HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-04-22, Page 10OMR, SEAFOB,* ONT., ,AP11. 22, ',96.x; e Wanted• NDER .1" Yi.-Ton Truck TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tepttd s- will the received by t1 !undersigned until .6 'p.m. on Mk 1065, for a Va ton • .fox' the Town of Seaforth. t tpruck '.to be taken in Natade. Spicatiou in_ellude 6 :,ter 'motor, manual trans - heavy duty rear axle d dif erentiali and heavy duty rear slaringst, Lowest or arty not necessarily ecce d. Tenders are to be submitted in .4 s+ealied envelope marked "Truck Tender". ERNEST M. WILLIAMS Clerk -Treasurer Z•89-IZ TENDERS WANTED on Salle of L -SHAPED BARN 45'x55' and 30'x38' Less litter ca' . 1: steel stabl- ing and fan, Dae. •::,. •at 120.Rag- lan Street, C I I;;'- Sale • to include eva1 on a. date acceptable to the Clinton District Collegiate, Institute • Board. Offer to state cleat if . gripe includes levelling of site or leaving of fnundationa. Barn may be viewed art any time. Highest bid not necessarily accepted. Tenders so marked,, to be postmarked not later than Monday, May 10, 1965, and ad- dressed to: Mr,:- L. R. Maloney, Businesss Administrator. Clinton District Cediegiate Institute Board, Clinton. 21-69-2 TENDERS WANTED on Sade of • NEW FRAME BUILDING Constructed by Central Huron Secondary School, Carpentry Giese, suitable for summer mer or winter resort 'cabin or hunting cabin. Construction particulars: Size 10'x12' with hip style roof, fin- ished' ie three in one,green strip shnnglles; Shiptlap diagonal slid- ing finished wiith redwood bevel sliding; 2'8," c 6'8" entrance, 2 double hung windows; fully in- • striated with 2" and 3" insulat- ing batty and soffit louvree; In- terior finish; Gyproe, 'brywa'lI, trim: isle underlay and.eleetric- ily wired. 'Fenders so marked, 'frust be addressed to the undersigned and, postmarked. nob later than May 10th, 1965. Removal of the buiilding at a date accepted • .by the board. Highest tender not necessarily accepted. • • - Mr. L. R. Malimey, Business' 'Adminatsdmator, Clinton Da'istr in Collegiate Institute Board, Clinton. 21-69-2 TENDERS WANTED for - Steel Well' Pump House 16'x14' • Cont*tor to supply material and mafaoture sections:' Plan availiab'1'e` 'alt Pub& Utility of- fice. Steel to be painted on. both Sides With one apart- of red oxide and "one coati of Triemeliad Rust paint colour ail um E n u'mm. Con- t r e e tor to supply"' steel door 79.5" Sr `39.5". Contractor to sup- -ply ;,six 8" x 16" a l u m: i n n m louvers and sereens. .Sections to he ready die assemble at the , P.Tj:C. site by June 10, 1965. Contractor is responsible for proper fitting when assembling sections. • Tenders must be in the P.U. C. office by 5 p.m.April 30; 1965. Lowest o'r any tender not necessarily 'aecetpted. Seaforth .P.ublic Ut,ilmby Comanissien Box 719 Seaforth, On'barie 21-69-1 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Abe Estate of 'THOMAS BRYDEN BAIRD. All persons having clanks against the Es- tate of Thomao Bryden Baird, 'late of the Village of Brucefield, in the County of Huron, deceas- ed, who died on, or about the 20th day of Febivary, 1964, are hereby notified to send in to the unde<nsdgned on or before, the • 26th clay of Aprfi, 1965,'fu11 part- iculars of their chime. After+ wlifch .data, the assets . of the •said estate will be dis- tributed amongst the parties ereitlred thereto, having regard only;to claims of w'hic'h the un- 'hdersegned shall then have no- ce. Dated at Seafoeth this 6th day of April, ,1965. • By their solicitor, •ALVIN W. SILLERY Sea Orth, Ontario • 22-67-3 ' NOTICE ., • TO CREDITORS In the Estate of -MARY ANGELINH McCLUST All persons having c I lints, against the 'Estate of Mary *.Angeline MeClusiciel, tate of the TO ship of Mettiliop in the Iius ` de bed, who r,r day -4 Fobru- ratre notified tfiitN� c!fi'�r cult, feularts of lata .the. a rove r es hitt -a Exositotdi hi' do 'lt. asst wall bP" luted' having regard ' clammy the re- caved, e- DA 1EU at Seaforth, thin 19th day et April, 1965. McCONNELL & STEWART • Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administrator. 