HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-04-29, Page 9• • r WILLIAM M. HART Phone 527-0870 Seaforth OFFICE. SUPOLIES THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Dia1527-0240 : Seaforth MACHINERY rERTILIZER FARMERS! For Your Spring .Work Requirements Be Sure To haquire About the Complete Line of • • RENAULT TRACTOR& Diesel RUGGED KEWANEE -DISCS Versatile Vibrating TAITL CULTIVATORS Alpo Large Stock of New and Used Tires for Car, Truck, Tractor, Etc. — New -car take -offs start as low as $10.00 for 750x14 or 67005 First Line Tires Gas ' TIRES HAUGH BROS.' FARM EQUIPMENT ONE MILE EAST'OF BRUCEFIELD • CORN SEED HARR1STON FERTILIZER LTD. Clinton ' : Phone 482-9133 Offer to the Farmer . . Competitive Pricing On: BAG, BULK and CUSTOM MIX, FER'TiLliER • In'Additio-n, You May Purchase . . . Herbicides --- Pesticides Grass and Grain Seeds -- Fencing Material t! --Twine. ADEQUATE SUPPLIES ALWAY ON. HAND! • a -.$ The Seaforth 1VI:nged /014.71111.0 League held their annualt• ban- quet at the Dominion Rotel Zurich, on Wednesday evening With an attendance of 41. Fol- lowing a steak dinner,* presi- BRUCEFIELD A rally is being held on Sat- urday for children 6, 7 and 8, in Brucefield United Church, from,. 2:80 until 4:30. It is sponsored by Wesley - Willis a n d Brucefield Messenger groups. To help learn of life in another part of the world, Mr. G. James, who comes from Jamaica, has accepted the in- vitation to attend. The filxn- strip, "Pehocchio", the puppet who wouldn't listen, is to be shown. G,ames, singing and en- tertainment by the children is expected to round out the in- formal program. Children are asked to wear play clothes, and an offering will be received to donate to an inter -denominational cause. "l'm sorry we're so late get- ting home," said 'the husband to the babysitter as the couple returned home later than ex- pected. "Don't apologize," replied the frazzled sitter. "If I had a kid like yours I wouldn't be in a hurry to get home either." FUNERAL • LAWRENCE.' WASMAN Mr. Lavhence Wasman, Exe- ter, widower of the former Car- oline Davis, of Exeter, died on Tuesday, April 13, at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. Al- vin Cornish, Andrew St. North, with whom he had made his home for the past five years, at the age of 66. Surviving are one daughter, Miss Lorna - Caroline Wasman, Putnam, and several nieces and nephews. ' • Funeral services were con- dticted by Rev. Brinde Vries, of Hespeler, at the Hopper - Hockey - funeral home, Exeter, on Thursday. Burial, was in Exeter cemetery. Pallbearers were Messrs. Fred Cornish, Har- old Harness, Williana Ferguson, Darrell Parker, Nelson Harris and George Boa. • 'U,SBORNE-- AND }IIBEERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont, Directors: 4 Robert. G. Gardiner R.R. 1, President Cromarty Martin Feeney R.R. 2, Dublin Vice -President Wm. H. ,Chaffe - RR 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1, Science Hill Raymond McCurdy R. R. 1, Kirkton Tirn Toohey - R.R. 3, Lucar • Agents: Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - - Exeter Clayton Irlarris - Mitchell •.Secretary -Treasurer: Arthur Fraser - , - • Exeter CONTRACTS. Malting Barley. SEED and FERTILIZER SUPPLIED White Beans SEED and FERTILIZER SUPPLIED We Have All Popular ',Va Pieties Sanalac, Seaway, Michelite, Saginaw . Seed Oats & Barley• • CONTRACTS • • OATS — RusiOlio Carry, Rodney • BARLEY — Herta, Brant, York, Keystone dent 'Bill Brown. took ch,arge 01 t4e presentation of trophie5 and the. election ef offiterS, TA:pphy winners were 'as fel- lovvs: Ladies' high aVeiage• June' Boussey, 183; •ladies' high triple, Betty Smith, 708; la, dieS' high single, Joyce 267; men's 'high average, Bill Brown, 211; zrien's high triple, Eric Matzold, 794; men's high single, Art Finlayson; 341. Year's league winners (King- fishers) — Captain, Bessie Broome, Elva McKellar, Marie Nodwell, Mary McCall, Peng .McKellar, John Smith and Eric Matzold. , Playoff winners (Can,adies)— Captain Marg Marshall, Mary Finlayson, Edna Bell, Ivan Neil- son, Barry Marshall and Bill Brown. Most improved bowler—Son- ja Nielson, 74 average gain. Towels were also given to the low team, the Martins—Cap- tain Winnie Nott, Verna Steph- enson, Katie Phillips, Bill Mur - die, Gerrit Wilts and Clayton que ky•••••'?"-,•••-W-I 1.0kfr:4‘.„Y: !!