario: GEORGE THOMAS WHEATLEY George Thomas Wheatley, 64, of McKillop, died suddenly at his home Thursday morning following a heart attack. A widely known and highly respected farmer, active in. a number ..of organizations, he was a past president of the Huron County Soil & Crop Im- provement Association and also of -the Huron Plowman's Asso- ciation. He was a member of the committee making plans for the International Plowing Match here in 1966. He is survived by his wife, the former Laving Rock, to whom ,he was married at Brod- hagen in 1932, and by a daugh- ter, Mrs. Robert (Joan) Allan, Brucefield, and a son, Larry, at home. He is also survived by two grandchildren; his mother, Mrs. Thomas Wheatley, McKil- lop Township; two 'brothers, William, Liberty, Sask.; Dyke, RR 1, Dublin; three sisters, Mrs. Willard (Minnie) Arm- strong, Morris Township; Mrs. David (Mildred) Shannon, Eg- mondville; Mrs. Stuart -(Ferne) Macinnis, Walkerton. Largely attended funeral ser- vices were held at 'the- R, S. Box funeral chapel on Satur- day, conducted by his minister, Rev. J. C. Britton., Mr. Wheat-' ley was a 'member of the seg. 'Mon of. Cavan United Church, Winthrop, and session members. were honorary pallbearers. -They were Stanley Hellen, Robert- M. McClure, Hiram Blanchard, Ern- est Toll, Oliver Anderson and Charles . Boyd. Active Pallbear- ers were Aaron Jantzi, Robert S. McKercher, Robert W. Camp- bell, Frank Johnston, Russell T. Bolton and Joseph Little. Flowerbearers. were Robert J. Doig, Everett Storey, Kenneth Campbell, Mac Scott, John Kerr and Clarence • Ryan. Burin% was • made in Maitlandbank ceme- tery. Classified ads pay dividends. NEED MONEY ° To °Purchase' A HOUSE A CAR A BOAT . . • . then see your- CLINTON COMMUNITY: -CREDIT • UNION..LIIIIIITED LOOK TO THE THE HURON EXPOSITOR Dial 527-0240 ' Seaforth :SAVE $1:00 12-ouneu bottle HAGERTY TARNISH PREVENTIVE, seven-ouncl HAGERTY SILVER FOAM 3.98 value Buy Both for 2:98 1 The world's two most famous silver care products — now at an extra -saving offer - - Tarnish goes for months In lust one easy application : •moans poliihinp your holloware and display pieces only three or four tithes a year. For regolariy used,flatware and' serving pieces,Just wash your diver with Hagerty Silver Foam. Tarnish, dirt and•pollsh rinse away like magic. No other two produds can save you thus time, work and money of .these two — or; 'give your diver finer care. Both so easy to use, too. Take advantage .of limited, quantity offer, Jewellery - Gifts -' - Fine China SEAFORTH WILKINSON S $$$ DAYS SEE OUR SIX-PAGE COLOURED HANDBILL R $$$ DAY SAVINGS YOU - SAVE -. EVERY - DAY - AT - SEAFORTH ' - IGA _t.•• • • -- - l j Alu%�\�\�t�~' "M"atilta, dotetsay, 'is that so` ow:me >t make a • siatemetttI