22-69.3 23. Business Directory JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5.30p.m. Sat, 9 to 12 noon' Thursday evening by appoint- ment only. Phone . 527-1240 — or 482-7010 Mon., Wed., Clinton Office A. M. HARPER et Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street • Telephone Goderieh , 524-7582 McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. It. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. L STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office, 527-1850, Res. 527-1643 Seaforth : Ontario SEAFORTH VETERINARY. ' CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. V. J. V. Parks, D.V.M.; V.S. G, R. Gray, B.S., D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 Seaforth W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 527-0510 G. A: WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME - Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. • FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 • Seaforth J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ONTARIO Night or Day Calls: Phone 43 11 10 -FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt andcareful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For An Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885 PERCY WRIGHT .. Licensed Auctioneer. For a better Auction Sale, call Percy Wright, Hensall, $62-54,92. 23-56-10 Remember, • it takes but a moment to place an Expositor Waist Ad and be money in, pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. 24. Cards of Thanks I wish tin thank my many friends and eeighbors for.eards and flowers while a patient in Clinton• Public ,l[otsipiit'at and at' home. Sip e e i a 1 thanks to • 'De Mailers. and the staff. — 'Neil Haugh. • 24-69-1 I- wish, to thank all those who -sent me letters, cards and gifts and, those whovasi'ted me while I was wed dobospitatin L.o n d.o it 'and. especially, those who kindly 1 o o ked after my mother and myself. — Charles Williamston. - 24-69x1 I with bo express my sincere 'appreciation to all who sent 'cards and treats and to all Who visited me while I was a patient in Scott Metnionlat H o s p i t a I. Special thanks to all the nurses and to Drs.. Brady and Malleus for their excellent came. e- Jean • Wil'son, Hanover, Ont; 24-69x1 I wish to express, my sincere thanks to all my r• el a ti yes, friends and neighbours for the llavele cards, flowers, gifts and visits. while in 'Scott Memorial Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Staple- ton, nurses and staff. Special thanks to Mrsl., J. C. Crich .and Mrs. Jas. McGregor. Everything was greatly appreciated. — A. C. Routltedge. J 24-69x1' Births ENNIS — Ln St. Josephs' Hos- pital, Harmdllton, on Saturday, Aprrdl, 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Ron aid Ennis, a daughter, Leanne Michene. • BROCK = In Ottawa Civic Hos- pital! on Apiiil 18 to Mr. aed Mrs. Don Brock, Ottawa, a son. FLEMI+NG--In Scott Metmtorial Hospital, Seafirth, on April 15 to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fleming, Seaforth, a sem. WILD— In• Scott Memorial Hos petal, Seaforth; 'on April 15 to Mr. and Mrs. Johns Wild, R.R.3 Bayfield, a daughter. KELLY — In Scott Memorial Hos/pi/tat Seas, on April -20 to Mr. and M. Wilmer ' Kee 1Y, Seaforth, a son. Deaths McIVER — In Scott Memorial HospitO1 on Monday, April 19, 1965; Peter McIver, itt his 76th year. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Kcatneth Dat- rymple, Peterborougnh, Ontia'rio, .wish to ,announce tlhe ment .engage - of - Beir ;daughter Lel'ey 1 •tie, to Mn. Neil ll 11 Li o r si 131'64f6441 1161"113°' nits o .Mr. d 1.154 Clifford A, , roadfd t dui t5a a��yk� Alec- +w w SA.w5, 'at Matt otit h,,tt>r Mr. and Mrs. Burton Atltinson, Bolton, Ontario, announce the engagement of their daughter, Nancy Jean, to Mr. Gor- don John Ferris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S. Ferris, God- erich, Ontario. The wedding will take place on Saturday, May 1st, in Clavering United Church. Visitors at Brodhagen ' Mr. and Mrs. George Mogk and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk received word of the death of Ed Wesenberg in Toronto, he was 82 years of age. They atten- ded the funeral • in Toronto on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Ahrens also attended the funeral. Master Bradley' Bennewies, 4 year-old son . of- rtJ:r. and Mrs. Earl Bennewies returned home from Stratford where he un- derwent an operation on ton- sils, adenoids and his ears. Mrs. Ross Leonhardt with con- fined to Seaforth Hospital for a few days receiving treatment on her leg. Mrs. Dalton Hinz spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Wil- fred Klinkman at Elmira las week. Mrs. Andy Vandermuelen of Holland who had been visiting with her parents in England be- fore she left, arrived at Malton Airport on Thursday afternoon, where she was met by her husband and are residing in the Wm. S. Riehl apartment. Mr. Vandermuelen is a Tool and Die Maker at Ford Dickison In- dustries and has been here for several months. Mr, and Mrs..Orval Whitfield and Linda of St. Catherines spent the weekend at the home of • her brother, Russell Shol- dice and Mrs. ,Sholdice and on Sunday, his other sisters and brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Knight of Brussels, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Mose of Milverton, Mr. and Mrs. Williain Sholdice „and Mr. and Mrs. David Sholdice of Walton, along with the family of Mr. and Mrs. R. Sholdice were also at the same • home and all attended the service at St. Pet- er's "Lutheran Church here for the first communion of Beverley Sholdice following her confirm- , ation on Palm Sunday. On Easter Sunday at St. Pet- er's Lutheran Church the newly confirmed class of Catecumins had their first.communion. The well attended. senior choir sang a beautiful anthem with Mrs. Lorne Mueller at the organ. Two Easter lily plants adorned the altar of the church in mem- ory of • Mrs. Louie '(Elizabeth) Rock who passed away one year ago, April 11: They were placed Too Late FOR SALE — 1 kitchen stove and 1 dining room •set. Glen° McC'lume, phone 527.0657'.69x1 FOR SALE — pigs, 8 yveeics old" and 30, 6 weclos o1d. Glenn Montgomery. RR.3 Reppen. xl FOR SALE T Cedar p o s t s•, ambers, and 'braces. 1VIcClusk- ies •General. Store, Winthrop. 6941 FOR SALE — One Gehl ten inch P.T.O. hammer milli on trailer, • also two Samoyed pups. R. Bannerman, phone 527-1158 Sea - forth. • • xl FREE!. !. 1 bot6le, of Hagerty Sal- ver Foamy (reg. $1 value) when you purchase '1 barge 12 oz. bot - be of Hagerty• Tarnish Prevent- ive apt $2,98..Limited offer. Savauge's Seaforth. ' -1 WANTED — Lady for sales work, new modern store,' know- ledge of gardening an ,asset. Seaforth Farmers Co-op. -1 FOR SALE — yellow sweet clover seed, $9.00 per • bushel. John McCowan, R R 3 Seaforth, phone 527.0817. xl FOR SALE — two sliding Mo- hog.aniy doors, 2' x 6'6". Apply at McMaster Apartments or phone 527-0244. - xl FOR SALE -- cut straw, about 10 ton in barn, Lot 9, Con. 11, McKiliip. Jock Horkn. xi • Used Tractors Cockshutt 30, 30 Massey, CA Allis) with leader • and plow, BAC Case with muffler, 60 John Deere LPTO with hydraulic, W4 International, 44 Massey with loader and power steering, 2' 811' John Deere cuievators, 101 foot International: cul'ti'vator. 10' packer, number of used spread- ers. McGavin's Farni Equipment Walton 11-69-1 AUCTION SALE' Aberdeen Angus Sale' of_ 50 head • Saturday May 1st 1 P.M.. Clinton Sales 'Barns, Clint!tt r: Selling Cowls, heufrs' and calves. Offer nrg in elti'd :nteny 4-H pro - peels. • ROBERT J OIG, ()Witte' R 1 Dubliinr, .iso a� 5270415 otkoeer +r by the family. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Rohrer gave a donation to 'the Water- loo Lutheran Semina in memory of their son Ronald Rohrer wile passed away one year ago. • • Baskets of flowers were in the sanctuary of the church on Sunday from the funeral of Ed Wesenburg in Toronto last week, Mr. •and Mrs. Ralph Scher- barth, Edward, Larry and Gary of Detroit spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Scherbarth Sr. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe -for Easter Sunday and also cele- brated Mrs. Wolfe's birthday were: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe, Marcel, Darrel and Dale of Kit- chener, Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Oliver, Vicky and Bob- by of Stratford, Mrs. Michael Connolly and, Mrs. Jack' Herald and Jacqueline of Sebringville, visited at the same home re- cently. Master Marcel Wolfe of Kitchener remained with his grandparents for the Easter holidays. Last Thursday the pupils and the teacher, Mrs. Siemop enter- tained the pre-school children to an Easter party. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Buuck and David of -Milverton, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burgess of Stratford, Mr. Carl Buuck, of Chatham, Miss Janet Hinz, 'of Mitchell, with their parents, Mr: and -Mrs.' Heuben Buuck. Arthur' Diegel and Leonard Miller of Kitchener, Clayton Ahrens, Waterloo, Kenneth Ale - rens, Hamilton, Ray Scherbarth, Toronto, at their homes for Eas- ter., Mr. and Mrs: Ray Beuerman, Michelle ,and Miehael of Mitch-' ell and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beuerman of Londoo spent - Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Mogk, Wendy, Terri and Randy of St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Weitzel of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. George Mogk and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk on Sun- day. • Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller and Ruth Ann of Hamilton spent the Easter.weekend with her mother Mr's. August Hillebrecht. Mr. and Mrs. ,Tonald Ahrens, Kimberly, CoIIeen and Earl of Burlington, with ,Mrs, Charles Ahrens. 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Smyth and . Mr. anal Mrs. Ford Dicki- son and 'Glenda spent.. Easter weekend . with Mr. and Mrs. Robert -Gibb at Glencoe. Mr. and. Mrs. Smyth and ,Glenda remain- ing for the week., Mr. and Mrs. Robert French and Shirley were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hen- derson, R.R. 5, Seaforth, _on the• occassion of Jimmy's Confirma- tion on Palm .Sunday at St. Peter's Lutheran Church here. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice accompanied Roger Sholdice and Miss Ruth Davey on a trip to- wards St. Catherines and other points on Easter Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McKenzie, Randy, Bradley, Gregory and Cheryl of Detroit and Mrs. Fred Hoegy of Seaforth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. William S. Riehl, attended. the funeral of his brother-in-law, Dick Harris, hus- band of Linda Riehl, in Detroit, last Thursday. He died sudden- ly and leaves to mourn his wife and one son, Eugene. ' Mr. • and Mrs. Dalton Hinz, along with ler. and Mrs. Gerald Hinz of Stratford spent Easter weekend with the former's. son, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hinz, St. Catherines. Mr: and Mrs. Carl Elligsen and Gary of Windsor with his moth- er, Mrs. Ernest Elligsen and other relatives. Two rather dense landlubbers at sea for the first time, were looking out over -the mighty ocean. Said one, "That's the most water I ever saw." The other replied: "Yeah, and that's just the top of it." It was one of Mother's busiest days, and when her small Sob came in with his pants torn, she angrily yelled: "You march right off to your "room and take those' pants off." Some tithe later, she "found the torn pants lying on a chair and the boy .nowhere in 'sight. rhe door to the cellar was op- en, however', and' she called down loudly and sternly: ',Are you., "running around down there with your pants off?"' .A deep voice- answe*ed, "No, iYla'aYjr, lilt 3tist reading the gas 4eer" • cu. NSTANCE: NEv 5 Mr. grid Mrs.. Stan Ball and. damily of Auburn weye 'MAWS' tq a.,dinneer on Friday and Mr$. Wilmer G1ous1er, Stewart and Barbara. A Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davidson of Seaforth, Miss Helen. David- son of Toronto, Miss dice Dav- idson of San Deigo, California, Visited with ler. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson on Friday evening. Mr. John Ferguson of Clif- ford visited with his :sister, •Mrs. Ross MacGregor and Mr. MacGregor one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator- and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russell King of 'Exeter last Wednesday. Visitors over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Mr. and Mrs. John Whyte, Jef- fery and Andrew and Kerie of Oshawa, . Mr. and Mrs, Frank Van de Molen, Paul and Mark of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley spent the holidayweekend with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley, Kim and Gregory and Mr. and. Mrs. Robert . Woods, Debbie and Michelle of Ajak, -Miss Debbie returned home with them for the week. Miss Joyce Brawn of London, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and Elaine. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Huth and Marion of Clifford spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Ross MacGregor. • Weekend visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggart, Mr. and Mrs. Paul McMaster and Carol of Ridgetown, Miss Lauro Hoggart of London, Mr. Paul Dedrick of Port Rowan, Miss Jane Bakker, of Moncton, Mr. Ted Wilbee of Seaforth. Miss Florence Taylor of Vic- toria B.C., Mr. aed Mrs. Earl Lawson of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren, Lyndaand Helen of London were guests of Mr. and Mrs.,..Reg Lawson and John on Saturday. - Mr.. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson spent Saturday , evenin-With Mr. and Mrs. William ndes- borough of Clinton. --- Mr. and Ors. William 'Dale, Deanna, Cathy and Cheryl spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Scott, Meribeth and Mel- anie of Belgrave and Mr. • and WALTON ` Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Dennis of .North Bay; Jeanne Ribout, of Mattawa and Misses Edna and Helen Robinson of St. Cathar- ines, spent the weekend at the Dennis home. Word has been received that Mrs; . Spencer had passed „ away at her home in Florida.. Mrs. Spencer was the former Mrs. Joseph Campbell, of Walton: Classified ads pay dividends. CIF THE 'EEK Mrs DQn kO Gusher of Blyth, r ao4 rs. Chaxle,S,Mac.OrQ` Or of �Cka am spent the 'week- end with Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Mac- Gregor, Mr. Ross MacGregor was able to return biome on Sutiday from Seaforth Hospital. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Wil- liam Jewitt, Mr: and Mrs. Wil- lia;n Dawson and family of Var- na; Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Jew- itt, Cathy and David of Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Sorokos and ' Peter, Louis of : London spent Sunday with Mr. And 'Mrs. Earl Nott, Lynda and `Nancy. Mr. and Mrs, Kena Preszcator and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pfaff of Crediton on Sunday. Misr Linda and Diane stayed for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Buchanan df Crediton on Sunday. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. William McBride entertained. Sunday in honor of son Dennis, first birthday. These present included Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride, and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs: Orrin Dowson, Varna, Mr.. and'Mrs. William Falconer, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Rumney arid family. of Stratford. . Mr. Leonard McBride, Wind- sor, visited Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar'McBride. Miss Sharon McBride of-U.W. 0. spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. E. McBride. • NEWS OF. THE WEEK - IN STAFFA Mr. Bob Norris, ._Patti and Susan spent ,.the weekend in Windsor, Mrs, , Norris end Jill returning home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gamble, Armstrong, Quebec, visited over Easter weekepd with Mr, and Mrs. John Templeman and far: ily. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kemp flew to Alberta and Saskache- wan for the Easter vacation. Eeeter visitors with Mrs. -Sam Norris were Eric Norris, O.A.C.. Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ly- all and Nancy, Agincourt, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Norris, Judy, Douglas and Garry, Brampton. Miss. Joanne Templeman vis - Miss Cheryl Hopi, Carlingford. Miss Edna Miller, London, sli'ent the weekend with her pat- ents, Mr. and Mrs.,. Leslie Miller. ,Classified ads pay dividends. Visiting in the -Easter holi- days wftll 'David -Kemp were Jim Aston, Kitchener and Mrs. Pearl Franois and- Jane, Scar- borough. Mr. and Mrs. John Mil1or and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Willard, Exeter. Bab Templeman along with other members of the Cromarty Young Peoples, enjoyed a trip to Ottawa Easter week. 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furance Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Office 527-0150 Res. 527=1053 VARNA GARAGE- Under ARAGE- Under the new -Management of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Craig. We wish to thank our many friends for patronizing us during our years in business. We hope you will continue to patronize the new own- ers. Thank you. MELVIN and ROBERT WEBSTER We now have in. stock lawn- fertilizer and lawn seed eady for your spring work OPNOTGH FEEDS Phone 527-1910 LIMITED so di Seaforth !ILKINSON'S MoneySaving Values Fresh Picnic SHOULDER 33 LEALAND- TASTY ROAST s PARK RUTT ROAST a Pork Hocks 4 'lbs $1 TENDER ' Pork Liver 3 lbs 89c Qjj( -BUTT (SOPS Ib. —LIBBY JUICES •• GRAPEFRUIT .t.1". • 34c • BLENDED Toz.44¢ • ORANGE Tin es. 49 KING SIZE DETERGENT ...'1.57 PLUS :.. HAMMOND MODErN WORLD ATLAS — FREE! VALUED AT E0 FRUIT AND VEGETABLES 29e' b Just arrived yR�(lack Grapes lb. 1rlow, ripe Bananas 2 1 s. 29c Jumbo Size Florida Oranges do i. 49c Cabbage Ib. 12c Carrots 3a1b 'bag 33c CREAM CORN ... 6.990 r` PIE CRUST MW ARRIVAL•wet CROCKIE EGG CUSTARD .. 3,0., Pits: 40; FDGILL • CREAM RONEY .. '7:7370 ,OA CHo1Ct 154.. CHERRIES Z rn 30". TOP VAWS Pk4• eF WAXED PAPER .. „e 27!t Top VALU enteFAST 3,2E -Ly PRUNES ` coke.. 5$ GIBSpra. � eAtY OP/ !� wINpO* SPRAY II:Oa ,>~. 59¢ Bk�ANS 42t1.89( .. STOKILTPANCY WAX` ;BEANS Tln. KINt CitetC '{ A,,o,, TOMATOES ' TM g LY6N5'bltcbUNr ' " TEA BAGS ..... P.Y 11..1.40 HIW.ARRIVAL !ROAM SPRAY OPEN ,CLEANER . , N` 1.37 PIi.usiiky WHITS 4 toRi 't. to ANGEL. FOOD YE 5.1YE 6c • SATE IOC TABLE RITE TRIMMED PORK CHOPS lb 6.5c TOO YALU- FIRST GRADE, BUTTER..... • 9' 49 COUNTRY -STYLE SPARE RIBS i:.57c NEW LIBBY FANCY DEEP BUTTERED KERNEL CORN. GOLDEN YELLOW . SUGAR TOP YALU' • • • • •0 • • POUND 53a 41 TINS 14-0Z.89° LLB. BAG 49 "PEANUT BUTTER.. • • • 1JAR 29 ROBIN HOOD CELEBRATION CAKE MIXES Chocolate • ,3B-Ozx.79c • 'White • • • 0. Combinonon PKG. MOTHER PARKER'S -30c OFF • INSTANT COFFEE: • JAR 1.28 NABISCO' - SHREDDEDWHEAT.,2 PKGS,- 69 Top Value SUL'T`ANA ' RAIS- INS, 15 -oz, pkg. 29c Sunmaid SEEDLESS RAIS- INS 15 -oz. pkg. 37c Sunmaid Seeded MUSKAT RAISINS 15 -oz, pkg. 43c Fleecy •LAUNDRY RINSE 64•oz, bottle 69c ' HIPS, 13 -oz. pkgs. °d$c Top Valu BLANCHED PEA - 16 -oz. ei in43c lop Valu SPANISH PEA. NUTS 16 -oz, pkg. 33c Tap Valu. LOLLIPops 45 per P kg. -. 35c Lancia "MACARONI or SPA.. GHETTI2-Ib,`pkg. 190 Bravo SPEGHETTI SAUCE, 15-iiz "tint ,,270 Devlcl's• FIG R'ARS ;I4b, pkg.. Lion Iraq PITTED DATES • ° 14b. pkg. 23c Redpath ICING SUGAR, 2 -Ib; Carton 27c FOZEN FOODS /I MORTON'S DINNERS, 11.62. pkgs. 2 for 94c MORTON' PIES, Apple, Cher- , ry, Peach, 20 -oz.• pies 2 epe e9c BAKERY FEATURES Weston's CHOCOLATE CHIP" COOKIES 1 -lb. pkg. 49c Shirley Gay CHERRY PIE, - 24 -oz, pie 49c Weston's Cinnamon BUTTER- HORNS- , 11 -oz, pkg. 45c Weston's BUTTER RUFFS, a • z. pkg.- 39c Shirley Gay SUGAR DONUTS ' ' 4t-., ., 33c w 5 K h $ 0 0 w • 0 N