„11. • COnnell, who were such Pate •Contenders all year. • The new officers for net year are as, follows: President, Eric Matzold; secretary, Betty Smith; treasurer, Mery Nod - well. A short program followed, With musical selections by Art Finlayson and Ivan Neilson; Step -dancing by Ferg 1VIcKellar; a contest conducted by June Boussey and court whist was enjoyed by all, with Winnie Nett in charge. Winners were: ladies' high, Sonja Neilson; low, Marie Nodwell; men's high, Gus Boussey; low, Harold Connell; hidden score, Lillian Matzold; contest winner, Verna Stephen- son. Bill Brown called upon the new president for a few .3yards and expressed his appreciation to all who helped make the eve- ning and the year successful. Gord Noble also expressed his thanks for being invited, and hoped to see all back again next year. THIS WEEK and NEXT Twenty Years By RAY ARGYLE • To the very young, an event which occurred 20 years ago seems like something which happened a very long time ago. To those who are older,•11 might have been only yesterda.y. There wiB thus be many shadesof reaactiont to next week's 20th anniversary 'obser- vance of the' end of the war in Europe.. While VE -Day did not mark the close of Wild War May 8 siLll stands out as the, climatic dote of the war years, from 1939 to 1945: • • Twenty' years ma,y only be a flick ae time in, bitstotry.. But it is also a large period of time • in the average man's life. And so much. has 'happened in the past 20 years that had, its seeds ih those six years- of war, that it has taken the •Wiarld nearly a generation to recover.' . • It is beginning to appear that the recovery is almost earn - plebe. The 'Cold war has come to an end. The "new war" between the' West and'Russ. rirai, which the defeated Nazis hoped would fol- low the collapse of Germany, 'ire-Veirinariallized. • - , European colonialisan, .pros- trate at the end of the warsnev- er .rose. again. Tremendous for"'s.es set in na6tion tinder the Stress of battle...have neshaped • our lives. The struggle between ideolo- gies goes on, butsa new retof rules has been surperimposed on' the old struggles .between stateS. World war has becomeniithin,k. able . (although not impossible) because all natiOnts would have ton much bo -lose. 'All countries. suffered heavily in World War 11. Military, casu- alties among the belligerents exceeded 15 million, nearly twice those of the finit great war.: The greatest Losses were sus- tained by the Soviet Union. Nearly eight minion men were killed in ,lotattle. Another three million, were rendered useless by injury. Ten mullitort civilians died of wounds, starvatien, or Nazi 'mistreatment. These 21 million victims rogrekented. 19 per cent of the Pepulation. Vast areas of the land were laid waste. A region as great as the Canadian prairies had become. scorched 'earth' • These figures. are worth re- peating at this time because the extent of Russia's losses are still not generally realized in the Western world. - • Out of this devastation was borne the d,etermination of Rus- sia's leaders to render Germany •incapable of -fighting another After war. It is this which accounts for the hardness of the Russian, line on Berlin and against the reunification of Germany. This also is why, Russia has enforced pro -Soviet satellite governments, on the states of Eastern Eur- ope. • While only the naive would suppose that the Communists have given up their hope of con- verting the world, the SerVival and defense of the Soviet Union itself hai been the main preoe- cupation of the Kremlin 'felder- • ship all these years. The defeat of Germany left Russia the roaster of eastern Europe in the spring of 1945. At- tention then turned to Japan, With the, fear that •much bloody fighting stili remained before the fanatical Japanese would sue for peace. Looked at from al perspec- tive of 20 years, it can now be seen that the U.S. and Britain were ant:dons to secure Russia's participation in thei war against Japan, but ate fearful of invit- ing the Russian bear siouth from his Siberian conpoimd. The solution was as dramatic as it was deadly. It in now ac- tepted by .competent historians, that Japan was ready -to quit two weeks before the first A- bomb .was dropped on Hiroshi- ma, But the -Ameiricrans . went' •ithead so as to knock . Japan quickly out Of the war before the Russians could eta im a share of the spoils!. • • • The 'world may still be in a terrible mess, but at least we harv,e lived through nearly 20 years of the Atomic age without world war. With the increasing "westernitation" of Russia, it has been replaced by China as the villazi of the peace. But that fs' another story. BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER &. BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR 'FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. ERUCEFIE'LD SALES — SERVICE Phone Collect: 482-9250 - • Clinton For Spring Seeding Requirements Ask At THE SEED PLANT LONDESBORO Grass and Clover Seed Reasonably priced and processed to a high standard of purityand germ- ination We specialize in Selkirk Wheat Century Peas CLIMAX Timothy. CEREAL GRAINS All the Prominent Varieties R. Nu Alexander Our fanning operatUnts are devoted entirely W. G. 'THOMPSON & SONS LTD. to the production of Seed • HENSALL 202-2527 Member Canadian Seed 4rasvers' ; Clinton 482-1475 MONO. Association Blyth 523-4399 istory ' A meethWiettlItiAemt cettn;i. .10404calf., $eiel,0y, held in t Oentra 1-rureTh- 50ennflnr)'' Wals AinesPed by Miss NeRartand, . Nelp•e,nee," PreS1dent of the Oetatnio Histor- ical Socierks., MtSSI MetFarland said that tbe .elad function of any historigal society is hold- ing meetings. "No 'Mime valu- able means of keeping alive the history of n community can be found, than in a well planned meeting of persons with a own - mon. interest and love of his- tory," she said. Edward Jenkins, 'Clinton, a . member of the council of the Huron Countysilistaricial Society spoke on several pioneer fam- ilies in the Clinton area. The convener of the .project 'committee,' Mrs. .Tait Clarke, R R 6 Goderieh, rejported that a story on Huron County • in brochure form would be aitail.4 able to members at the annual meeting in May at Goderieh. Members of the Clinton Wo- lf -leafs Institute provided an in- teresting display of items of •Isisborical value at the meeting. Included was a pair of mien's• high dreSsf boots •worn over 100 years ago on his wedding day .by the late Isaac Dodd, former- ly' of Clinton, and step -grand - :father of their' exhibitor, Mrs. Mervyn. Batkin, ° Clinton. Mrs. Batkin ;also showed a 100-year- olld high cane chair, an iron flower -stand of the same era, and neediepoint pictures. Mrs. ' cba'rles Nelson exhibited a 115-year-eld green um- brella in _perfect Condition. Other exhibits included a candle snuffer, •glassware, cruet stand owned. by Mr. • and Mrs. Bert Cribbings; a beaded cape and pillow shams, by Mrs, Myrte T yn dall'; jugs, iron, and dresses. - Classified ads pay dividends. N -O -V • is the time to protect your home and build- ings from Wind and • Cyclone Disaster • WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INSURANCE CO: Woodstock The Largest Weather Insur- ance ' Company in Canada, welcomes you. FOR FIRE • WIND • HAIL or ACCIDENT INSURANCE -CALL b.rWlIE V. J. LANE R.R. 5 — SEAFORTH Phone 107 R 12 — DUBLIN investigate flikt• most E nomleat 4.TYP49! Ntg for torn 109or 0011,; White Beans • Anliy40.4s Ammonia FROM .AGRICA You can't argue with WEEDS KILL THEM WITH PROVEN '• - CHIPMAN ANTRAZINE SPRAY The proven weedkiller for use on corn. Kills annual grasses .as well as, broad - leafed weeds. It is also possible to kill quack grass without damaging corn, Kill the weeds before they kill your profits. • Contact us for more details and liter- ature Or, better still, see 50 acres on my farm 'sprayed for quack grass last year.. CUSTOM SPRAYING.' Custom Spraying using the most mo- dern' equiptnent, /particularly designed to handle Atrazine, thus ensuring the most effective results. MIL10N II DIETZ 'Purina Chows — Sanitation PrOducts " Phone 527-0608 'SEAFORTH, R.R. 3 CHIPMAN CHEMICALS LIMITED Montreal Hamilton - Winnipeg - Saskatoon - Edmonton • out of the bag . 0 . J AG - 1CCIr introcto ces W A.44, QU • LITY 4 for, morn and Sprint+. Grain HIGH ANALYSIS — Your yields and With more plant- food units in every bag profit will take a tremendous leap forward You need less fertilizer to get Maximum with new AA Quality 7-28-28 fertilizer. e yi Ids. And you save time' labour and 'money. The unifortn granulesspread even- Agrico' 7-28:28 in the poolar 1-4-4 ratio ly and are easily regulated in the hopper. ., highi,in-phosph9rus loeeatly maturity This ' se4son, use Agrico's AA Quality and high in 'potaih Tui top quality grain 7-28-28 for corn and small grains and watch and sturdier stalks. •\ your profits' grow. AGRICCY AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS LIMITEb LONDON - ORANGEVILLE . PORT HOPE , I , Order from your. Agrico dealer • A. J. Mustard R R 1 Varna Bob Taylor -- R R 3 Clinton Haugh Brim. 1 . •